
By jaken

Published on Oct 20, 2003



Please ignore the mistakes!

Author: jaken, jaken@email.si

Story involves sex, domination, joy and satisfaction!

Do not read if you are not allowed to by some authority. If you are offended by sex or/and (sexual) abuse among men even when written you do not have to read.

Story is fictional.


I went home that day and had to return with my car to pick up Deman, as instructed. The cum dried off on my head and in my hair. I did not check what my face looked like. I waited in my car in front of the dorm. I changed in my jeans and Tshirt I had on since the first time I came to work in the dorm. I stepped out of the car and lit a cigarette. I haven't had it for quite some time.

Deman came out in a few minutes and we left.

"I want to see where you live. Take me to your place."

I haven't cleaned the house nor its surroundings as I was not expecting anyone. I became nervous and thought of the ways to sneak inside the house to pick some of the clothes hanging around the house before he enters.

"So why did you change your outfit? You have any work clothes at home? Stop the car. Get out."

We were standing aside the main-road and I sure hoped he did not want to make me change my clothes there. He sat on the driver's seat and drew off. I started running after him and he drew to the next bus station and waited for me. I ran for like a mile or so.

When I reached the car I wanted to take a sit but he pushed me out with his foot.

"Put your sneakers off and the socks. Yea, That's better. Are you wearing the shorts?"

"Yes, Boss!" I stood barefoot on the pavement aside the car when a buss arrived. He just drew off and I started walking after him. I was too embarrassed to run after him at that point. Maybe I was lucky no one of the people that got off the buss noticed my barefoot as I was walking in the grass beside the pavement hoping not to stand in any dog-shit or alike.

I knew I had to run so I started. My feet hurt hitting the ground as there were all sorts of trash people threw out of the car while driving and the pavement was not a better choice either.

I saw him stopping the car in front of a pub and getting out of the car.

"Please Boss. Can I drive with you, please?"

"Well. I don't know. Stand over here." He positioned me with my back leaning on the car and grabbed my neck and kicked me in the crotch two times then pulled on my Tshirt tearing it a bit around the neck and throwing me to the ground.

I didn't have a chance going to toilet and my bladder was full. When he kicked me for the second time I could no longer hold my piss and wet my jeans.

"You jerk. Can't you hold your piss?" I was lying on my back looking up at him. I felt miserable. I pissed myself in the street and the few people that got out of the bus were approaching.

"I am sorry, Boss. My bladder was full. Please let me drive with you." I got to my knees saying that.

He turned away and went inside the car then drew off again. A guy from inside the pub came to me. I got to my feet and the wet spot was obvious. I tried to hide it.

"What's going on?" He looked me up and down and noticed my barefoot and torn Tshirt. "You're looking for trouble or what? He pushed me then jumped in me scaring me off and stepping on my toes by accident. I screamed out when he pushed harder and I started running. Two people that came off the bus were approaching and saw what was going on.

I heard them talking.

"Did he piss himself?"

"The pervert is looking for trouble. I saw him provoking the guy in that car."

I ran on the pavement hurting my feet a lot. I did not think of walking again. I was exhausted. I was not used to such running. As I ran the spot got bigger as some of the piss leaked through the shorts I wore.

I did not see my car anywhere. I ran as fast as I could not wanting anyone to notice I'd pissed myself. Another bus drew by and I saw a few people laugh and pointing at me making others look at me from the back of the bus.

I could not hide anywhere or go off the main-road because I had to follow Deman. He did not know where my house was.

After a while I got to the people that got off the bus at the next station. I was afraid someone might recognize me as I was near to where I lived. I looked at my jeans and the spot was not so obvious anymore. I ran almost 2 miles (3 km). My feet hurt and I was exhausted. I saw Deman waiting in the car at the station. I ran pass the people that got off the bus and went to the driver's side of the car. The window was open and he was smoking a cigarette.

He looked at my crotch then put the cigarette off on the wet spot. I instinctively flinched as it was near where he put it off on my thigh a few days earlier. The jeans were light blue colour with a black spot:).

He pulled harder on my Tshirt tearing it even more. I squatted by the car and looked up at him. I felt so inferior. I put one knee to the ground. I was happy to kneel in front of him although he did not see it.

"Look at yourself. You look like a hobo. What will people think when they see you?" he slapped me.

"Sorry Boss. I have nothing else to wear in the car."

"Open your mouth! Put your tongue out!" I surely looked like a crazy little puppy waiting for a cookie. I looked at him knowing I was nothing.

He put the cigarette, that he put off on my jeans, inside my mouth.

"Don't swallow it! Get inside the car."

I went around and sat on the passenger seat. With the cigarette under my tongue I thanked him "Thank you Boss for letting me drive with you."

I started to fasten my seat-belt. He grabbed me by my Tshirt and started pushing me in the back of the car in between the front seats.

"Who told you to sit in the front? Get your fucking pissed ass away from me, you jerk. Public toilets smell better than you!"

He was punching me with his right fist on my ass and legs the whole time when I was trying to get on the back-seat.

"Put the jeans off. You can't run around pissed like a baby."

"Yes Boss. Sorry." I put the jeans off

"Get out of the car. This is not a toilet!"

I went around to his side again and stood still. The cigarette inside my mouth has disintegrated by now. He pulled me down by my Tshirt again. Now one side was almost torn to half, on shoulders the Tshirt was torn apart and the cloth hung a bit round my neck and on one side.

I was in his torn and pissed shorts and my torn Tshirt; barefoot standing in the street with cars passing by frequently. He took the jeans I left in the back of the car and threw them outside the car on the ground.

"You either carry them or leave them here. The surely won't stay in the car. How far is it to your home?"

"Half a mile, not more. You have to turn right after the sign there and along the country road. On the left side there is my house."

"I don't know. Swallow! Start running. NOW! GO!"

I swallowed what was left of the cigarette, grabbed the jeans and started running as fast as I could. My cock swung a bit as it was semi hard. I tried to hold my Tshirt so it wouldn't be obvious in what condition it was.

I was happy not having many neighbours. When I got to the country-road I soon hear a car approaching me from behind. It was Deman.

"Go faster!" he shouted. I ran as fast as I could not watching my step.

I opened the gate for him then went to the car and opened the door for him.

"Put your jeans to the ground." He stepped on them coming out of the car and wiped his feet. He then dragged them with his sneakers on the grass and dirt. "Now put them on. You can't walk around in your underwear! Who do you think you are?"

"Yes Sir. Sorry." I put them on. They were all dirty from dirt and grass. The jeans were not so old. I looked at him with respect and went to my knees.

He looked so much better than me. Dressed nice, clean, beautiful. I felt totally inferior to him and waited for his next move.

"Thank you Boss." I put my hands on my back and looked at him approaching me.

He started massaging my cock with his sneaker then kicking my balls slowly.

"You seem to be able to learn something, but I guess you need a strong lesson to show you your place." He slapped my face and I looked up at him. He humiliated me a lot and I was not able to think much. He was programming my mind at this point. I was eager to satisfy him. "Can you evaluate your current state? You know you look miserable! You are nobody! Nothing! You can't even hold your piss, can you? Your bladder is full... Let me see how much piss it holds. Go on. Let it out you poor baby!"

I felt the humiliation he was giving me. He gained more and more power over me with the degrading words. I started pissing inside the shorts and jeans. The warm liquid ran down my trouser legs making a small puddle round my knees.

"Thank you, Sir." He laughed at me. His smile was so nice. I wanted to crawl for him, to be whatever he wanted me to be.

"You poor thing. Look at yourself now. I think you need help. You are not able to live on your own. You should be put under constant supervision. You look like a pig."

He grabbed me by my neck and pushed my face inside the wet grass and soil. "Eat up your offal, you scum. Open your pig mouth!"

I opened my mouth and tried to get the piss-soaked soil inside my mouth.

"You are not good enough to even use a toilet, you pig!"

He pulled me by the Tshirt all the way to the front door like pulling a sack. My ass was wet from piss and I was surely all dirty from behind because my ass was on the ground the whole time. He tore the Tshirt totally then wrapped it round my neck behind my head and pulled me more like this; I held the Tshirt as it was suffocating me.

"Unlock the door!" I got to my feet and started unlocking. He looked angrily at me then pushed me so I fell on my ass. "Crawl you low-life creature!"

He threw the ripped Tshirt at my face. Clean my sneakers. Yea. Lick them."

I licked and wiped them with the Tshirt. He spat on my head a few times.

"That will do. Open the fucking door." He slapped me over my head then kicked my ass. I quickly unlocked and pushed the door open then looked at him.

He went behind me and pushed me forward. "Lie on the floor."

He started walking over my ass and back inside the house. My head was on the floor on a side.

"Open your mouth. Stick out that tongue." He stepped on it with his sneaker and pushed the sneaker inside my mouth. "This is how I want you. You better not try to disobey me." With that he smashed my face with his sole. I smelled my piss. He surely went over the puddle I made. My face was muddy from rooting.

He went inside and I heard noises. He opened wardrobes, went from one room to another, to my bedroom, kitchen, living- room...

He returned with a belt and squatted over me then started whipping my back and ass.

"Ouch. Ouch."

"You should learn to take such pain. I don't see you will make progress fast enough to avoid the discipline!" he hit harder for about 20 times. I was moaning in pain and smelled his feet above me.

Then he put the belt around my neck and pulled me forward. I got on all four and crawled after him inside the toilet.

"Climb inside the bath-tub." He opened cold water and started pouring it over me. He took the toilet-brush (for cleaning inside the toilet) and pushed it over my face. "Open that fucking mouth you scum." He pushed the dirty brush inside my mouth. It made me vomit as he just kept pushing it inside and poured the dirty water from the bowl (where the brush stands) inside my mouth.

I could not believe what he was doing. The smell and taste were awful. I leaned forward and vomited over my trousers. I felt so low. I thought of making him leave the house. That was too much, he should not do that.

He must of notice the look on my face and slapped me hard then pulled on the belt and tied me to a pipe.

"You pig. Was the lunch not good enough for you?" He tied me very hard and I could hardly breathe. I looked at him in fear.

"Please Sir. Let me go. I can't breathe." I started to panic and he opened the cold water over my head.

"You won't go anywhere!" He took some of the puke in his hand and pushed it in my mouth. "Chew on it. We don't want to throw valuable food away, do we?"

I tried to say "No Sir." And he just pushed more puke inside my mouth.

I started crying. I don't know how it happened. Tears just ran down my face.

"Please Deman. I can't eat that. Please Stop. I will be good. I promise to be good. I will do whatever you say." I cried more. I couldn't stop. My mind wanted to beg him. I just looked at him and begged him to hear me.

"Yea. Cry you whimp. You are no good. I should never have spent time on you. You are such a muck." He untied the belt from the pipe and turned off the water. I was shivering from cold. "Run to your momy. I don't want to ever sea you again. You better never show up again in front of my face or I'll beat the hell out of you." He grabbed my neck, lifted me some then threw me back in the tub and started walking out of the bathroom.

"Please Master. Don't go. Please. I am so sorry. I will eat everything up." I went to my knees and started eating my puke out of the tub. I was so afraid to lose him.

I did not taste the puke I just swallowed and begged he would stay. "Please Master." I continued eating it up and licking the tub clean when he started pissing over my head then grabbed the belt and forced his cock in my mouth.

I sucked and swallowed the bitter liquid as fast as I could. I did not dare to spill any and I was better not to. I looked up at him in submission and total devotion. I was so thankful he flushed the puke with his piss. It tasted so good.

I did not have a chance to see his cock but it felt so good having it in my mouth and receiving his piss. I felt like his toilet and was to swallow whatever he would give me.

I felt so poor. I was in dirty jeans, puked, pissed, muddy looking up at my hot Master giving me lessons and discipline.

I`d made my decision clear to me and to Deman. I know it was the only choice he gave me, except for the job offer which is essential but of different kind.

When I was looking up at him admiring him and his look my mind begged for his mercy and I removed any borders to my freedom and devoted myself to his will with perfect trust.

"Get out of the tub. And get the overalls you wore in the beginning."

"Yes Boss."

It was inside the bathroom as I had my laundry there.

"Put it on."

I pulled it over my dirty jeans and body then zipped it up. I went on my knees beside the toilet and looked at him.

"You know why you put the overalls on?"

"Sir, I think because I stink. Thank you, Sir"

He turned me to face the toilet and sat on my shoulders making my head hung inside the toilet. I leaned on my hands just enough I could breath.

"I see the cum has dried nicely." He ran his hands over my head, pulled on my ears. "Open your mouth and stick your tongue out." He pushed his fingers inside my mouth making me clean them. I sucked on them and he cleaned his finger-nails on my teeth. He put a cloth peg on my tongue then made me close my mouth and took the brush to get some water over my head. When he was pulling it up from inside the toilet he would always wet my face and mouth with it.

"Open your mouth." He put the brush in my mouth to hold it then put shaving foam on my head. "You better hold still or I might cut your skin, scum!"

In position I was in I could not say a word. I felt the razor on my head and tried to hold still. I felt being marked by him. That was his first change he made on my body.

Author: jaken, jaken@email.si

If you have the time write to me as it makes me write faster!

Thanks for reading and thanks for emailing me!

I do not believe in disbelieve

Next: Chapter 10: Deman

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