Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Jan 12, 2009


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

"Scott why are you so stupid?" A very frustrated Cyclops said to himself. "You are a teacher. You cannot fall for a student. He is 18 and you are 27. That's a big difference. Why do you care anyway? He is obviously in love with that Chris guy. Why do you still linger?"

The only safe haven for Scott was his room. For not only was it his own room but he didn't need to be afraid of any telepaths that roam his area like before.

What was it about this "student" of his that made him so crazy? I mean he was like any other telekinetic/telepath he has ever met. Why was this one any different?

<Whatcha got on your mind, stud?>

<Emma, what are you doing in my head? Why are you here?>

<My, my are we a little testy. You were in such deep contemplation that it was easy to get in. What are you thinking about?>"

<Isn't it your thing to peek in my mind? Shouldn't you already know? I mean you have done it before.>

<Scott I am hurt. I have changed. I don't know why you won't believe me. I promise you. I did not peek into your mind. So what were you thinking about?>

<It's nothing...>

<It's not nothing. Scott I know you. I know something is wrong because you're usually downstairs being a prick. You're so serious all the time. Remember what it was like when we first got together? All the sneaking around, the adrenaline rush, the passion. It can be like that again...if u want...>

<Emma don't. It's bad enough that you dumped me. What are you still doing here?>

<I linger. Just like you. Is there something you don't want me to know? Say that you have something...well perhaps someone on your mind. Could it be me?>

<Emma. What we had was great, but you left me for Warren. Not only is he a fellow X-Men, but he is also a friend and I can't ever see myself going back to you.>

<Scott, Scott, when are we going to get passed this charade? You want me and I want you. That's all that matters.>

<No. No it's not. You are...different. You aren't the same girl when we started dating.>

<You don't know what you're missing...>


"Well, it is very nice to meet the both of you," the Professor said.

"Likewise," the Chris and Wyatt Halliwell said.

"You two have very extraordinary talents. Where did you learn to control your powers like that?" the Professor said.

"Well, our mom and aunts have taught us since we were little," Wyatt spoke.

"You both had your abilities since you were little?"

"Actually, I've had my powers since I was inside the womb of my mom, and well, my brother developed his when he was about a year old."

"That's strange! Mutation and mutant abilities usually don't appear until the child hits puberty..."

"Professor. We aren't mutants," Chris said.

"Not mutants? But you possess the power of telekinesis and teleportation while you possess the power of...well I have never seen any power quite like yours."

"Powers. That's the right word to use. Well the powers that we have aren't a mutation. We are blessed with those powers because we are witches. In fact, we come from the Halliwell lineage of good witches dating back to the 1600s."

"Witches!?!?" the Professor and Brian exclaimed.

"Yes witches. Our mom and aunts were once known as the Charmed Ones and the Power of Three. We are the sons of a Charmed One. But we are not the Power of Three. See, we thought that since I have a pretty good amount of power and Wyatt here has unlimited power, we completely made up the power of three. We weren't able to access most of the Book of Shadows' magic until the three siblings were united." Chris said while looking at Brian.

"Well...I really don't know what to say. I have never met a witch with mutant powers before. Scarlett Witch is different. She can't control things with her mind."

"Well do either of you mind explaining what happened today with the lights and everything?" Brian asked.

"What lights?" the Professor was confused.

"Well what Brian doesn't know is that when the three siblings come together to become the charmed one, it is said that they are enveloped in dancing lights signifying that they are united," Wyatt said.

"Wait what? But you two are brothers and when Chris teleported me over, the three of us were covered by the lights. That's clearly impossible seeing as I am not related to either of you two..."

"Um..." Chris said.

"What are you guys hiding? Why was I surrounded by the dancing lights with the both of you?"

"Well, we are kinda related," Chris said.

"Kinda related? But how? Neither of my parents have any siblings nor do I have any siblings. So how is it that we are related? What are we like fourth cousins?"

"Not exactly. The Power of Three Bond only works with true siblings like 3 brothers, 3 sisters, or a combination of the two and that makes us..."

"Don't you even say it. I don't want to find out after 18 years that the parents that kicked me out of their house is not really my parents." Anger rose within Brian. He felt betrayed. He was shocked that there is a possibility that the parents he had might not be his. All he felt like doing was scream. So, that's what he did. He screamed. In front of the Professor and the Halliwell brothers.

The room shook violently like an earthquake was hitting Westchester. The furniture suddenly lifted itself off the floor. The chairs and the brothers were floating in the air. The shelves glided against the walls and books were being thrown across the room.

"Calm down Brian. We can talk this through. Your powers are connected to your emotions so if you let your emotions run wild, your powers will to," Chris screamed.

<Scott? How are you talking to me? You're not a telepath.>

<What the?!? You heard me? You have to calm down first.>

Everything came crashing down with a loud BAM. The doors flew open and Scott came running in. "Brian. Are you alright? I heard yelling and I tried to come in but something wouldn't let me."

"I'm ok. I mean the person who I thought I was, I'm not. Scott can you give me a couple of minutes alone with the Professor and Chris and Wyatt and I'll be out in a bit."

Scott leaves without another word. "So what were you saying? I could possibly be your brother?"

"Yes Brian. The only way that the Power of Three can be reconstituted is if three descendents from the Halliwell line come together."

"Wait that doesn't make any sense. The only way that I am a descendent of the Halliwell is if I'm a witch as well right? Does that mean I'm a witch then!?!?"

"Ah!" the Professor says.

"What's wrong Professor?"

"Not it all makes sense. Brian. Remember that Danger Room exercise?"


"Well, what kinds of power did you show me?"

"Well first, I froze the ball. Then I curved it away."

"What?!?!" Chris and Wyatt said.

"I froze a basketball that was coming my way. And I changed the direction of another basketball."

"Yup. You are a witch. You have the power of Temporal Stasis. This is when you are able to slow a molecule down so much that it stops moving," Wyatt said.

"Wait did you say molecule?" the Professor asked.

"Yes, his powers work on a molecular level. And Wyatt as well. He can destroy cities if he wants," Chris said, with a hint of jealousy.

"You see. The Halliwell powers exists in three parts. Our ancestors have bestowed upon us three gifts. And the descendents will be blessed with at least one of the three. One is the power of Temporal Stasis. One if the power of Telekinesis. The third is the power of Premonition," Wyatt said.

"Wait, so I got two powers?" Brian asked.

"No. You have temporal stasis. Your telekinesis is due to your advance mutation," Chris said.

"Wait. What about your teleportation, Chris? And your...whatever it is your power is called, Wyatt? Aren't those your mutations?"

"No. The teleporting thing, we call that orbing. We are part angel and part witch. Our father was an angel when the two of us were conceived. Unfortunately, he clipped his wings when so that he can stay with mom and then you were conceived. Instead of being part angel, you were...well I guess part mutant," Wyatt said.

"Speaking of mom and dad, do I get to meet them?"

"Well yeah right now if you want..."

"I still can't believe that I was adopted or whatever the reason was for me to end up with a different family."

"What more proof do you want? The universe has spoken and clearly, it says that you are our long lost brother. Or else it wouldn't have send those orbs down to us when we were together," Chris said.

"Well, I'm still not sure, but, I am willing to let it go for now. I just want to meet my real mom and dad."

"Here take my hand. We can be there right now."

"Wait. I need to do something very quick. I'll be right back." Brian runs out of the room to go look for Scott. The cafeteria seems like the only logical place Scott would be so he started there first. As always, Scott was sitting in the corner eating a carton of ice cream.

"Hey there you are."

"Scott. Um, everything is alright now. I'm going to meet my real mom and dad right now and I'll be back in a couple of hours. I'll explain everything to you when I get back ok?"

"Huh? Ok sure thing...I guess."

BACK AT THE PROFESSOR'S OFFICE "Well are you ready now?" Wyatt said.

"Yes I'm good. Let's go."

We were surrounded by those bright lights again. So bright that I closed my eyes. When I opened them, we were somewhere else. "Where are we?"

"This is our's also yours if you want it to be."

"Mom. Dad. We're home. We've got a surprise for you..."


Author's notes: This is the sixth installment of Charming X-Man. Well, I'd have to say, this was the funnest chapter to write. The possibilities are countless but I chose to write it this way with the help of Johnny of course. Well our friend Brian is showing some impressive skills and abilities. What will he think of his real parents? You will see in the next chapter. As always, let me know how you like it at

Next: Chapter 7

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