Chris Crossed

By Steve Thomas

Published on Dec 13, 2023


I have been informed that it would be a good idea to state a few warning comments. There may be graphic sexual scenes between men in this story, so please, if this offends you, or it is illegal or you are underaged to read such, stop here and hit your "back" button. If it is okay with you, read on and enjoy.

I also want to thank Nifty for the opportunity to post my stories here. I have met some very nice people and been afforded an opportunity to express myself as never before. The feedback I have received here has encouraged me on to write more. Thanks to you all.

From Chapter 17:

"What can I say to - make you realize how much I appreciate - LOVE this car!

I know it's fruitless to tell you it's way too much!"

"You said a month's pay was the limit!"

"My God, Brian, I didn't - it didn't occur to me that you made that much!"

"It's only money, kid! It didn't say nearly as much as the sentiment on the pendant you gave to me! Seth, listen to me: I am not trying to buy you or your love! This is a gift, free from encumbrance. If we break up next month, it's yours. Maybe one month's pay was extravagant, but - it was worth it and more to me! I was worried about you driving your old car so many miles, just to see me1"

"JUST to see you?"

"You know what I mean! I feel more -secure that you will be safer now. It doesn't have the V8 or a stick shift, which is probably what you would have liked better. But this is safer!"

"You sound like my mother!"

"Yeah, well, sometimes - I like to feel I want to protect you. Isn't that what you asked of me?"

"I did, didn't I?!"

Chapter 18

I turned the key. I looked over at Brian. He looked very pleased. I grinned, and put it into drive. I checked the rear view mirror, then saw Buck cruising past in his new Explorer.

"Wow!" I said as I pulled away from the curb. "I bet you have a hugs car payment now!" As soon as I said it, I felt stupid and immature! Why do I say such stupid things!

"You don't know that! For all you know, I just took some money from my savings."

"Sorry!" I weakly intoned. "I really am! That was none of my business." I couldn't help wondering if someday it might be.

"Actually it's partially your fault."

"What?" I asked.

"I had no intention on buying all those cars, but worrying about you driving that - sorry - that piece-of-crap-car, wondering if - or when - you were going to break down, it finally occurred to me what to buy you. Sorry that the practical side of me won out in the matter of the engine and transmission!"

"Sorry? You're sorry!" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm! "Brian, I just don't know - truly - how to even act! I am so - in love with this car!

It was love at first sight!"

"And please believe me," Brian said, "that I am not trying to buy you! I guess that was one of the reasons I bought those cars for my family, too. I found yours first. Then my conscious started nagging me. My brother and my parents are important to me, too aren't they? So I figured out what I felt they would like. I hope I was right. It's really kind of crass on my part to decide what they want, in a way! But anyway, I bought those other cars to assuage my conscience! And it did! And you know what? I've never had so much fun in my life! - well, in a non-sexual way! Heh!"

"Well, you guessed right with this one! And -"

"And?" He questioned.

"Oh, I don't know - uh - well, I guess on some level you HAVE bought me!"

"Aw, geez! That's exactly what I don't want you to think!"

"I'm not saying you meant to, Bri. But I really don't believe you would have done this for someone you didn't care about. And Bri?"

He almost looked afraid as he answered, "What?"

"I meant what I had written on your pendant! So if you were trying to buy me - then I WANTED to be bought!"

"If we're going to go to your parents house tonight, we better get back and get our stuff!"

"Yeah. Would you mind - driving this to Cerritos?"

"Well, I figured you would want to show it to your parents."

"But I mean will you mind driving it?"

"Why me?"

"I want to drive the old Datsun back." I said. "It's not worth much, but maybe my foster brother, Eddie, can use it."

"What do you suppose your parents will think?"

"It's actually their car, so it's not really my decision."

"No, about your new car."

"Oh. They - they'll probably think I've been bought!"

"That's what I am worried about."

"My parents have - learned - to be pretty open-minded!" I said. "They will be worried about your age - and the fact that most guys your age are ready to settle down. I'm sure they are thinking I'm not ready for that."


"I think - someday - I want to - with you. Someday."

"That was my idea, from the first, wasn't it." It wasn't really a question.

"I think that where we are right now - you still living and going to school - is working well for both of us - right?"

"It is for me. But -"

"You and your `BUT'!"

"BUT - What if I want to - move in with you - before you're ready?"

"Let's deal with that if it happens, K?"

"Let's deal with it now. Brian, the end of the semester is the end of next month. I don't want to rush you, but"

"But,but,but! I love yours! You don't want to rush ME!!?? That's rich! Seth, I think I'm in love with you. I really do. I also think you think you're in love with me. You are obviously still smarting from Luke. I'm not saying, no. I'm just saying - let's wait - for now."

"But I have to be registering for the new semester right after the first of the year. If I wait too long, I won't be able to get the classes I need or"

"Seth, Sweetheart, believe it or not, I can remember when I was your age. I too wanted everything NOW! And time goes so much slower when you are younger! But that semester will pass very quickly. VERY quickly! I think we can wait."

I felt quite deflated. "Okay."

"I'm sorry, Baby. There are times when you will have to use the veto power - we both have it, you know - but for now, you will just have to trust me."

"Okay. We better get going."



"I want to drive your Datsun - no arguments! I want you to drive your new car. That would give me the most joy."

I kidded him: "It's always about you, isn't it?"

"You have your veto power! They are both your cars!"

"I love you, Bri!"

We drove to his parents' house. His parents and brother were back already. They were waiting for us in the living room. "Son, we have been talking. We really can't accept - the cars - from you. It's not fair to - us. We couod never repay you."

"Is that what it's about? I don't think so, dad. It is a one-time event. It won't happen again. And let me tell you something - you already HAVE repaid me! I could never repay YOU! I have never found so much joy as I did in giving those to you. Please don't refuse them." He had big tears in his eyes, ready to fall.

Mrs. Micheals touched her husband's elbow. "Dear - "

"Brian - Dr. Micheals - don't ever do this again. Is that clear?" His dad said. It was obvious - or at least evident - that Buck was relieved. I don't think he wanted to give it back. I wondered if they were trying to tell ME something.

The traffic was light on Christmas Eve. It took just slightly less than two hours to make the drive. Before we entered the house, I asked for Brian to lend me his new pendant. I put it into my pocket and went in first.

"Seth! You made it earlier than I thought you would!" my mom said. "I'm so glad you're here!"

I hugged her and said, "Where's Dad?"

"He's in watching TV with the boys. Did you want him?"

"I want to talk to both of you."

She poked her head into the living room. "Dear, can you come out here for a minute?"

When my dad was there, I started, "Dad - Mom, Here.." I handed the keys to the Datsun to them.

"What's this, son?"

"I thought you may like to have it back. I have a - a new - a new car."

"Wha - how - "

"Brian gave me it for Christmas."

"What?" my dad said. "Don't you think that's a little - uh - like he's trying to - "

"Buy me?"

"well - yeah!"

"That's why I came in by myself. I wanted to show you this before he comes in. He has no idea why I made him stay out side." I took the pendant out and said, "I gave this to him - before he gave me his gift. I had it done before I ever went up there. I want you to read what I had inscribed on it." I handed it to my mom.

She read it thoughtfully, and smiled - a little sadly - up at my dad, and handed it to him. He read it. He took a long breath and let it out. "I think you are rushing - things - a lot."

"For what it's worth - so does Brian. I wanted to move in with him before next semester. He vetoed that."

"Why?" my dad asked.

"Too soon, he thinks. He thinks I'm not over Luke yet."

"Are you?"

"I - I don't know! But - well anyway, I could not argue with his logic. Hey, it's not as if he got me a car like his! It's only a little Mustang. Come see it!"

I led them out to where Brian was cooling his heels, pretending to arrange the luggage that we would bring in the house. I shot him an "eyes up to the eyebrows" smile, and my dad said, "Wow! A convertible! I've never owned a convertible." He looked like he regretted saying it as soon as it escaped his mouth.

"Actually this was my idea, Dad!" Dad looked at me, with a shocked surprised look. "I suggested that we limit our gifts to each other as no more than a month's pay! I was thinking more on the terms of MY month's pay!"

"Mr. and Mrs. Gary, I can't imagine how this must look to you, but I promise you, I had honorable intentions."

"He also bought an new Crown Victoria for his parents and an Explorer for his brother!"

"I've never had so much fun in my life!" Brian said. "I felt like a little kid!" He sounded like a little kid. "I concocted this protracted, tricky plan to surprise everyone, and it worked!"

"Sounds like you had a lot of fun giving these gifts, Dear." My mom said.

"Believe me, Mrs. Gary, my most favorite moment was receiving Seth's gift to me!"

"Yes, Seth made our Christmas more merry as well." She said. "And we saw what Seth wrote on your pendant. Sounds - and looks like - you two are pretty serious. But we want to - have to - say, you are both young. Seth is barely eighteen, and you - obviously - are very young too - at heart. Your gifts - and your sentiments - seem pretty advanced for two who have known each other such a short time. Just - please - be careful."


Dad finally broke the silence. "Well, let's get these bags in the house, and Seth, why don't you bring the boys back out and give them a ride!"

"What are you going to do with the old car, dad?"

"For now? Park it. I'd be tempted to give it to Eddie, but - it may be best to wait."

Mom and Dad led us back into the house. When they were out of earshot, Brian said, "Maybe we ought to sleep - uh - separately - tonight."


We went in and I brought the boys out. "OOO! Eddie said, "Has it got the 5.0 V8?"

"No, but the 3.8 V6 is plenty of power - for me!"

"Not me! I'd want the big engine!"

"OOO! A convertible!" Mel crooned. "Can we put the top down?"

"It's kinda cold tonight, but - we're just going around the block! Why not?

Believe it or not, I haven't put it down yet!"

All the boys jumped in, Eddie claiming shotgun. I put the top down, and started the car and pulled away from the curb. As soon as I was out of earshot from the house, I punched it. The wheels screeched and all heads snapped back. I looked over at Eddie. He was grinning ear to ear! "Yeah, I GUESS it has enough power!" he yelled.

"My dad's gonna buy me a Corvette!" Fred said.

"You mean MY dad!?" Charlie chided. "I don't THINK so!"

"Fuck you, ass hole!"

Eddie and I looked at each other and laughed. "Brothers!" he hollered.

"What does your friend drive, Seth?" said Eddie

"You won't believe it - a Ferrari!"

"WOW! Does he let you drive it?" said Fred.

"He has. But now I have this, so," We were pulling back into the driveway. "Watch your arms, guys!" I said as I pushed the top-up button. It came down onto the windshield, and I locked it down. "Cool!" Both Charlie and Mel said in chorus.

I was looking forward to going to bed. It had been a long and eventful day.

As I started to take off my shoes, Mom reminded me why she wanted us here this night: Christmas Eve midnight service. I had forgotten - and to make it worse, I forgot to tell Brian.

"All I have is a sweater. Sorry I didn't bring a dress shirt or tie."

"You could borrow some of mine," Dad said, "But I think a sweater will be perfectly okay on this night."

At the service, we had communion. We were reminded of the sacrifice of Jesus, dying for us. We were reminded of the Father, sacrificing his son for our sakes. We were reminded of the baptism of Jesus, where the Father said, from the sky, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased," and the Holy Ghost came in the form of a dove. They spoke of them all as if they were all three there at once in separate form - and yet a few minutes later, we recited, aloud, the Nicean Creed, where it says they are all one substance. I looked at Brian. He shook his head. I looked at my dad, and he nodded.

When we got home, I made a point of saying I would sleep in the living room, on the couch. I joked about keeping watch over the presents. As I was putting a sheet on the bed, and Brian was there, sitting on a chair, my dad walked in. He had a serious look on his face. "Uh-oh, here it comes," I thought. What "it" might be, I didn't have a clue.

"Seth, remember a few days ago you were asking where it was written that God was only one person in three forms?" He asked. He didn't see Brian sitting behind him in the semi-dark.

Boy, that came out of the blue at me! And with Brian sitting right there, I felt a bit uncomfortable, after my discussion with him. "Yeah, I remember."

"Well, did you notice what we were reading tonight?"

"You mean that group thing?"


"It said that God was - well what you just said -."

"Does that answer your question?"

"I - guess, but -"


"Maybe what he noticed also was - that was not from the Bible." Brian volunteered.

"It certainly is as old as the Bible." Dad said, not missing a beat.

"Actually, it isn't, sir." Brian said. My dad's eyebrows arched in question. "It was decided by a group of bishops of the Catholic Church, 325 years after the death of Jesus. Tell me sir, do you think that those Catholic priests were inspired?"

"I don't know but -"

"But, what, sir?" I didn't like the way Brian was challenging my dad. I felt bad because my dad really did not know that much and it was making him look foolish.

"I was going to say, `but it's what we have been reciting for as long as I could remember', but then I thought about how ridiculous that sounded."

"I didn't mean to put you on the spot, Mr. Gary. Seth and I were discussing this last week. I imagine it was why he asked you about it." Brian said. I wasn't sure I liked the way he was - well almost talking about me as if I was not in the room. Well, it wasn't quite like that. I guess I was feeling uncomfortable because - well, probably the same reason my dad was. The discomfort the ignorant feel, when someone more learned speaks with authority - whether or not the authority is truth.

"I don't claim to be a scriptorian, sir, but I have studied the Bible pretty closely. If you read the 17th chapter of John, it pretty well explains the oneness that is reported in the Bible. The rest - as far as I have found in my study - is either misunderstanding, conjecture - or worse yet, a calculated plan to bring the Jews, who believed in the "One True God" and the gentiles - in Greece - who believed in many gods, together, as desired by Constantine, the emperor of the Greek Empire. By this time all the apostles were killed and the church had become politicized - owned by the puppets of Constantine. There were two great powers, both gasping their last at that time: the Greeks and the Romans. When Constantine tried to grab power by making Christianity the state religion, the Romans split the church and formed the holy Roman Empire - and the Roman Catholic Church.

"I for one, sir, don't trust what those bishops decided." Brian said with some amount of power. "It seems so clear in the Bible. But that thing that you all recited, made it clear as mud. It said they were of one substance and then said the Son sits at the right hand of the Father. To me, it has taken clarity and turned it into confusion."

"I - I'm afraid I have no answer for you, son." Dad said to him. "You seem to have me at a disadvantage."

"I don't mean to, sir. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. The only basis I have is my own study. I guess I just am not one to blindly follow."

Was he suggesting that my dad was?

"Thank you for your insight, Brian. I understand your brother is a minister. I suppose maybe you have been disposed to studying more than some."

"Actually sir, I and my brother disagree on a number of things."

"I understood that too." My dad said. I felt like a fool. I had said things to my dad and maybe Brian did not - approve - or something, that I should be talking about his family. "Well, good night, you two."

Dad left the room.

"I'm sorry, Bri!" I intoned. "I wasn't"

"It's okay, Seth. You didn't tell them anything that wasn't true. It's fine! I felt a little like I was saying too much there for awhile. But your dad kept making it okay. And I kept going. I could see you were uncomfortable there, a couple times. Even looked angry once. Is everything all right?"

"I'm fine."

"Yeah, I can tell!"

"Well, you made my dad look stupid! I didn't like the way you - almost - manipulated him into a corner!"

"Is that what you thought?" He sounded almost chiding.

"It's time to go to sleep. Let's go to bed, K?" I said.

He hugged me and left. I close the door and undressed, then turned off the lights, opened the door and lay down on the couch. I covered myself up with my blanket. I was pretty much still stewing. I was angry at myself for talking to my dad. I was angry with Brian for making my dad look foolish. I was feeling guilty for feeling bad after Brian had been so generous with me. I was feeling bad, because I had wanted to hold him on Christmas Eve night. I was feeling - I was feeling - myself! Rubbing and finally stroking, slowly, thinking on that last thought.

"Seth." I hardly heard the whisper.

"What?" I answered, immediately stopping my stroking.

"It's me - Eddie. Can I come in?" He whispered.

"Sure!" I said, "What is it, buddy?"

"I couldn't sleep. Can I - it's cold - can I cover up?" Still whispering.

I threw back the cover. He climbed in. He WAS cold! He must have been standing there for awhile. "Damn, you're cold, Eddie!"

"Yeah." And with that he snuggled up close to me. I had forgotten how I liked his particular smell. "You - you didn't have to stop on my account."

"What?" I said

"You were doing something when I interrupted. You don't need to stop on my account."

"It's okay, Eddie. What did you -" my voice caught, as he grabbed my equipment and started to stroke. I pushed his hand away. Eddie! You know we can't -"

"Who's gonna catch us?" He whined. "I have really missed you!" and he rubbed it again. This time I didn't stop him. I was tired, and I was angry with Brian. Eddie was behind me, and he pulled me even closer and started to stroke again. I felt guilty, but did not stop him. When I started to breath heavy, and he knew I was very close, he jumped over me and went down and took it in his mouth. I could smell his hair - and that, along with his familiar way of sucking, made my orgasm pretty intense. I moaned as quietly as I could.

"That was pretty hot, Seth. Fred just doesn't do it like you do!"

"I - I don't know - I shouldn't have - I'm sorry, Eddie! That was stupid of me! I can't - "

"SHHhhh. You don't have to do anything else. It was really nice for me. Now I will sleep better - after a good wank! G'night!" And he left and went into his room.

I didn't sleep very well - hardly at all. In the morning - I guess about 4:30 - I finally was exhausted enough to drop off. Next thing I knew, Brian was smiling into my face. "Time to wake up, Sleepy head!" he said very sweetly. Boy, you look like crap! Did you sleep or wrestle last night? Because if you were wrestling, I wish I was here!"

Then I remembered what had happened. "I wish you were here, too - more than you know!"

"Your mom said to wake you. She said that Eddie was in here with you pretty late. I guess you guys are pretty good friends, huh?"

"Yeah. We used to be - pretty close."

"Well, get your clothes on and come to breakfast. Then I guess you guys will open your tree."

"I won't be long. Close the door on your way out"

As he was closing the door, he kept his head in and whispered, "Luvvvv yooooo!" and kissed the air.

My God! What had I done!

Notes: I love it when you guys comment. Some of you are quite passionate about it, too!

One guy writes, "I think that Brian is a manipulative bastard who wants control. More than once in the chapters since he was introduced I've thought 'this guy is good'. The way he knows exactly what to say, when to say it and how to say it to get exactly the response he wants. The car was just the icing on the cake. Seth is a very vulnerable young man and this guy is playing him like a fiddle."

Another, "Was Brian buying love? NO! Should Seth have accepted the gift? YES! Would you have? YES!"

And another, "That doctor guy is growing on me!"

See what I have to deal with?!! And even though this is not an interactive story, I love all your comments! Thanks, Steve - - Please put "Seth" in the Subject line. Maybe I should make my next story interactive ... Nawwww!

Next: Chapter 53: Seth 19

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