Freeing David

By J Wray

Published on Nov 22, 2002


This is chapter 3 of Freeing David in Gay Male/Authoritarian. Thanks.


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, real places or real circumstances is purely coincidental.

The story contains both male/male sex and power and surrender (S/M) scenes. If you object to such content or are not of a legal age for your jurisdiction to read them, please exit now.

I want to express my appreciation to my proofreaders/editors, c lee and w1nner, for their help in making this a more readable story. It is amazing how many wrong words new sets of eyes can find and how a new ear can recast a phrase so it is much more interesting.

The copyright is retained by the author. Do not distribute without written permission.

Freeing David 3

I arrived at David's cabin a few minutes late. David was pulling weeds but it looked more like he was just trying to occupy time. He stood up and approached as I got out the car. He was nervous but not nearly as bad as when he had first come to my room. "Hello, David. Glad to find you here."

He looked a trifle miffed. "I said I would be."

"I believed you, but mothers have a special guilt generating technique they like to use."

"She tried, but it didn't work this time. It upset her, too." The corners of his mouth twitched. He was amused and pleased.

"How are the voices?"

"Pretty persistent, but they have turned off a couple of times when I concentrated on it. They got louder over the last hour when I ran out of things to do and was just waiting for you." He took a breath and moved closer to me, but his inexperience was making him shy about doing anything.

"Come here, pup." He looked at me with a slightly quizzical expression, but moved closer, then he did what I'd done to him that first night - he put his hand flat over my heart. He relaxed a little, and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.



"What do you want to do now?" He hesitated. "Go ahead, ask. People aren't mind readers."

"Could you just hold me?" I put my arms around him and pulled him close. Slowly, like he wasn't sure he should, he put his arms around me and pulled me closer still. As we stood there I felt his shoulders relax and his breathing even out. Eventually he pulled back just a smidgen. "Thank you," he whispered and I kissed him on the forehead and let go.

"You're welcome, David. Each time you face down those fears it'll get easier."

"I hope so. I was getting pretty desperate before you got here." He backed up a little. "Was my father watching?"

"Yeah, just like you said he would. Right around 5:00, Matt drove by in a car like yours, and he looks a lot like you from a distance. Your father followed, just as I predicted. At this very moment, your father is headed to a gay AA meeting in Centerville."

"Centerville? That's 50 miles away, and it doesn't seem like the kind of place there'd be a gay group of any sort."

"Well, there will be one tonight. The plan goes something like this, David. Matt will park near the door and go into a storefront building and your father will probably park about a block away to watch. He'll have no idea what you're doing, but then Rafe, another friend of mine, is going to walk up to your father's car. He'll tell him he knows it's really hard to walk into a meeting alone the first time. Your father will protest, but Rafe won' t take 'No' for an answer and gets him to go in, too. Rafe has real charm and it's very hard to turn him down. There'll be about 15 men there. Matt will be in the restroom until the meeting starts, so your father won't know it wasn't you in the car until it's too late to leave without causing a commotion, and we know your father wouldn't like to do that. Eventually he' ll figure out every one there is gay.

"After the meeting, they'll go out for coffee, and again Rafe will persuade your father to go along. You're right, he's a wimp and will find it impossible to say 'No.' When they finally get back to your father's car, Raf e will get in to 'talk for a while,' as he'll put it. Your father won't be able to stop that either. Rafe is very good at getting people to tell him their deepest secrets. He's very warm and friendly and likes to touch a lot. >From what you've said, that'll keep your father quite nervous, but he may find he likes it, especially if he's deprived at home like you were."

"I've never even seen my parents hug. " David interjected.

"I'd be willing to bet that by the evening's end Rafe will lean over and kiss your father's ear while he cradles his crotch with his big hand. Who knows what'll happen then?"

David was looking incredulous. "My father? He'll scream, leap out of the car and run." Then he laughed a little. "I'd love to see it. What time will he get back here?"

"Late, and he'll probably just go home. Even if he came down that secondary road he wouldn't be able to find your lane." David looked at me, his eyebrow raised. "The entrance is sort of hidden at the moment." I explained.


"I have some tricks I use when prudence dictates."

"So you're sure we won't have visitors tonight?"

"No one is coming in on that road, at least."

"So we can be wild and reckless?" He looked like a little kid with a BIG dessert.

I grinned at him. "If that's what you want."

He sank to his knees in front of me, looked at my crotch and then up into my eyes. "May I?"

"Sure, if that's what you want to do." It was apparently exactly what he wanted to do. With no hesitation he reached up and unbuttoned my fly and reached in and gently pulled my cock and balls out. He held onto my cock while he licked my balls and sucked them into his mouth one at a time. Then he sat up a little more and looked at my cock straight on before he took the head in his mouth and started licking and playing with it, gradually letting it slide into his mouth. By this time it was showing its appreciation for the attention by plumping up and stretching to its full length. David gradually let it slide in until it touched the back of his throat. He held still for several seconds, getting used to the feel, then he eased forward a little, then a little more.

He had at least two inches to go, but he backed off and tongued it some more before again easing it back to his throat. "If you want to take more of it, take a deep breath through your nose and think of your throat being relaxed and open." I coached. He got a little further that time, maybe only another inch to go. He backed off, tongued it and caught his breath and started the journey again. He was close, but he wanted more. He backed off again, playing, so I started thrusting into his mouth gently. He grabbed my legs in panic before he realized I wasn't moving deeper, I was just moving. When he started forward again I held still and let him set the pace. This time his nose touched my pubs, but his lips weren't quite at the base. He grabbed my ass and pulled me forward, forcing the issue. It worked, my cock slipped all the way in, but he started to gag and backed off quickly. He still held it in his mouth, though.

I grabbed his hair and pulled up gently. "Come up here, Boy." He reluctantly let go of my cock and stood up. I hugged him. "That was very good, David. Much more of that I'd have cum, and I don't want to do that yet." I tousled his hair. "After those dreams, I know that took a lot of courage."

"I wanted to swallow you like you did me yesterday, but it scared the shit out of me. I spent most of today convincing myself that I could."

"You did it very well. I'm proud of you, David." That got a real smile from him, and I could see the pride in his eyes. He had a great smile.

"I panicked when you started thrusting until I figured out you weren't going any deeper. I want more practice." He grinned.

"We'll get around to that." He eased my equipment back into my pants. I wasn't sure whether he just wanted to touch it some more or if he wanted me to be more comfortable, but he licked his lips while he did it. He was having fun.

"Are you hungry? I have hamburgers, buns, pasta salad, baked beans and ice cream."

"That sounds great, but I'm not especially hungry yet, are you?"

"I usually eat later."

"I want to hurt you some more, David."

"Yes." He looked directly at me, anticipation and fear competing in his eyes.

"You can say no, you can ask me to stop."

"I know, but." a hesitation, then a look of determination, "I want it, too. I have ever since I saw Uncle David's back and butt that morning."

"Take your shirt off." He stripped his shirt off over his head and tossed it to a lawn chair then stood quietly in front of me. I played with his tits, just teasing them, mostly, but every so often pinching hard enough to make his breath catch. I ran the backs of my fingers up and down his hard stomach, tickling the trail of hair that headed down into his pants. Then I sank to my knees and did for him what he'd done for me earlier. He loved it. His cock was fully hard by the time I got it out of his pants and shorts. I slowly deep throated him. It didn't take long before his balls started to pull up, getting into firing position. I stopped and stood up. "You have nice toys to play with, David. They taste good, too." I eased him back into his pants.

He was panting a little and blushed. "Thank you." A big sigh, "God, this is wonderful!"

"There's a black leather bag in the back seat of my car. Bring it into the cabin for me."

"OK." I went into the cabin to wait by one of the chairs, but David must have run most of the way, because he was there almost as soon as I was. Anticipation was definitely winning.

I rummaged in the bag and brought out my bag of clothespins. I got out two, stood in front of him and used the wooden tips to tease his tits for a while. "This is going to hurt, Boy."

"Yes." He didn't seem to mind being called Boy at all. I gently pinched his right tit into a mound of flesh and put the jaws across a good part of it, not just the nub. He flinched a little as I let the full power of the spring take over. I did the same to his left tit, and he groaned slightly. He made no attempt to remove them, but his posture slumped a little. He and I made eye contact and just stood there. Soon he was standing straight again.

"OK, Boy, go stand by the clothesline post and wait for me." He nodded and left by the back door. I stripped, got my black leather vest and jock out of the bag and put them on. Then I put my boots back on and followed David with my bag. He looked a little surprised at my attire, but again that little grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. He liked what he saw.

I stood in front of him and flicked the clothespins from side to side. He gasped but held still. "The voices?" I asked.


"You happy?"

"There's more, isn't there?"


A real smile, "Yes, I'm happy."

"Take your pants off." He stripped off his shorts, put them on the other side of the post and stood in front of me. The clothespins had been on long enough to have their desired effect. "Take'm off, Boy." I said, pointing at his tits. He reached up with both hands and released the pressure on both at the same time, gasping as the blood rushed back into the pinched flesh. I added to his pleasure by massaging them. He gasped again, flinching and twisting a little. After the feeling was closer to normal he just enjoyed my touch, at least he did until I started pinching harder and harder. His smile faded into a look of determination, but there was an undercurrent of happiness even then. "I think it's time to up the ante a bit, Boy."

"Yes, Sir."

"You need to piss or shit?"

A flicker of a smile. "Not at the moment. Are you going to change that?"

"Not now, but you may have given me an idea. Face the pole and put your hands out toward the ends of the T."

"Yes, Sir." He assumed the position. I stroked his back from shoulders to butt and back again using my fingertips and fingernails. He let out a sigh and moved into my touch.

"Want me to tie your hands to the crossbar?"

"Yes, please, Sir." Good. He was trusting me more.

This time I tied them firmly. He was not going to get loose without my help. When I was finished, he pulled on them, and when they didn't give, he pulled hard. "That OK, Boy?"

"Very much so, Sir."

I stood in front of him, a little to one side of the post, and played with the hair on his chest and stomach. Without warning I slipped my hand inside his shorts and grabbed his balls firmly. "Uuuh!" He jerked back a little in surprise. Logically he had to know the briefs were not any real protection, but still the invasion emphasized his delicious vulnerability. We looked into each other's eyes and I saw real trust now. I winked, moved behind him and pulled the back of his briefs down, hooking it under his ass cheeks. I slid my hand down his back and let my middle finger slide into his crack, poking and probing between the sweaty mounds until I found his tight little pucker.

I really wanted to emphasize his helplessness to see how far his trust went. I gently rubbed across it a few times then centered my finger and thrust. It was sweaty enough to slide in as far as the second knuckle. "Aahh!!" It may have been a little uncomfortable, but mostly he was surprised. I jerked my finger out, grabbed the waistband of the shorts and tore them straight down the back. They didn't fall down his legs, but they were out of my way. I pulled his left cheek to the side, found his pucker again with my right middle finger and thrust in as far as I could go. "Oooof!" I wiggled my finger and turned my hand to find his prostate. "Oh, God!" he almost whimpered. I jerked the finger out, stepped in front of him and held it under his nose. In the process I discovered why his shorts hadn't fallen down - they were hooked on his fully erect cock.

"What's this smell like, Boy?"

He sniffed. "My asshole, Sir."

"You've smelled it before, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir." he dropped his gaze, embarrassed.

"You like it, Boy?"

"It's . it's a turn on, Sir."

"Is that why you're hard, Boy." I freed his cock from the tattered briefs and played with him.

"No, Sir. That's because of the way you're . manhandling me. That's really., well, really hot." He knew a lot of the slang, he just wasn't comfortable using it.

"I'm glad you like it, Boy. Want to lick my finger?"

His eyes met mine again. "No, Sir, but if you tell me to, I will."

"Good, Boy. I want you to tell the truth. Since you did, I won't make you lick it; I'll just rub it in your mustache so you'll remember where my finger was." I rubbed and rotated my finger under his nose, and he even pushed his head toward it a little, and sniffed.

"Thank you, Sir."

I got one of the floggers out of my bag and draped it across his shoulder. "Like the smell of leather, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir." He turned so he could smell it even through the scent I'd left on his mustache.

"I'm going to be using these a lot. It'll feel pretty good for a while, but eventually it will start hurting. You know you can stop me."

"Yes, Sir." I pulled the flogger slowly back across his shoulder and let the tails slither down his back. He shivered slightly. Then I started some very light strokes on his back and butt. He sighed, spread his legs for better balance and thrust his butt out a little.

"Good." I started flogging his back and butt, gradually building up the force. When everything was a nice, uniform red, I stopped, hung the flogger over his shoulder again and stepped in front of him. He took a deep breath and blew it out. That was the most noise I'd heard from him. I turned his head to the side so we could see each other's eyes. "You doing OK, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"It's stinging, isn't it?"

"Yes, Sir. I can take more, Sir."

"Good. One of the reasons we came out here was so you could make noise if you wanted to. Remember?"


"I'm going to use a heavier flogger this next round, and it's going to hurt more. I want you to make some noise, let some of that pain out. Fake it if you have to, but I want to hear you."

"Yes, Sir." I drug the flogger I had been using off his shoulder and found the next one in the bag. With the tails in one hand and the handle in the other I draped it in front of his face and pulled his head back and turned it a little and bit his ear lobe hard enough to hurt. "Aaa!"

"That's the idea, Boy. I want to hear it." I kissed his ear, let go of the tails and again let them slither down his back as I backed up. This time his back was more sensitive, and he flinched. I started lightly but was soon back to where I had been before I'd switched floggers. I started a different rhythm, four light ones and a heavy one on alternate sides of his back. He started making little grunting sounds. "I want to hear more, Boy." On the heavy strokes he started making short, muted sounds."

"aaa. aaa. aaa." Then I startled him with a much harder one. "Aaaaaa!!" and the sounds were genuine.

"That's it, Boy. Yell the pain out." I dropped the intensity back and slowly worked it higher and higher, and he kept making real sounds - not too loud, but real. I stopped. "Good, Boy." I stepped up to him and drug my fingernails down his back hard enough to briefly leave white lines in the red.

"Aaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhh!!" He was panting hard now.

"Goooood." I moved to face him. "That's what I like to hear, Boy."

"Yes, Sir. I was surprised, Sir." He swallowed a couple of times. "May I have some water, Sir?"

"Sure." I went in the cabin and got a bottle for each of us from the refrigerator and took them outside and stood close behind him. I opened mine and drank noisily so he would hear it. Then I poured the rest of it down his back, starting at one shoulder and moving across to the other so that several streams of cold water were running across his burning skin.

He jumped, "AAAAAaaaa!! Shit!! AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" futilely trying to escape the cold.

"Good!! Would you like some water to drink, too, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir!" When I stepped in front of him he had a glint in his eye, a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, and he watched me warily as I opened the second bottle and held it so he could drink. I managed to spill a little down his front when he finished, but he couldn't be sure that wasn't an accident. I suspected a playful side of David was peering out from behind the screens of repression and had the feeling I might pay for my little trick later. If so, it was well worth it. "Thank you, Sir."

We locked eyes for a few seconds. "I want you to feel the earth beneath your feet, Boy. Feel your roots in the earth." He closed his eyes, searching for those feelings. "Feel earth energy moving up through your body and out the crown of your head." He relaxed a little and stretched a little taller. "Now feel the energy of the universe coming in from above. Feel it flow through your body and out your feet into the earth." He nodded slightly.

Finally he opened his eyes and connected with me again. "That feels good. I like that, Sir."

"It flows all the time, Boy, unless we block it. You just have to be open to it."

"Mmmm." He looked a little dreamy.

"I'd like to do one more round, Boy. You up for that?"

"Yes, Sir!" The look of determination came back, now intermingled with pride.

"Good. I'm proud of you, Boy. You're tougher than I thought." He wasn't surprising me at all, actually, but I suspected he'd never plumbed the depths of this side of himself. His eyes revealed his pleasure at being praised. "OK, Boy, here we go. I want to hear you this time."

"Yes, Sir!" As I moved behind him he spread his feet a little and I think he looked a little taller. I picked up a still heavier flogger, one with hard tails so the edges felt pretty sharp on a sensitive back. Again I caught it by the tails and looped it in front of his mouth to pull his head back.

"This is going to hurt, Boy, and I want to hear you yell out that pain."

"Yef, Fiir." I let go of the tails and again let them slide down his back. He inhaled sharply and went back to his stance. This time I started with a very firm stroke. "AAAAaaa!!" It wasn't put on, but he still wasn't letting go. I went to the four and one pattern again, but with a little more force. Finally he started letting go on the hard strokes. "AAAAAaaaaaaaagggggghhhhh!! .. AAAAAAaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhh! .. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa!!" I kept hitting harder and he was finally really yelling, almost roaring. He was totally involved in the experience, not holding back, not embarrassed, not analyzing. He was totally present in the moment, totally present with the pain. It was enough. I stopped.

I was really sweating, and so was he. After a few moments of silence he started sobbing. I stepped in front of him. "Get ready, Boy. I'm going to release your hands." He leaned on the post and I pulled on the ropes untying the quick release knots I always use. When his hands dropped, I turned him and pulled him to me using his lower back where the skin was untouched. He leaned into me and wrapped his arms around me and started crying harder. I led him a few steps to some grass. "We're going to lay down, Boy." He let go and went down on his hands and knees while I lay down on my back in the grass. I pulled him over on top of me; his head ended up on my chest. He was totally mine for the moment.

I put one hand on his lower back and the other on the back of his head and whispered, "It's OK, David, let it all out. Let go of all that pain." His body was wracked with sobs, and he clung to me tightly. I encouraged him once in a while, "It's OK, Boy, let it out." Finally the main storm passed, smaller sobs still shaking him occasionally. I whispered, "I'm proud of you, David. You did very well." That set off another round, but quieter this time. Finally he raised his head and looked at me.


"Don't be. You did something very important. You let go of a lot of pain, and you trusted me to take care of you. I'm glad I could be here for you."

"Thank you." He made a little attempt at a smile, but that wouldn't work yet. He laid his head back on my chest for a few minutes more. "Will it be. like that a lot?"

"I don't know, David. Sometimes you need to get rid of old anger and fear and pain, and when you feel very safe it comes out that way. Other times you won't believe how erotic it'll feel and how horny you'll get. It'll feel like your cock must be shooting fire when you cum." Who knew what he'd be like with other men, but I had a feeling a real gem was being revealed as he let go of his reservations.

He raised his head again and looked at me a little shyly with a small grin. "Your chest is a real mess, maybe you should go take a cold shower."

"If I have to do that, you may pay for it later, Boy." He looked thoughtful, but there was amusement behind it.

"Well, maybe you can have a little hot water."

"Yeah, like you had a lot of it to offer, Boy." I teased him back.

He smiled. "While you do that I'll start the grill and maybe we can have a beer while we wait for the coals to get ready."

He got up and helped me to my feet. When I was upright, he hugged me fiercely. "Thank you, I really wanted that."

"You're welcome, David. You're a special man; you deserve to get what you want."

"There are clean towels in the bathroom." He pushed me in that direction, but not before I saw a hint of moisture in the corner of his eye again.

I saw him head toward his shorts. "Stay naked, Boy." He looked up, a little surprised.

"Yes, Sir."

"Oh, and when you have to piss, do it in a jar and save it." From his expression I gathered he wasn't expecting a pleasant use for it. Little did he know what was in store.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Comments are greatly appreciated. They are part of what keeps all the writers here writing. If you like it, tell me. If you don't and can provide some constructive comments about why, I want to hear that, too. The story is mostly written, so suggestions for story lines are not likely to show up in this piece, though they might be included in a later one.

Comments can be sent to.

Next: Chapter 4

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