Training Session with My Dad

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Aug 20, 2023


Ninety percent of this scenario is based upon my true life experiences and is told for the personal pleasure of similarly inclined adults. Be forewarned, it covers W/S, Teen sex--not incest--, scat, etc.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. Author: Hugh Sacks or Scatty


Mom knows I cleaned the floor

"Good morning, sleepy head; I was just about to call up to you. You and dad must have been up late last night for you to sleep this late."

"Oh yes; we had a great time asking and answering questions about all sorts of things. We played catch with the football and I actually scored twice and that's a first for me."

"That's good to hear. I know he was sorry he had to spend so much time getting the company up and running again and not being able to be with Bud and Sis---especially Bud. But they turned out just fine and we're all proud of their success.

"Must have spilled something last night as the floor looks so sparkling clean."

As dad said, as careful as I was not to over do it, she noticed anyway but I was able to cover our tracks by saying,

"As usual your pea soup was fantastic but I did tip the pot as I was getting it from the stove, a spilled a little of it," and that's all that was said about it.

"Dad's note says he'll be a few minutes late this afternoon and you know the rules: No one in or out and no messing around with tools or equipment. If you need anything, go next door to Mr. Sitar's "I know mom and I'll have enough home work to do until he gets here and I have merit badges to work on also," I replied as I finished up my breakfast and dashed off to catch the bus.

That was one, very long day but all I could think about was piss---dad's and mine. I drank so much fluid hoping to have enough to last all night that I just had to go to the men's room and piss. What a waste I thought but at least I was able to use the barrier free cubicle and piss up and on my chest and even shoot some into my mouth.

I worked extra hard and fast so I'd have all my homework done before leaving school `cause my one plan was to get home and practice shooting piss into various pans. In fantasy land, I saw myself shooting arcs of piss across the garage and hitting every pan, right on. I also mentally practice with my six shooter, knocking down every target on the carnival midway.

FINALLY that dammmned bell rang and I was off to catch the bus. A buddy sat next to me and commented that it smelled like baby diapers. I'd have to be more careful about when and where to enjoy myself.

There were plastic flower pot in the garage and I used them as target practice but they were to heavy to knock over. What I really had to practice on was hitting the mark but it was harder than I expected. I had to bring them closer and closer to me until I was almost standing over them. I realized that piss doesn't last for ever and I had to replenish mine if I was going to have any to share with dad so I forced myself to down three cans of pop. I think an accurate term for my first try was `Piss-Poor'. This was gonna take longer than I'd expected but it would be a fun and tasteful experience since I'd set a goal for myself: I could only drink the piss that landed in a pot.

Dad wasn't to late but he was tired as he came through the garage door. I had just put the piss pots away and was `fake' working out on the bench.

We exchanged general greetings but he had one thing on his mind and that was to get to the john. "Got an urgent need to crap. Excuse me for a moment. He came back saying,

"That was one hell-of-a-day. I know you must be as excited as I was this morning about picking up where we left off but honestly I don't know how much I have in me. I'm hungry and exhausted. Have you eaten?"

"No I was waiting for you."

"Did think of this on the ride home: How'd you like to strip you dad and get to his strap before it lands in the hamper?"

"Fantastic but how'd you know about my interest in your jock strap?'

"You may have thought I didn't know you were in the powder room but I did and I'd always face in that direction when stripping. You even liked it when I'd stretch my balls. Even mom knows about your interest but that's all over for now. You can have it anytime you want. Ya don't have to sneak it any more."

And as the conversation continued he stepped right in front of me with his hands hanging freely at his sides---just waiting for me to undress him.

"DAD, how'd mom know?" Parents are an amazing thing. They seemed to know everything. There's no use in trying to cover up anything. Might just as well tell them all to begin with.

"Your mom comes in every night, actually morning, to give you a kiss and a few nights ago she slipped her hand under your pillow to plump it up and discovered my smelly jock strap there and accused me of putting it there. That was the first I knew anything about your interest in the smell or taste of jock straps.

"Told her that was one of your questions the other night about when you should or had to wear a support. I gave him one to try on for size and to know what it would feel like," he said and added,

"I think she's buying one in your size so when she gives it to you, you can thank her honestly." Amazing, simply amazing !

During the hearing of that, I'd managed to untie his boots and pull them off. I left the heavy white socks, as those turned me on. Then I stood up and unbuttoned his shirt, immediately exposing his hairy chest and dark nipples. As he helped by pulling his arm through a shelve I was able to draw my hand though his hairy chest and get to those amazing nipples. He turned slightly, offering them to me. I let my fingers glide over them as they bounced from finger to finger. I was repeating the act that I'd seen him idly perform while watching TV. It was so much fun that I did it time and time again.

"You are soooo gentle, cautious; they won't break or wear out. Here, take a good hold on them and give `em a twist," as he took control of them.

He pulled them out so far that the brown circles around them were reduced to the size of a dime, not their quarter size and then he twisted them completely around. When he let them go they were still in that flat, squeezed position.

With out saying a word he positioned one and than the other one right before me and I repeated the action, much to his moan of pleasure and agreement. I just wondered how long it would be before I'd have tits like that.

"Ya can suck on them if you want. They can taste quite nice, with the right amount of sweat on them."

I did and they did----taste great!—texture and taste wise.

It was then that I picked up the source of that intoxicating aroma of manliness. It was coming from his arm pits and he knew what I was thinking as he turned his body around even more so I'd have access to first his left and than his right pit. They were very hairy and held a goodly amount of sweat. My nose was pressed firmly in them and I inhaled breath after deep breath of this most masculine man---my dad.

"Smells better than a jock strap doesn't it? Lick it....." was his suggestion.

I did, over and over and over until there was no smell left.

Now for the `pis de resistance' his crotch. I unbuckled his massive belt and snapped open his jeans. He's a large man with a large butt and it took a bit of pulling to get his jeans down, but down them came.

He just stood back showing off his massive bulge of a basket. I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I'd dreamed of this for a year. I wanted to bury my face in his smelly, raunchy, crotch. With my hands on both his ass cheeks I did just that, bury my face as deeply into this mound of manliness as I could, all the while sniffing like crazy so none of the aroma would go to waste.

My hands automatically went from his ass to his thighs and the sides of the straps. It too, took a bit of pulling put when it did come down, his package of sex tools, came flying out. Before he could step free of the strap, I had his cock in my mouth, sucking off all the delicious moisture that had built up there that day. This was heaven on earth. I just sniffed, sucked, chewed, swallowed every inch I could get my face, mouth and tongue on to. Could anything get better than this? I doubt it. I went through the whole routine again, until I thought my mouth was being stretched to its limits and then he added, with yet another suggestion, instruction,

"Ya can be a bit more forceful than that. Think of it as a toy that a puppy would bite into and then shake the hell outta it."

That was a perfect description and I knew exactly what to do. I grabbed his cock with my teeth and began to twist my head from side to side and he let out a moan of excitement and joy that you could hear from the outside,

"OOOHHHH ! ! ! ! )(&%)&)%)(%*##$## fuckin' son-of-a-bitch, that feels  HYPERLINK "'&sid=c0" fantastic!'

And he whaled like that again when I got all of one nut in my mouth as he pulled it back, scrapping it against my sharp teeth. "THAT FEELS SO FUCKIN' GOOD!!! I can't tell ya how good that feels. Keep it up!" he said, with both hands in my curly hair. I did and finally got every ounce of sweat and odor from his sex tool. It took several minutes before he could regain control of his mind and body and return to the other need of the hour---food.

As anxious as I was and as hungry as he was, we ate quickly; the only thing about it was I don't remember what we had for dinner but I'm sure we had plenty to drink. We both cleared the dishes and headed for the garage. I was surprised that he headed right toward the shower and turned it on.

I wasn't interested in taking a shower even if it was with him but he said,

"I know how cold the kitchen floor must have been. By running this very hot water it should warm up the concrete a little and if we keep it running a little, it will feel much better if you want to lay down.

As he spoke I resumed my position on the ground in front of him and he took his time in playing with his cock and balls, knowing that I was enjoying all of it

" it comes..." and with that he pissed, full force onto my crotch and just kept it there until I could get my hand down there to play with my small cock.

Then he pissed up and across my quivering stomach and on to my tits but I still didn't feel a thing. He stopped. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and just watched in utter amazement as this huge image above dad...began to piss a sparkling golden arc of manly piss right into my toilet mouth. I was able to gulp it all down, gulp after gulp after gulp.

As that wasn't enough, he turned around and by placing his feet on either side of my ears, piss directly down and into my toilet mouth. It felt much more forceful as there was no waste of energy by having it sail thorough the air. This had all the force of direct gravity and a lot of it did splash out. I wasn't sorry about that loss because the sensation of being pissed on with that much force was worth it. That piss joining the trickle of warm water made it feel like I was floating in piss. Again, the taste was soooo much more than I'd expected. We both had stored our piss for a whole day, yet his was so much richer, tastier. It was also much darker in color. I don't think I've ever pissed that rich, golden, a fluid. I've become addicted to the acidity of manly bodily fluids. Limes and almonds have now become my favorite goods, hoping to have them influence the taste of my pee.

We were still and silent for a very long time. Partly because dad was dead on his feet and partly because I was so over whelmed with the whole experience. I sat up, with the warm water still running past my ass and feet. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around my knees, just looking up at dad. He was still holding, playing with, his dick.

"Now it's my turn, dad. Even though I had to relieve myself of some of my piss because the pressure was so great, I still feel bloated and have a lot to offer. How would you like it?'

`As beat as I am, I can't disappoint you but I think it would be easiest to sit on the bench and suck on your virgin cock."

He did and I did---let him suck my small cock in his mouth, awaiting everything I had to offer. It was a lot and I let him have it full force. At one point, while he was catching his breath, he took control of my dick and let me shoot piss all over his hair, head, and see it trickle down his massive chest. Then he sucked it back into his mouth and I felt an urge I'd never felt before. Having a man's mouth around my dick was an amazing feeling.

"Now....that's what I call extra virgin piss.. and that's absolutely the best kind; not all this `full body' flavored stuff that's been around to long."

That made me feel special. That I could offer something that no one else could.

With in the next few minutes we both stepped into the shower and dad turned up the pressure and we took a quick shower together, shampooing all the same spots and rubbing against each other the same way. In the work out area we had the huge beach towels to dry off with so it was quick and easy. Then dad, sighed with delight and suggested we turn in. We did just that.

Again with the `Thanks and I love ya's'.

That was a very good session and I had a lot to be grateful for but tomorrow was the beginning of the weekend and there wouldn't be much opportunity to get into any of this.

  • + +

Next: Chapter 4: Training Sessions with My Dad 4

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