Ever After

By Jason Decade / Femtoka

Published on Jan 9, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a story about gay people...if you can't read it or don't like gay people, leave. Go...bye. But if you like it, read it and write to me.

Chapter 14: !Love!

Adaen typing: How can you really define love? Love, in the dictionary, is defined as strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. But does that really describe love? Love is giving and taking. And sharing. Or is love just an idea? One thing for sure...Love is blind...

"Why do you have to do that, Johnathan? Why do you have to keep hurting me like this?" Kya asked, crying.

"You know I don't mean to, baby." Johnathan said softly, " Look, I promise I won't do it again." he whispered, caressing her face. The big, black bruise seemed to pulsate in the moonlight and Kya whimpered as she pulled away, " I'm so sorry, baby." he said, kissing her.

Adaen typing: Love is unforgiving...

Zack slammed his phone down on the table, huffing at it. He had called Hannah fourty seven times. To the observer, he'd look like a stalker, but he wasn't. He loved Hannah, he wanted a second chance. And since word had gotten out about what happened between he and Adaen, he had become the punching bag. People had accused him of being a cheater, a liar, and a 'down-low' brother. None of which was true. He had only kissed Adaen to show him that their 'attraction' was sparkless. He had hit an all-time low. He wondered what was beyond his low-point.

Adaen typing: But some love can't be defined, it's wordless and can't be touched...only reacted to.

"There you go." I said, helping Ballard into his wheelchair, " Slow down."

"I need to get out of here." Ballard chuckled, " I've been in here for so long."

"I know what you mean." I chuckled.

"Are Mom and Dad going to meet us at the house?" Ballard asked.

"Actually, yeah." Kendall said quickly, folding sheets, " They said that they were going to be there. They just..."

"Needed to set up my surprise homecoming?" Ballard smirked.

"Who told you about that?" Kendall asked.

They both looked at me.

"Well, I had to say something, he thought they didn't love him or something." I said, hoping I wouldn't get griped at.

"What?" Kendall asked, looking at Ballard.

"Nothing." Ballard said, rolling his wheelchair to the door, then turning to us, " Come on!"

"Is there a reason why you don't wanna talk about it?" Kendall asked.

"No, Doctor Phyllis." Ballard said impatiently, " Now, let's go!"

"I think he wants to be let out." I smirked.

"Funny." Ballard chuckled.

I grabbed the back of the wheelchair and wheeled him into the hall, " So, who's driving?" I asked.

"Umm, the driver's coming to pick us up. He should be here by now." Kendall said quickly, checking her watch, " Cause your party started like thirty minutes ago."

"Thirty minutes?!" Ballard said, trying to turn in his wheelchair.

We walked outside and there was a limo waiting for us. The driver jumped to attention and opened the door. Kendall and I helped Ballard into the limo while the driver put the wheelchair in the trunk and I squeezed in the limo.

"So, I've got your medicine," Kendall said. I could tell she was tired, " At least you won't be able to remember you're in pain."

"I'd kill for that." I smiled.

"Me too." Kendall chuckled.

"I think I'll leave when we get there." I said quickly.

"What?" Kendall asked.

"Well, it's probably gonna be your friends, so I..." I stammered.

"And you're my friend." Ballard said seriously, " Look, you're not going anywhere. I want you there. Screw everybody else."

"Yeah, what he said." Kendall chuckled.

"Okay." I smiled.

Adaen typing: Then, all that got me to thinking, if I was right and some things can't be shown, but still expressed, then what about other things? Like fear? Or Jealousy. It's always there, and can't be touched, but we never question things like that, so why question love, especially when there is so much of it out there. It made me stop and look at the world. For every undefinable love, there is a undeniable jealousy...

"Why's the house so dark?" Ballard asked as we wheeled into the house. As we walked in, there was a burst of 'Welcome Home!' and the lights turned on to reveal that there was a banner, cake, and guests. There was a bar with a bartender and I immediately noticed the beauty of their house. Also, I noticed a lot of people from school and some familiar families (Davis and his parents, Marco and his family, Julie and her parents, Christina and her parents, and my whole family). I smiled when I saw Mr. and Mrs. Kipton walk over, I just smiled while they talked to their children. Mrs. Kipton wasn't their real mother, just their father's wife. She seemed like a nice enough lady, but she was just...evil. I was surprised when his parents addressed me.

"I would like to thank you for helping my daughter and son. It's been a very trying time for us this year, with everything that's happening." Mr. Kipton smiled, " Kendall took the opportunity to tell us that you've helped in every aspect of the word and we'd just like to say that if you need anything, our doors are always opened."

"Besides, we've known your parents for ages, they are wonderful people." Mrs. Kipton said sweetly.

"Thank you both so much, it was nothing." I said. They then said that they had something to talk Kendall about and the three of them left.

I felt someone's hand slip into mine, " It was everything." Ballard smiled.

I blushed, " It's what friends do." I smiled.

"Hey you guys." Davis said, causing me and Ballard to break our hold, " What's up, guys?"

"Nothing." I said quickly, " We're just trying to find the quickest route to the cake."

"The cake?" Davis chuckled, " It's over there."

"Cake. Sounds yummy." I said, walking away. I wolfed down some soda as quick as I could, which wasn't a good idea after my run to StarBucks before the hospital. I figured, if I just wandered long enough, I'd find a bathroom. I was really wrong.

"Dad, you can't do that! I want to go to school here!" Kendall shouted.

"You want to live here forever? We're leaving after Ballard graduates, take your pick, but we're going to have a place in New York and L.A." Mr. Kipton shouted back.

"But dad!" Kendall shouted.

"I have an idea." Mrs. Kipton said.

As I was about to hear the idea, I had an intense feeling that I was going to pee everywhere and I cursed my small bladder! I walked back to the room as quickly as I could, but they were gone and once again, I cursed my bladder! Then, I heard a yelp and quickly ran to the sound and found Kya. I tried to be as quiet as I could as I watched her wash off the make-up that covered a huge welt. I gasped and Kya turned to me quickly.

"I know what you think..." Kya said.

"Kya." I said slowly, " He's hitting you harder and harder and you're lying harder and harder to cover it up. I'm telling Mom and Dad if you don't."

"You wouldn't." She said in fear. I turned to leave, but she caught me, " I will! I will."

"Thank you." I said softly.

"I can't believe you're making me do this. I hate you for making me do this!" she said, walking away.

I felt myself being strangled, though there was no hands around my throat. I felt like I was just going to shout out and cry and throw things, but I couldn't. I wouldn't, not here. As I walked into the hall, I bumped into someone.

"Hey, I've been looking for you." Davis smiled.

"Hey." I said quickly, " What's up?"

"Have you thought anymore about us?" he asked.

"If I said no, would you be really offended?" I asked.

He groaned.

"I know, but things have been extreme lately." I explained, " I thought about it and I love you, but..."

"There's a but?" Davis asked.

"There's a but." I said slowly, " I can't help but feel that if we rush things, there's gonna be a trainwreck."

"You're scared." he said.

"Aren't you?" I asked.

"Nope. I trust you with my heart." he said, " Look, I'm not a 'word' guy, but when I'm around you, I can't stop smiling. And I can barely form words, so saying this speech is a little too much for me, but I love you like I've never loved anyone."

"And I love you too, but I've never been more conflicted. I want to be with you, but we need time to think." I said.

"What's wrong with you?" Davis asked, " Ever since you got back, you've been different."

"Whaddya mean?" I asked.

"You're not Adaen. I don't know who I'm talking to, but tell Adaen that I love him and I'm always going to be her to help him." Davis said softly, " If you wanna talk while I listen, then I'm okay with that."

"Got it, you're sensitive jock guy." I said a bit angrily, " Anything else."

"No, I guess not." Davis said sadly, walking away.

As he walked away, I felt guilty. He cooked me breakfast, calmed me down, and He even got me over my first hangover and I was being a total ass to him. What was I doing? I turned to go get him, but I stopped when I ran into Hannah.

"Oh, hey," she said, just as surprised as I was, " I was just looking for the bathroom."

"Oh, it's that way." I said, gesturing to the bathroom.

"Thanks." she smiled, " Umm, are you okay? You look like you just heard that Chad Michael Murray and Sophia Bush are together again. They aren't are they?!"

"No." I chuckled, " It's alright, I'm...Uh..."

"It is odd, isn't it?" Hannah said, " Us. Talking. Seems like forever since we've talked."

"A little. It's more complicated than that." I said softly.

"Well, explain it to me." she sighed.

"You told something about me that I asked you not to, and it just seems like telling you anything isn't a good idea." I said quickly.

"This again? You need to get over it. If you're going to forgive me, then you've gotta let it go." she said angrily.

I nodded, " You did so much to me and I should forget it?" I said, turning to walk away.

"What're you doing?" Hannah asked.

"Making a choice." I said, marching away from her.

Adaen typing: Some loves are taken for granted. I have to give you my honest opinion, the oblivion to such love is a crime. I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that such an indescretion should go unpunished. I'm a true believer in Karma, so being punished is just part of the deal. I do not know what the consequences are, but, just a guess, it's not good.

Julie dragged Marco outside to the garden, " Marco..." she said slowly. She had dragged him from inside. He was looking for Adaen when she intercepted him.

"Julie, what're you doing?" he sighed.

"I have something important to tell you." Julie said softly.

"Julie, this could have waited, I was-" Marco said impatiently.

"MARCO! I'M PREGNANT!" Julie shouted.

Marco stood, frozen. He couldn't feel his toes and his head felt like it was going to spin off his neck. The room was swirling and he wasn't even in a room.

"That's why I wasn't around much on break and I wasn't at school." Julie said, sitting on a stone bench, " I'm pregnant."

"What?" Marco said, wobbling.

"Are you okay?" Julie asked.

"What?" he asked, falling to the ground.

Julie screamed and crouched down to see if he was okay. She prayed he hadn't hit his head or anything, for their baby.

Adaen typing: I guess other things influence love. Sex, money, drugs...just in different ways. Money helps us hide from other people, sex helps us pretend, and drugs...drugs help us hide from ourselves. You can love all these things, so what makes them more dangerous than falling in love with a person? What happens when you're addicted to a person as if they're drugs or money?

Zack walked into the Mansion, his appearance was mangy. His face was furry and unkempt and his clothes were the same ones that he wore days ago. His shoes were as muddy as the ground outside. He walked right up to Hannah, past her parents, who were on the way out with the rest of the party to see what the scream was all about. Hannah stopped in her tracks, taking notice to Zack.

"Zack, what're you doing here?" Hannah asked.

"I need to talk to you." Zack said quickly, " It's really important."

"Zack...I-" Hannah said.

"NOW!" Zack yelled, " Come on, I just need....I..."

"Please leave." Hannah said slowly.

"Alright, but this is probably the last time you'll see me and it's your fault." Zack said angrily, stomping away.

"ZACK!" Hannah yelled after him.

Zack didn't stop though, he went home and slammed the door. Zack didn't reply when his mother asked what was wrong, nor did he reply when his mother said that she was going out. He was in his room, writing a note.

Adaen typing: But love is healing. It's redeeming. Love is the closet thing to heaven some people will ever get and even then, it can feel like the real thing. Nobody knows what that feels like, but it's described as utter bliss...And what is love, if not utter bliss. Sometimes I don't really know why I'm here and it bothers me, but I figure that I'm falling in love...

When the party was all over, Ballard's parent went out and left us at the house. Kendall told me to get Ballard into bed and she'd clean, so I took him to his room and put him in his bed.

As I got ready to leave, I heard him say, " Stay." he said quickly, " Please, just for a while."

"You sure it's room in there for me?" I asked.

"Positive." Ballard smiled, scooting over to make room for me.

I climbed in bed with him, feeling odd about it all, " Ballard, what is this?" I asked.

"I don't know." Ballard said, " But I like it." he smiled.

I smiled too and laid back on his chest. Kendall stood at the door, looking at the situation. She smiled. It was just a smile to anyone else, but to her, she knew that she was happy. The only thing she had wanted was for her brother to be happy, no matter what and that's what Adaen brought with him. Who could be anything but happy today?

Adaen typing: While some people are falling out of love...

Julie sat beside Marco's bed, squeezing his hand. As he stirred, she smiled and placed his hand on her stomach. As he looked over, he looked startled. In addition to Julie staring at him, with his hand on her stomach, his parents stood with Hannah. Marco took a deep breath as Hannah was shooed out of the room.

Adaen typing: And others are finding love hazardous.

As Hannah walked into Zack's house, she hurried through the house, noticing that it was empty and soon she was face to face with a door, Zack's. She hesitated and placed her hand on the door. Her mind told her that she shouldn't walk into the room, but her heart told her to open the fucking door. As she opened the door, she immediately saw feet and as she looked up, she saw Zack hanging from the ceiling. His lifeless body swaying above the room and she immediately began to cry.

Adaen typing: But, that's the thing about love, it's a gamble. So, what is love? Love is giving everything without fear and getting it back with acceptance.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Please give me some feedback because that's how I get started.

Next: Chapter 15

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