Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Dec 29, 2008


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

What else could I do? I was on the run again but this time, it was permanent. I wasn't planning on going back. My father, my own father kicked me out of the house because he couldn't deal with me being different. What am I? I'm still trying to figure that out. As far as I know, I am a freak.

I get far away as possible from my house. Luckily I have my car or else I wouldn't be able to get anywhere in San Francisco. I pull into the parking lot of a park because it is late and I want to sleep and my only shelter at the moment is my car. Sitting here in my car I can't help but relive that whole scene in my head again.


"Get out of my house you mutie"

"Dad, I am not a mutant. I am your son."

"No son of mine is a mutant. You are a disgrace. An abomination."

"Stop screaming!" my mom manages to get out.

The house stops rumbling. "Get out now or I'm calling the cops!" the person who is supposed to be my dad says.


As soon as I got out of my car to get some air and I knew instantly that something was wrong. But I made my way towards the park anyway. As I started walking, I hear footsteps following me and when I stop, the noise stops. I start picking up the pace but sure enough I started hearing those steps again. Right as I start to run, I am yanked and thrown across the park. I crashed hard but luckily I wasn't hurt.

I hear laughter in the darkness. You know the psychotic kinda laughter you hear in scary movies? Well this was worst. I'm in the middle of the park with no lights, hearing footsteps and laughter all around me and I don't know where I'm at. Suddenly the ground starts shaking. I fall to the ground and I'm thinking Whoa! Is that me?

Sadly I found out soon enough that it wasn't. Three silhouettes emerge from the darkness: a tall, well-built person, a really humongous, fat person, and a midget (though it looked as if he was crouching or something).

"Hey baby. Are you lost?"

"Yeah is the widdle baby lost?"

"I can help you find your way. The name's Avalanche. This is Blob and this is Toad."

Avalanche raises one of his arms and the ground starts shaking again. This time, something came out from under me and pulled me closer to him. I was scared. I didn't know what to do. Panicking, I try to get up but since the ground was still shaking, I have no luck. Toad jumps up really high and makes his way towards me. I don't know what to do to I scream out for help.

"No one is going to here you out here baby," Toad says

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because Magneto has big plans for you."


Blob starts running towards me and at the same time, Toad leaps into the air again. What can I do? I crouch for a moment, scared for my life. I hear screaming. I look up and I see the little creep being thrown across the park and I see that the fat guy looks like there is something keeping him from advancing on me.

"What the hell is this?" Blob says

Toad disappears somewhere but Blob is just standing there. Why isn't he crushing my bones right now? Not that I don't mind him not doing it at this point. Suddenly I feel a strain and hit with a headache. The pain is so excruciating. I pass out almost instantly.

When I come to, I hear people fighting. I see red lasers, lightning, metal. A little bit of everything. Who are these people? I am grabbed from behind and starts screaming.

"Shhh. Hun I'm here to help you. Just hold on to my hands and I'll take you somewhere safe," a calm voice with a southern accent said.

I have no choice but to trust her so that's what I did. I grabbed her hands and I let her lead the way. I don't know where she is taking me but we are walking in the bushes somewhere because I can see little shrubs and a lot of leaves. Then we get to wherever it is we were going and she says "Sug, wait here and I'll get back as soon as I'm done."

"No wait. Don't leave me, those crazy people are after me," I manage to say.

"Don't worry Hun. I got someone who will stay with you. Kitty, can you stay with, um, what is your name?"


"Hi Brian. I'm Rogue. Kitty can you come out and get Brian?"

Out of nowhere this petite girl grabs my hand and tells me not to let go. I do as I say and even though it's dark, I see this plane looking thing. What would that be doing in the middle of a park? We run towards it and I hear Kitty telling me not to let go. We run towards the plane but we get too close so I start panicking. Then we end up inside.

" did we get here?"

"Don't be afraid Brian. I am special just like you. I can walk through walls," she says

That's when I got a little uneasy. The door of the plane opens up and I see about 4-6 people running in and sitting down all around me while a woman with white hair and a very hot guy with red shades take the front seats. The plane starts up and we are off the ground in less than a minute.

Who are all these people and why am I in this plane with them?

The woman who had white hair gets out of her seat and comes to sit next to me.

"Hi. My name is Ororo Monroe. What's your name?"

" name is Brian."

"Hi Brian. How are you feeling?"

"Um a little scared, and a tad bit uncomfortable. If you don't mind me asking, where are you taking me?"

"Haha. You can ask me anything you want. Right now I am taking you to Westchester."

"What's in Westchester?"

"Hopefully your new home."

"My new home? I'm sorry Ororo but my home is here in San Francisco. My parents..." I can't even finish that sentence without any tears. Ororo noticed me starting to tear up so she tries to comfort me.

"It's ok Brian. We will bring you to our school and let you have a look and if you don't like it, we will bring you right back here so you can be with your parents, ok?"

"What parents?"

"Excuse me?"

"I don't have parents anymore. They kicked me out of the house...out of their lives because I am different. At the moment, I don't have any family."

"Oh Brian. I am so sorry. I promise you, you won't have that problem at Xavier's School for the Gifted Youngsters."

"What is this place?"

"It's where mutants like yourself can freely practice your abilities and learn to control them."

"But I'm not a mutant."

"What makes you so sure that you aren't?"

"What makes you so sure that I am? Isn't the mutant gene inherited? Well neither of my parents are mutants or any other family member for that matter?"

"Brian, hun, that's not how it work," Rogue said.

"The Mutant Gene or the X Gene is passed down from the male but since it is not the dominant gene, it doesn't mean that it will show up at all," Ororo says.

"Ok but how did u know that the X Gene is present in me right now?"

"Well we caught a glimpse of you displaying your powers," The guy with the shades said.

Ororo and Shades switched seats. "I'm Scott Summers, you can call me Cyclops if you want. We saw you stopping Blob in his tracks. You must be a pretty strong telekinetic."

"I guess Scott will be fine. Wait what? I stopped that fat thing from moving?"

"Yeah you did."

"Really? That's cool...but it couldn't have been me. I'm not a mutant."

"We'll see when we get there." I don't know what it was about this Scott person but he is really hot. Maybe it was the glasses. I don't know but I can't stop staring at him. He must have seen me staring.

"What?" he asks.

"Nothing. I'm just wondering why you are wearing sun glasses in the middle of the night. Can you see with those things on?"

"Yes I can. Actually I can't take them off without blowing a hole in this baby," he says as he starts to rub the walls of the plane.

"So you're the one shooting lasers?"

"Yup that's me."

"That's a cool power. Can you do anything else?

His voice was so hypnotizing. He smell was so intoxicating. I stopped listening to what he was saying because I couldn't concentrate. I was so turned on by this brown-haired stud. Next thing I knew I was asleep leaning my head against his shoulders.

When I woke up, we have finally arrived at our destination because the plan has stopped moving. To my surprise, Scott was still asleep right next to me.

"Scott wake up. I think we are here."

"Oh sorry about that. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you. I should have been the one to wake you up"

"Haha. That was my fault I fell asleep on your...well yeah sorry about that."

"It's cool don't worry about that. I take it you got some rest?"

"Yes I did thank you. Well let's see what my new home has in store for me?"


Author's Note: This is the second installment of Charmed X-man. I hope you guys are liking it so far. I'm having a lot of fun writing them. Feedback is appreciated. Let me know how you like it at I'll try to get the next chapter as soon as I can.

Next: Chapter 3

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