Freeing David

By J Wray

Published on Apr 22, 2003


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, real places or real circumstances is purely coincidental.

The story contains both male/male sex and power and surrender (S/M) scenes. If you object to such content or are not of a legal age for your jurisdiction to read them, please exit now.

Many thanks to my proofreaders/editor w1nner his sharp eyes and useful suggestions.

The copyright is retained by the author. Do not distribute without written permission.

Freeing David 14

David, Russ and DJ arrived in Iowa early so at least David and Paul could visit their parents. After a tearful reunion and a little conversation, their mother wanted to know where "your friend and Paulie" were. David set her straight on the names, and told her they were in the picnic area in the courtyard. She immediately went see them while Paul and David talked to their father.

Paul did most of the talking for a while, but eventually their father asked what David was doing and seemed to want to know what was going on in his life. Paul asked if he wanted to meet Russ and see DJ, but he made it clear he most certainly did not. He told them he was quite pissed that their mother had ignored him when he told her they shouldn't allow them to visit. She'd informed him in no uncertain terms that she was going to see her grandson, and if Russ was there, that was OK, too. David smiled to himself and wondered when she got the backbone to stand up to the old man. He wished she had done so much earlier.

When their mother came back she had Russ and DJ in tow. The old man glared at her and refused to speak to either of them. She seemed unperturbed and the four of them sat in the room talking while the old man stared at the wall. David did notice he kept his head turned enough so he could eavesdrop. Paul eventually told their mother that he was leaving Mildred, and the old man turned and looked at him. "Never did think it would last." then turned back to the wall. Their mother looked sad and asked what he was going to do. When he said he was going to move back to be close to David's family she nodded and said, "I hope all of you will visit me regularly, and bring Steve, too."

When they decided they had to leave, she hugged them all. As she hugged David she said "I've missed you, son. I should never have listened to the old coot." She hugged Russ then looked up at him, "You're welcome to come any time, too, Russ. You're a good man." As she hugged DJ she held on to him a long time, "I'm glad you've connected with your father, Pauli, . errr, Davie. You've needed him." They said goodbye to the old man's back as they left the room. He grunted.

"Gram isn't as bad as I thought," DJ said, "but that's the first time I ever remember her hugging me."

Paul put his arm around DJ's shoulder. "A lot of that was Mildred's doing. It took the rest of us a long time to figure out we should ignore her. I'm glad you didn't get a chance to drive off and write us off completely. We'd all be a lot poorer if you had."

DJ pulled Paul's arm around himself a little more tightly. "Yeah, twelve more hours and I would have been out of here. I'm glad it didn't happen that way."

After an early dinner they told Paul goodbye and headed to the meeting with the sheriff. They didn't tell Paul what the plans for the evening were, and he didn't ask. He planned to be in Illinois the following Saturday and would stay with them for a few days until he found an apartment he liked. He said Mildred was still quite angry. Her father had said he wondered how Paul had put up with her for so long and wished him well in Illinois.


It was a few minutes before ten, it was dark, and we were in position. David, Russ and DJ were in the sheriff's house dressed in black Levi's and black t-shirts. I was outside but out of sight, waiting for him to get home from his evening with "the boys." Tony and Matt were my "dogs" for the evening. They were much larger than the sheriff's Dobermans, so they had become the alpha males quite easily. Besides, I had tossed his dogs two big hunks of meat laced with a doggie tranquilizer. By the time the sheriff arrived they were pretty mellow.

The sheriff got out of his car, apparently not noticing that his dogs weren't there to greet him, but as he was walking toward the house he heard them growling around the side of the house. He pulled his gun and cautiously walked to the corner and using his flashlight peered around it. All he could see was his two dogs eating something and growling at each other. He called them, but they ignored him. He looked all around, then started walking toward them, curious but not concerned.

That was when one of my dogs ran around the corner behind him and turned and did a body slam to the backs of the sheriff's knees. He was caught totally by surprise and slammed to the ground, at least as much as someone with a paunch like his could, and ended up with his head about six inches from where one of his dogs was eating. The dog, of course, thought he was after the meat and snarled viscously and probably would have bitten him except my two dogs intervened. They then got in a serious mock battle right above the sheriff's head. He screamed, covered his head with his arms and pulled as much into a ball as a grossly over weight, out of shape guy can.

"Hold!" I yelled. Tony and Matt stopped "fighting" and stood beside the shaking sheriff, growling. "Watch." I told the dogs. "Sheriff, I want you to slowly straighten out and turn on your stomach with your hands above your head. As long as you move very slowly, the dogs will allow you to move. Now do it!"

"Keep them off me." he pled.

"Move slowly, and you'll be OK." He did as I had directed, not an easy task with his belly in the way. "Now, slowly lift your head." He did so, and I stepped up to him and slipped an electronic dog-training collar around his fat neck and fastened it tightly and used a small padlock to lock it on. After stepping back a few feet, I explained, "That's an electric dog training collar, Sheriff. It has four levels of power, and I have the control in my hand. I'm going to show you what one-quarter power feels like. Remember, the dogs will get upset if you move." I held the button down for one second. The sheriff screamed and started to jerk his hands back to grab the collar, but that made the dogs grab his wrists firmly in their mouths. The sheriff screamed again. He didn't seem to like dogs much.

"I said to lie still, Sheriff. Now put your hands out where they were, and the dogs will let go." He was whimpering, but he complied. "Good." I told him. "Now, very slowly roll over onto your back, keeping your hands above your head." He complied, being very careful to move slowly this time. I shone a flashlight on first one then the other of my dogs so he could see how big they were and how large their teeth were. He closed his eyes and shuddered. "Now, slowly, with your left hand, reach down and release your equipment belt. You try anything funny, and I'll hit the collar at full power."

I followed the motion of his hand with my flashlight and noticed there was a wet spot in the front of his pants. Apparently being in the middle of a dogfight had been a little too much for his bladder control. He slowly undid the buckle on the belt. When it was loose I told him, "OK, put the arm back over your head." I nodded at the belt and told Tony, "Take it." Tony took one end in his mouth and pulled hard enough to pull the sheriff's body sideways a couple of inches, and Matt growled. "If you don't want my dog to get unhappy, Sheriff, you'd better lift your butt off that belt." It was clearly a great strain, but he did it and Tony pulled the belt far to the side and left it. He came back to the sheriff and sniffed along his legs, then barked twice.

"OK, Sheriff, my dog says there are more problems here. I want you to slowly reach down, undo your pants and push them and your shorts below your butt. When you're finished, put your hands above your head again."

"No!" I hit the quarter power button on the collar control. The sheriff screamed and tried to grab the collar. And of course, the dogs grabbed his wrists again, this time hard enough to hurt. "Owww!! Ouch! Ouch! Owww!!"

"You need to learn to follow instructions, Sheriff. You're not in charge here. Do you understand?" He nodded. "I didn't hear you, Sheriff. Do you understand?"

"Yeah." I hit the button again. He jerked his arms and the dogs bit even harder. "Nooo!!"

"I want to hear a little respect, Sheriff. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Release." I told the dogs, and they let go of him. "Now, undo your pants and shove them down, Sheriff."

"Yes, Sir." He moved slowly under the intense stares of the dogs and with a lot of effort and a few groans got his pants down below his butt.

"Now the shorts." I reminded him. He grumbled then flinched when the dogs growled in return. He pushed the shorts down so his bare butt was on the grass, then started unbuttoning his shirt. I hadn't told him to do that, so I watched carefully. Then I noticed a little lump about where his sternum ended and had a good idea what he was up to. "Stop! Put your hands over your head." He tried to reach under the shirt and grab something, but Matt grabbed his wrist and bit so hard he screamed again. "Hands over your head, Sheriff." He complied, whimpering.

I investigated, and there was a little canister of mace on a neck chain under his shirt. I pulled it hard enough to break the chain and put it with the equipment belt. Then I removed his boots, socks, pants and shorts. That revealed a little knife in top of one boot and short lead club in the top of the other. It also revealed some pretty heavy skid marks in his shorts. I piled all the stuff with his belt then ripped his shirt open the rest of the way and spread it to the side. He didn't seem to have any more weapons.

"OK, Sheriff, get up slowly, take your shirt off, then we're going inside."

Just as he was getting it his feet, he said, "I ain't got anything valuable here. It won't do you any good, fucker." I hit the button at half power. He screamed, his knees buckled and my dogs would have been on him if I hadn't motioned them back. He ended up on hands and knees, panting.

"I ask for respect and I expect to get it over the next several hours, Sheriff. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir." he panted.

"Now on your feet, get your shirt off, and let's go." He tossed his shirt on the ground, then we went around to the front of the house, me walking, him limping over the rough ground on his tender feet. As we passed the garden hose I told him, "We're going to be sitting for a while in there. You want to clean up a little out here?"

"NO!" My dogs growled. He calmed down. "No, Sir."

"It's up to you, it's your furniture you'll be getting dirty." He just grumbled and walked toward the door.

"Oh, by the way, don't touch the alarm system when you go in the door, Sheriff, it's already off."

"WHAA.." My dogs were at his side and growled again. He shrunk back. "Yes, Sir." He seemed to shrink a couple of inches - another hope was gone. As we walked in the door DJ turned on the lights so we could see our way into the very messy living room. The sheriff jumped so violently the dogs growled. He had had no inkling there were men in his house waiting for him. He put his hands in front of his crotch in a sudden show of modesty. He looked at the three men in some confusion.

"Please state your name for your guests, sheriff."

"People call me 'Sheriff.'"

I stepped to my toy bag and pulled out a solid wood paddle and whacked him hard across his butt. He screamed and started to turn, but two ferocious growls made him freeze. "I told you to state your name. I did not ask what people called you."

"Percy. Percy Potts."

"Thank you, Potts. Sit there." I pointed at a chair we'd positioned so we could all see him.

"Uhhhh, maybe I should get a towel or something."

"We aren't going to let you out of our sight, Potts. Besides, I gave you a chance to clean up outside. And if you forget to address me or any of these men as 'Sir" one more time I'll hit high power on that collar."

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir. He looked at the chair and then at me. "May I have a towel to sit on, please, Sir?" I nodded at DJ and he disappeared into the bathroom. When he came back he was holding a dirty gray rag that had once been a white towel gingerly in his fingertips. He tossed it across the room, and the sheriff caught it and threw it on the chair and sat.

"Now, Percy, let me introduce your guests. The young man who got that rag for you to sit on is Paul David Perkins. The one next to him is David Perkins, his father. The one next to him is Russell Harper. You met Paul David before, when he lived here with his guardians Paul and Mildred Perkins. They called him Pauli at that time. You even had the audacity to spank him once when you found him trying to run away from home. You didn't bother to try to find out why he wanted to leave. Not too long after that they moved to the next county.

"David is the one you sent a letter to seventeen years ago telling him his son had been killed in a car accident. It was on your official office letterhead. You even included an obituary with the letter. In that letter you also threatened to arrest him for harassing Paul and Mildred if he ever came back here. Because of that letter he didn't visit his brother again until about a week ago. That is when he found out his son was very much alive and had hated living with his guardians the entire time.

"Russell is David's partner, and he is the one who took care of David when he went into a severe depression after getting your letter."

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about." Potts spit out. I hit the half power button on the control. He screamed and grabbed at the collar, the dogs jumped up, growling and snapping at his hands. He put his hands on his legs; he was shaking.

"Do you need another reminder, Potts?"

"No, Sir. But I don't know what you're talking about, Sir."

"Well, David still has the letter." He handed a copy to me. "Here's a copy, and you'll notice it has your signature on it. We've also checked, and there is a copy of the letter in your official files for that year."

Potts only grunted. He saw me reach for the control. "Oh, no, please don't, Sir. Sorry, Sir. I don't remember that, Sir."

"Be that as it may, Percy, all three of these gentlemen feel they have been grievously wronged and we are going to file a civil suit against you asking for one million dollars for each of them."

"Don't talk to me. Talk to the county attorney." He saw me reaching for the collar control. "Oh, sorry, Sir. But the county attorney is the one who would handle this, Sir."

"In this case, I don't think so, Potts. This was not just a mistake in procedure, this was an out and out lie, and you knew it was a lie. As the sheriff of this county, you would know who died in fatal car accidents. David Junior clearly did not. In addition, Paul Perkins is quite willing to testify that he never asked you to write such a letter to David. This is clearly a case of malfeasance while you were claiming to act in an official capacity. I don't think the county attorney will defend you."

That stopped him for a while. Finally he muttered, "I don't have anything like that kind of money, Sir. It would be a waste of your time."

"Unfortunately for you, Potts, we know more about your finances than most people. For example, we know you have a checking account under the name of P. P. Potts in a bank near Chicago. It has $378,347 in it.

"I don't know what you're talking about...Sir."

"Then you don't have a very good memory. The checkbook and all the information about the account are in a file in your desk in the other room. You also obtained a false Social Security number for that account. That card is in the file, too." He gulped. "We also know about the house and land of which you are part owner along the Illinois River." He turned a little pale. "We also noticed that you didn't list either of these in your financial statements with the county election commission. There's also no evidence that you filed tax returns for the money that went into that checking account either on your regular return or separately." He was turning downright white.

"If you force us to file suit, we will take the precaution of asking that all of your assets except your regular checking account be frozen until the suit is resolved, and we will list all the assets we know about. That information would, of course, be public knowledge."

By now Percy was sweating and looking down right ill. "What do you want?"

"I thought you might see it our way. If we were to file suit we would ask for compensatory damages and punitive damages. For compensation we want you to write checks of $150,000 to David Junior and to David and a check of $75,000 to Russell. The money in that Illinois bank account will cover those and leave you a little besides."

"I can't .." He stopped there. He looked like he might cry.

"For punishment these men will take you down to your barn for a good old fashioned strapping. And remember, they suffered a lot because of you."

"No, I won't do it." I reached for the control. He panicked. "Siiirrrrr. I'm sorry, Sir. I just don't want to do that, Sir."

"I know you don't want to, Potts. The question is will you? If you don't, you run the risk of the county prosecutor and the IRS getting involved in your finances, and you will have attorney fees. If we win, and I think we have a very good chance indeed, we'll move to garnish your wages and any retirement income you may get until we get our entire judgment."

"May I go piss, Sir?" he muttered.

"You may go outside. My dogs will go with you."

He looked like he might cry again. "Uhhh, that may not be all I have to do, Sir."

Apparently I had really upset him. "You can do anything you need to outside, Potts. The dogs will watch and you may use the hose to clean up before you come back. But don't even think of trying anything funny, or you'll be on the ground with two very aggressive dogs at your throat."

"Yes, Sir." He was pale. He got up and went out the door. We didn't follow him; the dogs would keep him under control. We did hear them growl a couple of times. Eventually he came back with water still dripping from his butt and running down his legs.

"So, Potts, what's your decision?"

"I'll do what you fuckers asked, but I don't like it."

I hit the half power button for two seconds. He was screaming and rolling on the floor before I stopped. "You don't learn very fast, do you, Potts?"

"No, Sir. Sorry, Sir. I'll do what you ask, Sir."

"The checkbook is there on the table. Oh, by the way, Potts, I've seen your signature card, too, so don't try anything cute."

"Yes, Sir." He sat and wrote the checks, asking for the names again and the amounts. His hands were shaking. I looked at each check carefully to make sure it was valid. He'd try to make out that they were fakes later, but I had plans for that, too.

"Good. That part is taken care of. Now, these men are going to take you down to the barn for the other part." I handed the collar control to Russ. "That middle button is the one that had him rolling on the floor a few minutes ago. Don't hesitate to use it."

Russ looked at the control. "I need to see how this works, Sheriff. You're going to get a brief burst at low power. Hang on to the chair and don't move and don't make a sound." Potts grabbed the chair seat and closed his eyes. Russ tapped the low power button. Potts jerked and whimpered; Russ smiled. "Seems pretty effective. OK, Potts, on your feet. We're going to the barn."

"May I have some shoes, Sir?"

"Tony, Matt, get his boots, please." I told the dogs. They scampered outside and shortly each came back with a boot in his mouth and dropped them in front of Russ. He checked them to make sure there was nothing extra in either one and then gave them to the sheriff. Potts checked the insides and looked at me. Apparently he'd expected his weapons to be part of the package. I smiled innocently at him. He slid them on without comment.

"OK, Potts, head to the barn." Russ pointed at the front door. Potts grumbled and walked ahead of us. We walked around the house and found his dogs gnawing on bones, all that was left of the chunks of meat I'd given them. They ignored us.

"Fuck'n useless dogs!" Potts muttered. DJ went ahead and turned lights on in the barn so we could see anything Potts might try. We'd found a perfect beam with supports for our purposes and had ropes all set.

"Go stand between those posts." Russ directed. Potts looked at the ropes and hesitated. "One more hesitation, Potts, and I use the collar, and I'm not as gentle as Michael."

"Yes, Sir." Potts moved into position.

"Now, DJ and David are going to put some leather cuffs on your wrists and ankles. If you cause any problem, you know what will happen."

"Yes, Sir." Potts was shaking and sweating, but he held still while the cuffs were put on. He looked scared when they were tied to the ropes. He looked terrified when they pulled him into a standing spreadeagle.

Russ stood in front of him. "Now, Potts, I have some good news for you. Michael's rules are that we can't cause any permanent damage." He turned and started pulling objects out of a leather bag and handing them to the other two - paddles, floggers, a whip and some alligator clips. He also pulled out a ball gag. "I think you're going to need this, Potts. Open up."

Potts kept his mouth shut and shook his head. Russ looked at DJ and nodded. DJ used a heavy wooden paddle and landed a solid blow on the sheriff's butt. When his mouth dropped open to yell, Russ pushed the ball in before he could recover, then ran the straps around the sheriff's head and buckled them. "Now, Potts, if you don't breathe too fast, that ball has a valve that will let air through. It pretty well muffles screams and yells, though." DJ hit his butt with the paddle again, and a little squeak was all that came out.

I stepped in front of Potts, and when he looked at me, I grinned. "These men have an hour to work out their anger and frustration, Potts. Considering the years of pain you caused them, you're getting off easy." I looked at my three men. "I'm going to take a walk, men. Make sure he has something to remember you by, but don't draw too much blood." As I turned to walk out the sheriff whined through his gag. Before I was out the door I heard the paddle hit his butt again and another squeak.


When I came back an hour later Potts was a mess. The cuffs and ropes were gone. He was leaning unsteadily against the wall, his eyes puffy from crying. His butt was fiery red and had blisters here and there, his back was equally red and had welts. His chest had a number of bruises, and his legs had bruises any place there was soft tissue. There were thin lines of red crisscrossed all over - Russ was obviously a master with his whip. There was no blood.

My guys had put all their stuff back in the bag and were standing in a little circle with their arms around each other and their heads together. They opened their circle for me when I approached. "I've never done anything like that in anger before." Russ said. "I feel sick." David and DJ nodded agreement.

DJ looked past me to the man leaning on the wall. "I feel sorry for him now. He's really pathetic."

The sheriff whirled at that last comment. "You got what you wanted, now get your asses out of here." he shouted. They all jumped. Potts had more fight left than they had thought.

"OK, we know he's alive. Take your checks and head home. Be at the bank when it opens at 9 and ask to talk to a VP by the name of John Dillinger. Use the checks to get cashier's checks made out to yourselves."

"What are you going to do?" DJ asked me.

"With three large checks which will almost clean out his account, the bank will want to protect itself, so they'll call him to make sure they are valid. I'll be here to make sure he's waiting for the phone call and that he knows the right answers." Potts glared at me.

"Is this Dillinger a friend of yours?" asked Russ.

I grinned. "You could say that, yes."

Russ and David started out the door with their bag. DJ came over and hugged me. "When will I see you again?"

I hugged him tightly. "Plan on later in the week, Pup. I want to try out that play room you showed me." He grinned, then looked a little troubled when he looked at Potts again. "Have a family council on the way home, DJ. Remember, he agreed to do it this way rather than go to court."

DJ was reluctant to let go of me, but finally did.

"In a few days, right?" He was nervous about leaving me.

"Definitely." DJ went to the door, looked back, waved, and headed to the car.

Potts and I were alone. "Fuckin' fairies." he muttered. I showed him the collar control and he shrank back. "Sorry, Sir."

"Let's go to the house and have a drink, Percy. We have several hours to wait. We might as well enjoy ourselves." His response was a noisy fart.


The sheriff was so sore all over that there was nothing he could do that was comfortable. I sat back and enjoyed some of his liquor and watched him dither. The phone call came at 9:15. He was chagrined to realize we had rigged up a speaker-phone so I could hear both sides of the conversation. I showed him the collar control before he answered just to remind him what would happen if he tried to claim the checks were not valid.

After the phone call he turned to me and yelled "You got what you wanted, now get this collar off of me and get the fuck out of here!"

"One more outburst like that, sheriff, and I'll lean on one of these buttons until you pass out."

"Sorry, Sir. I'm a little upset, Sir. I just want to be by myself."

"I do understand, I really do." I used my best solicitous tone. "Unfortunately, someone else has the key to that padlock." The string of profanities that came out of his mouth was amazing. It stopped abruptly when I tapped the low power button on the control.

"Sorry, Sir." He was glaring at me.

"On the way out I'll give the control to the man who has the key. He may have a use for the collar, too." The glare changed to fear. I headed out the door. "Have a great day, sheriff." The book he threw at me thudded against the door as I headed down the steps.


Rafe, Tony, and Matt were waiting for me when I reached the highway. I told them about Percy's morning. They told me the rumors DJ had heard about the sheriff were accurate. They had solid evidence he was raping young guys, mostly seventeen year olds, when he made nighttime traffic stops. They would confront him before noon. With what they had, they expected him to agree to some unusual punishment, to resign by the end of the afternoon and to leave the state by the end of the week. This would not go down as one of Percy's better days.

Those details finished, Rafe looked at me impishly. "So, Michael, are you going to settle down with your new boy?"

"Am I that obvious?"

"You give him a dream chain and ask if you're obvious? Besides, you're talking to your best buddy here. The last time I saw you like this was when you got Uhr out of trouble with his tribe. You glow when you're around each other. You mask it to them but you can't to us. DJ doesn't even try."

I grinned. I could feel my glow; I had seen DJ's. "Yeah, I know. I think I should give him a little time to figure out if I'm just a father figure, though. He may want a boyfriend his own age."

"Fat chance." Rafe exclaimed. "It's clear he has absolutely no interest in other men. The man is deeply in love with you, Michael, and it isn't just appreciation for rescuing him from Paul and Mildred. You're the lover he's wanted for years. He's going to be scared you're going to disappear like his dad did every time you leave until you two make some sort of commitment."

Matt chimed in. "Go for it. We know how to deal with one of us being a little more tied down than usual for a few decades. We all need these little interludes, and you haven't taken one since Uhr."

I had known what I wanted to do, and now they were encouraging me to do it. That was all the push I needed. I pulled them into a hug. "Thanks, guys."

I had a few loose ends to tie up here, but after that I'd go back to Illinois, and assuming he would have me, I would try to make one very special, very handsome young man very happy for the rest of his life.

The End


I'm sorry about the delay in posting this chapter. My partner and I are having an addition put on our house, and a variety of things have kept us quite busy for the last couple of months. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always, comments are appreciated.

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