Chris Crossed

By Steve Thomas

Published on Nov 8, 2023


I have been informed that it would be a good idea to state a few warning comments. There may be graphic sexual scenes between men in this story, so please, if this offends you, or it is illegal or you are underaged to read such, stop here and hit your "back" button. If it is okay with you, read on and enjoy.

From Chapter 3:

"Omigod! You mean `Jake the Jock' is gay?" He was such a all-out star at everything he did! My brother didn't do badly, but he always felt in the shadow of Jake Smith! Are they - is he - out?"

"Well, yeah."

"Do you think he would mind if I told my brother?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself? They fly out here every chance they get. They have adopted two darling little kids from Russia. Gotta let them see Grandpa and Grandma, you know!"

"Wow! Well, let me know next time they will be here. Here's my private number. I promise I won't tell, but my brother is such a totally perverse bigot. He hates that I'm gay! He even once said that if Jake ever found out, he would dig a hole, crawl into it and cover himself with dirt!"


"Come back in about two weeks. This Band-Aid is all you need now. You really don't have to come back, but just to be sure - and I don't want to lose contact. Be sure to let me know when Jake will be in town! This is so cool!"

I laughed. They both looked at me then they started to laugh as well. Suddenly I didn't feel so immature - or at least I didn't feel alone!

Note: Somehow I must have confused which version I sent in to Nifty. The "real" version has a conversation between Brian and Mel, asking Mel a few questions important to establish that Brian was comfortable sending him away without notifying Child Protective services, which really IS a sham and a joke in California.

I also want to also take this opportunity to thank Nifty for what they (he?) provide. I have met many new friends because of this service!

Chapter 4

When we stepped in the door, and he saw his little brother with the bandage covering his nose and crisscrossing his face to hold the break in place, Eddie started crying. Whether from fear or remorse no one knew. Chris beckoned to Craig to come into the bedroom, leaving me and Luke to watch the boys. Mel looked at Eddie from under furrowed brows, and stayed away from him. After a few minutes, Chris and Craig appeared. Craig had obviously filled Chris in on what transpired at the hospital and vice versa. I was sitting in one chair across the room from the sofa, and Luke was in the other. Ed was lying on the sofa by himself, and Mel was sitting on the floor, close to me.

Chris said, "Move and let us sit down, Eddie." It was said kindly. "We need to talk." Ed looked at all of us. "They are all in on this, so we all have to be involved." Eddie sighed, sat up and looked at the floor. Chris and Craig sat on either side of him.

"Eddie," Chris said, "what you did last night, was serious." Eddie looked up and a tear left each eye. "But maybe not exactly for the reasons you think."

"But - but I was -"

"Just let me talk for a few minutes - listen - okay?" Chris said. Eddie nodded. "You, too, Mel. You are young but this is just as important for you to hear as it is Eddie." Mel, wide eyed, nodded very gravely. "Eddie have you ever thought about having children of your own- no don't answer, except in your mind. If you have not ever thought about it, think of it now."

I was not sure where this was going, but I was riveted to the conversation.

"Eddie, Think of what kind of dad you would like to be. Do you want to be just like your own dad?"

"Fuck no!" He could not remain silent with that question. Chris looked at Craig and nodded.

"Eddie," Craig continued from where Chris left off. "Many people say to themselves, `I will never do that to my children!'"

"I have said that exact thing!" Eddie said.

"Me too!" Several of us repeated.

"Well, guess what, folks? We all have! And the trick is to carry out that vow! Most people say that and then when they have children of their own, they do the same things their parents did to them. Usually they see what they are doing and so they are not as bad as their parents in one degree or another." Craig silently passed the conch back to Chris.

"The Bible talks about that." Chris said. "It says the families of an evil parent are cursed for seven generations. Many people think that God curses these families because of their grandfather's error. Would that be fair? No! These men - people - curse their own families. It is stated as a fact in the Bible, not as a punishment. Because unfortunately, when we do something bad, even if we can change the way we do things, and are very sorry for what we did, we still have to live with the consequence of what we did. So do those we hurt.

"Each succeeding generation gets a little better, correcting their parent's error. Guess what? It generally takes seven generations to purge a bad seed or a bad characteristic from a family. Eddie, what we saw last night was your dad. You drowned your frustration in booze, then abused your little brother. Exactly as your dad did to you and then to your brother. You were disgusted and angered by it when your dad did it, especially when he attacked your brother. Unless you make a conscious decision to change this kind of behavior - now - you will do this when you get older. You too, Mel. You don't have a little brother to pick on, but when you have children of your own, you will do the same as your dad did unless you can change it - and you can!"

Eddie started to cry and it became almost uncontrollable. I started to move in his direction, but Chris shook his head and put out his hand. I sat back down. Finally Mel's heart broke, and he ran to his brother's side. Chris moved over to make room, and Mel hugged his big brother.

They sat huddled for about two minutes before Eddied got enough control to say, "Mel, I'm sorry! I - I -" He looked at Mels face and burst out crying again. Mel held him even closer, and cried some more.

"Eddie, you could never be as bad as Dad. I love you, Eddie!"

"I love you too, Wee Willie! I - I - I'll never touch you again."

"And that's easy to say, Eddie." Chris said. "It's harder to put into practice. Mel, Eddie really does mean that, but he may slip. It is very important for you to tell my mom and dad if that happens. Do you understand why?"

He said that, and looked each boy in the eye. Eddie looked down and nodded, and Mel asked why.

"Because, you will be helping Eddie if you tell. It will help break the chain of bad stuff that your dad - or more likely his dad - started. It will work to reinforce in your own mind how important it is to not do those things. Do you understand?" Mel slowly bobbed his head yes. He looked up into his brother's eyes, first in one and then into the other. Eddie nodded at Mel.

"That means no more booze, Eddie. Do you understand why?"

Eddie bobbed his head.

Okay, no one has slept much since last night, so we all are going to sleep for awhile before Seth takes you home."

"Do we still have to go home?"

"I'm afraid so, Eddie. There needs to be some outward consequence to your actions. I know you feel bad - even terrible, but for your subconscious, this needs to be done. You know that if child protective services found out about this, it could have really gotten ugly. So just be content with this.

I am going to call and explain to my parents everything that has happened." Eddie started to vigorously shake his head. "Yes, Eddie. I promise you they will not react like your parents would. I PROMISE you. They will understand."

He let that sink in for a moment. "Now, to be safe, we're going to play musical beds for our nap. Eddie, you will sleep with me. Mel, you can sleep with Seth. Luke, stay in your own bed and," looking at Craig, "Sorry babe, you get the couch. No one at the big house needs to know about this - but I'll bet Etta somehow already knows something happened. She just has a way1"

We all went to our respective, assigned sleeping arrangements. We all were very tired. When I woke up, about 4 hours later, the house was completely quiet. Mel was snuggled up as close as he could get, and was noisily sleeping, breathing through his mouth. I was able to free myself from him and tiptoed into Chris's room. Eddie was just as pasted to Chris as Mel was to me. I wiggled Chris's hand. He opened his eyes.

"We better be going." I whispered. I don't want to get home too late. And you will want some tome to talk to Mom and Dad before they get very tired, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Chris, I want to tell you how much I love you, and how awesome I thought you were talking to the boys."

"Craig helped too!" Chris offered.

"Okay, both of you. Someday you will make awesome dads!" He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. That little gesture meant so much to me, coming from my brother.

We woke up the rest of the guys. I went in to wake Luke myself. "Luke time to wake up. I mean you can sleep as long as you want, but I wanted to say goodbye. I'm sorry I have to leave so soon, but -"

Luke shook his head as if to shake an idea out. "What? You are - can't I -"

he stammered in his sleepy stupor. He shook his head again and said, "Can't I go with you?"

I was taken back by that. "You mean you WANT to?"

"Damn, Haoli, do you really have to ask? Of COURSE I want to go with you! Do you think I came all this way to stay with a couple old married guys?" He turned on to his back, and I jumped on him!

"Oh! I am so happy! You can help me with these boys, for at least the first few days after I get them home!"

"Maybe I can get a job and stay longer. I want to know you better before I go."

"You're not still caught up in that `love at first sight thing' are you?"

He looked from one eye to the other and back, then answered, "Naw. But I want to get to know you better anyway!" He clearly was trying to hide his chagrin. I felt bad about that, but I just could not feel I was "in love" with this stranger. But I was looking forward to finding out!

Knock knock knock! "The coast is clear! Come on in!" Someone hollered.

Carrie popped her head in the door. "Etta says for all you guys to come down for dinner in an hour. She said she wanted to send Seth and the boys home with a good dinner! See yah in an hour!" And she popped out.

The boys looked completely bewildered, while Chris, Craig and I all smiled ironically, and shook our heads.

"What!?" Luke said.

"Doesn't it seem odd to you that Etta knows the boys are leaving?" I said to him. "No one outside this room knew what was going on last night!"

"Doesn't seem odd to me." Luke answered. "Hawaiian women seem to have that same talent. I thought all women did!"

"I think they used to - a lot more." Chris said. "But they are continually and persistently pushed into male roles and seem to be losing a LOT of their `women's intuition' that they used to have. Our mom had it, Seth. But then she was a stay-at-home mom. That makes a difference." Nothing more was said, for with all our talking, we were, after all, only men!

"Well, are you going to be good to drive all the way back, Seth? Enough rested?" Chris asked me. Both the boys looked up in anticipation, hoping for one more night. I agreed with Chris that there had to be an accountability, for Eddie, for what he did, but I felt bad punishing Mel at the same time. I pointed to Chris's room. We went into it.

"I - I feel - just fine to drive, Chris, but - maybe just one more night - for Mel's sake. Did you see the look on his face? I hate to have him be punished for what his brother did." We talked some more and then returned to the living room.

"Here is what we have decided." Chris said. "Seth and the boys will drive home tomorrow after they have had a little more rest. After dinner, Seth and Luke are taking Mel to Hollywood Video to let him pick out a movie of his choice, while Craig and I stay here with Ed.

We went down to dinner. As usual, Etta outdid herself for a farewell dinner. It was like Thanksgiving, except with prime rib. Uncle Jake said, "Well, I'm sorry you have to cut your visit short, but I'm sure there is a good reason for it." This was his way of telling the rest, (Etta, Auntie Lindy and most of all, Carrie!) that there would be no more discussion. Maybe Uncle Jake has some of that "women's intuition", himself! Carrie looked frustrated, and Etta just had that ever-knowing look of hers on her face.

"Since you change you plan, you betta come for brekfuss," was all she said.

"How did YOU know we weren't leaving until morning?" Wide eyed Eddie said.

"Etta know!" she answered.

After dinner, as instructed, we took Mel to the video store. He picked out "Exterminator". On the way home, I asked, "Why do you like such violent movies?"

"I don't so much. I like it a little, but it's Eddie's favorite movie." Damn! I wanted to hug him, but he was in the back seat!

While we were gone, Chris called our parents, and told them what happened. As promised, Mom and Dad understood perfectly what was going on, and agreed wholeheartedly with Chris's solution. Chris had Eddie sit in on the conversation, so he would know for sure what to expect from Mom and Dad.

We got home and put the movie in. Craig excused himself to make some popcorn. Chris pulled Mel in close with his arm around him. He hugged Chris, looked up and smiled, then wriggled free. He got off the couch and went over to the big chair on the other side of the room and climbed in it beside his brother. It was dark in the room, but I could hear sniffles coming from all the other guys - and me!

Soon after I saw the beginning of the movie, Luke put his face next to mine.

We were laying on the floor. "Time to go to bed, sleepy head!"

"What!?" I exclaimed "Did I miss the movie?" I looked and the credits were running on the screen. For what it's worth, both the boys were asleep, too. We carried them into their bed, having decided it was safe to let them sleep together. As soon as they were in bed, they snuggled up together and were breathing deep.

Chris and Craig disappeared into their room. Luke looked at me tentatively.

"Uh, are you going to - uh, sleep out here on the couch tonight?"

"What would you like?" I asked. As soon as I asked it, I felt like a fool - and a bit of an ass hole!

"I think - you know - what I'd like"

"I'm sorry, Luker! I don't mean to be so - maddening. I really do like you! I would like to sleep in your room - in your bed! It may be the last time. I'm not too sure I am ready to flaunt this in my parents face."

He grinned. "I wonder if all haolis are as hard to figure as you?"

It was a long day, but we couldn't go to bed without a shower. When we got in there, he asked me, "Seth, I want to - uh - ask you something." I nodded. "I - sigh - can I - wash you off?"

All of a sudden I became shy again. Washing seemed such an intimate thing. "I - uh - I guess."

He silently grabbed a wash cloth and soaped it up. "I have never done this, so you have to be patient with me."

"You can't exactly do anything wrong," I answered, "since I'm new to this too."

He started to wash my chest first, then said, "No, face first. Close your eyes." He very gently washed my face with the soapy cloth. He let me rinse my face of, then he moved back down to my chest. "Wait!" He moved around back of me and closed the distance behind me. I could feel his hardness on my butt. I could feel my own hardness in my front!

He held me around the waist with his left hand and reached around with the other hand to wash me with the cloth. "Nope! This isn't it!" I giggled, then he followed suit. He then dropped the cloth, grabbed the soap and directly soaped me up with it really good, then just used both his hands to wash me. It was what we were both looking for. His hands sliding all over my soap-slick body was such a turn-on!

He was very careful about washing my genitals, not over-stimulating them. When He was washing my ankles, he impishly reached out with his lips and kissed the head of my dick. It sent a shiver so hard through me that I almost fell. He grabbed my legs, hugging them to hold me from falling. He looked up into my eyes, and I almost cried at what I saw. He looked like he was in total paradise. He stood back up and then washed my entire backside from the front. He kissed me as he was washing my back and butt. Our soapy front sides were sliding together. Our hard members were sliding past each other, kissing and careassing each other, as we were with our mouths. At one point I wrapped my arms around him really tight and stood rigidly, holding my breath and holding us immobile. He understood.

When he was finished, I felt I should at least reciprocate. He said, "No. I asked to wash you. You don't have to wash me." So I didn't.

We dried ourselves in silence. We climbed into opposite sides of the bed. I lay there for about 30 seconds, then moved over and clumsily lay half on him, he being on his stomach, and kissed his neck.

"You don't have to do this, Seth. I don't want to push you into someth- "

"SHhhh." I whispered. I lifted off him, then turned him over. He looked deeply into my eyes. I did not recognize the look he was giving me. It seemed to be a deep longing, kind of sad, kind of happy. I lay fully down on top of him, face to face. I held him for another half minute or so, then said, "Luker, I'm sorry that I don't seem to be feeling quite the same as you are, but - I really like this! I really do! Can you be okay with what I can give you - for the moment?"

"Of course," he said, "Sometimes I forget you are just barely 18. Oh, god! I'm sorry!" He correctly read my look of chagrin. "All I mean is - maybe you are not ready for - for -"

"A commitment?" I suggested.

"I - uh - I guess that's it. I really don't even know if I am, myself. All I know is I feel this really good feeling whenever we are together. I've never felt it before. And I know I am going to miss it - you - when I have to leave."

"You know what, Luker?" I said. " I feel exactly as you are describing. Maybe if we just stay away - at least for now - from the word, `love', it will make me more comfortable. I want to explore more of your - body - and stuff, though. You are so - um - so - hot! Would that bother you?"

"No." He replied. "No, Haoli, not at all. Maybe that's all I'm looking for myself." He pushed me off, and then sidled up behind me. I felt so good with his arm holding me close.

I dreamed of him all night long. Nothing particularly hot and sexy. I just felt him holding me in my dream. It felt so good! Maybe I never really slept. I don't know for sure. But I felt plenty rested in the morning. I guess I did fall asleep, because I was surprised to wake, feeling his woody on my butt and mine in his hand. I woke up because he was squeezing it. And with each squeeze, I felt his throb in time. Once I was awake, it was all I could do to get to the bathroom in time to pee! It came out looking all milky. And as I relieved my bladder, I noticed a previously unperceived pain go away from my lower abdomen.

When I got back into the room, he was up and already getting dressed. "How can you do that?" I asked.

I said.

"What?" he replied.

"I almost wet myself getting to the bathroom, I had to go so bad, and you don't even have to go?"

"I went about 15 minutes before you did."

"Then you were awake before me?"

"Yes, but I fell back asleep, and woke up when you got up to run into the bathroom." He answered. "I was having this dream after I got back that I was hugging you and squeezing your - your woody"

"Uh, that was not a dream!" I said. "You WERE squeezing it!"

"Omigod! I'm sorry! I - I really was dreaming it! I woke up when you sprung out of bed."

"Hee hee, well I dreamt that you held me all night!"

"That was no dream either!" He said.

"I know! But it was! And in my dream, I was lovin' it!" He then flashed me one of his "the-sun-has-come-out grins! I guess I finally said something right.

"I love you Haoli!" he said, then, "Oh! Sorry! I really like you, Haoli!"

Now it was I that was grinning. "I love you too, Luker!"

What else could this feeling be?

Notes: Is Seth falling in love? Is Luke really in love? Are YOU in love with the idea of them being in love!? They are both so cute! I am in love with them both! Comments are welcome - even solicited! Write to Steve, s4d@hotmail,com, being sure to put "Seth" in the subject line.

Next: Chapter 39: Seth 5

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