
By jaken

Published on Sep 13, 2003


Author: jaken, jaken@email.si

Story involves sex, domination, joy and satisfaction!

Do not read if you are not allowed to by some authority. If you are offended by sex or/and (sexual) abuse among men even when written you do not have to read.

Story is fictional.


Next morning I dressed in some not too old jeans and a plain white Tshirt and rode my bike to the dorm. I wore sandals, so no sox and also no underwear. When I got to the dorm some guys were outside playing football. I entered and went to an office where I saw a sign. I knocked and entered.

A guy about 40 was sitting at a desk and a woman.

"Hello. I was told you were looking for someone to work here. I am not sure what work but that's why I am here."

"That's right. Just 2 days ago the cleaning lady left coz the guys did not leave her do the job. You think you can handle such pressure?"

"Huh. I don't think they can make me cry."

"Well, you can give it a try."

We talked about the formalities and so...

"I'll get someone to show you around, come with me."

I followed him. He had a nice ass. And he was nice altogether. Seemed to have nice firm body, he was taller than me, round 180cm, I am 175cm myself.

"It is usually not so hot in here but you have to wear trousers or something. Shorts are not allowed by anyone who works here. You have any work clothes? ... hey you, come here!"

"Yes Sir?"

"This is Vik. He'll be keeping this house clean for some time; maybe. You show him where the toilets are and so on." He turned to me. "If you have any questions ask freely. You know where to find me. It would be nice if you start today."

"Thank you, Sir. I will. I will go home to just get some work clothes."

"Good. Hope you will do a good job! I must go now."

The guy that was to show me around was quite nice. I tried not to think of anything.

"So follow me. Here is one toilet. Here is a shower."

The building had 2 floors and he led me around. There was quite some work to do if I wanted to get it clean. Some guys passed by, some asked who I was and he just answered. "A New cleaner."

One guy said to me: "Hey start with toilets!"

Another: "Hope you start today."


The word who I was and what I will do was spread in no time. Then someone grabbed me by my Tshirt and pulled back so the old Tshirt almost tore.

"Isn't that our hireling? So you came to prove you are up to the work?"

It was Deman. I still had fear in my eyes coz I was not expecting anyone.

"Oh. Hi. Yes. Thanks for letting me know. I should start today!"

"Hey Filip. I'll show him around. See ya later."


With that I was alone with Deman.

"I saw you cleaned the car right after we left."

"Yes. You were right it needed cleaning."

"Good. Now walk after me. I will show you what you have to do!"

I walked two steps behind him and watched carefully at everything he showed me.

"Here is your little place." He unlocked a door at the end of a hall. I went to have a look and he pushed me inside. "There must be a switch somewhere." Here you can change your clothes and you also have everything you need for cleaning in here."

I found the switch and looked around. There was no wardrobe nor anything.

"It's no wardrobe in here."

"Well, if you change clothes you will just let them hang on something."

"Now. I guess you didn't bring anything to change with you?"


"You better not make too many mistakes round here! Now get out of here and get something to wear!"

"Thank you. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"GET OUT!" He pushed me and I walked away. "faster!"

We were not alone in the hall. I started walking fast and went to my bike. At home I looked for grey overall (jumpsuit) I had for work round the house and returned as fast as I could with my bike. I was sweating. A lot of the guys were outside when I arrived. Deman came to me and told me to go change.

When I returned he grabbed me by the neck and pushed few steps.

"Hey guys! This is Fido! He'll do the menial work round here!"

They started laughing. "Hey Fido!" "Nice outfit!" "Get to work!" "Fido!" They made fun of me. I looked at Deman and wanted to say something.

"They like your new name! Now get to work!"

"Yes Deman!"

I got the tools I thought I needed and started cleaning the first toilet I could find. I put on some rubber gloves and started with urinals. I cleaned everything that could be cleaned and made them shine so the guys will like it.

I spent quite some time making everything shine. I was pleased with the work and moved to the next one. When I entered someone was pissing so I stepped out and waited for him to come out.

"Sorry." was all I could say. He looked at me and ran towards the steps. I smelled the piss. I went to the urinal and touched the drops of piss on sides and smelled it. I leaned and pushed my nose a bit deeper to get the scent of hot piss.

I started cleaning the same way as before with gloves on. Deman entered. I was done with the urinals and was doing the stalls. I was on my knees wiping round a toilet.

"I see you are in right work position. he he. Don't miss a spot."

He took a leak from quite some distance letting the piss hit the wall and all over the urinal. When he was done he turned to me and was buttoning his fly. I was still on my knees and looked at him and at the mess he just did. I felt it like a punishment. I saw he enjoyed the look in my eyes. I felt so inferior to him.

He left with a smile and I moved towards the piss on my knees when he returned. I was just about to put my tongue inside the puddle of piss but I quick grabbed a cloth and started wiping. He stood behind me and looked down at me.

"Put that gloves off!" I took them off and put them beside other tools I had. "No, throw them away!"

"Yes Deman!" I stood up and threw them away then wanted to wipe the piss using a broom and the cloth.

"No no! You started the right way. It is how you will do the work here! It is more precise! Now get down!"

He pushed me and I felt inside the puddle with my knees then started wiping with the cloth.

My hands were soaked with his piss, my knees as well.

"You should get used to the smell off piss. Now get to work!"

"Yes Deman!"

He watched me for a few moments then left. I was happy he came to see how the work is done and to made me clean directly after him. I enjoyed being soaked with his piss. I wiped my hands in the clothes I wore. I smelled the piss then licked the whole urinal and finally cleaned everything.

It was obvious my knees were soaked. I went out to move to the next toilet. I could not find it fast and a lot of guys saw me.

"Hey. Don't get too dirty!"

"Were you rubbing the floor?"

"You'll stink by the end of the day!"

"Use the tools, man!"

No one expected an answer. When I was done with toilets I was allowed to go home. We arranged it like that with the principal. I went back to change the clothes. I took off the overall and noticed there weren't any. Someone took them. I looked around more but could not find them. I was in just briefs when door opened wide. There was Deman and some other guys.

"Are you jerking off?"

"What were you doing in there?"

Damon stepped inside and pushed me in the hall.

"Seems like you were having fun!" He threw the overall in my face. Get dressed!

I started putting the overall back on and looked at the guys laughing at me.

"Where are my clothes? I had jeans and Tshirt in here."

Deman: "Silence! You are not yet done with the work! Show him guys!"

"Get your tools!"

"Take a barrel and a cloth!"

"Don't forget detergent!"

I was doing what I was told. I grabbed the tools and stepped out holding the barrel and a broom. The detergent was in the barrel.

"You don't need the broom!"

"Put it back in!"

I was pulled than pushed by the group of 5 guys. Every now and then one of them pushed me.

"We will take care you do all the work you are supposed to."

"I did clean all the toilets."

When we passed the first toilet Deman said "Fill the barrel with water!"

I did as told. I had to carry the full barrel and walk in front of them. I was led in the basement. I was barefoot. I was led pass a lot of guys and heard comments. They knew what was going on.

We came to the toilet in the basement.

"So Fido. Get to work!"

"Yea, make it shine!

"We'll be watching you!"

This toilet was really dirty. Seemed like no one used it or no one cleaned it in a while. There were cigarettes on the floor, then bottles and condoms, toilet paper everywhere. It stank of everything.

As I was barefoot I started with the floor, collecting all the garbage with bare hands. They left the door open and stayed there chatting and looking at what I was doing.

Maybe this was too much for me. All the guys were so hostile. They enjoyed having a victim; me. I felt so humiliated being force what to do by all this youngsters, walking barefoot through the dorm with full barrel of water. I did not have the power to oppose them. Deman was among them and when he looked at me I just did what I was told. I did look at him as I felt protected by him as he was the guy I knew at least by name. I felt that what he said is what had to be done.

I started rubbing the floor. They took the broom and I was barefoot so I got to my knees and started rubbing it.

"Yea, rub that floor good!"

"You do like to kneel, don't you?" That was Deman. It was him that brought me into this situation actually. I did not dare to say anything about the shirt he ruined to him. In a way I was glad I was doing the work and felt good being near him. I think I trusted him.

I felt being just someone to clean after them and that they enjoyed having the power over a guy older than them. They all made fun of me and I did not have the power to withstand them all. I felt I needed to do what they demanded as I was to do the cleaning after all. Deamn stepped inside.

"We will leave you now. You have half an hour to finish the work. You may leave when you are done."



"Yes Deman. I will do it in half an hour."

"Good. Now get back to work."

I continued and was cleaning real fast. The toilets were so dirty. I wished I had the gloves but then I was not to use them. I thought of Deman the whole time. I liked his supervision. After 15 minutes or so he came inside and looked around.

I looked up at him. I was just cleaning the last toilet. he rubbed his cock and my eyes caught the movement.

"So. Are you happy with your new job?"

"Well, yes. It's a lot of work though."

"Good. Continue. You are not paid for chatting. The guys like you. I think we won't have too much problems with you."

I was almost done. "Get to the side." I moved to the side of the toilet and he stepped inside. I was on my knees as I was cleaning round the toilet. He opened his fly and took his cock out. I don't know if there could be more submission in my eyes at that moment. I froze. I could not move a bit. His cock looked so tasty. I wanted to kiss him and to lick his peehole, to sniff his crotch and ass.

He started pissing in the toilet. He aimed at the toilet seat and inside. The piss was splashing around and on me. I felt the drops of his piss on my face. I was rock hard but did not dare to touch my cock. He looked down at me the whole time making the piss splash over me. He had a smile on his face and I was so thankful he showed me his cock and his piss. I wanted to put my head in the toilet so he would piss on it. He finished pissing and turned a bit towards me. My eyes were on his cock. He grabbed my head with left hand and turned it up a bit and I looked in his eyes with total submission. A short stream of piss hit my face and another. Then he took my hand and wiped his cock in my overall.

"You are a good boy! Make sure you stay this way. I will teach you how to behave and supervise your work. I am the boss round here and if you listen to me you will not have problems with anyone."

His piss ran down my face and neck. I smelled him and was so happy. I tried to get the piss in my mouth by moving my lips. He was so powerful. I did not want to disappoint him.

"Yes sir. Thank you."

He smiled at me. I watched his face, his lips, his crotch. He did not bother putting his cock back inside till we left.

"Now come with me. I will give you your clothes back."

I followed him. My face was still wet from his piss. When we reached the depository he told me to undress and left. He left the door open and I closed it but not all the way. I took the overall off and waited in my briefs for him to return.

The door opened wide and he threw the clothes at me.

"Get dressed! And go home." With that he left. The door was open so I tried to do it as fast as I can. I locked after me and went home. I have had some money in my pocket but it was gone.

I went home through the woods. I went to my knees and jerked off. I saw him pissing in my mouth and making me thank him. I would be totally naked and he would lead me barefoot in the woods then make me kneel on my clothes and make me beg him for his piss.

I jerked and was saying out loud "Please Deman, give me your piss. Make me feel your warm liquid on my body." He would take his cock out and I would crawl on my knees to get closer to him.

He would push me back and I would fell to the ground then he would start pissing on me. Open that mouth. Lie on your back. Good boy." He would aim the piss to my mouth making me swallow it. Then over my chest and legs. "Jerk your cock!" He would press his boot over my face and chest making me dirty and lick it.

He would then step over me and jerk his cock off in my face making me catch his cum. "Cum Fido!" I would shoot my load and then he would leave me there with my clothes soaked with his piss and myself dirty from his boots. I shoot the load in my clothes as I did not take my cock out.

... will be continued!


Author: jaken, jaken@email.si

If you have the time write to me as it makes me write faster! If you have suggestions, they are welcome!

Nonsense makes sense when sense makes no sense.

Next: Chapter 3

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