Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Jan 15, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

"Hey boys. Welcome back. Oh, you brought a friend," Piper said.

"He's just not any friend. He's...a special friend," Chris said.

"Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. He's a "special" friend. Got it," Piper said, doing air quote to emphasize friend. "Congratulations Chris. Whatever decision you make, I will always love you."

"Mom! What are you talking about?" A shocked Chris asked.

"Chris, I don't care if you are gay. Neither does your dad."

"Yeah son. We don't care. We will love you no matter what," Leo said.

"No! No! You don't get it. Brian is not just a friend. Actually he's not even a friend. He's a..."

"What Chris is trying to say is...I'm your son."


Dr. Hank McCoy was analyzing a specimen strapped down to one of his lab tables. "This is very interesting..."

He turned around and peered into his microscope and what he saw amazed even him. The blood sample drawn from this tracker is none like he has ever seen before. This monster had a quadruple helix. Humans and mutant alike have only a double helix.

What was this monster? Where did he come from? Only one way to find out. Dr. McCoy was going to have to cut it open.


"My what?!" Piper screamed. Suddenly the television exploded.

"Piper, calm down. Breathe," Leo calmly said.

"You want me to believe that this person is my son? It's bad enough that Melinda ran away, but you guys are going to replace her with him?"

"Mom, calm down," Wyatt shouted.

"No. I will not calm down. Get out of here. NOW!"

Wyatt and Chris blew up in orbs and the couches they were sitting on blew up with them. They each reformed and orbed Brian to their room upstairs.

"Why is she so mad? And who is Melinda?" Brian asked.

Silence crept across the room as the looks on Chris' and Wyatt's face changed from scared to sadness.

"I guess we do need to tell him everything, Chris."

"Ok Brian. Well Melinda is...was our sister. When our parents brought her home from the hospital, Aunt Phoebe knew something was wrong. She kept her mouth shut for many years. Melinda was probably around thirteen or so and she still showed no signs of any witch power. I mean like she wasn't half white lighter like we are but she is still half human. Well Mom is a neat freak so we do Spring Cleaning like every month. Well, Melinda was at a sleep over so Mom had to clean her room. While cleaning a toy chest in Melinda's room, mom found her diary. She's not one to snoop so she put it back. Well for some reason the book reappeared on Melinda's bed when Mom closed the chest and it was opened to her last entry. Apparently Melinda did have powers. Just not what we had expected. Melinda was able to throw fireballs."

"What's wrong with that power?" Brian asked.

"Well fireballs are an upper level demon power," Wyatt answered.


"Anyway, Melinda came home the next day and Mom asked her to show her powers. She threw fireballs and next thing you know, the couches were on fire. Mom and the aunts accepted fireballs as a new witch power. That is until Phoebe hugged Melinda. She got a premonition about the day Melinda was born. In the Maternity Wing, a demon appeared in a blaze of fire and took the original baby Halliwell and switched it with a girl. Since mom had fainted when giving birth, she didn't know the sex of the baby. So all along, we thought we had a sister. Well Phoebe and Mom had a fight about Melinda really being Mom's daughter. That day on, Mom and Phoebe never spoke again. We see each other every now and then but Mom never comes to any family reunion. Well, one day, Wyatt and I were hunting down a demon with Mom. When we came home, Melinda left a note on her bed saying that she is gone and never coming back. She didn't know that she was a demon and she didn't mean to cause any harm to the family so she up and left. And to this day, Mom and Phoebe never said a word to each other."

"I got it!" Wyatt shouted, making everyone jump. "I know how we can prove that Brian is her son."

"How?" Both Brian and Chris asked.

"Remember what we said your witch powers were?"

"Yeah Temporal Stasis."

"Well we can just show her that."

"What will that do?"

"Guess what her Charmed power is?"

"She can blow things up."

"No...well's complicated. Her original Charmed power is Temporal Stasis...just like yours."

"Well let's go downstairs and hopefully she won't blow me up because I can't regenerate like you guys can."


Beast is joined by the Professor, Emma, Cyclops, Storm, and Wolverine.

"Team, this is something I have never seen before. A quadruple helix so complex that it would take me a couple of decades to generate such a thing. I called you all here today because I need help. I can't find its origin or any other information about it."

"It's ok Henry. What did you need us to do?"

"Ororo, I need you and Logan to watch the doors. If anyone enters, or disrupts in any way, it will wake up the monster and there would be no way to sedate it. Scott, I need you to stay in here and protect the Professor and Emma. Charles, Emma. I know you are against this kind of thing but I need the both of you to enter into his mind and get everything you can from it."

"I don't have a problem with that," Emma said.


"Well Henry. I can't say I approve but I will do this one time."

"Ok thank you Charles. Everyone to their assigned places. Tell me when you are ready."

On one side of the monster sits Professor X and on the other side stands Emma.

The Professor closes his eyes and so does Emma. Instantly, they are inside the mind of the monster. Little snippets of memory are being replayed.

"It opened its eyes," someone said. Men in white lab coats approach the tank and with their pencils to paper, they start jotting down notes. They move to the side to let a stout man through

"Beautiful. Predator X. The name suits it." He knocks on the glass and starts talking to the other scientist.

"Stryker!" The Professor whispered.

Upon hearing the name, everyone goes into a state of shock. The Professor leaves the mind of what is now known as Predator X but Emma still seems to be in a trans.

<Emma, if you can hear me, leave at once. If you stay too long, you can possibly wake up the monster,> the Professor telepathically tried to communicate.

Emma, being who she is, decides not to listen but instead digs deeper into the memory of Predator X. Now she sees a different scene.

"The claws and fangs are all in. Unfortunately we won't be able to coat them or his scales with Adamantium. Doing so, he will be crushed under the weight," a person in white coat said.

"You are all useless. Leave me now. This is another failure." Everyone except Stryker leaves the room. The glass starts to crack. Looking down, the claws are scratching the glass. Suddenly, it all shatters and...freedom. Stryker jumps out of the way.

"Predator X is loose. I want all units with their guns ready. Why is it that everything I make is always on the run?"

Out the door and on the run. Where to go? What's that smell? Towards the end of the hall, a door...something delicious is inside that door. Predator X starts a momentum that nothing can stop. He crashes into the door with the name "Mutant 143" on it.

A scrawny man on a wheelchair stares straight into the face of death. With one blue eye and one yellow eye Emma could sense his fear. She watches as the young man is devoured by Predator X.

Emma forces herself out of the mind of the monster but in the Process, interrupts the flow of memory and unknowingly wakes up Predator X. In a fit of rage, he breaks free of his restraints.


"Dad! Is mom calm yet?" Chris asked.

"I don't know. She has been in that kitchen quite a while. I have never seen her like this before. I mean she has blown me up a bunch of times but she has never blown up TWO of her kids and the couch before." Leo looks to Brian. Suddenly, he throws his hands around his son and the two embrace while Leo has tears running down his face. It felt good. It felt...right. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

Wiping the tears away, "I didn't know that Melinda wasn't ours. I'm sorry that we weren't there for you growing up. I'm sorry we weren't there for you at all."

"It's ok. You didn't know. Neither did I."

"So you are my son? How do I know that you aren't a demon like Melinda was?"

"Dad!" Chris exclaimed. "You can't take the words of your two sons over here?"

"Well, how would I know? I mean like did you guys take some kind of test?"

"No Dad. I thought you knew how we would know of another brother. He is charmed. He was meant to be here. With us. With our family."

"What do you mean he is Charmed?"

Well when I orbed him to us, we were surrounded by white orbs. Just like Mom, Aunt Phoebe, and Aunt Paige was."

"What?! You are a Charmed one?" Piper said from the kitchen door.

"Yes. According to these two over here, I am."

"Prove it!"

"Ok he will Mom. Brian stand over here. Chris I need you to orb the Book Of Shadows down."

White lights came from the ceiling and rested on an ottoman. When the lights disappeared, a thick book laid in its place. "Brian. Touch the book."

When Brian touched the book, the triquetra glowed a bright red. "See Mom. He is meant to be here. He is our brother...and your son."

"This doesn't prove anything. Good people that aren't Charmed have laid their lands on the book without anything happening."

"Ok Fine. Book Of Shadows," Chris shouted and the book was covered in white lights again but this time, it moved towards Brian. In a panic, Brian froze the book in midair. "Is that enough proof Mom?"

"Oh my God!" was all Piper could say. She fell to the ground with waves of tears running down her eyes. Leo runs to her and embraces her as they both cry.

"Yes. I am your son...Mom."


Author's Notes: Well this is the seventh installment of Charming X-Man. I can't say I did this myself because I didn't. My kick ass friend, Johnny, helped me through most of it. Without him, this story wouldn't be all that fascinating. Brian here has now convinced Piper that he is truly her son. The whole story of how he was adopted and such are still a little bit unclear but I'm sure in time, everything will be sorted out. I want to thank my readers and I am enjoying the feedback. As always, let me know how you are liking the story at

Next: Chapter 8

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