
Published on Jul 15, 2010


Arden by: dnrock(

73: Vandals and other unpleasant things

1320, 4th month, 11th day:

I held my court which was scheduled anyway. Keeping the landlord and the six to the end. Now landlord it is your turn. The inquisitor read the charges which were failure to cooperate with his agents and speaking falsehoods to officers of the court. How do you plead landlord?

"I am guilty of both offenses."

I conferred with the others. We believe appropriate atonement is sufficient in this case. We will set those atonement requirements on the 13th day of this month. You are free to operate your business.

"These six are being held on suspicion of vandalism. The inquisitor's office is not yet ready for trail and has asked the court for two more days of evidence gathering and notification of witnesses," Kastor proclaimed.

Have you all memorized the Ode as I requested?

"Yes Justus Arden we have."

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that I am much concerned with the nature of this vandalism. Do you six believe you understand at least some of that concern? They all nodded yes. This panel finds enough evidence exists to hold a trial. That trial will take place on the 13 day of this month.

For that trial we four Princes will yield the bench to the King and Prince Consort. We do not believe we can be unbiased. For the trial we will function in the role of Inquisitor. Lawyer Kerion is therefore available to you in preparing your defense and speaking on your behalf.

Later that day we set our witness list. Each of us went with small groups of Argonauts to check on the information they had so far collected and interview the parents of these young men. In that process we also found some physical evidence. Several pots of paint were located along with brushes.

1320, 4th month, 12th day:

Today I assembled a small group of artists. They took the ceased paint pots and brushes to the plaza and compared the materials and the implements to what was found there. While we could not bring most of the painted surfaces in the plaza to the courtroom they were able to demonstrate their findings and could if necessary take the court to the site if doubt still remained. As to the paint pored over the statue the residue in one of the empty pots appeared to be the same as what is found on the statue. They would present chips of both for comparison in the courtroom.

This vandalism has been quite consuming. We have all worked on it but I am sure we will be more than prepared for the morning. Fortunately none of us were needed in the council and our departments are all functioning well.

Our boys were most understanding, we found them all waiting for us, asses in the air and holes open. Now that they are older, each is developing into the most desirable young men with genitalia to match. Nikias delights in being fucked as he always has but now he desires to fuck almost as much and as often as he is capable. Between them and our chamber boys we princes want for nothing.

Lysandros, Akakios, Umar and some of the others are almost constant visitors. They seek pleasure as much as any. Someone has convinced the boy singers that ejaculate is good for their voices and they seem intent on getting as much of it as they can.

I am not convinced of this. Nor am I sure if they are so good at getting it due to their abilities of open wide or if the process helps the singing by teaching that. I know that noting seems to make Umar more happy then my mouth engulfing his small boyhood with my fingers in his anus.

I know that when I was adopted I learned to relish sex almost as quickly as it was shown to me. These boys will be demanding it when they reach that age. I am told the Palace girls are similar. Apparently the older girls and I assume young women teach them as we teach the boys. From what is said, were it not the fear of pregnancy, the male and female pages would all be sleeping together.

Kastor tells me were it not for us keeping the male pages satisfied it would be impossible to keep them apart. It does seem that children are almost always birthed in less then a year after marriage. I know from our lesions that the girls of 14 or 15 are all desirous of sex and having children. I would seem from what Darkon the Steward tells me I will soon surpass Father's pace and most are also boys. The other day a couple of young knights were chiding us saying we were attempting to bread our own army. Iason pointed out many of those girls are available for marriage and they had a proven fertility. It is a ready made family. We may joke about this and we do. The truth is many young knights do just that. More navy men then land solders.

1320, 4th month, 13th day:

We established first that a crime had been done and what that crime was. We had the Argonaut Eparchos explain what his boys did, how and what they learned. We established that the six had left the tavern at closing, one was quite inebriated. We established they did not go directly home, as they had told us. We established they had in their possessions the materials that were likely used. We established they gave false information to the inquisitor's office. The Argonaut related the insult about Argonauts being girls. Kastor pointed out that was the same phrase painted on the clock tower. It was painted in such a place that it was not visible from the streets on any side.

Iason went on a great length about the nature of the vandalism and how it differed from either political protest or outright destruction of property.

"Inquisitor Arden," Uncle said, "You have said several times in the past week that graphite was a time honored tradition of all men, probably in all places. I checked with Wan Yuan and he told me it was common in China as well. How is this different?"

Graphite in most places takes two forms. One is political or social commentary. As Iason pointed out this is not political or social commentary, protest or anything of the like. The other general type is more personal, we saw a good example of it in Athens, it said "Iason is the most beautiful boy in Athens," And scrolled next to it was, "Some think other." This was in a passage way at the ancient sports complex. Not on the benches of a public garden. I myself have scratched on some rocks in the mountains my adoration for my Iason. I also signed my name to it. In Ephscis we saw scratched into the paving stones, a symbol for a brothel and an arrow. I guess that is graphite too.

What we see in the plaza is mostly sayings and nonsense marks with no meaning and paint splashed on things. If this was some kind of social commentary the meaning seems to escape. It was not the symbols and initials of lovers carved on a tree. The purpose was little more than malicious.

"The purpose or meaning of vandalism is not the issue here. The issue is willful disfiguring of public property and monuments. I should point out the mayor has complained that many public buildings have been attacked in the past few months. He has already spent his budget on cleaning after these attacks. What is aggregates to us was the decoration of the memorial monument, the Ganymede of Parga," Kastor said.

"Inquisitor Polydeukus," Father said, "Were you and your brothers so outraged because the likeness of the monument is that of Prince Arden?"

"No. If the painting was politically motivated and directed at some likeness of Arden or any of us, we would not be pleased but we could at least understand. That memorial bares Arden's likeness, that is true. It was not cast because of the model that posed or who that model was. It was cast as a memorial and Arden happened to be chosen by the Argonauts as the model. We are greatly displeased because it is a memorial to the dead.

Iason said, 'if we don't morn them then who will.' I say if we don't defend and protect that monument then who will?"

The defense claims this was only a prank gone wrong. We see many pranks. All societies have them. Students are well known for them. We princes are well know for having done them. Our fathers have often had need to discipline us for the doing. They did that to demonstrate that no citizen, not even the princes of this place, are allowed to disturb the good order and peace. As fathers must for the good of the child, they disciplined us. We princes stood and took our discipline as men. Something that we earned. Never did we disfigure or damage the public property of Parga. Never did we defile a monument in the memory of the dead or any deity of any faith. To do so would be disrespectful of our fellow citizens.

Lawyer Kerion was next. Not that he had not asked questions or made attempts to cast doubt on the guilt of his clients. He did and he did them proud. "My clients do not claim that this was only some prank. They share all the concerns expressed by the inquisitors. They do not dispute the facts that have been established. They do dispute that those facts alone point to them. The evidence of what happened is clear, that it was my clients that did this is not clear. The case against them is circumstantial. The inquisitors have not shown what motive these men might have had."

Iason rose, "We did not address the issue of motive but now that the defense as broached the subject we will."

He called the landlord again. He asked how much money the six spent in his establishment in a typical week. He called several of their parents to see how much they gave them in a week, since none had any steady employment. He called the mayor and asked how much he had spent hiring them to clean up previous incidents of graphite on the public buildings. He asked if anyone else in the court had employed them recently. He then called the mayor again and asked him if had spoken to the six since the incident. He had and repeated, what it was I had told him, to say. The landlord confirmed that.

"I think the motive for this vandalism is clear. This was done simply to create work for the unemployed. We should note that except for the plants, which will grown again, all the damage is reparable. If we look at the previous incidents the mayor listed, again all reparable. Ten or fifteen minutes of graphite yields several days of work. This time it will take much more effort, cleaning the paint from the statue is at least a week for all six."

"Inquisitor Iason has made a case of motive and it is not a pleasant one. What do accused have to say," Uncle Iason asked?

"They are not in agreement with Inquisitor's analysis or conclusions," Kerion said.

"What exactly to they dispute," Iason asked?

"They do not dispute the facts only that they were motivated to do that which they did not."

Polydeukus was next. "I think we should hear that from each. I for one have some questions that need be answered."

In turn he went down the line, he asked each one a specific question not at all related to motive. In each case he got another piece of the puzzle. One admitted he was so drunk that he need help to walk. The fellow in whose shed the paint pots were found admitted they were his. Another that the mayor did tell the landlord not to extend credit to them, as he had no budget to hire them further and so on.

He then turned and snapped to the one who claimed to be to drunk to walk, "If you were that drunk how did you manage to cary the paint pots to the plaza?"

"I did not, it was...." He caught himself and stopped in mid sentence. The look on Kerion's face was priceless. Apparently they had not been honest with him and now the door was open.

"it was?" He said nothing. "It must have been," he spun around and pointed to the one who owned the paint pots, "You!" he pointed. This one said nothing.

"I think we need not press this further. The Inquisitor has the power to compel you to answer. We can not use torture but we have other means and let me assure you they are anything but pleasant." He turned to the judges.

"Inquisitor Polydeukus is quite correct. He has that power. The purpose of all this it to see justice is done. Part of that process is finding the truth of the matter as closely as possible. The other, some would say the more important, is for the guilty to take responsibility for his actions or lack of them. Having taken responsibility is the first step in reaching a just solution. Once the guilty has accepted his responsibility he is invited to make atonement and or restoration. Often those two are one but not always. In this case they are more or less the same. Kerion, please explain the process to your clients. It is important that they consider what I have said. They need not make full confessions in open court, those can be submitted in writing at a later time," Karyakos said.

They talked among themselves. I do not know what was said but I can guess. The Judges as much as said they would find the accused guilty and impose atonement and restoration. They can not impose the taking of responsibility, therefore the atonement would be sever and restoration is that in any event. If they take ownership, that is plead guilty and show some contrition, the atonement would be little more than restoration and the promise not to sin again.

Each one stood and admitted his guilt. "Do you truly understand why what you did was wrong?" Each answered yes. "Make that understanding a part of your written statement. Do you truly seek the forgiveness of your fellow citizens?" Again they answered yes. "Your atonement will be in the form of complete and total restoration, except for the plants. Prince Iason."

"Chief Justice I fear for the safety and well being of these men. Would it not be prudent to have them stay with the Argonauts and be escorted to and from by them."

"That is wise and the judgment so amended. Now to continue, we are aware that many citizens and groups such as guilds have offered their assistance in the restoration. For you to accept any assistance, except for advice or perhaps training, would place you in their debt. We do not recommend that. That decision should be yours in conjunction with the Eparchos. If any group wishes to enhance the plaza, by making some new or additional contribution, we think the Argonauts should at the least consider the offer. The work will be done to the satisfaction of the Argonaut Eparchos, except for the cleaning of the statue. The cleaning will be supervised by the sculpture that created it. That work will be done using the methods and tools he prescribes. He may require it be restored to the condition of as built, not as was. Justice Karyakos."

"I will not add to the judgment but I do have a few comments. Atonement and restoration are a process. It has been my observation that it is a process which changes the lives of all concerned. For you six that change will be dramatic. For your fellow citizens much less so. It is our fervent hope that we never need see any of you in our criminal court again. We also hope that we see you many times again under much improved conditions. When your service is completed you will be given a new beginning in our society. That is the view of our legal system. It should be the view of all citizens as well, sometimes that is not the reality. You should be judged not by what has happened but by how well and diligently you took up the challenge of restoration. I trust you will get to know the Argonauts and they you." He turned to the Audience.

"I want to thank everyone who participated in this trial and all of those who came to observe. I would like to thank the Inquisitors and the Council. King Iason and I are sitting here today because our sons, each for his own reasons, believed they could not be unbiased. King Iason and I accepted this. However, we both believe that they would have rendered a fair and honest judgment had we not. Their dedication to justice, fairness and Plato's Ideal of Good is most satisfying to us and we trust to you, the citizens of Parga.

I quote Prince Arden, `This trial is ended, Justice was done and Justice was seen to be done, you all had a part in its doing. Please Go In Peace.'"

We all went to the sports fields and for a long hard ride. When we returned Thoren and Stephnos met us so we we could hear Stephnos reciting his first composition. It was of course about the trial. I thought he did very well and so did Uncle Iason. We were victorious and justice was done; why this happened in the first place I still do not understand. I am not sure any explanation will be satisfactory. Like many things in life, some acceptable story will be formulated, understanding the real cause will remain illusive.

I am glad to have a personal aid as are the others. I would think our fathers would also want them but they do not seem so inclined, not as yet. It is not for the sex they willingly provide, as we have no shortage of that. It is the companionship of younger males. It is an intimate kind of relationship, sex aside. They like the guardians pelage an oath of silence.

It has taken me this while to completely understand Hy's function and become totally comfortable with it. The fact that he adores me, has I am sure, made a difference in how quickly he was accepted. He desires I fuck his mouth as much as his ass. Damao tells me Hy is a natural man lover. That aside his long legs and pert buttocks are among his most endearing physical assets. He is working hard at the running business and I think he will be a fine one, by the winter.

My sweet lad reads over my shoulder, his erection brushing across my back and giggles at the mention of his name. I think he needs a real treat, perhaps I can get Panther to fuck him while he fucks me. All of these naked men and boys in our apartments are a continual source of stimulation and desire.

1320, 4th month, 16th day:

The past couple of days have been most quiet and I was able to accomplish much. Today is different. Just before our mid day meal a group of solders came to the castle. Captain Eutukos fetched us, personally. "You must hear this story." We, all the princes and about half of the others, followed him to the court yard. We found four horse solders. These were not young men but experienced fighters, battle hardened. They solitude us and Iason stepped forward. "Corporal please tell us your tale."

"We were summoned to the small village in the east. We were told some kind of domestic disturbance was happening. When we arrived, no one could be found in the village. It is only 5 or 6 homes. We searched each dwelling. In the fourth house we found a mother and three of her children with their throats cut. We also found a boy of 14 or 15. His throat was also cut but he was not dead."

The, grizzled old officer, had tears in his eyes. "Prince I have seen many dead and wounded, we are not unaccustomed to blood but this was something I pray I never need see again. Those beautiful little children laying on their mother's bed covered in blood. They must have been killed in their sleep. It was horrible." He sniffed and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

"The boy was saved," Iason asked?

"Yes Prince Iason, we cut strips of his dead mother's skirt, bound his wound and placing him on a pole litter and brought him to Apollo's Temple, he rests in the hospital there."

Now the Corporal was crying and Eutukos took him close to himself. Another soldier continued, "It looks as though the father did this and has run away. We did not stay and the boy was in no condition to talk. Nothing else in the village was suspicious except the lack of people. We believe they are hiding."

It was obvious these men had children of their own. They found it hard, as we all do, to believe a father would do such a thing.

"Please, go and refresh yourselves and meet us in the solders dining hall," Iason said.

I knew Iason had a plan. He sent a page to fetch Janus and Alexandros. I sent one to fetch Lawyer Kerion. Polydeukus just wanted to know when we were to leave.

"That is the problem brother, we all want to go and when we enter the solders hall they will all want to go. This is only one man we do not need to field a division to apprehend him."

We strode into the dining hall which was buzzing with the news; every soldier stood to attention, when they realized who we were. I pushed Iason along as they would not sit until we did. A large table was quickly emptied for us, it would be needed. Zokitos and Tertius soon joined us as did the four solders and Eutukos. Janus, Alexandros and Kerion soon after.

I think the solders realized something would take place for none moved, although many had finished their meal before us. I looked up to see one of the solders about to rise. He was looking up at the balcony. He sat down with a simile. Iason, I said, we have royal observers. He nodded and smiled.

Uncle, I think the princes need make a play for the King. I thought he and Zokitos would fall on the floor laughing. Iason stood on the bench and everyone quieted down.

"I know you all have heard the news. I know every one of us in this room wishes to rush out and apprehend this madman. As I said to my brothers, who were prepared to skip their meal to mount; this is one man, we need not field a division to catch him. The last thing the citizens of that village need are a hoard of knights and solders descending on them. They need to grieve for their lost friends and family.

I have decided to send four of Alexandros' Royal Guards, Inquisitor Kerion and Prince's Aid, Lyuben. They ride yet this afternoon. The Royal Guards are asked to apprehend and return to Prince Arden's court this person. I know all of us would gladly put an arrow through his heart but that must not be done without a fair hearing. Upholding the rule of law is one of the sacred trusts given to you and us. Let us raise a toast to the King and Prince Consort, the symbols of that trust."

We all rose and did that. Iason looked up and said, "you are welcome to join us."

Everyone looked up and a cheer rose. They had no choice but to descend the staircase. They did not come to the front but sat in the back with several solders. I think it only in Parga where the King willingly sits with his lowest solders to share a mug of wine or ale.

"I am dispatching a contingent of Eagles to that place also. They will assist with the funeral and raise a small monument to the mother and three daughters who were murdered," Alex said.

He sat and while the room cleared out we talked. Janus would send a rider to the solders' commander, letting him know where they are and why.

He would personally to the Apollo's Temple and bring news of the wounded boy, if able to talk and what else could be learned.

Alexandros will send two female and two male guards. Lyuben was chosen as his Elite Marine training may prove valuable. He will send ten Eagles and 5 Amazons. The solders were puzzled as to why we would send female guards. Alexandros told them the ladies were every bit as good as the men in battle but would be accepted more easily by the local people whose help would be critical.

We did not see our fathers until the evening meal, which we ate in the Family Dining room. Eudoxia and Sophia grow larger every day I think. Then I do not see them every day. Helo asked if I would take him to see the wounded boy. He has become much interested in medicine of late. I hesitated but Kastor agreed. We will do so after Janus' report. Umar and Akakios were about to ask, I invited them as well. I believe this is Thoren and Stephnos' usual day for their weekly visit.

Iason was most interested in hearing what his father and uncle had to say, about his little performance; they said nothing until after Iason and Alex had departed with their wives.

"How did Iason know we were on the balcony," Uncle Iason asked?

The same way you always know when Helo is climbing down a rope behind yourself.

"None of you will go on this expedition?"

We all desired, Iason is correct, that village does not need a division descending on them and it should not take many to capture one.

"If they must kill him?"

They must do what they must do.

"And the boy?"

I think it best he stay with my sister until he has healed both of body and mind." Uncle smiled.

Why were you two so reluctant to join us?

"We were curious to know what our sons would do. We are also mindful that when either of us are present, in some official way, Iason's audience is never fully convinced that he or any of you are acting independently. Those solders need believe Iason has as much power and authority as any general or his uncle. In peace time it matters little, in time of war it matters much.

We also think it time that you begin placing more demands on the middle princes. They should start interacting with the council more frequently, be given small special assignments and in general start taking more responsibility. You four needed to be held back, these three," he gestured toward them, "need be pushed just a little harder."

"Yes Arden, we should go on the hunt for the madman," Nikias said.

"I think Uncle Iason did not have adventure so much in mind as more mundane princely duties," Kastor responded.

"Are we allowed liaisons with the girls," Justus asked?

Joulous poked him. "Don't ask that way they won't say no." I thought the royal couple was about to fall off the chairs they were laughing so much. I looked over at the younger boys all of who were listening with great intent.

You have watched us for all these years, you know what is expected. I think it important that you figure out for yourselves what those duties should be. Now that Iason has a wife and children and Kass and Poly will be married in the fall, many opportunities are ripe for the picking. It is better that you seek, then for us to assign.

I think it is easy to delegate tasks. I know it is difficult to delegate power as that implies responsibility. Yet it must be done, we must all learn how to do it. I know this makes little sense. We know how to delegate, that we learned from our fathers and still learn. It is the internal learning that I am writing about. Once we have taken on some responsibility, none easily pass it to others. It is as we give a part of ourselves with it.

This is strange to me. We willingly give a part of ourselves to those we love. Why is it so hard to give another part? Love is emotional not rational and that we share. Giving responsibility is rational, yet we seem to hold that part emotionally and only give it reluctantly.


Translators Note: A number of chapters back I noted some of what Arden had read or had access to read in his education. I found a wonderful summery of knowledge starting from the most ancient of times. The reader may be interested in noting I know at times you will have wondered if Arden could have possibly known this or that in 1320. A brief review of this web address will dispel all of those doubts.

Next: Chapter 43

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