
Published on Apr 7, 2010


Arden by: dnrock(

60: Winter Soloists 1319

1319, 12th month, 25th day:

The 22nd day was cool and it rained steady until the late morning of the 23rd. Most of our fleet came into port. All of the Princess Class and 6 of the Prince Class. We could find no evidence of invaders or even scouts.

After breakfast, my brothers held me in conversation at the table, until everyone had left the dining room but us. When they judged all was ready they escorted me, not to our apartments, to the palace court yard. I was simply overwhelmed. Gathered in and around it, most standing in the rain, were hundreds of faces. Many I did not recognize but I did recognize people from every facet of Pargarian society.

In the middle of the court yard was a sculpture. I could tell that but it was covered. Karyakos and Abrith stepped from inside, behind me. As soon as the cheering stopped Karyakos spoke, "Abrith and I have been given the privilege of speaking for all of you and many others who could not be here today. Arden, your loyal subjects and that includes King Iason, your birth father and myself, have contributed to the creation of a soloists gift for you. The scribes have listed, in alphabetical order, everyone who made a contribution. The list is 527 names. Some of those names represent hundreds, some only tens." Helladios came gliding in on a long rope, dropping in front of the statue. Karyakos nodded and he pulled the shroud from it. Then he was gone.

I was totally speechless and I wanted to cry. It was me, life sized. I was in full stride, balanced on one foot with a touch held high in my left hand and a scroll in my right.

"This statue is named the Spirit of Parga. Your mother and I call it Arden's spirit, to all those that made this possible, they are one in the same," Abrith said. "This is our way, all of us, to thank you for being who you are, Arden. The true spirit of Parga. A symbol and inspiration to everyone."

I had to say something, it is expected. I had to say it fast as the rain was increasing. I am truly, deeply honored. Our language, rich in words as it may be, is inadequate for true and full expression of my feelings. I have the easiest job in the land, because my fellow citizens make it so. No prince in any land has better and every prince in every other is envious of me, because of you. Thank you.

Iason took over and said a few more kind words and suggested everyone seek shelter in a warm dry place. Once inside I was told how this came about and shown the huge scroll with so many names. I asked Darkon the Steward how this was organized. He told me by word of mouth. "We did not ask anyone. When someone was told about it they came to see one of us and insisted they too should be allowed to contribute. We will place the statue outside the entrance of the Civil Service Academia.

I still did not understand why they did this or why all these citizens so desired to contrite to it. I asked my fathers. They both said about the same thing. You Arden are what everyone would be. You are without guile or pretension. You do not preach or expound, you just demonstrate. You go about your life as you run your races, setting the pace for others to follow. You show respect for others and contempt for none. You separate the issue from the person. Mostly you live as others wished they did. They see you as human, they know you make errors and have emotions like themselves. They take inspiration from it, if Arden can, so can I.

I am truly humbled and uplifted by this gesture. For once, I was not embraced but truly felt honored. I would like to think I am no more deserving then any other prince. Others, even my brothers have a different view and I must respect it. I know not how I came by it but am forced to admit, I do have leadership abilities. That, recognized by others and admitted by myself should give me comfort and pride. I am human, I do feel pride. I also must recognize the responsibility that comes with that recognition. I must remind myself frequently, any honors given have been earned, any future honors must also be earned and never expected. I must remain true to myself.

Most of the sports were postponed until the weather improved. Cool is not bad but ran is not good for many. Instead we spent the balance of the day in our apartments having sex. I am not sure that qualifies as sport but it does take concentration, flexibility, stamina and strength.

Everyone was pleased that Panther was able to join us. We all miss his prodigious penis. He is so long, only us men can accept his full length in our throats or anuses. The temporary guardians for the younger princes will remain with us until the end of the year. I spoke to Kastor about this. He is in agreement, they should complete their training here. They are all staying in our apartments, giving all of us a chance for additional bonding time. Polydeukus will need make our quarters larger again. It seens as though construction in this place is continuous.

On the afternoon of the 23rd just as the rain was letting up and the sky clearing, Uncle summoned me and my judges panel to the dungeon. Of all the prisoners, the only name that has been made public, is Thanos. For his part, Thanos is still maintaining he has done nothing wrong. The inquisitors have only told him of the customs charges. I had the room cleared of everyone but Thanos and myself. The room is a rather small cell. It is clean but baron.

Now Thanos, explain to me why the King has asked me to attend you, knowing that I will be the chief judge at your impending trial? He was visibly up set but this time held his opinions to himself. "I want to know why I am being held, incognito, in the dungeon?"

You feel the charges against you are not serious enough to warrant this? "Yes, they are false and I can easily prove it?" He quickly added that as head of his family and such a prospers business person he should receive much better treatment.

I have no time to debate this issue. The reason you have only been charged with such minor matters, as you say it, relates to your safety. The Inquisitors have about six other charges, many of which are so serious you will be facing the death penalty. The only place you are safe, from the wrath of your kinsmen or should any others be killed defending our shores as a result of your actions, their parents, is in this place. If you wish, I will publish a full list of charges and the particulars of each.

"You have no proof of this?"

The Inquisitor has more than enough proof to convict you on all the charges. Remember this Thanos, you will stand before a jury of the council, it is they who will pass judgment. My part is to see justice is done and seen to be done. Letting you become some kind of martyr will not accomplish that. Protecting you from Sir. Gavril was the real reason King Iason recalled him to active duty.

He went to the door making sure no one was to hear. "Prince tell me what you want. I will see you have it, anything."

Thanos, all I want is the truth and for every man to do his duty to Mother Parga. I can not make anyone do his duty but I can insist on having the truth. There are some things in this or any other life that can not be purchased. One of them is my honor. Do yourself a favor here and make no further attempts to bribe anyone. Keep in mind that as loathsome as your actions and disrespectful toward me your words, I am keeping you alive as it is my duty. One more thing you should know. You are not the richest man in Parga. At least ten are richer, several by 100 times. He looked at me with the most incredulous stare. I know, because I administer the taxes. Let me assure you, most if not all of your ill gotten wealth, now in Athens and the Prinz banks will soon be in the public treasury.

"You drive a hard bargain prince but every man has his price."

At that I turned and call for King Iason. Uncle, Thanos here believes that every man has his price. I believe he is suggesting that he has sufficient wealth to reach mine. I have already told him my honor was not for sale.

"It is possible that every man has his price but that price is not necessarily measured in gold. Since all you have to offer Thanos, is gold, Prince Arden is quite correct, his is well beyond your reach. I know him and his honor is so important that the price would be only something God could grant. Thanos you are nothing more than a man. Speak no more of this or I will personally feed your miserable cracks to the ravens." He turned and walked out. I said good day and departed.

"The man has shown himself to be competent at business, were he only half as cleaver as he fancies himself, he would not have done most of what he did, nor would he try and trap you. His next move will be to demand he face you on a field of honor. What will you do?"

I will simply say, officers of the court are not part of any code of honor, except that of proper discharge of their duties. Officers of the court answer to the council, it is that body which set the standard of those duties.

If found guilty of treason I will have no choice but to pass a death sentence. I do not want to have him killed nor do I want to kill him myself. I hope you commute his death sentence to permanent banishment and revocation of his citizenship. We must prevent him from becoming a martyr.

"Let us see how things play out at the trial but I suspect you are correct."

We then visited the others. I was still concerned that we had more conspirators to uncover. It was clear that the sons and son in law, either knew nothing of this or were fervently protecting someone else. When interviewed, they lay all the blame on Thanos. Claiming they were only following his instructions. I thought this was a good position for them to take, as Thanos was going down for much more anyway. He would probably be nobel enough for that. We had no evidence to suggest they were involved in the treason, only the customs violations. It did not seen like they knew anything about the large accounts in the Prinz Banks. Which was money we figured he was being paid for the treasonous actions.

The Inquisitor thought that if we brought out that evidence in court and he made the argument that they must have known what they were doing was wrong and unethical, they might try and save themselves by being more cooperative. If he was in fact hiding this money, then they will likely turn on him. He would also try and build a case for them being a part of the treason, if not active then passive, still an offense. Those young men that died, because of Thanos and the monk, were their kin. Even if they are not convicted the family will not believe their protests.

We thought the Inquisitor should appraise them of this and see if they would like to be more cooperative. We did know that Phokas and the other early captives, did not indicate they were involved directly.

We also met with the other merchants and knights involved, they pointed their fingers at Thanos. Father and Uncle were incredulous. They simply did not believe that Thanos is cleaver enough to have done this on his own. Greatly desirous of wealth and power, yes. Intelligent enough to have thought it up, no.

Iason and I went to visit one of the very old scholars who had been a principal advisor of our grand father. We asked him for some history related to Thanos. The old man kept nodding off and would wake with a start and just continue talking as if it never happened.

He told us Thanos' grandfather had a major disagreement over monopoly trading policy with Iason the 5th. Thanos' father had been a great friend of our grandfather's brother, the one he was forced to kill. "He never forgave Iason or Plato. Iason for killing his friend and Plato for surviving.

Thanos always believed he should have been the King's Consort, not Karyakos. He said at the time he was cheated and overlooked. He often would say Karyakos' family must have bribed his way in. The truth was other, but when one believes, facts are irrelevant. Thanos at 12 showed no talent or abilities greater than hundreds of other boys. The way our system works should have been known to him but he chose to ignore that. Those were not the words of a 12 year old anyway. They were the words of his father, he simply repeated them. The father and grandfather always boasted they were the richest men in the kingdom and should have power commensurate with that wealth. That was not true then and I doubt it is true now. I always sensed that the men in that family believe they were some how more nobel than the king and others, they had some kind of birthright to power, which was being denied.

I remember Thanos as a young man, he was brash, outspoken and flamboyant. Much as you Iason but he was more often than not wrong, self serving and full of guile. I have been retired for many years now, so I am not sure who is doing what anymore. I take it Thanos is in more trouble than just some customs violations or you wound not be here asking questions." He nodded off for what seemed like a long time.

"I suggest you look very closely at who his and his father's associates are or were and I mean social, not just business. Examine their wealth and if possible attitudes; and see which one or ones are major contributors to the Christine Church, where Thanos worships. I say this because Thanos is not smart enough to do what ever it is he has done on his own. He could not even keep attention from himself by doing honest business.

I think you should look for common threads. Look back to the Florentines, the Despot and now the Company. Ask yourselves two questions, who benefits from disorder of any kind and who among us is pious to a fault. Employ your best spy on this task. I suspect this is somehow personal, not political. It is not fully rational, it must be personal." He dropped off to sleep again and we departed.

The sports days will now be today and tomorrow. The Christians complained but Kastor told them it must be that they did not pray sufficiently. A few will not participate but most will. This is foolish in my view, since the choice of the 25th was made when the Western Church had sway. Now the Eastern is back in favor they would move the day to 12th night. They would also have us use a calendar we know is not correct.

Uncle will have no part in either. They can do what they wish, on what ever day they wish, in their church; the state already accommodated them once and is not about to change things again. All we were ever prepared to do, is declare the 25th as a feast and festival day for all, as are the other days of the soloists week. The solstices is not celebrated as a religious day, it is the day when we adjust our calendar for the coming half year. What this means is our calendar is as correct as can possibly be. The calendar used by most of Europe is now almost two weeks in error. Our farmers and mariners need accurate dates for planting, fish harvests and tide calculations.

If some religious ones feel they must tie their celebrations to the phases of the moon, that is their problem. Since the earth's year is 356 and 1/4 days we have only two choices, either adjust the calendar, that is the solstices are on the 21st or 22 of the sixth and twelfth months or we need add an extra day every four years. Were the orbit of the earth or the sun a perfect circle then the solstices would be exactly 182 days apart. Since they are 182.63 days apart which ever travels around the other, must be in an ellipse. (TN: Don't laugh at Arden, as many things about the solar system were yet to be discovered. Rotation and axial tilt among them.)

Most people think the sun moves around the earth as the moon does. Some astronomers tell me the geometry would be much simpler if the earth moved around the sun, as the moon around the earth. They also claim it would make understanding the seasons simpler. It also better explains why the lunar and solar years or other cycles are different. To most of us it matters little in our daily lives. To the philosophers, mostly those with a religious bent, it makes a great difference. If the sun moves around the earth, then it is the center of all. Since men live on the earth, then we are the center of all. Should the earth move around the sun, then we are perhaps less important. Perhaps then we are only the center of our own universe and not god's. The implications of that are great for some. This is not part of anyone's dogma that I am aware of.

In Parga I see different centers. We princes are the center of political power. The city is the center of economic power. The people are the center, each of his own, social universe and so on. This undermines the role of faith and takes it out of the center of anyone's universe, except the priests.

I ran most of my races today and won every one. Tomorrow I will run the long road race. I will win it as well. This is the last year I will compete. Now that we have recorded times, it is not beating me personally but bettering my time, that all need strive for. I look forward to the day, when one of my boys does just that and sets a new and shorter time, for all to strive for.

Thoren is now second to me in most of the longer races. He tells me that is only possible as he need keep up to hear my footfalls. That only works for the distances held on the running track. The team sports all seem to be well received. It would appear that the on lookers were as engaged as the players, all be it in a different way.

1319, 12th month, 26th day:

All of the princes attended Kleitos this afternoon. He had reserved the main men's bath. Kleitos and Miltiades have done a remarkable job in a very short time. He has taken 15 of the wood be assassins and made them into compliant and eager to please boys. They do appear as boys, although the oldest one has 25 years. Lysandros was the center of attention as he is the patron prince of this new order.

I was not quite sure how this was to play out, since none of these boys had been found guilty and none had been ordered to become a part of this new and I learned still quite secret society. I was assured that they would appear in my court and plead guilty to the charges read. All would cooperatively and trustfully answer questions. In exchange, they will, as a group, be sentenced to 5 years service in the order. The service order would have many nice sounding objectives. They were dedicated to the comfort and well being of their fellow solders and would strive to maintain the highest levels of physical fitness, male beauty, personal hygiene and pleasantness. In addition they would be given medical training. They would be dressed as boys and spoken to in the diminutive, at least for the first two years.

Each one had a bronze ring around the base of his penis and a smaller ring just behind the head that kept the foreskin pulled back. Each had a tight fitting, narrow, bronze neckless, around his neck with a small phallus handing from it. When they first arrived in the dungeon many had attitudes that concerned me. Those were completely gone.

Each was brought to Lysandros and introduced. I noticed that they had all taken new names. All but Phokas, who was still dead. Each knelt before Lysandros and kissed his penis swearing to serve him proudly and give honor to his name. Lysandros was delighted to be the center of attention for once. The three terrors stood behind him and kept prompting him, while Helo stayed close to me.

Polydeukus made a short speech, he reminded everyone that at the trial their old names would be used and the sentence would be to a term of military service. In effect they were being reborn here today. They had new names and new professions, new belief systems and a new beginning. Lysandros was their patron prince. "He is just a boy. You are boys again, just having been reborn. In the natural order of things you will all mature from boys to men. Until Prince Lysandros is old enough to use his seal of office, one of us senior princes will act on his behalf, some things like pay require official seals. Rest assured, Lysandros is the leader of this order." Lysandros had enough of this formality stuff and he leaped up. Grabbed his penis and declared. "Prince Lysandros' Order of the Phallus, you need to have one, to be one." That brought any formality to an abrupt halt.

I must say, this was one very handsome group of young men. While we bathed we all had opportunity to meet each one. One rather small fellow came up to me, I could see he was both shy and perhaps a bit afraid. So I reached out and touched his shoulder. Do you have a question for me? "Yes Prince, um, Phokas was my friend um, they say you killed him?"

Phokas is dead, I did not harm him. Phokas will live again, in that you must trust me. He smiled. "They say you are a great magician?" No, but all around are these excellent people, they make me look much better than I am.

I gave him the secret sign and he responded correctly. I had wondered who the spy was, now I knew. "In court call on me to answer." Then he faded away into the group. Being smaller than most, he just seened to get lost.

I have a preference for young men my own age just as Iason has a preference for the younger ones. These held the promise of the best of both. Young men's bodies, firm and muscled. Large, full erections that promised much pleasure, yet smooth and clean as boys. I was ready for sex. I mean fully stimulated and prepared for pleasure. I am always ready for sex. I think young men like us are all that way. It will not take long before all of them are proudly displaying bodes like ours, in the best display of male beauty.

Just as we were about to leave the oldest of these new boys came to us. "Sire will Thanos be executed?" Uncle smiled. "If found guilty Prince Arden will have no choice, Treason caries the death penalty. "I would like to volunteer for the position of executioner."

"The list for that job is very long and grows continuously."

Perhaps there is a better way, I said. One which leaves no blood on anyone's hands. Death is rather final and all to quick. I favor a punishment to last for the remainder of his miserable life. Better put, I favor making his life miserable for its remainder.

I know I have written before how stimulated I am by well shaped male bodies, specifically the buttocks, I like all body parts and can even be stimulated by hands and feet. These order members, all naked and hairless have greatly done so. (TN: I wanted to translate this as over the top but he did use greatly.) Not only do I find the brass rings enhance the penis and scrotum but there Kalipugos nature is most stimulating. Every one slightly different, like penises and yet, every one pleasing to the eye as well as the touch. Kleitos has out done himself in this. Each one was proud to stand before us naked and erect or partly so. Each was pleased when they were fondled or stroked. Each one was prepared to give his body to us.

The penis base rings are not always visible but the little brass ring holding the foreskin back is and combined with the necklaces gives each of them something extra in appeal. This was Ikaros' hand I am sure.

I could see this little induction ceremony was stimulating for all of us. Something you can't hide when your naked. So much so that the entire family made short work of our evening meal and returned for an orgy. We played a game invented by Odo. He has not given it a name yet. Each of us reached into a basket that had tiles on a little leather strap. The tile said Rover and a letter or Station and a letter. Around the room Odo had marked the stations. My bed was Alpha, Ikaros' Bata and so on. Whoever picked a station, went to it. The Rovers would begin at the lettered station and after a fixed time, he chose one quarter hour, a bell would ring and the rovers would move to the next station in order from where they started. Since the stations were not in ordered positions, every quarter hour we had men and boys going in all directions, finding their new stations.

He had a bunch of silly rules. If during the movement time, two or more crashed into each other they were bound to embrace, kiss and fondle each other. This only encouraged these encounters, we were all trying to get in each other's way; so much so, I saw several lining up, one after the other, to kiss Thoren, I among them.

When I awoke in the morning, I was in bed with Solo and one of our chamber boys. Solo was pressing his erection into my mouth and the chamber boys had clamped his on my penis. That is not what woke me, it was Iason filling my anus. The boys and I share pleasure but Iason and I share complete ecstasy.

1319, 12th month, 27th day:

Hesiodos told us he had also been asking himself some of these same questions. None of the leads or spies from this or pervious adventures have been linked to this mystery master mind. Uncle and Father drifted off to another part of the room to talk in privet. The only person they could identify, who has both benefited from disorder or threats of it and had a personal vendetta with the crown, is a man named Akakios.

All Father would say was, "when a man makes up his mind and takes an action or makes a commitment to something and that turns out to in error or wrong headed, he will find a way to shift blame to others, he can not admit he has made a mistake or held a false belief. It is not the nature of men to do so. This is something that seems built into us humans. It is something even we are not immune to, but must guard against." None of us but Hesiodos could possibly know what could have caused this and Hesiodos was not about to tell us his thoughts.

Uncle Iason was adamant that we proceed with the greatest of caution and that we should be diligent to learn all the facts. "I believe this analysis is correct. I also believe, who ever it is, has been diligent in not drawing any attention to himself. He probably believes we are not looking and once again has been able to avoid suspicion. That works in our favor as it may embolden him. Arden send your inspectors to the six most successful merchants and traders. Be very public about it.

Kary and I will visit all of the religious leaders and learn who is pious and who is most shy of it. I think it time we created an honorary civil order to recognize contributions to the society not military or economic. Poets, artists of all kind, builders of temples, people like that. Let us see who is nominated."

In addition to Akakios we did think up a few more names to add to our list.

I met with Vitale and several other spies and commissioned them to begin their investigations. These are strange people to work with. I had to meet with each separately and in secret or costume. None wanted to even know if others were working on the case or not and certainly not who they might be, if they might be. I am sure each will take this approach. I did think they should know others were also working on the files. My thinking was if to many questions about the same person or persons are asked, some signal might be sent. That they accepted. Vitale told me if all do a proper job they will not be aware of each others efforts.

Dario and Olympia are leaving later today. We are holding the other Ambassadors here, until after the trials. Uncle met with the Doge's personal representative before they departed. I do not know what they talked about.

Kleitos moved his new students from the dungeon to the Argonaut dormitory. I was feeling bad for Phokas being isolated in the tower, now that the danger was past. Poly and I went to see him. He was most understanding of the situation and told us as long as Miltiades came to visit as often as he has been, it was not too lonely. That did not stop us from having a little sexual respite in his room. Miltiades has asked him not to seek self gratification but hold for human contact. We were more than glad to provide it. Miltiades has trained his ass well. This one had little body hair anyway and was not displeased to be shaved of what little he had.

We will need bring Lysandros here to properly accept him into the new order. He may still be a child but his exceptional size suggests older. I find him most willing to play the part of a prince if it earns him attention from his older brothers. Of all the brothers, I think he has the best sense of humor and the most independence of spirit.

The council is anticipating the trial and was not overly fond of needing to hold, pending more investigations. I told them the inquisitors are still gathering and preparing evidence anyway. Prince Tertius announced the maneuvers were over and the army and navy would return to normal operations. Uncle announced he and Karyakos would dedicate the little war memorial in two days.

Next: Chapter 30

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