Chris Crossed

By Steve Thomas

Published on Nov 18, 2023


I have been informed that it would be a good idea to state a few warning comments. There may be graphic sexual scenes between men in this story, so please, if this offends you, or it is illegal or you are underaged to read such, stop here and hit your "back" button. If it is okay with you, read on and enjoy.

I also want to thank Nifty for the opportunity to post my stories here. I have met some very nice people and been afforded an opportunity to express myself as never before. The feedback I have received here has encouraged me on to write more. Thanks to you all.

From Chapter 7:

As lunch time grew near, there was a knock at the front door. Craig ran to get it. "Brian! How good to see you again!"

They came into the living room. "Seth! You remember Dr. Michaels?"

"Oh, yes. Hi, Dr. Michaels. How are you?"

"Uh, let me see - Seth, right?"

"Yes! You have a good memory, Doctor." Duh! He heard Craig!

"Please! Call me Brian. I had hoped to see you when Craig came back to see me for his injury. But he said something about you going back early - with that boy - Mel - right? Yeah. And - if I remember right, he said something about a Hawaiian boy who you took home with you. He said he may be staying with you. I was hoping to see him - maybe ask him if he knows my friend, Doc."

"Oh, he knows him all right," Chris said, "He was with us when Craig got hurt, and was at the hospital waiting with us when he was in surgery."

"Is he still around?"

"No," I said, probably a little too finally. "He left about 5 days after he came."

"Oh. Too bad. Is he coming back?"

"No, probably not in this lifetime." I said. I wondered if it came out as bitter as it felt.

"Oh." Brian exclaimed. "Really!"

Chapter 8

I had forgotten about Dr. Michaels -- Brian. If I had to picture him in my mind, I couldn't have. He was nothing too spectacular to look at -- certainly nothing like Craig -- or even my brother. But there was something.

And as soon as he shook my hand it hit me again. His head was balding in front, as blondes often are by the time they are in their mid-30's. He had thin, light brows and lashes, which accented his already piercing blue eyes.

His smile was -- very warm -- and there was something else about it I could not quite put my finger on. Of course he could have been in his late twenties -- it was hard to tell with his balding head. There was a little thin curl on the top -- he kept it pretty short -- that intrigued me. I remember thinking that I hoped nobody saw the little shiver that went through me as he shook my hand.

It was over as quick as it happened. He was on to other people, shaking hands and laughing about seeing Jake-the Jock again. Jake went to school with Brian's younger brother.

"So, Craig, how are you feeling -- any headaches?" Brian asked.

"No. I think this scar through my eye brow will be mine for life, though."

"I kind of like it," Chris said, "Gives him some character -- as if he needed more!"

"Hmph! It's all I can see, when I look in the mirror!" Craig exclaimed.

"Maybe you should not look at yourself in the mirror so much!" Chris said

"Huh!" I said. "If I looked like that, I would have a hard time leaving my mirror."

"Actually," Chris said, "Craig's dad used to have to tell him, `step AWAY from the mirror', son!"

"Aw, stop!" Craig said. "I'm just not used to it yet!"

"Let me see it." Brian said. He stepped closer to Craig and gently touched his eye brow. I felt like it was me he touched! A little electric shock pulsed through me, and I wondered why I felt -- almost jealous -- wishing it as me he was stroking.

In my mind I was ridiculing myself: "This is ridiculous! He's almost old enough to be -- well my older -- way older -- brother. Why do I feel this -- this -"

"And Seth, how is little Mel?" Brian said, bringing me out of my reverie.

"Uh - oh! Mel! He's okay, I guess. He is a lot happier. My parents took in another pair of brothers -- at first it was just for the night -- then it became more permanent. The boys are the same ages as Eddie and Mel -- and they really get along well."

"That's nice. Your parents must really be something!"

"They are! You'll meet them later. They'll be here for dinner."

"And this must be Chris." Said Brian. "Well you don't look much like your brother, but there is definitely a family resemblance."

Brian seemed to be pretty much at ease, but he blushed a deep red when Craig said, "Yeah, they're both hot, huh?"

"Well, I wasn't going to -"

"Quit picking on this gorgeous hunk and introduce us, Craig!" Carrie, Uri and Ursula had slipped in unnoticed.

"Carrie!" Craig said. "this is Dr. Michaels."

"Please, Craig! It's Brian!" He said. "Nice to meet you."

"Where are Rob and the guys?" Craig said.

"Traveling with two toddlers takes a lot of paraphernalia! They'll be in, in about an hour."

Uri looked from person to person, and you could see his little brain was trying to put faces together with memories of last time they were here. When he came to Brian, he immediately ran to Craig and hid behind his leg. Craig picked him up and swung him up, purposely bumping his head gently on the ceiling fan. He soon forgot his fear of Brian, and giggled.

Ursula had already found Chris, was in his arms and feeling his stubby face.

He was preoccupied with watching what Uri was doing so she grabbed his face with both hands and turned it to look at her! Then she smiled a wide grin and kissed his nose. He giggled. It was obvious he was in love! Chris and Craig were the children's God-parents. Ursula was almost 6 and Uri was 5 going on 10! He already knew that boys were superior!

"Why do little children react to me that way?" Brian asked.

A little too quickly I answered, "It's your eyes. They are so intense! They are so -" I caught myself before I made a complete ass of myself. "...Well, maybe scary to them."

"I have scary eyes?"

"NO!" I exclaimed! "You have GREAT eyes! It's just -" What did I just say? Was it my overactive teen angst which felt like every eye was waiting for me to complete that sentence? I looked down at the floor as I said, "It's just that little kids -- well you know!" I could feel my cheeks and ears burning. Luckily it was at that moment that Jake walked in and every eye swept over to him -- to see his reaction to Brian -- if he even remembered.

"Wha --? You look like -- Are you Brian Michaels?"

"Jake the Jock!" Brian said. "How long has it been -- 4 -- or 6 years?" They ran and embraced like old friends. Again I felt almost green watching them.

"Wow, Brian! You look so -- so -- different! But hey, I still recognized you. Didn't I? You look great!"

"You were going to say `old' weren't you!"

"No!" He lied. Even after my very recent discomfort, I felt sorry for both of them! "Well -- no, I would not actually say that. But -- you ARE six years older than -- hey! How is Bucky Boy, anyway?"

"Buck is in graduate school. He is a minister in the Presbyterian Church. He is going for Doctorate in Divinity."

"You've GOT to be shittin' me!" he blurted out. "Oops, sorry, folks! But, Bucky a minister? I am SO blown away! I mean it HAS been four and a half years, but -"

"You think YOU are blown away?!" Brian said, looking from Jake to Colin and the kids, then back to Jake.

"Oh!" Said Jake. "This is my -- partner -- Colin."

"Husband, from what I hear! Nice to meet you, Colin." They shook hands. Brian said. "Jake the Jock has a husband! Think that would freak the Buck-meister out?!"

"Well, yeah, a lot can change in four years! How are you?"

"Besides gay?"

"What? You're -"

"Yeah. Buck knew it way back in high school, and was deathly afraid YOU would find out!"

"O my gosh! If he only knew my thoughts and feelings about him! And the way I had to guard myself when we were in the locker room together!"

"Presbyterian, huh? Uncle Jake spoke up. "Didn't they vote about a year ago on allowing gay ministers?"

"Yeah, but it didn't pass." Brian said. "I guess they are not quite ready for that yet!"

"But it means at least your brother may be a little more tolerant than some ministers are."

"Yeah, well, he's had a lot of time to get used to the idea, Mr. Smith. But truly, when he was in high school, he was deathly afraid that some in his school might find out about his big brother. And you know -- guilt by association! Hey, Jake, would you mind if I told Bucky about -- about you?"

"Well, I don't know why not. Is he anywhere nearby?"

"Salt Lake. He is taking his doctorate at Westminster College, there. But he ragged on me so dearly while he was playing football with you, I can't wait to tell him -- if you don't mind."

"Jake the Jock, huh?" Colin said. "Pretty cute!"

"It's why YOU fell for him!" Carrie said.

"Naw-anh! I fell for him because he was so much better looking than you!" Colin was getting pretty good at sparring with the Smiths.

"Colin dated my sister first!" Jake said, laughing.

"I brought him home and dropped him in your lap -- literally!" Said Carrie.

I looked at Rob, all red-faced and grinning. "What's the matter, Rob?"

"I'll never be able to keep up with this family."

"That's okay! Carrie exclaimed! "I want you to concentrate on `getting behind' -- SOMEDAY!"

"OOOooo! You guys are merciless!" Brian said.

"Sometimes," Auntie Lindy said, "I am embarrassed by my daughter's boldness.

Hopefully she'll let Rob wear the pants - once in awhile!"

I think this was the first time I ever saw someone get the best of Carrie. Uncle Jake looked a little worried where it would end. Carrie was always very competitive with Jake. I think it hurt her feelings a bit when he got married first -- like she thought THAT would EVER happen!

Mom and Dad arrived soon after the others, with their four "new" boys. "You're early! Auntie Lindy said. But hopefully you brought your appetites. We were just about to have a quick lunch. The big feast will be later on."

"We certainly didn't expect to be fed lunch, too, Linda." My mom said. "If you were not planning -"

"Nonsense! It's just a buffet affair. There's plenty. Anyone can eat as they please."

"So are you going to eat by Brian, Seth?" Both Brian and I wanted to crawl under the carpet. We turned red as beets!

"Carrie, be nice!" Jake said.

"Well, did ANYONE miss the way they were eyeing each other?"

"That will be quite enough, little girl! You're still not too old to send to your room!" Uncle Jake said -- and he was not joking this time.

We didn't sit next to each other. As a matter of fact I excused myself to go the bathroom. When I got up, Carrie came up beside me and whispered, "Go for it, Seth. My God, he's a doctor!"

"Carrie! Shut UP! He's -- way too old!" It wasn't said with much conviction.

"He's only 28! Ten years! Big deal!"

How did she know that?!

When she said that I could not keep my eyes from flying open in response.

"You see? You know you want to!"

"I'm going to the bathroom." I said. "Meet me in the theater."

When I was done in the toilet, I went into the Theater. She was there, with Rob!

"Carrie, I know you like to be the matchmaker, but -- This is too much!"

"I don't know why! He's cute, and -"

"You think he's cute?"

"Verry sexy!"

"Really? Then it isn't just me? Do you think he's sexy Rob? Oh! Never mind! Well, I would not have the slightest idea about -- and what if he already has a -- a friend?" I felt as giddy as a 7th grader trying to get up the nerve to approach the most popular girl in school.

Carrie left Rob and I standing there.

"I'm sorry she has to be such a pain sometimes." Rob said.

"It's not your fault. As a matter of fact that's usually what I like about her. But when I was younger I seemed to be off-limits to her. Now that I'm 18, I guess I'm fair game."

We bantered that about for a few moments -- no longer -- and we heard Carrie talking as she came down the hall, "...Oh yeah, Surround-Sound and everything. My dad likes everything to be perfect."

They walked in -- she and Brian -- and he turned around -- not at all unlike a model would -- to look at the room, and said, "Wa-how! Sweet!"

She immediately said, "Oh! Rob! I need you to see something upstairs!" She dragged him out, and upon closing the door, she said -- "Seth, dear, show the doctor the video system."

After the door was closed, "Wow!" he said. "Pretty subtle, if you ask ME!"

"Hee hee! The Smiths are not known for their subtlety!"

Why, oh WHY did I have to giggle!

"Seth, I'm not too subtle either. I was drawn to you the moment I met you three months ago. I had a boyfriend then. I don't now. I was -- almost -- pleased -- when I heard that the Hawaiian boy had left. You seemed pained. What happened?"

"Aw it was nothin', really. "

"It didn't look like `nothin'. You looked -- well pretty upset."

"I guess I was." I looked at the floor. "When we met, he told me right off that he thought that he was in love. Not just a line -- or at least I don't think it was. NO! It wasn't. He was too guileless. But he told me the first night -- or rather asked me -- if I believed in love at first sight. I said I wasn't too sure. I told him I was impressed with him, but please to take it a little slower than that. He seemed okay with that."

Brian saw the tears in my eyes. "Look, I don't mean to pry. If this is too hard or too soon for you -"

"No it's okay. I need to talk it out. As I talk about it, the reality of it comes out more plainly. He came back to my house, we made love, and then he decided that -- he decided that --sigh" I shook my head. " - DANG! I didn't think it would be this hard! I'm sorry!"

He stepped closer and touched my shoulder. "It's okay buddy, if you wanna talk go ahead. If you wanna stop, that's okay too. I went through it a couple months ago -- I know!"

I looked up into his eyes. Even through my tears I could see tears in his eyes too -- whether they were sympathy tears or his own, I don't know. He beckoned to me and I fell into his arms. I blubbered like a little kid! He choked out, "It's okay, Seth, it's gonna be okay." He patted and rubbed my back. It felt so good to literally cry on someone's shoulder.

I backed off a little and looked into his eyes. They were red, and I knew mine were. We couldn't go back out looking like this. I walked over to the VCR projector and turned on the TV and turned out the lights. The Lakers were playing the Kings., so we sat down on a love seat and watched the game.

Shaq was steam rolling over the Kings, as usual, and as usual the officials hardly ever called him foul. The door opened far enough for Carrie to poke her head in. "Mom's wondering if you guys wanted something to eat."

"I'm still stuffed from breakfast!" Brian said. "I want to save room for the big feast!"

Rob was with her -- of course! He heard the game. "How're the Lakers doing?" he said and he started to walk in, and Carrie pulled him back out and shut the door.

I was sitting at Brian's left. I had just started to get into the game a little, very self-conscious, when I felt his warm left hand cover mine, which was between us. I slowly turned my head. I looked down at our hands, then my eyes met his. He gently pulled me into a very sweet kiss. I am afraid I was pretty hungry for that! I kissed him back with more passion than I realized I even had at the moment.

Kind of hoarse, he asked me, "Are you - Where are you - staying - while you're here?"

"Uh, there's a guest house in the back. It's where My brother and Craig stay. There are three bedrooms. I usually sleep with Rob -- as I did last night -- and Colin and Jake and their kids get the 3rd bedroom."

"Sounds pretty crowded."

"It is. But it felt really good to sleep with Rob. I have a king bed at home, and after Luke left it seems to have grown. So anyway, I don't mind bunking up with Rob." We turned back and watched the game for a few more minutes. His hand was still on mine.



"Do you want to come home with me tonight?"

I felt a warm tingly sensation fill my whole body. I shuddered a little, I think. I could not help myself. I heard myself say, as if from another world, a very high pitched, "Uh-huh." Then I came back to earth. "But -- but -- don't you have to work tomorrow morning?"

"No. I am the senior physician in my department. I get to take regular time off. I just happened to be taking a turn in the E.R that night you came in. I have the weekend off." Then he kissed me again.

"Please -- I hope this doesn't come out -- wrong -- but , please - don't hurt me, Brian. I don't -- I don't think I could stand another so quickly."

"Seth, I feel -- I feel -- kind of the same way. I'm a little afraid, but it feels right. I don't want to hurt you. How about we postpone this and take it a little slower. I really do like you!"

"Man you play me like a radio. No, I want to take this chance. Just - I don't know -- I feel such a fool saying this but -- be gentle, k?"

Man that sounded LAME!

"I'll do my best. How about your parents?"

"Heh! When was the last time you had to worry about a date's parents?"

"Robert is only 19, Seth."

Then Jake popped his head in. "How's the game going, guys?"

"Shaq hurt his neck, I think." Brian answered. "So the Kings are catching them while he's out."

"Mind if I come in?"

"Heck no!"

"You might know Shaq would be out with an injury -- he never gets fouled out, that's for sure!" Jake said -- and he's a Lakers fan!

Jake was followed in by Rob, Carrie, then all the other men. Carrie looked questioningly at me. I didn't give anything away. Brian's hand somehow went back to his side of the chair.

After the Kings there was a college football game, and after that was dinner. Etta fixed a Turkey in the barbecue, and all the trimmings. There was pumpkin and apple pies, plus cherry-cheesecake for dessert. It was obvious that the boys had gotten used to each other. Neither Eddie and Fred nor Mel and Charlie were especially secretive that they had "found a friend". Actually it was kind of cute. During dinner, Brian and I pretty much stayed away from each other. I don't know if he was embarrassed, but I know I was! Embarrassed and -- something else -- maybe afriad -- but that was not all.

Soon after dessert, the boys made a bee line for the theater, so the young adults decided to go up to the guest house, leaving Mom and Dad and Uncle Jake and Auntie Lindy to themselves.

We were sitting up in the living room just talking when Rob said, "Seth, I can sleep in the extra room in the big house, so you can have more room." I think he was getting used to sleeping by himself. I tended to sleep pretty close -- especially with Rob.

"It's okay, I won't be -- er -- I'm -- um -"

"I've invited him home with me tonight." Brian said.

All conversation stopped. All eyes were on me. Carrie looked pleased. Chris looked -- well -- a mixture of shocked and angry. I don't know if Brian picked up on the anger thing, though.

"Anyone want some drinks -- no stay where you are, we will bring them to you.

Seth, come help me." He drilled me with his eyes.

As soon as we got into the kitchen, "What's up, Seth?" He demanded. "I don`t suppose you mentioned this to Mom and Dad?"


"Don't play games with me! Going home with that -- doctor! Is he going to "operate" on you?! Or what!?"

"What do you care?"

"How many times do I have to rescue you, little boy?!"

"Wha - ! Chris, I am not a little boy -- I'm eighteen now!"

"Yeah, right! Less than a year ago, you were a little boy, now your are all grown up!"

"SHHHhhh! I don't think this is any of your business, Chris!" I said through my teeth.

Jake walked in. "Hey, I thought you might need some -"he started, then saw the looks on our faces. " -- whats -- whats up?"

"Chris is doing the big brother thing -- or is this the Dad thing!"

"What do you think of these two spending the night together, Jakey?"

"Well, it surely did surprise me. But you two met a few months ago, right?"

"Yes! And then when Carrie brought him -"

"What? You mean Carrie's behind this?" Jake said. "I should have guessed! She just can't leave well enough alone!"

"Look, guys, this is not Carrie's doing! It would have happened anyway. She just saw the way we were looking at each other, is all. Don't worry! He's a nice guy! He just recently got out of a relationship himself."

"And what," Chris asked, "Do you think Mom and Dad would say?" Chris hissed.

"Mom and Dad don't have to know, do they?"

"I think you are playing with fire, Seth!" Chris said. "Again!"

"I'll be all right!"

"Seth! He's old enough to be -"

"He's only twenty-eight!" I said.

"My point exactly!"

"For what it's worth, Chris, I don't really believe Brian is dangerous. I know him AND his family. He won't hurt Seth -- at least physically. Maybe Seth needs to learn some things on his own. You won't always be there to rescue him."

Thank you Jake! I thought.

"Grab some glasses, guys," Chris said, "I'll bring in the drinks."

Case closed.

When we emerged from the kitchen, Brian gave me an inquiring look. I just shrugged, then went directly and sat down next to him on the couch. I could feel my brother's eyes on me. I could also feel the warmth coming from Brian. I could also feel something else, centered roughly halfway between my neck and my ankles. We watched a video, joking and parroting the lines in the video all the way through. It had just ended and there was a knock at the door. Dad poked his head in.

"We are going home now. Just wanted to say goodbye. We all got up and went down to their car. I said bye to the boys, then hugged my mom.

Then Eddie came back and whispered, "Thanks!"

Dad was next, and quietly, he hugged me and whispered in my ear, "I love you! Please be careful, Son."

I guess we were more obvious than I thought!

Notes: Thanks for reading! Comments as usual are welcome and appreciated. Write to Steve, Mention Seth in the subject line, so I won't miss it among the junkmail.

Next: Chapter 43: Seth 9

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