Tales of the New Phoenix

By Joshua B Weston

Published on Dec 30, 2002


This is not my first story, but I think this is going to be where I flourish. My previous stories lay in hibernation awaiting the day I decide to pick them back up again. ("Learning Curve" in Boy Bands, and "Johnny Boy" in High School) I've never had as many Ideas running around my head as with Tales Of The New Phoenix. I don't know exactly how fast I will be able to get chapters out, so please don't kill me. And, as you can see by my title, I am going to have a character based on The Phoenix from Marvel Comics. I am going to go a bit of my own way with the Char. so any die hard fans, please refrain from hurting me, ok? My experience with the Phoenix is limited to the cartoon, and the Dark Phoenix comic book saga. I do hope to hold true to the heart of the character, but will be making some changes just as was made with The Bat Man. Now, on to the boring stuff.

I do not own any of the following:

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera, and any other celebrities. I also know nothing of their sexual orientations.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and all related characters.

The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

The Vampire Chronicles, Tales Of The New Vampires, The Mayfair Witches, all series written by Anne Rice.

Buffy & Angel television series.

Star Wars

Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek The New Frontier, Enterprise television series, movies, and novels.

I am restating; I do not own any of the above mentioned, although I wish I did. Those make tons of money. I do not know the sexual orientation of anyone mentioned for certain. Everything I write is purely fiction from my mind. Please don't sue me, I am a poor college student and have nothing. If you are under aged, go away. This site is for adults. Warning to the closed minded, gay fiction is about to start.

I've received a few E-Mails. I will respond, I promise. I'm in the middle of my finals right now and just... am way too frazzled. I'm actually considering setting this story down until after finals, but I keep seeing a flaming bird behind my eye lids. This section of the Phoenix Story will be ending with Chapter 10, I think, and then "The Story of the _____ of ____" will begin. (What? Those two words would give away WAY too much. 8^D )

This chapter is short for the simple reason that I want it to be. :P It actually just felt like the write place to end the chapter, so I ended it there. I hope to get the next chapter written right after I send this in, so keep a look out. And E-MAIL ME! I need your input people!

Chapter 7:

Sunday, September 9, 2001.

The weeks after Josh's departure and return had been quiet. I had returned the night after our little midnight romp, and the concert had gone off as a huge success. The weirdest thing that had happened is that I could once and a while swear I could hear Josh even though he was in Orlando. I had mentioned this in passing, and he had said it was the same with him. That is a mystery for later though.

Josh had returned about a week later, the paperwork that he needed to take care of over Nsync sorted out, with the majority of Earthly goods in tow. I had taken the liberty to scout out a list of possible homes, and had them waiting. After searching through the pictures the night he came home we decided on a new home. This was surprising considering I had thirty possibilities, but we both loved what we found.

The place had once been an old book store. The bottom floor is huge and completely open. Looking at the design, we had plans already. It would be redesigned to hold a music studio, a rumpus room, and a huge kitchen. The living room would take up the front half including space for a dining area. There is a stair case to the side that leads to the top floor which is half the size of the first. That would be redesigned to have two offices in the back with a large walk in closet in between them. I already had them laid out. The offices would have paper walls and no doors, creating an open feeling to the room. A bathroom would be built to the side of the room towards the front that would hold a Jacuzzi tub, a huge shower, a wide sink with two spaces, and of course a toilette.

Josh laughed at all the ideas, and told me to just wait for the architect. He told me about how his parents had flown down to check in on him. He had called the day after his party and told them everything, and they had reacted the exact opposite of Tyler. They welcomed him with open arms, and his mother explained the various ways she was going to kill her youngest born.

Ryan and Andrea quickly became close after that first night when they were reunited. I could tell, even without my powers, that they're falling for each other. My sister deserves nothing but a man willing to devote himself to her, and Ryan fits that position well. All in all, everything was going great. The weird thing was the lack of trouble at night. All paranormal activity had ceased. No vampire attacks at all in the entire Metropolitan Bay Area. The only things happening that Green Lantern and I could help with were muggings, robberies, and contain FOH attacks on mutants. After the battle in San Jose the media declared that the troops attacking the citizens of the city were mutants. The FOH used this as fuel for the battle against mutants. Funny how even though two super powered people fought against the attackers yet all people born with gifts were being targeted. Dasro and Sanswah need to be found before they can attack anyone else.

In an arctic base beneath the surface of the Northern Ice Cap Dasro and Sanswah sit in front of a bank of computer monitors.

"We will not be able to move forward with the plan unless Phoenix and Green Lantern are taken out of the picture." Sanswah accesses a file detailing the mystical properties of their newly acquired object. "The Angles Tear has done exactly as it was expected to, but this will all be moot if Green Lantern and Phoenix are alive to stand against us. We need access to the temple beneath San Francisco!"

With that said, a small panel to the right lights up, signaling an incoming transmition. Dasro stands and walks to the panel to receive.

"This is Dasro, speak."

"Master, we have uncovered the identity of The Green Lantern. He landed in an alley, and we followed him to his home. After running a search on the residence we discovered his name. It is Ryan Charles. What would you like us to do master?" Sanswah stands and joins Dasro at the communications station.

"Track him until tomorrow night. One hour before sunset, kill him. Do not harm anyone else. Understood?" Dasro ends the connection when the soldier answers yes, and leads Sanswah to the table containing the various mystical artifacts they have acquired through the ages. "After we kill him, Phoenix will begin to get sloppy. He will make some mistake that can be exploited, and that will be his downfall."

"Wouldn't it be wiser to track Green Lantern and determine the identity of The Phoenix?" Sanswah looks at Dasro, trying to understand the tactic that Dasro is using.

"No. Phoenix is a powerful psychic. He is as strong as us, if not stronger. Chances are he would detect our men before they could get anywhere near him. Green Lantern is no more than a mere mortal with a powerful weapon." Sanswah nods in agreement, and Dasro picks up The Angels Tear, studying the translucent stone. "It's funny that suck a small object would be able to change the course of the world. Come. We must prepare for the next stage in our battle. By now Meker must know we have left the blood line of the Vampires. She now carries the fount. We will need to strike at her in order to destroy the soul bearing Vampires. My dear Sanswah, I do believe it is time you return to Egypt. We must have the final piece. We must have The Sword Of Horus."

Dasro and Sanswah leave the small command center. On the table, The Angels Tear flashes in the light. The other objects all shimmer with power. And in another part of the world, two Ancient Twins, now the eldest of the Vampires, plan a preemptive strike against their new enemies. The war of the vampires is about to be waged, and unless they get help, mankind is about to fall into an age of enslavement.

"Blake. I just got off the phone with the realtor. He is going to bring over the paperwork in an hour. We are about to buy our new home!" Josh ran in and pulled me into a hug. "Isn't this great? We are about to buy our new home!"

We started spinning in place, laughing. "I know! It's weird and exciting. I just can't get over the size!" I broke away fro his embrace and started for the kitchen. "Come on, I'm hungry. The place is in great shape. It's surrounded by other apartment buildings so it wouldn't be like we're living in a shopping area. And the sheer size of the bookstore it once was leaves us with so many options. I knew yesterday when we went and saw it that it would be the perfect place to build our Love Shack, a little love place where we... can... get together." I danced my way to the fridge, Josh at my heels.

"Blake, I swear you're crazy. But I knew it too. I still can't believe this. I've always wanted a loft style home. We will need a contractor." Josh grabbed some glasses out of the cupboard while I set about making some sandwiches.

"No problem. Andreas Dad owns a company. I'm sure he would do a great job. I'll call him later." We sat and talked a bit, while eating, when the phone rang. Josh jumped up and grabbed it.

"Alexander and Chasez residence. How may I help you?" I giggled at him. He had taken to saying it whenever he answered the phone after I insisted he start acting like this was his home, and that he was not a guest. What can I say; I'm in love with a dork.

"No... yes... I shouldn't tell you but 2 times last night..." With that comment I flushed. There was only one thing we did twice last night, and it was not the dishes. "Then don't ask!... no, he's right here... what? I'm not good enough phone company? I'll tell you right now... HEY! I am not a whiney little hag! If anyone is a hag, it's you! You are such a fag hag... ok, I'll shut up. I wouldn't normally, but I'm pretty sure you could take me in a fight. Hold on." Josh held the phone out to me. "Here, it's your sister. She is so much fun to torment."

I laughed and took the phone. "Andrea, seriously. Why must you always ask him whether we had sex today? He answers you every time, and you always get grossed out."

"Force of habit. Listen, Ryan just bought me a promise ring! I'm so excited. We're going out to dinner tonight and I just had to tell you." I didn't realize things were getting that serious.

"That's great! Call me and let me know how things go. Ok?" I looked at the clock on the wall, then at the calendar. "Andrea, guess what today is." I stood and left Josh in the kitchen alone, heading for the bedroom. I pulled open my sock drawer and picked up a blue velvet box.

"Sunday, September the 9'th?" I giggled at her answer.

"No! Today is the one month anniversary of Josh and me moving in together. Isn't that cool!? I bought him a key." I knew that would get her.

"Why? Don't each of you get a key to your new place from the realtor?" I laughed again. What can I say, I was giddy.

"It's a gold key, antique style. Made of solid gold. It's the key to my heart." I opened it and smiled. There was a red ribbon tied near the top. I closed it and walked to the bed, sitting down as Andrea gushed about how sweet that was. Then yelled about how I should have taken her shopping with me, then said she deeded to get ready for her date.

I stood back up walking into the kitchen where Josh was finishing up. I handed him the phone, asking if he would go hang it up. While he was in the living room I set the gift box on top of his sandwich. When he came back in he stopped at the doorway staring at the box.

"What is that?" He said pointing, a small look of shock on his face.

"Open it and find out." I smiled as he ran, slipping for a bit on the linoleum, to the box. He plucked it off his food and just stared. When he opened it his breath caught. "Add it to your key ring. Right next to your house key. You already have the key to our home, but you have also earned the key to my heart." He turned, tears flowing from his eyes, and pulled me into a deep hug.

That afternoon was one I never want to forget. After the realtor dropped in, we signed in all the right places, initialed in others, and then we each cut a check for one half of the property price. With that we were left with keys, and smiles. We talked about decorating the new place, and decided to not go with an interior decorator. I called Andreas dad to see if he would do the job of bringing it up to code and building the interior. After talking for a bit, and telling him of my engagement to Josh, he insisted on doing it for free as an engagement present to us. I tried to talk him out of it, but he would hear nothing on the matter.

We went out for dinner early. I had to go in to the club early to talk to the new manager we had hired. I knew that with my new part time job I needed extra help with the place. I was planning to become more of a silent owner, and when Andrea received her half as I had planned, look into opening a small day time business. Josh was behind me a hundred percent, and with buying the new house the idea of bookstore was getting stuck in my head.

After dinner I headed back home with Josh to get ready for work. We walked in just as the machine was picking up. After the sappy message me and Josh left on it, we heard Andrea. "Blake. Blake, please answer. God Blake, PLEASE!" I ran to the phone and picked up.

"Andrea, what's wrong?" She was crying hysterically.

"It's Ryan. He was just shot. He gave me his ring. He gave it to me, and then he... Oh god Blake there was so much blood. We were outside my building. The man who did it walked up to me and told me to tell The Phoenix to back off, or he was next. There was so much blood Blake. He's dead. Ryan is dead!" I went into shock. Ryan and I had gotten close over the month we had known each other. We had fought sided by side.

Josh was looking at me worriedly. I had to get out into the field. "Andrea, I'm sending Josh to you. Are you at home?"


"Ok. I'll find the person Andy. I Promise he will pay." I hung up and looked at Josh. "Ryan was just murdered. Go to Andrea. She needs to have someone with her." Be fore he could respond I turned to the shut doors to the terrace. With a thought the swung open. I ran out them and jumped into the sky.

After getting a good distance form the house I changed into the Phoenix and started combing the area around Andreas with my psychic powers. I also thought over Andreas words. The only people we were hunting were Dasro and Sanswah. They had to be behind this. After no time I felt something a block from Andreas apartment.

I narrowed down its location. It was in an alley behind a building. I flew to its location and landed. What I was greeted with was not what I expected. "You are the killer?"

"Yes. I am. Now it's time to take care of you." A small girl walked towards me carrying a gun. Before my eye's she changed into the form of a man, then into a teenager wearing a skin tight black suit. "Nice way to hide isn't it? Right in plain sight. No one can track you if you keep changing form."

"Why did you kill him?" We started dancing in a circle.

"My master wished it. If I do well in his eyes, he may change me. They have so much power. More than you do, mere mutant. He told me to kill Green Lantern, even gave me his name. If I kill his partner too, they will have to give me the power." He shot the gun at me, and I stopped the bullet in midair.

"With your mutation, you of all people should know better than to judge a book by its cover. And I am much more than a mere mutant child. I am PHOENIX!" With that, I lifted us both into the air. We were 500 feet above ground before I stopped. I knew that we could be seen in the red sky of sunset, but ignored that fact. I looked at him, and began probing his mind. Within I found the location of his master, and this child's name. "Well William. Congratulations. You have just bought yourself a life sentence in prison. Let's go."

I flew us back to the crime scene, which was swarming with police officers and onlookers. In the center I saw a body, covered by a white tarp. We landed, and police officers flocked to us. "Officers, this is William Grissom. I do believe you will find that the gun he is holding is the same that was used on that young man. Please take him into custody." With that, I took off into the sky, heading for the Vampire that set this up.

He was staying in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Within moments I was at his cabin. I scanned the inside and knew the Vampire was there, alone. I walked up to the door and , using my powers, I sent it hurting inside, crashing into the opposite wall. I walked in and found the demon sitting at a bank of computers. With the wave of my hand I sent him hurtling into the already damaged wall across from the damaged door way. I walked up to him, my eyes blazing with white hot plasma that was flaring out of them.

"Any last words before I send you to hell demon?" I picked him up by the neck and held him against the wall.

"You may destroy me, but in the end my masters will destroy you and rule this world." With that I set about his destruction. I let him go and floated him into the center of the room. I set both of his feet on fire and let the flames burn up his body slowly. He screamed and tried to break free of my invisible hold, but could not. After he finished burning to dust I walked to the computers.

Looking at one of them, it seemed he was about to contact Dasro and Sanswah. The screen had a small window asking if the user wished to connect a video conference with main base. I clicked yes. I moved out of view of the camera attached to the top of the screen, waiting for the vampires superiors to connect. It didn't take them long.

"Report. Is Green Lantern Dead? Report! Why the hell can't we see you." With them saying that, I stepped in front of the camera. The two Vampires on screen changed their faces from anger to shock.

"You have no idea the enemy you have made today. I will hunt you down, and I will wrap you in blankets, and I will personally deliver you to the heart of the sun. Do you understand me demons? I told you before, and I am telling you again. You have seen the face of your destroyer, and it is The Phoenix." Dasro moved off screen, and I knew what he was doing before he had the chance. I erected a bubble force field around my body, and then the cabin exploded. I watched at the flames subsided to a blaze, and chunks of wood fell from the sky. Then I took to the sky and headed back to San Francisco to see my friend and my fiance.

Now, if you haven't read the other stories in the "Tales Universe" go do that now.

Tales Of A Real Dark Night (The series that started it all.) celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-real-dark-knight/

Marvel Knights celebrity/marvel-knights/

Tales Of A Super Hero Band celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-superhero-band/

Tales Of A Young Mutant celebrity/tales-of-a-young-mutant/

You can E-Mail me at WriteMeAStory@Juno.com

Next: Chapter 8

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