Training Session with My Dad

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Aug 20, 2023


Ninety percent of this scenario is based upon my true life experiences and is told for the personal pleasure of similarly inclined adults. Be forewarned, it covers W/S, Teen sex--not incest--, scat, etc.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. Author: Hugh Sacks or Scatty

Training Session Six 1st boner

You're reading these chapters, one after the other, as though they happened night after night when in fact there were weeks between sessions. Dad and I, and mom, did have other lives. Dad `n his union work, me in my swimming and track at school plus a major commitment to become an Eagle Scout as by brother had done; and mom in her continuous quest for more nursing education.

At this level and time, I was about to graduate from Jr. High School into three years of high school. Along with these changes my body was about to make spurts in physical, mental and most important to me, sexual growth. While I wasn't really aware of it, I was way behind in comparison to other boys on my swim and track teams who talked a lot about `giving head' and drilling chicks.'

As all of you remember, if there was something about what the jocks were talking about that you didn't understand, you certainly wouldn't go up to them as ask, What da ya mean' orhow do you do that? (Give head)'. When I did ask dad about such things, he give me a general answer but always added, "You'll soon be ready to do that."

Case in point: Continuing my skill at piss perfection I was ready and waiting for dad to piss all over me again. I looked forward to those training sessions. On the bus ride home this thought came to me. I'd strip down to all but my sneakers and enter the work out area nude to see if I could surprise him. While there was a single bedroom window from the house next door, the possibilities of Mr. Anderson looking out from there was very remote and even if he was, he'd be doing that to see if any of us naked which didn't bother him. So by the time I'd reached the garage side door, I'd slipped off my shirt and dropped my jeans and tucked them into my backpack and left it outside, at the door.

As I turned from the door, I was holding my wee little cock; dad was in his usual waiting position, lying on his back on the black bench. When he saw me he whistled that `wolf-call' as he spun around and up on the bench, holding his arms out forward.

"OH, Yea, come to daddy. See you're as eager as I am, but what did the bus driver say when you got on the bus nude?"

"Lost my clothes in a crap game in the locker room!" We both smiled in agreement.

That was fun. I enjoyed surprising my dad. He did it soooo many times to me that it was hard to catch up or equal his prankerisms.

I stepped in front of him and he began to stroke my young body with his powerful hands and I reached for his nipples and was now not afraid to pull and twist them roughly. He really liked that. He licked his way down to my cock, hoping for a drink but I pulled back saying,

"I wanna piss on you and I want you to stand over me and hose me down,...OK?"

"Fine with me. Who goes first?"

"Me. I'm bloated and really have to go," I urged.

And with that I just stepped back and hit every target with a single short shot of day long held, golden piss. It really was like holding a water pistol and shooting at a target. First at his cock, which he was playing with; then up to his tits which were still flat from the pullin' he'd just given them and lastly, right into his gaping mouth.

"OOOoooohhhh...that's mighty fine nectar; you sure do know how to store up the rich stuff," he said as he gulped it all down.

Then he reached for a tarp from the cabinet and rolled it out on the concrete floor and asked me to lay down on it. He stepped over me and with a few smacks to each hip with his long began to piss directly down on his balls. The piss that didn't hit them directly, splashed to the plastic with a riveting sound. Fortunately there was enough piss to continue up my stomach and as he stepped forward, he was able to piss directly down into my toilet mouth. That was a lot of fun; seeing him standin' above me, admiring him and devouring down my dad's piss.

It turned out to be an advantage to our next experience. He laid down next to me and we began to slip sideways in the slimy mess we'd made. Then his flipped me up and on to his stomach and with both of his hands on my shoulders, he pushed and pulled me up and down the full length of his adult body. One moment my lips were over his, sucking out my recent piss and the next my face was in his groin, sucking out that piss. I wanted to suck on his hose but he pulled me back to his mouth and gave me a kiss while humming in appreciation. I didn't know how to kiss him back, as we'd never done mouth to mouth kissing. To date it was just the father-son peck on the forehead.

Before he shoved me back down he spun me around so that now he had control of my body by the arches of my small feet. Now the trip down the length of his body was even faster and after having done that a couple of times, we both could feel the unexpected heat from such friction. In an attempt to enjoy that feeling, he stopped and my mouth was right over his hose. This time I was going to get to suck on it; to chew it up and make him tighten up at the pain I'd be able to give him.

This time it was a little different though, as I grabbed his shaft, pulled back his skin and began to force his cock head into my mouth, scrapping it with my sharp teeth in the process. Like playing with his nipples, having them bounce between my fingers, I bounced my head several times on and off his cock head making it spring back and forth against my teeth. OH, yes he groaned, and moaned in appreciation.

He moved me back a few inches and his head forward a few inches and he now had my cock in his mouth. He was much gentler as he knew I was not into that much pain, but it sure did feel good.

I'd later learned that we were in a 69 position with a young son floating on the top of his daddy.

Then a most important event took place. The feeling of being sucked while having a cock in my hand that was three times the size of mine, sent a chill through me and apparently my dad as well because the hose in my hand began to get stiff or solid and immediately he spun me from his body and sat up next to me, rubbing the little piss that remained on the mat, all over my body. Trying to distract my attention from what had just happened.

"What happened...?" but I couldn't find the words to finish the question.

"Well...I knew it was gonna happen soon, I just didn't expect it right now. I thought I still had it under control but I guess the friction built up in sliding our bodies around was more than I'd counted on. It's called an erection or in locker room language, a hard on, a boner, a woodie and you're just about to experience one yourself. I just want you to be prepared for it. When it happened to me the first time, I panicked think-ing I was going to hell for having played with my dick. When I was your age we were told not to do that."

I turned sideways so I could see his cock. He had his hand covering it, hoping that it would go back down but the sexual conversation only made it get harder. As my hand reached over his to pull it away so I could see, he let go and I was able to regain control of his dick. Yes, to my now informed sight it was much larger and harder and as I wrapped my hand around it, it really got hard.

He slid my hand away and wrapped his around it and gave it a few gentle strokes up and down and then it really got larger. It stood out like a flag pole. One third of it projected beyond the width of his hand, and he had very large hands.

(I could get both of my hands in one of his work cloves.) And even his cock head looked larger, deeper in color.

"This is how your seed, semen, gets from your body into your wife's. This fits into her vagina and by building up the friction we'd just built up, it sends a signal to your balls to shoot your semen. (to guys; it's called `cum',) into a wife's anticipating body."

"I've heard the guys talk about `cum' but I've never seen it. Is it like pee? Does it look and taste like piss?"

"There you go again...with a hundred questions......good questions. Wanna see what cum looks like?" dad asked in now a proud and enthusiastic voice.

What a silly questions. If it had to do with sex and my dad was willing to show me, OF COURSE I wanted to see it, feel it, even taste it...though I wasn't so sure about that last point. I was afraid of piss until he showed and explained how to taste, drink it.

As he got up, his flag pole almost brushed across my cheek. It stood out from his body almost a foot. "It's a little easier to do it standing up. You sit on the bench," he explained standing two feet in front of me.

"Sometimes this can take a moment or two but the way you've got me wound up, it will only take a second."

And it did. He made a few strokes the full length of his cock, pulling the skin back letting its head pop free and then his body went into a tremor; there were ripples in his stomach and then he froze with his hand pulling his foreskin completely away from his cock head.

"Ready? it comes...I'm gonna shooot."

Yea, of course, but for what, I didn't know but was in full anticipation. Then before I knew what was happening, several streaks of white `Elmer's' glue' shot from his cock, across the two feet of open space and landed on my chest. Didn't know what to expect and certainly didn't know about counting the number of wads he was shooting.

As he was doing this, he was grunting, yellin' some profanity and his stomach continued to ripple and his knees shake. It was over in seconds; I'd expected it to last as long as his piss did. It didn't but what I'd just witness was pure amazement. I leaned back on the bench so he could see what had landed on my chest. I wanted to, but was unsure of what to do with it, so I did nothing, waiting for dad to make the next move.

Still panting he said, "Weeelll that's cum...manly, fuckin' rich cum from your old man. That's the glorious juice that made you. Mom can't get enough of it," and with that he swiped up some with his index finger and brought it to his mouth and sucked it clean. That meant it was OK to do the same thing and when he brought the next swipe up to my mouth, I too, sucked it clean. And then he just waited for my reaction.

"It tastes creamy, tangy, not at all like the acidity of piss..." and before I could add anything else there was another finger of it, ready for me to suck clean.

"OH yea...I like that a lot," following it up with the usual questions:

"How much can I have? How soon can I have more? How often can you shoot it?????"

"Again with the hundred questions. We can talk about it at dinner but NO you can't have it as soon as you could when it came to piss."

We went into dinner and had a wonderful talk. Don't remember what we ate but there were no special `spices' added to the food---at least not this time. He did explain how he'd been able controlled his urge to produce a hard on. I had wondered why he made so many trips to the john at the most unusual times. He went in and jacked himself off so he wouldn't get a boner while we were playing around. He just told me about how often and what causes him to produce a hard on. He didn't go into that much detail as to how to handle it or enjoy it. That would come in the next training session.

As I cleaned up after dinner I reminded him that he hadn't answered one question, "How soon can you get another boner?"

"Oh that's not too difficult. A good sexual urge or thought / image can produce one... and you are all of those to me," he said as he headed for the garage, adding,

"Guess I don't have to stop in the john any more."

He was in the garage, hosing down the drop cloth and putting it away as I came to him. I just stood there watching him work, buck ass naked. One of my best images of him was when he bent over and I could see him from the rear. His ass cheeks were full and round, freckled and hairy and his peach size balls just hung between his thighs, swaying slightly. They were sooo inviting, waiting to be pulled or swatted. I often got a chance to do just that and he loved those surprise attack.

As he turned around, I was sitting on the bench playing with my cock, trying to get it hard but was really focused on my dad's swaying cock. It look-ed perfectly normal to me, and then he said,

"Wanna try and get it up. Grab it and see what happens," he suggested, standing in front of me.

I did, and at first nothing. As good as it felt, it felt like any other of the dozens of times I've held, played, with it. He was so enjoying it that he put his mind to holding off as long as he could.

"Harder," was all he had to say and I began to yank, jerk on it, pulling and pushing the skin as far forward and backwards as fast as I could and then it happened. Slowly but surely it was growing in my hand and the more it grew, the more I squeezed it until it returned to the massive, flag pole size it had been an hour ago. It was really hard because as I tried to put it against his stomach so I could see his balls, it wouldn't stay there. It just sprang back to its most forward position: Straight outward, though tilted upward a little.

As much and as hard as I pulled the skin up and down, I could not produce any cum. But I sure did admire the new color and size of his cock head. In that impulse, I did get my mouth around it but only the head would fit. It filled my mouth. I was hardly able to get my sloppy tongue around it. Amazing.

We were enthralled in this position when dad heard a sound at the side door and bellowed,

"DAMMED...@#*^&!!,I forgot to bolt the door!"

That was one of the first rules to be obeyed any time we were `training together'. Just in the rare instance of mom coming home early and opening the door with her remote control, there was a sliding bolt to secure that door and a dead bolt on the side door. The side door did open a crack and a black man's face appeared, saying,

"Any one home?" as he stepped inside.

It was Darrell, one of dad's recent employees; I'd heard his name mentioned dozens of times but had never actually met him. He was the one who designed dad's work out area while I was in the hospital. Actually I had only met one man from the equipment company, the older man who had worked with my grandfather before dad took over the business.

We never had all the lights on in the work out area when we were playing around but in this low light I could see that he was a black man, yet a very light colored man. He was tall, slender and extremely good looking. He was one of dad's best friends and knew a lot about what dad was doing with or for me so it wasn't surprising that he'd enter the garage on his own. He closed the door behind him and said with a broad smile, and sparklingly white teeth,

"Sorry to interrupt but you did say to drop off this contract this evening. But I can see I am inter-rupting...sorry about that," as he turned to leave.

", Darrell, you're not interrupting," and before he could add another word Darrell said,

"WELL then, I need to get as comfortable as you two are," and with that he reached for the side of his cut offs and, with one hand pointed toward the ceiling and his legs spread slightly apart, in one quick, dramatic stroke, he ripped off those shorts and flung them across the room, singing, "TA DAAAAh !

I was later shown how the side seam and the crotch of those cut offs were held in place with Velcro.

I was frozen in admiration and dad said with a big grin on his face,

"Son,...this is Darrell. Darrell this is my..." and before he could utter my name, Darrell reached for my hand and gave it a firm squeeze, saying,

"Heard soooo much about you and how successful your training sessions are going. Welcome to the club. Any thing I can do to help, just let me know."

What CLUB, I thought.

Dad continued with, "Darrell's also a headliner at the local strip bar and the ladies go completely wild when he does things like that. Ya don't have to show off here; you're not impressing anyone."

But then I heard myself sigh, "OH, I'm im-pressed...very impressed !"

Dad, added, "Well...yes he is impressive and maybe he can add something to our session. I'd thought of having you aboard but didn't think it would happen at this early stage."

Approaching Darrell, he added, as he reached for the monstrous tool that was hanging there,

"We've just reached the level in our training of the hard on: I lost control and inadvertently popped a boner and had to explain a little about what it is and what to do with it. An hour ago, he had his first experience with seeing a boner develop and it might be good for him to see how large they can actually be.

"It's not only the sight of his fully developed body and the length of his cock that freaks out the ladies but it's also his full erection. It's surely the largest one in this area."

Dad had his hand on Darrell's dick and asked,

"Can I show him or do you want to do it?"

"You've started the process; might just as well continue...GO FOR IT."

Darrell said as he spread his legs and seemed to push his pelvis forward.

Dad held it at its base and it extended a full hand width beyond his hand and in its limp condition he smacked it up against his stomach and then began to twirl it around like a wind mill. It was unbelievable! ! !

I was very interested in seeing the dicks of the guys in the locker room but had to be very careful not to get caught looking, as that was a no-no, a reason for taunting a guy as being queer for looking at another guy. Those that I did see were a little larger than mine but Darrell's was four times as long as mine. I knew dad's hands were about 4 inches wide; his cock was about 7 inches long soft and 9 or 10 when hard. This one was 8 or 9 inches soft. I was anxious to see how large it would be when fully erect.

"You are a fuckin' tease. I know you can get it up faster than that...come on Darrell, show `em what ya can do."

"Yea, but it feels soooo FUCKING good, having someone else play with it in front of someone else; I just want it to last longer. OK, here goes..." Darrell whimpered.

And with that, in just three strokes it shot outward and became rigid. Dad stopped any motion and just held it there for all eyes to feast upon. My head was spinning. I didn't know what to say or do. OH I knew what I wanted to do but this was THE first time I'd ever seen another man's cock and certainly, with my father playing with it. It was hard to take it all in at one time.

It was a little darker than the rest of his body and it was uncut, as ours are. One thing that was different was that he had no hair around his crotch. Don't black men have hair there? I'd never seen a black man naked. I was most interested in seeing it up close, with the foreskin pulled back so I could compare the size of his cock head. He must have known what I was thinking because he stepped toward me, pulling away from dad's grip and offering me the opportunity to `touch and feel ' it.

It seemed to be in cadence with his step as it bounced up and down, making a slight circular motion. I might have grabbed for it but was still in a state of shock at all that was happening and just sat there, staring at it. I became conscious of the fact that he didn't smell manly or sweaty. There was the scent of sweetness or freshness.

I did finally reach for it and wrap my hand around the center of it. I was just barely able to reach all the way was that thick? It felt incred-ibly smooth, and soft. I couldn't see any of the vain color that was in dads. As I gently pulled the skin back, his cock head did appear. It wasn't as curved or helmeted as dad's. It was more in the shape of torpedo but its vertical slit was huge. I could almost get my little finger in it as I got my index finger in my asshole. But that would be too aggressive for me and I was afraid for dad also.

I was able to push and pull his skin several more times before dad called it to a halt, saying,

"OK... enough for show and tell. We've finished our training-demonstration session. It's time for the boy to head off to bed."

Dad bent down, kissed me on the forehead and gave me a not to gentle smack on the ass as I headed up to my room.

"I wanna find you sound asleep when I get up there in a few minutes. Gotta go over this contract with Darrell."

"Nice meeting you Darrell. Hope to see more of you soon," I chuckled as I left the room.

I had a quick stop to the toilet to take a long needed crap. I sat there transfixed thinking of what had just happened. There wasn't any piss to drink but it just happens that way sometimes. I brushed my teeth and headed to my room. As I was crossing the hall, I noticed an unusual shadow coming from the kitchen doorway and I silently stepped down a step or two in the staircase to see what caused it. I could see just the edge of dad's back. He was on his knees in front of Darrell and my first thought was,

Damed, he's drinking Darrell's piss. Why couldn't I get some of that' but then I noticed that his head was bobbing up and down at a furious pace. What was that all about?'

I was afraid I'd be caught spying when I was supposed to be in bed, so I retreated, silently, to return to my room and did drop right off, still thinking about boners; imagining different people with them: my coaches, the jocks at school, and then the minister with a boner sticking out behind the lectern----that was really a funny thought.

  • + +

next morning news to mom that I'd just cum in shower.

Next: Chapter 7: Training Sessions with My Dad 7

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