Training Session with My Dad

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Aug 27, 2023


Ninety percent of this scenario is based upon my true life experiences and is told for the personal pleasure of similarly inclined adults. Be forewarned, it covers W/S, Teen sex--not incest--, scat, etc.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. Author: Hugh Sacks

Training Session 10 JR first part

In the summer of the year I'd graduated with honors and just before I entered High School, an amazing thing happened to all of us. A young man came into our home and would change the rest of our lives, sexually emotionally, paternally, and economically.

If you want to skip to the next piss `n shit session and my first trip to the LODGE, go to Training Session 14. That's the climax to this whole story. Otherwise this is the injected story, which is when it actually happened.

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Bud had fulfilled his Army enlistment requirements and could have gone on to college but he had a successful Army experience, achieving the rank of Staff Sergeant. He like being in charge, directing other men, and was encouraged by his superiors to go for Lieutenant, Captain, who knows where else.

Sis also had found her niche in the Peace Corp and stayed in Africa to build more schools and to teach. As proud as mom and dad where, they still missed them terribly. I did everything I could to fill this hole in their lives but something else was gonna help a lot---a whole lot!

While I was about to begin my driver's training I still had to rely on my trusty BMX to get around. The bike route to school was much shorter than the bus route but it was up and down major hills and was not an easy ride, thus the school bus.

The summer was rapidly winding down and to fill out the rest of my time I wanted to bike up to look-out mountain' and take in all the beauty and wonder of the season. I packed a simple lunch and, of course, a sports drink bottle' and headed out mid morning. By the time I got there I'd be exhausted and ready for a rest and lunch. It was extremely warm so while I had a shirt with me, I rode with only my shorts and sneakers on. I'd even pissed in my pants 'cause I loved the freedom and warmth of it and the ride down one of the hills was long enough to really evaporate the moisture while sending the aroma up to my nose.

When I finally did make it to the top I was dripping sweat. It's called a mountain but in this area of the country that meant some thing like 200 to 300 feet high. It was called lookout' cause that's were ya took a girl on a date, late at night: To look out and see the lights of the city and do what ever else you could get her to do or allow you to do. There were definite rules about how close you could park to another car---there had to be a tree between cars--and the county patrol did make occasional checks on the spot. It was quite safe. As I approached the road leading to the park, I heard sirens of a police chase or of an ambulance. That was unusual as the hospital was on the other side of town.

It was mid day, mid week, and there wasn't any one around or would there be. Being this close to our house, I'd made these trip lots of times and rarely found anyone there during the day, at least not for very long.

It was in that `what the fuck' frame of mind that I kicked off my sneakers and stepped outta my shorts. If I was seen, it would be all the more stimulating. But that hasn't happened in all the years I'd been doing this. I stretched out on the grass to have my lunch and let the sweat evaporate. As soon as I'd completed that task, I got the urge--they were coming more and more often and I never saw any reason not to succumb to them. The urge was to whack off; to shoot a load; to deliver my own dessert. And what the fuck, if I got caught doin' it in public it would feel even better.

Without even looking at what I was doing, I just started playing with myself and in a second I had a full blown boner. I was now up to a good 7.5 inches. I don't remember what I fantasized about, it usually had something to do with dad or Darrell but I do remember slowing down a couple of times to make it last longer. But it came to a point where I wanted my cum more than I wanted the thrill of the charge. I could now get my head right over my cock and shoot high enough for my mouth to suck it all in. Such acts were becoming more and more normal and the climax should have been so normal that I'd get board with it but that NEVER happened. Every anticipation was a high one and every taste was a thrill. Each day it would have a slightly different taste or texture and this shot was no different. It was an average load and I swished it around in my mouth, enjoying it and then licked my lips for the few drops that missed my mouth. I was working very hard and having some success with getting my cock into my mouth as Darrell does. In a month or so I was sure I'd be in such a physical condition that that would be possible.

Having accomplished that, I just stretched out and closed my eyes, imagining someone had just watched me doing my thing. I must have dropped off `cause I awoke with the need to piss and while I normally would have just pissed on my self, I stood up and walked to the edge of the bluff to see how far I could piss out into the air and see where it would land. I had a full bladder, so this was gonna be a good exercise. I'd learned to pinch my cock hard so the urge to piss became painfully strong and the arc of piss would be much larger and more forceful. I even impressed myself with the range but what I admired the most was the golden rain bow it made on its way down... spectacular.

But then my sight was redirected to some thing else that was sparkling down there. It was the chrome spokes of a bike wheel turning in the breeze. Who'd be crazy enough to toss their bike off this bluff? I looked and looked and slipping my shorts `n shoes back on, I walked along the bluff and was able to see that there was something else down there. It looked like a figure but I didn't want that to be so but I had to find out.

I made my way around and down through the heavy underbrush. I should have put on my shirt as the thick bushes were scratching my body. From this angle I could see that it was, in fact, a figure but I couldn't see its face to tell whether it was a boy or girl. The blonde hair was curly and longer enough to be one. By going down even further I passed the mangled bike, with its wheel still slowly spinning; I was able to make my way past it and back up to the ledge where the body was.

My Scout first aid training was gonna come into practical use now. I knew not to move the body but to check the temple and wrist for a pulse. There was one but there was also blood coming from the under side of his head. It had run across the ledge and dripped off the edge. That was not a good sign. My hands felt along the limbs and couldn't detect any broken bones and that was good. I was able to move the hair back... was a boy; a very good looking boy about my age.

I gently patted his face and talked to him but there was no response. His T shirt was snagged and torn; he was wearing shorts but much longer than mine and sneakers, one of which was missing. They were nice cloths and he had a sports watch and gold ring. The watch was broken; the hands were at 10:30 about an hour ago. I felt his pocket for a wallet and identification; there was none.

I had to go for help. I knew there was a rundown gas station near by but would it be open. If not, it would almost be a quick to go all the way home. It was a much easier, faster, climb up the other side of the bluff, with much less thicket to climb through. I was up and on my bike in a few minutes and with the down hill run to the gas station, I got there within minutes but it was closed. There was a rundown phone booth there but the chances of that working were also slim but I tried it and the Lord was there to bless this life saving endeavor. The last person to use it had left the coins in the return cup and I was able to make one call. Decision: Mom or dad? I hadn't considered calling the operator. Dad was much closer but mom would be able to get help here quicker.

I called the hospital. Mom wasn't there yet but would be soon. I explained a little of the situation saying that I was all right but a friend needed an ambulance. Please have her call me just as soon as she gets in and I gave her the number of the phone I was calling from, hoping that it would receive calls.

Waiting in such situations, minutes seemed like hours but as I was pacing out side the booth, hoping to hear someone coming along the road, the phone did ring and I raced to grab it on the second ring. I calmly told her where I was and what I'd discovered. She was also very calm and told me I'd done everything exactly as I should have. The only problem was that there were no ambulances available. There was a bad accident in that area and the injured had to be taken to the larger hospital in the next town. The police couldn't help either as they were all involved in this accident.

"I'll call your father. He's on a job site near there and he'll know what to do. I'll give him this number and you can tell him exactly where to meet you," she said, ending with,

"I'm proud of you son."

Again, that waiting period; it was awful. It took a few minutes but dad did call back and I went over the whole story, just as I had with mom, only with dad I said he was good looking and well dressed. What the hell difference did that make?

Dad said to go back and stay with him. Dad knew the area well and a side road that would bring him beneath the ledge. I'd forgotten that dad had the equivalent of CPR training just in case there was ever an accident with any of his crew. He'd never had to use it but he knew how to and in fact had bandages and such in the medical kit in his crew cab dually truck, just for that reason.

I was very relieved and made my way back to the victim, only this time I pushed my bike up the steep hill. It took longer but it also saved my strength. I left my bike up there and climbed down the easier path to the boy. He was still unconscious.

Dad has said that he'd leave immediately but that it would take at least a half hour. I wanted to but didn't move his head, as per mom and dad's instructions just in case his neck was broken. I felt his chest and could feel a heart beat and that relieved me. As I looked at his watch again, his arm slipped to the natural position next to his body. In looking at his other hand with the ring, I could see initials on it. I latter learned that it's called a signet ring; a flat surface with initials carved into it so that if pressed into a wax seal, it would leave the initial impression of the ring bearer. These were JRB.

Still just sitting there looking at his beautiful, long, lean body I just began wondering what the rest of it looked like. I knew it was wrong and that I should go and look at his bike but the good side of me lost and the perverted side won. He was lying slightly on his left hip, projecting his fly and slight bulge toward my face-----saying,

"Look at me...look at me... See what I have to offer."

I lost control and did just that. There was no belt to deal with and with just a flick of a finger, his top button was undone and I was able to slowly pull down the zipper. It was all so easy that I knew it must be all right. Each side flipped back, exposing brilliant white, fairly loose, jockey shorts. The waist band said Calvin Klein. I'd seen that brand on the jocks at school.

First my hand just covered the bulge. It more than filled my hand. Gently, I moved it around to see if I could detect where his cock was and if it was cut or uncut. This is getting bizarre, but I just couldn't stop. We were so casual around our house, all being naked most of the time, that whenever I wanted to touch and feel, I just did it---much to the pleasure of my dad.

[I'd be at the kitchen sink doing dishes and dad would slip behind me---I could feel his cock against my ass---and he'd slip his hand around be and give my cock a firm squeeze. We were bringing things from the car to the kitchen together and I'd have my free hand on his hairy ass; he'd stop and my fingers would slip into his ass hole. ]

I think I only owned two pair of jockey shorts and I preferred them tight and form fitting if and when I had to wear them. But I also knew that it was easier to drop them completely rather than digging out your cock through the tight slot. These were so loose, it would be easier to access his cock through the crotch edge and as I pulled the fabric away, his balls just seemed to slide out, expressing thanks for being set free. They were large, long and soft, with almost no hair or aroma.

In just one more tug or move his limp cock also appeared. He was circumcised but it was one gorgeous looking piece of meat. I put my hand around it and it felt very warm and solid. My whole hand was around it and its head was completely showing. Not wanting to make any unnecessary moves that might bring him around, I just held it in my hand imagining all sorts of wonderful things.

It was an automatic reaction; a cock in the hand means direct it to a mouth to feed ya with either piss or cum. Before I knew it my tongue was licking the head and my lips just closed around the shaft and I just sat there in satisfied wonder at the delicious taste and smell of it all. It was a very different fresh, clean smell; almost as though he was wearing cologne. My tongue worked its way into the slit of its head and then, with lots of saliva, built up in the excitement of the event, I sucked on the shaft, removing my hand and just sucking more and more of it into my mouth.

Being unconscious, he was unable to respond with a hard on and I was glad of that `cause I knew if he awoke he'd yank it outta my mouth and probably knock my head off for being so perverted.

I remember seeing one stud, taunt a twit in the locker room to suck his cock and when he did and other guys came him, he yanked it out, calling him as perverted fag and socked him in the face, knocking him to the floor. He had a black eye the rest of the day and was taunted by other jocks as they grabbed their crotches saying,

"Wanna `nother one queer?--- a black eye I mean."

I was brought back to reality when I heard dad's truck on the gravel road. I slipped his shorts back over his cock, zipped up his fly and pulled down his shirt. There was no movement from the body. I stood up and waved my shirt and dad waved back.

He came up with a back board and the medical kit. We talked about what to do. I was impressed with the technical terms he used, assuring me that he knew exactly what to do. He had a white fabric covered collar thing that he slipped under and around his neck, supporting his chin. Then he, too, ran his hands down each of his limbs, confirming,

"Nothing appears to be broken. Let's slide the board under him and strap him on."

It was an easy, move. He wasn't that heavy and there was enough room to maneuver. Four wide straps were cinched around his body securing it to the board. Dad told me exactly what to do as he lifted the foot end and stepped backwards down the hill while I held the head end, following him. We went slowly with dad testing each step to be sure it was secure. Most of the time dad had the board at shoulder height. Dad had left the tail gate down and we slid him into the bed of dad's truck.

"You ride back here with him. I'm going back to get his bike. There might be some identification with it," he said as he closed the gate.

"Wanna get mine also or should we just leave it there?" He didn't answer but just jogged back up to where the bike was.

Once it was put in the back I said we should go around and get my bike. We did and `cause it was smaller, dad put that in the rear seat and we were off. Without racing, we sped toward the hospital and mom. Dad has a phone in the cab of his truck and told her what we'd done and that we were bringing him in.

I sat next him, with my fingers running though his blond hair. Yes he was very good looking. There was no cut anywhere so I thought the blood must have come from his mouth. Actually it came from his ear. He had a concussion. Either the wind or the vibration of the trip brought him around and his eyes were opening and he was trying to say something. But with the sound of the wind, I couldn't understand him. I turned so he could see my face, right side up and smiled, shaking my head down and up in a positive motion, saying loudly,


His eyes closed for a moment and then reopened and there was a slight smile on his face.

Mom was at the emergency door with a gurney. In a few moments we were all inside and the young man was talking and moving his hands. While we moved, mom removed most of the straps and was holding his arm and hand, assuring him that he was alright.

In the examining room he was given a thorough examination and yes, nothing was broken or out of order. An X-ray was taken of his head and yes, he did have a wicked bruise, knock on the head, but he was talking normally and able to move every limb.

Because he had no identification, only his signet ring, mom signed him in under her name just to keep the paper work simple.

There didn't seem to be any reason for him to stay in the hospital and until we could sort out who he actually was, mom and dad agreed to take him home. There was a benefit in being the head nurse in a small community hospital. All paperwork was kept the minimum. Mom filled out the rest of her shift and we took him home to dinner.

We asked him all sorts of questions on the ride but got no specific answers. We told him who we were, what we all did and he responded to it all with understanding and appreciation. He said several times how grateful he was that we were there when he needed help.

Once in the house, we showed him around, where the john was, etc. and then dad noticed that he still was missing one shoe. Mine were too small and dad's were too big. He asked me to go up in Bud's room and find a pair of shoes that might fit. He followed me up and we found a pair that fit perfectly. I told him about Bud and Sis and that this would probably be his room while we tried to find out who he was.

While he tried on the shoes, a brilliant idea flashed in my mind,

"While we're trying on shoes, we might try some of his other cloths as those are the only things you have to wear."

And I pulled open several drawers and tossed things to him to try on, especially shorts as I wanted to see him strip. And strip he did.

He wasn't at all shy or concerned about being naked in front of me. In fact when he took off his pants, he also dropped his under pants and he wouldn't have had to do that just to try on another pair of pants and if that wasn't enough when he stood up, he just very casually reached for his cock and gave it a flip.

As he reached for a pair of jeans I said he was the same size as my brother, meaning his pants size but he must have taken it to mean cock size and that REALLY surprised, pleased me.

"Yea, I've been told that I have a good size dick. How big is yours?"

That frankness really shocked me and my jaw dropped open and I stammered...

"Mine's not nearly as big as yours but it's a good size."

"Sorry, about that. I shouldn't have said that. It's none of my business. I'm very sorry."

"No NO, not at all. It's perfectly all right. In this house ya can talk about such things and even show such things. We're all very casual around here, especially my dad and me. We work out together, nude."

"WOW, that's way cool, man. I like to work out too,"

he said flexing the muscles in his arms.

"Well if you're that comfortable about it all, this is what I have to offer and I dropped my shorts and grabbed my cock and balls, playing with them roughly.

"You don't have under pants on. Do you like it that way? I was always forced to wear them but didn't see the reason why."

"Neither my brother, dad, or I have ever worn them. Saves on the laundry," I said with a smirk on my face.

We'd decided that everything of Bud's was his size and left it at that. He was welcome to it all.

Then another brilliant idea flashed in my mind:

"How about we try and shock dad by going back down naked, no nude, as you have shoes on. Are you game for it? Don't want to embarrass you or do anything you don't want to do."

"Hell, yea, that would be fine--- fun--- since you say you're usually that way all the time. I'd like to fit in, if I'm gonna be your guest."

"OH this is gonna be so fuckin' cool. Can't wait to see the expression on dad's face. Just let me go in first so I can see him as you come in," and with that we headed down to the kitchen. I entered the kitchen saying,

"Found a pair of shoes that fit but couldn't fine another thing else...Guess he'll just have to go around n a k...,"

I didn't get it all out cause as he turned to listen to me he saw JR' come through the door.

"It was his jaw that dropped this time, only he also uttered a `wooow' and added a whistle of amazement.

"I must have something of offer as you too look amazed. I saw the same look on your son's face a few minutes ago. As with him, I see you're more impressed than you are embarrassed."

"Brother, you can say that again. I was just thinking of how I, we, were going to have to change our life style now that we had a normal person staying with us. It was gonna be hard but we would be willing to do it---wear cloths that is---if that would make you more comfortable."

"OH no, I feel so much more comfortable like this. In fact I feel freer and more alive than I've felt in a long, long time. It feels like my body has been waiting to be this fee; I just love it. But what about your wife."

"Oh she'll be shocked and surprised that we've converted you in one afternoon but since she's seen us running about like this for years, it won't be anything new. Her comment will be something like...

`You crazy ass men; you're all just a bunch boys who haven't grown up."

And with that we broke out in laughter, each one playing with himself.

Dinner was good, especially sitting around the glass table gawking at each other. The same questions were discussed as to why, how, he'd gotten into such a state. Nothing new was discovered. He didn't mind our probing; we all wanted to find out how and why this has happened.

We had come to one conclusion. We had to call him something and since the initials on his ring were JRB, we agreed to call him JR since that was a popular star on a TV show called Dallas.

We all helped clean up the kitchen with his being able to load a dishwasher and then we went into the family room but I headed for the workout area, saying,

"I mentioned that we work out in the buff and thought I'd show him where it was."

They followed me and I lay down on the bench and he took the spotter point behind and above me. I lifted a few weights for a few minutes and then offered to switch.

He so easily lifted them that dad stopped and added a few more with his comment,

"That feels better. I like this very much."

We each took several turns at different moves and he easily followed alone with each of them. He was almost as good, able to lift and move as well as dad. It was now gonna be my challenge to keep up with him. I had no desire to try and catch up with dad, but with him, it might be possible.

We spent the rest of the night, watching TV and he knew all the shows. He said he had to use the john. I suggested that I show him his own across from his bedroom and we both left, saying that we'd probably turn in also.

"Nite ya."

I know I caught the plural of son; I wonder if JR did?

Dad followed us out but went to the kitchen for a beer and the phone rang. It was mom.

It was an unfortunate exit. If we'd stayed for the TV news we would have seen something that would shock him or bring back his memory. There was extensive coverage of the major accident on the expressway; the one that required both of our ambulances to be in use when we had needed one of them.

Apparently there had been a car chase, involving at least three cars. One had rammed the other in the side, forcing it off the road and into a ditch. But the thing that shocked all the viewers was hearing that gun fire was involved and it wasn't police fire. The cars had been shooting at each other. That's never happened in our small, isolated community.

They were looking for the third car and the men driving it. The two people taken to the hospital were in critical condition and might not make it. Both cars were licensed out of state; one was from Florida.

The news was over by the time dad got off the phone with mom.

  • +

Meanwhile, in the bath room, while I was getting a new tooth brush and comb for him, he was standing at the toilet pissing and he looked over at me to see if I was watching him. As short a time as we'd known each other, we'd already discovered soooo much about our likes, that I wasn't at all embarrass-ed at him seeing me watch him.

"Seeing you piss, makes me wanna piss also but I can hold it until you're through."

"Don't have ta wait. Ya can join me," as he stepped to the side of the toilet, offering me the other side.

"Yea, that's fine but if we both get into the tub, there's more room."

"That's an excellent idea," as he pinched off his flow and followed me into the tub. Both tubs in the house were open, having only two walls around them. There were no shower curtains. It made for a larger looking tub and an easier one to use, relax in.

We stood facing each other so we could watch our pissing. I wanted to do it but he beat me to it. He pissed on my foot, and I pissed on his. It was gonna be one of those competition things. I got mine up to his crotch hoping he'd try the same thing and of course he did but this time I dropped to my knees and his spray hit my mouth.

"Sorry about that...shouldn't have done that. Forgive me...I'm terribly sorry," he kept stammering.

I tied to assure him that it was alright but as he stepped outta the tub he was still apologizing, profusely. I stepped out and sat on the edge of it and reaching for his cock, pulled him toward me and managed to get his dick into my mouth.

"Go ahead, finish your piss," I mumbled with a mouth full of cock, I really like piss. I drink it all the time!"

He couldn't believe it and just stood there in silent amazement. But since I was still holding him in my mouth, he did finish his last few drops directly into my mouth.

When I released him, I thanked him but he turned to turn on the tub faucet and rinse down what we'd piss there.

I was sure I'd gone to far to fast and that dad would be furious with me. After all JR was still a complete stranger and I had no idea about his sexuality or his bodily cleanliness. I followed him to Bud's room, his room, to show him were pajamas and robes were if he wanted to use them. He declined both, saying he was more comfortable like this. But he'd wear them if mom would prefer it.

"Naw, she'd be OK with it," adding the silly line that `it's that much less to wash.'

As I left the room, I turned to say how sorry I was if I'd gone too far,

"As I said, in this house were all very sexually free BUT please remember this: If anything happens that you're not completely comfortable with, all you have to say is thank you, no' or if it ever gets further than that, just say UNCLE' and everyone will understand and back completely off."

"Is that OK?"

"It's more than OK. I thought I'd gone too far, to fast, especially after all you've done for me today but I have this urge for personal gratification and have to work real hard at keeping it under control."

"Weeelllll be assured that we all have those urges and we don't work very hard at all trying to keep them under control. In fact we can't seem to ever satisfy one another. You're gonna be a fine asset to this house I can assure you," and with a budding hard on, I left his room and darted to mine, where I jumped into bed, flipped my legs over my head and immediately shot several loads of creamy cum into my mouth. I was so turned on, I don't think I stoked my cock more that twice.

Next: Chapter 11: Training Sessions with My Dad 11

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