Freeing David

By J Wray

Published on Nov 6, 2002


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, real places or real circumstances is purely coincidental.

The story contains both male/male sex and power and surrender (S/M) scenes. If you object to such content or are not of a legal age for your jurisdiction to read them, please exit now.

The copyright is retained by the author. Do not distribute without written permission.

Freeing David - 1

I like men. I like the way the smell and feel. I like them to submit to me. I like to hurt them. I like taking them to sexual heights they'd never dreamed were possible. I liked to help men who were likely to submit find their way to actualy do it. That was why I'd been called in. I walked into the office of the little country motel where the team had said I'd find a man whose nametag would read P. D. Perkins. I knew the rest of the team hadn't made any headway with him, but I didn't know why.

The young man sitting at the desk was reading a book. From what I could see he looked to be in his early twenties, had medium length brown hair and fairly broad shoulders. I made it to the front of the desk before he looked up. He gasped and pushed back from the desk so violently his chair slammed into the wall behind him, his mouth open and his eyes wide as he stared at me. Now I know my eyes are a startling blue, some even say iridescent, but they had never gotten that kind of reaction.

We stared at each other, me in amazement and him apparently in fear, until I broke the silence. "I would like a room for the night, please."

"Oh, uhhhh, sorry. Sure." He approached the desk hesitantly and nervously shoved a standard motel form across to me. I filled it in, listing my name as Michael James. I normally go by just Michael, but I can't get away with that much around here except in bars. When I finished the form I handed it back to him. He was still very nervous, but did manage to hand me a key. "It's down at the end. It should be quiet there."

"Thanks, uhhhh, what's your name?"

" They' call me Paul." It was odd phrasing and had a strange emphasis on they,' but he didn't give me any more to go on.

"Thanks, Paul. Do you work here all night?"

"No. We close the office at 11. If you need anything after that, you're sort of out of luck. If it's an emergency, you can come up and ring the bell."

"No problem. That's not late though. Why don't you come down to my room when you get off work? We can have a soda or something."

"Well,... maybe." He sounded dubious. They probably had a rule against visiting guests.

"I'll see you later, then." I said as I walked out the door. I hoped the implied commitment would encourage him.

. . . .

At five after eleven there was very tentative knock on my door. "Come in." I called. The door opened, and Paul stood there with some towels, looking even more nervous than he had in the office. "Come on in." I encouraged him. He stepped in the door holding the towels out.

"I brought you these in case my mother saw me. We're not supposed to visit guest rooms."

"Thanks. Why don't you close the door?" He closed the door then backed against it, shaking like a trapped animal. There were sweat rings under his armpits. He was about 5'10"and probably weighed 175 pounds. His shoulders were broad, his upper arms stretched the arms of his knit shirt and his torso tapered down to a maybe 30" waist. It'd been years since I looked like that, but it had been many years since I was twenty-something, too. He was tanned and had a well-trimmed mustache. His brown eyes looked very troubled and were full of fear. I still had no idea why I scared him so much, or why he was here if he was that scared. We watched each other for many seconds. Finally I asked, "Why did you come?"

"The dream."

Oh, shit! I thought. The team knows how unreliable dreams are. They must have had real problems getting through to this guy. Out loud I played dumb. "The dream?"

"Yes. I've been having this dream about a man with blazing blue eyes. He's going to be very important in my life." I suspected from the way he was reacting he hadn't told me everything, but he was here. Apparently some parts of the dream were good.

I got up from my chair and walked toward him, bringing my hand up to place it on his chest. He flattened even closer to the door, breathing heavily, a look of terror on his face. I thought he was going to pass out, but he didn't move away. He let me put my hand over his heart. The terror slowly faded and he started to relax. First he was perplexed, shaking his head, then amazed.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Make the voices go away."

Oh, great! We may have a REAL problem here, crossed my mind. "Voices?" I asked.

"Yes. My mother and father just quit talking. Even my grandparents. Actually, I know they're really just my thoughts, but it always seems like they are the ones talking."

Well, he hasn't gone around the bend yet, but he may still be a challenge, I thought.

"You did it, Paul, I just gave you a little energy to help. Like you say, they're your thoughts, your voices." I saw a flicker of disgust when I used his name. "Earlier you said they' call you Paul." I emphasized they' the way he had. "What would you prefer?"

"David. It's my middle name. They' stopped using it a long time ago. They' won't even consider using it."

"OK, to me you're David." I rubbed my hand around on his chest a little. He closed his eyes and relaxed more and his breathing returned to normal. I found a tit and started rubbing it through his shirt with my thumb.

"Ohhhh." He liked it. I pinched a little. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh," on a long exhale. I pinched harder, and he flinched. "If you do much of that I may wet my pants."

"I don't want you to do that here, Buddy."

"You like to ... hurt men you're ... with, don't you?"

"With their permission, yes."

"Maybe we should go to my place so I can scream if I need to." Considering how much he feared me, that was an amazing invitation.

"If you want. Where's that?"

"It's a little cabin my parents let me use during the summer. It's about five miles from here in some woods along the river. The nearest neighbor is over a mile away. You could follow me there."

"Let's do it." I grabbed my keys. We walked out and I made sure my door was locked. He was looking rather grim but determined. "The voices will come back on the way to your place. If they get too bad just stop and tell me to come back here."

"They're already back a little, but I don't think they'll ever be as bad as when I came to your room. I'll make it." I liked his determination.

It was a warm night and the moon was out. He went to his car and I to mine. I followed him out of the lot. It was about two miles before he turned off the highway onto a smaller road, then another two miles before he turned onto a dirt lane that went between two fields for a while then into some woods. Eventually we came to a clearing with a small cabin. In the light of the waning moon I could see trees on three sides and nothing on the fourth.

I got out of my car and walked over to his. He was sitting in the driver's seat, gripping the steering wheel hard. "The voices?" I asked. He nodded. I reached through his open window and used his chin to turn his face to mine. "I do like to hurt men, David, but it is always with their permission. If you tell me to stop, I will." I could feel him relaxing.

He took a deep breath and nodded. "OK." He reached for the door handle and I let go of him. He got out and looked around. "This is home for me in the summer."

"Give me a tour, please." He should feel safe doing that, and I wanted to know what was here. The inside of the cabin was a single room with a bathroom extended out on one side. A double bed with a makeshift closet made of plastic milk crates stacked on their sides and a length of plastic pipe was in one corner. Two easy chairs with a light sat in another and a kitchen with a table and four chairs in a third. There were some weights in the fourth. He clearly used them. Outside the clearing was probably an acre in size. Only a few trees were close to the cabin. The side where I couldn't see anything earlier was the bluff on the river. "This is a great place, David! It feels very peaceful."

"It's lonely, but it's away from my parents."

"It won't be lonely tonight, unless you send me back to the motel." That got a flicker of a smile. We walked back to the cars, and I reached into my back seat and pulled out a rope that was maybe twenty feet long. I headed toward a smooth barked tree about 30 feet from the cabin. "Come over here, Buddy." He followed with no hesitation. The tree leaned a little, and I moved him toward the side he could lean on and get some support. "Face the tree and lean on it."

"May I take my shoes off?"

"Sure!" I liked that idea; it would help keep him grounded. He took his shoes and socks off and put them nearby, then returned, faced the tree and leaned on it. I placed my hands on his back. "You doing OK, Buddy?"


"I want you to try to feel what I describe, David. You don't need to say anything." I paused to let him settle down more. When more tension drained from his shoulders, I said, "Feel the earth under your feet. Feel earth energy flowing into your feet, up your legs, up through your torso, through your neck into your head and then out of the crown of your head to the universe." I paused and let him trace all that in his mind. "There is a constant flow. You are rooted in the earth. It gives you strength." I paused again to let him feel the flow, feel his roots. "Now, feel the light coming down from the universe into the crown of your head, down through your body, down through your arms and out your hands, down through your legs and out the soles of your feet into the earth. You are rooted in the earth, but you are also filled with the light of the universe. You are a magical being, David. You are loved, and you deserve every bit of that love."

I paused again to let him try to feel it. "Do you feel that, David?"

"Maybe, a little."

"It's always there for you, David. You can tap into it anytime, but you have to be open to it." I started running my hands over his back, up his neck to the back of his head, down to his butt, then back up to his head. He leaned his head back into my hand, clearly loving the touch.

"You know I want to hurt you?"


"Do you want me to tie you to the tree?"

"You don't have to."

"No, but would you like it?" He considered that for a few moments. He was getting more choices than he expected.

"Maybe not yet."

"I'm going to use my belt on your butt and back. You ready?"


"You can ask me to stop any time you want, and I will. Remember that."

"OK." He wrapped his arms around the tree, hanging on firmly. I stood directly behind him, pulled the belt out of my pants, folded it in half and started lightly hitting first one butt cheek and then the other. Very slowly I was adding a little muscle to the swings and had probably gotten up to twelve or so on each side. "Please stop."

I was surprised. Through his pants I doubted if they were even stinging yet, but I stopped. I stepped closer to him and ruffled his hair and turned his head toward me. "Do you really want to do this?"

"Yes! Definitely! But I had to test. I had to know you'd stop when I asked."


"...Yes, but..."


"I may need to test again."

"That's OK, Boy. Do it whenever you need to. You're trying something new, you don't have to do it all at the beginning. Ready?"

"Yes." He gripped the tree firmly again, and let me work over his butt and back for quite some time. I was sure all of my blows were stinging now. He was breathing deeply but making no noise. Finally I decided he needed a break and stopped. He took a deep breath and puffed it out. I stepped up to him and ran my hand through his hair again. He was sweating. I pulled his shirt out of his pants and ran my hands underneath and up his back. "Oooooh, shit!" He moved his back more firmly against my hand. His back was warm and sweaty and obviously sensitive, but it was the touch itself he was reacting to.

"You doing OK, David?"

"Yes," another puff, "but I do need to urinate now." I had a feeling he'd never been allowed to use slang.

"Want to do it in your pants?"

"Uhhhhhh, I ..." Silence. After a few moments he suggested, "Maybe you could tie me to the tree now, so I don't have a choice." I smiled. I'd found one of his fantasies.

"I can do that." I found the rope and made figure-8 loops around his overlapped wrists. He could get loose if he really wanted to, but it wouldn't be accidental. "Like a drink?"

"Yes. There are some bottles of water in the refrigerator." I went inside and took my time finding them and getting back to my captive. I unscrewed the top of one and held it up for David. He drank and drank. He was thirsty. After he was finished, I drank some of the second one, put the tops back on and put them with his shoes.

"How are you doing, Boy?"

"I'm afraid I've wet my pants, ... Sir." He was playing a role. He'd probably been fantasizing about this for a long time.

"I thought you knew enough not to do that, Boy. I guess I need to really warm your butt, don't I?"

"I couldn't help it, Sir. I..."

I interrupted. "Are you saying your bladder would have burst if you'd held it longer, Boy?"

"Well, I don't think it was that bad, Sir, but..."

"Then you should have held it until I untied you, Boy."

"Yes, Sir." Very subdued. I stood behind him and hit his butt with a couple of firm swats. "Stop, please." I stepped up behind him and put my hand on his back. He was shaking. "You aren't really mad at me are you?"

"No, not at all. We're playing the same game, David. You're doing fine, but we can stop if you want."

"No! I just got scared and had to test again, but please ... keep your hand on me for a minute." I moved my hand around on his back and up to his head again.

"You're doing fine, David. Take all the time you need." He stopped shaking and his breathing evened out again. A quick nod, as much to confirm things to himself as to me, I thought.

"OK, Sir, I'm ready for my punishment." I stepped back and again hit his butt with two firm swats. He stuck his butt back toward me a little. He was getting into it. I worked him over pretty thoroughly, but other than breathing hard, he was silent. I finally quit, hung my belt over my shoulder and ran both hands over his back and butt. He jumped a little, startled at how sensitive his skin was, and again leaned his head into my hands when I got that high.

"You took that very well, Boy. I'm proud of you." He burst into tears. I hadn't expected that, but I held him and murmured in his ear from time to time, "It's OK, Boy, let it out." After a while he quieted down and again leaned his head back into me.

"No one ever told me that before," he whispered. "No one. I didn't know how much I needed it."

I kissed his ear. "We all need that, David."

I moved around the tree and untied his hands. He backed away from it and stood waiting. I moved away from the tree a little. "Take your shirt and pants off and come over here." He removed his shirt and placed it beside his shoes. Next he took his wet pants off and put them near the shirt but not on it, then came and stood in front of me. "Good, Boy. I like a man who takes care of his clothes." He nodded; a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Put your hands behind your back." He assumed what the military calls the `parade rest' position. I moved beside him and fondled the wet pouch of his briefs.

"Ohhhhh!!" He thrust firmly into my hand. His cock was plump when I first touched it, and it rapidly got firmer. I moved my wet hand from his pouch up to rub his face roughly. He quickly leaned back and turned his face away, but I followed his movements and cupped his nose and mouth with my hand. "MMMmrrrrrffff." He didn't like that. He was breathing through his mouth erratically.

"How does it smell, Boy?" He took a short sniff, then a little longer one.

"Like urine." Another sniff, then another. "And sweat and leather."

"Does it small bad?"

He thought about it. "Not really." His head slowly came back to front and center. I reached down and cupped his wet pouch again and found his cock straining inside his shorts, wanting more room. I got my hand wet again and brought it back to his face. He didn't try to avoid it this time, and was breathing normally.

"Lick it." He shook his head and kept his mouth shut. "Lick it, Boy." A little more time for him to think about it, and I felt his mouth open and a feather-light touch of the tip of his tongue, then a slightly firmer touch. I went back to the source to rewet my hand and again held it in front of his mouth. Again a light lick, then a firmer one. "How does it taste?"

"A little odd. A little salty."

"Does it taste bad?"

"Not really."

"Take your shorts off and give them to me, Boy." He hesitated. Now he was going to be totally exposed. Finally he slid them down his legs, stepped out of them and handed them to me, then moved back to his parade rest position. I took them by the waistband and pulled them down over his head, then adjusted them so the wet pouch was in front of his nose and mouth. He jerked slightly when he realized what I was doing, but other than that he didn't move or comment. "How does that smell, Boy?"

"Like urine." I could hear him sniffing. "And like my crotch."

"You like it?"

He thought for a moment. "Yes, I guess I do." He sounded surprised. I put a finger on the fabric in front of his mouth and pressed it against his lips.

"Suck my finger."

"MMMffffffffff." He kept his mouth closed and pulled his head back a little.

"Suck it, Boy." He started breathing erratically through his nose. "Suck it!" I was a little more demanding. Finally he opened his mouth a slight amount and sucked a little air in. I wiggled my finger and pushed a little harder. He opened his lips but held me out with his teeth, but sucked a little harder, enough to get a slight taste, maybe. I kept up the pressure, and finally he let me slide my finger into his mouth. His tongue very gingerly touched it a few times. "Suck it, Boy." I whispered it this time, and he sucked gently. "Open a little wider." When he complied, I used a second finger to push more fabric in, and without urging he sucked, this time hard enough get a real taste. "Good, Boy." I reached down and cupped his crotch again, and found he was fully hard. He was doing quite well. I stroked his cock a few times as a reward.

"Ohhhh yeah." he whispered. I could feel his balls pulling up rapidly; he was close to cumming, but I didn't want him to do that yet. I circled the top of his scrotum with my thumb and forefinger and pulled down hard. "Unnnh." I started squeezing his balls, very gradually increasing the pressure. "Unnnnnh. Unnnnnnnnnh! Aaaaaagg! Oooohhhhhh!" He was bending over a little at the waist and his knees were getting shaky.

"I don't want you to fall down, Boy. Stay on your feet."

"Unnnnnh! Yes. Oooooooooooh! Uuuuuuugghh!" I went to my knees so I could keep up the pressure and still give him room to bend over.

"I'm going to give one more hard squeeze, Boy. Stay on your feet." I squeezed harder.

"Aaaaagggghhhh. Ooooooohhhh!" He was breathing hard, and his knees nearly buckled as he ended up leaning on me a little, but he didn't fall. I gradually released the pressure. "Oooooooo ooo oo."

"Stand up, Boy." He slowly straightened, took a deep breath and blew it out. His hands had stayed behind his back the entire time. I stood in front of him. "Good, Boy. You took that well!" I took the shorts off his head and tossed them over where his pants were, then ruffled his hair.

"Thank you, Sir." He was still breathing a little fast.

"Do you have a favorite tree in the woods over there?"

"Yes. There's an old oak I especially like to sit under."

"Go ask it what you need to do next."


"Go ask it what you need to do next," I repeated, "then see what thought pops into your head." He gave me a disbelieving look but started toward the woods. "Need your shoes?"

"No, I walk around all the time out here without them." I watched, much taken as this hot, naked young man walked away from me in the moonlight.

"And I don't want you to jack off while you're there!" I called after him.

"Oh." Apparently he had had other plans.

It took him longer than I expected. He finally emerged from the woods and walked rapidly toward me, his hard cock swinging widely as he walked. "What did you learn, David?"

"It answered me. I thought you were putting me on, but it answered me. Wow!" He was amazed and pleased.

"Tell me about it."

"Well, I went to that oak and sat down and asked the question out loud, then I just sat and waited, listening real hard. Nothing. Then I asked again. And again. I think I was almost drifting off to sleep while I was trying to listen. Then it was like it spoke out loud to me - I really heard an answer. It said `You don't have to do it all tonight.' It was like some guy with a really deep voice sitting right next to me said it."

"Did it feel like the right answer?"

"You only registered for one night, so I wasn't sure." He thought for a bit. "It does feel right, though."

"I could come back here Thursday if you wanted me to, and maybe after that, too, if you wanted."

"That'd be great!" I liked his enthusiasm. I thought for a moment. I still wanted to do a little more tonight.

"On you're knees here in front of me, David." He quickly stepped in front of me and sank to his knees. "Take my cock out of my pants." His reaction was a little slower for that. He finally reached up, found the buttons in my fly and started releasing them. When he had them all unbuttoned, he hesitated and licked his lips a couple of times before reaching in and gently pulling my half-hard cock free from it's confinement. "Bring my balls out, too." He again slowly reached in and found my balls and gently lifted them out and let them hang. He let go and sat back and looked at them in the moonlight.

"Stroke my cock, Boy." Again he was slow, but he eventually reached up and grasped my cock relatively firmly and stroked slowly. It quickly went to its full size -- 9 inches long, slender, curving down a little toward the end. It was similar to his. Like that, Boy?"

"Yes. It feels hot and hard and velvety all at the same time."

"It feels good when you do that, Boy. Now stop stroking and just put the head of it in your mouth."

He jerked back. A strangled "Nooo!" escaped his lips and he sank down and grabbed my ankles, sobbing. An anguished moan escaped his lips, "Nooooo, please, nooooo. I don't want to die! Not yet!!"

I was totally confused. I knew my cock wasn't poisonous. He hadn't asked me to stop, but my request was clearly very upsetting to him. "That's OK, Boy. You don't have to do it. Stay where you are." I needed a little time to think. He quieted down a little but a sob shook his body from time to time. If nothing else I needed to piss, so I wet down his back and head. I made sure his hair was quite wet before I cut off the flow. I saved a little for later. I grabbed him by the hair and pulled up. "Stand up, David." He stood shakily in front of me, head upright but eyes downcast. I used my hand to press some piss out of his hair so it ran down his face. Again, I held my hand in font of his mouth and nose. "How does it smell, Boy?" A sniff.

"Like urine."

"Does it smell like yours?" I heard a couple of test sniffs.

"Not quite."

I put my hand back on his head. "I think you need to lick it out of your mustache, Boy." His breath got a little fast again, his eyes closed, and he shook his head slightly. I just waited this time. Finally his lips opened and his tongue made it as far as his lips. A few moments later it shyly reached up and touched the ends of a few of the hairs in his mustache. "Does it taste bad?"

"Not really. Sort of like mine." I squeezed some more down his face, and on his own he licked more of it out of his mustache. We repeated this a few times, then I took hold of his head in both hands.

"Look at me, David." He brought his eyes up to mine. I could see the fear. "What was that thing with my cock about?"

"The dream."

Oh, shit, I thought, that's why I hated using dreams. "The dream?" I asked.

"It always ended with me choking to death with your hard penis shoved down my throat so I couldn't breathe."

"Oh." I gave a big sigh. We maintained eye contact. I tried to both soften and intensify my gaze. "David, lots of men have had my cock in their mouth, and I have never, ever choked anyone to death. You are NOT going to be the first. I don't know what your dreams meant, but you can be sure you aren't going to die that way! Come here, pup." I pulled him to me and held him until he relaxed again.

"Do you believe me?"

"I--I think so." He sounded a little shaky. "It was always very vivid."

"OK, let's try that again. We will stop any time you want. On your knees, Buddy." He again sank to his knees. "Hold my cock and look at me." He took hold of my cock gently and looked up into my eyes. "Remember what I said before, you can tell me to stop?" He nodded. "That applies to my cock, too, David. You tell me to stop, or if your mouth is full, push back on my legs, and I'll back up. OK?" He nodded again. "Now wrap your hands around the shaft so the head and just a little more is sticking out." He did that, getting a little stroking motion in before he was satisfied. "Now, can you put that much in your mouth?" He looked at it and got a little nervous -- I could feel his hands shaking -- but again he nodded. "OK, Boy, do it when you're ready." I'm glad I wasn't in a hurry, because he took his time, but he did it.

"Good, Boy! I'm proud of you. That's really scary for you. Play with it with your lips and tongue." He started moving his tongue around a little, rubbing the sensitive bottom and then sort of bobbed on it a couple of times. "Good. Move up on it a little further when you're ready." He continued his tongue action and worked a little more into his mouth, maybe an inch more. Then he let go with his hands and tried to take more. He gagged and backed up. "Like the tree said, Boy, you don't have to do it all tonight." He continued to hold the head in his mouth, and his tongue was getting me fully hard again.

"I want to do one more thing, Buddy, but you can say No.'" He kept the head in his mouth and looked up into my eyes. "I didn't empty all my piss on your back. I want to do the rest in your mouth. There's not much and you don't have to swallow." He continued looking in my eyes with his lips wrapped around my cock. He was a hot sight, innocent and trusting, mostly. Finally he nodded just a little. "Did that mean OK?'" He nodded again.

"With my cock this hard it's going to take me a minute to relax. Hold very still." He did. It felt like it was taking forever, but gradually I relaxed enough so the little piss I had left started dribbling into his mouth. He jerked a little when it started, but held on. Finally a small flow, then it was over -- it was maybe a quarter of a cup. He looked up at me. "I think that's all there is, Boy." He carefully slid back off my cock, keeping his lips sealed as best he could. When he was completely off, he swallowed. "Good, Boy. Stand up." When he was standing in front of me, I pulled him into a hug. "That was excellent, David. I know how hard that was for you. You did very well tonight!"

"Thank you." He whispered.

"Now, I think we need a shower. You smell like piss." A little grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. I had a feeling this boy hadn't laughed much in a long time.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Comments are greatly appreciated. They are part of what keeps all the writers here on Nifty writing. If you like it, tell me. If you don't and can provide some constructive comments about why, I want to hear that, too. The story is mostly written, all 14 chapters, so suggestions for story lines are not likely to show up in this piece, though they might be included in another story later.

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I've tried hard to find the typos, rephrase awkward wordings, cut out places that are too wordy, etc, but it is difficult for the writer of a piece to see all the mistakes. I don't have a proofreader/editor at this point, so if you are good at that sort of thing and want to help, drop me a note. Let me know what qualifications you have in addition to wanting to get to read chapters before they are posted. J There are 14 chapters about this length, and I'd like to be able to post something more or less once a week (except when I'm traveling, maybe), so take the timing into account if you want to volunteer.

Next: Chapter 2

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