
Published on Jan 16, 2010


Arden by: dnrock(

48 Spying Business

1319, 8th month, day 3:

The merchants came seeking export permits for: clocks, surveying and navigational instruments and sun spectacles. They were unhappy that they were being forced to purchase them through the guilds and not from individual makers. I think they believed by talking to the makers directly they could get lower prices. I explained how business works in Parga. I think they were a bit unhappy about Hilarus and Nikias being in the room. I explained these pages were trustworthy, knowledgeable and it was part of their education to assist me.

The two real merchants were buying, Biagio de Cosenza was not. While he had been the spokes person and the one asking most of the non commercial questions, when visiting the different shops, he remained quite silent during this meeting. I looked over their papers and pointed out several places where additional detail was needed. The two went off with the Pages to complete the permits. I suggested Biagio de Cosenza remain and we share some wine. I wanted to get a better sense of the man and his purpose.

I asked him a few questions about Napioe and King Charles II, his crown price and some of the others I had met. He was quite unable to offer credible information about them, suggesting I had been in more recent contact than he. I did not tell him I had visited Napioe only a year past. I expressed my regret that he made such a long trip but found little of interest. "Your reputation Prince was enough to bring me here. I to regret that I could find nothing new and different. Those others are merchants of the mass market, I am a merchant of the unique and special."

Since Parga is so isolated, I am afraid I am ignorant of what that reputation is.

"It is said you are a great Admiral and command swift ships of immense power. Some say you are a wizard or magician. Others that you are a quick, educated and gentle person."

I am educated and not one prone to violence but I am a third class knight, an archer, swordsman of note and the fastest and best runner in Parga.

"And I see a patron of the arts."

You have seen the statue of course. I do favor the arts, although I am not competent at any but my pipes. I was picked by my Argonaut brothers to model for that statue. They gave me no choice.

"They were right to do so."

Thank you. I have sailed on several of our ships, mostly the Prince Arden, which has distinguished itself in battles. Most of which I was not personally on board for. I am the honorary captain but do not presume to command.

"From what I have been told you command the hearts of its crew." I know I blushed but said noting. "You do not strike me as a wizard; however, you do strike me as both well educated and cleaver. They say Prince Arden, but it may be the ship not the person, breaths fire and destroys other ships from great distances."

Our ships are armed with Greek Fire as are those of Constantinople. Perhaps that is the source of these rummers.

"Perhaps. I thought the Greek Fire was a great secret of Constantinople?"

It is, as it is of us.

"May I ask how you managed to acquire it?"

You may ask, but I know not. I do know it is not for sale, as we only make enough for our own defense. He asked about other armaments. I said I knew nothing of them except for the small Kannons which we have purchased from Venice.

"Prince, why is it Parga's warship are not galleys but are powered only by sails? If your powers do not command the winds."

That I do know the answer to. It is strictly a matter of economics. The wind costs nothing, the 100 plus rowers are very expensive for a poor state such as Parga. Our whole navy employs only a few more men than the entire crew of one Trimens. Parga is a small place we would not have the man power to complement more than two or three Trimens at most. We can not afford mercenariness. Parga is only interested in defense. We have no desire or even the means of attacking anyone. Our military is made of a small, professional force and backed by many part time solders and sailors, when they are needed. Many think, because we train all able bodied male citizens in some military skill, we are a warlike people. You have been here long enough to realize, I am sure, this is not the case. We train only for defense, something we do very well at. Parga has been attacked and threatened by the best, no one has ever succeeded. The Great Alexander didn't try. The Roman Legion failed as have the pirates, Florentines and others. We have no desire to extend our influence or power beyond our own borders.

"They say you and your ship attacked four Bejaia pirates, sinking three near the Pillars of Hercules."

That is not quite what happened. I know this, as my brothers and I were on the quarter deck, as defending archers. He raised his eyebrows. I told him the story, offering to show him the ship's log. He was quite taken aback. Perhaps the pirates find it necessary to say that which saves them some face, I suggested. Perhaps that is the ultimate source of this wizard business, an attempt to save face.

"You have bows that can propel an arrow twice the distance of a cross bow?" Yes, so do the English. These bows were brought to Parga by Welsh Koal miners, many generations ago. My name, Arden, is of Welsh origin. You must be acquainted with King Edward II's long bows, the French are. He nodded and smiled. I think it easier to attribute that which is fantastic, than to admit you were out classed and out maneuvered by your opponent.

"Then you have no weapons you wish to sell?"

No, none that can't be purchased elsewhere. We have no large foundries or metal shops, no vast forests or other resources, even if we had the workers to produce them. I am sure Archimedes will sell you a printing press or two. That is not a common item and is quite unique. I don't suppose that is of interest, since most people in Naples can not read. Then the history of this and other places, suggests they are more interested in burning books then the knowledge they contain. I did not expect him to respond to this and he did not.

"Prince, when I visited the university I noticed a number of alchemists at work and teaching classes. Are you not aware that the Pope has forbidden this?"

Yes quite aware, that is how we were able to attract so many fine scholars to a small, out of the way place like Parga. Perhaps he will find other areas of study to persecute, so we can attract other fine minds. Remember we are a secular state. What the Bishops of Rome or Constantinople think, is irrelevant to us.

"Is it wise to flaunt such power?"

If you are Parga. It it not only wise but fundamental to our democratic secularism. You of all should know, from your experience with the Florentines, a few years ago, how much attention we pay to the religious zealots and how much good their presumed power has been.

"Why would I know this, Prince."

Because you were with the Florentines in Epirus, at that time. I trust your employer then was not the Bishop of Florence. The intelligence he received was less than reliable.

"Are you implying I am other than who I claim to be?" No, I am out right stating so. Biagio de Cosenza, spying is not against our laws. You are free to gather what ever information you choose, as long as you don't violate any other laws. We have a number of ambassadors and trade councils visiting us. They gather information and make reports. We do the same. I myself and three of my brothers, visited 27 states last year and made detailed reports on every one. Avignon being one of them. We came as Princes of Parga. I do not appreciate people, such as yourself, using flake names and identities and keeping the name of you employer unknown to us. I know this is how many states choose to play the game. We do not wsih to play by those rules.

I am even more displeased that the dispute between the eastern and western churches is being in any way brought to us. It is in no one's political interest to try and subvert Parga, lest of all ours. You can tell the Bishop of Rome and his minions that there are fewer soles in Parga to persecute, than they killed last year as heretics in Spain, Italy and France. That excuse won't wash. If you think the Florentine defeat was costly, remember we have had a few years to improve our defenses. Just remember the Prince Class ships sunk over half the recent pirate fleet, leaving the remainder for our allies. Had they not been here we would have sunk the other half too.

Our Admiral wanted to do just that, since Venice and Sicily came so far, we though it only fair. That victory had nothing to do with wizardry or sorcery. It had everything to do with superior seemanship, the element of surprise, superior ships and favorable winds; which blow from the northeast, through most of the season. Our army and navy are, I would like to think, the finest in the world. They are few in numbers but every man is trained to a level most armies can only dream of. Our defensive position multiplies our numbers by at least 10. Since we defend our homes and families you can add another multiplier of 5 to that.

Biagio de Cosenza, we are to costly for anyone of rational mind, to even try and conquer. We offer no great treasure of any kind, except the well educated highly skilled people; if few in number. The total population of Parga is considerably less than major cities such as Paris. I submit this place can only flourish in its traditional sovereign, secular and free status.

If you question anything I have said, and any prudent man would, check with Venice, Florence and the others. Parga has been in business since long before the time of Homer. We have never attacked anyone. Others have attacked us, they were crushed in the doing. Others have attempted to intimidate us, all have failed. Others have attempted to goed us into attacking them. We have never done so. I will admit as a boy to causing some embarrassment to one despot I know of. I do have 4 younger brothers, so who knows of the future.

"Prince, I am compromised."

Let me assure you that only you, I and one other know this. As for me it is no crime to gather good intelligence. As for the other he is loyal to me and will say nothing. I would think it wise for other states to leave us alone. Because we are small and poor we offer no threat to anyone. We can offer a valuable service in being outside everyone's influence. We offer a neutral place, where unofficial or official exchanges can take place between powers or parties that are unable to talk to or deal with each other, otherwise. Since we are a secular state and our university is Free, that also applies to theologians and scholars.

I will not read your report, so you are free of course to expropriate any of these ideas to yourself. One more thing. It struck me, when visiting all those states last year, that many princes are at odds with each other. I am sure you noticed, but I will remind you, that the princes of Parga are of one mind. Since we hold office at the pleasure of a council that represents the people, none is jealous or feels slighted. If anyone lusts for power or great wealth he is best look elsewhere for it, like our friendly despot needed to do. It would be a gross mistake to try and drive a wedge between or use crude techniques as assignation. That has been attempted before and the poor results are well known.

"Prince Arden, in my business I come in contact with all kinds of people. If all were as pleasant and honorable as you, my job would be both interesting and pleasurable. Unfortunately, for the most part, it is only interesting." The others were coming in and we rose and shook each other's hands. I told him I hoped we would be able to do some business in the future and thanked him for his interest in Parga. I was a bit surprised, that on their return the sizes of the orders had all be substantially increased. Page Hilarus had a very self satisfied grin on his face. I guess I was correct, he can sell anything he puts his mind to, he will make a great politician.

Just as they were leaving Umar came running in, and not holding for any formality announced, "Daddy come quick, baby brother Aisopos is ill and Mommy needs you." I swept him into my arms, kissed him and placing him on the floor, looked at Nikias. He immediately took Umar's hand, "come with uncle Nikias, we will find the palace physician." All the men were trying hard not to laugh and our guests were obviously wondering how I could have a son of this age, almost half my own. I figured someone would explain and followed them out, after placing my seal on the documents.

Aisopos was in deed ill but the physician told us it was not serious and suggested he receive rest and just some weak herbal tea for the next day or two. I guess new parents get very excited, quite easily. The physician was quite understanding. As he was leaving he winked at me saying, "you should have seen the King the fist time Prince Iason got the sniffles."

Abrith wrote to say he and mother, along with everyone else, were attending Iason's and Alex's weddings and that Edward's experimental garden was doing very well, that he was keeping a detailed record of everything, making daily observations. I must look into lodging for them, perhaps Hermogenes has room?

I need finish my thoughts on this spying business. I had wondered if perhaps I should not have tried to employ Biagio de Cosenza. My first thought was to do that. My second was not. I suspect he does his work reasonably well or he would not be finding employment. I also suspect he sells his service to the highest bidder. Now that we have talked and know each other, even only a little, if he has something he believes we will pay for, he will probably offer it. I am sure he did not believe my statements about us not having new kinds of armaments or that the conversion to sail was strictly a matter of economics.

I suspect we have not seen the last of this business and he or others will try and gain information and if possible samples. Now that the captured are gone from us and in the employment of who knows, word of the rockets and large kannons will spread.

Our next innovation will be to arm the Princess Class ships with these rockets and small kannons. I think the skimmers would also work well from them. I know Iason has been giving this much thought. We need be sure Nikias is well schooled in this, if he is to be our Tertius in the future.

For some reason, unknown to myself, I was more lustful than normal; after our bath I forced my brothers to each fuck me in turn. Forced is not quite what happened, unless by laying on a bench with my ass presented and legs spread wide, my anus some how made them presses their erections into me, until they ejaculated, filling me with their seed, is offering no choice. Iason took me in that position. Kastor rolled me onto my back and filed my ass with his erection. Our boys came to my head each offering their penises to my gaping mouth. While Nikias gave me oral pleasure and took my seed. Poly replaced Kastor as the junior twins continued to press the penises into my mouth. The guardians were servicing my brothers and our boys, who were in turn being serviced by our stewards and their apprentices. This necessitated we all bath a second time.

1319, 8th month, day 4:

When I awoke in the morning my bed was full of bodies, as it seems always the situation. Not one I have any desire to change. What was different about this morning was Umar's presence. During the night he must have come into our chamber and wormed his way between Iason and myself.

I crawled, as gently as possible, from the tangle of bodies to find our night guards. They told me that Umar had come to them crying and asking for his daddy, they let him in. I sent one of the female pages to tell Euthalia he was safe and with us. Small children usually wear sleeping tunics but Umar was quite naked. I found his on the floor by my bed and several giggling boys, Umar among them. I don't mind in the least that he wants to be near me and the others. I find that most comforting. I do not think it wise to let any child take advantage of his father's position without leave to do so. I can think of any number of other eight year olds who would be joining us where that the case. Lysandros first among them. Helladios has pushed his limits farther than most. He is more than eight.

Iason could see my concern and being himself, made light of Umar's presence and sent the boys to their morning hygiene. I put Umar back in his tunic and took him to a chair for a little daddy and son talk. He is a boy that likes to presses his body against mine and be cuddled much like the girls. I know he lacked male attention, of the truly affectionate kind, in his previous life, that is obvious. I know too he must have suffered quite a bit being wrenched from his mother and siblings. Sent to sea with strangers, having had no warning or preparation, then being involved in a terrible battle.

I kissed his head and asked him if his mother knew where he was. He said no and looked up at me. I let my hand run along his back and told him I sent her a message so she would not be worried. Umar smiled. Do you want to tell me why you were crying when you came here, I asked?

"I had a bad dream and I was frightened." I pressed his body close to me. We all have unsettling dreams. Do you want to tell me about it. He nodded. "I was dreaming I was sailing on a ship and suddenly a great storm came and then it all disappeared. All the people I was with were gone and I was in the water all alone." Obviously he was reliving, after some fashion, what had happened to him.

That is frightening and like many dreams has some connection to the real world. Have you had dreams like this before? "Yes." Was this one different? "They are all different. In this dream you and mommy were on the ship too and...." he started to sob.

No one knows why we dream or what purpose dreams have. We do know, from simple observation, that many animals like dogs and cats have dreams. We all know from experience that all people dream. Dreams are strange things and that strangeness can be frightening. Some say dreams tell the future, some say not. Some say it is the gods talking to us, some say not. Some say dreams have no meaning at all, others say much meaning. I think we don't know what dreams are. I do know we all have them. I know that my dreams are not reality. It is as if my head is playing tricks or games on itself. Some times the dreams express our fears, other times our joys and others what happened during the previous day.

Know this little one, no matter how good or how terrible a dream is, it is only that, a dream and nothing more. Like all these things we do not fully know or understand, they are mysteries. We men can and do attribute what ever meaning we wish to that mystery. It is a true freedom, as it happens completely within our own heads. We men have a pass time of trying to solve mysteries. The danger in all this is keeping separate, in our own mind, what is speculation and myth and what is real and knowable. One more thing. I have observed that shortly after waking, the details of the dream begin to fade and merge with thoughts, until we are no longer sure what was dreamt or what perhaps we wanted to dream.

Poly came along and added, "Kastor and I have always believed dreams are a way for us to confront our fears while safe in the arms of your brother."

"I liked sleeping with you and Uncle Iason, can we do that again?" Yes of course. "Won't Nikias and Dios be jealous?" Are you jealous of Zoe and Aisopos sleeping with you mother?

"Oh no, they are babies and need to suckle."

Nikias and Dios are not babies but they too need suckle, just not on a breast with no milk. He thought for a moment. "I could suckle them." Not for some years yet my son, not for some years yet. He smiled, kissed me and ran off to his mother. I turned to Nikias who was listening. Get that idea out of your head, he is only 8 and to young. My believed boy just turned bright red, like his mentor so often does.

I think the image of Umar's small circumcised penis and small round butt was to much for us. In a moment we were writhing on the bed. I was expressing my passion and lust by fucking the best little ass in the kingdom and he by receiving it with wild abandon.

Next: Chapter 18

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