
Published on Mar 18, 2010


Arden by: dnrock(

57: Preparations and Intrigue

1319, 11th month, day 31:

Preparations are well along now for all the upcoming festivities. The new lamps will be completed in the plaza and this year most of the night processions will be lighted by special Koallime torches instead of pitch. The lamp maker tells me that the great dining hall and the solders dining hall will be lighted by Helo Lamps by the 19th day when our festivities start.

More information is being learned about the assassins. We now know who they are, how many and how they are communicating. The monk is their leader. Beyond that it is not clear. The monk had filled their heads with much religious nonsense. So much so that the Patriarch would have him tried in his religious court. Uncle has promised he can have him after we are finished with him. Besides the religious nonsense he has been giving his men large quantities of this opium and hemp flower compound, claiming it provides a mystical experience and religious ecstasy. The ultimate of those ecstasies is being killed while performing the sacred duty, assignation of god's enemies. That is what he was telling his followers, mostly while under the spell of these substances. (TN: Opios is an ancient analgesic known for thousands of years. The Greeks did not smoke it, that did not come about until 5 or 6 centuries after Arden's time. Hashish is from hemp (cannabis) flowers. It was introduced to the Byzantines by the Ottomans in the 13th century. It was not smoked at that time either. The Greeks and Byzantines did not use it recreationally either. Other drugs were also used by some early Christens and Pagans as parts of their religious services, mostly to enhance dreaming.)

Killing of the supposed enemies of one's god or gods is an ancient tradition, one that no religion I know of has not practiced. Most still do practice it today. They just have other names for it. It is still not clear how this monk fits with the Company and their plans or desires.

The monk is reported to use the hemp flower paste regularly. Perhaps his Company masters knew this and have influenced him through it. I would think they would be glad to have him away and some place else to cause trouble. I think they are setting themselves up for more trouble than bargained for.

The testing of the food brought by the four would be assassins is now complete. It was found to be good and will be given back to them after their bread and water fast is completed. The opium & hemp flower mixture is another matter. Even a very small amount caused the dog to die almost immediately.

Miltiades told me that when Phokas learned of the four and the testing of the food he was pleased. When he learned of the testing of the opios & hemp he became most distressed. It did not take him long to tell his story. "He greatly fears that now he has spoken we will not protect him and may even kill him." I reassured Miltiades and went immediately to see Phokas to deliver that message in person.

It still strikes me that this monk seems to know a little to much for one cloistered in a monastery. I suspect others yet to be discovered are in his control or are feeding him information. I think in his control. I do not want to believe that someone close to us is behind this but I find little comfort in my analysis to date. I am not one to be suspicious but I can not shake the feeling that some powerful or want to be powerful knight, perhaps someone in our council, is behind all of this.

Iason is less incredulous than I. He is convinced of it as is Kastor. Polydeukus is more like me he does not want to believe it. We find it hard to find enough securer privet time to review this. Except in bed our course but when there we do have other priorities. I thought we need gather our advisors, one at a time and see what their analysis is.

1319, 12th month, day 1:

I awoke at first light. I could not sleep long, being disturbed by many dreams. I untangled my self from our sleeping boys and Kastor. He awoke, I signaled him to be quiet and we roused Poly. Once in the toilet I whispered my intentions. They nodded agreement. I roused a page and sent him to discreetly summon Iason to the King's quarters.

Dysme was not in favor of disturbing the royal couple but I persuaded him; sending their chamber boy and the two Ganymedes into our apartment, along with Kalkrates.

Ouranos and Thanatos positioned themselves at the entrances. Hesiodos ordered food to be brought for us and joined our little meeting. I reviewed my feelings and what facts I had in hand. Uncle turned to Hesiodos for his views. He added some information I had not yet learned and drew the same conclusions I had. He even had a suspect family. This family was headed by a merchant who's brother is a knight that was distinguished for being critical of everyone else, but who had done nothing else of note. They had two younger brothers, one a priest in a rural Christine church and one a monk at the monastery. This merchant had recently been elected as the head of his family. Hesiodos told us, "it is rumored he purchased this more than earned it".

I summoned a page and sent him to find Olympos the scholar. Father asked him to discreetly and quickly construct a family connection diagram of this family and that of their wives. To a distance of second cousins. He also wanted to know the profession and location of each member. I was asked to research the merchant's business. Uncle Iason would talk to his friend the Patriarch. Kastor and Polydeukus were to carefully examine the Knight's political connections, attendance and voting records. Father would speak privately with Prince Tertius and Admiral Pantaleon.

Hesiodos would make a number of reassignments of the Palace Guards, so only former Palace Boys were assigned to our apartments. He made a point of saying he did not question the loyalty of any guards. It is just that Palace Boys have few connections outside the castle. Iason will meet with all the Triangles, more eyes and ears to keep watch. Kastor would ask the Three Terrors if they had loyal friends among the place boys and if so to bring them into action.

We all agreed, all this must be done in absolute secret. If we are correct in our suspicions we do not want warning to be made. If wrong, we do not need the political consequences of casting suspicion on a loyal knight.

On our way to the university I stopped and spoke to Eutukos and asked him to have the tower guards make a list of all that visited the secret and from now on the time of going in and out. Also to note who and when anyone from cleaning staff to the King sought access to that part of the tower and what reason was given. The dungeon guards already do that but they should also note who if anyone sought access to the four that was denied.

I learned that the merchant, two years ago, traded with six different places. In the past two years that trade was almost exclusive with the Duchy of Athens, through the ancient port of Korithos. A few ship loads come from other ports along the Gulf of Korinth. I also learned he has a ship leaving for there in a few days.

I met with the jewelry makers again this afternoon. They are almost ready with our Soloists gift for our boys, men, ladies and girls even the pages.

Odo, Father and the singers practiced my song again, it is even more wonderful. Alexandros feels we need a men's chores as back up. He will see if a small men's chores of the Argoanuts can be readied by the Soloists. In a small space Alfred and Akakios can sing a duiet, with the others and our guardians as chores on the refrain but in a large venue or outside, all the soprano and high alto voices need be combined.

1319, 12th month, day 2:

We met again today at first light. Several patterns are now clear. 1. The merchant's trade is focused on Athens and is growing. 2. His knight brother has changed his historical voting pattern on trade and tax issues, to positions that support his brother. 3. The knight has allied himself with several other's who are urban and strongly Christine. This has happened in the last year. He has also be attempting to get involved in military matters but has not been successful. 4. Almost all of the names we have in the assassins network are related in some way to him or his wife and sister in law. 5. The priest brother does not seem to be involved. 6. The monk brother is not known, except he is remembered as very devout by the local priests. 7. The zealot monk came to Parga on one of the merchant's ships. Neither the Abbot or the Patriarch made request for him. 8. The merchant's family living near the monastery sponsored his application. 9. The Patriarch told us the merchant was very upset when the church moved from Western to Eastern. That put him at odds with most other members. He was also upset that the King allowed this. 10. The knight has been highly critical of all things military, complaining bitterly at the cost. As little as a year ago he had voted to enlarge the navy and purchase new weapons, knowing the costs. 11. The 24 assassins are now reduced to 18. That means if they are to mount an attack on the 18th day they need move six from their coastal camp to strengthen their attack. Adonis and Captain Euthymins have inspected the place and report, either they attack on foot or horse or they must use long bows. The monument is so placed that no cover for cross bowmen exists. None are know to be proficient with long bows. We assume they will be in military unifrom or dressed as monks and try and attack with Greek bows from the crowd. They will work with Corrado to minimize that potential threat.

We needed a plan to test these theories. Tertius would invite the knight to accompany him on an inspection on the 18th day of this month. We would send one of Janus' riders on the Princess Elpis to Korinth and by land to Athens to meet our Ambassador and cary messages of course. He will leave later today. We will intercept the merchant ship at sea. The Prince Nikias will do that. Using a trusted merchant captain we will relieve the merchant's crew, replace them with our sailors and the trusted merchant captain. The entire crew of the merchant can sail around on the Prince Nikias as guests of the state for 10 to 15 days.

Hesiodos will send four of his spies on the Prince Nikias, two to befriend the crew of the merchant and two to sail on it, looking for evidence. "It some times takes a spy to catch a spy."

Iason and Kastor are to make sure the knight overhears our plans for leaving the seas undefended and the coast partly so, between the 20th and 23rd days of the month. The full moon will be on the 21st.

Our Ambassador will be asked to present King Iason's brief letter. He is asked to return to Parga with the courier as quickly as practical. In the diplomatic letter (TN: We would call this today a "diplomatic note".) King Iason expressed his concerns after making the usual greetings. "We have uncovered and completely shut down an assignation plot, apparently sponsored by the "Company" and therefore by association, the Duchy of Athens. The would be assassins and their leaders are dead or in our dungeon. They are in our dungeon not for the crime of treason or attempted assignation but to protect them from the citizens of Parga. The targets were myself, my consort Prince Karyakos, my brother Prince Tertius and my oldest son and nephews: Iason, Arden, Kastor and Polydeukus, who you know as they visited your court recently. The Citizens of Parga are most fond and jealously guard their sovereignty of which we princes are representatives. As a state we live by the rule of law not the rule of the sword.

Parga is a highly civilized state and we are loth to execute anyone, unless no alternative can be found. We have no need to create martyrs as the younger princes are already revered to divine stats. These criminals will be seeking a safe haven, as it is our desire to exile them. Perhaps Athens would be a willing host?

It is rumored and we have some inconclusive evidence, that a fleet of Company galleys plans to attack Parga on the night of the soloists full moon.

We are loth to believe any of this is the doing of yourself. It is well known that others, such as the King of Sicily, have found the leaders of the Company impossible to control in the past. We hope this is not a situation you find yourself in.

Unless you instruct our ambassador to the contrary, we intend to treat any military threat from the Company as piracy and those combatants as pirates. Pirates that have attacked Parga in the past were given little quarter. Parga has been a free and independent state since the beginning of history. We have demonstrated that we can and will defend ourselves. Pirates from the Company will be given the same quarter they gave the Greek people during their two years of retribution against Byzantium. (TN: From my reading, none.)

I think it must be the stress of this assignation and invasion business that is effecting me so. I have set new speed marks for all my distances except the 1 stadia. Our soloists sports days will be the 22nd and 23rd. I see the team demonstration sports all seem to be developing well and attracting interest.

1319, 12th month, day 4:

Yesterday was singularly uneventful. I am noting that so when I read this in the future I will know I have left nothing important unrecorded. The official record of these political events are by nature political. I need not be.

The merchant ship left port on the morning tide. We attended our classes and a brief council meeting. Nothing important happened in it, save a another complaint, from our suspect knight, about our military budgets. Tertius refused to answer the question directly, saying the year end accounting would be ready in the first week of the new year. Next year's budget would be ready by the end of the first month and could be debated at that time. Karyakos said his office would meet that schedule for all other budgets as well.

Tertius took that opportunity to invite the knight to accompany him on his inspections of the 18th. That put the knight in an awkward position. He politely declined the kind offer, saying he thought Tertius was to appear with the other Princes at the war memorial dedication. Tertius just replied, his plans had changed and besides the other six should provide sufficient royal representation. He reminded him that the army was holding maneuvers at that time. Tertius just out and stated the obvious, "for one so critical of the cost I would have thought this a good opportunity to see first had where the waste and inefficiencies lay."

"Are you admitting that waste and infancies are so ramped that a causal inspection will reveal them?"

The King interrupted, "Prince Tertius was admitting some waste and inefficiencies may occur. In an any organization of this size it would be less than credible to say none existed. The Prince was challenging you to accompany him, as much has changed since you were on active duty. I think it best that you accept this challenge. Since you are one of the most vociferous critics of our military policy and its cost; first hand knowledge gives credibility. Perhaps that credibility will serve to influence this body and improve our situation. Sir Gavril you are recalled to 14 days active duty as of the 9th hour of the 5th day. Please report to the Koalhurst Long Bows."

Sir Gavril was furious but he kept his tongue.

After the meeting several members approached us seeking an explanation for effectively removing Sir Gavril from the chamber. They thought the King's reasons weak. Uncle quipped, "We are far to busy here to spend time on the suggestions and criticism of the uninformed. Our military preparedness, as you know, is critical to our survival as a free people. Our professional army is one tenth the size of our neighbors. Even adding all our part time solders we are still out numbered by a factor of 5 or 6. How much change we can wisely sustain, is for this body do debate. That debate must be founded in knowledge and facts. Much of Gavril's recent criticism has not been thoughtful. It is not useful, only divisive and dogmatic. We are accustomed to sophistry, that is part of democratic debate, half truths and misinformation only prolong and confuse. This will all be debated in the first month of next year. I trust he will be better informed at that time.

Just as the sun was setting the Princess Sophia docked. We were all very excited as the captain and first officer came to the castle. They reported that the Sophia and Nikias stopped the merchant. After a brief conversation with the merchant's captain he was given these dispatches which he handed over. They went on to describe for us all the details they observed. The merchant captain was not happy but seemed satisfied that our replacement was someone he knew and respected.

He volunteered everything, including he was to pass on a package to a fishing boat, he was to meet off northern Kephalonia. This was his instructions from the merchant and something he had done before. In the shipping manifests was another coded message. It was in a sealed envelope. Our people copied these messages.

Hesiodos inspected them. We all had a close look. The messages were written in Greek but it made no sense. Along the top of the page were six letters which we quickly recognized as numbers. Hesiodos recognized this as a substitution code and the numbers as the key. One of our scholars would decode it. We all thought we knew what it said. We still did not know if we had all of the conspirators identified.

Now that one knight had been implicated could there be others? If so who might they be?

Silas and Volos had been tracking down the source of the military uniforms. They traced it to a foot guard unit stationed near Sarakiniko. We sent for Polykarpos. They also recognized the name of the unit commander a Lieutenant Yianni who is Sir. Gravel's and Merchant Thanos' first cousin. Now the soup thickens and more questions are to be asked. The accounts of that unit are being examined for irregularities. The other 12 we know to be camped close to them.

1319, 12th month, day 5:

Iason and I went to visit Sir. Metrophanes. We needed his views on this treason business and the merchant Thanos. We found him sitting in the shade of an Akasha tree in his small yard. His grand daughter, herself not a young woman, cares for him. He told us, "that family was always causing some kind of trouble, but never anything like this. Iason the 3rd had a real set to with the older Thanos over monopoly trading rights. The King refused to grant them. Thanos then refused to do any business, hoping to hurt the treasury by not generating any tax revenue.

That turned and soon a number of other traders were flourishing. He relented, seeing others making profit and not himself, was to much. He always claimed the King supported these others, giving them help in starting. Iason always denied this. I happen to know it was true, he used his personal treasure as loans. He did not believe any kind of monopoly was good for the people. He realized some forms of monopoly like guilds were necessary, so he made sure they were regulated. I guess this young Thanos has scrummed to the lust for power and greed that lingers in many."

It is strange that the most devout are so often the greatest sinners. They must either believe they are above the religious codes or are somehow exempt from them. I find the seven deadly sins of the Christians the same in most other religions. It would seem excess is thought the same for all, even our civil code. It is just worded a little different in each.

He cautioned us to make sure we have absolutely sound evidence against, lest they become martyrs to a false cause. You must not kill them, banishment would be preferable.

In the late afternoon General Zokitos call on us. He had been to the suspect unit on a surprise inspection. "I inspected this and several other units. All seemed well, except this suspect unit appears to be about ten men under strength. When I asked the area Captain about this he told me that unit reports themselves to be at full strength. I advised him to quietly investigate and report directly to me his findings. No matter what they find, I am moving them to the Eastern frontier in a few days."

The translations of the coded messages is returned. It had the false information and suggested Sarakiniko was the weakest point. Safe passage will be two lamps. General Zokitos just smiled. "Not any more."

1319, 12th month, day 6:

The Ambassador arrived on the Princess Elpis about mid day. We were all at the plaza inspecting the instillation of the new lamps. They told us the merchant was just docking as they were leaving. These merchant vessels have small crews. They only have a captain and between three and 5 others. While they can sail against the wind they are not very fast.

The Ambassador said he was received well enough by the Duke. He presented the letter. The Duke wrote a brief reply which he handed to the King. He said, "the Duke seemed as surprised by the content as I was. Mine was genuine, I am not sure of his. He asked me if I knew anything of this business. I had to admit having just arrived from Byzantium, nothing. He did say Athens has no need of exiles."

In the note: The Duchy of Athens is unaware of any extraterritorial activities of the "Company". We have no need for exiles and they will not be welcome here, unless they are Athenians. Perhaps Rhodes or Naxos will take them..."

The Ambassador would meet with the council in the morning, as he brings greetings and good wished from the Emperor. He took his leave of us until that time.

The courier rider also brought messages for Hesiodos. I took it these were from some of our spies in Athens. Hesiodos told us the Duke was being honest to a point. He did not completely control the actions of the Company but did know of their plans. As we had thought the Duke would not mind if the Company were weakened somewhat but he realized the danger to his Duchy in that. The spies were of the opinion the Duke would gladly extend his power to Parga but only if it is offered to him and would enhance his power and wealth.

1319, 12th month, day 7:

The Ambassador spoke to the council but had little new to say. He was not permitted to even mention he had stopped in Athens. He brought letters for Lyuben. We sent a message to Ambassador Dario advising him of this possible invasion and asking him to alert Venice. King Iason also made a point of identifying the source of the threat and since Athens refused to take a position, one side of the other, these invaders will be treated as pirates. He asked for the support of the Venetian fleet stationed at Kirkira, should the threat materialize. It is in their interest to help us as they do not want some group like the Company to have a base of operations so close to their colonies or trade routs.

Kastor thought we need to get this message to the Doge before he learned of it from other sources. Venice does trade with Athens. Now that our letter is in that court one is never sure who else will find out its' content.

Euthalia and the children were glade for me to spend time with them. The boys want to play games and hear stories. Euthalia was more interested in sharing her bed with me. Since the babies began sleeping through the night I have been of equal interest in sharing it as well. I thank our ancestors for keeping our ways alive. Sex is such a wonderful thing to not share it with my male family would, I think, be a greater sin then then that believed by the religious that oppose it. It is obvious to me that many others believe the same, as I am never wanting for a sleeping partner of either gender.

1319, 12th month, day 9:

The suspect unit was replaced at Sarakiniko by the Koalhurst Long Bows. They are being supported by one of the new artillery units which has large catapults and rockets. Hesiodos told us the 12 assassins, camped near the suspect unit, have also moved and now appear to be heading in the same direction. Sir Gavril has managed to fit in well and seems to be performing his duty with both good spirit and skill. Merchant Thanos is being watched closely.

The Prince Nikias sent a report into port this afternoon, via a fishing boat. Their report was the same as earlier, with one addition. They followed the merchant by striking most of their sail and hove too until the merchant proceed, they then followed the fishing boat to see where it was to go. Using the "far see" they were able to keep distant enough not to raise alarm. They tracked the fishing boat for two days toward Zakynatos. They did not stop there but continued to Strofades Island. (TN: Strofades is a small isolated, mostly uninhabited island. Today one monk lives there along with his animals.) There we saw about 10 galleys at anchor on the south east side of the island. (TN: Ionian winter storms are frequent and can be fearsome. The south east side would be in the lee of the storm winds.) That side of the island had a partly sheltered bay.

Now the debate was on. Should we strike now, later, hold until they come closer? The navy advised that these galleys needed about 4 days to travel the distance. If they were to arrive on the 21st, the full moon they must leave no later than the 17th. We should then strike at first light on the 16th. We should send teams of frog men to the NE, SE and SW corners of this rectangular island, to signal our fleet approaching in the dark. These frogmen should also plant the Flag of Parga and claim sovereignty of this island and it's smaller companion. We will also send letters to all our neighbors and friends, announcing this claim on the 15th day; stating this place has been and is being used by pirates and we intend to put a stop to this.

It was decided. All of us immediately wanted to sail on the expedition. Uncle flatly refused to send Iason until his wife has produced a Crown Prince Apparent. Iason was less than happy about this but he knew his father was correct. Sophia is in deed pregnant but the sex of the child would not be known for at least 6 months. That did not mean he was happy about this. He was anything but.

Father and Uncle Iason then got into a strong disagreement, like nothing any of us had ever seen. They were shouting at each other. Father was admit all or none. Uncle was just as admit, Iason was not and if that was to mean none, then it would be none. This attracted much attention and soon all of the princes, Helladios included were in the room along with just about everyone else. They seemed not to notice, each insisting he was correct. Justus, Joulous and Nikias were all hoping Father would win and they too would be able to go.

Tertius slammed his sword against a table, making a very loud noise which gained everyone's attention. "Brothers you are not acting like Kings you are acting like children in the play area." He turned to us. Kastor, Polydeukus head this closely. "Your will remember brothers, our fathers told us that one day I will need step between you, as your emotions will rule over your logic." Father and Uncle nodded in agreement. "This is obviously one of those times. That is something you two," pointed to Kass and Poly, "will need do as I have needed to do now. My nephews are more than capable of the task they desire to assume. We can not protect them from all danger and we do them and Parga no favor by it. Your problem is you desire to attend this battle even more than they do. As your advisor I must advise against that, a logical conclusion you have already reached. Just because it is logical does not mean you need be happy about it. You two are obviously not.

Iason and Arden are fine men and well trained. They have all the qualities and skills to assume the mantle of king save one, experience. Kastor and Polydeukus also need experience for their roles. Bite your tongues and bless their desire for adventure and experience. These three are what, weeks away from qualifying as level one knights. They too must be included. Neither of you are correct and neither in error. Both of you are in love with each other, your children and your land. Now kiss and restore some semblance of dignity to your office, and give these princes your blessing. They have earned it and they deserve it." I could see Helladios was already scheming to be included. Taking Uncle Tertius' advice I will assist him, even if I do not like it.

We have never heard anyone talk to the Royal Couple like Prince Tertius did. They did kiss each other, him and all of us too. Helladios was a little disappointed but he realized his age was just not great enough to make a case directly. Kastor and Polydeukus learned something about the prince advisor role, I think the others did too. We all learned at times family is more powerful than office. I am also reminded no matter what the office, we are not but men.

Thanatos went quickly out to summon the personal bodyguards being trained for the three terrors. I would need find one to act for Helo should he win his desire.

Next: Chapter 27

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