
Published on Mar 23, 2010


Arden by: dnrock(

58: Insurrection?

1319, 12th month, day 9:

The dungeon guests have now started talking to the young inquisitor. They are not saying all that much yet but now admit they had been sent to assess if Phokas was alive or dead and if alive, they were to try and extract him from the dungeon. They were not to forthcoming with anything else. They would not admit to being sent to assassinate him, if extraction was not possible. They would not say who had sent them or how they got the military uniforms.

So far no inquires have been made about them or Phokas. They did ask for a priest but that was refused for the time being. Eutukos has sent several of his most trusted guards to the taverns in town, to see if anyone approached them for information but so far none have.

The audit of the suspect unit's records revealed that they were ten men under strength, as no men answering to ten names could be found. It appears that the Lieutenant Yianni has been collecting pay for ten non existent men, for about two years. It was also noted that 26 uniforms, Greek Bows, arrows, swords and other equipment were also unaccounted for. He and one of his squad leaders have been arrested and are being held at the military base just east of the city.

I know it is not our way to execute if we can avoid it. I think these traders must be punished. I see no atonement that is possible. I would be the executioner not the judge. A choice I doubt I will be given.

1319, 12th month, day 9:

Today one of Thanos employees came to the castle seeking export permits for grain, peas and lentils. I thought this odd, the winter storm season is beginning and trade tends to slow down during this time, not increase. The employee did not know but his employer told him he had just received this large order which must be filled.

I refused and suggested that when I have a revised accounting of Parga's food reserves, I would reconsider this request. The employee insisted the requested amounts were already in his employer's warehouse. I told him that did not matter, since Parga had already shipped more of these foodstuffs this year than normal, I needed to see the numbers first.

We shared the usual pleasantries for a few minutes and he asked if the rummers of assassins being kept in our dungeon were true. I just shrugged my shoulders and said, I was not aware of either the rummers or these people. I asked if he could describe them, as the dungeon receives new guests frequently. He could not. I told him the only assassins I have encountered had suffered at the end of my sword or were already dead. I ask who were the rumored targets. He replied, the princes he assumed.

First I have heard of it, I told him. Two knights and a sheriff have been attacked and killed in the past couple of months. One knight and his squire were also attacked but they killed their attackers. "Then you and the other princes are not concerned?" No more than usual, none of us consider this a very dangerous job, I told him.

I called Darkon the Steward into my office and explained my new plan, part of it anyway. I asked him to let the rumor spread in the city, that four wood be assassins had been captured and now reside in the dungeon. They are being made to talk and from the screams, it will be soon they do. As for the castle staff and residents, they should say nothing, neither confirm or denied, speculate if they wish, the wilder the better but never confirm or denied. I summoned all the Argoanuts to the castle, to come as quickly as possible and told the army to confine all to their base, keeping well out of the city until further notice.

Iason was not pleased that I ordered his people so. When I explained he thought it brilliant and said so over and over. I think I have done well here but not brilliant. My thinking was this: if we put the pressure on Thanos now, he will be forced to bring his people to the city. If they have military uniforms and none of our regular solders are present, we will know them immediately. The Palace Guards and Argoanuts have very different and distinctive uniforms, confusion will be minimal. We need prepare and bide our time.

Now we must cut off all contact with the monastery by isolating them. I also prepared to recalled the Elite Marines. We will only be accessible to assassins at sports or when in the plaza. We will keep full watch on the 18. Let us see what Thanos does and how he does it. We will just twist his tail a little, perhaps muchly, should opportunity present or be invented.

Volos and I were speculating on the quality of these assassin archers. Nothing short of a test will answer our questions. We had a target set up on the terrace outside our apartments. Volos, Pyrros, Miltiades and I visited Phokas. I asked him if he would help us learn how skilled he and his fellow conspirators are at the use of the bow. That knowledge could save their lives. He was incredulous but agreed. We dressed him in a plane tunic and took him to our terrace. I asked him to shoot several arrows to warm, up which he did. He then took careful aim and shot three more, all placing on the target, none in the center. I shot one directly into the center.

Pyrros removed the arrows and I asked him to shoot three more, this time as quickly as was possible. Only one found the target, off to the right side. I then turned with my back to the target notched and arrow and quickly wheeled around letting loose. This time I was just off center. Are the others as accurate as you or better. "Not better, about the same, why?"

That target is about half of the distance an arrow from this type of bow can travel. Were the target further away it would be to difficult to hit me. As long as the others can get no closer than that, I am reasonably safe and we need not kill them.

"Why would you risk yourself prince, you should just kill them, they are attempting to kill you and your brothers?" Some may die, one already has. "No, three others were killed attacking the knight and sheriff. They will not surrender, they would die first. They believe you and the others are evil." And you Phokas? "I did, but now I know the truth, I have seen it and lived it. It is that monk who is evil. Him and his divine herbs."

"Do they have a supply of these herbs," Volos asked. "No, unless more has been sent from the city."

"Then where did your four "friends" get the poisoned sack from?"

"They must have gotten it from the head of our family. I know he was supplying the monk and us but of late the supply was greatly reduced. You don't think..." I am not surprised, you should not be either. If he is willing to have us killed then the lives of others mean nothing to him. That gave me an idea. Do you know what he plans to do once we are safely out of his way?

"No Prince I do not. He never told us what his plans are." Do you think other member of the extended family know them? "I doubt it. The monk told us not even his brothers know of his plans or of us." I think my idea has some merit.

Those four in the dungeon. Do you think they were sent to poison you? "Yes, beyond a doubt. They probably did not know the sack was positioned."

Phokas is not the most handsome of face but he is nicely shaped and easily liked. I judge him quick of mind. I know Miltiades finds him attractive and I am sure is trying to seduce him. I am certain he will succeed at it too, if not already.

The Prince Nikias docked today. The merchant is due in port late tomorrow. The report was most enlightening and they also brought some very interesting things with them. Hidden in some baskets of dried fruit was a quantity of hashish. They brought only a small sample.

It is not illegal to bring this, it is to not pay duty on it. Hashish is a high value item, so the duty is not cheep. This was not known to our captain but was found during a complete inspection, while at sea. The regular captain would not know of this, as he was not told. Since the captain and crew are paid by a share of the profit of the cargo, he was being cheated as was the government. Our people had put a special mark on the basket that held the smuggled materials. Several coded messages were found among the goods and with the manifest. They were copied and we should have them decoded by the time the merchant arrives.

They also brought a copy of the manifest and copies of several letters of credit. Interestingly the price paid for the olives and other stuff delivered was four times what the manifest stated. The letter of credit used to pay for the goods being returned was for one half the manifest value. This is how The Company was paying for Thanos' services. We wondered how long this had been going on. I put one of my trusted bank official on that trail and one of my customs officials on tracking what and what value had been imported by Thanos.

Iason organized the Argoanuts. He prepared them and a number of our state service people for a raid and search of Thanos' home and business. Polydeukus thought we should let the hash get to Thanos. He will need get it to his people before the 18th. Since we know where their camp is we can swoop down on them while they are "in their state of divine ecstasy".

Kastor thought we should apply some gentle pressure to Thanos, perhaps forcing him into rash action. He would have a plan ready for us tomorrow. All through this adventure, thinking back to my first early morning meeting; Father and Uncles have been remarkably silent. A suggestion here or an idea there, but for the most part they have left this adventure to us middle princes. In our meeting today I could see in Father's eyes, he was forcing himself not to take a more active role in this planning.

I asked him in privet what his feelings were. "Arden son, you and your brothers are demonstrating your skills and abilities at leadership. I must admit it is hard not to take a more active role in this business. I have been doing so since my 18th year. Old habits are hard to brake. It was just Iason and myself and then Tertius in those days. As I said, old habits die hard, but die they sometimes must. Like a young steed, young princes need to be given their head and allowed to run. Now tell me, what are your plans for that handsome Phokas? Clearly it is not archery.... Then I think Miltiades may need some help preparing him. Sir. Kapos was the most lustful of pages when we served together." Uncle came in saying, "From what I am told, he is still so Kary."

The only thing more pleasurable than sharing my bed with my beloved Iason is sharing it with my beloved boys. Now that Helladios has joined the pages he has become a constant visitor to our beds. He is most fond of worshiping at our phallic temple and we, Nikias and I are most pleased he is so. Helladios and Dios have become closest of friends. Iason and I are most pleased with this. For me, I find noting, except my beloved Iason, than the sweet taste of their seed, more delightful.

1319, 12th month, day 10:

Iason and our merchant captain met the merchant ship, as it docked. After they appraised the captain and crew of how much trouble they would find themselves in, if they did not cooperate with Polydeukus' plan, they all swore silence and cooperation. Iason assured them that when all the facts were presented in court they would be proud and glad for having done so.

Earlier in the day he had my officials pay a call on Thanos with warrants of search for contraband, untaxed imports and other evidence of wrong doing. They began searching his offices, warehouses and his home. The sheriff began questioning his employees and family. We estimated this would take several days. We began making it known that the princes had reserved the theater for our privet use on the afternoon of the 14th day and the monument dedication scheduled for the 18 was to be postponed for several weeks.

We made sure that several of the palace ladies gossiped with Thanos' female staff in the market. They were to spread the rumor that the princes, all of them, were holding a orgy in the theater at that time. They also should say the inquisitor was sure the four young solders being held in the dungeon, would soon be telling all. They should also say Thanos' name had been overheard several times, just this morning.

Unloading of the boat was much delayed, the marked basket of dried fruit, when it was finally unloaded, was almost the last one and sat in clear view on the cart but could not easily be picked off. One of the reasons the unloading was going so slowly was my inspectors were being exceptionally complete.

When Thanos inquired why, they replied it was under my orders. "Prince Arden told us that any cargo coming for or leaving from Thanos was to receive the most complete and accurate inspection we are capable of. If merchant Thanos complains, be even more diligent." They were to make a fuss over the marked basket but allow it to pass, apparently not recognizing the unclaimed hashish, as such.

He came marching into the castle in the most deliberate and determined way. He went straight to the king demanding an audience. Uncle kept him waiting for some time. Thanos was furious by this time but he knew enough to keep his tongue in check. Uncle listed his complaints, one of which was his brother being recalled for military duty, forcing him to come to the castle himself.

"Let me see if I understand your problems here. Father said." This was obviously not what Thanos wanted to hear and obviously not who he wanted to hear it from. "You are dissatisfied that Prince Arden has refused to consider an export permit until the new year. You are upset that the customs inspectors are being overly diligent in their work. You are displeased that Sir. Gavril has been recalled to his military duties and not available to do your bidding. You are unhappy that you are being forced to pay taxes to support these and other activities, that you claim prevent you from increasing your profits. You are displeased that surveying is being done in front of your home and business. And you want the crown to immediately withdraw its officials from your home and business as they are disrupting both you domestic peace and your ability to make money. You feel the crown has singled you out and is precutting you. Is that a fair restatement of your concerns?" He nodded in agreement.

"Let us examine each of these issues in some detail and if you are being treated unfairly, some change may need be made."

"Should we not do this in privet?"

Uncle answered, "No we should not. You have been quite public in making your complaint, something that is your right to do. We are now obligated to respond to that public complaint, in equally a public way. We would not want anyone to think the self proclaimed richest man in Parga gained secret favor from the King because of it, now would we," The King responded. "Prince Arden would you address the first two points."

I responded, I am not able to give anyone an export permit for food stuffs until all the harvest quantities are fully reported. The same rules apply to flax and hemp. Thanos is the only merchant that has made such a request. His request was for a greater amount than the total of all permits issued for the past year, of his specifically requested commodities. It has been the custom here, since the time of Iason the 2nd to only issue export permits for food commodities in or after the first month of the new year, after all harvest and storage quantities are reported.

"But my warehouse is stuffed to overflowing now. It is costing me dearly to maintain storage."

"I am not disputing your claim but I see that some of the goods you just offloaded are on the export list, perhaps this is more the reason for overcrowding," I said?

"You don't understand business. The varieties are not the same. The imported varieties are not grown here."

"No Thanos, I do understand and better then you give me credit. I know that you sell those varieties for 4 times what you pay for them. I know you pay about the same for them as you do for domestic varieties. I know you sell our domestic variety in the foreign market for about 2 times more than you pay. If you can sell as much of that domestic variety as you desire, the local market would be short of supply and your expensive imported variety will be needed to fill the shortage.

You will say that is good business and our controls only take opportunity for you to increase your wealth. I will say that is the reason why we have export controls in place. Not to prevent you from making a profit but to prevent you or anyone else, from influencing the market unfairly. You must live by the same rules as every other merchant in this land. It is my job and that of my officials to make sure no one is allowed to influence the markets of Parga at the expense of its citizens. Even if we could import food cheaper than we can grow it ourselves, that would not necessarily be wise.

King Iason the 2nd forbid any kind of monopoly that was not regulated. You are attempting to gain a monopoly position in specific trade. You would do this by getting from the crown something no other merchant has. You will say that if given the chance others would as well. That my be true, but as long as I am the Prince in charge of such affairs, no one will."

"Sire I have signed delivery contracts. It will cost me greatly if I default."

King Iason glowered at him. "Thanos, Prince Arden not myself is addressing your concern."

"Prince, in charge of such affairs, for now?"

"It would seem to me that a prudent business man, self proclaimed richest or poorest, would not contract to sell that which he does not have or for which he has no export permit. I am only a young Prince so what do I know about business; except I intend to be in charge here long after you are dead and gone." That got quite a chuckle from the council.

"As to my officials being overly diligent. You have been highly critical of them, complaining to anyone who would listen, that they are not competent, are lazy and grossly over paid. You have told others that you suspect some of taking bribes. You claim to have proof of their ineffectualness. You have asked other merchants to give you money, as you can use that money to effect changes in my department and lower their taxes."

He started to object but several knights said in a loud voice, "do not deny it, we have heard you say so many times."

"I intend to see that you and every other citizens of Parga gets value for your tax, merchant. You are a citizen of Parga and as such have every right and privilege to be in error and to expound your ignorance. I do think that it best not to make accusation that you do not have evidence for. As to effectiveness, that answer should be available in about 10 days."

He scoffed at that, saying we would find nothing. Kastor interrupted at this point suggesting it was best that no more be said by either of us as the knights of the council would need make that judgment.

The King took over, "You are displeased that Sir. Gavril has been recalled to his military duties and not available to do your bidding. Is that the substance?"

"Yes Sire, but I meant to assist me, he is my brother."

"Assistance or bidding it makes no difference. Sir. Gavril is a knight and elected member of this council. He does the bidding of myself, other military authority with greater rank, that of this council and his own mind. His job here is not to be your or anyone else's spokes person. His primary responsibility, as is ours, is to Mother Parga and her people. You merchant, are but one of them. In this chamber you have no more or less status than that of any other citizen. Your professed riches and family relationships get you that and nothing more.

You are unhappy that you are being forced to pay taxes to support these and other activities, that you claim prevent you from increasing your profits. Prince Kastor would you address that concern."

"I do not think anyone here needs lessons in how government operates. From what I know about our tax system, yours are no higher than anyone else's. If they could be lowered, you are correct, all would have greater wealth. If they were lowered you would not have a strong military, clean drinking water, hospitals, schools, sanitation and so on. Like every other citizen you are welcome to address the council when we debate the budget and tax rates for the coming year. We have many opportunities to debate our philosophy and methods of governance in Parga. This is in sharp contrast to most other places, specifically all the ones you trade with."

"I was most concerned with the import duties, Prince Kastor."

I jumped in. "That is in my ministry so I will answer, if you don't mind Kastor. Export duties were eliminated some time ago and that has been a benefit to our exporters, of which you are one. That measure was taken by this Prince, the one who does not understand business. I did not notice any complaints from you about it, however.

The import duties have not been raised for many years. Few others have complained of this. I think this is not your real complaint, but I do not know what it is. While few like taxes of any kind, most recognize their importance and utility. My officials take constant vigilance to minimize smuggling and other fraudulent practices. Since duties are set on the value of goods imported and you import a relatively low value commodity, your objections are suspect. I would have thought the importers of metals or things of luxury would be the one's complaining. They are not. Import duties on food stuffs account for only one twelfth of the total for last year. What merchant, is your complaint really all about?

As to my officials disrupting your business, I am truly sorry about that. However, it is part of our diligent efforts of stamp out smuggling and other unethical practices that requires it. Other importers will be studied as closely in the near future. Since you are the self proclaimed most prosperous and you had a ship just arrived, we chose you first." I looked up and one of my inspectors gave me a signal from the back of the room.

"This is a gross waste of everyone's time and expense. They will find nothing."

"I am sorry to need say this, I think you protest to much merchant Thanos. I happen to know they already have found evidence."

"What could they have possible found?"

"That I do not know and will not know until you are brought before the court. My court has jurisdiction in these matters.

You are displeased that surveying is being done in front of your home and business. That is a matter to take up with the mayor. I suggest it is the least of your problems."

"My advice Thanos, is to set your affairs in order and prepare for a trial. You will probably be called into Prince Arden's court after soloists week," King Iason pronounced, signaling the end this discussion. My guess is the King also saw the signal.

After the meeting finished several older knights came to the King and Consort asking for a privet meeting. They did not want the princes to attend but Tertius insisted we must all attend. Father agreed that what ever it was they had to say must be said to all or none.

Once in privet they demanded to know what we younger princes were about. To them it was obvious the seven of us were up to something that went deeper than simple smuggling and palace secrets. One saying to the King, "your father never would have tolerated this and he never let you and Karyakos play games with the council."

Uncle just replied, "Karyakos and I are not my father and Plato. You have known us all since we were children. You know this is not a game or mischief. Much of this story is still hidden, even from us. Our sons will deliver answers to all questions with crystal clarity."

"It is a dangerous game you play Iason, keeping things from your council is never a good idea."

"This is one time that risk must be taken. I assure you when all comes to an end you will understand and will celebrate these four in everything they have done and have yet to do."

I needed a long hard run. I ran all the way to Apollo's tempe. Shared some wine with my sister and rode back. I think next to sex, running is my most pleasurable activity.

1319, 12th month, day 12:

As we had hoped, the entire group of assassins are now in the city. The monk is expected later today. These men are staying in Thanos' warehouse. We plan to arrest them well after dark, when they should all be in a hashish induced torpor. We will arrest Thanos in the morning along with several knights and other government employees. The Lieutenant and his corporal and some fifteen of his men are already under arrest. Their captain needed to be restrained by more senior officers, from not immediately executing the lot of them. Three other merchants are also implicated along with a number of their families. Sir Gavril has been completely cleared by notes in Thanos' records. In one place he was kind enough to record that his brother was a being foolish by remaining loyal to the King and Council. In another he notes how trusting he is and how easily he give him information. Tertius has asked him to return to the castle for an important council meeting tomorrow.

Since yesterday a winter storm has come from the north west. All of our ships are in port. They began entering the harbor about 8 hours before the storm descended on us. Archimedes has invented a glass tube that has a colored liquid inside. The device is a glass cylinder with a narrow tube that comes from the bottom and stands along side the chamber. This liquid moves up and down in both the cylinder and the tube but the difference is more noticeable in the narrow tube. As a storm approaches the level of the liquid in the tube drops and as clear weather approaches the level rises. He told me, many old people can tell you if a storm approaches by how their bones feel. He claims this tube is more accurate. We are not sure why this is so. Several ideas are being debated. The why is less important for us then the fact that this instrument gives warning or forecast. When combined with other weather observations, wind speed and direction, temperature and clouds, it can be a powerful tool.

I think my mind is not focused. All I can think about are the buttocks of my associates, my genitals tingle with the sight of them.

1319, 12th month 17th day:

The events of the past several days have moved so quickly that my recollections are jumbled, my impressions and my emotions are completely muddled. I hope by setting everything down in narrative fashion I will be able to make sense of all that happened.

The assassins and the monk were followed into the city by Elite Marines. They had been followed and their progress was continually sent ahead by our new signal group. They took up residence in the Thanos' warehouse. Thanos had sent his staff home early, before the others arrived, and when he left to go home he was arrested. Later that night, as planned the marines stormed the warehouse, easily overpowered those inside. In addition to the 16 assassins were two of his employees who tried to put up a fight and the monk who kept insisting we could not arrest him. The building was sealed and is guarded.

The Marines used a number of portable Helo lamps in this effort and they worked very well.

Thanos was most up set, especially since we had him stripped naked and shoved unceremoniously into the same cell as his four pretend solders.

In the morning, after first light, all the other conspirators were arrested including the knights. Sir Gavril arrived in the council meeting. He made a brief report on the defenses at Sarakiniko. Other commanders made reports about the maneuvers and readiness at other points along the coast. Hesiodos brought copies of the decoded messages about the time and place of the expected attack by the Company. Including his intelligence on the number of galleys and men.

Corrado reported on the number of assassins and conspirators that had been arrested. Karyakos gave a brief summary of our understanding concerning this invasion business. The Ambassador came in and told them of his meeting and the correspondence with Athens.

It was Tertius that told Sir. Gavril who the chief conspirator was. He did this in privet before it was announced, many were demanding to know. I know he talked long and hard to dissuade him from taking action he would later regret. Sir. Gavril made a brief apology to the council on behalf of his family which they politely accepted. None was needed and none wanted to add embarrassment. All were polite and understanding in this. I am personally very glad to serve such honorable and nobel men. King Iason made it very clear that any and all conspirators would receive the benefit of a proper trial. I reminded them that the charges would be more numerous for some than conspiracy and or treason.

Iason announced that all the princes were to sail on the tied with our fleet. There was much grumbling about this, Uncle quieted them saying, "we must let our young men do what young men have always done, what we ourselves did when their ages." A number of knights asked to accompany us which the King accepted. They drew their ships names from a clay pot. I was most pleased about not having to pick. So were the three terrors. Helladios was the most excited. This would truly be his first adventure. His newly commissioned ship would be on its maiden voyage. I know Panther and his captain will keep him and his newly assigned body guard safe. Father and Uncle will need deal with our mother and our ladies.

Sir. Gavril insisted he return to his men. A request King Iason honored. After the meeting he came to us asking if we had suspected him. Kastor answered, "At first we suspected everyone. That is why we tricked you, by letting you overhear false information. When that showed up in the coded messages we knew your brother was involved for he could have learned that from only one source... as you see, your dedication to duty lay any suspicion to rest, as has other evidence which will come out at Thanos trial."

"Prince Arden that young man they say you killed?" Dead but not by my hand, just the power of my words. He is your kin, as are many of the others. Phokas will be brought back from the grave by that same power. I smiled and winked at him. Sir Gavril please take my ensign with you, it should fly with the Koalhurst Archers. Who knows, perhaps it will aid their arrows in finding worthy targets. "If any should get past our navy he means," Polydeukus added.

We all joined our ships and prepared for battle. This time the Prince Arden would be twice the threat, not only my spirit but my person would be with her.

Several small boats rowed us to our ships. Only Helo does not have a military rank. To his shipmates he is their symbolic leader, rank or no. The sky was dark gray and rain was still falling. On the sea we knew the winds would be strong. This time we were not greeted by the entire company as many were in the large towing boats. No sooner did I climb on the ladder then we were moving.

The idea was to follow the storm southward. Behind it the winds were less fierce but the rain was continuous, although lighter. Hesiodos' frogman, his elite solders, were on the Prince Karyakos which was the first ship away. Judging from the large swells, once clear of the land, I knew my younger brothers would be retching in their cabins. I was having difficulty keeping any food in my own stomach.

After we settled in I went to visit the cook. I was curious how young Sotoris was progressing in his new, if temporary, occupation. The cook greeted me warmly if less formal than others. "Prince Arden, have you come to assist me?" If my help is needed, you know I am a willing worker. "Here Prince, sit with me and share a warm drink, over here Prince sit was us." It seemed everyone want me. Young Sotoris brought us mugs of warm water with lemon and honey. I thanked him. He blushed bright red. I called the cook and Sotoris to join us. As the time passed so did a recounting of our six month adventure. One of the young marines chided Sotoris to tell me what he had been saying, only the day before. He turned even brighter red. Even in the dim light of the eating area I could see it. He stammered some, "I said I thought you even more than a Prince. That you must be a god, for only a god can look into the soul of men and see their true selves, even if those men do not recognize their own worth."

Now it was my turn to blush. Blush I did. "Not that philosophy stuff Sotoris, the part about wanting him in your bed even more than your wife." Sotoris was about to run away from embarrassment, but Pyrros' strong hand prevented it.

I am most honored Sotoris that you feel so. The business of this voyage is deadly serious. Perhaps we will find other opportunities in the future. He was about to protest so I put my fingers to his lips. I would not be surprised that half of the men here feel the same. I would gladly do so with each, were that possible. It looks to me that you and Phillip (the young marine) are already lovers.

"When Prince Arden was only a boy of 12 and Volos and I were just joined as a couple, he refused our offer, saying he did not want to come between us, only share with us .... Prince Arden is the most desirable man in Parga at least in mine and Volos' eyes."

"Pyrros and I fell in love with him the first time we saw him. At 12 he was most beautiful, at 18 he is still the most beautiful."

Next: Chapter 28

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