
Published on Jun 4, 2010


Arden by: dnrock(

67: A Foreign Visit

1320, 2nd month, 23rd day:

Umar was asked to play and Akakios to sing again for the Sultan. He was very tired and they did not stay long. He also spent a long time with his mother who was very appreciative of the letter, which Umar read to her. She was also much taken by the singing and playing. Umar said she liked Akakios and after hearing about his life and seeing how much he had grown and learned, said I must be a very special man.

He said, "I told her you were just daddy but everyone in Parga thinks you are very special. Then she said, 'you, little seven, are truly blessed and I can ask for nothing greater.'"

While Umar was with his mother we continued our prince to prince conversations. I found the others to be pleasant and most, quite astute. I think they knew their place and seemed content with it. At least before us.

Like many of the other courts we have visited, this one seemed overly heavy with relatives and retainers. Ala had said several times his court was proving uneconomic. Far to much treasure was spent supporting them and supporting the clergy, at the expense of public works. I told him of Mohammed's work on economics and promised to have a copy of his treats translated and sent to him. I reminded him the surest way of getting the nobles to pay more taxes, is showing how it will benefit their own purses, by the doing.

That afternoon Ala put on a wonderful banquet with music and dancing and much food. Umar and Akakios also played and sang. We met most of his court. Toward the end of the party Ala asked if he could send a few of his brothers to our university. He told me that Ikraam had also asked to study there. We could take him with us if we liked. I liked and said so. I told him the others would be welcome and suggested the Civil Service Academe should also be considered. That he would do.

He made it clear that his religious advisors did not like the idea, as Parga and its schools are secular.

"That tells me it is the right place for them. It is also politically important for me to keep them happy. It is politically essential for them to keep my people ignorant of that which is not consistent with their version of the truth. I will send some to their schools and some to yours... Odo has been telling me of your exploits. Those exploits tell me, if they learn nothing else they will learn how to be reasoning men, how to be a true prince...Did you just walk up to the king, in front of a defeated army, as a boy of 12, and ask for the protection of over one hundred boys and then accept the sword of surrender from the Florentine general?"

Odo is a poet and a very good one, poets sometimes take license. In this instant he is correct, he was witness to it. What turned out to be over one hundred was more like 20 when I did that. "And the King?" He placed Odo on my horse and sent us to the castle, bringing another boy on his own steed. He also adopted two of those boys, our younger twin brothers. That general now teaches Military History at our university.

"Then politics aside I will send them all to study in Parga. Umar also told me that you personally took him to the mineral baths, riding through the night and stayed until he was much improved." He went on for some length. "I understand why they say you are beloved by the people even greater than the King."

I have no formula or sage advice except this: As the great Athenian philosopher Socrates said, "I know this much and nothing more, for what that is worth." I do not pretend to know anything more. I make a point of not preaching or demanding anything more than an honest effort from others. I will not settle for less. I give my best to everything I do. I give respect to all. Mostly I am me, Arden. I am comfortable with who I am and what I am. Theater is not my calling, I leave that to Iason. At a few skills I am the best, running for example, I encourage and coach others to better me. At other skills I am easily bettered and I celebrate that. I will not ask others to do things, unless some specific skill is required, that I am not prepared and willing to do myself. When I ride, I groom my own mount, at archery I retrieve my own arrows; I let the barber cut my hair. He smiled widely. They all know this and respect me for it. Mostly I try to do the right thing and for no other reason than it is the right thing to do. I saw those boys frightened and huddled together on the edge of the defeated army. I did what I thought was right. Then I told him how I came to be there in the first place.

To be a prince is to dedicate yourself to your people, all of those that live in your land, station or situation aside. A prince must be a leader. He must set the standard by which all others are to live. He sets that standard by his words, his actions, but mostly by how he lives his own life. I lead by example, that is all I know how to do.

"How do you judge success or effectiveness in this example business? The Sultan, my father has always commanded and attempted to control everything. As you said before, we tend to teach the way we were taught."

Let me tell you a story Odo does not know. The day after we received the Hero of Parga medals, the three of us went to the hospital, on the way every boy, it seemed in the city, came to see us and our medals. I overheard several say to their friends, some day I too will be a Hero of Parga. That is when you know you have succeeded. I had need once to call for citizen volunteers, the first 15 men to step forward had been found guilty in my law court. That is when you know your leadership is effective.

One problem, I see for you, is the difference between our cultures, in how we view honor for example. In Parga honor is give to those who deserve and withdrawn from those who do not. It is not a finite thing like gold that can be traded or amassed. It is relative to performance, age and so on. You can loose it by being dishonorable but you can restore it as well. Since no person in Parga is the property of another, all are automatous; the actions of one does not dishonor others of his group or family; unless that person is acting in the name of that group and is sanctioned by it.

Being a prince in a secular society is often more complicated and less straight forward than in a theocracy but that prince has latitude the theocratic does not. Another is our civil law and concept of justice.

One other thing I have noticed in my travels'. In many states the junior princes seem not to be as well prepared as in Parga, if suddenly thrust into power. My friend Phillip (TN: the 5th) of France told me his preparation was totally inadequate. When his brother suddenly died, he was at the mercy of his court for his first year.

"Yes, that is true. Had anything happened to my father before this I would not have been prepared, not that I am fully so."

The nobles and the clergy are in a position to look after their interests and I suspect do so quiet well. It is the Prince that must look after the interest of the common people and he must be seen to be doing so.

"Yes tis true, that is one thing I have learned from my father who was quite successful at it."

The next morning Ala and several others visited us on the Prince Arden. He brought Ikraam and his belongings with him, along with some gifts for Euthalia, from Umar's birth mother. They were all more than impressed with the Prince Arden.

Ala half joked when he said, "I can see why the privateers are so terrified of this ship, that non were brave enough to even stay in port while you visited."

None were in port and I had wondered why that was.

Hermogenes told them how we princes earned the trust and admiration of the entire ships company, by standing shoulder to shoulder with the Elite Marine archers to defend against the first official military action in the ships history. Then he told him about our rescue of the wedding party hostages.

Speaking directly to the younger guests, "These Princes are much more than Honorary Captains, to us they are crew members, shipmates, even if they are land knights. See these marksmanship flashes on Kastor's tunic they were earned on the Prince Arden, in a contest game invented by Sir Panther, who was my cabin boy at the time. You will see all of the Elite Marines and most of my marines have them. The message for you young princes is this: Your office gets you in the door, your willingness to be a member of the crew or team gets you a seat at the table." The boys had some difficulty translating this.

"Prince Arden," the cook called out, "my I try?"

I had no idea he spoke Arabic but he did, in think in a slang or vernacular but he got the message across. Roughly translated he told them, if you want the respect and love of your men you need eat the same food, drink the same water and shit in the same hole. Your men need to know you can be counted on when the counting is important, just as you need know that about them. That message came loud and clear.

That means responsibility and authority are linked and if you take authority you take commensurate responsibility. Never let your leader give you responsibility without authority, I told them.

Ala suggested he would have each of his senior princes take a younger brother from a different mother, as we have done, as an apprentice or assistant. I reminded him that merit was critical and the criteria need be thought through and understood by all.

Panther told him, "Prince Arden and the others are fond of giving opportunities to see just what you make of them. I am example of that. They always lay out little challenges that are easily achieved but more is always possible. Your best students will not stop but continue without being told. It is simple, you ask for 5 if that is all you get you say thank you, job well done. If you get 6 or 8 you say thank you, job very well done and add some small bones or give extra praise. The next time you ask for 5 you will get 10. Never ask for more than the minimum required. Soon you will not even need to ask, for the best will foresee and provide. Always thank and always reward.

Just because you have the power to command does not mean it should be used. When I sailed with Rear Admiral Hermogenes, he was just a Captain, but the only time he ever gave a direct command or made a demand was in situations of danger or impotence. The response to those commands is what makes this the finest ship in the fleet and I am sure had much to do with his promotion.

Give latitude for failures and praise for amends. Allow all to save face if possible. Most that lack the talent or ability needed will realize it and withdraw or seek transfer. Also some seem to grasp things quicker than others, allow enough time. Arden often sets you up to succeed. He gives challenges he is sure you can master and then makes the next one just a bit harder and so on, each time you succeed you gain confidence. Soon you are challenging yourself and succeeding on your own.

Then he gives you a promotion and convinces you that it was only the result of your own desire and skill. When you receive the next promotion it truly is."

We said our good buys thanking them for the hospitality shown. They thanked us for accepting it. The Crown Prince thanked Umar for coming and he gave both him and Akakios gifts from the Sultan. They went to shore and we sailed as the tide was still favorable.

I wondered if the gifts were from the sultan or just in his name, I said nothing. When the boys unwrapped them I knew they were from the old man. Each was given a small ceremonial dagger with a gold and jewel encrusted handle and sheath.

Ikraam explained their meaning and use as well as their great value. "Ordinarily these would be bequeathed to the Crown Prince or his favorite son. The meaning of this is much more. He is thanking both of you for your gift of song and honoring him by coming such a great distance to deliver it. Every time either of you look at them you will remember him and know how meaningful your performance was and how much it was appreciated. Also I think he was making a kind of apology to you Umar. He does truly love all his children. In your specific instant he failed you as your father. Being a Sultan in this society, makes it hard for him to admit failure. By making such a gift, something he probably received from his father; he demonstrates his true feelings. By giving one to each, he signals his appreciation Akakios, also his respect for your present situation and your foster family."

I entered our cabin to find the most interesting and I must say erotic of visions. Umar and Akakios were laying on a bed side by side. They had their legs widely spread. Dios and Agapios were kneeling by my son's heads and presenting their erections to the boys' waiting lips. Kastor was stand bent over with one of his hand on each of my sons' butts, his finger pressed into their anuses. Panther was standing behind Kastor pressing his huge member into him in a slow rhythm like the waves, which Kass loves so.

Silas immediately ceased me and begged I fuck him, which I did in that same slow rhythm of the waves. Presently Umar joined us indicating he wanted more pleasure. Silas' finger providing it to my boy's delight. I looked around and saw Kass and Panther still in the throws of passion. Akakios had joined Volos and Pyrros and like Umar was receiving another turn at pleasure.

I think one of the most attractive parts of prepubescent boys is their ability to sustain climax and climax. The sex continued until we reached Malta. By then, all even the young boys, were asleep. I am still not convinced it is good to teach boys as young as Umar about the pleasure of sex. Dios told me on several occasion all the boys in the castle know about it long before they are 12. Hy told me he was introduced at 11 and by the time he was 12 felt he needed to receive the attention of a male lover at least two times a day.

Kass whispered, "one day Umar will demand he ride your stallion and you brother will be powerless to stop him. Poly and I think some day Umar and Lysandros will be inseparable lovers as we all are, you: daddy, brother and great prince, like all of us are powerless to prevent it. Let us celebrate their love as it grows and assist it to flourish."

In the morning Kastor, Hyginos, myself and our three guardians went to do our official business. The others visited the city, mostly the market. Having had the freedom of the city in Bejaia most had already purchased gifts and trinkets already. Raffaele and Corrado toured the fortifications. Our meetings were short an only with second ranked officials, as we had come unannounced. We have almost no state to state business with them and our trade is relatively small.

Malta is well know for its honey. We buy a ship load a year and they buy reading and sun spectacles, a few clocks and other fine goods from us. Hermogenes would certainly purchase a goodly supply for the Prince Arden.

Kastor though it best that we keep cordial relations with Malta. One never quite knows when either may need help the other. We brought a few books, recently printed, as gifts. Kastor also invited them to send students to our university. We sailed on the afternoon tide. What none but me knew was several Maltese merchants and one nobel had made deposits in our secure storage.

1320, 2nd month, 28th day:

This year we add a day in the second month. The astronomers tell me the year is in fact 365 and 1/4 days long; we add a day every four year if the solstices are then on the 21st day of the sixth and twelfth months.

I needed spend some hours in the role of treasurer. My officials had most of their numbers compiled and ready for my inspection. They had also been applying Mohammed's equations and making predictions which will be useful for the budgets and budget implementation.

We had already made the decision not to implement any new capital spending until we had collected the means in hand. If our external threats remain moderate for the next few years and no new ships are added to the fleet or large munition purchases will not be required, many domestic projects can be undertaken. I rather hope we have a warm summer although warm summers tend to be times of less rain. This place is dry enough. On the other hand the last few years have seen colder winters with more rain that usual and much more snow than normal. Since the snow melt in the spring fills our lakes to overflowing that has helped. We can control or moderate the rate of lake drainage into the streams and that gives us water for irrigation.

Last summer was cooler than I like but it never seemed to rain at the right time. I am told the hardest hit areas of drought are the coastal ones. Since our shore line has mostly high cliffs and little farm land, this should not be to great an effect. We do not have large fields of grain like France. It is the river bottoms that grow food and the close slopes that grow hemp and flax. The higher slopes grow olives and grapes, the remainder is pasture and forest.

When I showed the estate records to Hy he immediately found an error in our analysis. While the peak crop or peak harvests are on a 6 or 7 year cycle the lean years are 3 year cycle. He took the production of lentils as his basis since the fields planted are almost always the same. He did not use the Eastern estate as it is high and seems to have different conditions. He plotted the measure of lentils for each year over a period of 167 years. This took him several hours and 4 of our staff just looking things up. He made a picture with years along the ordinate and measures on the abscissa. He drew vertical lines from the origin. When the top of the little vertical lines are connected it made the pattern of a wave.

I asked my staff to do this for other commodities as well. I also asked they look at total or taxable production for all of Parga, noting if the number of trees, areas planted or number of animals had made large changes from the previous 5 year average. One suggested we look also at the different regions of Parga in the same way. We also noticed that for lentils at least the crests of the waves also had a trend as did the troughs. The lowest points seemed to cycle every 11 or 12 years as did the peaks. This was not perfect but the general trend is clear. I like to see things presented in this way, I guess it is our training in geometry that makes us want to see things in the form of lines.

Hy also impressed me greatly as he can look at a group of numbers and sum them in his head faster and more accurately than an experienced man using a counting table.

It was obvious what his future position was to be. I am good with numbers and Mommahad is good with the theory and application but Hyginos can do what no other I know. He can figure, adding subtracting and dividing and multiplying in his head and do so looking at pages of numbers, mixing these operations at the same time. He even seems to enjoy doing it, the bigger the numbers and the longer the list, the better.

Within minutes of returning to our apartment Hy and I were on the bed sucking each other cocks as it we had never done so before. He did me, I did him, we did each other as the same time. I stood, he lay, he stood, I lay. I could finally not take more and rolled over presenting my buttocks to him. He knew what to do but was just a little hesitant. It did not to all that much to convince him. He long slim penis filled me and I was in ecstasy. He seemed to like it as well. Soon Hy ejaculated and I replaced him in the superior position. I think we two will find many more ways to enjoy ourselves.

1320, 2nd month, 29th day:

Thoren has been telling all who would listen, that is all of us, the story of the Great Alexander. I did not know before but, Thoren insists it is true, as a boy he slept with a copy of the Iliad under his pillow. I do not sleep with it under my pillow but I have read it several times. The more I hear of him the more I see a commonness between him and I. I do not think of my self as a great general or conquer. I have no desire to spread my culture to others. We share an overwhelming sense of duty. He, like I, will do what ever it takes to carry that duty out. Many of our principals and methods are the same. Many are not as well. I hope I never need be as ruthless or spill as much blood. Parga is not the old Greece or Persia. He was a great natural leader with great vision. I am also a natural leader. I too have a vision, its greatness will only time tell. He was bold and innovative, as am I.

Stephnos is at Thoren's side every moment he is able. From what I can see he is learning his stories well and quickly. He can see to read, that helps. Odo tells me he has learned many of his poems and songs. He is sure Stephnos will be writing his own poems soon. "They will never be a good as mine or Homer but they will be enjoyed."

Kastor sat next to me. He has been talking to Darkon the Steward. "Darkon is much concerned as we will have a shortage of Palace Boys in the 12 year old age group for the next several years. It appears that so many Argoanuts are leaving for the Army, schools or apprentices. The Argoanuts will have many openings. He feels he will not be able to recruit the 6 or 7 needed. For young boys the Argoanuts are far more attractive than the palace." Then we will need recruit some for him.

"That presents a bit of a problem. If one of us does so they will think it is us they are joining not the palace. Even if we tell them differently. I would like to send Panther and Lyuben into the city to find these 6 or 7."

Yes of course we need only give them a good criteria. They should be bright and hard working. It is best if they have minimal family obligations. I would have thought the Argoanuts would be best positioned to identify them working with so many in sports.

"True but they are recruiting them to their own ranks. Besides everyone knows who and what the Argoanuts are. None of them would know about Palace Boys."

Tis true, even if they knew about them they would have no idea what they do. We need make sure Panther and Lyuben are properly prepared.

"Yes, let us commission them to think up a plan and criteria which we can approve before letting them loose."

Panther and Lyuben came up with a criteria and a novel approach. They would begin with the teachers and identify those boys who were bright and motivated, that seemed to have few or limited opportunities, such as having little or no support to continue their education. Some of them would not want to but others probably would. Those that were interested would be tested.

Princess Eudoxia would give them a minimum of the skills and knowledge, recruits would have to be successful in the palace schooling program. They would then offer the boys a challenge or test. Those that passed the test would be offered opportunity if they also presented the appropriate attitude and family situation criteria. Just by having passed the test should be valuable to the boy. They were sure the guilds and the Argoanuts would accept the results. This way no boy would feel it was take the offer or loose all.

I could see a twinkle in Panther's eyes. I knew he was not telling us of all his plans just the part he wanted us to know. Kastor asked, "how will you describe the position of Palace Boy to them?"

"We will make sure they understand two things. One, Palace Boys can become just about anything or anyone they choose. Almost all jobs or professions, even that of princes are available to them. Two, all Palace boys must attend school until 16 and many beyond. In addition they will begin, probably for the first two years, as chamber boys."

I think you should also tell them the Palace Boys are a brotherhood and that they are expected to become a part of this large extended family. If that is not appealing they may not want to apply.

"I will of course, you must know Arden that all boys seem to relish being a part of a group or team, it seems to be built in us. We move from our birth family into this larger group. That is one reason why the military is so attractive to young men. Ah, I understand it is a good reason to come, is it not?"

Yes, however we must be honest with them. We must not make it seem like just fun. They should know it is hard work too.

"Panther and I know as well as any about that. We know that once one crosses the drawbridge their world will never be the same again. We know that if we can dream of something, achieving it is not far off."

No sooner had they departed than Hy and Thoren came. Followed by the entire page core and Stephnos. Stephnos looked just a little different and he walked differently as well. He still limped but his limp was much different. Instead of swinging his leg in a semicircular motion he seemed to move more from side to side. He had a strange looking leather and metal attachment to his leg and hip.

Once naked it could be clearly seen. The device had hinges and many adjustment screws and was held in place by leather straps. Nikias announced that he and Helladios had been working with the Palace Physician and several of the Academia Ingegneres. Stephnos demonstrated what this new contraption was to do.

I could see it was to accomplish two things. One was to make his lower leg straight. As that part of the leg, in fact turned outward, made it necessary for him to swing his leg to get his foot in front. It clamped above and below the knee and in several places above he ankle also underneath his foot. Two metal rods ran from the knee to below the foot. The idea was to force the lower leg to grow straight and by continually adjusting the tension on the rods; that would happen over time.

The boy was also growing as all boys do and these rods would guide that new growth. Around his hips was another large leather girdle with metal stays and more adjustments and a large rod from it to the top of his knee on the outside. His was designed to guide the growth of the hips and help adjust the shape of the upper leg. At the knee was a hinge.

Thoren told me Nikias and Helladios had assembled a team including a sculpture to make this all come about. Just like the lamps, Helo had sketched the device from the description of the sculpture and the physician. Nikias provided the organization.

"Some day my leg will be straight enough for you to teach me to run as fast as Thoren." I have no doubt in it Stephnos. Perhaps you will even run as fast as Dios.

Iason stood up and gave a little speech, praising all concerned for a job well done. I was most proud of my boys. They were quick to add that Justas and Joulous were important in this as were all the pages.

Alexandros brought Akakios to me some time later. Akakios was looking down and Alexandros was smiling. "Show him Akakios." Akakios looked up presenting a large black eye. He had obviously been in a fight. I know all present wanted to praise him but they were kind enough to let his father have his say first.

That is a very large bruise. I assume you were in a fist fight?

"Yes father."

Do you want to tell me why you were fighting. He shook his head no. Are you ashamed of having been in a fight?

"No, sir."

Then you are proud of having been in a fight?

"No daddy, I am proud of having won it."

Alexandros was smiling and nodding. Why then won't you tell me what was the cause?

"I lost my temper and I am not proud of that. Alexios was making fun of Stephnos and his metal leg and I told him that was mean and to stop. He said, `force me', so I did."

You rose to a challenge and did what you thought was the right thing at the time. I see nothing to be ashamed of. I think you have every reason to be proud. You were defending your friend from unfair ridicule. I know I have told you it is best to settle differences without violence. That if one resorts to violence it is a failure or reason. He nodded in agreement.

I think you need also remember that some times we have no choice but to act, applying violence. We need not be happy about it. Just like our little fight in Ambelonia, some times you have no alternative. You prevailed against a larger and older boy, be proud of that.

"He has two black eyes and a bloody nose."

Yes. I suggest that now he knows how serious you are about anyone ridiculing your friend unjustly, he will think several times before he opens his mouth again. And next time you suggest he stop doing something he will.

"Then your not angry with me?"

No I am not angry with you and I am disappointed in Alexios, he should have known better. I trust he does now. I looked at Polydeukus.

"I will make you and Alexios shake hands tomorrow and give a little lecture about fighting to all the Palace Boys. I think we need celebrate your black eye Akakios, as it is a badge of honor among us men. I suspect both your mothers will have a slightly different view."

We all laughed and Akakios showed his black eye to everyone except Thoren. Who told a story about two boys that squabbled over a girl who spurned them both. Leaving them no alternative but to become friends. Akakios and Umar ran off to show this new black eye to their grandfathers.

That reminded Iason and I of our only major squabble, we proceeded to embrace and kiss each other until our companions grew tired of us.

Later while Iason and I enjoyed giving coordinated oral pleasure to each other Nikias and Dios joined us, pressing their lips and penises to our butts. Out of the corner of my eye I picked up the others boys in a knot: Helo, Hy, Spiros and several others. Helo seems to have a fondness for Hy's long upturned penis and he rode him as he often does me. Nikias and Dios move to pleasure themselves as I flipped my beloved Iason on his back and placing his legs on my shoulders fucked him until we both ejaculated. Before I could gather myself together and scoop up his ejaculate Alfred and Umar appeared and began licking Iason's chest and stomach. I had forgotten how much they, and from looking around the room, other young boys, seem to enjoy this.

All of the young boys seem in awh of Panther as he struts around the room, his prodigious penis extending outward from the body. He is most conscious of his size and careful to only engage mouths and anuses that can accommodate him. While Kastor and Poly are mighty, being almost as prodigious as myself, Iason and our guardians are slightly less so, we all pale in comparison to him. It is his ejaculate the young ones most prize. I think they feel it will help them to grow as prodigious. This is more wishful thinking than reality. From what I can see it is your progenitors that define more than anything.

From my experience, size matters much less than control and intent. Pleasure seems not to have much to do with that and smaller and narrower penises fit easier in a boys butt or mouth. Delivery of pleasure has more to do with keeping an erection and holding off your own climax until your partner is ready. This results not from progenitors but from mastery of one's self, by one's self.

We Greeks tend to under size the penises of our art work, unless boys are depicted. That is, as far as I can see, a matter of public taste. In privet, like our family bath, the art is much more accurate, although not often exaggerated. The Romans seemed to have a different view on this, they seemed to prize a prodigious penis and also had a sense of humor about it. The old Greeks seem not to find this humor. That may be because the fertility gods were often only part human or not very handsome. They are always portrayed with prodigious penises. A believer does not joke about a god. We are more in-between today. Respectful, with some humor and wit.

One would think our maleness was given by our fathers. That does not always hold and I suspect wishful thinking. I know I am more prodigious than my father or my brother. Abrith told me my maternal grandfather was known for his prodigiousness. I am also taller and more fair than they are. He was that also. What I notice is those born in the castle seem a bit longer than those not. If Panther is the extreme of length, Captain Darkon is the extreme on the smaller. Neither were born in the castle. Darkon is as effective as any in its application.

From looking at men like Ikaros, who greatly favors his mother, except between his legs and who does not favor his father in his maleness, one must assume the contribution of seed and egg are uneven. Solon and Kalkrates greatly favor their paternal grandfather physically, their mothers in temperament and their father in skill.

This is all very confusing, one thing is clear to me. Most men have sufficient to get the job of procreation done and done well. From what Euthalia has told me, not that she has all that much experience, but the women do talk among themselves, the length is less important than the width. She said one of her older friends told her short and fat is far better than long and thin. Long and fat was no better than short and fat. I take it fat is better than thin and length is of no great importance as long as it clears the entrance.

The true measure of a man is not his penis length or the size of his testicles. I think there is no one true measure. A man, or a women for that, must be measured (TN: Arden used the term weighed. He means measured in the broadest understanding of the English word.) by a number of different scales in many different ways. Some great men produce no children, for example. If one need only a single measure it must then be how he lives his life. The only question then, is did this man live a principled life.

Next: Chapter 37

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