Chris Crossed

By Steve Thomas

Published on Aug 22, 2023


Well, Our hero has converted Craig into a "Closet Hugger". Well, even straight guys need hugs! But so many of them won't admit it! Let's see where Chris goes next! When we last left him:

"The great thing is," Rob said, "is that it doesn't take any energy away form the others! We all get energized. But the guy in the middle -"

"I know!" Craig said.

"Well so it's a deal?" Rob said.

"What?" We both said in unison.

"Any time any of us needs some energy, we just ask."

"As long as no one besides us is here!" Craig added. "My GOD! I'm becoming a closet hugger! What would my father say?"

Chapter 6

Christmas vacation was coming up soon. I had decided that I wanted to stay here, rather than go home. Southern California was ever so much more hospitable, weather-wise in the winter, but I wasn't thinking about that. I was getting pretty horny! I had precious little time to do anything but study while school was in. I wanted to experience the "Gay Mecca" and all it had to offer while I was here.

And with the other guys going home for the holidays, I would have the room to myself, for all-nighters, if I chose, with strangers. That was a little scary to me, but at the same time, very alluring. As long as I was not attached to anyone, I wanted to experience it all, before I was. I could be very careful with condoms and even though it was not so, I could even feign a "clean-fetish" and make everyone get "reel-cleen" before doing them. What plans I had!

"I can't wait to go home for Christmas," Rob said very innocently about two weeks before vacation. "My family does it up big! Lot's of food to pig out on - not only on Christmas day, but every day! And my mom is a freak when it comes to presents! She is not happy unless the entire wall is covered with gifts - mostly bought by her!"

"That's nice, Rob," Craig said, "I'll be lucky to get a new calculator I need so badly."

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to - Are you driving or flying down, Chris? Do you want to drive down with me?"

"Uh - well, I'm not going home for Christmas - this year."

"NO?! Why not? It's the hap-happiest time - of the year!" He started to sing.

"Somebody make him stop!" Craig said.

"It's not that - well - it's not that big a deal at my house." I said "I wanna experience the city at Christmastime." Rob gave me a knowing look from behind Craig.

"Really?" Craig said. "Your not going home?"


"That's so great!" he said

"Why?" Rob said, incredulously.

"Yeah, why?" I parroted.

"I wanted to stay here myself, but not BY myself. My mom would pay anything to get me home. but have you ever been to Cincinnati in December?"

"No," I said, already getting a sinking feeling.

"Talk and sing all you want about a `White Christmas', I want to experience one without snow! Craig said. "Now that you will be here, I wouldn't mind staying. I'm sure you would mind the company!"

"No," I lied, "not at all!

Both Rob and Craig were so excited about their respective plans for Christmas, they didn't notice that I was less than jubilant - at least at first. But, I'm not one to stay morose. When plan A' falls through, enter plan B'. I decided that this would be a great time to really get to know Craig. Really get him on my side. He was a little distant up till now, I suppose a manifestation of his homophobia. But I would and could be a very good boy when I wanted to. I'd just have to find ways to get my `other' frustration satisfied!

Rob drove home - about an 8-hour drive - to Downey, where his family was, as soon as school was out on Friday afternoon. His plan was to drive straight through. His mom begged him to stop overnight at a motel, but he insisted he was fine. What he didn't tell her was that I was able to get him some mini-thins (ephedrine) . It was illegal to use it as a stimulant, but some kids took it 30 or 40 at a time for a buzz - and died!. If taken 4 - 5 at a time, it keeps you not only awake, but alert, if you get tired. It will drag you out if you continue use for prolonged periods, but - anyway, I got it for him. It wasn't illegal to possess, only to deliberately misuse.

Our first night alone together, and it was time to shut the lights out, Craig looked a little awkward like he wanted something but ---

"Craig, would you mind giving me a hug goodnight?"

He brightened up like the sun coming out from behind the clouds! "Okay!" We were both in skivvies and no shirt - the `macho' way to sleep! He came over with lowered eyes, a half smile on his lips. DAMN! I wanted to kiss those! We both raised our arms together, I smacked him under the chin. We both giggled. Then I put one hand over his shoulder and grabber his other shoulder. The other arm I put down around his lower back, and this forced him into the same position with me. I pulled him in close, closed my eyes, and buried my face in his neck. His light chest hair mingled with mine, and our inside feet were inbetween our legs. We were about as close as two people can get without - - -.

He dropped his face into my neck, and we stood there for at least 2 minutes.

Then I felt him squeeze me even tighter, as he let out a giant hissing sigh. He finally let go (you didn't expect ME to did you?" and said, "Good night, Buddy! I L - " he stopped himself.

"What ?"

"I - uh - love being here with you. We are going to have a great time!"

"G-night!" I said. He switched the light out. I got under my covers. I loved it here where it was cold enough to get deep under the covers. After about 15 minutes, I wasn't sure if he was asleep or not. "Craig?' I whispered.

"Uh-huh?" he barely drowsed.

"I love you too!"


The next morning, I suggested that we take turns planning the days. I told him I wanted some time for my own purposes, and he said he felt the same way. "You first," I said. "I'll plan something for tomorrow."

"Okay, here's what I want to do first!" He had already been thinking of it, obviously. "I want to go to over to San Francisco today. I want to see the City first as a tourist and then as a tourist! I want to wear Bermuda shorts in the winter! I want to get a sore neck from looking up. I want to -"

"I think I get the idea!" I said.

"and I want to end up tonight, after dinner, going to the gay district and seeing how they - how they -"

"You want to gawk at my people?" I was of course being facetious. But not totally. We did have a glorious day. I hadn't been there all day before. I had only been to Ghirardelli Square and Pier 39, both very tourist-y places. We went back to those places, and it was so much fun with Craig. It was as if away from school he gave himself permission to let loose.

We went to a little hole in the wall restaurant on the wharf, where I had the most wonderful crab Louis I have ever tasted! We rode the cable cars from in front of Ghirardelli Square to Market Street, where all the upscale stores are, and a lot businesses. We kept looking for the familiar rainbow colors. There were none, at least that we could see. We walked forever on Market Street, all the way to the industrial end of the wharf, and back. We ate dinner at McDonalds. Filet if fish sandwich. Just kidding! We both had the most fat-filled beef burger we could get and loads of fries and a shake. On the way back to Girardelli, he spotted a liquor store with a rainbow flag. We got off the trolley and went in. We both were shy about asking, but finally I grabbed his hand and dragged him up to the man behind the counter.

"Yes, can I help you?"

"We're from out of town," I said, "And could you direct us to - wherever the gay district is." He told us Market street. I told him we had been there and didn't see anything

"What part of Market Street were you on?" he asked

"Where all the big department stores are."

"Go to the other end - way out. You will start to see the signs (rainbow flags and such) when you get there." He instructed us. I held firmly to Craig's hand the whole time. "Don't go before ten PM. Nothing is happening before then."

"Thanks a lot, man!" I said as we exited his store, still hand-in-hand. We got around the corner and just about collapsed in giggling and laughter. We caught the trolley back, and headed for our car. It was still early, so I said, "So where do we go until ten?"

"I wonder if there is a beach nearby."

There is! It is across from Ghirardelli. He wanted to say he went barefoot on the beach at Christmastime - in San Francisco! I loved being with him so much! I think he did too. I think he was so relaxed, not to have to be "cool"! He could be himself with me. I loved that so much!

We walked for a time, until it got dark, the headed back to the car. We then drove to the other side of the Golden gate Bridge, to a little resort town called Sausalito. There was not much going on that was of interest, so we drove back to the bridge, and got off at an overlook before going back over to The City. It was beautiful! We could see the whole city and also the Oakland Bay Bridge. Huge tankers and other ships went under the Golden gate while we stood there. It got pretty cold but we didn't care. I was in heaven standing next to this Adonis.

When it was closing on ten, we drove back across and then to the other end of Market street as we were instructed. There were the rainbow stickers and flags, but mostly on houses. Finally we found a place where there were some bars. We stopped at a few but only one had anything going on. There were so many people - mostly men - jammed in there, I'm sure it had to be illegal. There were a few couples, but mostly singles, mostly young, dancing to the constant disco music and watching the several videos that went with the music. From my observation, nothing was happening. Just a lot of boys hoping to "hook up" but to shy to approach anyone. A couple guys tried to approach me but I was not going to do anything with Craig there. A couple approached Craig and I grabbed his hand like he was taken!

Outside I asked the question of a guy who looked like he might know.

"Is this it? We have heard so much about San Francisco being the "Gay Mecca" of the world. Where is it all happening, if not here?"

"I know!" he said. "I am originally from New York and have traveled to places like Paris, Frankfurt and Madrid. They all have much more happeing gay districts. I think the difference is that there are a lot of us here, but we do most of our partying in more private places. You will probably find more going on over on the other side of the bay, near to the Berkeley campus." Craig and I looked at each other and laughed.

We came back home pretty exhausted. We fell into our beds without even a bath. After the lights were out, Craig said, "Chris?"


"You know - I really do - love you, right?"

"Yeah, I know it. You made that obvious by your plans today. And I really want you to know it means the world to me."



"Aren't we forgetting something?"

"Yeah, I guess we are." I heard him get up and I stood, and in the dark we embraced and passed our love to one another in a way that cannot be duplicated. This time it was I who let escape a huge sigh. I know he felt the tears on my face. Tears of joy. Tears of exhaustion. He pushed me down on my bed, and held me there in his arms. "Craig, you don't have to -"

"Shhh. Just for a few moments, k?" Then he got up and went to his own bed.

I doubt if his dreams were as good as mine.

Sunday was gloomy - at least the weather. We got in pretty late and for some reason neither of us could sleep late, so we were kind of tired in the morning. I got up and made coffee. I looked outside to try to gauge the weather. It was foggy. Not too unusual, but normally the bay area got more fog in the summer. When I turned from the window, Craig was staring at me. I smiled, and went for the coffee. As I turned around with two hot mugs, he was staring again. I gave him one of those questioning frowny-smiles, but nothing was said. I sat and started to drink my coffee. It was too hot. I got up to go pee, and he said, "Where you going?"

"I gotta pee."

"Oh." He smiled. I wondered what was on his mind.

I came back and walked back to the window, hoping the fog had lifted in the past five minutes. I turned and again he was staring at me. "What?!"


"Yeah, like I'm gonna accept that!" I retorted.

"You have got to be the sweetest guy I've ever known." He sounded almost apologetic as he said it.

"I don't know what to say, Craig! I really don't! Thanks - I guess."

"Really! I'm not trying to put you on in any way. I had such a good time yesterday, and it was mostly just being with you. I was so damned popular in high school, but never was this close to anyone - especially a guy. I didn't know what I was missing!"

"As I told you, I was pretty shy, but my senior year was fun. But I still did not really connect with anyone until this year. And now I have both you and Rob. I really am at a loss as to what to answer you."

"Don't. It doesn't require an answer. I didn't say it to get back a compliment. It just `is'."

"Well, then I will just say, Thanks! I love you too."

"I am so glad to hear you finally say that. You left me hangin' last night, you know."

"Whaddaya mean?"

"Heh! I felt pretty strange - at risk or something - when I told you I love you last night. And even though I could feel it in your hug," he paused for a few uncomfortable moments, "You never responded in kind."

"God! Man, I am so sorry! It wasn't because I wasn't feeling it! In the short time we have known each other, you have come to - - mean - - so MUCH to me! And I want to warn you - or tell you - or something - You also turn me on!"

"Thanks for the warning. You see? That's why I like you so much. You are so totally honest with me. I am not used to that!" He was blushing just a little. "So, what are we doing today? Your turn, remember?"

"Yeah. I thought it would be nice to go the beach."

"Won't it be awfully cold?"

"Probably. But if the sun is out, it may be nice. We're not talkin' speedos here! Down south we used to go to Newport or Huntington Beach in the winter, sit all bundled up on the beach, and just watch the surf. Maybe walk barefoot in the cold sand for awhile, like we did last night. Lazy and nice. Good activity for the `day of rest'."

"Whatever you say, bud! You're the boss today. Just not having to shovel the snow will be a treat for me!"

"And for breakfast we will go to that little café down on the corner. Have you been there?"

"Once, but only to sit and sip coffee with my old roommates - before they became so obnoxious!"

"Well, it is good for breakfast. We can go on the way to - Oh look! The sun just popped out! This is going to be a good day. Be sure to put your swim suit on under your clothes."

"I thought it would be too cold!"

"Hey, Boy Scout, be prepared!"

"K! You're the boss!"

"and bring a towel!"

After breakfast we drove back over the Bay Bridge to Thornton Beach, near Daly City. It reminds me a lot of Huntington, because of the cliffs, but with more beach. The sun was out all day, but it was still cold. We sat bundled up on our towels, and talked all day. The long angle of the sun was not a threat this time of the year. Sometimes we sat for long periods in silence. It was very comfortable for both of us. As we were getting ready to pack up and leave, I said, "Last one in's a rotten egg!"

"Wha - I thought we weren't swimming! It's too cold!"

"Don't forget, I'm the boss!" And at that I ripped off my clothes and down to my trunks. (no I didn't wear speedos!) We raced down to the water, attracting looks from amused bystanders. When we got to the water. I plunged in headfirst. Craig tip toed in.

"C'mon, dude that's the chicken way! Just do it!! Or I'll do it for you!" I said as I threatened to splash him."

"Okay - okay - okay - okay - eeee-yowwwwACH! My BALLS - just got FROZE!!" I then tackled him and we went down together under the surf. We scuffled and tickled and dunked each other, giggling like a couple of little kids! I dunked him and he grabbed my package under water. I stopped cold! He came up and saw the surprised look on my face.

"Oh! God!" he said, "Sorry! I guess I got carried away. In high school we always played `Smear the queer' and often we did that to each other."

Then I went completely serious on him. "What did you play"

"Smear the -" he stopped himself. "Oh, sorry dude. I forgot - I mean - I'm " He looked like he wanted to cry.

I let him squirm a moment longer then burst out laughing. "Gotcha! Hee hee hee! We used to play that all the time too!"

"Ass hole!"

"I always stayed in the water a little longer than the other guys afterwards, for obvious reasons."

"Not Obvious to me(?)"

"Well it would have been to them!"

"Oh! Yeah!" he said. You're still an ass hole! " and he grabbed to dunk me. I ducked and then escaped for the beach. He followed me out of the water and the chase was on! We were kicking sand all over! I don't really know if he really caught me or I let him. We went rolling in the sand. We were wet and freezing! We ran back to our towels and dried off as much as we could and then ran to the car, sand in our hair, all over our bodies, up our butts!

By the time we got back to the Bay Bridge the heater was working and we started to thaw out. But then we really started feeling the sand. It itched so much! As soon as we got home, we ran up to the room, I fumbled with the keys and as soon as I opened the door, he tried to push by me and get to the shower first.

"No WAY!" I said and I got in with my trunks on. He came right in after me, as I was removing my suit. He took his off as I started the water. My mind was racing. He had to know (didn't he?) how this might affect me! The water was nice and hot and I was standing in it, my eyes closed to block out the "view".

"Lemme get wet too, dude. He said"

"Sorry! And I moved

"Want me to wash your hair?" he said.

"You want to wash my hair?" I was already starting to get hard.

"If you want me to."

"Sure!" I said. He got the shampoo and squirted some on my head. I closed my eyes again. As he started to massage my head, I could feel myself getting hard as a rock.

"You all right with this?" He said. I opened my eyes slightly to see him staring at my magnificence. I closed them again.

"I'm okay with it if you are!" I peeked again and he wasn't exactly hard, but he was fully extended and the wrinkles were gone. He pushed me into the water and rinsed my hair.

Then he said, "Wanna do me?"

"Do I want to WHAT?"

"Wash my hair! Boy, I'm just getting myself in trouble each time I speak!"

"Sure, if you want." He then squatted in front of me. Why hadn't I thought of that? He closed his eyes. His face was almost touching my boner! I made sure it didn't. But it was sure throbbing hard! When I was finished scrubbing his head, I took some of the lather and soaped up his back, and massaged it clean.

"OH! MY! GOD! That felt great!" he said. "Turn around!" Then he soaped up a wash cloth and scrubbed my back. "We have to do this more often!" And he ran the wash cloth right down to my ass crack! My eyes popped open and I let out a little shriek! "Oh! Sorry! Guess I got a little carried away!

I sometimes bathe my nephew and I always be sure to - well I guess you know!"

"Dude, any more of that and I'll have something else to clean up."

"Whaddaya - oh!"

After a dinner of pizza and beer, we watched the tube. I talked him in to watching "Queer as Folk".

"Dude," he asked, "Do they - er - do you - er - Dammit! It is really like that?"

"I don't know. I hope not. I am rather new to it myself."

I was getting pretty horny by then and I did not want to assume anything. I think it hurt Craig's feelings when he had to remind me about our hug. "I'll come over there this time" I said. I went over and expected him to get up but he didn't.

"It's okay," he said, "Well it is with me, anyway. Do you want to lay here with me a few minutes like last night?"


"It felt so good last night." He said.

"I know." I said. "But I have to tell you it is kinda hard on me."

"Oh. I'm sorry. If you don't want to -"

"Oh! I do! More than you know. I just want you to know that - You get me - I have - dreams!"

"Does it - does I make you uncomfortable?"

"Yeah, but if you're cool with it -"

"I am!" I lay down beside him and we hugged. No huge sighs. No tears. Just a wonderful, warm hug. I went back to my bed and had very sweet dreams.

The Monday morning sun was shining through a hole in the edge of the shades, exactly on Craig's pee woody, sticking out of the fly in his skivvies. (Rob was the only one of us to wear pajamas) I woke up and saw and couldn't help laughing out loud! Which in turn woke him up with a start!

"Wha - whats-a-matter?" he said as his eyes flew open. I pointed at his skivvies. "Oh my gosh!" he laughed! He got up and took it into the bathroom to empty his bladder. After he got back it was my turn.

As I was returning from the bathroom, I said, "So what are we doing today?"

"Well, Christmas is only a week away, and I haven't done any shopping. Can we shop today and get some stuff sent off to our families? I don't need to do much. My family just doesn't. But I don't want to ignore it altogether - especially since I stayed here with you. And by the way, I am SOOO damned glad I did!"

"Me too! Shall we go over to Market Street and see what there is in those stores?"

"Yeah! And then maybe we can find a post office."

"I know we passed one on Saturday, right near Market Street - if we can find it again."

"We can ask directions." He said.

We spent the whole day walking all over Market Street, buying very few things. "Boy!" he said, "We sure don't have much to show for a day's shopping!"

"I know! I think shopping really IS a `gal thing'!"

"Let's look for that post office."

"I've been thinking."


"How would you feel about going down to my folks place for Christmas?"

"Oh!" he exclaimed. "But I thought -"

"It would be just for Christmas and Christmas Eve. We could have a great time driving down, and back up, and you could see what it's like in Southern California. It's probably warm enough in San Diego (about 100 miles[169 km] further south) to actually swim at the beach! If we decided to go!"

"Let's do it!"

This was turning into the best Christmas Vacation I ever had!

Notes: Is Chris maybe hoping for more than he should hope for? What are YOU hoping? (AS if I didn't know!) Patience will tell all! If you care to comment, be sure to include "Chris" in the subject line, and send it to Love, Steve

Next: Chapter 7

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