Living in a Lie

By Trevor Johnson

Published on Mar 5, 2013




Written by Trevor Johnson

Editor Richie

Please note this story contains boy-to-boy sexual activity and if you don't enjoy this kind of story read no further. This story is completely fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is wholly coincidental. This story may not be published, or reprinted, without the express permission of the author.

After a hot shower Jordon and Geoff got under the sheets and made wonderful love for the next two hours. Both of them were very much in love and that love was growing stronger every day.

Next morning when they woke up both boys still had on their minds the request Chris made last night about a three way sex romp. Neither of them hadn't decided secretly if they should or shouldn't take him up on his offer. Both of them felt some sort of excitement at the prospect but also were worried about not only their own relationship but would Chris have some sort of power that he could hold over them if the event happened.

Both felt that they needed time to talk to each other and make a joint decision. However that time wasn't now because they had to get ready and join the others doing chores before breakfast. It was just becoming light as they made there way across the yard to the living quarters of the others. It was then that the two twins came running up behind them and jumped onto the boys backs yelling out a good morning. "We're do you two find the energy so early in the morning?" Jordon asked laughing. Neither of the twins answered except to demand piggy back rides for the rest of the way.

They arrived at the converted barn just as the sun began to creep over the horizon and Geoff's dad George came roaring through the gate in his truck, "Come on guys hurry up, there's work to be done and some ploughing to get done after breakfast at my place. So I need about three of you to come and help me out there. A storm is forecast for tonight so we have to get as much done as possible just in case it hits."

George had already spoken to the boys about how important it was to watch the weather and had described different types of clouds and how to read them. This being an important part of the boys education if they wanted to go into farming when they got older. One thing Damien still hadn't fully considered was what would happen to the boys when they reached an age when they had to move on from the farm. While this decision was still a couple of years away it was something that would have to be discussed and soon.

The others boys began to emerge sleepily from their rooms to begin work. George allocated the chores which included some clean jobs and some not so clean. He had worked out a roster so that no one had a dirty job two days in a row and was trying to make it as fair as possible. Even Nathan the geek who worked during the day with Veronica in the office was expected to do his share of the morning and evening chores, which he didn't seem to mind except he had to be shown how to do everything.

Today Jordon was going to show him how to milk the cows. Because he had never seen a cow until he arrived here Jordon and Geoff thought this was going to be fun. In fact Geoff was allocated the task of mucking out the stables with Chris, so it was just Jordon and Nathan left to bring the cows in, fasten them in the cow barn and relieve them of their milk.

Nathan stared in amazement when the four teats underneath the utter were shown to him by Jordon who was finding it so hard not to laugh, knowing full well that Nathan would be upset if he did. He then had him clean the teats with a rag dipped in an antiseptic wash to make them clean before showing him how to connect the suction teats on the milking machine to the cow's teats.

Because Nathan was very slow and tentative in doing all this the cows sensed it and began to play up, kicking their back legs, trying to hit Nathan which freaked him out even more, "Don't worry they can't reach you because of the way they are tied in with a chain across the back of them so they can't get out but you have to show them that you're the boss." Jordon explained.

Nathan soon began to get the hang of it although he confided to Jordon that he would rather be in front of a computer screen than at the back end of a cow. Both of them laughed at this remark and Jordon gave him a big hug telling him that he would be all right. Nathan turned bright red after Jordon moved away from the hug. He could see why because the bulge in his jeans was growing bigger due to the contact he had with Jordon.

Jordon chose to ignore what happened making it easier for Nathan to get over his embarrassment. He then continued to show him how to turn the cows out into the paddock once they had been milked and what to do with the milk. Some of it went up to the house while the majority more and more these days as the size of the herd increased went into churns ready for transportation to the local dairy. Nathan commented that he knew all about that because he handled the invoices and so on for the sale of the milk, "Now I now were it comes from and where it goes and how much we get for it." He said with a laugh.

After cleaning up the dairy and sterilizing the milking equipment making it ready for the afternoon milking they made their way to the farm house to wash up for breakfast. It was interesting to see how the appetites of the boys had grown since they had arrived at the farm. Martha; Geoff's mom, had cooked a huge pile of pancakes with lots of bacon and eggs for the boys to dive into, along with fresh milk and orange juice if that is what they wanted.

Straight after breakfast it was two hours of lessons with Jennifer except for Nathan who was doing a computer course on-line under Veronica's supervision. Meanwhile Martha in the kitchen washed up the dishes and then began to prepare lunch.

It was just after lunch that Chris approached Jordon and Geoff asking if they had decided on his proposition. All three of them were on their own in the equipment shed waiting for George to come back from the other farm where he had taken three of the boys to do some ploughing but was running a bit late getting back.

"If we did take you up on your idea when and how would we be able to get together and not be caught?" Jordon asked. Chris thought about that for a while before answering and Geoff looked at Jordon with a strange look on his face because neither of them had decided one way or the other.

Finally Chris replied, "I don't know, I was hoping you guys would be able to come up with an answer to that problem." He paused before continuing with a grin on his face, "Does this mean you guys are saying yes?"

"No, we haven't decided yet. You see Chris we are in a partnership like a married couple. We exchanged rings and things when Veronica and Eddie got married and as far as we are concerned we are married. You meanwhile may have a casual boyfriend but you're not in any relationship and that is the difference. Surely you can understand that if we do decide to experiment it will have to be a joint decision and if one says no then that will be the answer you will get." Said Jordon really laying it on the line.

Chris didn't like the answer he got but had to accept it and the conversation ended there. When George returned with the other boys he began to give the boys a lesson on machinery maintenance until it was time for the evening chores and then dinner.

Jeremy slept like a log in Miles and Keith's spare bedroom and they had to go wake him to come and have some breakfast. Considering he had just lost his parents Jeremy looked quite happy and contented with Keith and Miles, while chatting over breakfast.

Once they had eaten Keith got ready to go into work explaining that he would have to write his report regarding what happened and then begin to look into the adoption of their young charge. Both guys knew this wasn't going to be easy and Keith confided in Miles that he was going to have to call in a lot of favours so they could keep Jeremy and bring him up as their own.

After writing his report on what occurred during the siege and subsequent car chase, Keith then called his commander for advice. He explained what had occurred and that for now he and his partner had Jeremy and were looking after him, "A search has failed to find any living relatives and there is a delay in child services coming to pick him up.

As you are aware sir, my partner and I are both males and we would dearly love to adopt this young eight year old, plus he has taken to the both of us. What are the correct channels we need to go through to make this adoption happen?" His boss didn't answer right away and Keith was a bit worried by the delay.

Finally his commander spoke, "I admire the both of you for wanting to take on this enormous task of raising a young child as your own. Of course there will be protests and problems along the way but Keith, I will endeavour to assist you anyway I can."

Keith thanked him, surprised that he agreed to help. His chief continued, "I will make some inquiries and get back to you as soon as I can and if childhood services arrive stall them and hang on to the young fellow." Keith assured him that is what he would do before hanging up the phone. Feeling pleased with himself he called Miles and told him the good news asking how Jeremy was. "We watched TV for a while and now we are colouring and drawing which is great fun. He actually called me dad at one time which made me cry. Also, I told our mothers and they were delighted that they could be grandparents and they are both coming to dinner tonight to meet Jeremy."

Keith was happy at the reaction they got from their mothers and hoped that Jeremy would still be there and not been taken by child services. Just after lunch his boss called back with some news and information. "Good news Keith, it is a lot easier in Texas than a lot of states and it looks like there is little or no cost involved. Adoption by same sex couples is a grey area and it would be easier for you to adopt as a single person who is able to support the child, than a couple. Now your partner may not like that but it will be easier.

One good piece of news is that social services like to place orphans like Jeremy as soon as possible and the person I spoke to said they wouldn't object.. I will send you all the forms via email and you can start the ball rolling. Because he is eight years old the young guy may be required to go before a judge and state that he is happy to be adopted by you. Again this is a grey area but because of your high position with the State police force it should also hold you in good stead. In addition, I will support you every step of the way because I think what you are both doing for this poor child is wonderful. If you hadn't agreed to take him in he would have finished up in the system and God knows what would have happened to him."

Keith kept thanking his chief for everything he was doing for them and they chatted some more before the conversation ended. Of course Keith once again relayed the news on to Miles who was happier every time Keith called.

The next thing Keith did was to call Social Services who backed up what his boss had already told him and were more than happy to leave Jeremy in his care until something had been decided regarding his adoption and that as far as they were concerned they had no objections at all.

By the time Keith got home most of the paperwork had been done and it was just a case of waiting for a decision. The only worry Keith had was that the adoption papers could only be in his name and not Miles as well because same sex relationships were not acceptable in Texas.

Hugging his partner Keith said softly, "I hope you don't mind only my name being on the papers, but remember darling we will both be bringing up Jeremy together as our son."

"I'm disappointed to some extent but what's a name on a piece of paper? He will always be our son and our mom's will be happy because they will have a grandchild to spoil rotten." Miles added with a laugh.

No sooner had they finished that conversation when the two ladies in question arrived for dinner and to meet their new grandchild. Jeremy fell in love with them straight away saying, "I can never remember when I had a grandmother or a grandfather, there was only ever mom and dad."

Dinner was a happy affair with Miles cooking up a great meal. After dinner Jeremy insisted on helping with the dishes explaining that it was one of the jobs he always did at home. After mentioning home he began to tear up a bit but Miles took him in his arms giving him a big hug before suggesting that he heads off to bed.

This he agreed to but only if the two dads as he now called them came by to tuck him in and say goodnight. Once their mothers had left the two of them went to the spare bedroom and sure enough Jeremy was waiting for them. They both kissed him goodnight and he hugged them back in return saying, "I'm so happy that you two have decided to take me in. Don't get me wrong I loved my parents dearly but I love you two just as much." He paused before going on, "You'll never give me away will you, and I mean I'm here to stay for ever?"

"If all goes well and the powers that be agree you will be our son and no one will then be able to take you away." Keith told him. They once again kissed him goodnight before leaving and closing the door, making their way to their own bedroom.

Laying in bed close to each other they both agreed that he was a smart intelligent little boy and he had already grown on them even in such a short time. They didn't make love but clung to each other for quite a while before sleep overtook them.

Back in the small community that Jordon always called home a controversy over the local school had turned into an uproar. The school PTA had been taken over completely by the redneck element in the small town and were making some outrageous demands.

They had already written to the education authorities complaining about the headmistress saying that she favoured homosexuals over and above the rest of the school children, even though all the PTA funds had been channelled into ice hockey and other sports which the rednecks supported.

Bashing and bullying was rife in the school so the authorities announced that they would be coming into the school. They also indicated that they would like a meeting with Jennifer and Miles. So Miles and Bentley flew back up from Toronto for the meeting which would be held at the farm.

The three government officials who arrived were very impressed with the teaching schedule Jennifer had prepared and it was then that Damien suggested that if funding was available they would be happy to build a small school for any children in the district who weren't happy attending the public school.

Apparently funding to help build a school was available with the Government matching the project dollar for dollar. Depending on the number of children attending they would provide extra teaching staff and pay their salary. This was good news indeed to not only Jennifer and Damien but also some of the local children and their parents who were not happy with the high school in town.

A quick check around the district indicated that about one hundred kids would be attending the new school when it was ready, which according to Damien should only take about six months. He contacted an architect right away for plans to be drawn up and the site chosen was right near the farm gate making it easier for security to police.

All in all it was a good outcome for all concerned, except of course the rednecks whose school in town would be reduced from about two hundred and seventy students to fewer than two hundred. Statistics would later show that that the education standards had dropped considerably with the more intelligent students opting to attend the new school.

Fred and Martha were just getting out of bed when there was a banging on the front door. Going to see who it was Fred was greeted by two police officers who asked his name and then informed him that he was under arrest. Martha came running out most upset demanding to know what the charges were.

When the cops saw Martha with a bit of a beard in his nightgown, hair in curlers and carpet slippers they put two and two together and burst out laughing. Fred took offence to that and began to yell and lash out at the two officers who immediately threw him on the ground handcuffing him.

The hauled him to his feet marching him off to the police car with Martha still running behind wanting to know what was happening. Fred told him not to worry, he was sure it was a mistake and to contact their Lawyer right away. With tears rolling down his cheeks Martha stood out in the roadway watching the police car speed off.

He went indoors looking for the lawyer's phone number and when he found it and called he but only got a recorded message. After instructing the lawyer to call back as soon as possible explaining briefly what information he had before hanging up the phone.

Meanwhile Fred arrived at the police station and was shown into an interview room. Where he was told to sit and someone would be in shortly. Fred knew exactly why he had been arrested and was feeling very sorry for himself. He sat on his own for about thirty minutes before two detectives walked in and sat down opposite him.

"I'm not saying anything until my lawyer gets here." Fred said.

One of the detectives then pointed out that he hadn't been charged with anything yet or read his rights so he didn't really need his lawyer. Fred was adamant that he wasn't saying a thing until he arrived. The two detectives left the room not happy and realising that Fred was wise to the workings of the police. They began to delve deeper into his history and were surprised to find that he had several alias's which he had used in the past and also had several records in other states.

Martha was going out of his brain with worry and almost pulled the phone off the wall when it rang. It was their lawyer and Martha explained what had happened asking him to go down to the police station right away. Assuring Martha that he was right on to it. After he had hung up Martha felt a little bit calmer, but just the same had to sit down and take it easy because his heart was going like crazy.

Once his lawyer arrived the two detectives came back in bringing Fred a cup of coffee and the questioning began. They asked about the people he talked to on the internet and the emails he had sent. Most of this was related to before he met Martha and was under one of his aliases. At this point his lawyer interjected wanting to know if his client was being charged with anything and if so what. If he wasn't being charged then he was taking his client home.

The two detectives spoke quietly between themselves before one of them stood up and formally charged Fred with the electronic distribution of obscene material and the more serious charge of propositioning under age boys with a view to making sexual contact with them. In plain English, he was being charged as a predator among young boys.

It was then also revealed that over the past twenty years he had twice been charged and convicted on similar charges under different names. On both occasions he had pleaded guilty and been given probation. One of the detectives told him that the Irish Guardia police force were also interested in him and had tracked him down through Interpol for making lewd suggestions on Twitter to an eight year old Irish boy.

"You're lucky that the Irish police have decided not to prosecute you, leaving it up to us to deal with your crimes." One of the detectives told him. His lawyer immediately asked about bail and was told that he can go before a judge later today but hinted that the director of public prosecutions would be opposing bail because of the seriousness of the charges.

Fred was allowed time to talk with his lawyer before he was led away to the cells. He had asked his lawyer to go and explain to Martha that all this had happened before he met him. The lawyer promised to do that and left Fred to spend at least one day in the cells, confident that bail would be granted.

In fact later that afternoon when Fred went before a judge to apply for bail the first person he spotted in court was Martha looking very pale and quite ill. He looked his way and smiled and he smiled back as Fred was led before the judge. The charges were read and he heard Martha cry out when he heard them. The judge asked how did he plea and under instructions from his attorney he said not guilty. The assistant DA briefly went over the charges before asking the judge that bail be refused because Fred had several other names that he had used and because of the seriousness of the charges against him. The prosecution was afraid that he might try and contact some of the juveniles involved.

His lawyer protested that Fred was now in a stable home situation with someone he loved dearly and all this happened long before he met Martha. He made a point not to mention Martha's gender.

After looking through his notes the judges spoke, "I'm inclined to agree with the prosecution and am refusing bail and the prisoner will be remanded in custody until his trial." Banging his Gavel several times indicating the session was over. Fred was led in handcuffs to the cells below the courthouse ready for transportation to prison.

Meanwhile poor Martha headed home alone wondering what had happened all of a sudden to his happy married life.

Just before supper Jordon and Geoff found some quiet time and discussed Chris's proposal in their bedroom. After an hour or so they decided what they were going to do. Just then they were called to wash up for supper and when they went into the dining room Chris had made sure that he was sitting next to Jordon.

Smiling he whispered, "Well?" and Jordon gave him an answer that put a smile on his face. He then added, "When and where?"

Jordon said, "We'll talk on the way back to the bunkhouse." Chris nodded as they joined the others in the general conversation around the table. On the way over to the living quarters, Chris, Jordon and Geoff hung back behind the others. Jordon spoke first, "Go into your room wait a few minutes until all the others have gone into their rooms, then creep back out. We'll hang around and wait for you. Go back to the house and very quietly slip into our room.

Now there are some rules to be obeyed and if you do not do what we are setting down then forget it. First, Geoff is my wife and no else goes inside him understood. Second, I'm a one hundred percent top and only allow Geoff to enter my ass, and then not very often. If you want either of us to fuck you that is up to you. Are you still happy and willing to have a threesome?"

Chris nodded his head in agreement just as they arrived at the barn. Jordon and Geoff said goodnight to all the guys and then hung around for Chris to return. They only had to wait about five minutes and then they were walking back to the house. No one was around when they went in so they very quietly headed upstairs to their bedroom. Once inside Geoff quickly drew the curtains while Jordon locked the door.

Chris immediately stripped off because he was well and truly ready. Both boys stared in amazement at this massive big cut cock standing straight up, inviting them to do something with it. His cock was thick and at least eight inches long making their own cocks look so small in comparison. Both boys began to undress with Chris helping both of them while kissing them in turn, "I've been dreaming of this since I first arrived, it's a dream come true.

Once all three were naked they got on the bed in a daisy chain sucking each other's cocks. Jordon was trying to get as much of Chris's cock into his mouth but wasn't able to get it all in. They swapped around with Chris sucking and deep throating Jordon like a professional and Jordon thought, this guy's done this before. Meanwhile Geoff who was also a bit more experienced than Jordon managed to get a bit more of Chris's monster into his mouth.

All three were getting very excited and close to a climax when Chris pulled away whispering, "Would you like to fuck me Jordon and you too Geoff?" Both boys nodded as Chris lay on his back with his legs spread in the air, "We don't have any condoms." Jordon said, "That's ok I know you guys are clean and so am I. I was sent to be tested before I came here by the church group to make sure, so bareback will be the way to go and is better.

Jordon got some lube from the bedside drawer and oiled up his cock and then Chris's hole. Once he was satisfied that this sexy guy was ready he positioned his cock at the entrance and slowly entered him. The sensation was incredible as Chris's muscles grabbed his cock almost like the milking machines they used on the cows.

Geoff at Chris's bidding moved up to kiss him and then placed his cock into Chris's mouth. Jordon began fucking him in earnest and was close to cumming when suddenly the door burst open and a voice shouted, what the hell is going on here?"

To be continued.

Writers corner.

Well I wonder who caught the boys in the middle of a great sex romp? Chris has obviously had a lot more experience than the other two and I wonder if we will find out more as the story progresses. One important point, while these boys went bareback, remember this is fiction so always take precautions.

Back to the start of the story and the farm boys are now settling in to a routine and learning as they go with all of them appearing to enjoy life on the farm.

The education department is also helping to establish a small private school at the farm which will be operational as soon as Damien can have the building erected. This will help students such as Betsy be in a safer environment.

Now to Fred and poor Martha. It is now being revealed that he is a sexual predator with a liking for young boys although he swears since he met Martha all that had stopped. The police have enough evidence to have him convicted and now might be a good time to warn all of you to be careful who you talk to and what material you have on your computer.

About three years ago I had one guy contact me regarding my stories. He lived in America and I was in Australia at the time. He said he had some young nephews and nieces in Australia and he would be over there in a few weeks and would I be interested in joining him for a little fun with them.

I immediately contacted my local police sending them the emails as proof and within days a member of the FBI in Washington called me asking if they could use my current IP address to trap this guy. Sure enough they got back to me a few weeks later saying they had him in jail and thanking me for my help.

So be warned if have any suspect material on your computer get rid of it and beware who you talk to in chat rooms because every country has experts monitoring the internet. Ouch! I just fell off my soapbox.

Finally getting back to the chapter, Keith and Miles look as if they will be able to take Jeremy over and bring him up as their own.

Anyway I rambled on for too long and if I missed anything I'm sure Richie will pick it up in his editors corner.

Please write and let me know what you think of this chapter and thank you for all the new international readers who have contacted me. I know I have readers from all over the world including South Africa and the Nederland's.



Editors corner.

Hey guys, welcome back to another exciting chapter of Living in a Lie.

Well I am thrilled that Keith and Miles will be able to adopt Jeremy. I am glad mostly for Jeremy. He already was dealt such a horrific blow in losing his mom and dad. I hope all goes well with the adoption. I am also glad that Miles is handling the issue of Jeremy only being adopted by Keith real well. Perhaps once they go before the judge and Jeremy tells the judge that he wants both of them to be his parents that the judge might just do that. Hope so anyway.

I was happy to see that Damien is going to be able to build a new school for those students that were being bullied by the rednecks. Now I hope they will be left alone but something tells me the rednecks are not going to let these students alone. Just my take.

I was shocked about Fred. Is he really guilty of trying to seduce (and actually going through with it) young boys? I hope not. He seems like a nice enough guy. I would hate for Martha to lose the love of her life if he goes to prison. Also, how is he going to be treated by the other prisoners? Kind of scary that is for sure. Hope he is OK.

Now, it looks like Jordon and Geoff are having a good time with Chris. I hope whoever it is that barged into their room will not make too big a thing about it. One thing that did bother me was that Jordon accepted Chris's statement that he was clean of any diseases. Never take that chance. It is your life you are playing with. Unless you know for certain (blood tests) and truly believe that this person is only having sex with you, bareback is a NO-NO.

I guess that Trevor's advice to us to delete anything inappropriate on your computers is good advice. The only thing I will add to that is to make sure you delete your deleted files. They still sit on your disk drive but with a bit that they are now deleted.

So for now, have an awesome day.

Your editor


Next: Chapter 18

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