Chris Crossed

By Steve Thomas

Published on Dec 5, 2023


I have been informed that it would be a good idea to state a few warning comments. There may be graphic sexual scenes between men in this story, so please, if this offends you, or it is illegal or you are underaged to read such, stop here and hit your "back" button. If it is okay with you, read on and enjoy. I also want to thank Nifty for the opportunity to post my stories here. I have met some very nice people and been afforded an opportunity to express myself as never before. The feedback I have received here has encouraged me on to write more. Thanks to you all.

From Chapter 13: "Bri?" "Yeah?" "I think I'm ready." "Ready?" "Yeah." "Ready for - ?" "Sex." "Now you are really -- confusing me. We just -" "No, I mean full -- the real thing." He almost whispered, "Anal?" I heard a raspy, coarse whisper escape my lips: "yes." "Maybe not now -- tonight?" "I -- uh -- maybe not. But -" "Seth, baby, that is not going to make you love me more -- or vice versa. It is maybe a product of love, but certainly not reason for it." "I -- uh -- yeah -- I guess. I feel like such an idiot!" "Seth, a little while ago you told me you liked my honesty. Well, I like yours! Please don't ever feel like you are an idiot because of your feelings. We both have a lot of growing to do -- in different areas. So take advantage of my experience. And I will take advantage of your enthusiasm!" "I really do love you, more and more -- the more I know you -- the more I love you!" "I think I hear a song coming on!" He turned the light off and this time it was I who fell asleep in his arms. I felt warm, content -- and yes -- protected. Chapter 14 Sunday morning - barely, and as usual, I woke up first. Watching someone sleep is such a peaceful activity. And to love them -- him -- as I was watching was nothing short of heavenly. As usual, I had a raging pee woodie, and as I lay there, it felt like my bladder would burst. But I just didn't want to move and spoil the moment. He was lying on his back, and of course was hard-as-a-rock too. Of course his hard-as-a-rock is a lot more spectacular than mine. I pondered that for a moment. In all the stuff I have read, and seen, it seems like size is everything. Both Luke and Brian were normally endowed, whereas I am quite small. Yet it was not an issue to Luke and is not to Brian. And Robert, who had the longest one I ever saw, apparently did not "use" it to his advantage -- except maybe as a fishing lure. If it didn't scare a guy off, it would definitely intrigue him. And in all fairness, it was not too wide, so what could be so scary? I wondered if mine would be long enough to -- to penetrate to the tender places within the sweet man I was looking at. I wondered - - Last night I had told him I was ready. Ready for all-the-way. Was I really. It was scarier now as I lay here thinking about it than it was last night, as I was in the heat of passion. I analyzed this. Did I say it to impress him? Yes. To impress him that I -- trusted him -- that I -- wanted to be one with him -- that I -- loved him? Why is that so hard to think -- to say nothing of saying. Maybe because it means so many things to so many people. "I love you." Means you are my friend. Means you are my lover. Means I trust with my feelings. Means I want to spend my life with you. Means -- I want you to love me. It means all these things and a lot more, depending on who says it and how they say it. So do I love this man? Yes. But what does that mean? In a short time period, I have developed very tender feelings for this angelic vision before me. And he seems to feel the same. I am only eighteen years old. Is that too young to -- make a decision as important as - - as what? He hasn't asked me to move in with him. Thank God! Where did that come from? Why "thank God?" Isn't it what I want? IS it what I want? Maybe making the decision is what would be so hard. I was by this time so involved with my thoughts that I was dreamily looking at the ceiling, but not seeing it. "Wow! You must be very serious with those thoughts, Baby Boy." I jerked my head -- and my mind -- back to the room. "I guess." "It was the weirdest thing I ever saw. One moment your little man was standing at rigid attention, the next he was pointing the other way!" "I don't know how, either! I have to pee so bad my eye balls must be turning yellow!" Brian sprung from the bed and ran into the bathroom, calling out behind him, "Dibs on the pot, first!" I smiled and then thought of something. I walked in to the shower, pushed the button and stood under it, waiting for him to join me. And as soon as he was finished peeing, join me he did. We stood under the streaming water for about a minute and a half, holding each other close before my little man stood back at attention. If my bladder felt like it was ready to burst before, it was now quite painful. I let it go between us. I cried out loudly as I let it go! "HEY! Did I say you could do that?!!" He cried, but he did not move. "Hee hee! Was I supposed to ask first?" "Boy, that was hot, Seth! Where did you read about that?" "I didn't. My brother told me. Think maybe Jake told him. An old family secret!" "It seems so rude, if you think about it. But to experience it is -- pretty moving! Look what it did to me!" "Well, I could probably fix that for you!" I said and I immediately knelt at his feet. I nosed at his glans and around his generous shaft. My breathing on him was making him cry out. I didn't torture him too long before I engulfed all of him, burying my nose in his pubes. By this time, he was breathing pretty hard. He grabbed my head and then let go suddenly. I came up for air and said, "Go for it, Bri!" Then I swallowed him to the hilt again and he grabbed my head and started to pound himself in and out like a crazed dog. I suppose it hurt -- my throat did later -- but when he was all through, I looked down and directly between my knees, my load was on the shower floor. I was so lit up by his excitement. He completely lost it! When he was finished, he just held my head deeply in his crotch for -- it seemed minutes, as he kept up the throbbing and unconscious undulating. Finally I realized I needed air -- I didn't notice at first. I gently eased myself away from him. He had fallen against the wall, his eyes were glassed over. I hugged his knees, my face against his still gently throbbing shaft, as it slowly became softer. As I hugged his knees, I said, "Are you -- okay, Bri?" "I -- I don't -- don't know. How long was I out that time?" "Wha -- it happened again?!" "It was -- incredible! I didn't feel like I was passed out that time -- but it was more like I was transported to somewhere else. It was totally good. But it was like I was floating in the air, and my whole body was convulsing with pleasure -- a whole body orgasm." "Really?!!" "I have read about this happening, but never talked to anyone it actually happened to. Baby, it was -- well impossible to accurately describe. It was great!" I was up, looking into his eyes by this time. They were dilated and still a little glassy. A little shiver left me. I guided him to the bed, where he sat down. "Whew! That drained me of energy, kid!" He said. I shivered again. "Cold?" "No. I -- it's just -- this scares me." "Fear of the unknown. I'll get hooked up with an EKG and see if there is anything to worry about." "Fine and good, but unless it is -- er -- you are -- orgasmic -- how will you know?" "Heh! Wanna come and do that in front of one of my doctor friends?" "If that's what it takes!" I was serious! "Don't worry, Baby. I'm all right. As I said, it used to happen often after my injury in high school. I'm confident I am fine." "Bri?" "Yes?" "It was really -- I mean REALLY hot for me, too. I came on the floor, just watching and hearing you!' "You see!? It can't be all bad!" "Merry Christmas!" I said. "Wow! Christmas is in a week and a half!" I said. "What do you want?" "I -- I haven't given it much -- or really any -- thought!" I replied. "Please, Bri, let's set a limit -- based on what I can afford.". Then it hit me! "I'll tell you what I want!" "Anything -- within reason -- and it's yours." "What does within reason' mean?" "I may appear somewhat wealthy to you, Seth, but really I am not rich!" "So money would be the consideration?" "Yeah -- what are you getting at?" "What I want could be -- kind of expensive, but you could probably get a discount!" "Now you really have me going! What is it, Seth?" "I want you to do whatever it takes to find out what is causing your -- your convulsions. And what it will take to fix -- or control them." "Wow!" He exclaimed. "That's a tall order. Not too expensive, but -- it's free for me -- I may not be able to deliver it before Christmas." "That's okay -- give me a gift certificate!" "If that's what you want -- I won't deny it. But since I was going to get that done anyway, I will get you something else. And this limit you want to set? Please. Let's make it like a percentage of our incomes -- k?" "Do you realize that I could almost afford to spend 100% of my income?" I teased. "I have almost no expenses!" "Boy, you are trouble, aren't you!" he cried. Okay, it's settled! No more than 100% of our monthly income." "Wait a minute -- that wasn't -" "You made the criteria -- it's settled!" "YOU be NICE!" "That would be my plan!" "I mean," I cried, "You KNOW what I mean --just don't bee TOO nice!" "HAH! Now I've got YOU going!" <<RRRING!!>> "Hello? Oh, hi, Chris! Christmas Eve? Well, thanks but -- I really will want to be spending it with my own family. Seth? Sure!" he handed the phone to me. "Hi, Bro!" "Seth! How's it hangin'?" "Okay, no more "Seth's Dick" jokes! You know mine doesn't hang! It just sticks out -- not heavy enough to hang!" "Ha ha ha! Well, at least you've got a good sense of humor about it." "Well, you can bet you and I aren't the first to laugh at "it"! What's up, Chris?" "Uncle Jake and Auntie Lindy are wondering if you will be -- around -- for Christmas. I just asked if Brian wanted to come over Christmas Eve, but of course he wants to spend it with his family. How about you?" "Do you know if Mom and Dad will be there?" "I'm sure they're invited." Chris said. "I'll talk to them. If they come then -- no, here's what I will do. I will -- well wait a minute." I put my hand over the phone. "Bri -- I feel kind of funny about this but -- am I invited to your house for Christmas Eve?" "You have to ask?" "Of course I do! I don't know your parents that well." "Well, of course you are invited! I don't even have to ask! They already know how I feel about you -- or at least they suspect!" "Chris? Okay, I am going to spend Christmas Eve with Brian, and I'll spend Christmas day with our parents -- wherever they will be." "K. But I know that Colin will -- well Colin and Jake -- will want to see you. Let's plan a time to get together, k?" "When are they coming?" "Jake and Colin? Next Wednesday." "That's only three days away. Call me when they are here, Chris. We can plan it then -- either before or after Christmas is okay with me. Brian?" "Well, I work weekdays, but any evening is okay." Brian said. "Bri works during the week -- and so do I -- and other than the 24th and 25th, I have only the weekends to be here. Work it out with Jake and let us know." "K. Bye, Big' Seth!" "Bye, ass hole!" "Ha ha!" CLICK! "So, I heard one end of the conversation - -?" "I will be with you for Christmas Eve, and with my parents on Christmas day." "And -- do I -- am I -- invited for Christmas day?" "SEE?! It's not so obvious, is it? Would you be willing to -- leave your family -- Christmas day?" "Our big day is Christmas Eve. We don't do much on Christmas day. Besides," his eyes got glassy. "YOU are my family -- now, Seth!" I felt my ears get hot. That just felt so -- well, good, but -- somehow not -- comfortable. I guess it showed on my face. "There I go again! Shit! Why can't I keep some things to myself!" He exclaimed. "No, it's -- it's -- okay. I guess I am just not used to -- well -- I'm -- only eighteen -- that's my only defense!" "And I should remember that. I guess I want -- no, that's not it -- I just - - Shit!" "What, Bri?" "Oh, you know! When you get my age, it is just so -- so -- I wish I could explain, but most guys hit a mid-life crisis about 40. They are worried about where they are in their life and where they think they should be. But with us -- I mean -- most gay guys, - it's closer to 30! Because a gay guy over thirty is -- over the hill." "WHAT? You!? Over the hill? I don't think so!" "And that's exactly why I am so -- (shit!) desperate to hold on to you. In the gay scene' I AM over the hill! And dammit, I don't feel that way. And dammit even more, I look more like I AM 40! I am just pathetic!" "You are not pathetic! You are one of the sweetest, sexiest guys I've ever met." "Oh, Yeah! Right! I've seen Colin. I've seen Craig! Even your brother! They are hot!" "I guess it depends on what you're looking for! If you are looking for someone like them -- and you have to settle' for someone like -- me, then maybe -" "Oh, No! Seth! Sweetie! I didn't mean -- See how fucked up I am!" "The only thing fucked up is that you doubt yourself so fucking much. I only said that to show you how ridiculous you sound." "Still -- even you admit -- you want someone to protect' you! I often feel like your -- father -- more than your -- well any kind of peer!" "Omigod!" I said, and all of a sudden, it got personal for me! Tears sprang to my eyes, and I was having trouble controlling myself. "BRIAN! *AHEM*, (sigh) Brian, maybe I WANT you to be - well -- maybe a little like a -- father -- to me. If that offends you, then -" "No, it doesn't offend me. I offend me sometimes, but never you!" "Brian, I want to ask you something." "Anything, baby!" "But you have to think about it -- not just answer it without -- thinking." "Ohh - - ka-a-y." "Do you -- really think you love -- me -- or is it -- the idea that I am so young -- and look even younger - and you love that! That and the fact that I need -- er -- want someone to protect me?" He looked completely at a loss. "Seth, I just -- I don't know how to -- Dammit! I love you! But I think -- I GUESS -- those other things are true as well." "Well, good!" "Good?" "Yes! Because they are true for me, too!" I said. "I don't want to lose that perspective -- at least for now, I guess. So yes, it makes me a little nervous when you say that you consider me your family." "so, - Are you coming to my parents house on Christmas Eve?" "Is that what this is about?" I said. "Well, it's where we started!" "Well, Thank you, sir! I'd be delighted to come to your house on Christmas Eve. On one condition." "Okay, I'll bite." "That's it! You're pretty quick on the uptake for an old man!" ? (the look) ? "Oh! You didn't get it! Well, when you said, I'll bite', I assumed that you knew that my condition was that after dinner and whatever festivities your family does, you would take me to your lair and make mad passionate love to me." [blank stare]. "Omigod, you are older than I thought. Your mind must be going -- or maybe is in melt down! When you said, I'll bite -" "Seth -- SETH! Stop! I got it! I got it! I was just putting two and three together, and seeing if it came out to five." "Boy, now I am the one in outer space!" "Last night, you said you were ready to -" "Oke -- ayyy!" I intoned. "Wow! That shot a shiver from the top of my head to the bottom of my scrotum! -- eeek!" "So we're on then same page?" He said. "Well, YEAH! But - ?" "What?" "Do we have to wait until Christmas Eve?" I asked in the sexiest voice I knew how to effect. "It'll be longer than that if you try to imitate Robert ever again!" "Now I'm insulted!" "Well, you should be!" <<RRRING!!>> "That sounds like a Chris ring' -- you answer it!" Brian told me. "Hello?" "Wow! Did I interrupt something?" "Why?" "Well, I could definitely hear a huge smile in that hello!" Chris said. I WAS smiling widely. "As long as I don't sound like I am choking, you're probably safe!" "OOOO! I did catch you at a bad time!" "No, you didn't, but maybe in about ten minutes -" "Little man, you are getting to sound like an old lecher!" "There you go again, referring to my diminutive size!" "Can't help it, little one! You're just so damned cute!" "So why didn't you ever tell me that when you lived at home? I was hot for you!" "SETH! That's sick!" He said, laughing. "I talked to Jake, and how about Saturday the 26th?" "Sounds good to me," I said, "and I'm not letting you get off that easy!" "What?" "Sick?" I said. "Chris, we are ONLY two years apart! LOTS of brothers -- well -- you know!" "See? YOU can't even say it!" He laughed. Well, it's too late now. But believe me, don't think I didn't think about it -- a lot! I thought you were the cutest little boy I ever knew. I was just waiting for your pecker to catch up with your body! Never happened!" "OH! That hurt! So, all I can say, is one thing!" "What?" Well, two things, really. First, the 26th sounds perfect." I looked at Brian and he nodded. "And secondly -- Fuck You! Ha ha ha ha hahaha!" *********************************************** Sunday was lazy! We didn't put our two and three together. But we spent the day talking, joking and we took a long walk down the beach and out on the pier. It was very clear, with a few high clouds. The islands looked like they were close enough to swim to! Well okay, we did have a little fun "cleaning up" from the beach. Then I headed back home. School was out at the JC for Christmas vacation, but I had to work. And with all the people shopping, a lot more people were eating out, so I got some extra work time in. Good thing! Being out of school and not with Brian was hard enough as it was! It was nice getting out so early for break, but it meant we had to go back immediately after New Years. I didn't like that too much When I arrived at Brian's, Friday night, he was ready to leave. "Jump in my car, baby. We are going over to Jake's" "Oh! Okay. Cool!" I said. "Uh, I think I have forgotten the way." "Want ME to drive?" "You are such a sweet kid!" "And you are very nice! And 'a cleeen old mahn'!" "Just DRIVE!" Five minutes later we were pulling in to the driveway of the Smith's. "Vroooom!" (I couldn't resist!) That brought out the crew! I really felt like a little kid riding a bike for the first time! I'm sure I was a little too proud! "Look at him!" my brother said. "You know what that car says about his -" "Never mind!" Brian said. I take this very seriously!" Everyone laughed. I had forgotten that Luke would be there. He looked -- somehow -- hurt. "Hi, Seth." He said, seemingly trying to hide something. Probably it was just my imagination. In the house, I kept catching him watching me. A couple times he stared at me Several times, we had made eye contact, a little too long. But then, I didn't look away either! We visited awhile. Ursula and Uri were getting cuter, if that were possible. Both were talking -- English -- non-stop! It was obvious that they adored Chris and Craig!! As we were leaving, Luke dropped something into my jacket pocket. I looked at him and started to retrieve it, and he frowned and shook his head. When we got home, I went into the bathroom. I was hoping Brian didn't suspect anything. I had never before closed the bathroom door. I reached into my pocket and there was a tiny box. I opened it. Inside was a small plastic envelope, with a post-it wrapped around it. On the post-it, was printed, "Mele Kalikimaka, (Hawaiian for Merry Christmas) Haoli!" Inside was a sterling silver chain, with a pendant. The pendant was also sterling silver: It was a half a broken heart. My heart almost stopped! It actually hurt, as I considered the possibilities -- what can this mean? I stuffed the chain back into the pocket, and took a piss then came out of the bathroom. Brian was heating up some leftovers for dinner. Brian's leftovers are better than most people's dinner! We ate in silence. "You're quiet tonight." He said. "So are you!" I said, way too quickly. Well, he WAS! "Have you seen "Pretty Woman?" He asked. "Yeah, but -- I like it -- I wouldn't mind watching it again." "So who do you like best in it?" "Are you kidding me? He is SO much prettier than she is!" "Hey! something we can agree on!" <>! "Food's ready." He said. "Is it too cold in here for you? I can turn up the heat." "Oh! I guess I was just not paying attention." I removed my jacket and laid it on the couch and went to sit at the table. We talked a little as we ate. A lot actually! Playing with each other. Teasing and countering. When we were finished, I started to take my dishes to the kitchen. "No, don't worry about that right now, Seth. Let's just watch the movie." We sat down on the couch, and he snuggled me up to his side. He immediately started to unbutton his shirt, then mine. His chest hair looked so good! I reached out and touched his nipple. He gave a small, high pitched moan. HE ran his finger tips across my smooth chest. I purred! He kissed me and I responded passionately. His hands were all over my chest and stomach. He was not too long in adeptly undoing my fly, and releasing my little straining member. He removed my pants, then his own, and pushed me down onto the couch. He moved my jacket to the floor. The pendant fell out. He picked it up. I froze. Holding it up, he said, "What's this?" I was at a loss! "It -- it's -- uh -- from -- Luke." "Oh." He said, and all of a sudden the magic was gone as fast as I could blink. "Really!"

Notes: Comments may be addressed to Steve at Thanks! Love, Steve

Next: Chapter 49: Seth 15

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