
Published on Sep 17, 2010


Arden by: dnrock(

81: Quitting Sicily, On to London

Once I was felled by an arrow when we were ambushed by a superior force. Iason and Arden stood and defended me, Arden taking a wound in the process. As you can see the princes have assembled a formidable family, only part of which is here." Damyo went on for some time relating many Prince of Parga stories and adventures.

"How is it possible to be loyal to both the king and the Crown Prince? Would not one supersede the other?"

No, these men are in our service but we are all in the service of the king. We princes must never ask anyone to do that which is forbidden by or against the king. We must never do that ourselves. We have two kinds of loyalty here. One is personal, that of lovers and brothers by choice. That personal loyalty is always short of the political and must never be used in that way. Our guardians are devoted to us, we are their leaders. A good leader never calls on his followers to do other than the correct and achievable. The other is loyalty to the crown and our system of governance. Leadership here is set by example. The Crown Prince must display complete loyalty to the King, he will expect the same from his son when he is king. A wise king knows this and spends much capital training his successor, rewarding that loyalty in the process. From my observations not all kings are wise. Your father strikes me as one of the wise ones.

Sicily is not Parga, the principals are the same but the details will be much different. It is obvious your father depends on all of you, as does ours on us. If given the chance, others would try to drive divisions between you, if they have not yet done so, they soon will. This lessens your collective power and enhances their own. It is obvious your father loves you all; this you must always remember.

Iason and I have some ceremonial functions the others do not. Among ourselves and within our family we are equal of status. When ever possible we include the younger ones even Lysandros. This teaches much. Much is also taught through observation. Make sure the younger ones can observe the process as well as the result.

Volos told him how we received the "Hero of Parga" meddles.

"You mean Arden just got up from the table, at a formal dinner with the king and guests in attendance and left the room?"

"Why yes, and we were right behind him, it is our duty. Arden believes his duty is to the people of Parga. Iason made apologies on his behalf. It is actions like that which have endeared my princes to all of Parga."

"And yourselves."

"Yes, tis true. Pyrros and I protested we were only along for the ride but Arden and King Iason would have none of it. Arden made the same argument but the mother's of the injured would have none of that. The truth is Arden acted swiftly, knowing their lives hung in the balance. He accepted full responsibility for his actions. Pyrros and I willingly shared his burden. He willingly shares any glory or honor. The wounded asked for a prince, believing that only a prince could save them. Arden knew better then that but he also knew the power of belief can be greater then any other force. He simply commanded them to keep themselves alive until he returned with the healing waters. He knew that by going for them himself he demonstrated his faith in them. They could do nothing else but reciprocate. He also knew that we would not rest until the task had been done, that is example of his dedication to duty," Volos explained.

Our travel back to the harbor was uneventful. We did make a brief stop in Titan's village. Here Peter and his brothers talked to Titan's father and secured his blessing.

Upon our return we soon became aware the local nobleman had learned of our visit and of the intended kidnapping. He managed to arrest those intent on this action. Kastor and I had a brief council with the Sicilian Princes. Peter was not quite sure what if anything he should do. I suggested he ask the nobleman to bring the accused before him. He was puzzled. I pointed out that they did nothing wrong. They may have intended to kidnap him but they did not even attempt to do so. Find out why they had even considered such a drastic action. If they have any kind of reasonable explanation then point out they broke no law and ask for their release. Further if their reason has any hope of you resolving it, offer to try and do so. Treat them as aggrieved citizens, not criminals. Seek to demonstrate true understanding and if possible sympathy for their obvious desperate situation. Do not judge the rightness or wrongness of their actions or situation. Focus your attention on the problem, what ever it is and try to find or suggest some kind of solution.

Kastor told them, that many criminals sentenced in my court are now among my most loyal followers.

"Arden is fair, respectful and honest. It could be that these men believed kidnapping you was the only way they had to gain attention, for a situation which could easily be resolved if known about. Ordinary people in Sicily have no power, it is in the hands of the nobles, church and the crown. You need to show them that the crown understands this and is prepared to listen and take action on their behalf, as well as the nobles and rich. The Crown is their ultimate protector. This local nobel is probably not doing his job but you should not say that to him. Best to let him come to that conclusion himself."

Kastor went to the mayor and arranged for it. The nobleman marched fifteen young men on to the quay. Peter and his brothers listened to the nobleman. He then addressed the men.

"I am told you men had planned to kidnap me and my brother Prince Manferd." He pointed to one of the men.

"Yes sire, we had planned to do this."

"What happened to that plan?"

"We were unable to cary it out as only half of our members presented and you did not appear. We gave up and went home."

"Since no crime was committed why have you arrested these men," he said to the nobleman?

The look on the faces of the men was priceless. I do not know if Iason had coached him or if this was just his natural talent but he was doing it right.

The nobleman tried to explain his actions but did admit no crime had been committed.

"Please release them as a favor to me and my brothers. I am sure they will promise not to try and kidnap anyone else in the future."

That was willingly accepted by the men. The nobleman was a little reluctant, but with all of these foreign visitors looking on, he had little choice.

"Now can anyone tell me why you thought kidnapping me would be a reasonable thing to do?"

One of the men volunteered, "we have suffered greatly and seek some temporary relief from the oppressive taxes of this nobel," pointing at the nobleman.

Peter looked to him. "I have had no problem collecting taxes and rents from most of my lands. It is only from their district that complaints arise."

Alfonso took over. "Is there some reason or situation in that district that is different from the others?"

One of the men answered, "Yes sir, the mountain has spread much ash in our area last year. We were unable to grow enough food to feed our children last season. The olive orchards and flocks have also suffered greatly."

He looked at the nobleman. "I was not aware the situation was that desperate. My representatives never suggested anything like that."

"Then you were aware of their complaint but did not make a personal inspection to ascertain the nature of the problem?"

"Well I, um, no, I did not make a personal inspection, I trusted my officials."

"And those officials are paid by commission on the revenue they bring in," Peter said.

"We believed if we kidnapped the Crown Prince that the King would learn of our situation and force some kind of relief for us. Our children are starving, Prince."

"Do I need to bring this situation to my father's attention or can we find some kind of solution to all three problems, here and now," Peter asked?

"I will see that food is sent to that district immediately. Historically, when the mountain has destroyed crops and groves, rent and taxes are suspended for at least two seasons," the nobleman responded.

"And the third problem?"

The nobel looked puzzled. "I believe you need to establish some kind of reporting process so these types of problems are know to you. Perhaps these men will be willing to sit with you and figure out what that process is to be. Prince Iason, how would you do this in Parga?"

"I would call on someone, such as the mayor here, to moderate such a meeting. He has experience in such matters. I think he should also report to you, Prince Peter, what was agreed."

That was quickly settled. Peter thanked everyone on his father's behalf for resolving this in such a civilized way. Each of the men came forward and pledged to keep the laws of the land, kissing Peter's hand.

We talked this over while sailing back to Plamro. Peter wisely praised his brothers for the sound advice and support. As we rounded cape Messina the winds dropped off to almost nothing and our progress was greatly slowed. This gave us much time for games, sports and socialization. Soon Darkon and Silias were teaching Titan some of the arts he will need as a personal body guard. I was amazed at how quickly he picked up the use of sword and dagger. The ship's captain found some weapons, captured from the pirates and made him gifts of them. The blades and scabbards were as fine as any made in Parga. He would need many hours to approach the skills of Peter or the others. It was with the fighting stick that he shown, quickly establishing himself as equal to any of the Elite Marines.

Corrodo made him a gift of his personal stick, one made of English Oak he acquired on our last visit there. Titan was overwhelmed by this. Harren advised him, cary it at all times, at least until he gained his skills with the other weapons. Titan told us that a fighting stick is nothing more than a straight shepherd's crook.

King Fredrick was most hospitable to us. He received Titan warmly, publicly instructing his guardian core to treat Titan with the same respect and confidence the Crown Prince had for him. He then ended the official audience sending his officials and those of us younger than Nikias or not princes, away. He spoke to our ambassador in privet and after sending him away, address us much as our Father's would have.

Titan had taken up a position with our guardians off to one side of the room. The King now begged our indulgence as he was setting his title aside and wished to be in the position of father. After many questions and impressions were shared he summoned Titan to join us.

"Titan, my son's have informed me that they have promised your parents, your position of personal body guard to the Crown Prince was more than a job. They promised that the King would treat you as his own son. This father keeps his promises, even the ones he does not remember making."

The frown on his face was directed directly at Peter.

"One of my sons is perhaps a little too fond of taking my generous nature as license to speak on my behalf. Something you Titan would never attempt, I am confident in that. Since you are to be Crown Prince Peter's constant and closest companion, your new father thinks you should be given a title commensurate with that status. I shall confer the title of Knight of the Guarder upon you in three days time."

Titan was beside himself.

"Sire," the King shook his head, "Father, I should earn such a title through demonstration of skills and dedication." The King thought for a few moments. "Peter did not earn his title, it was granted by custom. The Crown Prince of 16 is a king in training. Why not his Knight of the Guarder be other than a Knight in training."

He turned to us and thanked us for all that was done. "How much of the situation was my sons and how much the Princes of Parga?"

Kastor assured him mostly his sons and all we did was give them some advice and the military power to properly impress. He then asked a privet word with me. The ambassador had told him that all of us were graduates or attending the university. He wanted to know my opinion of having this type of education for a prince. I told him I thought it very important in general and most desirable for those who would be advisors. I further suggested he send as many as possible to Parga for that purpose. We would stop on our return and take any candidates with us.

"You know of my problems with the Pope?"


"You are not afraid of his power and influence?"

No, his power in Parga is nil and his influence minimal. He may try and isolate Sicily but that will only come to haunt him. Stay your course and be prepared to give him a face saving gesture to resolve the situation.

"You approved of Peter's actions, I am sure of that, is there not a danger in being so liberal with those would be kidnappers?"

Not at all. Peter recognized no crime was committed. In seeking their release and taking the time to understand their motivation, he secured many strong supporters for the crown. Your people, as you well know, expect the crown to be fair and just. Most people, nobel or commoner, want to do the right thing. They do not always recognize what that is. The political skills Peter and the others displayed are a result of your example. By treating those men with respect they will return it to the crown ten times greater.

"Speaking of examples does this not set a poor one?"

No indeed, it sets the correct one. Problems are best dealt with in a civilized and legal way. It is up to the powerful to make sure that way is available and workable. The common people know they have little. They are greatly offended by being reminded of it. You expect your nobles to be fair, honest and reasonable with the people under their protection. More often than not it is not the power of the crown that needs to be applied, as the guidance and encouragement for all to do the right thing. Peter came away with the respect of all sides.

I coach athletics and I know the pride of seeing my students preform well. You are their political and power coach, take pride in how well they have learned your lessons.

"When the Ambassador told me the people of Parga love its princes even more then the king, I thought that only trouble for Iason and Karyakos. When he told me the King himself often states that fact with the pride of a father, I began to understand. Now I realize that every time one of them succeeds at adding to their personal power, my power and authority is also enhanced."

As we sailed from Palermo I was satisfied and pleased. We had some good adventures and saw some wondrous things. Each did well and his best. All can be proud and satisfied. Nikias and Dios showed Iason and I that our mentorship is successful. We made new, fast friends. We enjoyed some good sex too.

Young Titan proved to be everything I thought he might. He and Peter and the others will enjoy each other in all the ways men can. I was most impressed at how responsive he was to my touch and that of the others. A gentle hand on his buttocks was all needed to set in into a sexual state. A kiss on the lips and and a hand on his genitals brought him in to our beds as easily as drinking a mug of water. Some would say we taught these young men a perversion. We taught them nothing. Not one was inexperienced. What we taught them was the joy and power of letting themselves express their maleness with us and each other.

I can not say I was the least bit upset that our progress had been so slow on the return from Etna. That gave all many more chances to fuck. Nothing I can think of is more pleasurable that sinking my erection between willing and supple buttocks. Titan was tested by the other Royal Guardians before we departed. I had been concerned he would be the butt of jokes, being the only guardian to cary a fighting stick. His demonstrated skills put that aside.

After leaving Sicily we spent many days at sail. Our weather was mostly favorable. Our last few days, as we approached London, were cool and wet. Forced inside we did what any group of board young men would do: fuck, suck and make love.

We had exchanged boys several days back, Justus and Joulous came to us and Nikias and Dios went to the twins. Iason and I found ourselves being ministered to by the young ones. Justus and Joulous took me to my bad and pilling me between them Justus gave me oral pleasure while I took Joulous in my mouth. Soon they changed positions giving me a taste of both.

We then moved on to fucking, placing one in the middle until each had a turn and all were spent. All of us are wondrous to look at, being fit and well proportioned. Now that Justus and Joulous are older I am even more attracted to them than before. They have grown as has Nikias and can give equal to any other man in our group. I do not know what it is about sex in general and sex with my boys and men specifically. I can not get enough nor do they ever seemed satisfied. Even when spent we continue to express our love and affection for each other. As soon as anyone enters ready to perform we, any one of us, is equally ready to receive that performance.

It matters little who it is; the need for a stiff penis filling one's cavities or yours filling one of theirs is paramount. Yet true pleasure can often be gained by the simple touch or kiss of another. I know I have not slept alone for so long I can not imagine what it is like to do so. Now that we are in cooler climates we will not be as naked as we may like. I so dearly love to see naked male bodies. We have taken to wearing long capes and pressing our nakedness against each other, warping ourselves in them.

The older man among us assure me our lust will fade with age, not the pleasure or desire, just the necessity we feel almost constantly. I know they are probably correct but can not imagine how the quality could improve over what it is today. If it is only the quantity what will suffer; even the youngest among us is so highly skilled and practiced, I do not understand why the desire will flag. Most of the younger ones begin to experience pleasure before they are fully men, receiving is more important to them for many years after.

I am still young, just starting my 20th year. I am still most stimulated by a well shaped butt, a large, stiff penis, powerful shoulders and of course a wide smile. I am compelled to admit if only to myself that noting, not even power, is better then my cock sliding in and out of another person. This is most powerful when shared. I enjoy receiving and kissing and touching. Sharing sex with another person is like running for me. It is pure pleasure. I can not imagine living in a world with no sex or living in a society where I could not engage in sex with whomever I chose and whomever chose me. I have attempted to rank but that becomes impossible. My Iason and Euthelia of course, Father and Uncle, guardians, beloved boys, brothers, palace girls, pages.... It is not possible. To see a fine well shaped ass compels me to touch it.

My greatest non fucking pleasure is to move behind a fine well shaped butt, place my arms around that person letting my erection slide between the cleft and placing my lips on his or her neck. My second greatest non fucking pleasure is to feel a stiff penis in my butt cleft. Rapture is: being filled with the majestic presence of phallus sliding into your anus, as the phallus you bear throbs and enters into the orgasmic glory that is ejaculation.

How is it possible that sex between two willing partners can be wrong or somehow offensive to the creator that gave such emotions and feelings to us? Lowering your buttocks over an erect phallus is to be seated upon the throne of glory.

I submit it is not. These rules or customs are used in keeping a society in some kind of order, they are power related. It is these same societies that look upon women as submitting to men, not sharing. They then view men who would receive a male lover as also submitting. In some way our ancestors thought the same, boys submitted to men, all be it they were loved by them. Acts of public sexual submission and therefore humiliation, were sometimes demanded of defeated armies. At the same time agreement between lovers to remain faithful to each other may be important in solidifying and maintain the love and affection that is the foundation of family and society. The situation between man and women is somewhat different as children and the immediate family are concerns.

Different societies approach this differently. Iason and I are expected to be lovers, we are expected to: father children, mentor boys, bond with and love our brothers, guardians and others. In other societies we would be expected not to. Iason and I are glad we are, as we are. Like any person anywhere, we achieve the expectations our society places on us, as best we can. There are many ways to love and in Parga we practice them all. We all worship at Phallus' temple and most of us at Aphrodite's. Not all men in Parga practice male sex. For those of us who do it is accepted, for those who do not, it too is accepted. Those who do are not always promiscuous, as is our family. From my observations, men, in man to man relationships, tend to be less so, then men with man to women relationships.

It is the double standard of most societies. Men who have sex with many women are thought well of. Women who have sex with many men are not. Strangely, it is the women who are faithful that scorn those women not. The men seem to think well of either gender that is sexually active.

1320, 7th month 25th day:

Our course was due north to the latitude of London. Having good winds we held the sea, well off shore. Just as we were preparing to turn west and begin tacking, we could see several ships running hard toward us. They were moving from the northeast. The lead ship was a medium sized merchant the other two appeared to be larger merchants. The medium merchant flew English colors the other two appeared to be French but flew no colors. Hermogenous was on the Prince Karyakos. He signaled us to proceed into London. The Prince Karyakos and Princess Elips would hold back. Iason and I assumed he suspected the French ships to be Corsairs, known to often harass English shipping.

I did not like the idea of getting involved in a dispute between two powers friendly to us. On the other hand we have had our own difficulties with French Corsairs in the Mediterranean. They have not ventured east of Sicily but are becoming bolder. Parga has always been opposed to any and all forms of privateers, no matter who they sailed for. The North Sea and Channel based Corsairs are not fully under the control of the French Crown. We are quite sure our merchants would not be safe from them. We are also quite sure they would not challenge our large war ships.

Our two ships tacked east. I know they would soon continue north to intersect the on coming ships. We continued west but kept a close eye on the evolving situation. The Princess Elips was in the lead being faster. Since the merchant and the French were tacking against the wind and our ships tacking with it they should close the gap quickly. We were all on the stern of the King Iason straining our eyes with the far see.

The Princess Elips hove to behind the merchant, on the same course, placing itself between it and the on coming French. We could not see if our ships had displayed any of their armaments or called the men to battle stations. They had both reduced sail as to not pass the slower merchant. Before long the King Iason came along side but slightly behind the Princess Elips. It looked to me the French and our ships were now close enough to inspect each other. I wondered how long it would take them to decide to brake off the chase. It was about 15 minutes when they suddenly turned north.

Following the Admiral's orders we continued under full sail into London. It was several hours later when the Prince Karyakos and Princess Elips docked along side us. The Captain of the merchant came in a carriage to our gang plank soon after. He remembered seeing the Prince Arden on our last visit. Odo translated for us. I soon discovered that Edward remembered much of his native language as well. The captain was most surprised when Odo introduce him to the fabled Prince Arden, the man for whom the ship was named. It did not take long for a messenger from the Lord Mayor and the Harbor Master to arrive. The admiral and ship's captains were being invited to attend them and other dignitaries. Our entire ships' companies were being given the freedom of the city.

The young boys were all most impressed with the sight of London. They have never seen such a great city before. While Edward remembered his language he too was impressed, not remembering much about this or the other great cities he had visited only a few years ago.

I was sure this would be one of our greatest adventures yet. Umar, Akakios, Dios, Edward, Hellidos and Lysandro were unusialy close to Iason and myself. I noticed Nikias, Justus and Joulous were never far from Kastor and Poly.

A page from Edward' court arrived announcing we would be collected by military escort to attend a privet dinner, the king and about 6 courtiers, in our honor. This was the same page we had met on our last visit. Kastor thanked him, providing a list of all who would attend. Lysandros and Hellidos were most interested to know if the Prince of Wales (TN: Edward 3) would also be in attendance? The page did not know but he assured them he would mention it to the king. (TN: The Prince of Wales would have been about 8 in 1320) Kastor placed a note on the list indicating Lysandros', Umar's, Akakios' and Hellidos' ages and identifying our Ambassador.

The page also told us a very formal dinner with many dignitaries would be held in a few days after the Ambassador presented his credentials. I was impressed and told him so, not knowing our exact date of arrival, it was obviously impossible to plan and organize.

Next: Chapter 51

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