
By jaken

Published on Dec 9, 2003



Author: jaken, jaken@email.si, from Slovenia

Thank you for your emails!

Please ignore the mistakes!

Story involves sex, domination, joy and satisfaction!

Do not read if you are not allowed to by some authority. If you are offended by sex or/and (sexual) abuse among men even when written you do not have to read.

In a story safe-sex in not as important as in real life!

Story is fictional.

-------------------- DESTRUCTIVE PROGRESS --------------------


I fell a sleep. Some images and thoughts ran through my mind. Everything was mixed up. I saw myself being humiliated in front of the boys by Mr. Rigory and for what I was supposed to be grateful. I knew I thanked the boys for giving me the chance to work for them.

I liked the idea of cleaning directly after them, with that I mean the toilets. I was happy being allowed to enter their intimacy, though it concerned just cleaning the waste their body produced in a way.

With that my devotion was in a way official and the boys showed me that while I was feeding myself. I recalled how they pushed the food into my mouth and degrading me with the action.

All the time I was with the boys I felt being low life and each humiliation they gave me I accepted with sort of pride. I felt they were teaching me to obey them and I was ready to accept their guidance. The boys just loved to put me down and it was all natural to them. I was something they needed, a toy to show it their power and superiority.

Greg (the cook) was somehow mysterious to me. he kept appearing in my mind as I felt he was out of place but still he was strict and contemptuous towards me and I could not hate but only respect him and his attitude. He really was a guy in place.

Taking me to the gym was a happy moment for me. Though they made me wear plastic bags over my feet and polished my head I felt all they showed to me was needed. It was the best way to show me what I was there for and what I should be careful of. I was not just someone to clean, but also someone that needed to show inferiority whenever I was in contact with boys.

I felt Deman's Firm grip and his tool entering my hole. I was so happy and thankful for his attention. I needed to cry out the pain and humiliation. I needed to show my humanity to someone and he showed it to me. He gave me the energy I needed to devote myself and to know who I should answer to and I knew to trust him completely.

The dream continued and never ended...

...end of retrospective...

"Wake up you lousy jerk!"

I felt piss splashing over my head and instantly looked up and saw Jim pissing at my face.

"Yea. Open that faggot mouth!"

He aimed the stream directly at my mouth and as I was trying to say "Please, Stop" he would fill my mouth. I could not move much as my hands and feet were tied together at the back.

"You know you want it! Your sty will smell better!" Jim pulled my by my feet inside the boiler room where there was some light and untied my wrists. Deman did not bother putting my pants back on and my cock rubbed against the floor.

"Get to your feet and stand still!"

With my feet still tied together and hands behind my back I looked at him exposing all my shaved manhood to him. My cock was semi hard and I felt the cum in my ass trying to get out of the hole.

I looked meekly at him as he started to walk around me. He grabbed my jaw and pulled higher.

"You think you can walk around like that? You've never heard of shaving?" he slapped me. "Why don't you have any pants on? What if some boy would need you during the night and could find you sleeping almost naked?"

He stood behind me and grabbed my cock and balls and pulled them back. "I will make sure you get disciplined for that!" Jim started pushing me and I tried to move with my feet tied. I started jumping when he pulled on my shirt and threw me to the floor.

"You jerk! Who do you think you are to make such noise?" he started kicking me in the ass and I pulled myself forward with my hands. He led me inside a stall and pushed my head in the bowl then flushed. "Just to wake you up!"

I was kneeling and leaning on my hands when he sat on my back and pulled my head back. "Remember, this is the last time I show you how to shave so you better hold still!"

He started shaving my face with the razor not using any foam. I held my head still and begged he would be gentle, but he kept pressing the razor hard against my skin.

"Wash your face!" and he flushed the toilet then continued with his work. He would slap me every now and then and clean the razor on my tongue.

"Now sit on the toilet and shave your crotch!"

"Yes Sir."

I looked at him with some fear. I was not able to think much and just took the razor and pulled it over my skin with no feeling whatsoever.

"Here, you may use this soap for shaving." Jim threw the soap at me and it fell inside the toilet. I knelt and wanted to take it out then he kicked my ass and I bumped my head against the toilet seat and it fell on my head.

I quickly smear the soap over my cock and continued shaving. After a few minutes he returned with a hose he attached to a pipe and started washing my crotch. There was not much to shave and the water was cold. I wanted to get up.

"Don't even think about it! Pull your foreskin back and clean your cock, you pig." He came closer to me and pulled my jaw down and inserted the hose down my throat. "here is something water for you. Don't try to swallow." I just felt the cold water inside my body and looked helplessly at him.

I did not want his dominance though I submitted to his will. I was afraid of doing something wrong in submitting to Jim and was unsure if Deman requested such actions of him. I looked at my cock that hung limp.

Suddenly I felt a birch over my cock. Jim hit me two times. "Get up! No time for sleeping around. You have work to do!"

I tried to walk and almost fell over him and he caught me by a grip on my neck. "You clumsy jerk. You want to dirty my uniform?" he stepped back and let go of me. I felt a rope being tied round my neck and he started pulling me out of the toilets. With both hands I held the rope away from my neck as he pulled me through the corridor inside the boiler room. I was no more than a sack to him.

Jim pulled me to my feet and ordered me to get dressed. I put the dirty and pissed shorts on then put the pants over them. He watched me carefully. I wanted to take the flip-flops but he hit me with the birch over my hands.

"You won't wear them this early. You want to wake everyone up? No one should hear you, so you better make no noise. If there are complaints it will not be good for you! Understood?" he hit me with the birch over my neck and some over my face.

"Yes Sir. Pleas don't hurt me!" I was afraid of him running my face. I hid my face and looked at the floor and stood still.

"Then you better get to work!" He hit me again. This time over my cock. I quickly turned and wanted to exit the room when he really hit me hard. "You may not leave the room before I do!"

His hands were big and the grip of his hand around my neck prevented me the breathing. I suddenly felt so much fear. I wanted to kneel instantly but he held me at my feet. I looked at him in fear and he enjoyed that. I felt him squeezing harder then pushing me away.

"You forgot to clean the entrance yesterday. I will not tolerate that. We can not afford someone to just keep an eye on you to see you do not forget something. I will report this to Ben(Mr. Rigory)! Now get started. First scrub the floors then report to me."

"Yes Sir. I will do better, Sir."

I started running to get the buckets and the rag. I went outside to fill them with water. I had put the rag at my waist as Deman taught me to. Jim was at the entrance and stopped me.

"Stand still." He put my hands at sides. I looked at him in submission and hoped everything will be ok. He slapped me.

"You forgot something!" Jim grabbed my neck and squeezed very hard. I could not say a word. "He he. Just joking!" and threw me out of the dorm.

I quickly got to my feet and filled the buckets. I was angry with him. I would just punch his face but I admit he was stronger than me. I humbly looked at Deman's window. He was still sleeping. I don't know if I wanted his help or just needed his presence.

"Stop!" Jim again played with me. I was holding the buckets and looked at him. He just sat there and said nothing for a few minutes.

"Can I please continue with my work?" I was still polite with him though I could not stand him.

He got to his feet in anger and approached me then squeezed my neck again and pushed me against the wall. I could not breathe and tried not to spill the water. He put his face closer so that our noses touched still holding me tight at my neck. I held my mouth open trying to inhale. "If you speak again I will beat the hell out of you! I don't need to hear your voice in the morning." He pulled the rag out from my pants and dipped it into the water than pushed it inside my mouth and tucked it in.

"I don't need this. I don't want to beat up jerks like you. Even now I have to wash my hands clean. You are a stinking pig. Get to work!"

He let go of me. I inhaled deeply through my nose getting some water inside my lungs as well and coughed the rag out of my mouth. It was dirty and it tasted bad.

"Pick up the rag!" he started pushing me down holding my head. I laid down the buckets and he kept pushing me to my knees. "With your mouth" he stepped on my fingers and pushed my face into the rag then pulled my head up. I held the rag in my mouth then he dipped my head inside a bucket. I started struggling with one hand but he just twisted it and I could not move much but still tried to escape from his grip.

"Maybe you need to be taught every thing there is. I don't know who made you this stupid! Get that rag inside your mouth and start working! I will tell Ben you did not want to wake up in the morning. You won't get paid for lousy work!" Now get this place cleaned up so you don't forget like yesterday, blockhead."

I took the rag and started scrubbing the floor and he stood there and watched me do it. He lit a cigarette and tossed ash over my head and on the floor. I finished quickly.

"Clean your head. No no. use the rag. That's it. Wipe that head of yours." I wiped the ash off with the dirty rag and looked up at him in submission.

I think he felt my anger earlier and I was afraid of him. I knew better to obey him. He showed me how strong he was and I should better not play with him. I accepted his overpower and put the rag inside my mouth then looked up at him.

He started laughing and pulled the rag out then lifted me up and put the rag around my neck tying it tightly.

"Next time wring the rag!" he pulled harder and the water started dripping down round my neck. My mouth was open and he pushed both sides of the rag inside my mouth and closed my jaws together.

He looked at his hands and wiped them off first at my face and then with disgust in my pyjamas. "You dirty pig. Get to work!"

I went to the first floor and started scrubbing it. I checked my feet and scrubbed them first then went to my knees and started cleaning.

There were a boy's sneakers at one door. I took on in my hand and inhaled deeply. The scent was wonderful. The summer boy feet sweat. I started licking it from inside. I could do that for hours.

My knees were dirty from scrubbing, the collar was wet and dirty and sleeves as well. I went down to change the water and moved quietly by Jim. He did not even look at me and watched TV with his feet up.

As I was returning and tried to open the door I noticed they were locked. I put the buckets down and looked around to see where Jim was but he was gone. I lifted the buckets and waited for him to return. I had the rag at my waist and stood on the sand with my bare feet.

I saw a flashlight and in a minute or so he returned and pointed the light at my face for quite some time and approached the door. He kept dazzling me with the flashlight then checked me up and returned watching TV. In a minute or so I could see a bit again and looked at him but he was turned away from me.

I heard a sound of door unlocking and put one bucket down and grabbed the doorknob. The sound was gone and the door still locked. I was afraid to knock and waited with my hand at the doorknob and a bucket in other.

He came and checked me with the flashlight again and pointed the light at bucket so I lifted it and stood still. I managed to open the door at the next time he unlocked the door and entered.

"Stop!" I stood still and looked humbly. "You were barefoot outside? Look at the mess you make with your dirty feet. He turned my head around to have a look then back and pushed the flip-flops in my mouth. "Go out and wash your feet. Wait. Take the buckets with you." I lifted the buckets when he pulled the rag out then stuck it into my shorts and patted me in the front "You wrung it better this time?" then pressed my crotch with his knee and I felt the water soaking up my shorts and running down my legs. "You dumb or what? I told you half an hour ago and you forgot that?" He slapped my face two times "Get out!" The flip flops almost fell out of my mouth.

I washed my feet under the cold water and looked at my crotch; it looked if I had pissed myself. I stood at the door and waited. I did not touch the rag inside my shorts. My cock started growing and I felt uncomfortable. He let me inside and I had to continue barefooted. It was already 6 am and some boys started waking up. I continued scrubbing the floor as fast as possible. I knew I was late.

A boy came out of a room wearing nothing but boxer shorts. I saw his cock pressing against the fabric. His morning hard- on was not completely gone. I hung my head down and continued scrubbing the floor. I could not but to look up at him when he stepped over the rag and onto my fingers. His fly was undone and I could see a bit of his cock as my head was at his crotch.

I admired his firm boy-ass moving in a sleepy walk and entering the bathroom. After a few moments he came out and approached me, stepped on my fingers and looked down at me with his legs spread. I looked up at him and saw his cock through the fly then looked up at him humbly.

"Didn't anyone tell you that you have to put toilet paper in each stall?" The boy was like 160 cm tall with no body hair. His body was normal boy-body with some muscles showing.

He kept standing with his legs spread showing me his cock.

"Sir. I will get it right away!"

"You better. Just bring it to me!"

"Yes Sir."

I got to my feet and ran to the storage room then back to the toilets. Everything was quiet as I entered then I heard a fart and a splash. He was having a shit.

"Who's there?"

"Sir. I brought you toilet paper!"

"OK. Come closer, second stall."

I approached and stood still when the door slowly opened. He was sitting with his boxers at his ankles and knees spread wide and looked at me.

"Don't just stand there you jerk! Give it to me!"

He grabbed my hand and twisted it then forced me to my knees. I heard another splash and a fart. The smell was everywhere. He pushed my head closer to smell it better.

"I know what a pig you are. I've been watching you ever since you came here. You like to smell me, don't you?"

He grabbed my head and nodded for me and I just added "Yes Sir."

He stood up and his cock hung in front of my face then he pushed me lower and handed me the toilet paper. With no question just from the look in his eyes I knew I had to start wiping his ass clean.

I put my hand between his legs and started wiping and he slapped me.

"Just one paper at a time!"

The paper was soft and tore as I wiped him. My fingers penetrated the paper and touched his hole; I loved to feel his skin! I cleaned my fingers each time not to dirty him more than he was.

"You done?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good." He turned me around and put my head back over the bowl than squatted over me. "Now prove it to me. Get that tongue out and lick it clean!"

He started riding over my face and I licked like a good doggie. I was glad cleaning the hole earlier. Suddenly he pushed his ass lower and farted into my open mouth.

"Push that tongue inside. That's it! I knew you can do it!"

I cleaned his hole as deep as I could then he stood up and took the toilet paper out of my hand and wiped his ass some more then threw the paper over my face and flushed the toilet. After that he just left.

I realized the humiliation as he was leaving. I slowly got to my knees and put away the toilet paper. I wanted his cock in my mouth but licking his ass was a gift for me and I knew it. I was grateful to him. He was so great. I wanted to kiss his ass.

I was rock hard. I returned back to my work and was glad Jim did not notice a thing. Maybe he fell asleep.

I was done at 7am. Boys started waking up and I started cleaning the toilets. I still had the smell over my face.

"Get out of my way! You should be done by now!"

"How can I have a morning shower if he's still cleaning it?"

The boys started gathering around me. I wanted to go out but they would not let me.

"Please guys. I will go and do some other work."

Deman entered the toilet as well. I looked meekly at him. He had a smile on his face. He obviously enjoyed everything that was happening to me.

"What's going on?" Deman said.

"He did not clean the toilets, nor the showers. We can not have a shower."

"Yea. I don't want to stink like he does!"

"Look at him. He does not seem to know what he has done wrong."

"Yes. I think we need to supervise his work around here. He is not capable of even stick to a schedule." said Deman.

I was kneeling in the middle of the group of boys with a rag in my hand and wanted to sink into the ground. I was nothing.

Deman stepped back and on my fingers intentionally then spoke to the boys "It seems nothing can be left to consequences. He's just too dumb, therefore we will help him not to forget anything. Right dolty?" he looked down at me and I felt he expected an answer.

"I will do better, boss!"

Boys started laughing.

"Today you use the bathroom as it is guys. We'll make sure something like that won't happen again. And you Sicko will now have to obey us if you want no trouble." Deman pushed my head down and I kissed his sneakers. Then he grabbed me by collar and started pulling me out of the bathroom. The boys moved away a bit and some would spit me or kick me as Deman pulled me like a sack and threw out of the bathroom.

"Go, clean the yard!" and he shut the door. I heard them start talking but I quickly moved away and went outside.

----------------------------- Author: jaken, jaken@email.si

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Next: Chapter 16

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