
By jaken

Published on Dec 22, 2003



Author: jaken, jaken@email.si, from Slovenia

Thank you for your emails!

Please ignore the mistakes!

Story involves sex, domination, joy and satisfaction!

Do not read if you are not allowed to by some authority. If you are offended by sex or/and (sexual) abuse among men even when written you do not have to read.

In a story safe-sex in not as important as in real life!

Story is fictional.

-------------------- DESTRUCTIVE PROGRESS --------------------

A few guys saw how Deman threw me out of the bathroom. I looked meekly at them and went downstairs and out of the building. I walked barefoot outside. Jim was not there anymore.

I just looked at the ground. I had nothing to do really. My head was down and I just looked at the ground and saw shoes passing by. I felt guilty for not satisfying the boys' needs. I looked up every now and then and saw them looking at me from time to time.


I did not want Jim to gain such power over me. He woke me up pissing at my face and I would just kick him. Why was he so mean at me. I know I was a jerk already the first day admitting to him I drank my own piss.

Deman gave me a present so to say by taking me and I did not really care sleeping naked. From being so tired Jim really took the right moment to subordinate me but I did not like to shave myself in front of him. I started to put all my anger at Jim in my thoughts especially for hitting me with that birch. I felt Deman was the only one who could do that to me and I did not even know if he allowed Jim to play with me like this so I also felt betraying Deman.

Jim just wouldn't let me go. He found mistakes all the time. He made me wet and dirty and late and I would not even get paid for that!

When I finally started working the boys already started waking up. This morning I met Hort wearing just his boxers. He went to take a shit and I had to bring him toilet paper. He made me kneel and wipe his ass. The guy was so hot. I loved to follow his commands and He seemed to be angry with me from just having a bad dream or something. There was no toilet paper missing in the toilets, but I did not care really.

I was late and made boys made.


After a while they all came outside and made a circle round me.

"We have decided to help you! Since you are not able to think much..." Deman grabbed my head and pushed me to my knees. "... nobody thought you would be so stupid! But we will help you get some education to survive in this cruel world." Deman kicked me in the ass ant the boys laughed at me. "If you do not do as we say, you will be sorry!"

I looked humbly at Deman and the boys then lowered my head. Deman had birch in his hand and hit me hard over my back. I straighten my body and looked straight. "maybe you can be taught some discipline with his!" he hit me again and I almost moaned in pain but tried not to.

One boy came closer and put his sneaker on my lap. "Kiss it!"

I held it with both hands and kissed it. I was following their commands. I did not know what else to do, It was so many of them, then looked up at his face and he spat in my face.

I felt the birch over my back "crawl Sicko! You have a lot of shoes to kiss. Show some respect" Deman said.

I crawled to a boy and kissed his sneaker then looked up and moved to next one. It was about 20 of the boys and some would spit on me as well. Each would tell me something.

"You better do as I say!"

"Yes Sir!"

"I'll make sure you clean the toilets!"

"Yes Sir."

"You should never forget to iron my clothes!"

"Yes Sir."


I kissed their boots and devoted myself to their control. I called each with Sir and I knew they were more than me. I was just a low life to them and they will guide me in my work.

Deman grabbed me by my collar. "You will have to pay us for our help of course! But you do not have to worry, I will do the math. You are too stupid for that anyway."

"Yes Boss. Thank you!"

he gave me a smile then pulled on my shirt and made me crawl after him inside the dorm and in the basement. Some guys followed him as he led me in the toilets.

"Go on. You may take a piss now."

I wanted to go inside a stall and he hit me with the birch again and I stopped immediately. "You jerk!"

I looked humbly at him and returned to my knees and lloked at him.

"Don't look at me as if you were brainless!" You may use a toilet!"

I moved towards a urinal and wanted to get to my feet again. He hit me three times with the birch with no mercy. I almost moaned. I returned to my knees and looked at him.

"Time is almost up, sicko!"

I looked meekly at him and did not know what to do. I finally climbed into shower and started taking out my cock. He kept looking at me and I started pissing. It felt good. I closed my eyes for a second and he birched me again. My knees got wet from pissing a bit and he pulled me out by my shirt.

"Time's up, sicko!" Deman just pulled me and I tried to stop pissing. "You will clean that later!"

The guys that were with him just laughed.

"You see, he can larn something. Just give him enough time and don't forget to discipline him with something. You can slap him" a hard smack over my face "like this or what ever you think off. He's a pig as you can see, but we'll keep it clean somehow."

"Yea, sicko. Sit!" I think we should teach him certain words to communicate with him. The guy was Dim (Deman's roommate). "I know how stupid he can be. He's a pervert, too, we should keep an eye on that, too!"

"You think he needs to jerk off?" that was Hort. "He should not jerk off!"

"let's see if he's functional!" Deman put his arm round my neck and squeezed hard. I opened my mouth for air. "Get your cock out."

I quickly reached for it and took it out.

"Go on. Jerk it. Get it hard and cum!"

I looked at the boys and could hardly breath. My cock grew and I was close very fast.

"he's not worth a cock like that!" the guy kicked me in the balls and Deman shut my mouth with his hand and squeezed harder. I continued jerking.

Deman whispered in my ear "steady, boy. Just do what you are ordered. Do not forget what the order is, try to remember it, boy. Can you do that?" I nodded my head a bit. "good boy. You need to learn certain things."

I looked up at him and he spat in my eyes and I did not even wink. I just looked at him and started shooting the load on the floor and he squeezed harder on my neck. I could not breath and the guy kicked my balls again.

Slowly Deman pushed my face down and I started licking up the mess I'd made.

"Yes, clean after yourself. Get that tongue out. You pig!" Deman kicked me in my balls and I collapsed on one side holding my cock. I looked at him and begged with my mind for him not to hurt me anymore.

"You don't seem to understand a thing!" he kicked my balls and I cried in pain. I got to my knees and licked a few drops that were still on the floor in haze then put my hands behind my head and laid my head on the floor.

I did not dare to move or to do anything. My cock was hidden and hurt me. the dirt mixed with my cum tasted awful.

"OK guys. We'll teach him some manners later. Let's leave him do the work. He is late!" Deman grabbed my collar and pushed me upstairs.

I left with no word. My head hung on my neck and all I could do was look at the floor. I wanted to cry, to squeeze the pain and humiliation out of myself.


I looked up. It was Hort. He wore jeans and open shirt. I looked at his body and the bulge in his jeans. His fly was open.

"Get over here you scum!"

"Yes Sir?"

Hort grabbed me by my neck and pushed me forward. Few guys watched as he pushed me inside a toilet and shut the door.

"You fucking stupid or what?" he slapped my face hard.

"Pleas..." he slapped me again then punched me in the stomach and pushed me to my knees.

"Shut the fuck up!" he than grabbed me by the shirt and pulled inside a stall. I could smell his thurd at once. "Does this toilet seem clean to you?" he pushed my head inside the bowl and held it so my nose touched his shit then pulled me back. "What's that on your nose? Clean that up! lick your fingers!"

I did as he ordered. I was afraid of him. I was afraid of everybody. His fly opened wide and I could see his underwear.

"What are you looking at?" He pushed my face down into the shit and flushed the toilet. "You better clean this mess up or next time you won't just smell it. You are such a pig. Look at yourself. You are pathetic!" He pushed my hand and wiped some of the shit off my face with my sleeve then kicked me a few times and left.

Hort really treated me as a pig. I was nothing for him. He knew he always turned me on with his body and his fly undone or when he was in his boxers. I was nothing compared to him, just a lowlife being. Even when he was just in his boxers I felt being more naked than he was.

I smelled of his shit and took some toilet paper to wipe it off. It was the middle of the day and I was a mess. I smelled of piss and shit, though I tried to clean the sleeve.

I cleaned the toilets and I had to wait for some boys to do the morning pissing.

I was just cleaning an urinal when a boy entered. I looked up at him from kneeling at the urinal with my hand inside it trying to clean all the piss. It was Don. Our eyes met for a few seconds.

"Morning Sir. I will wait outside." I started getting to my feet when he pushed me down.

"No need for that." He grabbed my collar and led me. I just followed the force as he guided me inside a stall. I crawled on my knees and looked at him a few times but he had no special emotions on his face showing joy or anger. Inside I put my hands on my back and looked at him in submission.

"Just wait here until I am done. You stink. Did you shit yourself or something? You are disgusting!" he shut the door behind me and I looked at the bowl Hort pushed my face inside a few minutes earlier.

I heard a splash of piss hitting a urinal. I turned a bit and tried to have a look but no success. I heard him stepping closer to me and stopping then he squashed my toes with his shoes.

"Get your feet inside!" the door opened and he pushed my head lower at a side of the bowl. After a while I heard a shower. It did not last long but I felt some heat. Another boy entered and they started talking.

"Who's in there?"

"The pig was cleaning the urinals as I came in. I'd put him inside a stall."

The door opened and the boy laughed a bit then grabbed my feet and pulled me out. "get out of here!"

They both laughed as I was picking up the tools I had. Don was wearing just a towel and I thought I could see some of his pubes. The other boy was Pun and he was in shorts.

"What is the pervert doing in here at this time? Did he come peaking on us? What?" Pun kicked me in my crotch. "You daff or what?"

"No, Sorry. I was to slow today and had to clean the bathrooms now."

"get out of here you pig!"

I almost crawled as they kept pushing me. Outside I ran into Mr. Rigory.

"What were you doing in the toilets?"

"Sir. I am too slow today and wanted to clean it, Sir."

"I warned you one time already. Is something wrong with you? What is that smell?"

Some boys found it interesting to see Mr. Rigory giving me discipline.

"Did you shit yourself?" Mr. Rigory turned me around and lifted my shirt then pulled my pants back and down exposing my ass. The boys laughed at the examination and I tried to pull the pants up but he held me firm and lowered the pants and shorts even more then let go of it and turned me around again. The boys called for other boys and they all laughed at seeing my ass exposed. He then pulled my front and looked at my shaved cock than at my face for a few seconds.

"You will go home today and wash your clothes and yourself then you return fresh and rested tomorrow!"

I looked down in shame and did not even think of pulling the pants up. I just nodded my head.


"Thank you, Sir."

"Pull your pants up and get out of here! You have anything to change into?"

he did not wait for my answer just pushed me and I went into the basement. I almost cried. I was so humiliated when I walked by the boys that watched me being examined.

"You really stink!"

"Maybe he needs a pigsty!"

"Did you see his dirty ass?"

"Look at him!"

Deman was also there and brought the other pants mr rigory gave me in the beginning and the torn shirt to put on.

"Go on. Change!" I undressed in front of him and felt so humble and inferior. I tried not to be to fast and not too slow. I stood barefoot and still when I was done and looked straight at him. The shirt-collar hung on one side and just two buttons were still sawn on it.

"You look good. You may go home now. Take your uniform. I will drive you home. Wait at the car outside!"

"Thank you Master." I went to my knees and he left. Outside I waited for about 15 minutes.

"Oh. I forgot about you. You just start walking home I will pick you up in a few moments."

"Yes Boss."

I walked barefooted along the main road dressed in the plastic pants and torn shirt. People looked at me and made comments. But there were not so many. When I was at the half of the way he stopped the car and opened the back door for me.

"Lie on the floor! That's it."

At home he let me out and put a lash round my neck then led me inside my house crawling. First he tied me at the front door

"Sit!" He took the pyjamas out of my hands and put them into my mouth.

He brought me a bucket and a soap. "Wash your clothes!" he dug my head inside the bucket and started pissing over my head. Then he drew away. I was puzzled. The door was locked and I was tied at the entrance.

I took the soap and washing the pyjamas. Every now ant then I looked around to see if he was coming and continued washing it. The water was cold and I tried to do my best.

After and hour or so Deman returned with Hun and Tom and two other guys. I wanted to hide when I saw them coming. I knew them all by faces. They made half circle around me and started kicking me, but not very hard. The water mixed with Deman's piss splashed over my knees.

"hey, you there?"

"Can you hear us?"

"We are talking to you!"

One pulled on the shirt and tore it more and and the two buttons as well.

"He stinks."

Hun and Deman grabbed the shirt and started pulling me behind the house. Violently they pulled the pants down and had me lying naked on the ground and kicked me some more.

The grass was not cut and their shoes were dirty from soil. They pushed their sneakers at my face, stepped on my cock and crotch then turned me around and kicked my ass.

I had a pipe and a hose attached to it there and they opened the cold water and splashed over me.

"Let's give the pig some mud to play in."

They aimed the jet at my head and pushed it down with their foot.

"Open your mouth!" The guy turned my head on a side. "Open that pig mouth of yours!"

"Get your tongue out you pig!"

"Yea! Lick it!"

"Eat the mud you pig!"

They pushed my face down more and I licked,

"Use that muzzle of yours. Dig it into the mud!"

I did as they ordered. I felt a birch over my ass.

"eat the grass, you pig!" They pushed my face inside it and I pulled the grass with my muzzle.

A guy started pulling it and pushing it into my mouth. "Swallow you pig! Pigs love to eat grass!"

I chewed and swallowed the grass they fed me. Deman kept birching my ass and all of them enjoyed having me as their toy.

"OK. Wash yourself now! Deman gave me the soap I used earlier and I got to my feet then started cleaning my body. They smoked cigarettes and I waited as I was done quickly.

"Who told you to stand?" Deman hit me with the birch over my cock and I collapsed to my knees. "let's wash this soap off of him."

Deman opened his fly and aimed his cock at me then started pissing. He aimed at my face. "Open that muzzle!"

I knelt there and he aimed the piss at my mouth. I saw other guys started opening their fly. They were all going to give me a hot shower.

One by one started pissing over me and inside my mouth. "Yea, swallow!"

The pyjamas I washed and the clothes I wore coming here, everything was lying around me and was soaked with piss now. Deman even kicked them closer.

"Go on. Don't let the let the water go to waste. Root with that muzzle of yours."

I started rooting around me and they laughed and kicked me some more. Deman would birch my back every now and then.

----------------------------- Author: jaken, jaken@email.si

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Next: Chapter 17

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