
By jaken

Published on Sep 20, 2003


Author: jaken, jaken@email.si

Story involves sex, domination, joy and satisfaction!

Do not read if you are not allowed to by some authority. If you are offended by sex or/and (sexual) abuse among men even when written you do not have to read.

Story is fictional.


With that I left. Outside the mop was at the door. I took it, and put everything back in the closet as I was done cleaning.

I went back to the laundry. I took the first load of washing out and started folding each piece and putting it in the appropriate bag which I had washed with the clothes. when that was done, I started undressing. `What? I will have to be in my underwear for an hour? I have to get the key to my locker!'

I ran to the principal's office which was locked so I ran in the yard and saw him drive off. `What am I to do? Disobey him? No one will see me anyway!

I went back and put the overalls inside, and loaded some other clothes and started the machine. I then sorted the clothes that were still there. I sniffed on some socks. I breathed into it so it would get a bit wet and I would get some fresh stink. I was so hard! Shit! What if someone does come? No. I will lock the door! I stood up. Oh my god. The key is still inside the overalls' pocket!'

It was round 3pm. I sat down and tried not to think of anything. I heard guys coming, I saw their sneakers and boots from the window that was high near the ceiling.

The door opened! "Fido! You in here?"

It was Mike, the guy on passenger seat. I did not know how to hide so I remained sitting.

"What are you doing naked? You some kind of freak or what? Where are my clothes?"

"No. Sorry. The principal left with the keys to my locker. And I had to wash my overalls because they got dirty."

"BLAH BLAH. You could do that at home!"

"But he told me to wash it here!"

"Yea right!"

He took his mobile and rang Deman. "You must see this. Come to the laundry."

"Hey please. I am no freak. It's true what I told you."

"Shut up! It's too late anyway!"

I was looking at him begging him with my thoughts. I was there almost naked in front of him and so ashamed I could sink into the ground. I was in agony. I did not know what to do. I stood up and looked for something to wear but did not dare to take any of the guy's clothes. That was when Deman entered.

"Wow. What is he doing?"

"He has some story of having to wash his overalls and not having the key to his locker and BLAH BLAH BLAH."

"Fido! Come here! Closer!"

I was looking straight in his eyes with fear and plead.

"Is that true what I hear?"

"Yes Sir. Except for the BLAH BLAH BLAH."

He smiled a bit and told me to continue my work. They both left and I felt such a relief. I checked the machine to see if it was done when it started to spin-dry. `Please please.'

I heard steps, running. A few guys entered and started laughing at me. Mike brought them.

"Hey, pose for us!"

"Naked Fido, Naked Fido!

"He's got nothing inside his briefs!"

"Show us your pussy!"

"Yea, let's get him naked!"

"Hey guys, please."

I tried to push them away when one of them grabbed my briefs at the waist and pulled hard. He tore them a bit but I managed to get him away.

"Yea, let's tear it off!"

They started pushing me as I tried to hold onto my briefs when one of them grabbed my shorts from the front side and I fell down. He managed to tear them so my balls were outside but I quickly hid them. They were torn at the bottom under my balls.

"Stop that, guys!"

They all stepped away from me and Deman approached me. I was on the floor looking up at him.

"Stand up."

As I did my cock slid out a bit and everybody started laughing as I tried to hide it. He looked down at my hands and pulled them around to my back where I held them. He changed his position so no one could see me, pulled out the front of my briefs, looked at my cock, AND then spat on it. Guys laughed when they heard the spit and I looked him straight in the eyes. He was the only one of them that looked at my cock and I did not even move as I was surely not supposed to. If I did oppose him things surely would get out of hand.

"Here, put this on!" He handed me some very old jeans with torn pockets and a non-functional zipper fly, and an old shirt that looked like the rag I was using to wipe the floor.

"Thank you Sir." I wanted to show him respect in front of the guys to let them know I respected him more than myself.

The shirt had long sleeves. Buttons were torn from top to bottom. There were only 2 buttons I could button. The sleeves were torn at the armpits. I was so thankful for the clothes. I knew I looked awful and dirty and felt low for that. I wanted to put on my sneakers, but he stepped on my fingers and pulled me up by pulling my ear. I stood still, hands behind my back, head down. He made a gesture letting me know I may not put them on.

"You will go and collect the garbage outside. When you are done I guess the washing will be over. Now go!"

I quickly said "Yes Sir," and walked past the guys. I tried not to look at them but I did show them how humiliated I was in just a short look at them.

"Go Go, Fido!" One of them kicked me in the ass and I started almost running till I reached the yard. I checked how I looked and it was terrible. I had white socks that were getting dirty with every step. Guys that did not take part in the humiliation I received, looked at me with disgust.

"Hey. Hobo!"

"Don't you have anything to wear?"

"You smell like dirt!"


I could not speak. I just did my work and listened to their catcalls. They did not stop. They would walk round me and pull on my shirt and tear it even more.

"Please guys, leave me alone." I tried to push them away. I was so humiliated. I really looked like a hobo and probably smelled like one. I carried the trash and they pushed me so I fell. The trash fell out. I started picking it up and putting it in the bag and they would throw down cans or a cigarette carton so I had to crawl to get it. I could not stand up as they pushed me down or tripped me. Guys were joining them when I heard a loud whistle.

"Leave him alone!"

I was about to cry. It was Deman again and slowly they left. They would each kick a piece of trash or me but finally it was over. I continued my work when Mr.Rigory returned. `Oh shit! He will surely fire me! Maybe it's even better this way.' I continued to pick the garbage when he approached.

"What has happened to you?"

"Sir. I washed my overalls and you were gone and I could not get anything to wear and the guys gave me these clothes as I thought no one would come to the laundry and the washing was almost done and I thought there would be no problems..."

"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! Put the garbage away and come to my office."

He left. I was so scared. I hope he does not get too mad. Could he press charges or what? I was almost naked out here. Sexual harassment? What did I get myself into? Please, please, let me wake up now!!'

I walked in shame through the hall and knocked on his door.

"Come in. Good. Stand over there." He pointed his finger. I was to follow his every command. I stood still like a soldier, just maybe physically more relaxed but psychically at the very end.

I was filled with fear and I could only breath. All my thoughts were gone. All I felt were fear and obedience. I felt totally degraded.

He looked me up and down. He did linger at my crotch a bit, but I did not dare move my head. My fly was open and I had no idea in what condition it was. Were my briefs visible, or even maybe my cock?

The silence was more painful than I could imagine. He saw me suffering. My eyes were trembling. I tried to look at him and beg him not to press charges. I was so afraid!

"I told you no casual clothes!" I was shocked. `WHAT? No... Casual? Where? Shit. No...'

"Can you smell yourself? It would be better you stayed in the overall. Open that window! Now! I will try not to think of what was happening while I wwas gone! After all, the boys surely gave you enough punishment as far as I can tell. I guess your overalls are dry by now so let's go down to the laundry room."

"Yes SIR!"

`Was that all? Thanks to every consequence that led to this conclusion!' I followed him and the guys knew something was going on and watched carefully. "I heard them whisper, but no one snickered!

When we reached the laundry he opened the door and I started to enter as he left it open but he pulled me short by my shirt.

"Didn't I tell you to lock the door? And you've said you would not forget? What is this?" He held me by the left ear just like Deman earlier but pulled harder.

"Please sir. They told me to leave and I felt so humiliated. Please."

"Get inside! I am not sure what to do. You broke the regulations. You did not follow rules. I can not overlook it all." I wanted to say something but he put his middle finger on my mouth. "Shhh. The only way I can correct this is to do something that is against regulations as well."

I wanted to cry. I was so afraid. I would do anything to make it up. I looked meekly at him and listened to his voice, and looked at his mouth...

"Be silent. Close your eyes." He put something over my head. It was a piece of the dirty clothes. I think some boxer shorts. I smelled the crack of a boy. The door closed.

"Stand still! Get naked! Spread your legs, hands behind your head." I followed the orders as they were given. I did not think of anything. I was to receive punishment and I deserved it.

He hit me with a birch on my ass. Whack, whack. Then on my back. Whack, whack. It hurt like hell. He used a lot of power.

I started to make moans with each hit. I counted them and it was 23, then 24, 25.

"I want silence, Fido!"

`Yes Sir' I kept repeating this in my mind till the punishment was over.

"Get your overalls."

I went to the machine and had to wait some time for the door to release the latch. I waited naked and did not look at him but once. His look was strict. I heard a click and opened the machine lid. I dressed and stood in front of him. I was in just the overalls, barefoot, no underwear.

"Thank you, Sir."

He gave me a smile. "Finish the laundry. When you are done come and report to me. I'll see what I decide."

"Yes Sir."

He left and I watched his every move. I was not sure if I deserved a punishment like that. I was in pain. I tried to sit but could not except on a pile of dirty clothes. I did not dare to open the overalls and have a look at my back.

After two hours I was finished. It was now around 7pm for sure. I went to his office and it was locked. I asked the first guy I saw and he told me Mr.Rigory had already left. I returned to the laundry and went to give the guys their clothes.

I knocked the way I was ordered and handed each one a bag.

"Hey hobo!"

"Did you take it like a man?"

"You need a shower!"

"It was about time!"

Deman was in the ground floor. "Hi hobo. You finished for today?"

"I have to give out clean clothes then I may go. Thank you for everything!" "You'll be all right. Make sure you are here on time tomorrow!" With that he shut the door. `Yes Sir.'

When I was leaving the institution I met a groundskeeper. He was there after the principal left I guess. He was tall, strong, dark hair, about 30.

"Who are you?"

"Hello. My name is Vik. I work as a cleaner here. I had a long day today and needed to stay longer."

"You have proof? You came dressed like this?"

"No proof was given to me yet. This is my second day here."

"You have an id?"

"No. I have nothing."

"Huh. I am not letting you out! You could be anyone. Who knows what you did in here. Rape someone?" He grabbed my neck.

"No Sir. You can call Mr.Rigory. Please."

"He is not to be disturbed at this time if there is no emergency. Did you steal something? What were you doing here? I can call the police. Maybe that is the best thing to do."

`Shit. What is going on?' I did not need police to take me home.

"Please, no police. I am sure we can solve this. Please just call Mr.Rigory."

"Sit here. He pushed me down on a chair with force and I just moaned in pain, then he pushed me back to lean and I moaned again.

"What is the matter with you? You some pussy or what? Sit here and don't dare move."

He locked the front and inside door of the dorm so I could not go anywhere. He went inside the dorm. I could not sit for so long. I stood up a bit and decided to rather stand. I was there for at least an hour. I tried to sit some then stand again. I needed to piss badly. I looked around and saw no solution.

I took a plastic glass out of trash then looked around. I opened the zipper from below and took a leak till the glass was full then drank it in a hurry. It was bitter. Collecting the whole day and I did not dink at all neither did I have lunch nor supper, just breakfast. I took another glass of piss then I returned the glass in trash. He returned after some time.

"The building seems to be in order and everyone is ok."

The time was half past 10.

"What is that smell?" He looked at my crotch and I had wet spot on the overall.

"You freak! Did you piss in my trash?"

He looked at it closer and smelled it. "What the hell?" He took the glass.

"You freak! Where is the piss? I will call the police."

"Please don't. I did not want to wet myself here. I drank it!"

"You did what? He grabbed me by the front of the overall then pulled so the zipper opened to half then led me into THE basement. He held me BY the back of the overall and pushed me every now and then. I made moans a few times as I was full of bruises; it was dark so I think he did not see them. He had a flashlight and led the way.

I was pushed into the basement toilet and I fell to the floor.

"Get up. Can't you walk?" He pulled me up again and the zipper opened even more. "You naked under there?" I was pushed in a stall. "Why are you moaning?"

He pulled the overall down to my knees. The front side fell inside the toilet and got wet. I pulled it out quickly.

"What the hell happened to you?" He ran his hand down my back.


"You aren't wearing any underwear! Freak!"

He closed the door behind me. I tried to open it but he had fastened it somehow.

"You better hope Mr.Rigory likes you!"

With that he left. I heard the door lock. I wrung the overall and took a seat on the toilet. I was so horny and so lost. I did not know what to think. `What will happen to me? Will he call the police? Will I be punished?'

I jerked at remembering how Mr.Rigory punished me. I was standing naked for him to give me the whacks I deserved. I liked the old clothes I had to wear and how the boys made fun of me and standing naked in front of the principal dressed like a hobo waiting for his mercy. I wanted Deman to piss on my bruises. I jerked harder. I fucked my hole with two fingers till I shot my load. I shot a lot. I was hard a lot this day. I first tasted some. I took the fingers out of my ass then picked the cum and started sucking on them.

Author: jaken, jaken@email.si

If you have the time write to me coz it makes me write faster!

Thanks for reading and thanks for emailing me!

If I never slept I could not be awake.

-------------------------------------------------- Sorry for mistakes! Thanks for help with language!

Next: Chapter 5

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