Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Jan 17, 2011


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

< > Telepathic Conversation [ ] Intercom and Radio { } Flashback

"Brian think about this? Think this through," Piper said, panting.

"What is there to think about? Me and Scott, we like each other. Who cares about age?"

"Who cares about whose age?" Wyatt and Chris said walking in.

"Me and Scott are official," Brian said enthusiastically.

"Congratulations, bro," Chris said getting up to give Brian a hug.

"What the hell is going on?" Piper screamed. "Don't you guys see what the problem is?"

"I don't see any problems, Mom," Wyatt said, emphasizing on the word "Mom."

"Thank you Wyatt."

"Everybody get out. Out, out, out of my kitchen," Piper said angrily.

Brian and Scott orbed up to his room. "Mom, what was that?" Chris and Wyatt were wondering the same thing.

"Do you guys not see the age difference between them?"

"So what? As long as they are happy," Wyatt said.

"No, not as long as they are happy. They need to get people their own ages to go out with...not each other."

"Mom, this is exactly what happened with Melinda," Chris said.

"What are you talking about?"

"After Melinda ran away, I found her diary beneath her mattress and I kinda...peeked," Chris said.


"Well, in a lot of the entries, there was some mention of you being a tad bit...controlling."

"What?" Piper said as the toaster blew up. "Dang I just bought a new one."

"Well, she didn't like the fact that you always told her what to do, and how she has no freedom to like go out and enjoy life..."

"Are you saying that I'm the reason she left? Because there is no way in hell that is true. She was evil. End of story."

"See Mom, a little controlling."

"Oh my God. I have become Grams."

"Hey I will take offense to that," Grams said as she materializes out of white lights.

"What are you doing here Grams?"

"I always keep an eye out for my darlings."

"So that means..."

"Yes Piper I saw everything." That was the cue for Chris to leave.

"What should I do? I know that they are going to go through a lot of hard times with the age thing and..."

"Sweetie. He is your son and you want him to be happy right?"

"Yes..." Piper said in a mocking tone.

"Ok, then let him live his life. He needs to make his own mistakes and he will learn from it. Where is my great grandson that I have never met? I still can't believe you haven't called me to see him."

"Well Grams, we've been busy. Brian get down here," she yelled from the kitchen.

Orbing in, Brian said, "You rang?"

"Don't be a smart ass with me. Sit your butt down on that chair," Piper said, getting a dirty look from Grams. "Please..."

"If you brought me down here to yell at me some more about the age thing, I have better things..."

"No no. That's not what I brought you down here for. I wanna say...I'm sorry. I shouldn't try to control what you do in your own life. You are my son and I do want you to be happy. It's just that...the age difference is so huge that it bugs me. You guys will have a lot of issues because of it and I don't want you to have to suffer through it. But, if Scott really makes you happy, I don't see any problems with it."

"Oh my god. Really?" Brian jumped up like a little school girl getting asked to a dance. Hugging his mom, he noticed the elderly woman standing there with a satisfactory smile on her face.

"I'm sorry. My name is Brian. You are?"

"I'm your mother's...Oh come here you," Grams said as she pulled him in for a hug.

"Brian this is your great grandmother."

"I thought you said she was dead."

"She Magic fixes everything."

"You look just like Allen, my late husband. I can see it in your eyes." Once more, she hugged Brian until he was turning blue.

After spending the whole day with his family and Scott, Brian decided it was time to go back to the school. He packed his things with Scott and he orbed everything back to his room. Bobby wasn't in the room so Brian got on his bed and motioned for Scott to lie down too.

As Scott lay down on Brian's full size bed, he leaned over to give Brian a gentle kiss on his lips and held him close. Brian drifted off to sleep in Scotts arm.

In his dream, Brian was visiting the past. He went to the day where he was in New York battling the sentinels and he was on top of the Blackbird trying to get it moving. Once again, the fiery bird looking creature appeared right before his eyes. All he heard were echoes of Scott's name.

Instead of the bird entering the plane, it entered into Brian. He began glowing bright yellow, orange and fire. He was lifted off the plane into the air and was engulfed in fire. The fire made a phoenix shape creature in the sky.

"Brian wake up. Brian wake up," Scott said shaking Brian awake from his sleep.

"What happened?" Brian asked, confused.

"You're burning up."

"I am not," he said putting his hands to his head. He was burning up.

They rushed to the underground infirmary and Dr. McCoy was in the lab doing some work. "Hank, Brian is really hot."

"Sit him on the chair and I will be right in to take his temperature."

"I don't feel sick or anything like that," Brian said to Beast. "I was sleeping and had this strange dream and then I woke up burning up." Brian finished his sentence as Hank stuck a thermometer in his mouth.

After a minute, Hank took the thermometer out. "98 degrees. That is a normal temperature."

"I don't understand," Scott said. "When you were sleeping, your body got really hot."

"I don't understand either. I was sleeping and had this weird dream about literally being on fire and my body got really hot. Have you ever seen anything like this Dr. McCoy?"

"No I haven't. Tell me more about this dream you had."

"Well, I was reliving my first X-Mission in New York and the plane got stuck. Well this fiery bird thing entered into the plane and got it moving when it was stuck. In the dream however, the bird entered me and I was telekinetically lifted off the plane...and that's when Scott woke me up."

"It can't be..." Scott and Hank said at the same time.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Do you remember I said something about Jean? Well she is my ex-wife who passed away. Long story short, she became the phoenix, an unlimited powerful entity. And I think that you have become the new phoenix."

"How is that possible? In real life, it didn't enter into entered into the plane. I think I was dreaming about it because it wanted to come into me."

"Ok, let me notify Charles and we will run some tests on you tomorrow morning. For the time being, I will need you go back to your rooms and relax for the remainder of the night.

As the two left, they stood outside the infirmary "I don't understand. You were burning up."

"I know I felt it as well. I don't understand what happened."

"Hopefully nothing bad would come out of this. Just promise me one thing. If a phoenix or something comes out at you, try to brush it off."


"Jean allowed the Phoenix to enter into her...she became evil and crazed with power and I don't want that to happen to you. Just promise me."

"Ok I promise," Brian said as he leaned in for a kiss.

The two walked to Scott's room and they rest of the night was spent with an uneasy tension between the two. Why was the Phoenix coming back?

IN THE MORNING... Brian woke up to an empty room. The shower wasn't running and Scott was nowhere to be found. He got out of bed and saw a note on the dresser saying:

Hey baby. I hope you slept well. Sorry I'm not there to greet you when you wake. Went for a run. Be back soon.

-Love Scott

Brian got dressed and orbed back into his room he shared with Bobby, who was still asleep at 10 am on a Saturday morning. He stripped and hopped in his shower. It felt good to just have the hot water running down his body. After about twenty minutes, Brian got out and fixed his face for the day to come.

Bobby was already awake by the time Brian got out. "Dude what happened to you last night? When I came in, I saw you and Scott sleeping and didn't wanna disturb you so I snuck in real quiet. While I was asleep I heard some rustling and thought you guys were going at it. When I woke up, you both were gone."

"Eww. I would never, ever do that in front of you Bobby. That's disgusting. I had a dream and was probably sleep talking...and then I had to go to the infirmary."

"What? Why? Are you ok?"

"Yeah I was dreaming and then my body got really hot. Hot enough to wake Scott up and we went to see Mr. McCoy."

"What happened?"

"I don't know they were telling me about the Phoenix...and they think that it is after me or something."

"Brian, that's not even funny. We don't joke about the Phoenix."

"Who says I'm joking? I actually came into contact with it but it didn't enter me like it did in the dream."

"Brian, the Phoenix is a power craving entity. It goes for the people who are strong and if it's after you, one way or another it will get you. It did to Ms. Grey."

"Yeah what is the deal with that? No one will tell me anything about her. Who is she?"

"She was Scott's ex-girlfriend/fianc‚e/wife. They were in space when the ship stopped moving. And Ms. Grey tried and tried to get it moving with her telekinesis and then the solar storm hit and that got the ship moving but unfortunately, Ms. Grey had been hit and killed."

"Oh my god."

"Yeah I know. As her body is floating around in space, the Phoenix came up to her saying that if she let it in her, it could revive her and make her even more powerful than she was before. It became a part of her and as time went on, she craved more and more power until it became her obsession. After not getting what she wanted, she laid waste to cities, searching for more power. Until she started destroying everything. That was when we had to stop her."

"You guys killed her?"

"No. Wolverine became emotionally attached to her and he was the one who put an end to the Phoenix."

"What do you meant emotionally attached? He loved her?"


"So where was Scott in all this?"

"The Phoenix felt like he was going to be a problem in her quest to rule the world so she sent his mind into the astral plane and he was in a coma for over a month. It took Professor a really long time to find his mind and restore it."

"Wow she was powerful enough to rip someone's mind out of their bodies? That's a major telepath."

"She was also evil."

"Do you think I'm going to turn that way?"

"If you are careful and do everything you can to resist her...then no."

"But you just said that she will eventually get what she wants."

"But remember, you also come from a long line of good magic. I'm sure that you guys have some methods to protect yourselves from this kinda stuff...right?"

"That's what you think is going to protect me? Magic? If she wants me she's gonna get me."

"Come on. I know that if there isn't like a spell, you and your brothers can fighter her off...even possibly kill her."

<Brian see me immediately in the laboratory,> a familiar voice rang in his head.

<I'll be there as soon as possible,> he replied telepathically to Professor Xavier.

"Brian, what's wrong?" Bobby asked, hearing none of the conversation.

"Professor wants to see me like now...I can just orb there. I'll talk to you later."

"Ok. And Brian, be careful. If she comes, try to resist her."

With that, Brian orbed off to the laboratory. When he got there he was in a white room, brightly lit with a gurney in the center of the room. Professor X sat next to the back left corner of the room. Ms. Braddock and that slut Emma was also in the room.

"Brian thank you for joining us. Hank alerted me to the events of last night and I just wanted to make sure that nothing has gone awry. What I'm going to do is, with your permission of course, replay the events of what happened the day you went to New York and the events of last night."

"Before I say yes, I need to know how this all works and whether or not I will feel anything?"

"No. I would have to put you to sleep just so that I can get an authentic view of what happens. When people are in a state of panic or heightened emotions, their mind plays tricks on them. It convinces itself that a certain event hasn't taken place. I'm walking in your footsteps so the pain you felt or feel, I would feel. But other than that, no there shouldn't be any pain."

"If so, then why is Emma and Professor Braddock here?"

"The last time we had encountered the Phoenix, she had overthrown me and escaped. I'm just taking precautions. If the Phoenix is in fact a part of you now, the three of us are able to trap her and possible exile her permanently from this world."

"What if Emma tries something stupid like going into my other memories and changing them. How do I know that I'm not going to be sent to another plane and trapped there for eternity?"

"I am here to watch over anything that these two do. They are just here to back me up if I need it. Brian you can trust me. I won't let anything happen to you. You are here today and I will make sure that nothing will happen to you."

"Ok Professor. What did you need me to do?"

"Nothing. Just lay on the gurney and relax."

Brian closed his eyes and exhaled. Laying on the gurney, he hears the professor mentally speaking to him.

The professor stays quiet as he sees the events of the past. "She's close," the Professor says. Betsy and Emma both gasp at the news of the lingering threat. <Brian, now I need you to walk me through your dream last night.>

Brian pictures his dream with his mind's eyes and he walks the Professor through his dream. <Betsy, Emma, please join me in here. Brian, Ms. Frost and Ms. Braddock is going to be joining me in here.>

<Ok, that's fine. I guess...> Brian said hesitantly.

<Brian, don't be afraid. I am watching what everybody's doing.>

<Yeah Brian. Don't be afraid,> Emma said with a smirk.

The events of the previous night's dream were played for the three professors. They saw the struggles of the X-Team, the fight between the Sentinels and the X-Men, and all the events up until the team trying to take off in the Blackbird. The three of them saw the Phoenix approaching Brian on top of the air craft and it turned to look at them before it merged with Brian. They watched as Brian's body was lifted off the earth and became engulfed in flames. Coming out of Brian's mind, the Professor, Betsy, and Emma saw Brian's body, surrounded by fire, floating in mid-air.

"Brian you must fight her. Don't let her in!" the Professor yelled at Brian.

"You can stop me," The Phoenix replied. "This is the end of you Charles."

"Highly doubtful," Betsy yelled. Psylocke created her psychic knives and sent them towards Brian.

"Haha. You think you can stop me with that? This was one of the most powerful bodies I have ever come in contact with. I am not letting go."

"Brian! Concentrate. Expel the Phoenix out of your mind. You have enough power with the three of us to stop it," the Professor shouts.

"Charles, this one is a lost cause. Why don't you just give up? You know you can't defeat me," the Phoenix retorts.

As soon as the Phoenix started, it was hit with psi weapons created by Psylocke, but enhanced with Emma's telepathic energy. One after one, the knives went straight to the Phoenix's psychic hold on Brian.

"Help me..." Brian cried through the fire surrounding his body.

The bombardment of attacks led the Phoenix to do one thing in a losing battle: retreat. Once it felt its grip on Brian loosen, it tapped into his powers and orbed out.

"Where did he go Charles?" Emma asked.

"The Phoenix has nowhere to go. So it would go where the host would most likely go. And there are only two places Brian could possibly go to hide: with Scott or to his home in San Francisco," the Professor answered.

"Let's split up. If the Phoenix is still here, I think I can track him down telepathically. Call Nightcrawler and teleport to San Francisco," Emma said.


Scott was coming back from his run and went straight to his room. He opened the doors to the dark room, only to see the bed was neatly made, but empty. As he closed the doors behind him, from outside the shadows "Took you long enough..."


"Why is it that every person that I have taken over seems to be tied to you?"

"What do you mean taken over?"

Mockingly gasping, "What? You don't remember me?" As Brian emerged from the shadows, his soft blue eyes were completely engulfed in flame.


The Phoenix flings Scott into a wall. Instantly, Cyclops is knocked unconscious. Echoes of evil laughter fill the hallways of the manor.


Author's Note: Well, this is the 18th installment of Charming X-Man. So Brian is taken over by the Phoenix. Can he overcome it or will it completely take him over? Let me know what you guys think about this at

Next: Chapter 19

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