Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Dec 24, 2010


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

< > Telepathic Conversation [ ] Intercom and Radio { } Flashback

"Ok we gotta go now!" Wyatt shouted.

Everyone held on as Wyatt orbed them out of there. At the last minute Piper let go of Wyatt's hand and stayed behind as the family unknowingly orbed home.

"This is going to be fun," Melinda chuckled, looking at Piper.

BACK AT THE MANOR "What the hell happened? We gotta go back," Brian said.

"It's too dangerous. She couldn't even be vanquished by the Power of Three," Phoebe said.

"But Mom's back there. We have to get her."

"You just have to trust that she knows what she is doing."

"You just saw what we saw right? I mean Mom is with a demon that couldn't be vanquished by the Power of Three."

"She let our hands go. We didn't let her go. She has a plan. Brian, she was Melinda's mother for quite some time. She knows what buttons to push."

"Ok. Five minutes. That's all. I've lost so much already."

"Don't worry. If your mother was dead, we would have already felt it," Paige said.

BACK IN THE UNDERWORLD "Ah mother. The tables have turned. Now I'm in the position of power."

"Is that what this whole thing is about? Power?"

"Are you kidding me? The person with the most power has control. You should know that. I mean at home you were always telling us what to do and what not to do. Sometimes, you just need to shut up."

"You can't talk to me that way. I was your mother. I raised you up. I taught you responsibilities and how to be an acceptable young woman, which I see I have completely failed to do that."

"Ouch Mom. That hurts my feeling...if I had any left. You were always trying to maintain control, but now, I am," Melinda says as she hurls a fireball at Piper.

Piper had no choice but to defend herself or be fried. She put up her hands and blew the fireball away. Little did she know that it split into two fireballs and both of them struck her, throwing her against the wall. She is semi conscious and the last thing she remembers seeing right before she completely passes out is psychopathic Melinda walking towards her.

BACK AT THE MANOR "It's time to go back. It's been over five minutes," Brian said.

"I agree," Wyatt said.

"Hey guys I just had a thought," Chris said. "What if the Power of Three wasn't enough to vanquish Melinda? Because I mean she is somewhat charmed with all the knowledge of us."

"What's your point Chris? We already know that the Power of Three won't work," Brian said.

"What if we try..."

"The Power of Six," Phoebe said. "When we went in the past to try and stop the warlock Nicholas, Mom and Grams used mines, in Mom's stomach, Pru, and Piper's power along with theirs to send us back to the future...present...whatever."

"That could work. It doesn't hurt to try. Just hope that Mom is still alive to say the spell." With that, Brian was the first to orb back to the underworld.

"Let's make a pit stop before we go." The family agreed.

IN THE UNDERWORLD Brian orbed in first expecting his family to be right behind him. Instead he catches Melinda with an athame, trying to cut Piper's heart out. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said.

"Oh you again. Haven't you realized that you can't vanquish me."

"Oh I know I can't. My family can."

"Oh another Power of Three spell. What did you just throw in some rhyming words and completely made a new spell?" Melinda lets loose a menacing laugh.

"Nope...we just had a better idea." Just as he finished, Brian puts up a mental cage around Melinda.

"You think this little cage can stop me?"

"No but I think if I do will." Brian uses his combined power and added extra security to solidify the cage. He starts by using a mixture of telekinesis and telepathy to create psionic bars surrounding the cage. Then he uses his orbing powers to attach everything together, creating and impenetrable cage.

"This can't stop me." She uses her powers to try and expand the cage. No such luck. Then she tries to shimmer out but Brian freezes her. He unfreezes her head.

"Don't try anything else. My next move would probably to orb that athame into your face," Brian said threateningly.

As Piper comes to, the first thing she sees is the cage that encloses Melinda. Off to the side is Brian, staring at Melinda. They were talking but she couldn't hear a thing.

"Why do you try to fight alongside these people and have them suppress your potential when you can use your powers freely with me?"

"That is the core term of evil. Using your powers without bounds. I use my powers freely to help people and save the world. You demons, you don't know when to stop using your powers. You think you are so cool just because you have all these powers you can use and do whatever you want with them."

"Good and evil don't exist anymore. As we approach the new era of magic, it is all about power. Whoever has the most power will dominate."

"Is that all you demons care about? Is power? What about living life? Or what about spending time with family?"

"Who needs all that when you can enslave the human race to do your every bidding?"

"You demons make me sick. Heed my word Melinda, I will vanquish as many demons as I can throughout my life. None of you, hear me? None of you will survive."

"It's ok Brian," Piper said, getting up. "We all try to kill every demon we can but in order to keep the cosmic balance, good and evil must coexist. Which means we can't kill all of them.

"You got that right," Melinda said. "The powers of the sources will set me free. Release me from this that encages me." She chants as black smoke comes out of Melinda's eyes and collides with the orbs that keeps the cage intact. Melinda's body unfreezes and throws fireballs at the cage as the black smoke is exploding on contact with sides of the cage.

The black smoke completely covers the cage and one by one, the bars of the cage comes off. With an explosion, the cage completely disassembles itself and Melinda walks free. "I told you, you couldn't keep me locked up."

Brian looks at Piper and nods. They both put up their hands and freezes Melinda in her tracks. Piper tries to blow her up but only knocks her back with a little fire power. Mother and son continuously battle the evil in their presence.

Wyatt, Chris, Phoebe, Paige and three other people. Seeing the battle, Wyatt, Chris, Phoebe, and Paige got in on the action right away. "Stay here until I say so," Wyatt shouted to the three unknown people.

"Finally!" Piper and Brian said. As the six got into battle, Melinda crossed her arms and when she unfolds them, she releases an energy field. The furthest, Wyatt, Chris, Phoebe, and Paige were merely knocked off their feet. The closest, Brian and Piper were sent flying towards the back of the room.

Piper lands on one of the unknown person standing back there and Brian does the same.

Brian's cushion said, "We gotta stop meeting like this."

"What are you doing here?" Brian said to Scott. "This is a very dangerous place. You have to go now."

"Well I planned this incredible day for us. I took the whole day off. But you took off and well, I missed you. When Bobby told me that your brother's said you guys needed help, I insisted on coming. And I'm not leaving."

The unknown guy still standing came out of the shadows. "Yeah Brian. We're not leaving. We have a plan. Just say the spell and leave the rest to us."

Brian looked down at Scott and began making out with him. He suddenly stop remembering where he was. He got up saying, "Later, later."

He ran to his mom who landed on Leo and the two were making out like crazy. She got up saying "later, later." The two shared an inappropriate laugh.

They got back in the battle. Wyatt shouted "Freeze her!"

Piper and Brian did as they were told and everyone moved to the back of the room with Scott and Bobby. "Say the spell. Bobby get ready."

The six began chanting the spell:

Prudence, Patricia, Penelope, Melinda,

Astrid, Helena, Laura and Grace.

Halliwell witches stand strong beside us

Vanquish this demon from time and space.

Bobby put his hands to the ground and began creating an ice wall. On the other side, Melinda unfroze and her head started spinning in circles until her head detached itself. One by one her limbs did the same thing and when all her body parts came off, they each began vibrating.

Just as the ice wall was completely built, each body part came together at a center point and exploded. The ice wall shattered completely just as the family orbed out. The evil was finally vanquished.

BACK AT THE MANOR Everyone said their goodbyes and good nights. The aunts left to go home to their respective husbands and families. After everyone part ways, Piper and Leo sat down on the couch to join their sons and their visitors.

"Mom, Dad, this is Scott...from school," Brian said, not knowing how his parents will react.

"Oh, you're the teacher?" Piper asked accusingly. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too. You have a very lovely home," Scott said.

"As much as I'm enjoying the company, I'm pooped. You know vanquishing my demonic daughter and all. I'll see you all in the morning." She rudely got up and left.

"She's normally not like this. See the person you just saw being obliterated down there used to be our daughter. She became evil and almost became the source of all evil. This is Piper's way of dealing with losses. Forgive her."

"It's understandable. The loss of someone close to you changes a person," Scott said.

"It was really nice to meet you. I should go check up on her. Good night," Leo said getting up to join his wife.

"We should really get going," Bobby said to Scott.

"Oh no, he's not going anywhere. He is staying here," Brian said. "Chris can you orb Bobby to our room at school."

"Gladly, your highness," Chris said sticking out his tongue. With that said, Chris and Bobby orbed off.

"You're coming with me," Brian said grabbing onto Scott, pulling him towards the stairs.

"Don't make too much noise. Mom and Dad are right down the hall," Wyatt shouted.

As the two got into Brian's room, they shut the door and began kissing. Scott sticks his tongue in Brian's mouth and Brian receives without hesitation. It seems so long since they have had any sexual encounters.

As the two lock lips, Scott caresses his hands all over Brian's body, making Brian's cock hard. Their kiss becomes a full make out session and their tongues battle it out.

Breaking the kiss, Brian pushes Scott onto his bed. Brian sits on top of his lover's hardened cock and began grinding into his crotch. Scott lets loose a moan of pleasure.

Scott couldn't take it anymore. He rolled Brian off to the side and got on top of him, without breaking the kiss. He stood up and removed his shirt, slowly teasing Brian. Brian sat up and began removing his shirt. Scott stopped him.

"No. I want you to just lay there and I'll do all the work." Slowly, he took off his jeans. First, the buttons came off. Slowly he worked the zipper. As his pants came off, Brian's cock throbbed painfully in his pants.

Scott proceeded to take off Brian's shirt. Scott kissed Brian softly on his lips and continued downwards. He slowly kissed Brian's neck and his right shoulder. He ran his tongue down the middle of Brian's chest and moved over to his left nipple.

Scott began kissing Brian's abs, slowly making his way towards Brian's belly button. He licked all around and finally licked the inside. Scott ran his fingers down Brian's happy trail up until the waistline of his pants.

He saw the raging hard on Brian was sporting and wanted to tease him a little more. He unbuttoned Brian's pants started licking his cock through his pants, slathering it in his spit. Brian was moaning uncontrollably.

At this point, Brian was dying. He felt like he was going to cum just from being touched all over the place. He wanted nothing more than to have Scott's cock in and out of his mouth. He wanted to pleasure Scott with his hole and make love to him.

Scott took the zipper into his mouth and slowly pulled it down. When it was all the down, Brian cock bounced out and slapped him on the cheek. He took all of the man meat in his mouth in one shot. He used his tongue to caress the tip of the head while his whole mouth puts pressure on the shaft.

Brian was going crazy. The pleasure he was feeling from Scott's mouth on his cock was unbearable. He grabbed onto Scott's hair and started face fucking him.

Scott's finger wiggled its way towards Brian's tight hole. And slowly it went in. In and out he pushed his finger into Brian's love chute while sucking his cock. Brian was thrusting forward to get his cock all the way in Scott's mouth and back to get the finger as deep as it will go.

Brian took his cock out of Scott's mouth and his ass off of Scott's finger. He made Scott stand up and got on his knees. Slowly, Brian pulled off Scott's briefs and it was obvious Scott was crazy horny. The pre cum was leaking through the underwear.

Scott sat on the bed and Brian got on top of him, kissing him passionately, long and hard. In one swift motion, Brian got all of Scott's cock into his love hole, making both parties moan in ecstasy. He got to work right away, riding on Scott's cock. Brian contracted his ass so that every time he went down on Scott's cock, there would be more pressure.

Scott was practically yelling with all the pleasure he was feeling. Brian's already tight hole getting tighter with every push of Scott's cock.

Sitting outside Brian's door were his two brothers, listening. "Man listen to that, they are fuck pretty hard," Chris said.

"Dude we are disgusting. Why are we listening to our younger brother have sex? With another guy?"

"Cuz I'm crazy horny and sex is sex. I know just where to get it," Chris said as he orbed out. Wyatt continued to listen on his brother's sexcapades.

Scott wanted to try a new position. He stood up and pressed Brian against the wall, all while having his cock still inside Brian. He pounded slowly in and out with Brian's feet off the ground, pressed against the wall. He picked up the pace and started pounding faster and harder in Brian's tight hole.

Scott popped his cock out of Brian and made him turn around. He pressed Brian's stomach against the wall. He lowered himself and aligned his cock with Brian's awaiting hole and slowly popped the head in. Not wanting to wait, Brian pushed all the way back, taking in the whole 8 inch of man meat.

From this gesture, Scott started pounding away. He started off quickly and maintained the speed and thrust. The harder he pounded, the closer he got to cumming.

Brian knew that Scott was close to cumming when he heard how hard Scott was breathing. He tightened his hole and started and as Scott pounded harder, he felt like he was ready to blow his load.

The last couple of thrusts pushed Scott and Brian over the edge. "I'm close," Scott said, between pants.

"Me too. I wanna feel you're hot load inside me," Brian replied.

Brian started shooting his load against the wall as Scott shot his inside Brian's tight hole. Wyatt, still sitting outside listening, shot his load all over the door and the floor in front of Brian's room. "I need to get laid," he said.

Their breathing came to a normal with Scott's cock still inside Brian. He teasingly tightened his hole which got a giggle out of Scott. When he pulled out, he swept Brian off his feet and brought him onto the bed. He gently put Brian down and laid right next to him. They stared into each other's eyes and passionately kissed. Brian fell asleep in Scott's arms.

AT XAVIER'S MANSION Chris was having sex doggy style. With a few more thrust, he shot his load. He rolled off to the side.

Chris was coming out from underneath the blankets, panting. "Wow, that was amazing. I can't believe sex could feel this good. I mean I've had it before but never like this."

"You're telling me? I've never actually had sex before. And let me tell you, it was nothing like I would imagine," Bobby said. Then a thought hit him. "Should we tell Brian?"

"Um..I don't know. Let's just hold if off until we absolutely have to tell him. For now, let's just enjoy each other's company."

IN THE MORNING Scott woke up to a familiar feeling. He felt...happy. He hasn't felt this in a long time. As they laid there naked, Scott thought about the events of the past night, the incredible sex they had, the passion flowing between them. Maybe Brian was the one.

He thought about it long and hard. Scott was a teacher and Brian was a student. He was almost 10 years older. Can they really be happy together? He didn't know what to do. He kissed Brian on his forehead, rolled him over and got up.

He got dressed while Brian was still asleep and quietly snuck out of the room. He went downstairs to see Piper keeping busy in the kitchen.

"Ah Scott. You spent the night? You slept well, I hoped?" She said with an unenthusiastic tone.

"Piper, do you have a problem with me or something? Or with me seeing your son?"

"No I don't have a problem with you...not personally anyway. I just think that the age difference between you and Brian is huge."

"So what? Why does that matter? As long as Brian is happy, isn't that what counts?"

"Well of course I want him to be happy. I just don't think he will be fully happy with someone who is a decade older than him."

"See I had those doubts too but the more time I spend with Brian, the more I realized that something good could come out of this. I think I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level."


"Yeah I think I'm going to ask if he wants to be my...boyfriend. My boyfriend. That sounds good actually."

"I don't think Brian's ready to be in a relationship like that."

"I think he is. So far he has shown nothing but maturity and the ability to handle a stable relationship."

"Mom. He's right," Brian said from the doorway.

"How long have you been standing there?" Piper and Scott asked.

"Long enough for me to know what I want. Scott ask me."

"Would you, Brian, like to be my boyfriend?"

"Yes," Brian said. "Anything for you."


Author's Notes: Hey guys. I know it's been over a year since I've written anything but here it is. I already have the 18th chapter written. I just need to write number 19 before I post 18. Well, this is the 17th installment of Charming X-Man. It really is hard to write about people having sex but I do hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Scott and Brian are finally official. Bobby and Chris hooked up. There are a lot of plot twists. Should I give someone to Wyatt too? Let me know how you guys like this at

Next: Chapter 18

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