Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Dec 14, 2011


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

< > Telepathic Conversation [ ] Intercom and Radio { } Flashback

Author's notes: Hey guys. Thanks for hanging in there. I promise, more is on it's way. Thanks for being so patient.

Author's notes: I am going to refer to Brian's merge with the Phoenix as the Phoenix. This will change if/when the Phoenix is expelled from Brian.

"Wow. The Phoenix is good. I'm still not able to track Brian or Scott down. Maybe he was able to tap even more into Brian's powers and use them to shield them two from us?" Emma said in amazement. "Are you having any lucky Betsy?"

"No I haven't been able to pick anything up. Professor, why don't you try using Cerebro?"

"The last time I used Cerebro to locate the Phoenix, she tapped into my connection to everyone's minds and used that to locate mutants for her army to find more powers."

"Last time you didn't have me Charles. If the Phoenix came in again I think I might be able to block him out," Emma said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I'll try again. I just hope it's not too late."

MEANWHILE... Scott was coming to, after being thrown into a wall. Not knowing where he was, Scott woke up in a panic, with his surroundings being so similar, but different.

"It was about time you woke up. I didn't to throw you into the wall that hard," Scott said, his eyes looking normal again.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Scott, I am the Phoenix. I represent power, but better yet, I represent new beginnings."

"Ok I get the power thing, but what do you mean new beginnings?"

"Well Scott, what you don't know is that this isn't the only world I have been through. I was traveling through space because someone else from another world figured out how expel me from their world permanently. So I went on the run. That's when I came across Jean. She was way more powerful than anything I have ever encountered to that moment. The other people were pretty strong and powerful, but so far, this world has the most powerful entities I have ever come across.

When Jean died, I left this world in search for another host, but I left part of my here, my essence, in case there was another host I could take over. Emma was fun and all, but there is only so much fun I could have with telepathy.

In New York, my dormant essence awoken when the earth was opened and I knew right away I had found my new host. I watched the battle from afar so that I couldn't be detected. When I saw Brian fight in battle, I knew that he might be the one. In the middle of battle, I saw the most incredible thing I had never seen before. I felt his energy renew itself. I knew he had healed himself and that's when I knew for sure Brian was the one," Phoenix said. "And now that I am him, the power surging through his vein makes me so...I can't even find words to explain the feelings. I have never felt anything so powerful"

"What you don't get is that the more powerful you are, the faster the hunger for more power is. Even though Brian is the most powerful person you have come across, you will lose to your thirst of power faster."

"Ah. That's where this whole self-healing factor plays a role."

"You won't get away with this."

"Says who? I already have," Phoenix says as he knocks Scott unconscious using his telepathy.

The door suddenly opens. "I thought I heard voices in here. Brian, when did you come home?" Piper asked.

"I just orbed in, Mom," the Phoenix replies.

"Is everything ok in here?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired. All the training at school," Phoenix said, trying to be as convincing as possible.

"Is he ok?"

"Yeah he has been teaching and training all week so he's just a little tired. We needed to get away from school."

"Is everything alright there?"

"Yeah, there are just a few teachers who are against our relationship," the Phoenix lied.

"What kind of school do you go to? If I can get over it, I think they can too. I mean you guys are adults so it's not like what you guys are doing is illegal. Do I need to go over there and give them a talk?"

"Haha no Mom. It's ok. Nothing that I can't handle."

IN ANOTHER PART OF TOWN Chris and Wyatt are hanging out at their Aunt Phoebe's house with their cousins. Suddenly, both brothers are hit with a telepathic scream for help that sounds like Brian's voice. They orb home immediately.

"Mom I think something is wrong with Brian," Wyatt said.

"What are you talking about? I just talked to him upstairs a minute ago."

"He's here? What is he doing here? He just left a day ago."

"I don't know, maybe he misses us and wanted to spend more time at home."

"Something doesn't feel right. Let's go check it out," Chris says.

"I'll meet you up there."

Chris starts walking up the stairs and the higher he goes, the more eerie his uneasiness consumes him.

Meanwhile downstairs, "I'm going to orb out to his school to see what happened," Wyatt said.

Wyatt orbed into Brian's old room, and right away senses a common emotion: panic. Bobby barges in through the door in his uniform. "Bobby, what's going on?"

"The Phoenix is back, and it has Brian."

"Who is The Phoenix? Evil mutants?"

"No time to explain. Did you see Brian?"

"No, but my mom said that he was at my house."

"Ok go back home and pretend like everything is ok. I'll alert the Professor, and we'll be there as soon as we can. Keep Brian there as long as you can. Don't let him suspect anything."

Wyatt orbs out only to land in front of Brian's room at the Halliwell Manor. "Wyatt! You scared the crap outta me," Chris said.

Chris couldn't find it in himself to open the door. He's been standing outside in front of Brian's room for minutes, but it felt like hour. There was a creepy vibe coming from whatever's on the other side.

"What are you doing out here? You came up a long time ago."

"Yeah but I kinda felt scared to go in. But I'm glad you're here now."

"Will you two just come in already," Brian shouted from the other side of the door. "Are you forgetting I'm telepathic too?"

Chris opened the door slowly and steady, unprepared for what he was about to see. The shades were completely closed, the room lost all its brightness it once had. Scott was knocked out in the corner of the room. Last but not least, Brian. Though it was not truly Brian.

In the middle of the dark and cold room, Brian sat on a chair facing the door with his head down. Lifting his head, he muttered a ghostly "Boo!" and his brothers were pulled further into the room, as the door slammed itself behind the two. Not being able to move, the brothers decided to orb out. With a twitch of an eye, Brian stopped the two from even moving, and he unfroze their heads.

"How did you do that? You didn't even move your hands. Who are you and what have you done to our brother?"

"What? You don't recognize me? I'm your sibling. I'm one of you."

"Melinda?" one of the brothers managed to squeeze out.

"Melinda? What an insult we vanquished that bitch before she could even think about escaping. It's me, Brian."

"I know my brother. When I look at you, all I see is evil."

"I'm not evil. I'm still the same person. Just with a little added boost in my power. I can do more now."

"As if you couldn't do a lot before."

"You may be right, but now I can control all of my powers without even moving a muscle. Observe."

Suddenly Scott suddenly awakens from his slumber and walks over to Brian's side. Instantly, the two begin long passionate kiss. After moments of inappropriate display of power, Brian turned to his brother and simply asked, "See?"

"See what? All I see is that you have used your powers for personal gain and it's gonna come back and bite you in the ass," Chris said.

"I don't know what this personal gain issue is, but I'm using my mutant power."

Professor's voice rang in.

"Show yourself, Charles. Must we play these games?"

"You're right," the Professor said from the doorway of Brian's room, "we shouldn't play these games. It would be best if you came with us peacefully."

"Or else what? You are going to put me to sleep?"

"No, but..."

Suddenly, Nightcrawler teleports into the room and slaps on an electronic headband on Phoenix's temples. While distracted with Nightcrawler, Emma walks through the door and presses her palms up against Phoenix's forehead and knocks him out immediately. "That serves you right you little prick."

"What did you do?" Wyatt said to Emma and the Professor.

"What we placed on him is a mutant power suppressor. All it does is suppress his mutant gene and as long as it is on him, he cannot use his powers. His witch powers on the other hand aren't suppressed. I take it there is perhaps some kind of spell or potion to do such a thing?"

"Yeah there is a binding potion, but I am afraid that because they are Charmed powers, they might not be as effective as if it were any other kind of power," Wyatt said.

"Do you know that for certain?"

"No, but the binding potion was made with Charmed magic. Chris do you think it's strong enough to bind itself?"

"I don't know, but we can play around with it and add more ingredients if needed."

"Is there a reversal potion for it as well?" The Professor asked the witches.

"I'm sure I can make one if there isn't one already."


Phoenix wakes up in the middle of the Danger Room in its inactive state. Naturally, confused and angered the Phoenix shouts "Where am I? I demand you let me go."

[You little twat! You thought you could get away with taking the little prick over and ruling the world. As much as I hate the poor bastard, I'd rather see you gone forever.] Emma said over the intercom.

Suddenly, the doors of the Danger Room open up and Professor Xavier wheels his way into the room. "Phoenix, you caused quite a bit of scare for everyone. This is your last chance to leave here peacefully and never return."

"See if you can catch me." The Phoenix tried orbing out. "What the hell is this? What is wrong with my powers? What did you do?" The Phoenix shouts at The Professor.

"We got rid of all your powers. You can try all you want to orb out or use any of Brian's powers but you will not succeed because we stripped Brian of all his magical powers and gave him the 'cure' to get rid of his mutant power. So, powers no longer exist in Brian's body. It's time to go."

"If you gave me the cure, then why is this stupid thing still on my head?" Phoenix said, referring to the power suppressor sitting on his head.

"Well I can get rid of that," The Professor said going over to Brian and taking the device off. "Now try using telekinesis."

The Phoenix tried and tried but failed. He once again tried orbing but that didn't work either. "As we said..."

[Yeah Phoenix. This is game over for you.] Emma said from the control room.

Defeated, Phoenix sighed. "I will leave this body on one term and one term only. I get to take someone else's body."

"What makes you think I will ever agree to this?" The Professor asked.

"Well, I can tell that you are very desperate for this individual to be freed, and everyone knows how I work. So take it or leave it," Phoenix stated with a dark, demonic demeanor.

"What kind of individual did you want to take over?"

"I don't care, as long as they are an upper level mutant."

Scott walks into the Danger Room. "You think I want to take over him?" Phoenix asked. "He's definitely not an upper level mutant. Ooh, so you can shoot laser beams out of your eye," Phoenix stated sarcastically.

"No Phoenix, Scott is Brian's lover and I want him to be here for this. I have decided that you can take," The Professor stated.

Everyone listening in the conversation, including the Phoenix, was shocked. "You would give yourself up for this pathetic individual?"

"What you don't know about me is that I am willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good."

"Are you sure? I mean, I can just take over Emma darling over there again."

"I don't want anyone to be harmed because of this. So self-sacrifice is the best route for this."

"Very righteous you are. Righteous yet stupid. But you are an upper level mutant with telepathic capabilities and that is perfect for what I need. I can convert your strong telepathy waves to telekinetic waves and create an even more powerful telekinetic than Jean. Remember her?" Phoenix said, looking at Scott.

"If you don't mind me asking, why here? Why did you choose to take over individuals on earth as opposed to other parts of the universe?" Scott asked

"Well, throughout my travels in this universe, I have never felt any source of power more powerful anywhere than on earth. It's like listening to heartbeats. Earth has the strongest heartbeat out of all the planets I've been to. Why settle for turkey burger when I can have steak?"

"What do you plan on doing with me and my powers?" The Professor asked.

"Seeing as you are the strongest telepath, once I have control over you, no one can stop me so there's no point in me not telling you my plans. When I have control over your powers, I am going to take you to my home land and prepare your body for immortality. Once I pass the test and obtain immortality, I will come back here and rule this world."

"You know that we will stop you right?" Scott said.

"I would like to see you try."

"Let's just get this over with," The Professor said.

"Professor, close your eyes and the transformation will be quick and painless." Brian's body starts convulsing violently and suddenly, he looks up towards the ceiling and his body becomes engulfed in flames. When the flames dissipate, the resemblance of a fiery Phoenix floated above his body.

"Now!" The Professor shouted.

As if on cue, Brian squinted his eyes and froze The Phoenix entity in mid air. Emma jumped in from the control room and Psylocke came in through the front doors. Scott untied Brian from his chair and gave him a long, hard kiss. "I'm sorry baby. I could see everything that was going on, but I couldn't stop it. I didn't want to throw you against the wall and knock you out..." Brian began.

"It's ok. I know it wasn't you that did that."

"Shall we get to work? I do know that your freezing ability only lasts a little while," The Professor interrupted.

As soon as that was said, the team began their mission to destroy the Phoenix. "Leech, you may leave the room now. Thank you for your services," the Professor asked. Leech stepped out from behind the white rocks that was camouflaged into the background of the Danger Room and walked out.

Brian stood up and created a telekinetic cage similar to that of a shield around the Phoenix, and Psylocke stepped in to help. The two created bars after bars to surround the frozen Phoenix. Psylocke then created psy-weapons and attached them to the bars facing inward. Emma helped by adding more psy-knives to each of the bars. When Betsy looked at her, all she said was, "What? Just in case the damn thing decides to run off and escape again. It's just a little precaution."

When the cage was complete with bars and weapons, Wyatt and Chris orbed in. "You guys are just in time," The Professor said.

They saw the three tele-warriors at work. They looked up and saw a bright blue cage with a fiery entity, trapped and motionless. "It's time," was all The Professor said, and he wheeled out. He came back in with Dr. McCoy with six chains. Attached to each of the chains are locket-looking pendants that were different colors. Scott, Brian, Emma, Betsy, Wyatt, and Chris each got one of the six lockets.

"These lockets are very fragile pieces of equipment. They are a combination of modern technology and magic," The Professor began.

"I remember my mom told us about her great, great, great...whatever grandmother who trapped a warlock into a locket," Chris continued. "So we tried to recreate the locket. But instead of a warlock, we wanted to trap the physical entity of the Phoenix. But the problem with that is that the Phoenix doesn't have a physical aspect..."

"So we altered the locket to be able to trap the essence of the Phoenix instead. Our plan is to split it up into six different pieces and trap each of them into each of the locket," Dr. McCoy finished. "Inside each of the lockets is a type of magnet that is attracted to psy-waves. So when these lockets are open, make sure that no one uses their powers or else it will get sucked into the lockets along with the Phoenix."

As he finished, the Phoenix became unfrozen and begins thrashing against the cage but with the weapons there, pieces of the Phoenix began falling to the floor. Brian looked at Psylocke and the two nodded in agreement. They both lifted their hands and began making the cage smaller. Screams echoed through the room as the psy- weapons pierced through the trapped entity.

The cage finally shrunk to the size of a penny. Brian finished the job and separated the Phoenix into six different pieces. "Open the lockets!" Dr. McCoy shouted. Each of the lockets was opened and one by one, pieces of the Phoenix's essence was sucked in. One by one the lockets closed themselves, and began to glow. The Phoenix was no more (so to speak).

"Chris, Wyatt! Can you take these lockets to the ends of the world and bury them. Bury them deep so that they can never be discovered again," Brian said.

"I was thinking about keeping them here, with the six of you," The Professor responded. "What better way to keep an eye on The Phoenix than have it with you as to not risk the possibility that someone might find it one day?"

"That's true. But what happens if it tries to escape?"

"Well Brian, to simply put it, it will never be able to escape. Since only one of the essences contains the head and the power, that one had more hold on the Phoenix. And that piece is in your very hands. I take it you can take care of it for us?" The Professor said as the locket in Brian's hand glowed bright blue. "The other lockets contain the part of the Phoenix essence that doesn't carry any powers whatsoever so without the head, it cannot be controlled to escape, or even move."

"Just for extra precautions, I wrote a Power of Three spell to bind the lockets forever," Wyatt said. "Repeat after us, Brian."

Outside of time

Outside of gain

Never set free

To roam again

After the third time chanting, each of the lockets glowed white as if it was being orbed out, but as soon as the white lights dissipated, the lockets sat in the hands of the beholder, glowing the color it was before.

The team was finally glad that The Phoenix can no longer terrorize their world, as well as the world of others. After saying their farewells, the team parted on their respective ways, with Chris and Wyatt going home, and Brian and Scott going to Scott's room.


"I'm still in shock with how you knew what to do."

"Well, after I knocked you out in my room at home, Nightcrawler teleported in and slapped on one of those head bands to stop my powers and Emma knocked me out."

"After she knocked me out, The Professor somehow got inside my mind and went searching for me. He found me but I was bound to the Phoenix. When Emma knocked me out however, she went specifically for the Phoenix so it was out but I wasn't. He told me to concentrate hard and try to orb out...and I did. Unfortunately when I did that, the Phoenix woke up to so I had to get me and the Professor out of there so I went to the one place that will give us some time, the Astral Plane. Once we were there, the Professor told me we didn't have much time. He started explaining."

{ "Ok Brian, your brothers are working on a temporary binding potion that will only get rid of your powers for about an hour. I will have one of our mutants stand next to you hidden so that you cannot use your mutant powers as well. Once the Phoenix leaves your body willingly, I'm going to have you freeze the Phoenix. Then Psylocke and Emma will join in and help create a cage.

"I already told Dr. McCoy about the whole plan and he is almost done with a device that will trap the Phoenix, but it cannot trap the whole thing. So we must break it apart. And we can only do so by splitting up its essence...its mental being."

"How do I do that?" Brian asked.

"Well, since it doesn't have a physical being, we can't trap it in a physical cage. However, it is can be trapped with another kind of cage. Perhaps look back on your first day here for inspiration. Once everything is done, I need you to try and break it apart somehow because right now, you are strong telekinetic and with the help of Psylocke, you both can do it. Of course I'll be there as well as Emma in case anything goes wrong."

"Are you sure it will work?"

"Right now, I'm not sure about anything. It is worth a try. One thing I learned from the past about Phoenix is that it cannot be taken down once it has a host. It has to be in its pure form, without a host, for us to even try and take it down."

Suddenly, the Professor's body began floating on air. "So this is where you have been hiding the whole time," a fiery Brian clone appeared out of thin air. "I hope you aren't talking about me?" The Phoenix throws Professor Xavier against the ground.

Looking up from the ground, the only thing that escaped The Professor's mouth was "Try..." Then his body faded like a dream. }


Author's Notes: Sorry about the super long wait. The Phoenix Saga was short lived but even so, I hope you guys enjoyed it. The good stuff will come in the next chapter so hang in there. Let me know what you guys think at

Next: Chapter 20

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