Freeing David

By J Wray

Published on Nov 22, 2002


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, real places or real circumstances is purely coincidental.

The story contains both male/male sex and power and surrender (S/M) scenes. If you object to such content or are not of a legal age for your jurisdiction to read them, please exit now.

I want to express my appreciation to my proofreaders/editors, c lee and w1nner, for their help in making this a more readable story. It is amazing how many wrong words new sets of eyes can find and how a new ear can recast a phrase so it is much better.

The author retains the copyright. Do not distribute without written permission.

Freeing David 4

By the time I finished my shower the charcoal had been started. I accepted his offer of a beer, and he got one for each of us. "I don't usually have beer here. I'm sure my father sneaks in when I'm at work and snoops around. He'd have a fit if he found alcohol."

"Where did you learn to like it?"

"Some of the guys at the restaurant talked me into trying it. Actually, it wasn't that hard, I already wanted to."

"No voices on that one?"

"Well, over a period of several weeks I'd gotten to know those guys through work and they seemed pretty level headed. We'd sit and drink coffee after the restaurant closed, so I'd even gotten to know them socially a little. It was mostly the 'Don't drink alcohol!' voice that night, and that one isn't as strong as the 'Don't trust people' voice. I didn't get many lectures on that."

We talked about his commuting to a nearby small college for two years and finally, after he "really threw a fit," as he put it, his parents let him attend the state University last year. He would be a senior in the fall. As we talked he was sitting straight up on his chair; I was leaning back and relaxing. "How's your back?"

He twitched it and smiled a little. "It feels like I have a really really bad sunburn."

"It'll be sore for a couple of days, maybe more, but I can do something that will help. It'll hurt a lot, but it'll feel better by the time we eat dinner and won't even be sore tomorrow. It's up to you."

"Like what?" He was looking at me suspiciously.

"Have you pissed yet?"

"Yes, it's in a jar on the back step." He looked even more suspicious.

"I have an herbal concoction from an old shaman. I add that to your urine and then I put it on the . uhh . affected area. It really really hurts for ten or 15 seconds, then stings for another minute or so, then it's mostly over."

"Let's try it." I tilted my head toward the door and we went through the cabin and out the back door. I looked around for my bag. "It's back inside, Sir." He looked very pleased with himself.

"Thank you, Boy. That was very thoughtful." I went back inside to find the little vial I needed then I went out and sat on the step beside his jar and added ten drops of the fluid to his urine. It turned green. "OK, David, go hold on to the clothesline post like you did before." He assumed the position and I stood behind him admiring my handiwork. His back was an angry red but only a few places were actually bruised enough so they'd show color for more than a day or so. "Here we go, Boy."

I poured a little into my palm and very gently coated part of his back with it. I repeated that several times, covering all the red areas. I set the jar back on the porch and went and stood in front of him putting my hands on top of his, to hold them down. "How's it feeling, Boy?"

"It just felt wet to begin with, but it's starting to sting a little."

"It'll get much worse. Look at me and keep breathing if you can." We looked into each others' eyes. Soon he was breathing harder and twitching.

"Oh, oooh. Oh! OOOH! Aaaagh! AAAAAA!!" He was breathing hard now, and twisting this way and that. The pressure of my hands was the only thing reminding him to hang on to the crossbar. "Ohhh Shit! OHHH SHIT!!" He was getting louder and less coherent. Tears were streaming down his face. Finally he just closed his eyes and screamed. He was trying hard to pull his hands from under mine, but I wouldn't let him. I knew it would be worse if he rolled on the ground. Then, abruptly, he began to calm down, although he was still breathing hard and twitching a little. Finally, he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"You OK, Boy?"

"That hurt like hell, Sir! A thousand wasp stings might have felt better." He was still panting a little. We stood and looked at each other for a while longer.

"Ready to let go of the bar now?" He nodded. I let go and he dropped his hands from the bar.

"You were right, that really hurt!" He looked thoughtful; "It's just a strong tingle now."

"By the time dinner is ready you may be willing to lean back in the chair."

"Wow! That's amazing stuff. What else does it work on?" I tilted my head and lifted an eyebrow. "What's it feel like on normal skin?"

"It tingles a little, but that's about it. Anywhere in particular you were wondering about?" He blushed deeply. I grinned. "Go ahead, Boy, say it."

"I . I . I was wondering . what it would feel like on my balls, Sir."

I grinned. "I'm willing to try if you are, Boy. I think for that we'll tie you down, though, just in case." Actually, I'd tried that before, and for sensitive skin like a scrotum it burned a lot, but not like on his sensitized back. Cock heads and assholes were off limits.

He looked thoughtful. "Maybe later."

"Brave man!" He grinned.


We checked, and the charcoal was ready. He brought out four thick meat patties and put them on the grill. "Like to eat out here?" he asked.

"Sure." He brought out dishes that had apparently been stacked and ready, and I noticed the table had been wiped down this afternoon, too. He got the table set the way he wanted it and we stood and talked for a while, both of us still naked. He was monitoring the patties closely.

Finally, "I think those are ready to be turned over. If you'll do that I'll bring out the rest of the stuff." I flipped the hamburgers and he appeared with all the rest. He put buns on the grill to toast and when everything was ready moved them and the patties to a plate. We sat at the picnic table with a great summertime feast in front of us. When we started eating I discovered that it was almost all home made.

"This is great." I told him. "I hadn't expected a home cooked meal. Where did you learn to cook?"

"My mother taught me a little, and I have a cooking job at that restaurant. I've learned a lot from that."

"I'd say you're doing very well, David. You could get a job as a cook anyplace." We continued to talk about his courses and what he wanted to do when he finished. He was quite aware that all the stuff his family had been feeding him about being careful and not trusting anyone was causing him problems in more than his sex life. When the meal was over, I complimented him, "Thank you, David. That was a great dinner." The bright smile my compliment evoked reminded me he had gotten few if any at home.

"I'm really glad you liked it. I thought it might be . might be too simple."

"Simple can be great, David. Never forget that and never apologize for it." We sat in a companionable silence for a minute or so, then at the same time we decided it was time to clear the table and take things back inside. Ice cream, we agreed would come later. While I was helping him wash the dishes I asked, "How did you get so comfortable with being gay and the S&M stuff?"


"Liking someone to cause you pain, frequently in a sexual setting."

"It was really odd. The preacher, my parents, everyone constantly said homosexuality was an unforgivable sin. I heard that almost daily from when I was a little kid - maybe starting right after Uncle David visited. I knew I wanted sex with men and was totally fascinated by the . S&M . part, too. I used to pray and pray for God to fix me. Then one day, about a year after I graduated from high school, I was out here with my parents. I was sitting under . Oh my God!"


"I was sitting under that same oak tree."


"Well, I was sitting there praying for things to change. I was desperate. Then a deep, clear voice said. 'There's absolutely nothing wrong with you, David. You're praying for the wrong thing.' And it called me 'David.' In my gut and mind it felt totally right. I absolutely knew, with no questions at all, that I was OK. I felt occasional guilt twinges for a while after that, but then I'd remember the voice and everything would be fine. Except for the 'You can't trust anybody.' problem, that is."

"So, that was. let's see. three years ago?"

"Yes. I felt a lot better after that. I had the energy to do more things. I realized I was smart enough to go on to college and enrolled in the community college in Jack's Creek that fall. My parents were pissed, but I stood up to them for a change.

"I still let my parents dominate me too much but I think that changed a little yesterday. You've helped me take another big step toward freedom." He turned and hugged me so hard it squeezed the breath out of me. I held him for a while, and when he backed up, his eyes were misty. "Thank you, Michael."

I winked at him. "You're welcome."

When we'd finished the dishes he looked down and sort of shuffled his feet, like a little kid who's embarrassed about something. "I bought condoms."

"Is that a hint?"

"A request, actually. I've dreamed about getting penetrated . uuuh . fucked for a long time."

"We'll see what happens. Have fun buying them?"

"It was embarrassing."

"Tell me about it."

"After I got off work last night I drove to Sterling, almost as far as Centerville, where they have an all night drug and grocery store. I think I was the only customer in the store at that point, and one of the clerks showed up as soon as I stopped at the condom display. He was cute, too. And maybe he was flirting.

"He asked 'Can I help you find something?'

"I didn't know what to say. 'Uuuuuuu . they're not all the same?'

" 'They vary in size and thickness. What size do you need?' I must have turned 27 different shades of red. Then I made it worse. 'They're not for me, actually.'

" 'OK. what size does your boyfriend need?' I must have added another 20 shades of red at that point. He realized he was embarrassing me more than he wanted, I guess.

" 'Sorry, I was teasing. I didn't mean to embarrass you. Well, not much anyway.' and he smiled at me.

"I finally stammered out. 'I guess he's about the same size I am.'"

"Flattery will get you everywhere." I told David. He grinned.

" 'If you're long and slender these are the best, short and broad, try these.' I was glad you and I were sort of alike in that department and I opted for 'long and slender'. I grabbed some and turned toward the front of the store.

" 'Sir, you may need this, too.' and he handed me some lubricant.

" 'Oh, sure. Thanks.' I told him. He was being so matter of fact about it that I was relaxing a little.

" 'And there's something over here you may want to consider.' He led me to the aisle where the enema stuff was. He handed me one of the prepackaged bottles. 'Not everyone uses these first, but it may make things more comfortable. You may or may not want it.'" David shrugged. "Anyway, I got three."

"Did the same guy run the check out stand?"

"Yes, and as I was leaving he said, 'Have fun!' I blushed again, but overall it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

"Was it a fun trip?"

"In retrospect it was sort of fun. It's the first time I openly acknowledged anything about sex with men. And really, all I did was not deny I had a 'boyfriend'."

"And your world didn't end?"

"No. I was amazed." He laughed.

"You took a big step, David."

"It felt huge. Then on the way home I was really . I felt lighter. A lot lighter!"

He tilted his head at the door. "Shall we go back outside? It's still nice out there." I took him by the shoulders and backed him against an open space on the wall and lodged my forearm against his throat under his chin and forced his head up. I pressed hard enough to restrict his breathing, but not too much. His breathing sped up and got a little erratic, but I had the feeling it was mostly from anticipation. His hands were against the wall beside his butt.

"I want to play some more, Boy." I told him in my lowest voice, almost growling.

"I'm yours, Sir, but I'm really full at the moment." His voice was strained by the pressure I was putting on his throat. His eyes were on mine. With my left hand I reached for his cock and found it plump and getting harder by the minute.

"Does that mean you'd prefer to wait a while?" I pressed a little harder. He got a little nervous, but he still didn't protest. Not bad considering he had dreamed about me choking him to death just a few days before.

"Yes, Sir." he whispered, "but I'll do whatever you want."

"What if I pressed harder?" I flexed my arm a little so he knew for sure what I meant.

"I'd get scared, Sir, but I'd try to hold still for you, Sir."

"You're a very brave man, David."

"Thank you, Sir." I did press a little harder, and slowly stroked his cock as I did so. His eyes stayed on mine while his breathing got even shallower. He didn't move his hands, he didn't struggle.

"Good, Boy!" I lightened the pressure to almost nothing. "What should we do while our meals settle, Boy."

"Maybe we could walk down to the river, Sir." His voice was still a little strained.

"Want to do that naked, Boy?"

"I've never done that, Sir, but if you tell me to, I will." His eyes were still on mine, both trust and pride showing clearly. "It's a rocky trail, so we will want shoes."

"Tell you what, Boy, if you get down on your hands and knees and bring me my leather jock, the condoms and lube, I'll let you wear shoes." I dropped my arm from his neck.

"Yes, Sir." He dropped to his hands and knees and headed to the bathroom where my jock was and disappeared around the corner. He soon reappeared with my jock over his head and the condoms and lube held carefully in his mouth. I didn't think he'd managed to do all that without using at least one hand, but I hadn't told him not to, either. He stopped in front of me like an obedient dog, and waited for my next command.

"Like the smell of my jock, Boy?" He didn't try to answer verbally, but nodded his head. "OK, give me the stuff." He did not use his hands but held his head up to let me pull the jock off and take the stuff from his mouth. I put the condoms and lube on the table while I put my jock on. "OK, Boy, get up, find our shoes and let's take a hike."

"Yes, Sir." He got quickly to his feet and brought me my boots and found his shoes. From the grin on his face, he was probably having as much fun as he'd ever had. I handed him the condoms and lube and we started out. The path down to the river was steep and rocky but not too difficult. I wouldn't have wanted to slip and slide on my bare butt, and David apparently felt the same way. We moved carefully but still got to the bottom fairly quickly.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Yup, two chapters right together, but don't expect that to continue. My partner and I will be out of town for a little over a week now, so the next chapter won't be posted until early December. We hope you have a great holiday.

Comments are greatly appreciated. They are part of what keeps all the writers here writing. If you like it, tell me. If you don't and can provide some constructive comments about why, I want to hear that, too. The story is mostly written, so suggestions for story lines are not likely to show up in this piece, though they might be included in a later one.

Comments can be sent to.

Next: Chapter 5

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