Freeing David

By J Wray

Published on Mar 5, 2003


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, real places or real circumstances is purely coincidental.

The story contains both male/male sex and power and surrender (S/M) scenes. If you object to such content or are not of a legal age for your jurisdiction to read them, please exit now.

Many thanks to my proofreaders/editors w1nner and Dirk M for their sharp

eyes and useful suggestions.

The copyright is retained by the author. Do not distribute without written permission.

Freeing David 13

My crew came up with lots of usable information about the sheriff. We already knew he wasn't a nice guy, but it appeared that he was involved in some unlawful activities as well. They didn't have many details, but that was a different issue than what he'd done to David and DJ. I knew enough now to make some suggestions to the guys. The crew was going to follow up on the other problem and take some action if it seemed warranted.

Since I had suggestions to make, I decided to drop in on my boy and see how things were going. We had talked once during the week, and he sounded very happy. Friday evening a little before dinnertime I rang their doorbell. DJ opened the door wearing just a pair of running shorts. He looked shocked for a moment, then yelled "Michael!" and grabbed and hugged me so hard I could hardly breathe.

I hugged him, too, of course, and when he slacked off a little I asked, "Am I in time for dinner?"

"Yeah. Come in. It's been a week since Dad and Russ came to find me, so we decided to celebrate. We're going to a nice little restaurant here in town."

"Will it work for me to join you, or is it just a family thing? You have reservations or something?"

"Reservations for six. We'll call and ask them to add another plate. It's the four of us and Russ's sister and her husband, and now you." He looked at me with a smile. "You are family for me, Michael, and that's more than enough for Dad and Russ to include you."

David came into the room and gave me a big smile, "Hi!" and a hug. He was naked. "Michael, I can't thank you enough for what you did for DJ. He's told us more and more about it all week. I don't think he would have been ready for Russ and me if we'd just dropped in."

At that point Russ came down the hall, also naked, to see what all the talking was about, and I got the same treatment from him. "Joining us for dinner?"

"If you don't think it'll be a problem, I'd like that."

"No problem, I'll call Lyle and ask him to add one more place to our table. We aren't expected for over an hour, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Where's Steve?" I asked.

"He's at my sister's. They live about a block further down the street. She's sort of a mother for him, so he's over there fairly often."

"I have a plan for the sheriff. Want to discuss that now or will that spoil your mood for dinner?"

David grinned. "I think it might help my mood." Russ and DJ nodded. We moved to seats in the living room. DJ guided to me to the sofa so we could sit together. He had shed his shorts at some point. "It isn't a requirement, but you can get comfortable if you want, too Michael," David told me. I grinned and stripped. It felt good.

I told them my plan, and they were all grinning when I finished. "Think you could be there Sunday?" I asked.

"Sure." from all of them.

"Paul was going to try to arrange something for the next time you were over. Has he called?"

"Yeah." David answered. He looked a little pensive. "He said my parents would like to see me and meet Steve. Mom would even like to see Russ again. I guess Dad grumbled about that part but she didn't back off. Paul also said he's told his father-in-law that he's leaving. He's going to move back over here. He said Mildred is really pissed."

"What's he going to do?"

"For now we've asked him to be the controller and accountant for the architectural and construction companies. If it works out, that'll make life a lot easier for Russ and me."

At that point the front door burst open and a slender kid with light brown hair popped in. "Dad!" he yelled. Then he closed the door, saw us sitting in the living room, and got embarrassed when he saw me. "Ooops. Sorry."

"Steve, come meet Michael. He's the guy DJ has been talking about all week." I stood up and Steve came over and shook hands.

He wasn't bothered by my nudity. He quite openly checked me out briefly but didn't dwell on it and didn't seem embarrassed that he'd done so. "Good to meet you, Sir."

I hadn't met a teenager that polite in years. "Nice meeting you, too, Steve." I refrained from embarrassing him by telling him what a handsome young man he was. He was going to turn lots of heads when he got a couple of years older.

"Dad, Auntie asked if I could baby sit for them after dinner. The sitter they got can only stay a couple of hours and they wanted to go to a movie afterwards. Will that OK? I'd probably just stay over there tonight."

"Sure. Why don't you call and tell her that's fine with us." Russ answered. I glanced at DJ for some reason, and he was trying to look neutral, but was obviously pleased with this turn of events. Steve headed out of the room. "We need to get dressed for dinner soon, too, son."

"Yup. I'll be ready, Dad."

"I should get my suitcase and find something to wear." I observed.

"I can slip on my shorts and get it, Michael." DJ offered. By the time he got back I'd picked up all my clothes, and he grabbed my free hand and we headed downstairs. I caught the amused glance David and Russ exchanged.

"Don't be too long, guys. We have to be there in half an hour." David called after us.

. . . .

Dinner was fantastic, as was the company. I liked all of them, and they all seemed very happy to have DJ with them. DJ and Steve were both delighted to have a brother. It had only been a week, but it looked like DJ was settling in well.

When we were walking back to the cars, David managed to walk with me and separate us from the group a little. "You know my son is in love with you, don't you, Michael." he said quietly, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I've started to realize that, yes." It gave me quite a buzz just thinking about it.

"I hope you aren't going to hurt him the way I did."

"I'll try hard not to do that, David. I love him, too."

"Want to move in with us?"

"I'm not sure we're ready for that. Not yet, anyway."

"Not that he needs it, but you two would certainly have my blessing if you wanted to pair up."

"You don't know me that well yet, David." I wondered how much DJ had really told them.

"I know what DJ has said about you. I see how he glows when you're around. I feel really good when you're around, and so does Russ - we've talked about it. You seem like the kind of son-in-law we'd love to have."

I grinned. "Thanks, David. It's good to know that." He squeezed my shoulder and let go as we caught up to the rest of the group.


When we got back to the house, Steve zipped downstairs to change into babysitting clothes. He was back so soon I was positive he hadn't hung anything up. He said goodnight to all of us, then went to DJ and hugged him. "Have fun, bro." DJ turned red, but Steve was in such a hurry he didn't notice.

"You guys want to play some cards?" Russ asked, barely keeping a straight face. DJ shot him a 'you've got to be kidding' look, and Russ and David burst out laughing. "I guess we'll see you guys in the morning sometime then." By then DJ was smiling, too, realizing he was being put on. He grabbed my hand again and after saying good night to his dads we went downstairs again.

"I'm glad Steve went over to Betty and Tom's tonight. He knows about gay sex and knows what his Dad and Russ do and seems to be totally cool with it, but I would still feel embarrassed with him down here, too. If I ever try to find a boyfriend, I may feel like I have to move." We stripped out of our clothes and hung them, sort of, then he almost tackled me and threw me on the bed.

I laughed. "Have you missed me?"

"Yes! A lot! It's great being here. Dad lets me know where he's going, and I tell him where I'm going. That seems to be working for both of us, but that little boy you talked about was starting to wonder if you would come back." He hugged me hard.

"You can tell him anytime he starts wondering that I'll come around regularly, DJ. You're a neat man and I'm not going to forget you." I hugged him back. We just snuggled for a while, then I used his hair to pull his head back and kissed him on the mouth. He was instantly hard.

He scooted back and took my hand again. "I've gotta show you something." He pulled me up and took me to an enclosed space in the end of the basement. He opened the door and turned on the lights to reveal a small dungeon. "Neat, huh?"

"Wow!" It was a little crowded and things would have to be moved about to give space to use some of the equipment, but most stuff I might want was there. "Do they use this when Steve is here?"

"Yeah. He knows all about it. As I said, he's cool with men having sex, even S&M activities, it's me that would be embarrassed. He warns us when he's going to bring friends over so we have clothes on, and they don't use it when he has company. Do you want to use it tonight?" It was clear he was ready.

"I don't think so." I told him.

"Is something wrong?" He looked worried. I grabbed his hand and led him back to his bedroom and closed the door.

"On the bed, Boy. Spread eagle on your back." I tried to sound stern.

He didn't buy the stern part. "Yes, Sir!" and he jumped on the bed and got in position. He looked at me with a gleam in his eye. I went to my suitcase to get what I needed - lots of clothespins, leather cuffs, ropes and some lube. He watched me put everything on the bed, and looked a little wary when I added the pile of clothespins. I put a leather cuff on his left wrist and used one rope to tie that to one bedpost and then repeated the process on the other side. Walking to the foot of the bed, I grabbed his ankles and pulled him down so the ropes holding his arms were tight.

Moving to kneel beside him on the bed, I picked up two clothespins and put one on each of his tits, getting a slight grunt on each one. Then I made a line of them on his scrotum, starting right under his cock and following the dividing line to where his scrotum ended between his legs. I thought that would keep him amused while I put the other pair of restraints on his ankles and used two more ropes to pull his legs toward the posts at the foot of the bed. By the time I finished that, I figured his tits would be nicely sensitive, so I released them and used my thumbs to rub them around a bit. He grimaced and hissed. His cock was hard and a bead of precum was sitting on the end.

"Like that, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, I have a few more I might as well use." He let out a slight groan. I moved my pile closer and started making a pattern on his torso. I started out with the ridge of flesh connecting his torso to his arm and worked down one side, finally angling in toward his cock. On the other side I ran out part way down, so I started using the ones from his scrotum to complete that line. Each time I removed one he made a little grunt. His cock hadn't deflated at all. "Hey, you look good that way, Boy."

"Thank you, Sir." I palmed his scrotum rubbing it around a bit to make sure the feeling was back. His breath got a little faster and precum started dripping on his belly. I rubbed my finger in it and held it in front of his mouth. He lifted his head to lick my finger and discovered that that pulled his skin a little tighter under some of the clothespins. He grunted but licked my fingers carefully.

"You're doing well, Boy."

"Thank you, Sir." I took one of smaller ropes and wrapped it around his balls twice and tied it tightly enough to elicit a little gasp. The other end I led to the bottom of the bed and wrapped it around a bar in the bed frame twice then pulled it tight enough so his cock was pointing straight up.

"That looks good enough to eat, Boy." I knelt on the bed beside him, which lowered his body slightly, tightening the rope on his balls.

"Oooof." I leaned over and licked the head a few times. "Oh! Oh! Unh! That feels good, Sir."

"Good." I flipped some of the clothespins back and forth a few times. "I think maybe these have been on long enough. What do you think, Boy?"

"I don't know, Sir. They don't hurt much any more."

"I can fix that." He frowned slightly, maybe wishing he hadn't said quite so much. I fished around my bag and found a coil of wire. Freeing about four feet of it, I fed it through the centers of the springs on each of the clothespins. DJ watched me with a puzzled expression. When I had it threaded down one side and up the other, I tied the ends to the pins closest to his arms. There was just a hand-width of wire between the last pins on each side of his cock. I slipped my hand under it and firmly jerked it up and toward his head.

He screamed and jerked his body up. The pins had all snapped off in less than a second, and his jerk had pulled on his balls even harder. I dropped the wire and started rubbing my hands up and down the lines where the pins had been. "Aaaah! Aaaah! Oooooh! Oooooh! Ouch! Ouch! Ooooo. Oooooo. Unh. Unh. Oh. Oh." The first jerk had been enough to convince him to lie still, but his eyes and mouth were wide open. Finally he quieted down, breathing hard.

"Got all the feeling back now, Boy?"

"I think so, Sir. That was pretty intense." His cock had even wilted a little. I leaned down and licked it a few times. That was all it took to get it back to full mast.

I got off the bed and stood at the bottom looking at him and allowed a slight smile to play with the corners of my mouth. "You're a hot man, DJ. Looks like you might be interested in getting off, too."

"Thank you, Sir. I'm quite interested in getting off, Sir." He was showing no nervousness, or at least no more than would be normal for someone completely restrained with his balls under tension. It was an incredible transformation from the terrified, shy, inhibited man I'd met three weeks ago.

"Maybe we should work on that goal a little. Maybe we can get you a little closer." I untied the rope holding his balls from the foot rail and restrung it around one of the bedposts and then tied it to the ring on one of his ankle cuffs. I found another rope, looped it around his balls twice, tied it tightly, then led the rest around the other bedpost and back to his other ankle cuff and tied it off. Only then did I release the original ropes holding his legs straight. Now he could move his legs, but if he moved either one it would pull on his balls.

DJ had no pillow under his head, so to watch what I was doing he had to hold his head up. That was obviously tiring, but he had watched enough to keep track of what I was doing. After everything was set I quickly pulled my thumbnail up the bottom of his left foot when he wasn't watching.

"Aaaaaa!" His leg muscles twitched violently, but his leg barely moved. He really did understand what the ropes would do, so I did the other foot harder. "Aaaaaaaaaaa!" Again there was a big twitch but no jerk of his leg.

"Good control, Boy. I like that."

"Thank you, Sir." He was grinning but watching me carefully. His cock was hard, pulled straight up, leaking precum. I got back on the bed, grabbed the tube of lube and carefully coated his cock and then my asshole. His cock twitched with the attention. I put a knee on each side of his chest and then started backing up, eventually working my toes under his thighs as I moved into position to sit on his hard cock. I reached behind myself and pulled it forward a little to get the angle right and put its tip against my asshole. He grunted slightly, since that tightened the ropes on his balls. Leaning back just a little, I let the head slide in just enough to hold his cock in that position. I could tell by his expression that he was expecting me to do more.

"Like that, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir!" His eyes sparkled.

"Want in deeper, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Go for it, Boy." First he tried rocking his hips, but I followed his motions and moved up and down at the same rate he did. He got no satisfaction out of that. He tried pushing his feet into the bed and raising his hips, but when he did that, the ropes pulled even harder on his balls. He was moving his cock back and forth only an inch or so, and he was sweating.

"Unh. Unh. Unh." On one of his thrusts, I sank down so his whole cock slipped into my ass. "Oh, yeah!" Before he could fully enjoy the feeling I raised up so far his cock almost slipped out. I held that position. His eyes were getting a little glazed, and he was clearly frustrated. He started pushing a little harder. "Unh. Oh. Ouch. Unh. Uunnh."

Suddenly I sank so he was completely in me but just sat there not letting him move at all. "Nnnnnnh!" He was so frustrated he was almost snarling at me. To get his mind off his cock I started pinching and rolling both his tits.

"Having fun, Boy?" He was breathing hard, groaning once in a while.

"Unh. Yes, Sir." I sat up and let him pop completely out of my ass and moved up so my cock was resting on his lips. He immediately started licking the precum off, and soon lifted his head so he could take it in his mouth. I put one of the pillows behind his head so I could face fuck him better and started thrusting into his mouth. Eventually I was going down his throat. It wasn't going to take much to send me over the edge, so before I got too close I backed down his body and again just took the tip of his cock in my ass. He was getting desperate. He was thrusting harder and groaning more. When I was sure he was going to cum on the nest thrust, I pulled off him again. "Ooooooooo!" He thrust harder, trying to follow me. "Uuuuunhh!!"

I moved up his body and even before I got close he had his tongue out trying to lick my cock. "You want my cock, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir. Please let me suck your cock, Sir. Please, Sir." I let him take the head in his mouth and he played with it thoroughly with his tongue. Finally I started thrusting, and soon I was sinking in all the way again.

"I'm going to cum soon, Boy. You ready for that?" He nodded and sucked even harder as I was thrusting. "Here it comes, Boy." I pulled back so the head was in his mouth instead of down his throat. "AAAaaaaaaaaa!!!" I shot my cum in his mouth and he tried to swallow it all and suddenly started grunting and groaning himself. He was cumming, too.

When I refocused on his face he still had his eyes closed. He was holding my cock gently in his mouth and was trying to smile around it. After a while he opened his eyes and started licking my cock gently, making sure it was clean. He had a look of adoration in his eyes. "You do that very well, Boy."

He gave my cock one last swipe with his tongue. "Thank you, Sir."

I moved off of him and knelt by his side. "You made a mess of yourself, Boy."

"Yes, Sir. I got sort of excited for a while there, Sir." I started licking him clean, ending with sucking his cock a little more. It got hard again, a clear invitation to further torment. I continued sucking, occasionally stopping to lick his balls while I used a hand to stroke him. Part of the time, while I was bobbing up and down on his cock, I was tickling his asshole with one finger. Occasionally I would press a little, but not enough to penetrate. Soon he started moaning again, and when I stopped sucking, he'd whimper a little. Each time I moved on the bed, the tension on his balls changed, of course, and he had no control over any of this.

Bobbing on his cock I took him to the very edge, then stopped and licked his balls. He whined. When he'd cooled down a little, I started stroking him while licking his balls, and then stopped touching him when he got too close. "Oh, please, Sir."

"What do you need, Boy? You ready to go to sleep now?"

"Nooo! Oh, please, Sir, I need to cum again! Please!"

I started stroking him again, very lightly. "You already came once tonight, Boy. Aren't you getting a little greedy?" He was making little thrusting motions again, in spite of the ropes on his balls.

"Oh, I don't think so, Sir. You got me so hot I really need to cum again. Please."

"I don't know, Boy. My arm is getting tired and my mouth is tired. You seem to be taking a long time to cum, maybe we should just go to sleep." I released my grip a little, so I was just barely touching his cock as I moved my hand along it.

"Oooooh! Please, Sir, I don't think I could go to sleep quite yet. I really need to cum! Please, Sir."

"Tell you what, Boy, I'll get you off again, but when you start cumming I'm going to slap your balls hard enough to hurt. You still want to do it?" He was so aroused he was panting. He frowned, trying to weigh the pleasure and the unknown level of additional pain. I increased my stroking pressure again, making sure he was so close it hurt.

"Yes, Sir. I still want to cum, Sir. Please, Sir."

"Good." I stopped stroking him and got off the bed. He whined and moaned in frustration. I found my shorts, the ones I'd been wearing all day, and got back on the bed, bouncing around a little more then was necessary to make sure he enjoyed the jerking on his balls. I rubbed the shorts around on his face then wadded them into a ball. "Open your mouth, Boy. I don't want you waking the whole household." His eyebrows arched, and he looked a little nervous, but he opened his mouth and let me stuff my shorts in. "That OK, Boy?" He nodded. His cock hadn't drooped at all in the interval, but the head wasn't quite as red as it had been earlier.

I started licking his cock again, then deep throated him in one plunge then bobbed a few times, then plunged all the way down again. His cock expanded in my throat. A very muffled "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" burst from his throat as I pulled up so he was shooting in my mouth. I slapped the bottoms of his balls hard with my outstretched fingers and his knees bent reflexively, jerking on his balls even harder. "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Another big spurt of cum hit the back of my throat. He flattened out on the bed, moaning, tears running from his eyes, as I licked his cock clean. When I finished I knelt beside him until he opened his eyes. I took my shorts out of his mouth. He stretched his jaw a couple of times. "That hurt, Sir."

"Was it worth it?"

"Yeah." A little smile played at the corners of his mouth.

"Want to do it again?"

"Not tonight!"

"But sometime?"

He thought for a moment. "Maybe." I reached down and loosened the tension on his ankle ropes. His balls dropped down between his legs and he let out a big sigh. After I got all the ropes and the leather cuffs off, he gingerly cupped his balls, holding them a little protectively. He looked at me and grinned. "I think I can sleep now."


Light was streaming in the window when he started stirring in the morning. He tensed when I reached over him and cupped his balls. I was gentle this time so he relaxed. I rolled them a little. "Tender?"

"A little. I wouldn't want to repeat last night quite yet." His cock was getting firmer though. At that point one of the dads yelled down the stairs that breakfast would be ready soon. He replied that we'd be up shortly.

"You're already mostly up, Boy." He rolled over and we kissed.

"Will you come visit often?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes! I can't tell you how much I want that." His eyes looked a little watery.

I kissed him. "Then we'll have to work out something."


At breakfast we talked about the timing for our visit to the sheriff. They could all arrange to take Monday off, so we agreed to meet at a nice little park near the sheriff's house Sunday evening. He was very regular. He had dinner and some beers with buddies and always got home about 10. We would be ready.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Comments are greatly appreciated. They are part of what keeps all the writers here writing. If you like it, tell me. If you don't and can provide some constructive comments about why, I want to hear that, too. The story is mostly written, so suggestions for story lines are not likely to show up in this piece, though they might be included in a later one.

Comments can be sent to.

Next: Chapter 14

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