
By jaken

Published on Nov 3, 2003



Author: jaken, jaken@email.si, from Slovenia

Please ignore the mistakes!

Story involves sex, domination, joy and satisfaction!

Do not read if you are not allowed to by some authority. If you are offended by sex or/and (sexual) abuse among men even when written you do not have to read.

In a story safe-sex in not as important as in real life!

Story is fictional.


I felt the razor moving over my head. Deman flushed the toiled often making the water splash over my face. I held the brush in my mouth like holding a bone, not being able to move much. He was sitting on my back pushing my head down inside the toilet.

I felt so dirty and I was dirty under the overalls. I did not dare to move or make a sound because I was so thankful for his attention. The razor glided over my head and I felt such perfection and happiness satisfying his desires.

When he was done he took the brush and pushed my head inside the toilet then flushed it two times using the brush to make my head clean of the foam then dropped the toilet seat over my head.

He tied a rope at the back of the toilet seat and over it round my neck twice and down round the toilet making my head secured inside the toilet then flushed again. I tried to move as the water splashed over my face and head.

"Stay still you scum!" Deman kicked me in the crotch then tied my hands on my back and secured them tying the rope round my neck. I could hardly breathe. He spread my legs apart and tied them.

I heard him leave the room. After 15 minutes or so he returned.

"Drink some water!" He flushed the toilet and I sipped the water and swallowed. The cloth-peg made it hard for me to swallow.

He sat on the toilet-seat making me suffocate. I started to panic and tried to get loose from the bondage he gave me and pulled on the ropes making me suffocate even more. I felt a can over my ass.

He had no mercy.

"Can't you hold your breath? You scum! I am very disappointed with you!" He hit harder and I screamed inside the toilet. He would just flush it then get up. I breathe in deeply. He continued canning me. I cried out of pain. I could not move an inch and he just hit harder then started kicking my ass. My ass creek still hurt from him canning it. I cried and screamed inside the toilet. I was sweating from the pain and could not control my body nor my thoughts.

He started canning my bare feet which still hurt from running barefoot. I was so dirty and the toilet was not very clean either as I had no time cleaning it. I smelled the scent. Sweat ran down my face, inside my eyes. It ached . I was in agony and he sat on the toilet-seat again then flushed.

"Shout all you want, you scum! I will show you how much respect I need to receive from you!" He would can my ass and my crack again. I did not know If I was happy having the dirty jeans under the overalls. I felt the power he used on me would go through anything.

I started mumbling trying to make words with that cloth-peg on my tongue "Please Master. Ooouch. I beg of you. Please." Water flushed over my head again.

"Silence, you whimp! You will survive this so shut the fuck up!!" I felt him whipping my back with a belt. He seemed to enjoy it very much! It seemed like he had a rhythm of a kind. He was bumping on the toilet seat and whipping from left to right and I could not but cry screaming the pain.

He stopped and flushed my head again. I heard him lit a cigarette. I was helpless under his mercy. He could do just about anything to me. I was suffering in pain. I did not know what part of my body hurt more intense.

"I will not give you any choice. You can not escape away from me. You are in no position to make any demands as I can do whatever I want with you. The better you are the less you will need to be punished. You better become aware this actions are necessary." I felt the belt again. I could not feel pain anymore. I just hung feeble with my head inside the toilet hearing the belt whipping my body. I lost myself at that point. He woke me flushing the water. I had no idea of what had happened.

"Stay with me, you pervert. You want to escape the pain or something? This body is yours and the pain should be obvious to you." He tore the overalls apart exposing my ass and dirty jeans. He pointed cold water from the shower washing my trousers. It felt so good. The pain eased.

I mumbled "Thank you, Master" through the cloth-peg in my mouth making weird sounds. He tore the overalls more and started canning my ass more through the jeans. He just hit and hit harder and faster. I lost control and started pissing myself.

"Yea. That's what I want to see. You being out of control! You poor baby. I told you, you can not live on your own. Look at what you have just done!" He spanked me some more. "I will show you not to do that again you pig. The canning continued and I wanted to beg him to stop. With each hit I was more degraded and less human. I felt having no power at all. I was to just be, to exist for someone's purpose.

He untied me and led me outside the house. "Undress! I want you naked at my feet. Faster!" He tripped me so I fell to the ground. I continued undressing then went at his feet. I had no chance to see the bruises.

"So, boy. I guess you took the initiation well. You look much better now. Did you learn anything?"

I looked up at him. "Thank You Master. I learned not to disobey you ever again."

He smiled down at me and played with my mouth using his toes pushing me back to the ground. It felt so good lying in the grass and I enjoyed so much he played with me. He took a stick he beat me with earlier and threw it.

"Go! Catch." I crawled after it and brought it back in my mouth. I put it down at his feet and started licking his toes. They smelled so good and tasted perfect. I sucked them like crazy while he caressed my back with the can and patted me with it. I was afraid of his next action of him beating me more. I looked at him and wanted to smell him.

I tried to get closer to his crotch to sniff it and enjoy the boy smell. He would each time push me back with his foot making me lick it. I looked at him most of the time admiring his face, his eyes, his look. He watched my every move and I was nervous to satisfy him.

"Turn around and expose your ass. Yes. Show it to me." He pushed his toe inside. It hurt very much as my hole was canned but I tried not to make a sound. My body shivered in pain and I held the grass with my hands and grabbed the soil.

He pulled me closer and went inside with his fingers, twisting them around.

"Come here, Fido!" I turned and he got the button out of my ass and put it inside my mouth. "yes. Suck on it. Bring your pyjamas. They are in the car. Go, go!"

He grabbed my cock and pushed me forward kicking me in the ass. He forced me to crawl and get the pyjamas and pulled back by my cock and balls. I pulled as hard as I could then he let me go and kicked me in the ass so I fell to the ground then continued crawling.

"No, come back. Faster!" He grabbed my head with both hands and squeezed very hard digging his fingers into my skin. "You don't want to be late tomorrow. You may shower in the morning." He brought the uniform Mr. Rigory gave to me first out of the car. The plastic trousers and the dirty shirt with which I scrubbed the floor in the basement.

"You may wear this on your way to work tomorrow." He gave me no shoes or sneakers. I looked at him begging for shoes but he just left inside the house.

I heard him doing something but was not sure what. He returned dressed in one of my best clothes. He really looked perfect in it. I looked at him with pride and happiness. He seemed so beautiful to me. And here I was naked on my knees, muddy and smelly all beaten up. He just smiled at the sight of me and came closer.

He put a plastic bag over my head and made a hole for my mouth and inserted his fingers for me to lick. He stepped on my cock then pushed my head lower then gave me his cock to suck.

I felt no pain. I sucked on it with such lust and delight I could not describe. I felt being rewarded. I wanted to see his hard tool that he was pushing down my throat. He just pumped my mouth like fucking my ass. He pushed it all the way each time and I ran my tongue all over it. He gave me to suck the head. I played with his piss- hole and sucked on it, tasting it. I wanted to look at him. To admire the sight at his powerful look down at me but all I could see was the sweat running down the plastic bag. I inhaled through my mouth as much as I could but as he pushed his rod all the way each time, and I tried not to breath as it makes me vomit, breathing was difficult. He smashed my cock and balls with his sneakers almost standing on it, holding my head and pumping his cock.

I was totally his. I wanted to feel the cock slide down my throat. I enjoyed him forcing the pleasure. I might not enjoy it more if he just let me suck him. In every action he showed his power he had over me making me more obedient.

He then grabbed my head with both hands and pushed it all the way and I felt the jerk while his cum leaked down my throat. I so much wanted to taste him. I could not hold it much longer and shoot my semen under the weight of his foot standing on my cock. It was at the same moment I felt his piss ran down my throat.

I felt totally like a toilet. He just put the liquid inside me. I heard him zipping up.

"You may sleep in the kitchen today."

"Thank you so much for everything, Master"

He pulled the bag down and gave me a look. I could not but feel energy floating all over my body. His look changed. I did not know if there was a question in his eyes. I looked meekly at him and surrendered my mind to him. He sat in the car and gave me one final look then drew off. I picked up the clothes that were lying round the house.

Inside the house everything was a mess. As he checked the wardrobes he threw much of my clothes to the floor. The refrigerator was open. I tried to put on the light but it did not function. There was a note on the table. I had to clean the whole house. I was still naked and he did not instruct me to put on any clothes.

I looked at my crotch and it needed shaving. I forgot to obey his order. I recalled the punishment and felt him beating me for not doing it. I sat on the toilet and shaved everything off. The pain on my back and ass was very intense. I could neither sit nor lean back. The bruises seemed big as if they had swelled. He let all the hot water out by leaving the pipe open.

I checked the electricity and he had removed all the safety fuses. I had no chance repairing it. I started cleaning while there was still some daylight. He threw all the food out of the refrigerator into a waste-basket. I knew there was no use in putting it back and I was not suppose to do that anyway.

He wrote I may have something to eat when I am done with the work and I was hungry. He had made some effort to get all the food out of the packing. Everything was mixed up, marmalade, butter, mayonnaise... thrown over the old brad I had.

I went up to my bedroom. He threw everything on my bed. >From underwear to pictures, souvenirs and what else was in the drawers. He took all the money I had at home. There was not so much but I realized I had none with me anymore.

I quickly put everything to place and went down to have a meal. I sat by the basket and started taking out the food not really checking what I ate. I ate using my hands and thought of Deman the whole time. I felt miserable. He took my car, my money and I was here sitting naked eating out of the wastebasket.


I was so glad having an old alarm clock at home as I could not afford being late to work. I had no phone at my house as I used my mobile phone, which was inside my car.

I put on the clothes Deman gave me and the pyjamas in a bag and went through the woods barefooted. I woke up 4am as I had at least 40 minutes walking. The shirt I wore was not totally dry yet as Deman ordered me to wash it before going to bed. The shirt was torn, the collar hung down and just two buttons functional. I had sawn the button on the pyjamas back on.

My neck was all red from the ropes he tied round it and I tried to hide it applying some cream on it and it helped a bit. My shaved head felt funny and I ran my hand over it a lot feeling the smooth skin.

I reached the dorm some 15 minutes too early. I saw my car parked there. I checked it and it was locked.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder pushing me forward at the car then twisting my hands up. It was Jim, the groundkeeper.

I almost screamed at the pain as he was pushing against the bruises. "Silent! What are you sneaking round cars?" He pushed me harder against the car, using his knee as well.

"Please, let me go. This is my car! I just checked if it was locked."

"I bet you were. You are making problems since the first day I saw you!" He pulled me back so I fell to the ground with my back and tried to get up but pain was so intense I just fell back and crept back on my hands a bit.

He stood over me and started taking clothes out of the bag I was carrying, throwing them to the ground. "So what is this? You came to have a nap here? You sleepwalking?" he kicked me in my crotch. "Wake up!" I put my hands over my cock and balls instinctively and fell down on my back. That hurt like hell. I rolled to a side and got to all four trying to pick the clothes and stand up.

"I start working at 5am. Please just let me in."

"I know. I have your locker-key. So get a move on. You need to change."

I wanted to go in at the front. He hit me over my head and I turned at him with such anger. I hated him for being so cruel to me but he just grabbed my neck. "Back door! Look at yourself. You are too dirty."

"OK. You don't have to beat me for that." I turned and walked in front of him. I felt powerful until he threw me to the ground and sat on my back twisting my arms and pushing my face in the mud.

"I don't know what is wrong with you, but if you want to keep your job you will have to comply to certain rules. Is that clear?" He pushed my face down and I could not make a word just sounds.

"Yes. Sorry. I did not mean any harm. Please get off my back."

"You are a poor weak creature so don't think you can make fun of me." He got off and was kicking me till I was standing.

In the basement he unlocked the locker and waited as I changed. "Hurry up!" I undressed in front of him not being able to hide. I had the pissed shorts on, but were quite dry and changed fast. He locked behind me then gave me a list.

"Here 's what you have to do. Now go! And wash your feet before you start walking around the dorm."

I took the paper and as it was folded a smaller piece fell out. I picked it up. I did not know who's handwriting it was but I was quite sure.

I started scrubbing the floor in the hall. The dorm had to be clean before anyone wakes up. I must not use flip-flops or any other footwear to be as silent as possible was Deman's order. I did not have them anyway. I had no idea where they were either.

I was done in an hour and I heard first alarm-clock. I was not to walk around the dorm when boys started waking up. I still had toilets to clean so I started doing it fast. Some did not flush the toilets and the aroma was all over the toilet. I opened the window and started cleaning.

At 9 am I was done cleaning. I had to report to Mr. Rigory at that time.

"I see you have found your place in the dorm and I think boys are satisfied with your performance. So am I in a way. Stand still. I was doing some calculation. I am obliged to give you at least minimum wage. Since you are having meals here I can not take that away from your payment. You will therefore have to work longer to make up that time. Anyway. I don't think meals are expensive and since you will work longer I have arranged that you can get an evening meal after you are done. Since you are living so close to the dorm I can not give you any additional payment for getting to work. And here is the wall you have to pay for. So we have quite a problem. But since Jim is going to vacation I have considered the possibility of you staying here over night what will bring you some extra money to pay for the damage. But if you have the money you can pay for it on your own. Have I made myself clear?"

I stood in front of him in pissed shorts and barefooted, standing still, looking at my feet. The white stripes on the pyjamas were becoming grey, some piss stains were seen. The buttons in front hung and needed to be sawn again. The shorts were tight but still made the fly spread and I could smell my own piss. The pyjamas shirt was torn on left elbow and the material was obviously worn out.

"Yes Sir. I can not pay for it on my own. So please, if you think I can make it up this way I will."

"It's an option. But you have to stay here today. I will allow you to go home to take care of what you have to do and then return. You will take some courses and Jim will teach you what you have to do during the nights."

"Yes Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"Try not to ruin your uniform. Maybe you will get another in time but for now this is what you wear round here. You can not change each day into some other uniform. Why are you barefooted?"

"Yes Sir. I tried to walk silent, Sir." I was afraid to say I had no idea where the flip-flops were.

"Good of you to think of that. I will show you a room that is free."

We went to the basement. There was a room next to the boiler-room. I think they used it to keep coal inside. It was all dirty and I looked sad.

"I think you should clean the room and it will look fine for you. Just don't get the uniform dirty. You better take the old jeans you wore the other day. You can go home now and return fast."

"Yes Sir. I have my clothes in the locker."

"Shit. Jim is gone by now. You'll have to go home wearing something else. I don't want you to walk around in uniform, except inside the dorm." He left and brought me the old jeans and shirt and threw them to the floor. "Get dressed."

I changed the shirt and this one was also torn. I tried to hide my bruises but he did not seem to pay much attention.

"Bring your personal ID card with you as I need it to take care of some papers."

My bike was lying in the backyard where I had left it. Deman did not allow me to go get the car the day before riding the bike home. At home I took the garbage out and checked if everything was lost and took some clothes with me, underwear, jeans, shirts, Tshirts, socks, toothbrush. Just things I thought I needed.

I returned and Deman was smoking a cigarette in the yard. I approached him carrying the bag.

"What are you wearing?" He pulled the bag I was carrying out of my hand, opened it and threw everything to ground. "What is this? Who allowed you to do this?"

He was not satisfied with what I told him had happened. I had to show him my room.

"Maybe it's better for you. He pushed me inside so I fell dirtying the clothes then threw all my clothes inside as well. He then stepped inside. The room had no door to close. The entrance was from the boiler-room.

I looked at him with fear. I knew I have made a mistake. He pushed my shaved head against the wall then pulled me to my feat.

"I don't like your attitude." He punched me in the stomach. "I thought I gave you a lesson yesterday and you disobey me the next day?" He slapped my face hard.

"Please Master. I am sorr..."

He slapped me again then pushed me to all four. "Lick the floor!" he started kicking me with his foot then stepping on my fingers. He took a can from somewhere and beat my ass hard. "You better learn or you'll never sit again! You will have no meal today!" He pulled me out of my room in the boiler room like a sack, tearing the clothes I had on. He tied me exposing my ass and sat on my back then started hitting my hole with the can again. I moaned in pain and he would not stop.

"You are lucky I am in a good mood today!" He tied the shirt over my mouth and pushed three fingers up my ass. I screamed in the gag. Then I felt like his cock up my ass. He pushed it in with no mercy.

I cried and screamed in the gag and he pulled my head back closing my mouth with his hand and pumped my ass. I have never felt such pain. And his cock was quite big.

I did not think of begging him. I accepted the punishment. He raped me and the pain was so intense I almost fainted. I was hitting the table/desk with my cock hurting it with each trust he gave me. He dig his fingers in my back and pulled me trusting his cock up my ass shooting the load. I could not scream as the pain was too intense.

Author: jaken, jaken@email.si

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There is no point in which existence is possible

Next: Chapter 12

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