Charming X Man

By moc.liamtoh@09yug_nza

Published on Jun 17, 2012


Disclaimer: This story is the work of fiction and is completely in no way associated with the lives of any of the actors portrayed, if any. Anything not originally written in the Charmed or Marvel series is completely made up and any similarities between the characters and the actors mention is coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel and all Charmed and other related elements are property of Aaron Spelling. Enjoy

< > Telepathic Conversation [ ] Intercom and Radio { } Memories and Dreams

"Good morning, baby. How are you feeling?" Piper asked from the doorway of Brian's room at the Halliwell Manor.

"I feel great!" Brian said.

In San Francisco, the sun was brightly shining outside. There wasn't a single looming cloud. As Brian got out of bed, Piper gave him a strange look.


"Nothing. You sure everything is ok? I mean you kinda scared us when you orbed into your room and broke your desk."

"Yeah I'm sorry about that. I guess I'm still trying to get used to my powers," Brian said as he walked past Piper into the hallway. "What's for breakfast?" Brian asked right before he walked into the bathroom.

"Anything you like honey," Piper said. She immediately rushed downstairs to the living room area where the rest of the family is watching television. "Something is wrong with Brian."

"What do you mean?" asked Wyatt, trying not to sound like he knows something.

"Well after he crashed into the desk, he went straight to sleep. I was checking on him this morning and he acted as if everything was ok. Then he told me he was still getting used to his powers."

"Mom, you're being paranoid. Brian is still pretty new to the craft. He can't just learn to control every single one of his powers. He has too many to learn all at once," Wyatt responded.

"Wyatt's right. Maybe Brian should come with me to Magic School for the weekend and maybe he might learn faster?" Leo offered.

"Maybe you're right. I think it would be good for you boys to bond anyway. You haven't spent much time together with him. I think he is starting to feel neglected."

"Talking about me?" Brian said walking into the living room.

"Your dad was just saying how you should spend the weekend at Magic School with him and he can teach you new things about your powers," Piper said.

"Sounds like fun. Should we go now?" Brian asked.

"Ah ah. Breakfast first," Piper said.

AT MAGIC SCHOOL Leo was giving Brian a detailed tour of the school. Brian was fascinated with everything. There were books on everything magical. Different types of creatures roamed through the Great Hall.

"I don't remember it ever being this busy the last time I was here," Brian said.

"Last time you were here, everyone was on vacation. School has resumed again," Leo said.

"Where do we start first?" Brian asked.

"Why don't we check out the classrooms?"

Walking from the library towards the Great Hall, the first class they visited was just across the hall. "This is Ancient Literature. This class examines all the first accounts of witchcraft in human history, dating all the way back to ancient Egypt," Leo says as he opens the door.

The professor was in the middle of lecture when he paused momentarily at the sight of Leo. He continued once he received nod from the Headmaster.

Leo and Brian stood in the back corner of the class where the Professor lectured about the ancient Chinese using magic for personal gain. One thing that stuck out was when the professor mentioned using potions to make someone fall in and out of love.

"I didn't know that there were potions to make people fall in love with you," Brian said quietly to Leo.

"There were potions for everything. That is until the Elders were created to keep witches from exposing their magic and using it for personal gain. They took all the potions that existed at the time, and stored them away."

"Why didn't they just destroy them?"

"The only way to destroy a potion is to use it."

"They couldn't just pour it into the ocean or something? Like we do today?" Brian chuckled.

"The potions back in the day were a lot more powerful than they are today. People then weren't as evolved as they are now and haven't adapted to create all the different kinds of mutations that we have today. A vanquishing potion back then would literally kill an entire clan of demons whereas the same vanquishing potion would only kill one today."

"That is crazy! Witchcraft really has come a long way hasn't it?"

"Yeah. Shall we move on?"


The next room they visited was a Potions class. There were hundreds of vials set up across the room. There were jars of every shape filled with liquids of every color. Some jars had seeds of every shape and others had hair and feathers. Brian couldn't believe his eyes. There were ingredients to make every single kind of potions there ever existed.

As the professor is lecturing about the importance of Burdock Root and what it is used for, Brian gravitated towards the portion of the classroom where the walls had scorch marks on them.

"Those are from when we practiced using a potion that a student created. It's obvious to say that it was successful and one of the strongest one ever created by a student here," the teacher said mid-lecture.

Suddenly everyone was looking in the direction of Brian. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I've never seen scorch marks this high before."

"Are you going to be my new student?"

"Actually no. He is just taking a tour of the school with me. He's one of my sons," Leo said.

"I thought you only had Chris and Wyatt..."

"It's a long story," Leo said.

"Since there are now three of you again, that must mean you are..."

"The Charmed Ones," Brian replied.

In awe, the professor replied, "Blessed be." The teacher turned to the class and said, "Class, we are in the presence of one of the strongest witches today." Turning back to Brian, she said, "Is it ok that I see what knowledge of potions you possess?"

Brian looked to Leo in hopes of some kind of rescue whom replies, "Son I have faith in you. Show them what the Halliwells are made of."

"But I've never made a single potion before. And I haven't studied them a lot either because I've mostly been relying on my powers."

"Ahh," the teacher chimed in. "But potion making is a very useful power. Do not take it for granted."

With that, Brian walked over to the front of the class. He put the cauldron on top of the fire. "Any vanquishing potion will always start off with a pinch of carrot seeds and a dash of cardamom," as Brian put the ingredients into the pot, smoke emerged.

Brian was getting nervous. He didn't know what to add. Improvising, he said, "Then you add a cockle shell in its whole form and one pinch of juniper berries. Next you would add the mandrake root. However, make sure you cut the skin to expose the flesh, that way it will add that little flare when the demon is vanquished. Next up you add crickets, toadflax, elm bark and billings root."

The solution inside the cauldron turns reddish-pink. "We are almost done," Brian held the pig's foot with a tong and slowly places it into the pot. More smoke and bubbles emerge from the concoction.

He did know for sure one thing. "Am I going to be vanquishing a specific demon?" Brian asked the professor.

"Of course. Here is a fresh piece of flesh from the demon we are going to try this on," the teacher said handing a plate with a bright red piece of flesh to Brian.

"You guys might wanna step back for this part," Brian said to the students in the front row. Brian took a step back and he tossed in the demon flesh. A powerful explosion causes flames and smoke to the potion. "And we are done," he said.

"What is the next thing to do?" the professor asked.

"Put it in a vial?" Brian responded.

"You do know potion making," the professor responded sarcastically with a chuckle.

After bottling the potion, Brian had a nervous look on his face, "Dad, I don't know if this is going to work, I only know three of the ingredient for sure will work but I kinda made up the rest."

"That's why we are here to see if you did it right. If the potion backfires, you can always freeze the demon before anything happens."

"Are you ready?" the professor asked, as she escorted the other students to one side of the class.

Brian faced the already existing scorch marks on the wall and waited nervously. "Ready as ever," Brian said unconvincingly.

With the wave of the teacher's hand, a huge demon shimmered into place. He saw the students with fear in their eyes and started his attack. Brian threw the potion at him.

As if planned, flames encircled the ground where the demon stood unable to escape. The flames started to rise until the demon was trapped in a fire tunnel. The demon let out a guttered screamed. Instantly, he was engulfed in flames and his body exploded, causing the entire room to shake.

After the room stopped shaking, all was silent except one sound. The teacher from behind the students slowly clapped and made her way to the front of the crowd. "For someone who has never made a potion before, you sure know how to make a potion."

"What do you mean?" Brian asked.

"Well the potion you made was an exact replica of the strongest potion ever made by any student. He was the most devoted student to ever pass through my class. He was only here for about a week before I had to send him off to Advance Potions class. However, unlike you, he had studied with great witches before stepping foot in my class."

Hearing those words made Brian happy. "Why did you choose to use those ingredients?" she asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. I can't even remember what I put in the potion. Like I said, I haven't studied potion making a lot."

"Well you are a natural. You know who that spectacular student was who created the same potion?"

"Who?" Both Brian and Leo asked.

"Wyatt Halliwell..."

"That's my boy," Leo said with happiness in his voice.

Leaving the class, Leo said, "Brian, I am so proud of you. You walked into our lives with nothing. No knowledge of the craft, no knowledge that we were family, and in a few short weeks, you've shown not only to be a natural at witch craft, but also that you can mature enough to accept everything thrown your way. I am so proud to have a son like you." As he finished, a tear creped along both Leo's and Brian's eyes as they embraced.

Moments later, Leo and Brian walked into a room with weapons lined all along the walls. There were swords of all shapes and sizes, spears, shields, nun chucks, cross bows and so much more.

"You know, even though this school teaches magical kids to embrace their powers, we also teach them hand to hand combat as well as combat with weaponry," Leo said.

"That is so awesome. It reminds of school. Except we don't usually fight with weapons because we got weapons of our own."

"Even though I used to be an Elder and Whitelight, I'm not the pacifist everyone makes me out to be."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm the one who teaches the kids how to use these weapons, and your Aunt Phoebe helps me teach the kids hand to hand combat."

"What? No offense dad, but you don't look like you can even carry one of those spears."

"Haha is that a challenge? I think that is a challenge."

"Dad, I don't want to hurt you."

"We'll see who gets hurt. Pick your weapon and I'll choose mine."

The two enter through the door at the end of the weapon room. "This is the combat room, where students can spar with each other as well as train with faculty."

The room looked like an abandoned hangar, with cement flooring, metal walls and a couple of windows for sunlight to pass through. In the middle of the room, was a blue mat with a white circle drawn in the middle of it. Leo stood on one side of the circle with just a staff in one hand and a polearm (spear with a sword at the end) in another. "Where are your weapons?" Leo said.

"I was thinking about using my own weapons," Brian said with his hand in the position of holding a staff. As he finished his sentence a glowing blue staff materialized in his hand.

"Hey that's not fair. You can't use your powers," Leo said.

"I'm only using it to create the weapon, not to enhance them. I promise, I will fight fair," Brian said teasingly.

Hence begins the fight. Leo made the first attack with a left, right, jab combo. Brian was surprised at how agile his father was. He barely managed to block all the attacks. In the defense position, Brian was slowly being beaten by his father. With one last jab, Brian managed to get a hold of Leo's staff. Just as quick as he got a hold of the staff, Leo spun horizontally causing Brian to lose his grip on the staff.

While distracting his son with agility, Leo used the staff to push himself into the air and began aerial attacks. Once his feet touched the ground, he used the staff to push himself back in the air, attack Brian.

Brian decided to fight back instead of just defending himself. As his father launched another aerial attack, Brian used his staff to launch himself into the air, feet first. He avoided the attack from his father and both parties met back on the mat. Leo swung his staff low and Brian did a front flip to avoid being hit. Landing on the other side of his father, as Brian was about to strike, Leo pushed his staff backwards and landed one solid hit on Brian's chest, sending him flying a few feet back and losing his staff.

"Brian are you ok?" Leo asked, concerned for his son.

"Haha Dad. I'm fine. I've been through worst. Next round."

Leo picked up his polearm and instead of creating similar weapon, Brian held out his right hand and created a sword. Making the first strike, Leo attacked with an offense as he did with his previous weapon. Brian blocked every strike with his sword. After a left block, Brian began attacking with an offense. He swung on each sides of his dad's weapon only to be blocked. Leo continued with his jabs while Brian attempted to find a way to disarm his dad without hurting him. After a final jab, Brian blocked the attack with both hands on his sword. He then pulled apart his sword into twin swords and connected them at the base.

Brian continued with an offense. With one end of his staff, he defended himself against his father's attacks. With the other end, he continuously attacked Leo. After a few solid blows, Brian planted one end of his swords into the ground and with did a front flip kicking Leo square in the chest causing him to fall over. Brian landed with both feet on either side of Leo with both swords in his hands in the offensive position. Looking down, seeing Leo panting, Brian says "Dad, are you alright?"

Heavily panting, Leo replied "Yeah. I haven't had the winds knocked out of me like that in a while. That was awesome. I didn't know you could fight like that."

While dematerializing the swords and the staff, Brian lent a helping hand to Leo, only to be pulled onto the ground on top of his father. While laughing and enjoying the bonding time with his father, Brian had a d j... vu moment and uttered a low, but understandable "That's weird."

"What do you mean?"

"I feel like I've done this before."

"I don't think I've ever had a combat session with you."

"Not with you, Dad. Maybe at the school. I remember training in hand to hand combat and being kicked from behind. The rest is really fuzzy."

"That's strange. Is that all you remember? Well I remember fighting Mystique in the Danger Room, but that's about it. She planted a sneak attack and I landed on..."

"On what?" Leo asked, concerned.

"The ground? I don't know...I don't remember. Maybe you hit me harder than we thought," Brian said, sharing a chuckle with his father.

"Let's get cleaned up. I'm sure your mom has lunch for us at home," Leo said. "And to clarify, the score is one-to-one."

"I'll beat you next time, old man," Brian laughed.

"I'll show you old man," Leo responded as the two raced down the Great Hall.

BACK AT THE HALLIWELL MANOR "Guys, there's something I need to tell you," Wyatt said to Chris and Piper.

"What wrong honey?" Piper said.

"You know how we usually orb to the top of the Golden Gate Bridge to think sometimes at night and clear our heads? Well I was there last night."


"Brian was there too."

"So? Maybe he needed to clear his head too. I mean things are a little shakey with Scott and everything. I don't blame him."

"Well it isn't so much that he was there, it's what happened when he was there."

"What do you mean?

"Well I orbed up there and Brian was looking over the edge. Then I heard him screaming so I thought he needed help but then I was knocked off my feet because the bridge started shaking violently...and we can assume that it's Brian."

"And what happened?"

"Well I talked to him about his whole situation with Scott then I came here. A couple of moments later, he orbed in and crashed into his desk and just knocked out. Then this morning you said he was fine right? And that thing he said about still trying to get control of his powers?"

"More than fine. He was chipper and happy."

"That's strange," Chris finally spoke. "I can definitely go check it out to see if something else had happened to him on that bridge," Chris said orbing out.

"What are you guys talking about," Leo said entering the living room with Brian.

"Not much. How was Magic School? Why are you guys sweaty and bruised up? What happened?" Piper asked non-stop.

"Magic School was awesome. Me and Dad were sparring with each other because he was showing me how to use those ancient weapons. I totally whooped his a...butt."

"You did not. It was a tie."

"'re right. It was a tie."

"Sweety. Why don't you go up and shower. I'll make some lunch for you. And as for you Mr." Piper said pointing at Leo, "You go shower too and I'll make something for you too."

"Be back in a bit," Brian said as he orbed upstairs, only to crash into the already broken desk, cause it to break even further. "Sorry," he yelled from his room.

"Leo we need to talk."

"What's wrong?"

"Something is wrong with Brian."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he's not acting like himself."

"Come to think of it, after the fight, he was talking about being in a similar situation at school but his memory was really fuzzy."

"Fuzzy how?"

"He couldn't remember most of his practice battle."

"Which one?" Wyatt chimed in.

"He said something about battle Mystique and landing on the floor."

"He didn't land on the floor. He was kicked by Mystique and he landed on the other side of the room...on top of Scott."

"He didn't even mention Scott. That's where his memory became kinda fuzzy. And it was only minutes ago where we said our score was one-to-one and he came here saying he beat me. Didn't he seem kinda forgetful?"

"See I told you something was up. I wonder if Chris found anything yet."

AT THE MANSION Chris was being pinned to the wall by none other than Bobby. Bobby was kissing and sucking on his neck.

"Bobby, I'm going to have to take a raincheck."

"You mean you don't want any of this?" Bobby said taking Chris' hand and moving down to his hard cock.

"I do. You don't know how bad I want it," Chris said kissing Bobby hard on the lips. "But I'm here for other business."

"Why what's going on?"

"Have you noticed anything strange with Brian lately?"

"He came in here crying the other day. Not like sobbing silently. Like screaming-into- your-pillow crying. I asked him what's wrong but he wouldn't tell me. Then he went to take a shower and I'm pretty sure he was crying some more because the whole room shook. I didn't wanna bug him so I left."

"So you don't know why he was crying?"

"Not really. Maybe it has to do with Scott."

"What do you mean?"

"Well after I left the room, I took a walk so I can give Brian some space and I just happened to walk past Scott's room and I heard him and Emma both in there with the door shut. She said they did nothing wrong and he asked her to leave. Right before I ran off, I heard her said he was going to miss out on her. Maybe he caught them sleeping together and that's why he came in here crying."

"Thanks babe. You've been really helpful," Chris gave Bobby a hard kiss on the lips. Then it turned into a more passionate kiss with Chris putting his tongue into Bobby's mouth and Bobby's hands running all over Chris' body.

Chris uttered "Babe I gotta go. Something might be wrong with Brian."

"Come on. I miss you. It's been a while."

"Ok but just a quickie. I really am in a hurry."

Bobby dropped to his knees and unzipped Chris' jeans. He pulled down the jeans and briefs down to Chris' knees and started working on his cock. He took all 7 inches at once and was deep throating. Chris was in ecstasy as his dick was being sucked. Every time Bobby went down, he felt his load get bigger and bigger.

Chris put his hands on the back of Bobby's head and began pumping in and out of his lover's mouth. As he was about to cum, he stopped and switched positions with Bobby.

He pulled Bobby's sweats down and went straight to working on his cock. He tried to take all 6.5 inches down but was having trouble, since Bobby was the first guy Chris has been with. Chris stuck with sucking on the top half of Bobby's cock. While sucking on Bobby's dick, Chris was slowly rubbing his own dick to keep himself on the edge.

Chris braced himself and deep throated all of Bobby's hard on. He continued to throat fuck himself with Bobby's cock, causing Bobby to moan louder and louder. Tightening his lips, Chris continued to deep throat Bobby he could feel Bobby's cock get harder and longer. He knew Bobby was really close so faster he went.

They got on the bed in 69 position and sucked each other off. As Chris was working Bobby's cock, Bobby was giving him the best blow job he had ever gotten. Faster and faster the both went until Bobby felt he was close again. Chris felt he was going to cum too. With one last pump from each guy, Chris and Bobby both came at the same time in each other mouths.

"You sure still know how to show a guy a good time," Bobby said panting. Turning around, Chris gave Bobby one last kiss before he got up to put his pants on.

"That was awesome," Chris said. "I promise that I will spend more time with you...and maybe even bring you around the family? But I gotta take care of some stuff first ok?"

"Ok. I'm in no hurry." With one last kiss, Chris orbed out.

Author's Notes: Bow chick bow bow. Finally an explicit scene with Bobby and Chris. I feel so naughty writing it. Haha. I hope you guys enjoy this. Don't worry I haven't forgotten about you guys. Thanks so much to everyone who has written to me and told me how much they liked the story. I really appreciate it. I wanna thank everyone who has been patient with me. I know I put out a story like once a year but I hope you guys like what I write. I am finally on vacation from school for quite a while so hopefully i'll be writing more. Also if you guys want me to write about something in particular, hit me up at

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