Freeing David

By J Wray

Published on Jan 4, 2003


The following in the next chapter of Freeing David in gaymale/authoritarian. Thanks.

J Wray


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, real places or real circumstances is purely coincidental.

The story contains both male/male sex and power and surrender (S/M) scenes. If you object to such content or are not of a legal age for your jurisdiction to read them, please exit now.

Many thanks to my proofreaders/editors w1nner and Dirk M for their sharp

eyes and useful suggestions.

The copyright is retained by the author. Do not distribute without written permission.

Freeing David 8

After showering we both more or less collapsed into bed in our usual positions, David in front of me with my arm over his chest, his butt firmly against my groin. It was a position he liked a lot. He was making up for some of the touch deprivation he suffered while he was growing up. I could tell he wasn't dropping off to sleep, though.



"Are you ever going to show me what you really look like?" He'd figured out I wasn't quite 'normal' early on, not that I'd tried to conceal it, but this was the first time he'd said it out loud.

"This is what I look like, David."

"But ..." He didn't know how to phrase it. "You're not just human, are you?"

"No, but in human form, this is what I have chosen to look like. I have to have a human body so we can experience things together."

"You rescue people who are having problems, don't you?"

"I try."

"When you're not doing that, what .." He was trying to figure out what he wanted to ask, "what do you look like?"

"For humans I'm invisible in my spirit form, David. Sometimes sensitive people can feel when we're around, but you can't see us. To each other we look . well, the closest I can come is . like spheres of light. But we can recognize each other, so it isn't nearly that simple. We don't look like the angels you've seen in paintings, if that was what you were wondering." He pondered that for a while.

"If you're not really human, you don't get sick, do you?"

"Not physically. It's possible for us to get sick spiritually, so we do get what you'd call a 'check up' now and then. My group keeps pretty close tabs on everyone to make sure we are all doing OK."

"Was that the group that my father saw in Centerville?"

"That was part of it. Most of the time we work more or less alone, but we can call on each other when situations require more."

"Is that bull one of your . group?"

"Yeah, he had a couple of free days, and he was quite amused by this idea. If you looked him in the eye, you may have noticed a little unbull-like twinkle as you drove past him."

"I wondered." He was still thinking. "If you don't get diseases, we don't really need to use condoms, do we?"

"Not really. But we try to give people good training for when they aren't playing with one of us."

"Would you fuck me without a condom, Michael? I . I want to take a part of you with me that way. It seems like . it seems like it would . help me stay 'David' and not fall back into 'Paul.'"


"No. I'm a little sore from what that faggot sheriff did." I could sense his smile. "But before I start looking for Uncle David, maybe. I know it's symbolic, but it feels like it could be important."

"We can do that David." I kissed the back of his head.

"Good." He was holding my arm firmly against his chest, and he pulled it into an even firmer hug for a moment. A minute or two later he was asleep. That night I didn't drop into my usual meditation immediately but did a little planning for a dream David would have near morning. Only when the plan was finished did I sink into my meditation.


About the time we had changed positions on previous nights, David got up and went to piss. I suspected he was protecting himself from a repeat of our piss scenes from other mornings. When he came back I hadn't moved, so he snuggled against me the way we'd been before. He quickly dropped back into a deep sleep. When the light was fairly bright he started the usual morning dream cycle people have. I was ready.

In his dream he was walking along the lip of the bluff in the early morning. He looked up, and I was approaching from the opposite direction, barefoot, dressed in what appeared to be a toga of shimmering white cloth. At first he was perplexed, then his face lit up as he recognized me. When we were close enough we put our hands on each others' chests and stared into each others' eyes. "Do you trust me, David?"


"No matter what happens, you have to trust me completely. You can be totally sure I won't let any harm come to you."

"I am sure, Michael." We smiled at each other.

"I want to see you naked, Boy."

"Yes, Sir." He quickly shed his clothes, piling them neatly on the ground. In moments he was standing in front of me, naked, erect, smiling, unabashed.

"Now, take my clothes off." He stepped forward and noticed I was taller than usual. He started trying to figure out how a toga worked. It didn't take him long, and soon my robe was neatly folded on top of his clothes. I stood in front of him, naked, smiling, my erection reaching for his. When he was putting my toga down, from the corner of his eye he could see I was surrounded by a shimmering light.

"Wow! You're beautiful, Michael." He touched my chest again, and jerked his hand back in surprise when he found out how warm my heart area was.

"Turn around and back up to me, David." I held my cock up so it wouldn't be in his way and when he was against me I put my arms around his chest. I was tall enough I could see over his head. "Put your legs between mine, then hook your feet behind my ankles." It sounded awkward, but with me holding his weight, it was easy. When he was set, I said, "Remember, you're safe." and we lifted off the ground and headed over the trees.

"AAAAaaaa!!" and he grabbed my arms tightly, his legs straightened to lock his legs more firmly to mine. "You're safe, David, you can relax. I won't let go until you know how to do this." I let us glide down to the river, then headed slowly upstream.

"Mmm!" He didn't struggle, but he held on tightly for a while. Finally he started to realize that his weight wasn't pulling him down against my arms much nor were his legs pulling down on mine much, and he started to relax. I'd coach him more later on how to be totally weightless.

One nice thing about dreams is that it doesn't take any time at all to get from one spot to another. In the blink of an eye I had us flying beside an eagle. He looked at us and uttered an eagle "good morning" screech. He didn't seem upset that we were flying with him. Soon he met another eagle and they somehow flipped and joined claws and started a rapid spiral toward the earth. We circled them and kept pace. "AAAAAaaaa!!" David went rigid again.

"You're OK, Boy." I reminded him. After a couple more circles the joined eagles broke apart and flew off. I leveled off as well. He relaxed slightly.

"Wow! That was like being on a really fast elevator. It made my asshole tingle."

"You'll get used to it." Another eye blink, and we were over a huge snowfield on a mountain side. I spiraled down to just over the snow and hovered. "Want to go body sledding?"

"Uhhh, won't it be cold?"

"Nope. Let's go." I let dream gravity pull us down the snow slope, bouncing up and down, following the contours almost exactly, dipping low enough occasionally so his cock plowed tracks in the soft powder. He screamed like a little kid on his first big sledding run. Dream hills can go on for quite a while, and this one did.

"If you do much more of that my cock may freeze off." He was laughing. At that point we shot off a huge cliff, and he grabbed me tightly and screamed again, then laughed as he realized we were floating down like a feather. Another blink, and we were gliding inches above the water of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. "Wow!!!"

"You can go where you want, David. Just point and think of going there."

"Let's go up." I rolled us over on our backs, hovering just above the water. He pointed to a butte high above us, and we zoomed up and circled it slowly.

"Have you noticed there's no weight on your ankles? I'm not holding them up."

"Yeah, sort of." He checked it out in his 'body' and decided it really was true. On his own he unhooked one ankle from mine and checked out what happened. At first he tensed his muscles to hold his leg up, but then slowly relaxed as he realized it wasn't pulling him down. "Wow!" We circled a little longer, then he unhooked the second ankle. He held onto my arms tightly when he did that, but again his legs didn't sag. He was breathing hard and suddenly he decided he didn't feel safe enough. Both of his ankles sought mine again and locked on. "Can we do that someplace less scary?"

"What would you like?"

"Just above a nice lake." In a blink we were three feet above the blue water of a small lake with pine and cedar trees on the surrounding shores. "Wow!!! How did you do that?"

"You did it, David. You pictured what you wanted."

He looked around and laughed. "What I pictured looked exactly like this, too."

"Of course."

"Really?" He thought a moment. "OK, now.." he unhooked his ankles again, and again we just drifted along without his legs pulling him down.

"I don't have to hold you with my arms, either." He grabbed them tightly. He wasn't ready for me to let go yet. "If you relax a little you'll notice there's no weight on my arms." Very slowly he let go and checked it out. He nodded slightly. It was true.

"I can fly like you do?"

"If you want to. If you think you'll fall when I let go, you will." I slowly gained altitude until we were many feet above the surface of the water. "If you think of yourself staying against my chest when I let go, you will. If you think of yourself sliding sideways so you can hold my hand, you will." At this point I was holding him loosely, and suddenly he pressed hard against my chest even though he wasn't pushing on my arms.

"Wow!!" He liked that word today.

"Take us down to an altitude where you'd be willing to have me stop holding you."

"I just think it?" He'd no sooner asked, than we glided down to about ten feet above the water. He was staying pressed to my chest without my help.

"Now?" He nodded. I slowly started to open my arms. At some point he lost his vision of staying with me for a moment and started to fall, then he slammed back against my chest. I laughed. "You don't have to be quite that close."

"Sorry. I got a little scared there." I continued opening my arms until we were just two light beings gliding together over the blue waters.

"Take us up a little higher when you're ready, Boy."

"I just think what I want to do?"

"Yeah. Think of going over that tree." I pointed at a tree on an island. We zoomed over the tree. "Think of going back over it slowly." We turned and drifted over it again.

"Look at that bed of moss. It looks really soft."

"Take us down and check it out." We floated downward and gently landed on our feet on the moss. In dreams things can be the way you want them to be; it was as soft as moss should be, and it wasn't wet. David reached over and started to play with my cock. It was soft, since, from its point of view nothing was going on. It responded quickly to his touch, and I noticed his was still hard. "We still have lots of stuff to see on this trip, Boy. We can do this later."

"Awwwww, Sir." From his expression I could tell he was teasing, but if I gave in he'd be on his knees in front of me in a moment.

"Give me your hand." We linked hands, and I thought of a wolf pack in Canada. Our take off was pretty jerky. I'd forgotten to tell David how to keep on track with me. I started to move and my hand jerked on his, so he followed, but not going quite the same direction. We both laughed. "To follow me, you just think of following my hand. Don't try to guess which direction I'm going to go."

"That'll be easier." He laughed again. Now it worked quite well. In an instant we were standing in the middle of a pack of resting wolves. The alpha male jumped to his feet, ears back, growling, and the rest followed suit. David squeezed my hand tightly.

"Peace, Wolf. We're friends." I told the male. His ears came back to normal and he watched us for a minute or so, then he came up and smelled first my genitals, then David's, just like he would do with another wolf. After he was satisfied, he wagged his tail, went back to where he had been, and lay down again. Most of the pack sat down and watched us, but two males came over and also checked us. After a thorough sniffing, one started licking my cock and the other David's. His tongue was a little rough for my taste, so I let go of David's hand, knelt in front of the beast and scratched his ears. David watched for a moment, then did the same thing. They licked our faces, then mine flopped down and rolled on his back to show me his bright red hard on. I rubbed his chest but declined the implied invitation to play. "Ready?" I looked at David.

"I guess." He really liked his wolf and if he'd gotten an invitation like mine he might have helped the fellow out. We linked hands again. "I always wanted a dog, but my parents said they were a nuisance. Now I'm too busy at the university, but some day .." He scratched his guy's ears again, and it put its nose under his balls and nudged hard enough to make David grunt. "OK, boy, that's enough." He grabbed my hand and stood up. "Let's go."

I thought of a forest path near a native village, and we were walking along a really delightful path in a pine woods. We could hear shouting and laughter nearby, and shortly we emerged at the edge of a clearing in the trees. Five naked young men were playing some sort of ballgame; an older man in ceremonial clothes was at the other side of the clearing watching. One of the players spotted us and yelled, and the play stopped. They all rushed over and wanted David to join the game. He kept saying "I don't know the rules," then he realized that if he wanted to play he would know them. He closed his eyes for a moment and suddenly smiled. He looked at me. "Can I?"


They set up another cage on the circle around the field and moved other cages slightly. It was each man for himself for kicking the ball into his own cage, but everyone else cooperated to keep him from doing that. It was a fast game with the "team" constantly changing as one man or another had control of the ball. David played very well and in a short time had the necessary four scores to be declared the winner. The other men mobbed David, hoisted him to their shoulders and carried him to a nearby stream and very thoroughly washed him, making sure he was clean everywhere. His cock was rigid during the ritual washing, and they were all delighted.

When they were satisfied that he was clean enough, they again hoisted him to their shoulders and carried him to the older man. The leader of the group presented him as the winner of the game in honor of Garthanton. The man bowed to them all, and turned and led them onto a plaza in front of a large, ornate temple. It was clear he was a priest of some sort and was in charge of the event. They laid David on a stone table and two of the players held his feet up while the priest spread some sort of gel around and on David's asshole. He then pulled what looked like a rubber tube at least an inch in diameter down from a hook above the table and gently pushed it into David's rectum. David grunted, but it was gentle enough not to be painful. The priest handed the tube to one of the players, and he held it so David's gut couldn't force it out. The other players let his legs down so he was flat on the table.

The priest then tied a cord tightly around David's balls, looped it over a smooth tree limb above the table and pulled it tight and handed it to another player. Finally he took hold of David's still-hard cock, inserted the tip of something that looked a little like a banana into his piss hole and squeezed it. I could see David's urethra bulge as something was forced into it. David's mouth dropped open and his eyes got big, but apparently it didn't hurt. The only sound he made was a slight grunt. His eyes got even bigger, though, when the priest pulled another tube down from over the table and started forcing it into his urethra. He started to say something and reached for the tube, but two of the players grabbed his arms and held them down while another covered his mouth with a kiss.

The priest kept feeding the tube in until it apparently ran into the sphincter at David's bladder. He applied gentle force, and gradually it slid in another inch or so. I heard David moan into the player's mouth, but he didn't seem to be in any real pain. The priest then took the cord attached to David's balls and pulled quite firmly. David pulled his feet next to his butt and started raising his hips and the priest pulled harder. Finally David was on his toes lifting his hips as high as he could while having his shoulders on the table. At a word from the priest cords were untied from the two tubes and David yelled into the mouth kissing him. I gathered something was flowing down the tubes into David's gut and bladder. His belly was soon distended and he was groaning for real.

The priest took a knife from his belt and tapped the man covering David's mouth on the shoulder. He stood back, and the priest held the knife in front of David's mouth. "Kiss it." he commanded. David looked frightened, and I was about ready to intervene when the determined look I had seen before replaced the fear.

"I am a messenger from Garthanton. Put down your knife." David commanded. The players all stepped back in fear.

"You blaspheme!!" shouted the priest. "We cannot use your testicles. You must die." He had raised his knife to strike when a huge eagle flew by and grabbed the knife with his beak and soared to a nearby limb. The priest stared open mouthed at the eagle and the young men stumbled backwards still further.

"Look at me!" David commanded the priest. He looked down and David held him with his eyes. "Let the water out of my gut. It will be as clear and cold as spring water." The priest hesitated. "Do it!" David commanded. The priest disconnected the large tube from some sort of tank and laid it on the floor. Clear water flowed out. He marveled at the sparkling stream until David's gut was empty and it stopped running.

"Remove the other tube, untie the cord and let me stand!" The priest hastened to do his bidding. When David was on his feet he pointed at the floor in front of himself. "Taste the nectar from my cock. It will be as sweet as honey."

The priest hesitated, then knelt and took David's cock in his mouth. David released some fluid and the priest's eyes went wide. He let go of the cock and prostrated himself on the floor. "It's true. It is like honey. We worship you."

"Stand!" David commanded him. "I am merely a messenger." The priest slowly stood and stepped back. David pointed at the players. "Each of you must drink from my cock." He pointed at the youngest and smallest player. He was barely old enough to be called a man. "You first." The player was shaking as he came forward and took David's cock in his mouth. David placed his hands on the sides of the boy-man's head and tilted it so he could see his eyes and smiled. "You played very well today." and he let some more fluid flow. The boy gulped and swallowed, then let go of David's cock, took his balls in his hand and kissed them, then moved back so another could take his place.

The ritual was repeated with each player, and David had a comment for each one. Then he came and stood beside me and turned and faced the group. The eagle flew down and handed the knife to David and then stood at his side. The priest took off his cape and placed it around David's shoulders.

David bowed to him then announced, "Garthanton no longer requires you to offer him the testicles of a young man each spring. Play the game, and the winner will be washed and cleaned and will anoint the priest with the essence of his loins." He handed the priest the knife. "Place this with your sacred objects. It has seen the blood of many young men, and that needs to be remembered." He pointed at the young man who would certainly have won had David not been playing. "Come." He nervously approached. David turned to the priest. "Kneel, facing him." When he had done so, David directed the young man in jacking off, shooting his cum onto the priest's head and then rubbing it all about. When the anointing was finished, David took off the cape and put it back on the priest. "Go, feast and celebrate."

The young man who had just anointed the priest came and stood in front of David, took off a gold chain and put it around David's neck. "Thank you, Messenger. We will remember your words and honor Garthanton in this new way from now on." He stepped back and bowed. David bowed back, took my hand and looked at me.

"Let's go." We turned, walked into the forest, and disappeared from their sight. "Whew. I was getting pretty nervous there until your voice in my head reminded me I was in charge."

"You did that very well, Boy, and you left them with a much kinder ritual. Now, I want to do one more thing." I thought of dolphins and we were instantly gliding above a pod of dolphins swimming right at the surface of a blue ocean.

"This is going to feel strange, David, but we can swim along with them. Hang on." I dropped into the water and there was no more drag on us than when we'd been in the air, but David pulled back hard on my hand, so I brought us back out.

"It's hard to go that fast in there."

"That's because you were thinking you couldn't go through water that fast. Just concentrate on following my lead until you get used to it, and don't worry about breathing. Ready to try again?"

He took a deep breath. "I guess." I dipped into the water again. He pulled back, but not as hard as he had before. Soon he was keeping up with no problem. I pulled us up above the water.

"How was it?"

"It will be fun when I relax a little more."

"OK, this time you take us under." We sailed along above the water for another minute or so, then when a wave came up in front of us he took us in. We moved with the dolphins until he figured out that he was in control just like in the air. We zoomed past the pod, then slowed and waited for them to catch up. Two of them came up to us, one on either side. They seemed to invite us to follow them. David nodded and they started jumping out of the water, clearing longer and longer stretches before they splashed back in. Then they dove and circled around each other and us, and David had us following them all the way. Soon they slowed almost to a stop, floated up to us and offered rides. David got on one and I got on the second, straddling their backs and holding their bodies. Then we were off for a fantastic ride - zooming through the water, up in a leap, diving, twisting and rolling. It was far better than any theme park ride.

After a while they slowed. David's dolphin swam in front of mine and rolled so his belly was toward us, showing us his erection, then mine did the same for David and his mount. They slowed even further and turned belly to belly and seemed to be grinding their cocks together. I let go of my sea stud and drifted over to David. He was sitting up, totally enthralled with it all, and his cock was very hard.

I moved behind him, pushed him so he was lying face down on the dolphin's back again, put my cock at his asshole and pushed in slowly. (I was also sliding into him in the non-dream world, but he didn't notice that.) He took me easily, rolling his head back against my shoulder and neck in the ecstasy of being entered. I put my arms around his chest, slid him off the dolphin, and drifted in front of them so they could see what we were doing. I was gently thrusting into him as we drifted. They stopped what they were doing and swam around us, rubbing their cocks against us from time to time.

Soon David's mount swam up and hung in front of him, his cock practically in David's face. Using both hands, he grasped it and tried jacking it off, but my mount was jealous and tried to push in so he was the one within reach of David's hands. After a little jostling, they ended up with their cocks together right in front of David. This time he took one head in each hand and rubbed them against each other. That was quite effective; soon there were two white fountains as they shot dolphin sized loads into the warm water. We watched as they drifted apart, then lazily swam around each other and us. I realized they were using their tails to disperse their loads, surrounding us in a white cloud of dolphin sperm. The smell was an aphrodisiac. David locked his legs with mine again so he had good leverage to thrust himself back against me harder and harder.

The dolphins were clearly getting excited watching us. They grabbed us with their fins and repeated the kind of wild ride they had given us before, except now we were mostly involved in our own rutting. Up and out of the water, down to the depths, twisting, turning, rolling, and back up. Finally, as we both came, me shooting into David's ass, him shooting into water rushing past his cock, they tossed us high in the air. I let us fall like we had just gone off the edge of the highest bungee jump tower in the world, with David screaming and squirting cum all the way. Just before we hit the water I slowed us down so we barely made a splash. Our dolphins were there to hold us and let us float in the warm seawater and recover our senses.


David stirred in my arms. "Ooooooo, what a dream!!" He slid his hand down the bed toward his cock. "Aaa!" He was startled by a sticky, wet, still-warm puddle. Then he realized what it was. "Oh." He rubbed his hand around in it. He started to move away from me and realized he was impaled on my cock. "Oohhh!! Ohhh! WOW! Mmmmmmm!" He was still for a minute. "Michael?"


"What . was . what . was . ummm . did we do all that?"

"Did it feel real?"

"Yeah!!" He thrust his butt back against me, impaling himself more deeply again. "Mmmmm!! So does that!!" I slowly slid out and then back in a few times. "MMMMmmmmm!! I like that." He played in the wet spot. "I think I came as much on the bed as I did in the dream." He thrust against me again. "That feels a little, . uuuuh . sloshy. I guess you came, too."

"Sure did, pup, while we were falling after the dolphins threw us in the air."

"Then it WAS real!"

"Or we had the same dream."

"I'll dream with you any time you want, Michael." He thought for a moment. "You were . you sort of glowed in my . err . our dream, was that . real, too?"

"As close as I can come for you, David."

"Thank you." He squeezed my arm tightly to his chest and squeezed my cock with his asshole at the same time. He quickly drifted off to sleep for a while longer. I just drifted in the pleasure of being in a human body and holding him to my chest with my cock still in his warm chute.

Eventually he woke up and went to the bathroom to piss. "Michael!" he yelled from the bathroom. He sounded a little panicked.


He came out of the bathroom fingering the gold chain around his neck and sat on the bed. "What.? Where .? Uhhhh.."

"That young man appreciated what you did for them, David. That was his way of saying 'Thank you.'" The gold looked fantastic against his tan. The links were medium sized and finely worked with intricate designs and runes. It was just loose enough so a shirt with only one open button would cover it most of the time. I wondered when he would figure out there was no clasp. Dream chains are unique.

He looked very puzzled. "Then it wasn't a . dream?"

"Strange things can happen in dreams, pup. If you remember, you were in charge at that point."


"Don't analyze it, just enjoy it." I pulled him back into bed, across the wet spot and into an embrace. "That wet spot is real, the chain is real, maybe the dream was, too."

He snuggled against me tightly, still perplexed and looking a little scared. "I guess I need to be careful what I ask you for."

I hugged him tightly. "Just be sure you really want whatever it is." I assured him. "Some people never quite understand that."

After a while his stomach rumbled. "Time for showers, then some food?" I asked.

"Yeah, but maybe first you could take this ball stretcher off. I think it's starting to chafe the skin a little."

"I was beginning to wonder if you wanted to wear it permanently, pup." He rolled on his back to give me easy access and I snapped it off.

He cupped his balls and signed. "Ahh. Why don't you take a shower? I think I'll just hold these guys for a few minutes - make sure they know they're still loved."


After cleaning up and dressing we went to breakfast in a little diner down the road away from his mother's motel. The cooking wasn't as good as his, but we weren't in the mood to cook and clean up today. He was pensive as we were driving back. My bull was still resting in the lane, but let us in gracefully. When we'd parked, David asked, "Have time to go down to the river?"

"Sure." Going down the bluff we just concentrated on the trail, but at the bottom he started to talk.

"I think Friday will be the last night I work. I'll warn my father tonight and hope he doesn't tell my mother until later. She will be whining and wheedling constantly if she knows." He stopped walking and looked out at the river. I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his chest. He leaned back into me. "Can we do this naked?"

"Are you trying to seduce me again, Boy?"

"No. . Well not seriously, but I've found out I really, really like skin contact." We stripped and again I held him from behind. He reached back and put my cock vertically against his back. A sigh. "This is nice." He reached back to my butt and pulled me against himself even more firmly.

"Thank you for the 'dream,' Michael, and for fucking me that way." I just squeezed him tighter. "Could you come back here Friday night, Michael?"

"I can do that if you want me to, David."

"It would be wonderful to spend my last night here with you. Then I can start searching for Uncle David. If I find him he may not be happy to see me, but somehow I have a feeling there was a good reason I didn't hear from him again. If he doesn't want me around, I guess I'll do a little sightseeing and then go back to the restaurant and wait for classes to start. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high, but it'll be hard if I find him and he tells me to go away. It almost makes me afraid to go looking for him."

"In the long run you'll be happier if you know more, David."

"I know. But it's still scary." We watched the river, in its infinite variation of ripples and swirls, for a long time. Finally he said, "You know, I'll look at some of the guys on campus differently now." I laughed at the change of subject.

"Yeah, you'll be trying to get all the cute guy's pants off." He shook his head a little.

"I still feel enough of Paul's fears to keep me pretty cautious. Besides you know what I really want isn't exactly mainstream. I'll appreciate the scenery a lot more but I'll be trying to figure out how to find a man I really want to be with." He turned in my arms and hugged me hard. "He'll have to be a man a lot like you, Michael. I really hope you come around a lot." He rested his head on my shoulder for a while.

Finally I broke our embrace. "I need to be on my way, Pup. But I will be back here before you get home Friday night." We started putting our clothes back on.

"Other men you have to rescue?" I wondered if there was a tinge of jealousy in his voice, but when I glanced at his face it seemed to be pure curiosity.

"I have some investigating I need to do. I may have more to tell you Friday."

He grabbed my hand. "Can we just hold hands and end up by the cabin?"

"Only in your dreams, Boy, only in your dreams."


When we got back to the car, I took him by the shoulders and leaned him on the car, then cupped his crotch in one hand. "I don't want you to jack off before I get back here on Friday, Boy."

"Yes, Sir." He didn't look real happy.

"There's one exception."

"What's that, Sir?" He looked hopeful.

"If you give yourself an enema, put on your shorts and pants and hike down to the river, you can jack off before you take your pants off."

"If I can hold it that long or .. Oh." He looked at me thoughtfully. "I may be real horny on Friday, Sir."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Comments are greatly appreciated. They are part of what keeps all the writers here writing. If you like it, tell me. If you don't and can provide some constructive comments about why, I want to hear that, too. The story is mostly written, so suggestions for story lines are not likely to show up in this piece, though they might be included in a later one.

Some readers have asked if I have other stories on Nifty. There is an earlier one called "Dog on the Loose." The last chapter was posted in gaymale/authoritarian on May 28th, 2001. (I directed a few people to the wrong month.) If you want to send me comments about that story, please use the email address below - the Yahoo address given there is no longer active.

Comments can be sent to.

Next: Chapter 9

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