Tales of the New Phoenix

By Joshua B Weston

Published on Nov 28, 2002


This is not my first story, but I think this is going to be where I flourish. I've never had as many Ideas running around my head as with Tales Of The New Phoenix. I don't know exactly how fast I will be able to get chapters out, so please don't kill me. And, as you can see by my title, I am going to have a character based on The Phoenix from Marvel Comics. I am going to go a bit of my own way with the Char. so any die hard fans, please refrain from hurting me, ok? My experience with the Phoenix is limited to the cartoon, and the Dark Phoenix comic book saga. I do hope to hold true to the heart of the character, but will be making some changes just as was made with The Bat Man. Now, on to the boring stuff.

I do not own any of the following:

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera, The Wallflowers, and any other celebrities. I also know nothing of their sexual orientations.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and all related characters.

The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

The Vampire Chronicles, Tales Of The New Vampires, The Mayfair Witches, all series written by Anne Rice.

Buffy & Angel television series.

Star Wars

Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek The New Frontier, Enterprise television series, movies, and novels.

I am restating; I do not own any of the above mentioned, although I wish I did. Those make tons of money. I do not know the sexual orientation of anyone mentioned for certain. Everything I write is purely fiction from my mind. Please don't sue me, I am a poor college student and have nothing. If you are under aged, go away. This site is for adults. Warning to the closed minded, gay fiction is about to start.

Chapter 3:

"What do you mean?" that was out loud.

"I didn't say anything." I looked over and saw JC giving me a perplexed look.

"I was talking to the bird." I gestured towards The Phoenix. "I... wait, why is it that we are here, standing on the moon, unafraid, and able to breathe?" I turned back to Phoenix awaiting her answer.

I am making it so that you can hear me Joshua.' Her voice came through so singsong. Like many women speaking at once. This was once a city. I will not go into its history. You are unafraid because I do not want you to fear being here right now. I brought JC with us Blake because you two are bound to each other. Had I not interfered you still would have met. I am merely speeding things along. Something is about to happen upon your planet, something very important. Blake, you poses abilities that make you a perfect host for my child. This is a very important decision for you to make though.

"Once being joined you will not be able to separate for a very long time. I am a creature of energy, as will my son be, and we poses power greater than anything you have experienced. So weigh this burden carefully before you decide. You shall have one hour to decide, for at that time I shall have to give birth. Before I leave you I shall show you both what you are to each other." The phoenix rose again into the air and spread her wings. She let out a cry, and suddenly I saw nothing but white. Then, when my vision cleared again, she was gone. When I turned back to JC I was astounded.

I no longer saw him as simply JC; he was surrounded by this energy. I could hear everything he was thinking, though not as if I were using my powers. It was something deeper. Then I saw it. I don't know how to describe it, it was his soul, and it was his heart, his love, his emotions. I saw him.

He was also seeing, and hearing, everything just like me. I started weeping. Something in me realized what was happening, but was refusing to accept it. He ran towards me and took me in his arms. I knew I would never want to leave. The Phoenix had done exactly what she said she would. I was seeing the other half of my soul. I in the arms of my soul mate. I through my arms around him and we both wept.

At that moment, everything faded, and I saw him in normal vision. Though this time I saw the person I loved more then life itself, and was content in the knowledge that he was seeing the same thing.

I knew I would accept the request of The Phoenix. She had given me love; I would gladly accept becoming her son. The Phoenix must have known this.

`You have decided Blake Alexander. Now I shall tell you what to expect. My child has no knowledge of the universe. No knowledge of existence. He essentially has no consciousness. Your mind shall be permanently imprinted upon his. You shall be his first. When he leaves you and goes to another, their mind shall be imprinted upon his mind. This shall go on for the rest of time, for we are creatures of energy, of the very fiber of existence, and can not be destroyed so long as the universe remains intact.

`Come to me now my son, and take upon the power of Phoenix.' I stepped towards her form. I gazed into her eyes, bright as suns, deep as space, and saw the beauty of her power. She turned her head towards the stars and let out a deafening cry. Her wings spread out, and she grew in a blast of heatless flame. Within seconds I could only imagine her size, because she had spread to encompass the horizon in every direction. I turned to JC and saw him looking at the bright energy that surrounded us in pure awe. Then I felt it.

A warm energy was forming in the center of me chest, and in my mind. I lifted off the ground and closed my eyes. The warmth was growing to an almost fiery strength, but it didn't hurt. It felt wonderful. It was almost as if I were finally putting on a warm coat in a blizzard. I started laughing and couldn't stop. When the heat stopped growing, I knew it was done. I could feel it. I lowered to the ground and could feel the matter in the area around my body. I could feel the presence of the people on earth, and the few people in orbit. It was so powerful. I opened my eyes and saw the Phoenix standing before me. I could see her differently though.

Standing before me was a woman. She was completely featureless, and appeared naked. Her body was completely white and smooth, without any markings. It was as if she were made of living plastic, or marble. She had the most incredible red hair, and her eyes were two yellow suns. Blindingly bright, but I could see them with no harm.

`My son. You shall be a great power on Earth. You could go anywhere in the universe if you wanted, but I bind you to this solar system. You must first learn to control your powers before going out into the cosmos. I not only do this for your protection, but for the protection of all existence. If you ever fear for your safety, fly into the sun. You will not be harmed. If you ever feel as if you have no energy, fly into the sun and you shall be restored. The power of the sun can heal you of any injury. Never feed beyond what you need though. The star will not be able to handle that. The sudden loss of energy can cause it to go nova. Become a protector. As I protect the Emcron Crystal, and guard it from misuse, protect the people of this planet. Protect life.

`I must leave you now, but will return. If you need me, I shall be here. You can return with your new found love easily. Just see yourself doing it.' She was right, I could feel that.

`What are the limits of my powers?' I stepped towards her.

`For now, your only new power is to manifest the form of Phoenix. Your own powers have grown drastically though. You will slowly develop new powers, worry not though. You will be able to handle them easily. Now return home. You must rest.' With that, she rose into the air, and was gone with in seconds. Her Phoenix Form leaving a trail of flames behind her before they dissipated.

"This is all very overwhelming." I turned back to JC.

"You're telling me. I just wanted to finish my book, now I'm a superhero." I walked towards him. I noticed I felt more and more like myself. Though... energized. Sleep, ha! I didn't think I would ever sleep again.

"What is it with my band and superhero's?" JC said with a grin.


"Never mind." I knew I could easily read his mind, but didn't want to do it without permission. It would be too much like rape. "How do we get back to Earth? She just sort of... Left."

"What, need a ride?" I stepped back, and felt what I was looking for. I felt that thing in me that would unleash the Phoenix form. Suddenly, strands of flame were dancing around me. They became larger and larger, then in a flash I was surrounded by the flaming form of the phoenix. "Beautiful sir, your chariot a waits." I encircled him in my wings, and we rose into the air. We held each other in our arms as we flew towards The Earth.

"It's so peaceful up here." I looked into his eyes and never wanted to stop. "Blake, what is happening. Suddenly I'm completely in love with you. I never want to be without you. Have I been put under a spell?"

"If you have, so have I. I think it's exactly what she said though. We were meant to meet, to fall in love. She simply sped things along." I suddenly became very scared for some reason. What if he doesn't want this? "If you want, I'll take you to where you are staying and you never have to see me again."

"Never, EVER, say that again. I may have no idea what is going on, but I know that I never want to be without you. You are the answer to my prayers. I love you with my very soul. I'm scared as all hell, but I know that for a fact. We are meant for each other. I don't know exactly how I know this, but I do. Unless, do you not want this?" He looked almost like he was going to cry.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. They were so soft. I never wanted to separate. I wanted to be in that kiss forever. When we finally separated, I looked into his eyes. "You now posses my heart, the key to my happiness, and my soul. As long as I live, I know I will love you. And I thank the gods that we have been brought together without the fears and trials that most go through to gain this. I love you Josh. I love you so much it hurts."

"Remind me when we get back to tear up the song I just wrote."

The next week was incredibly confusing. We spent every day and night together. No, we didn't have sex, we learned about each other. I also helped him get his part ready. Running a club teaches you these talents. It was going to be great. Most of his friends had shown up; we were just waiting for his brother, and his friends Eric and Lance to get here.

I was explained away as a new friend to everyone, and they took it at face value. Though I wasn't quite comfortable around Jessica. Something told me she held power. Something old. I held away from her when she was around. I could easily have just read her mind to find out why, but I had long ago decided that fully invading a mind in that way would be like raping a person. Before I just got loud thoughts. I couldn't help but hear those. But with these powers... for the first time I'm alone with my mind.

All my powers were becoming easier to access too. I had never had such easy control of my telekinesis and flying had become a breeze. I do need to allow my phoenix form to come out when doing serious flying. To keep from bringing too much attention to myself, I keep the form to its minimum size, and wait till I'm already in the air to bring it out. Josh has taken to going with me to the beach for my workouts. He claims it's because I look so sexy doing it. I know it's because he just likes to be around me. It's the same reason I took the next two weeks off. Andrea thinks I've gone insane, but I just can't leave Josh's side. It's like I've found an arm I didn't know I had. He's become a part of me.

But I know he's anxious. He seems worried about what his friends will think about him being gay. He's already told me that Justin is bi, and I already knew that Lance is gay, so I'm a little confused about it. But I am just trying to be there for him, which is hard with all his friends about. And believe me, it's difficult explaining that you got a suite next to Josh's, with an attaching door, when you live in the city, just to hang out. I know they suspect something's up.

But they are all great. I just hope they'll accept me into the group. Everyone seemed to be in pairs. Jessica and Justin were together, Chris was here with his girlfriend Sarah, Joey with a girl whose name kept illuding me, and Lance apparently had just gotten married.

"What time does Lance and Eric's, plane get in?" I said sitting next to Josh on his rooms couch.

"They landed at 12:30." Josh said. "They'll be here any minute. Chris, let go of Justin's head! It doesn't turn that way!" He then threw a pillow at him. Sarah gave him a sympathetic smile, and Chris crawled to her. She coddled him, giggling lightly. Justin sat next to Jessica, explaining that he could take Chris, just didn't want to.

"And Tyler gets here at 2:00, right?"

"Yup." He said, flashing me a smile. I blushed so bad. I really need to work on that.

"Hey, Blake, can I talk to you on the balcony for a sec?" I turned to see Jessica standing and walking to the sliding door. I stood and headed out, puzzled.

After shutting the door behind us, she started in.

"I don't know what the fuck you are, but you had better start explaining before I shove this stake through your pretty little heart, got it?" Not the exact thing I was expecting. She was holding a big pointy stake in her right hand, obscuring it from the people inside with her body.

"Whoa! Ok, first, let's get rid of that thing before someone gets hurt." I used my powers to pull it out of her hand before she knew what was happening. "Second, I'm a mutant. I'm a friend of Josh's. Now, why exactly did you want to attack me?"

"You're not some run of the mill fucking mutant. I'm a slayer, I can sense baddies. Ever since I met you my sensors have been screaming. What the hell are you?" She was holding herself in so that the people inside wouldn't realize what was going on out here. Though I could tell she really wanted to just toss me off the balcony.

"Ok, give me a sec." I was in a real pickle. I did the only thing I could think of. `Josh, I need you on the balcony.' I never really talked to Josh about talking by using my psychic powers, I could only hope he didn't think he was imagining things. Thank god he has an open mind.

"Hey, what's up?" Josh said opening the door.

"JC, now's not a good time. Blake and I are talking about something." She turned towards Josh, but didn't give me her back. She is definitely a fighter.

"Josh, please tell her I'm not some evil... thing or something." I stood there, trying to look as simple as possible. As tiny. As... not evil. Well, I'm not.

"Jessica, he's not evil. He's one of the closest friends I have."

"Then why am I picking up this... otherworldly vibe from him?" Jessica was eying me up and down.

"Blake, you can trust her." Josh looked at me and smiled. If he says so.

"Look, I'm a mutant, just like I said. But I'm also part alien, I think you can put it that way. Sort of like... look, do you watch Star Trek?" I was grasping trying to explain this.

"Sometimes..." She gave me a very weird look.

"Ok, well, you know how on DS9 Dax had that symbiote?" She nodded. "I have a powerful entity inside me. We are pretty much one being now."

"You're possessed!?!" She started backing away.

"No. I... well... Not exactly. We were merged. He has no mind. I'm him, he's me, we're one. It's very confusing. I'm not evil. I'm good." I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

"We'll see." She turned and walked back inside.

"That could have gone better." Josh said sighing.

"Yup." We walked back in just as the door was opened by Joey.

Josh spotted Lance, and who I could only assume was Eric, come in the door. He hurried over and received hugs from them both. I headed off to the side and sat in a chair, pretty much alone for now just watching Josh laugh and smile.

Jessica leaned in and whispered something to Eric, and he gave me a wary look as a felt something brush along me. It was almost like a ghost, but I ignored it. The time soon came for us to head to the restaurant. I phoned room service and asked them to deliver the presents to the club, and headed out with everyone.

We headed into the deserted Rain Forest Café dining room in a long line. I really like this place. You come in through the gift shop, and then head upstairs to the dining room. The entire place is set to look like a cheesy movie set. Robotic animals are set throughout the dining hall, with the sound of thunder accompanied by claps of thunder. In the center is a huge fountain with a golden statue of what I believe is Atlas holding the Earth. I still can't figure out how he fits into the rain forest. Since there were only ten of us we sat behind a glass aquarium that made a wall between us and the fountain, blocking the sound enough that we could actually hear each other. A novel idea I don't think the designers took into consideration when planning this place. It's a very loud environment. I sat next to Josh, which elicited glances from everyone at the table. I indulged myself and allowed a peek into what they were thinking. I just skimmed the surface of their minds. Each and every one of them was wondering what the hell was going on with Josh and I. The girls were just happy to be here with their dates. But Tyler shocked me. He was wondering exactly why Josh wanted to be around fags like Justin, Lance, and Eric. This was not going to turn out pretty. "Guys, I want us all to enjoy dinner, then I have an announcement. Then, Blake has set up a desert party at his club." He looked at me and smiled. "Now, to order." Dinner was great. Tyler kept glancing at Eric and Lance though. No one noticed that when Eric lifted his fork to Lance with a bit of chicken from his salad Tyler looked sick to his stomach. I just couldn't figure out how someone raised by the same parents as Josh could be such a bigot. After the waitress came and took away our plates, I knew the time had come. Josh had become noticeably paler. "Ok. Now the announcement." I was very happy that Lance broke the tension that was building with Josh leading to his speech. I do say speech. He has been writing, rewriting, throwing away, starting over, writing, rewriting, heavily editing, and finally settling after 17 tries that I was there for, on this speech. He doesn't strike me as that high strung, so I chocked it up to nerves. "With the way you seem to have everything planned tonight, I may be out of a job in this group. I'm the scheduling task master the last time I checked." Everyone laughed. "He's telling the truth. You should have seen him when we were planning the wedding. He wanted to have a binder for all the plans. I had to fight him down to a simple folder." Everyone laughed, thankfully that included Josh. "Stop, I wasn't that bad." "Must I remind you about the menu?" Eric raised an eyebrow. "Ok. Ok. I was that bad. But the binder would have made things easier." Eric leaned in and whispered something I'm sure I didn't want to hear into his ear. I saw Lance, and Jessica blush. She was sitting to the right of Lance, and I don't think Eric spoke softly enough. "Ok, you win. Binder bad. Binder very bad. I'll be good. Josh, continue." And Josh paled what little color he had from the joking. "I ask that no one interrupt me because I'm not sure I'd be able to get through this all if you do." Everyone nodded. "Well... this all started when Lance came out. I had always known this about me. I closed myself in and walked on. Then Justin met Turic," everyone at the table paled. Especially Justin and Eric. "and that's when I started hating myself. I put up a strong front. Built walls. And I don't know if anyone noticed, but I withdrew myself from the group bit by bit. After Justin left Turic and fell in love with Eric" news to me. "I started feeling empty. Less than whole. And when Lance married Eric I felt a self loathing that I truly hope none of you ever have to experience. "What none of you know is since Lance and Justin came out I have been crying myself to sleep every night. My tears are tears of shame. I'm not strong. The longer I've cried then harder this has become. How do I look at three of my best friends," he looked at Justin, then Lance and finally Eric. "and say that I wasn't strong enough? That I couldn't be as strong as you? I feel like I don't deserve your friendship. Your caring smiles. I've denied who I am when you were willing to face rejection and hardship. Everyone, what I'm trying to say is... I'm gay." Everyone at the table was silent. I knew how everyone would react except Tyler. Eric studied psychology from what Josh told me. Chris and Joey were there for Lance and Justin when they finally built up the courage to come out. Jessica is one of Lance's oldest friends. And me... well duh! Joey and Chris's girls looked on at the scene. They were pretty much as new to this as I, so I felt for them. But Tyler is Josh's brother. This could make or break the evening. "But... you've dated girls JC." Tyler was staring pointedly at his drink, making eye contact with no one. "I was in denial Ty." "So they did it." "What are you talking about?" Josh was completely pale. Even with my powers suppressed as well as I could I could still feel the fear rolling out from him. "I told mom and dad that working with these dirty faggots would corrupt you." Jessica flinched at that. "And I was right. They've made you gay too." "Tyler you don't understand..." "Tyler, being gay isn't a choice. And it's certainly not something that can be caught. JC was simply born this way. It's genetics." I looked at Josh and his face scared me. He had no expression what so ever, but tears were cascading down his face. "You're wrong. You can change yourself. If a drug addict can kick his addiction, you can make yourself normal." Tyler stood up. "And until then, stay the fuck away from me you dirty queer." He picked up the remains of his drink and threw them at Josh's face. I stopped the liquid in midair and looked at Josh. He didn't even seem to notice the drink. He was completely focused on Tyler. "Tyler, I think you should leave." Jessica stood. "Don't tell me what to do. My brother needs to be told what he is. What he's doing so he can fix himself." I zoned everything out and spoke to Josh with our minds. Josh? Sweetie?' I looked at him. My brother. He hates me. I'm a bad person. Oh god.' He wasn't saying that to me, he was saying that to himself. Josh, Josh look at me.' He finally looked at me. We will survive.' We?' We, because I'm here for you and always will be. Tyler will come around if he loves you. But know this; I will be there for you always. When times are bad like this, I will hold you till you fall asleep. When times are good for you I'll be there to share your smiles. We will survive together.' And he smiled. I knew I had imparted enough through the connection to make him ok. He was still hurting, a hurt that I couldn't cure. That was tearing me up but I knew he would be ok.

"I think you should leave now." She walked over to him and started herding him towards the stairs leading to the exit. Justin and Eric stood and followed suit. Lance came over to Josh and took his hand. "He'll come around Josh. I'm here for you.

"We're all here for you Jayce." Chris stood and came over.

"Every one of us." Joey came and stood behind him, on hand on his shoulder.

Justin walked back over, Jessica and Eric right behind. "Damn it JC!" Justin started, Josh blanched a bit. I got ready to fight if I had to. Josh couldn't handle another rejection right now. "Why the hell didn't you tell me!?!? There are so many guys I can set you up with!" Josh laughed.

"No, that's ok. I'm taken." He smiled at me, and I waited for the tirade to begin. "Everyone, I haven't properly introduced Blake. Everyone, this is my boyfriend, and my soul mate." He was smiling. I started to smile but noticed the expression on everyone's faces. It was borderline fear and anger, with apprehension mixed in. You didn't have to be a psychic to know there was something going on here.

"Blake, would you excuse us please?" Eric asked "We need to speak with JC."

"I don't think..." I started, but Eric interrupted "It will only take a few moments."

"It's okay," Josh smiled at me. "I know what they want to talk about. Can you head downstairs for a bit?"

"I'll go settle the bill everyone. Dinner was on me." Josh started to object, "I insist." I walked to the stairs and headed towards the guy we would be paying. He was at the downstairs bar serving a drink. I paid him, and headed to the gift shop.

I had to take my mind off what was going on upstairs. What if they didn't want him seeing me? Would he choose me over his friends? Could I let him leave his friends for me? Couldn't think on that. I noticed some necklaces and started browsing. I spotted one I really liked, and headed to the cashier. I was lucky; it matched my black and blue outfit perfectly.

As I was putting it on everyone came walking out of the dining halls stairway. Josh was smiling and everyone else seemed more at ease, but they were still a bit guarded.

Jessica said something to Josh, and after he nodded she and Eric walked more quickly towards me. "Blake," Eric started, "I hope you understand what was going on up there was nothing personal. JC is our friend and we simply want to protect him."

"I understand that, just know I truly love him." We all headed for the limo that would take us to my club.

Well, Josh has finally come out. Anyone else wanna smack Tyler? I know I do. AND I WROTE HIM! Well... more is to happen in the crossover extravaganza. I'm posting this now because I am to be very busy in the comming week or two with school, and finals, and all that. If anyone has any compliments, e-mail me. Any complaints, e-mail me. Any SPAM, e-mail my teachers. E-MAIL ME!!!!!!! It's my heroine. PS, if anyone want's to take a sneak peek at what Phoenix's suit is going to look like, e-mail me and I'll send you my crappy pic.

Now, if you haven't read the other stories in the "Tails Universe" go do that now. Just copy the addy's I have bellow the story titles, and past them in your browser address bar thingy. (Such technical jargen I have at my disposal.)

Tales Of A Real Dark Night (The series that started it all.) /nifty/gay/celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-real-dark-knight/

Marvel Knights /nifty/gay/celebrity/marvel-knights/

Tales Of A Super Hero Band /nifty/gay/celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-superhero-band/

Tales Of A Young Mutant /nifty/gay/celebrity/tales-of-a-young-mutant/

You can E-Mail me at WriteMeAStory@Juno.com

Next: Chapter 4

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