Training Session with My Dad

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Aug 20, 2023


Ninety percent of this scenario is based upon my true life experiences and is told for the personal pleasure of similarly inclined adults. Be forewarned, it covers W/S, Teen sex--not incest--, scat, etc.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. Author: Hugh Sacks or Scatty

Training Session 8 Suckin cock /2nd Food.

There was practice time between these training sessions but that didn't mean that we didn't have physical contact between them. It might be boring to read about every one of them. Some were so short they could be mentioned in one paragraph.

One time, mom and dad were going out to some celebration and were all dressed up. Dad came back up stairs to get his wallet and saw me studying at my desk, casually playing with myself and he stepped into my room, unzipping his pants as the approached me and his cock simply sprang out and headed toward my mouth as though it knew what it was to do.

"I gotta empty my bladder before we start for our celebration. I don't like to waste it by pissin' in the restaurant urinal. Here,... this'll relieve me and give ya something to work with while we're gone."

I casually swallowed it all down, hardly changing my position, and thanked him.

Another time when we were at the movies with Darrell and his family; the girls were together at one end of the row and the guys were on the aisle. We'd pretty much gone through our drinks and were finishing up our huge bucket of popcorn. Without saying anything to one another, I slipped my almost empty drink cup `teen my legs and pissed away into the remaining ice. It's a very easy thing to do as I wore no underpants and my cock was readily available simply by reaching for it through my shorts. Fortunately there was a lot of noise from the movie so if there had been any sound of pissing it would not have been heard. I put it in the cup holder between dad and me and suspecting what I'd just done, he tasted it. Then he managed to duplicate the act and I was able to drink his while he placed my cup in the holder next to Darrell. That was the first time I'd ever had ICE COLD piss and it really is good. The thing that really surprised me was, as we were leaving the theater, Darrell commented on good the drinks were at this movie 'cause he really enjoyed the last of his. He and dad had smiles on their faces as the girls babbled on about a love scene in the move.

And there were many occasions we both made use of the sports bottles we stored in the garage. I never went on a bike ride, to a friend's house or to Scouts without one. Sometimes they were frozen but in less than a half hour, there was enough to sip on. Once a buddy mistakenly drank from mine and spit it out, saying it was rotten. I tasted it and agreed, spilling it out and saying that it was Gator Aid that I'd kept in the frig to long.

But I babble...

I'd accomplished a lot since the last session and was anxious to demonstrate for dad. Every morning, before gettin' outta bed, I'd flip my legs over my head and simple relieve myself of all the piss that had fermented in my body all night. My control was so good that I never wasted one drop by spilling it on the sheets. Mom would never smell piss aroma from my sheets.

AND I was able to jack off, directly into my mouth It would be some time before I was able to get my cock into my mouth and suck it off----but that did happen later that year and I've been doin' it ever since.

While I seldom needed any additional stimulation, dad had slipped me a couple of simple magazines that had sexually stimulating images. By today's standards they were pure vanilla, but back then, they worked. It was just difficult to know were to secure them. Sometimes, I'd forgotten where they were. It was inconvenient to secure them in the drawers of the garage so I just kept them within old school note books on the bottom shelf.

The menu for this evening called for fresh corn on the cob, hamburgers and the crescent lemon bars mom and I had made the past weekend. Because it was the first corn of the season, I took four ears and shucked them, pulling off every last strand of corn-hair. It's one think to get a stand of pubic hair in your teeth while fooling around down there but there was no sense in dealing with it from corn. I'd set the table and gone into the F.R. to await his arrival.

Trying to emulate one of the hot pics from a hot guy magazine I had, I positioned myself in the recliner. When he walked in he found me watching T.V. The chair was slightly opened. I was leaning back with one arm over my head resting on the top of the chair. One leg was dangling over a chair arm; the other leg in a normal position, on the extension of the chair. I had a drink in the other hand. My cock and balls, what there was of them, was exposed for all to see. I had a smirk on my face because something funny was happening on the T.V. but dad took it to mean I was enticing him to do something to this awaiting, flirting, body.

Then he did a most unusual thing. I'd never really seen him strip so slowly, so seductively. It was as though he was doing it in slow motion and I sat more upright in the chair with my legs sprawling straight out and my arms hanging over the sides of the chair. I hadn't touched my dick yet; it was slightly standing up.

He started right in the middle, removing his belt with a snap and dropping his jeans and slowly, by gyrating his hips, he slid his jock strap down, exposing his cock and balls and without touching them, just made them swirl around, clockwise, as he stepped out of his strap. When he bent over to undo his work boots, he turned and as he lifted one leg, this balls swung one way and when he lifted the other leg, they swung the other way. Somehow he was able to make them jump up and down, one at time. They hung a good 6 inches from his groin.

While I wanted to flipped the chair up and leap for them, I was patient, wanting him to come to me. He did. He fell over me with both hands reaching for my non-existent tits and his mouth directly on to my hardening cock.

"What cha got for me, baby?"

"Two days of cum and one day of piss. Which do ya want first?" "Oh the piss! I've got other plans for your cum. I've got two days of both to share with you too."

And then he really got into it. His hands were flattening out the recliner, repositioning my hips so my cock would go straight up into his mouth. This was the first time he'd ever sucked on my boner for the task of drinking piss. His mouth was so tight and his sucking motion so strong that I had all I could do to keep from shooting but I did have a full bladder of piss and I was glad to share it---saving my, royal juice, cum, for a later demonstration.

As I, we, were almost finished he repositioned his hands behind my thighs so they'd push my knees up and over my chest, exposing my ass. He was drinking all this time. I finally gave him all the piss I had and moaned in satisfaction. He released my cock and licked his way down to my ass, slobbering saliva along the way. I've felt fingers on my asshole, mine, but this was the first time I'd ever felt a tongue and it felt spectacular. His tongue was coarse; my virgin asshole, tender.He could do that for another hour, at least.

The minute he removed his face and tongue, I shouted, "MY TURN !"

He fell back on the carpet with his knees in the bent, upright, position and I flipped from the chair and fell, face first, right on to his cock `n balls. How many times do I have to say how much I love the smell, aroma, taste, of this human being.

I was able to get a good amount of his semi soft cock into my mouth. I'd been practicing with various size bananas and it worked. I was able, with the right motivation and breathing, to even let it slide, for a second, into my throat. But I still hadn't mastered the art of sucking the way he'd just done to me, but I did give it one hell of a good effort.

Dad's piss came slowly so I had a lot of time to suck, milk, his hose. Drinking, delivering, piss is a much longer process than shootin' cum but even with that, it's the smells, aromas, touch and feel of another body that makes the whole process so memorable and enjoyable. And another thing I just learned: Once I've emptied my bladder it can be refilled immediately but after I've shot my load of sperm, I get an exhilarating yet exhausted feeling and I can't deliver again for several hours; my dad says it takes him almost a day, unless he's really turned on.

Again, we seemed to know what the other one wants and he brought his knees up to his chest, exposing his ass. The only difference was that his thighs seemed to spread apart, exposing his shit hole. I'd never been this close to this part of him or for that matter, anyone else's body. There was a lot of dark, soft, hair on his cheeks. The smell was familiar but the configuration of outer, dark brown ring and the inner deep, flesh pink, was all new to me. There were a lot of small creases or folds in the ring and as he made it open and close, they disappeared and reappeared as though they were smiling at me or saying, `come on in---the shoot is fine'.

The best I could do was lick it as I imagined he'd licked mine. His had a lot more texture and ridges, where mine was flat. There was a slightly sour taste to go along with the usual smell but other than that, it all seemed so normal. Can't believe I'm saying that. What the hell is normal about licking another mans asshole, especially your dad's.

He didn't let me lick his ass as long as I'd let him lick mine but he dropped his legs down and locked them around my waist, putting me in a strangle hold. As I squirmed to get free, he tightened his hold, and I felt really trapped. That was the first time I'd felt that much of his power over me and I wasn't sure I liked it, but of course I would never indicate that. That was the closest I'd come to saying `Uncle'.

I did reach up and pinch his nips and that gave him such pleasure that he released his strangle hold. Then he rolled me over and gently sat on top of me and began to tickle me until giggling turned into gagging and my eyes were wet with tears. I just loved those spontaneous outbursts.

He rolled off and stood up, pulling me up with one arm, saying,

"I looked at the menu this morning and it couldn't be better for what I have in store as a training session: Meal preparation number two.

He was pleased to see that I had the corn ready and the table set.

"When the water boils, add some milk and slip in the corn. Glad to see you're hungry and cleaned two ears apiece. I'll put the burgers on the grill. Both were done at the same time. I put the corn on a plate and dad came in with the burgers.

As he stopped to give thanks for the food and day he began working his cock, all of which seemed so very strange to me but I just stood there wait-ing to see what was gonna happen.

"Hold the burgers next to the corn." I did. "This is the guys' favorite way of eatin' corn and burgers. Don't need to carry all those spices and sauces to the lodge when it's all built into your body."

And with no further explanation he began to grunt and swear. "Com on you little fuckin' son of a bitch. "Give your daddy your sweet cream. "POP for your daddy---show my son what `cha got up this fucking cannon !"

And with that he froze and with a strangle hold on the base of his cock he aimed it toward the corn and a large, long, stripe of cream shot from his cannon and landed on the full length of an ear of corn. The next shot went up the next ear until cum had covered each ear.

He gave his rod one more painful yank, smashing his fist into his balls and sent the rest of his cum to cover the two burgers.

I was in awe ! I'd never seen or thought that that much cum could come from one body. To date, as much as I'd practiced, developed, it was more in the way of seeing how soon ya could repeat the act, not in developing additional quantity.

"OH, it feels soooo good to release that. I've been holding back just to do that and it worked. It also makes me very hungry; let's chow down !"

I didn't know which to start on; they both looked so fuckin' hot. I chose the corn `cause the cum seemed to be dripping down the side and I wanted to spread it around to the other side. So with my tongue, I twisted the ear around, spread- ing cum all over the corn. It was amazingly perfect as cum is salty and that's what ya usually put on it after it's buttered.

It was a shame to cover up the burger but that makes it easier to eat and sure enough, I could taste that cheesy, salty, taste you'd have with a cheese burger and catsup.

While I wanted the meal to last longer, we were both so turned on by what had just happened and what we'd thought might be happening this evening that we just plowed through dinner, with very little conversation. There was some reference to other things that were specially cooked at the lodge but I didn't understand much of it.

"Darrell's stopping by after his family has dinner, maybe for dessert. He knows a lot about what we've been doing during these training sessions and I hope he will be able to demonstrate things that I can't do.

"While sex is a common topic of conversation around the shed, there is NO mention of the extent to which we are able to do things and that is just fine. With your age, it would be too much of a temptation for them to get involved, positive-ly or negatively. Howard, sometimes called Cookie, because he's the best cook of the bunch, has a real hang up about children and their attractiveness to adults. Apparently he was abused as a very young boy.

"Darrell has hounded me since our last session making it the topic of conversation of every day. He knows enough to keep it very private and discrete. He and Diane, his wife, are thinking they may take in her nephew while his mom is serving a jail sentence. They haven't heard from his father in years. The kid is amazingly stable considering what he's going through. They're afraid he might succumb to the pressures of the street and loose it all. He wants me, us, to be involved if they are able to make this happen. Mom is happy to be involved as she sees so many such young men come into the emergency room, shot or doped up."

And just then the door bell rang.

"Answer the door, but look out first." That was because we are all so accustomed to running around the house naked that we often forget and answer the door and if turns out to be the UPS man or another delivery person, there might be some explaining to do. There's always a surprised look on their face but I've never seen or heard one of them being appalled.

Besides which, mom has strategically place at each door a cafkin which we can slip into in a second. (It's a robe from India which can be worn with or without a belt/tie. If ya hold your arms out and drop a sheet with a slit or hole in it, for your head, you'd look like a square piece of material.)

We didn't expect Darrell to ring the door bell but after what had happened the last time, I guess he thought it would be safer. It was Darrell and I let him. He gave me a big hug and patted my ass saying,

"Love the naturalness around this house."

When I saw that it was Darrell, I didn't put the cafkin on. He followed me into the kitchen and then he hugged dad but added one hell of a good smack to his ass. That was a bit of a surprise.

"See you've finished dinner. Hope I haven't missed dessert."

"NO. Get the cookies, son. I'll get some drinks."

I thought for sure he'd get beers but instead he brought the pisorange juice from the frig. I put the plate of crescent lemon cookies on the table and sat down while dad poured the juice. Darrell immediately took a sip and sighed,

"Now that's refreshing!" with a grin on his face as he looked toward me.

"Can't stand to see you in the raw," and he, again, ripped off his short and shirt, leaving on his work boots. He did it so fast; I never saw where they went.

In this much brighter kitchen light he looked amazing. He was tan but no darker than any of the Floridian's I'd seen on the beach. The one thing I'd never seen anywhere else was the size and length of his cock. How he held all that in those rip-able shorts I'll never know.

We each just sat there casually playing with ourselves, talking about where we were in our training sessions with dad praising my achieve-ments. I praised dad for this evening's meal creations and Darrell alluded to the meals they have at the lodge, hoping it wouldn't be to long before I'd be able to join them. He explained that it was just some of the bachelor men who had hang ups about kids who couldn't drink, being around when they wanted to get drunk. Now that part I did understand.

Dad changed the whole direction of the conversa-tion with,

"Darrell's black, Jamaican, heritage affords him special characteristics that are the envy of most `white' men. Though not every black man can do what he can do, it's fortunate that I have him as a friend," and with that they stood up and stood over the cookies, both beating their meat.

I'd never seen anything like it although I'd fantasized about seeing all the guys in the locker room whacking off at the same time--sort of a competition to see who could come first or hold out to cum last and by so doing, enjoying the competition.

"Darrell's here to decorate your cookies," dad said as he stopped jackin' off and placed the plate of cookies in front of Darrell.

Darrell is a silent shooter; totally in control and not needing any of that verbal banter to get charged up. My eyes were glued on the action taking place before me. While dad could get both of his hands on his cock shaft, the only thing ya could see was his cock head. With Darrell you'd probably be able to see yet another third of his cock. As his very smooth, gentle looking hand, rode the length of his pole, it pulled a good two inches of foreskin away from his cock head and ya could see the dramatic color change between the slightly darker brown skin and the very pink, thin, inner skin with it's pulsating veins. I was trans-fixed to say the least.

I could tell he was about to shoot `cause his stomach was rippling and he'd stopped pumping his rod. He had some magical way of distributing his semen in very small spurts and have them accurately cover every single cookie. How he did it, I do not know, but as each spurt landed on its target, it seemed to arc in the shape of each crescent cookie. Amazing...absolutely amazing ! !

"Here, wanna finish it off," he said pointing his cock to dad.

And sure enough, dad's mouth encased the head of the still pulsating cock and from the way his balls were dancing, I could only surmise that dad was getting the remains of the act. But then he did a surprising thing.

While he was bobbing his head up and down on Darrell's shaft, he pulled me next to him and transferred the shooting cock into my mouth. I was still trying to grasp the whole situation and didn't know exactly what to do but when the last two shots of cum entered my very dry mouth, I just swirled it around in my mouth and put my small hand on this pumping machine-gun.

I dropped to the floor in amazement. Dad too, sat down and Darrell, who simple picked up a cookie to see what they tasted like, saying,

"You made these yourself...Thanks for letting me decorate them."

It took a few minutes but we all regained control of ourselves and sat around the table, devouring the cookies and washing them down with the pis-orange juice.

They told me of humorous experienced were guys would get suckered into bets about what Darrell could do. He'd gotten a bit of a reputation and was now able to command ridiculous amount of money to demonstrate.

The one older lady who wanted to suck him off after a show and he'd say it's against the house rules, which it is: No touching, feeling, sexual contact with the patrons. Her offer keep getting larger `n larger until the manager winked his eye, which meant it was OK but the manager would get half.

The broad paid $500 just to suck his cock. Back in his dressing room, she had to lay the money on the dressing table and then she had access to it for five minutes. As hard as she tried, she couldn't even get the head in her stupid little mouth. He tried to help her and almost gagged her as his cock head made it past her lips. The only satisfaction she got from all this was being able to tell the girls that had come with her, that she had felt, held, his cock and that she enjoyed eating all his cum. A lie! but Darrell got $250 for five minutes work.

And yes, he is the guy who could shoot pill cups from the counter. The ONLY thing dad forgot to explain is, that it wasn't piss, it was cum !

Picking up the last cookie, dad said,

"We've finished all the cookies which is good `cause we certainly couldn't put any of those back in the cookie jar for mom to chance upon. Let's go to the couch."

We did, but I dilly-dallied, so I could see Darrell's ass from behind. It was much smaller, firmer, than dad's and certainly didn't giggle like dad's. It was hairless; in fact his whole body was hairless.

"Your dad says you have some sweet tasting cum. Can I have a taste? It's alright, I've checked with your dad and he says I can if you want to give me some."

I looked at dad and he was nodding his head up and down in silent agreement. I had quite a choice to make. I'd wanted to show dad what I could do with it. How I could shoot cum into my mouth from my over turned body but then the option to have Darrell's mouth on my dick was more than I could stand. I could show dad next time. There might not be a next time to have Darrell's mouth around my cock.

"As long as it's alright with dad and he's here to watch, then I guess you can."

"Stand here, in front of me and hold my head. Bend your knees slightly," Darrell said kneeling in front of me.

I did exactly what he said. I'd never felt Negro hair and it was amazingly soft, compared to the way it looks... so kinky and tight. It was cut very short so I couldn't grab a handful of it as I did with dad's. He also had on intoxicating cologne, something that dad never used.

I'll never forget the thrill of that first feeling. I thought dad's mouth around my cock was the best thing but this was the ultra best. It was so VERY soft and not at all as course as my dad's tongue. But then came the sucking motion. I've never gotten my cock caught in a vacuum cleaner but I imagine that's what it would feel like. By the time he'd successfully attached his mouth around my cock, I thought he was gonna suck in my balls as well. Maybe my whole body was gonna be turned in-side-out.

Then his delicate, soft, hands were searching my ass cheeks and they soon found the intended ass hole. One after another finger slipped up into it. First from one hand and then the other until the rhythm of his bobbing head on the length of my cock and the penetration of his fingers were in unison. With all this going on at the same time, I lost control...though actually I never had control...and shot every ounce of cum into his mouth. The electrical charges that came before and even after it, would have lighted the lamps in that room. I was glad that my knees were bent or I would have collapsed from the thrill of it all.

I remember once pulling hard on a stuck sink stopper and when it finally came out all the water swirled away. That's how it felt when Darrell successfully pulled my plug. It felt like he'd drained every drop of cum in my body, from my toes to my tits.

We all fell back on the sofa reaching for the nearest cock to play with. Of course with Darrell between us, I grabbed onto his and again, I was amazed at how velvety it felt. Even soft, I could just get my hand around it. There was much more skin than on dad's and it seemed to slide up and down on the shaft, easier.

While they were whispering to one another (actually kissing but I didn't know anything about that then and wasn't looking directly at them cause my eyes were locked on Darrell's cock) I bent over to suck on Darrell's cock. It really did feel like I had a snake from the carnival road show in my hand and was trying to swallow it like the sword shallower. I was pleased to get just its head into my mouth and able to swish my tongue around it. It was incredibly soft and silky.

Being this close I was very aware that he was shaven and was sure that I preferred that to the snarled nest that was around dads. I never got to my other intended target, his balls, which were as huge as dad's.

They broke apart with dad saying,

"Oh, you ain't seen it all. Darrell is an info maniac. He can shoot hour after hour and while the quantity may diminish, his last shot, say in five hours, is the amount of my second and last shot of the day. And he's also one of those who can suck himself off. Wanna See?"

That was rhetorical. I didn't have to answer; he slid to the floor with his legs completely over his head with his toes bent on the floor beyond his head. And then he started bouncing his pelvis up and down, with his sucking mouth inhaling his snake.

"He can do this `cause he's a dancer and spends hours a day, when not on a job site, stretching and exercising to keep his body in perfect shape for the ladies. AND he's a bit of a show off. He could easily have come by now but he knows that I just love watching him.

"I can get him to finish. Watch this..." he said as he got down on the carpet behind him.

With hands on both cheeks, separating them, and also forcing more pressure on the downward move, dad started licking this chocolate ass. Yes, that did the trick `cause he stopped sucking and flipped his legs over dad and in the same move sat up. He mouth looked a little strange. Like he was holding his lips tight so nothing would spill out and then, sure enough, dad dropped his head to the carpet and Darrell spit out all the cum he'd just shot into his mouth. It was every bit as much as what he'd shot in the kitchen, an hour ago.

My head was spinning with all that I had just experienced and I had dozens of questions and started blurting them out, one after another, not waiting for the answers.

"It's past your bed time and you have school tomorrow. I, we'll, answer all those next time. Get yourself up there and I'll be up in a minute."

"OK, I don't wanna but I know the rules.

"Good night Darrell. Thanks for showing me all this. You've given me lots to work on.

"And dad, you don't have to hurry up to say good night. I now know why your head was bobbing the last time Darrell was here and you should stay down here and entertain your guest."

"Why you little prick. You were spying on us," he said with a chuckle and a firm swat on my ass.

No. I didn't stay awake to see what they were doing. I did go to bed and had very pleasant dreams.

  • + +

Ass straws in the next one.

Next: Chapter 9: Training Sessions with My Dad 9

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