Training Session with My Dad

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Aug 27, 2023


Ninety percent of this scenario is based upon my true life experiences and is told for the personal pleasure of similarly inclined adults. Be forewarned, it covers W/S, Teen sex--not incest--, scat, etc.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. Author: Hugh Sacks

Training Session 9 Begin'g of scat

History update: I did in fact graduate with honors and enter High School on their advanced or accelerated program. If I continued at this rate I would graduate and be able to enter college in 2 years. In Scouting I also completed all 21 badges and became an Eagle Scout. That was quite a celebration as I was the only one to do that since my brother Bud had done it several years ago. I'd also begun to take drivers training and would be able to drive on my own this year.

Physically I really had developed into quite a man. It may have taken longer than I'd wanted but I could now compete with any of the other guys in any respect. I'd focused on track and not swimming and had that type of body, lean yet muscular. With all the work and exercise I'd put into cock development, I now was sporting a good looking six and a half soft cock which easily exploded into a ridged, thick, 8 incher. With my small hands, it looked even larger as I wrapped both around it. I could also get my hand around the top of my nut sack forcing them into a very tight, thin, skin sack .

With the help of dad's suction cups and the ceaseless pinching and pulling on my part, my tits too were projecting nicely. Only one other guy I knew had nips anyway near the size of mine and I think he was also into excessive sex play. His body and stature were just not of any interest to me and following dad's strict instructions, I never played around with anyone who I didn't have complete confidence in and to date that consists of dad and Darrell and his nephew Kevin. But enough history; back to the story at hand.

Our level of activity had progressed from just jackin' off to sucking, to get the desired release of our sperm. And when we weren't able to satisfy ourselves with all the suckin' that was going on, we still left each other tissues of cum to swallow when we were alone. Most guys use a Kleenex to clean up the mess of jackin' off, thinking that cum would leave a mark or stain. It doesn't. It should be wiped up and sucked back into your body but if you're really considerate of your partner, in this case my dad, you'd use a single piece of the pocket size tissue and use that to collect your cum. Yes, with the quantity I was able to produce it did completely saturate the tissue but put into a wad or ball it would quickly dry and become a treat or candy for later. Just pop one or two into your mouth and in a moment it's all dissolved and you have the marvelous taste of cum to satisfy your insatiable appetite for sexual things.

And there was one other thing that dad showed me that was most useful. Ya can shoot your cum on a hard, slick, surface and then suck it back into a straw. By sticking the tips of the straw into cream cheese, peanut butter or a similar substance, thus sealing off the ends and blocking out the evaporating air, the royal juice stay just that, ROYAL, and ya can take that straw with you and simply slip it into a can or carton----which only you knew was empty---and by sucking off the cream cheese you can then suck out that cum. We were doing this so often we could hardly tell whose was whos'.

Dad and I had the most amazing ability to be on the same wave length and this next training session was no different.

Many sessions ago I told you about sticking my finger in my ass when I was in the hospital, to lick and smell them. It was interesting but it never went any further than that. Lots of times I'd play-ed with my ass while pissing or jackin' off. It just felt sooo good. Tweaking four fingers across my shit ring was very stimulating and on that rare occasion when moisture or texture would slip out, I enjoyed the experimental sniff or taste of those fingers. But recently I was remembering all those occasions when dad and Darrell would be slipping their fingers up my ass. I was determined to see what that was all about.

While lying in bed with my legs over my head and my toes locked into my headboard, I was able to experiment with my ass. First it was two fingers, deeper and deeper until that was as far as they could go and then it was other things, like pencils, markers with round tips, etc. It was feeling better and better. I just loved shoving things up my ass.

The licking them clean thing was more for the cleanliness of not making brown marks on my sheets, though I had taken to laying a drop cloth towel' under me when practicing such things. But the taste was becoming more and more interest-ing to me. I never once found it to be repugnant. Some times the aroma was strong, sometimes not. I just liked cleaning the tools' I'd shoved up my ass.

I was amazed at the flexibility of my ass ring. I'd get 4 or 5 pencils in and then just shoving in additional pencils, one at a time, between the ones already there, I'd get a fist full in my ass. When I ran outta pencils, I'd rotate them and screw then in further and further. The deeper they went, the better it felt. My record was 18 pencils; about an inch and a half in diameter. It also took longer to clean that many projectiles and that was always a tasty job. As I pulled them out, I'd have to suck them clean before putting them back in the holder on my desk.

I was determined to get an answer from dad so at our next training session I put it to him bluntly. What's with the fingers up the ass? I told him what I'd just told you about the licking of my own fingers, etc. and he said,

"Interesting that you should bring that up just now as I've been thinking about when to introduce you to that level of development. It certainly isn't for everyone. Of all the men who go to the lodge, less than half have an interest in it, though they tolerate it. As I've said before, if you don't want to do something, it's a simple `no thank you' or in the language of the lodge the word is UNCLE and that's the end of it. I mean this seriously; do you understand? You can stop at any time and no one will think poorly of you."

"Yes... I understand. You've never introduced me to anything I didn't fall in love with and I'm sure this will be one of them also."

"Well...what I'm about to show you has to do with yet bodily excrement it is nicely referred to in manly groups...shit to the street public. Doesn't that sound gross? Is it repugnant to you?"

"Yea, I guess...but I'm still interested in it `cause I like the smell, taste, of what comes from my ass; I like smelling and licking my fingers."

"That's good. I can show ya how to progress from that level but just remember, it's an acquired taste and takes longer to accept than drinkin' piss or shootin' cum. It took me years to get to this state but with your ability to excel at everything you do, it may not take that long. The most practical position is the 69 one on the bench," so we headed for that area.

Sixty-nine was referred to many times when we just sprawled out on the sofa sucking each other off. Can we 69 tonight? Or do you wanna 69 with me?'

He laid down and I sat over him with my ass over his face. He brought his legs over his chest and around me. I wrapped my arms over his thighs and still was able to direct his piss hose into my mouth. From the muffled sound of my ass over his mouth he suggested that we wet it all down which meant just letting go and pissing all over our bodies. We'd done that lots of time to get things slipper and smelly. We each took advantage of fulfilling our lust for urine by drinking it also.

Dad started by licking, sucking, on my asshole and then by rolling his tongue into somewhat of a tube, began shoving it in my ass. Obviously it didn't go in very far but it didn't have to. Most of the sensation comes from the outer ring and not the walls of the intestines; just as it does when fucking a woman!

I did my best but I wasn't anyway near the skill level of my dad or of Darrell, who just loved suck-ing my ass. That lasted several minutes and then I felt dad's long finger entering my asshole and I just stopped licking and sucking to enjoy the feel-ing as it penetrated further and further. Then there were two fingers and that felt even better. He'd remove one and suck it clean and then quickly went back for more.

I picked up on that routine and quickly got one finger in and moved it around trying to determine the texture of intestines. It felt strangely wonderful. When I pulled it out it had traces of brown on it and I immediately stuck it into my mouth. There was a little taste but the smell was what surprised me. It smelled exactly like the rotting wood or Fall underbrush in the woods behind our property. A couple of times the Scouts used that area for camp outs and when turning in and when waking up in the morning, there was always that musty odor. It was refreshingly so `out-doors'.

My dad was digging deeper and deeper and was able to get more and more of my bodily waste. He kept moaning and sighing with pleasure at his new found treasure chest of goodies.

"OH this is soooo've really done an excellent job of storing this for your hungry dad...OH yea... Keep it coming !"

I wasn't sure exactly what he meant. I certainly didn't think I was shitting in his mouth...but I was.

I stuck two fingers in his ass as deeply as I could and sure enough there was more brown paste to dig out but before I brought it to my mouth I smeared it around his ass ring. I liked doing that to the moisture that came from my own asshole and when all my fingers were completely covered, then I'd just lick `em clean as though they were popsicles.

That lasted a very long time as dad couldn't seem to get enough of what ever I had to offer. I was just sucking on his limp cock, gently chewing on his foreskin while he continued to slobber on my ass and suck the whole thing clean.

Finally he patted me on the ass, signaling that it was time for a change of position. I eagerly accommodated his suggestion and stepped away from his body and his legs dropped to the floor. He was smiling and licking his lips as he looked at me, saying,

"That was fantastic. Let's go in for dinner and I can tell ya more about this. It was a good meal as usual but it was the conversation, explanation, that I remember most. He'd given me facts and references about the advantages and frequencies of drinking piss but when it came to this, I was sure there would be many restriction and don'ts but he surprised me when he quoted the Bible as a source of piss and shit. It's called dung in the Bible and is mentioned no less than 28 times but it's in II Kings 18:27 and Isa. 36:12 that it refers to eating and drinking it. gross as it sounds, it can't be all THAT bad for you. Ya just have to acquire a taste for it.

For THE longest time I hated liver and could only deal with it when it was smothered in onions but even then I almost gagged on it. It was one of dad's favorite dishes so mom cooked it and he devoured it. Mom had sympathy for me and gave me a tiny piece of it and lot of potatoes.

It did take me years to really get into this but more about that later. For now it was just part of the games we played. I did like messing around in the mud of a football match in the rain and when I kept that in mind, it worked much better.

A couple of things that were pointed out to me: The most desirable consistency was formed from cereals, breads and pastas. Very lean meats like veal and turkey; lean beef, steak, added good dark brown color...but ya definitely wanted to stay away from skins or casings which do not dissolve quickly. And also things like corn on the cob, grapes, and nuts. Peanut butter is excellent but not the chunky kind. The best consistency should be like a medium ripe banana. If you like it looser, eat a lot of solid vegetables like cooked carrots, peas `n beans.

THE worst thing of all, odor wise and texture wise, is asparagus and sauerkraut!!! It sinks to high heaven and the stringiness of it will drive you crazy. As much as I love the aroma of a raunchy male, the smell of asparagus makes me vomit.

There were weeks and weeks of this subtle playing around with shit---mostly on my own. I'd gotten to the point that while in the shower I'd hold my hand behind myself and crap a little so I could smear it all over my body--not my face--and then just take in the aroma and watch it wash down into the drain. I'd shut off the water and see how much of it I could wash off with just my piss. It took a lot more piss than I could store up. I had to admit that I did enjoy the look and smell of being covered in golden brown shit. I liked to step outta the shower and look in the mirror as I smeared it all over my body, trying to duplicate Darrell's skin color. Of course I'd have to jump back into the shower and be sure to get it all washed off so there'd be no tell tail signs on the towels.

As interested in this new level as I was, dad was even more intent on moving ahead with it and mom helped out a lot. The end of the month she was going to be gone the whole weekend to an out of town nursing seminar and we'd have the house to ourselves, to do what ever we wanted without having to clean up after each session.

The high school bus dropped me off a little later than the previous bus and if I had a track workout I took the late bus which got me home just before dinner. Most families ate dinner around 7 p.m. We were accustomed to eating around 5 so we could `train' the rest of the evening.

By the time I'd arrived dad had the workout area completely covered in heavy vinyl tarps that were used to cover new construction, just in case it rained. It looked pretty neat. It hung from the top of the overhead door, across the room and up to the work counter but the most interesting thing was he had a commercial heat fan to add comfort to the `play area. I didn't know this until we were down on the floor but he apparently had some sort of padding under the vinyl to soften the concrete. They were moving blankets and made it much more comfortable to play around on.

He'd kind of prepared me for this event by leaving me a note telling me to save everything I could and be prepared to get down n dirty'; "we were gonna have a terrific mud fight".

I entered as he was just taping up the last piece and had a broad, shitty, smile on his face, asking,

"What da ya think? Doesn't it look like a cave? A cave we can play in all weekend and never have to leave to get anything to eat or to go to the toilet. I plan on stuffing you full of pizza and eating every piece from your ass. How does that sound to you?"

With out answering I thought: `Frankly a little scary.' He might have seen that look on my face but he was busy getting something else ready.

"Toss your things in the laundry room and get back here as soon as you can. We need to get hosed down so we can begin our slipping' n slidin'."

I really didn't know what I was getting myself into but I dutifully complied and in a moment returned with a beer for him and a very large soda for me. I could see that he'd gotten several of our sports drinks from the frig and had emptied them onto the matt. He was lying on his back in the center of the room and from the look on is face and his wide open mouth. I knew what he wanted me to do. I stood at his feet and flipped my nice size, limp cock up and down and then by squeezing its head, I was able to direct my torrent of piss from his crotch to his mouth and when I achieved that destination I just continued to piss until I was empty. He drank most of it but also wanted a lot of it to land on the mat making it easier and messier to slide around on.

I stepped over his waist and he was able to shoot his piss up high enough to soak my cock `n balls with the excess cascading down my legs to mix with the piss that was already on the tarp.

He held his arms up and I knew he wanted me to lie down on him. As much as I'd grown, develop-ed, I was still a slender teen body sliding around on his broad, hairy, chest. He spun me around so we were in a 69 position and he immediately attacked my ass with his fingers, digging out what was right there. By now I knew a little about what he wanted and I tried to accommodate his urgency. It's hard to shit lying on your stomach but I gave it a couple of good pushes and sure enough he got what he was after. I felt it but never saw it `cause as soon as he got it, he started smearing it all over my ass and back. It looked, felt, and smelled great.

"Your turn." And he slid me back over his chest so I was almost sitting on his face and he brought his legs up to his chest and around me, exposing his ass.

He'd already begun to shit and I could see the brown rod sticking out about an inch from his ass. I grabbed for it and smeared it over one thigh and as more came out, over the other. So much of it was coming out and I didn't know exactly what to do so I handed him a clump of it and he casually smeared it all my body and then he pulled me down on top of him and slid me around, spreading his shit everywhere.

With out saying much, just admiring what we were doing, he spun me around so we were in that 69 position again and I could see there was more shit coming outta his ass so I reached for it and began to smear it all over the length of his legs. I was sucking on his shit covered cock and balls while he was digging for more from my ass. This time it was easier and I just let go, giving him all I had, and it was a lot. He just chuckled at the quantity I was able to deliver.

"OH that's my boy...skilled in every to satisfy his filthy daddy's every desire."

He was smearing it all over my body and as he rolled me off, we had better access every part of our bodies and within a few minutes were both covered from head to toe in human waste. The color ranging from very thin tan to deep dark brown, were clumps of shit could be seen.

Rather than sitting on me to tickle me, he wrapped his arms around me and rolled over and over, on the piss coated tarp, spreading the mess further around. It happened fast and was a lot of fun, since I didn't know where we were going or where we'd wind up.

There were a few moments to enjoy all that had been accomplished. Ling on my back, I idly swished my arms around as though I was lying in a snow bank making `snow angles'. There was enough piss to make a swishing sound. Then he sat up and began to draw figures on my bear chest with his finger. It tickled. I wondered what he was drawing and asked him that.

"That's a good idea; let's see,"

And with that he disappeared behind the tarp and brought out the large mirror that once hung in our foyer. It was almost full length. He leaned it against the wall so that it was almost straight and we could stand there and admire our bodies and the drawings he's made. One was of a mouth drinkin' piss and the other was the W' shape of an ass, dumping a load of shit only that image didn't have the streak that looked like piss, this was an actual piece of shit that he drew the W' ass cheeks around. His body was to hairy for me to do any drawings on.

As we stood there, enjoying the sight, he dropped to his knees and began to suck on my cock `n balls, eating everything until they were clean and white, against the rest of my brown, shit covered, body.

"Oh that feels and looks soooo good...but I've never been able to actually eat, swallow, it. As much or as hard as I try, I just gag and have to spit it out," I said, expecting an explanation.

"OH that's perfectly normal. Like anything that's new, and especially as perverse as this is, it takes a lot of mental redirection to complete the act. I can only do it when it is thin and smeared like this; there are others who can consume it as though it was chili in a bowl or a sausage on a plate.

"One thing that got me over the top was practicing eating a solid banana covered in lumps of peanut butter, but it has to be with your eyes closed and your mind imagining that it is shit. Another way is to wrap it in a hot dog bun or a folded piece of bread. If you add some chocolate syrup as though it were catsup, it adds to the smell and taste. But be careful, chocolate makes it go through your body fast and it will come out very thin, almost like an enema---I hate that consistency."

As always, dad had the right advice and way of explaining things. I did just what he said and after a few months of practicing, I too was able to lick a lot of it up and even swallow small amounts of solid waste. But I also found that once I have done the deed, I was satisfied and didn't have the urge to do it again for a long time. Piss on the other hand, I could drink all day long and of course, if I could, I'd swallow cum all day long if I could produce that much. One of my major fantasies is being in a locker room john, having to drink everyone's piss and swallow everyone's cum---say for a day or two. I could never get enough of it.

By the way, I was able to produce much greater quantities of cum, sometimes several times a day, certainly every day. Of course it helped if I was sexually stimulated with pictures in a magazine or the sight of my dad doing something sexy. In those days there weren't any CD's or the internet to see such things. To the public, this was all very perverted and completely unacceptable behavior.

Thank goodness for the heater fan; the warmth helped playing around on the mats and it also helped dry things up so we could move into the kitchen for dinner without making tracks. On our way there, dad suggested that we see how long we could stay like this---maybe even until just before mom got back, three days from then.

The weekend menu was adjusted so we could produce more play-dough'. We each had an extra portion of pasta with Alfredo' sauce. That's my very favorite `cause it looks and tastes just like cum; just spoonful after spoonful of rich, creamy CUM !

Dad suggested that we drink very little to keep it as solid and fee flowing as possible. For color we each had the leanest sirloin steak. It took awhile to consume all of that but it was worth it, know-ing what it would produce in a few hours. The second portion of pasta was after the steak and took the place of dessert. After a full hour of eating, I was soooo stuffed, I could see and feel my stomach bulging.

It was also most exhilarating, sitting across the table from someone you admired, covered in flaky pieces of shit.

As part of his continued instructions for the protection of everyone involved, you have to be careful and assured that your partner---he didn't mention partner(s)---is healthy. The whole function of the alimentary canal is to filter out the good and pass on the bad--the waste. So you should avoid consuming things when a guy has a cold or some other problem--we've mentioned those sexual problems.

Together we cleaned up the dishes---which we chuckled about. Cleaning up our dishes while we were covered in shit. That IS funny.

I hadn't noticed but dad had planned ahead. He'd covered the sofa in another drop cloth so we could sit there watching T.V. only this time he put in a tape (no C. D. 's then) of guys playing around in scat.

"This is special, so rare, and soooo expensive, that there's just one copy around and it belongs to the lodge guys."

(At that time when normal video tapes sold for $10,

this cost several hundred because there was such

a limited viewing audience---and rightfully so.) It was called `Feeding the Hungry' and showed several groups of young naked guys lying around, being shit upon and gobbling it up. Several times he fast forwarded, past certain things that I shouldn't see just yet. But in all I was amazed at being able to see other people casually doing what we were doing. It made it all seem so right or acceptable. I was enthralled! At my insistence he replayed that tape several time that night and again the next day.

While my eyes were glued to the screen, dad was busy picking pieces of dried shit from our bodies and just nibbling them down as though they were popcorn. He was also downing several cans of beer. I was playing, squeezing, his cock and balls as I now knew what he liked and when there was a scene---and that was almost every minute--that turned him on, I just squeezed or twisted them harder and harder. He'd reach for my tit and give it a firm pinch or flick, confirming the pleasure I was giving him.

He'd let out a tremendous scream and months ago I would have immediately stopped but now that I knew those were screams of pleasure, I'd just bit or squeeze them harder. Several times over the years, I'd actually bitten his foreskin hard enough to draw blood----but he didn't care---if felt so fuckin' good.

That lasted several hours and by then I really knew what was possible. It's so true: a picture is worth a thousand words but in this case it was worth ten thousand words.

I was surprised that he didn't remove the tape and put it away securely. He did get a couple of things from the garage frig. Several bottles of our sports drink and a couple of zip locked bags.

"May not need all this but just in case." he said as the went into the kitchen and the microwave.

In a moment he came back and I followed him into the play area. He handed me a bottle of our stored piss which was now delightfully warm and as he poured it over my head I did the same thing to him. It moistened the shit that was still on our bodies and rejuvenated the sloppy mess that we'd left on the mate before dinner.

I knew the next position and laid down on the floor in front of him as he proceeded to piss his beer all over me. As many times as he has done that, I still get a chill in anticipation and appreciation of being pissed on by such a man.

"Let's see how much is ready for us," as he laid down next to me.

His hand was stoking my body, recreating the mess of shit and piss and I just knew that my next position was gonna be the 69 one, on top of him. He eagerly sucked on my ass and knowing what he was looking for I just grunted and forced out the shit I had ready. He was eager and waiting for it and while I couldn't see it, I could feel his jaw chomping up what little I had to offer.

He brought his legs to his chest and I wrapped my arms over them and had direct access to his wide open ass. As he produced his offering of shit, I brought my tongue to it and licked it like a lolly-pop. I was able to let it enter my mouth but when it broke off, I just had to let it drop from my mouth. I held it in my hand and then just smear-ed it all over his ass. His next offering I spread all over my chest and body.

He dropped his legs and I was able to work on his cock `n balls. This I could handle. Licking them clean was a normal thing for me by now and I was able to make loud, disgusting, farting sounds while doing it. Dad picked up on that and made even louder sounds, but his also carried a smack on my piss wet ass. That was a surprise but I really enjoyed it. Only wish I had access to his ass so I could show him how much I could smack his ass.

After another hour or so of this kind of playing around he got up, saying,

"I just thought of something. You don't have any trouble cleaning you fingers after they've been up my ass. Maybe you'd be able to suck shit from a larger finger,...a dildo." And with that he went behind the tarp again and I could tell he was getting something from the secret compartment in the workbench drawers. He came out with several rubber cocks.

I'd never seen any such things but knew they were cocks, but what they were for? One was a natural color; the other was jet black. One was VERY long---maybe two feet long----and the other was quite thick...almost as thick as my wrist. His explanation, as usual, answered my unasked questions.

"They're called dildos and women used them to satisfy their urge to be fucked when a guy's not around. They shove it into their vagina and pump it around just like a cock and really get off on it."

He squatted slightly and shoved the longer black one into his ass and twisted it around. When he pulled it out it was covered with shit and he brought it to his tongue and licked it off. Then he shoved it back in but this time I noticed how much went in and was amazed. That was a lot more than a finger's length. It was almost a foot of cock sliding easily into his ass. That would be my next question. This time he held it out for me to lick clean. I did and it was much easier to eat shit that way.

"Can I shove it in my ass?"

" certainly can but I think I'd better get a more appropriate one," he said as he went behind the tarp and bought out two more that were much thinner. They were both flesh colored and about six inches long. They were also much softer, more pliable.

"Bend over and grab you knees."

I did, placing my ass right in front of his face. I could feel him stroking my ass with one of them and then slowly, gently, twisting it around and around until the head of this rubber cock slipped into my ass. My hands pinched into my knees and my ass tightened. That was a signal for him to stop and just let my ass get used to this new form of intrusion. For what ever reason, a finger or two were just normal, flesh against flesh but this was more solid and a different substance. While it did feel like the wad of pencils I shoved up my ass, it also felt stranger, more solid and much deeper.

"Yea... takes a minute to get used to it but it will be all right. Try to relax," he said.

I took a couple of deep breaths and did relax and sure enough it didn't feel strange any more. And with that he twisted it again and it went in further and further until I could feel his fingers against my asshole.

When he, just as slowly, gently, removed it from my body, it too was covered with my shit. He took it to his mouth and licked the base of it, leaving the shit covered head and shaft for me to deal with and deal with it, I did. Eagerly cleaning off globs of my own shit from the dildo.

While I had it in my hand I just reached around and shoved it back into my ass for more of my shit. Dad said,

"WOW, easy there...take your time and enjoy it. Don't wanna ram rod your tender, virgin ass and make it afraid of such intrusions."

I slowly withdrew it and while it wasn't as covered as the previous time, there still was enough to enjoy. But the real enjoyment came from the act of withdrawing it. That was a whole new feeling for me and I just knew I was gonna enjoy playing with these new toys.

"Don't really need this extra `micro-waved' shit but it is kind of old and shouldn't be put back into the frig," and with that he opened the two bags and out plopped great quantities of his or someone's shit. It certainly wasn't mine---not that thick, long or dark. One particular one was over a foot long and again, as thick as my wrist.

"Where'd all that come from?"

"Well...I wasn't intending to explain this now but since you ask, it's called `harvesting' and guys actually go around collecting shit from selected toilets. In this case this comes from the shed, from the guys who aren't really into this kink. By putting a small piece of glass in the toilet they can shit into the bowl and after whipping themselves, they get up and automatically flush the toilet. Most guys don't stand there watching it go down the drain---they just pull up their pants and walk away. A harvester goes back into the cubicle and picks up the shit. The toilet paper, piss, has all washed away, around the shit that's being held in place on the piece of glass. And WALLA you now have all the shit you need. But once again, ya gotta know whose shit you're gettin'."

As we continued playing in our shit, he suggested that I attack his arm pit the way I did his ass. He'd squeezed a hand full of the shit that was laying around the tarp into both his arm pits and then closed down his arms. I was to lick my way up his arm or chest and force my tongue into the pit crevice to retrieve that shit. Then share my find with dad.

It was great fun and once again, as dad always said,

"If ya don't have to work for it, it ain't worth getting."

He made me really work to get this but I really didn't mind at all because while I was reaching my target, he was also reaching his goal: My asshole with the dildo. I felt like a pig, rutting for food in the mud and gave that oinking sound.

Once I realized what he was doing with the dildo and my ass, I relaxed, opened up, letting him access to my hungry ass. He was not just twisting the dildo, cock, into my ass he was pushing and pulling it, slowly but deeply. He was fuckin' my ass with the dildo! ! ! IT FELT FANTASTIC ! ! !

He was able to retrieve the targeted shit from my hole with the dildo and bring it to his mouth. He sucked it in, swirled it around and then swallowed it with a loud, GULP !

I brought my mouth full of shit retrieved from his arm pits to his mouth and he eagerly sucked it into his mouth and swirled it around but instead of gulping it down, he spit it back into my mouth. After several rounds of this, all the shit he'd retrieved was gone and now it was my turn to harvest more from his other pit. This went on for a long time. We never spoke but enjoyed all the grunting and slobbering that was goin' on.

He'd made the access much easier `cause he was just as anxious to play with a new supply as I was. Burrowing into his arm pits was just like digging between his ass cheeks for access to his hole and the results produced the same substance ---lots of fresh, warm, body waste. In those first attempts I didn't have to actually swallow clumps of shit but just the saliva thinned down this version and that was fine with me.

"This has been one fucking hot training session. One that I've dreamt about for years but never thought it would come to fruition. Tell ya what,...since mom's not around and we're alone together, how'd you like to sleep with your dad?"

"OH DAD, that would be your bed?"

"NO NEVER in my bed. That's holy ground, so to speak. I would never dishonor the sanctity of that room by having anyone other than your mother in that bed with me.

"No...I was thinking that we just open the sofa bed, put on a liner and an old sheet and just sleep in the family room, together to night. To see what it would be like to sleep in shit. How about game for that ?"

"OH FUCKING YEA, I would really dig that. I've tried to figure out a way to do just that in my own room when jackin' off or pissing into my mouth. How cool would it be to sleep in a pool of piss !"

I was surprised with his under the breath reply, "weeeellll maybe we can work on that for another time".

We left all the mess in the workout area, found the things for the sofa bed and quickly turned in for the night.

"Good night ya." I got to say it first this time.

He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in to him. It's called `spooning' and while we moved a couple of times during the night, we awoke late the next morning in the same position.

  • + +

Next: Chapter 10: Training Sessions with My Dad 10

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