For Sale by Owner

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on Jul 31, 2009


The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblances to real people, alive or in the hereafter, is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons, in towns, cities, countries, nor governmental areas, which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most state and countries, you are not allowed to read this story, by law. Check with your local laws regarding such.

% Sexual safety matters. Remember guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection.

FoR SaLE By OwNEr 85 wriTten by T. Chase McPhee


"Hi! Are you accepting visitors?"

"Of course," Alex replies, hopping off the stool at Kyle's bedside. "C'mon in Geoff."

"Swifty couldn't make it this morning. He said to be sure and pick up some flowers for Kyle. I hope he likes them," Geoff says, looking at Kyle in the bed, still asleep.

"Of course he will. It's his first bouquet. I'll find something to put them in."

However, from behind his back Geoff raises his other hand, saying, "Voila! I've thought of everything."

"Great!" Alex says of the hospital pitcher.

Seconding it, Geoff replies, "All we need is the water to make this magic work!" As they both work at filling the pitcher with water and arranging the varied bouques, Geoff can tell Alex is a little tired. He even mentions, "Did you sit up all night?"

"I went home. But I couldn't sleep, so I came back. Then very early this morning the place started jumping with hospital personnel and Dr. Azayzeh."

"So, what's the good word?" Geoff asks, fussing with the flowers on the lowrise bureau.

"He says it depends on Kyle, but to the side he said it would be wise if he stayed at least three or four days."

Geoff mentions, "I suppose this means you two won't be attending the party at the Karlyle Estate this weekend?"

"Is it this weekend already?" Alex asks.

He could detect disappointment in Alex's voice. He knew it was futile, but asked anyway, "I guess you would not want to go without Kyle?"

Alex shook his head in the negative.

"Same here. That is, if Swifty were in Kyle's place. I mean it's my job, but more than the job y'know it's being around all that eye candy and... and... well you know?"

It made Alex crack a smile. Then he relayed, "I've got all the eyecandy I need right here," he pointed his thumb towards the bed.

"Sweet," Geoff replies.

Off subject, Alex asks, "So what's with you and Swifty? Are you just friends? Boyfriends? Almost partners?"

"Let's keep it midway. Boyfriends for now, but who knows what four to six months will tell?"

"I know this is very cliched, but it seems to me you two were made for each other. You seem very compatible?" Alex suggests.

"We're good for each other," Geoff says. "But I better get going. I have a moonlighting job downtown at the United Nations."

"Really? I didn't know you did prestigous affairs as such?" Alex asks.

"Actually a buddy of mine was supposed to do it, but had a death in the family. No big deal anyway. It's a children's function."

"Oh, so you won't be seeing any dignitaries?"

"I don't know about that. Fred, that's my friend, tells me there could be a guest appearance from some singers like Colby O'Donis, Adam Levine and some hotties from the tennis world?" Geoff said it in a steamy rendition.

"I think I envy you Geoff!"

They laughed and then Alex bid Geoff farewell. As he was walking away from the door, it opens.

"Alex! How goes it?"

Kyle stirs, calling, "Alex?"

Alex's attention is torn between the bed and Stephen Braddock. He choose Kyle, but says, "Give me a second Mr. Braddock."

All cheery, Braddock replies, "What's this `Mr. Braddock' stuff. C'mon Alex, it's Stephen to you." As he walks in, his eyes are traveling up and down Geoff.

"Geoff Kenyon, Stephen," Geoff offers a handshake.

Braddock didn't know what he thought of this `hot' stranger. He knew he never made Geoff's aquaintance, but threw him a line anyway! "Have we met?"

"Not directly. When I was getting starteed in the security business I snagged a position downtown at your main store."

After the handshake Stephen was feeling some good vibes, plus the looks, the close-cropped beard, hairy forearms traveling up to where they got cut off by the rolled up sleeves... he was looking upon a `real' man here, so with mixed feelings, all to the good, he states, "Well we've got to think about moving you to Braddock's uptown!"

"Thanks Stephen, but I've moved on," Geoff replies with a smile.

"Oh what a shame." For Stephen, it implied more than one thing.

Reacting, Geoff thought the same, but replies in a different manner than his thinking, "I enjoyed working for Braddock's, but I'm sure they've learned to get along without me!"

To Kyle, awakening out of a deep sleep, Alex announces, "Look Kyle, Stephen's here to visit."

Instead of acknowledging Alex, he confers with Stephen, "Did you bring breakfast?"

"Thanks for the `good morning Alex'!" Alex scolds him.

"Oh. Good morning Alex!" `Now' they exchange kisses.

"Sweet," Stephen says.

"Yeah, sweet kids," Geoff adds. "Look, I've got to dash. Nice meeting you, Stephen."

"The pleasures all mine."

They shake hands. Eyes meeting, they both know how Stephen meant it!

As Geoff departs, Stephen picks up the pace, "It was a terrible thing you went through Kyle. Did you know you made the newspapers?"

"Gossip column?" Kyle questions Stephen.

"Not quite, but everyone wants to know how you are doing."

"Everyone?" Kyle questions. "Like who?"

"Well Martha called me this morning... you know Braddock's is carrying her line of beauty products for men?"

"Martha Stewart is peddling beauty products?" Alex asks.

"No. Not `that' Martha. Martha Dunlop of Dunlop and sons?" Then for Alex's sake he explains, "Martha used to be Marty. It used to be Martin Dunlop and sons. But the way I hear it, the sons want out and Marty... I mean Martha is striking out on her own. It's a big family mess."

All the time they are listening to Stephen's story, Alex and Kyle glance at each other and smile, once in a while cracking a toothy grin.

"So, they got you wired up?"

"Wired up?" Alex asks Stephen.

He tugs at his crotch.

"Ohhh, yeah," Kyle replies. No getting up to go to the jon until they take it out," he spoke of the catheter.

"I thought I'd take you downstairs for some breakfast."

Alex replies, "Dr. Azayzeh says it'll be three or four days before he can even think of moving."

With concern he asks, "Do you think Kyle will be mobile in time for Cayman Karlyle's party this weekend?"

Kyle asks, "Who wasn't invited?"

"We kind of think we won't be going Stephen," Alex replies.

But Kyle differs in opinion, "Even if I'm not up to going, you can go Alex."

With conviction, like an umpire calling safe, Alex fans the air, "No way!"

Kyle, excited for him, says, "But Alex, you've got to go! You're going to meet so many models and designers. It's going to help you get noticed in the fashion world!"

"I said no and I mean `no'!"

The atmosphere became still and silent.

Stephen, secretly judging on his own, taking into consideration Alex's good looks, trim bod and all the garnishings, his opinion is, "Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about being noticed in the fashion world Alex!"

Kyle smiled at Stephen, his figure half in and half out of the doorway.

"Say! Why don't I go downstairs and rustle you up some food?"

"That would be good," Kyle says. His attention was on Alex, standing at the window, looking out onto the parking garage. "Thanks Stephen," he says as Stephen leaves.

"If I could I'd come over there, sneak up behind you and give you a great big bear hug. You hear me Alex? Alex Nouguet are you there?"

Hearing footsteps, Alex came into view, "I'm here," he says, launching his butt up onto the stool. "I'm sorry I got mad."

"You didn't get mad."

"Yes I did. I raised my voice," Alex conceded.

Kyle manages to weave a hand in between the bed railing. He can at least rub Alex's knee as he says, "You weren't mad Alex. You were only telling me you love me and I appreciate you are giving up the most important weekend of your life to...."

"No, the most important weekend of my life is when I met you." He leans over onto the railing, leaning with both arms and says to Kyle, "I would just like to say you mean more to me than anything and no matter what comes in life you will always be more important and if I could right now I'd take you in my arms and give you the biggest hug."

"I know Alex. I want it to," Kyle talked about the touching. "But if I asked you to go to the Karlyle party, even if I couldn't be there, would you?"


"Please?" he added a smile.

Alex mellowed out a little. Then, after a short silence, "Maybe."


"But probably not."

And that's the way they left it.

"You should see the crap they have in that cafeteria!" Stephen said as he walks in, making a face and running his index finger under his chin from ear to ear, signifying instant death if you consumed any of it!

"Didn't you even get me a cup of coffee?" Kyle asks.

In a low, sneaky volume, Stephen says, "I ordered out. Your breakfast should be here in," he looks at his watch, "about thirty minutes."

"Did you order a donut for me?" Alex jokes.

"Wait till you see... ever hear of Norma's?" Stephen presents to them as if a circus tent announcer.

Alex shook his head `no', Kyle doing the same when Stephen switches his glance from Alex to him.

"We-e-e-ell are you two in for a treat!" First filling them in on the vicinity, "It's a fine breakfast food restaurant down on 56th street, in the Parker-Meridien?"

The two still showed signs of `we-no-know'.

"No problem. When Kyle is up and walking I'll take you there myself. Anyway, you're up for a gourmet breakfast fit for a king!"

It was very entertaining to say the least, watching Stephen's bod language dictate the delectable treats which would be arriving in about twenty minutes, "Oh you'll just die when you taste the Waz-za."

"The what-za?" Alex asks.

"Two mouth-watering pancakes topped with a circle of bananas, a dollop of berry sauce and sprinkled with blueberries." He kisses his two fingers and thumb, like a French chef would do and mimics, "Un perfeekt!"

They have two more performances from Stephen, which Alex and Kyle follow up with an applause.

Kyle asks, "Only problem is it sounds like you ordered enough for a banquet, Stephen?"

"I know. I wanted you to have a choice. And oh! The open-faced ham sandwich! You've got to try at least a nibble of it."

No sooner had Stephen shut his trap, there's a knock at the door.

"Oh yum!" Stephen says, opening it, three fellows arriving with bags and boxes.

"How did you get past the front door?" Alex is wondering.

Stephen was way ahead of them, "Braddock gift cards. How else?"

They laughed along with them.

Three walked in, carrying goods, but only two of them left. He says to the three, "I'm Drew and they'll be back for me later. So, shall we start with coffee or tea?"

Stephen wanted more than coffee or tea after his eyes travels over the `Norma' outfit, but replies, "I'll have a coffee to go!"

But the `Norma' employee wasn't prepared for take out and politely replies, "I'm sorry sir. Everything was meant to be eaten here. I haven't a take out cup, nor..."

"Not a problem. I'll stop by the cafeteria for a cup of `dishwater'!"

They all laughed, thanked Stephen and settled down for further explanation of the menu fare. After a lot of words Drew's cell phone rings. "Mind if I take this?"

"How fast can you run?" Alex asks, knowing the distance to the lobby.

In a second Drew comprehends Alex's implication, about answering a cell phone in a hospital, so he said, "Not very fast," and forgot about it. "I can talk to him later." Then back to the customer service he exclaims, "Napkins!"

An `in' to prolonged conversation, Kyle asks, "Have you been working at Norma's long?"

"Since about age seventeen." And as he unfolds two white, silky napkins, handing one to Alex, "but now they allow me to work around my courses at Julliard."

Jumping the gun, Kyle asks, "Really? Do you know Carlos Guerra? He plays trumpet?"

As Drew set to thinking, Alex replies, "Carlos goes to Manhattan Music School, not Julliard."

With a wry smile, Kyle corrects him, "It's Manhattan School of Music for your information and who knows? They `could' know each other?"

Drew didn't want to side with either of the two, so compromised, "I've met many musicians since entering Julliard two years ago. Maybe I met him and didn't know even know it. What does Carlos look like?"

"Like that! Owwwwwww-ch!" Kyle replies, pointing towards the door and then realizing he shouldn't have even moved his bod.

"Careful!" Alex said, jumping up off of his stool. "Oh know look what you went and did!" When he hopped up to his feet, his plate of bacon and eggs upchucked onto the bed.

"Hell with the eggs! What about me?" Kyle made comparison.

Seeing Kyle wasn't really injured by his sudden move, Alex replies, "They were good eggs!"

While the two joked, Drew worked his way over to introducing Carlos to the room.

"Hello. I'm Drew Kholfai. Kyle tells me you go to MSM?"

A little stunned, especially since he came to visit Kyle, Carlos replies, "Um yeah." Seemingly, the manner in which this dude referred to his alma mater, he asks, "Are you a musician too?"

"How could you tell?"

"I don't know," Carlos said kind of sheepishly, ending his sentence with a smile.

"Hey, are those flowers for me?" They hear Kyle's voice ring out.

He looks at Drew, thinking he would love to present them to a total stranger, but then approaches the bed and hands them over. "I hope they make you feel better."

"Seeing you makes me feel even better, Carlos!"

Carlos nudges Alex to the side, saying, "May I?" and gives Kyle a nice kiss on the lips.

"I haven't seen `you' in a long time, either Carlos!"

Backing off from Kyle, Carlos gives Alex a peck on the lips.

All this time Drew is giving his undivided attention. Unknown to the three, to Carlos in particular, Drew wishes it were his lips receiving the tender care.

First order of business was Alex asking, "So how are you and Francesco making out, Carlos?"

Drew was ahead of the asking, pouring Carlos a cup of coffee.

"We aren't. Making out that is, or another other thing which constitutes a relationship," Carlos replies with indignation.

"What happened?" Alex exclaims.

"We thought you and Francesco were hitting it off." Kyle continues his inquiry, "What happened?"

Saddened to say the least over the news, Carlos tells them, "I don't really want to get into it. Let's just leave it at `it didn't work out'?"

"Sure," Alex replies.

"But anytime you want to talk about it we're here for you Carlos?" Kyle tries smoothing things over.

"Thanks guys. You're the best!"

Holding the cup of java there for roughly a minute or two, Drew asks, "Would you like some milk in your coffee or do you take it plain?"

Taking the cup, Carlos replies, "Milk would be good."

Kyle and Alex look at each other after following the direction in which Carlos' eyes followed, Drew's path to fetch some milk.

"So, how's your summer session at MSM?" Alex asks, learning from Drew's abbreviation of Manhattan School of Music.

Turning back his attention to the ailing patient and Alex doing the asking, Carlos replies, "Great. I have an offer to join a latin jazz band for the summer, Los Gatos Frescos."

While the milk was being offered, Drew has picked up on the conversation, uttering, "Great band in the making. They rehearse in a basement studio at Universal Motown... down on Broadway, between 7th and 8th avenues."

His attention completely deflected from whom he came to visit, Carlos lifts his coffee cup to accept the offering of milk. "You follow the band?"

"I'm in it!" Drew replies, tipping the pitcher of milk back upright. "I play percussion."

Coughing a quiet, "Ahem," Alex informs their friend, "Drew goes to Julliard."

And Kyle, meaning it in a musical sense, says, "Maybe you and Drew should hook up?"

Alex nudged Kyle.

Kyle said it as softly as possible to Alex, "I didn't mean it like `hook up' hook up, dummy!"

Then covering himself, Alex replies, "Oh yeah. I knew you didn't mean it like the way I thought you meant it... or something like that."

Far from overhearing, Carlos and Drew were already immersed in the world of music, carrying on a musician's conversation.

Alex and Kyle followed from the head of the bed, while they heard names fly from the foot, like Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Rosemary Clooney...

"Ever hear of any of `em?"

Alex shrugged his shoulders, replying, "Nope!"

And while they conversed, they missed part of the ensuing conversation between Carlos and Drew. But they knew something was up when Carlos gets up and announces, "I've got to go guys."

While Kyle and Carlos said their goodbyes, Carlos bending over the bed and giving an affectionate kiss, Alex notices Drew, rapid as lightning, packing up the stuff from Norma's.

Drew abruptly announces, "I've got to be going. I hope you enjoyed your breakfast!"

After Carlos and Drew leave, together, Carlos helping out with the carrying, Alex and Kyle laugh their asses off, Alex saying, "Now didn't that look as obvious as hell?"


Copyright 2009 T. Chase McPhee

This story may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author. If you don't adhere to this condition, you run the risk of having your pants sued off you... might lose your shirt too!

The more you stretch, the more you can fit in... 'spread' happiness! TCMcP.....

Next: Chapter 86

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