Living in a Lie

By Trevor Johnson

Published on Aug 7, 2012


CHAPTER EIGHT LIVING IN A LIE Written by Trevor Editor Richie

Please note this story contains boy-to-boy sexual activity and if you don't enjoy this kind of story read no further. This story is completely fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is wholly coincidental. This story may not be published, or reprinted, without the express permission of the author.

Fred looked at Martha in amazement, what on earth could be wrong with this woman who was clearly attracted to him and he was certainly falling head over heels for her.

"Fred, I've never been happier talking to you than anyone else in my life and my feelings are growing stronger by the minute, but I'm not what you think I am or for that matter would like me to be." She grabbed his hand putting it between her legs and at first Fred didn't quite understand until Martha continued, "You see Fred I am a woman as far as I'm concerned but in a man's body which is a curse and if you want to punch me in the face, call me foul names like all the others do and storm out never to be seen again, do so right now."

Fred was stunned but did none of Martha's suggestions, in fact he didn't even move his hand off what was obviously a penis. He was thinking no matter what I like this lady or whatever she is and have never been happier in my life as I am now. With all these thoughts going through his head he leaned forward and gently kissed Martha on the lips, until their kisses became more forceful and compelling.

Finally pulling away he looked Martha in the eyes saying, "This is something new to me and I hope you will understand that if we do continue to see each other and be together I will need to take things slowly and steadily. Right know I'm in shock with a part of me saying run for your life while the other is totally attracted to you as a wonderful person who has made an old man happier than he has ever been in his life."

The look of happiness on Martha's face said it all as they continued to kiss for a while before Fred politely said that he should be going. Disappointed, Martha stood up, took his hand leading him towards the door where once again they kissed for a while before she whispered, "And will I see you again?"

"What about lunch in that nice café in the park, it will be quiet being during the week and we can talk, and let's face it we have a lot to talk about." The look on Martha's face said it all as Fred slowly walked back to his car before turning to wave at his new found love, who was waving from the doorway.

On the way home he pondered over the whole event but could find no fault with anything that had happened during the evening in fact he had really enjoyed himself. The only thought in his head right now was that he needed more than ever to discuss all that was happening to him with Miles.

Of course Miles had other problems on his mind right now with his mother making a slow recovery which was worrying the doctors because she should have been responding more to the treatment than she was, "Deep down in her subconscious something is troubling her and we think this is holding her progress." One of the doctors told Miles and Keith.

""I think I know what that is, "Replied Miles, explaining to the doctors all about his relationship with Keith and how their mothers were totally opposed to their way of life. One doctor spoke up, "I can understand what you mean because my partner and I are having similar problems with our respective parents but not in such a dramatic way as you are. I don't know what the answer is right now and you are in a catch twenty two situation. Whatever happens as far as your mother is concerned you must keep on reassuring her that you both love her and will look after her, but also make it clear that you are in a partnership joined together for life and nothing can change that."

All the other doctors nodded and appeared to concur with this advice. It didn't really help matters much and both of them went back to her bedside, holding her hand and telling her how much they loved her and how they will always be there for her, "Just remember mom, you now have two men in your life happy and willing to take care of you." Miles was sure after he spoke those words he noticed just the hint of a smile on his mother's face.

Back in Saskatchewan, Canada the next day of the trial of Jordon's father was getting under way. Jordon was worried because his mother was there once again and was obviously in pain with the nurse in attendance forever checking her oxygen levels. He whispered to Geoff, "Mom looks terribly tired today I hope she's going to be all right."

Geoff gently squeezed his lovers hand before whispering, "Don't worry she's a survivor like her cute son. Anyway, I overheard the prosecution saying they wanted her looking ill to help convince the jury."

Just before lunch Geoff was called to give evidence about what occurred the night they were all gathered and Jordon's father threatened them all with violence. The defence lawyer once again tried very hard to belittle Geoff by dwelling on his relationship with Jordon and how it was illegal and against the law.

Again the prosecution brought that line of questioning to an end and straight after Geoff and Damien were called, mainly because he was from outside the district and a witness to what happened that night. His evidence was short and sweet with nothing being offered by the defence.

During the lunch break Jordon spent all of the time next to his mother worried sick that she was overdoing things. "Don't worry about me Jordon, I'll be ok. How are you and Geoff coping at the farm?"

"Ok mom." he went through what was happening and all had a laugh at the fact that Bentley was helping on the farm but refused to shovel manure.

Straight after lunch the prosecution finished their case and the defence decided to call only one witness, Jordon's father. During questioning they tried to convince the jury that no way he could have tampered with his wife's brakes, that while they were separated they enjoyed a comfortable relationship.

When asked about what he thought about the fact his son was gay and was openly living with a gay partner he said, "I have nothing against my son being gay. Homosexuality is something that is born into a person and sadly that is how my son is. I feel sorry for him, but regarding his relationship with another boy I think that is totally wrong because they are both far too young to be engaging in a relationship of this nature."

"And do you believe strongly enough about this relationship to harm your wife who has given her agreement to this so called illicit relationship." Asked the defence lawyer.

"Most certainly not while I am disappointed in my wife's attitude and that of many others in the community I don't believe it is cause to harm anyone."

This defence tack surprised the prosecution because they thought that temporarily insanity because of his son's homosexuality was going to be their main argument.

After a few more similar questions the defence lawyer finished and it was the prosecution turn, "Tell me sir, why did you get the school hockey team to try and intimidate witnesses in this trial?"

This brought a big outcry from the Defence who pointed out that there was no evidence to support this accusation. The judge agreed and it was withdrawn, and not referred to again but not before the prosecution lawyer managed to get the fact noted that the hockey team members had been charged anyway. This brought forth a lot more of a hue and cry and the judge decided to call it a day so that both sides could do their summing up tomorrow.

The boys along with Damien, Bentley and Geoff's parents went back to the hospital with Jordon's mom, who looked terribly tired so they didn't stay long. They all lined up to kiss her goodbye with the two boys last to do so. As they gently hugged and kissed her she whispered, "I am very proud of you boys standing up against all these bigoted people. I love you both but please be careful."

With tears in their eyes both boys said they would and they held hands as they left the hospital until Damien whispered, "Just act as normal people boys, holding hands only gives the haters more ammunition." They pulled apart and continued walking close. A large contingent of media was still hanging around and standing in the car park near to their car was Betsy.

Both boys wondered what she was going to do as she approached them. Spotting this Damien and Bentley held back but remained close enough if need be. "Can I talk to you Jordon please?"

"Anything you have to say Betsy you can say in front of my partner Geoff."

"Jordon we have been friends since we were babies and I will always love you no matter what. I'm so sorry for the way I acted, I realize now that you are gay and nothing I can do can change that fact, but I do want to remain friends with you and Geoff. I'm terribly sorry for the way I treated you. Please will you both remain friends with me? I love you Jordon and I am sure Geoff can be just as good a friend given time."

Both boys were speechless at first but then Jordon followed by Geoff moved forward to embrace Betsy in a hug, "You'll always be special to me Betsy, maybe not as you first wished it but more as a brother, and Geoff if you let him will be another brother to you." The group hug went on for a while until Damien coughed discreetly because the media cameras loved every minute.

Saying goodbye to Betsy they got into Damien's car heading towards the farm. Geoff's parents had headed off straight away to get a meal ready, "Listen you guys it is very important that you don't show any emotion or affection in public at any time no matter what. Is that understood?"

"Why Damien?" Geoff asked.

"Because while people say they don't mind people like us, they object to having it shoved into their faces. So if you act like normal individuals it's all right. They don't care what happens in private but be more careful in public."

Both boys nodded understanding perfectly where he was coming from and frankly it made sense. After all the chores had been done and a great hot meal devoured the boys headed for a shower and bed. Lying together their bodies touching they discussed the turnabout of Jordon's friend Betsy, "I wonder why she changed her mind?" Geoff asked reaching out to take his lovers hand.

"I just guess after seeing all that was going on around her she realized that everything we were telling her was true. I did feel bad at the way I treated her because she was a good friend while I was growing up it was just that when we got older she assumed too much."

Reaching over, Jordon began kissing his lover gently on the lips gradually becoming more forceful until both of their tongues were probing each other's mouths. The effect in the nether regions brought a mutual hardness which required attention, resulting in Geoff getting down into the sixty-nine position and they began greedily sucking each other dry.

Back facing each other they kissed once more. Swapping the juice remaining in their mouths before declaring their love to each other and gradually dropping off to sleep. The farmhouse walls were rather thin and Damien and Bentley heard everything going on as they tried to do something similar while keeping extra quiet, "You know Bentley." Damien Whispered, "Those two are so very much in love and I believe that love is there to stay for a long time."

"I hope so darling just like us?" Bentley replied as sleep slowly overtook them as well and the farm went very quiet.

Down in Toronto or just on the outskirts all was not well with Jordon's older sister Veronica. Because of the trial and her mother's accident she had kept to herself that she was pregnant and just two days earlier had a miscarriage. Along with her boyfriend Eddie they had intended to be there for the trial and to support their mother and brother, but of course all that changed when she was rushed to hospital.

As soon as she was released after being told to take things easy they drove to the airport and caught the first available flight to Saskatchewan, before hiring a car for the rest of the journey.

They arrived at the courthouse just in time for the final day of summation by both parties. Finding her mother in such a fragile state brought tears to Veronica's eyes. Seeing this, the ever vigilant Damien found a nice quite room for them all to be alone. The tears increased all the way round when Veronica told them her and Eddie's news about losing their baby.

Their grief was interrupted by one of the court clerks informing them that the judge was about to come in. They all trooped into court to hear the prosecution lawyer condemn Jordon's father for the attempted murder on his wife which came so close to succeeding, only because his son was gay and his mother approved. He spent a long time talking about homosexuality and how it wasn't something you caught but was part of your makeup from birth and there was nothing one could do about it. His speech was brilliant and he painted Jordon's father as an evil vindictive man. Dwelling on the fact that they had lived apart for several years because of the evil streak within this man. He didn't say outright that he was cruel or did anything nasty to his wife but the hint was there and it was sufficient for the jury to nod their heads in agreement.

When he finally sat down the judge declared lunch and the family and friends as a whole moved back into a private room were Geoff's mother had sandwiches and drinks set out. Not much was said about the trial or anything else for that matter. All of them just sat around eating and remaining with their own thoughts.

After lunch it was the defence's turn. He refuted everything that his prosecution opposition had suggested saying that they were a loving couple and only because of the farm and Jennifer's teaching position that they didn't live under the same roof. He went to say that he had no reason to harm his wife, in fact his anger was aimed at his son and that is whom he should have done something about, not his loving wife.

He put forward a good argument and one could see doubt coming on the faces of some members of the jury. When he finally sat down the judge spoke to the jury before sending them home for the night suggesting that they begin their deliberations in the morning.

It was a very sad family gathering that night with Veronica and Eddie staying in the home in the town while the boys went to the farm because of the work they had to do. All of them were totally exhausted and went straight to sleep.

Meanwhile down in Texas, Miles mother was making slow progress although one of the doctors confided in the two guys that some of this was acting on his mother's part, "I don't think she is in as deep a coma as we are being led to believe. She is seeking attention and this is something you will have to watch out for."

Just then Keith's mother arrived having only just heard from the minister what had happened, "There, see what your evil ways have done to this poor lady, all because you are acting in a filthy unnatural way." Keith grabbed his mother's arm and gently guided her outside before saying, "Mom you have no idea what you're talking about and your minister is just out to cause trouble. Now listen to me and don't interrupt or say anything until I have finished, understood?" His mother nodded her head.

"Miles and I were born this way and will always be this way. The good thing is we love each other and we are not going to be running around after every Tom, Dick and Harry, in fact we want to live just like any other happily married couple if you and that poor woman lying in there will let us. Miles is a wonderful man whom any mom should be proud to call son or daughter in law. Yes that's what I said and that's what he will be. Please mom give us a chance to make a go of it and also try and convince Miles mom to do the same."

"Oh Keith I do love you son and I like Miles as well. He appears to be a nice boy but I'm so confused right now. Everyone is telling me different things but I am inclined to believe what you tell me son."

They embraced before going back in were Keith's mom surprised the hell out of Miles when she gave him a big kiss and hug, "Look after my son Miles, he's all I've got and if you two want to take a break, I'll try and talk to this lady and get her to see some sense."

Outside Miles said to Keith, "Wow what did you do there?"

"I just spoke common-sense to her pointing out the inevitable and at last it clicked or at least I hope it did. Now let's go get something to eat and go home, I want you in my arms."

Poor Fred was getting impatient because he dearly wanted to talk to someone about his new found love Martha. Earlier they had a lovely lunch in a small café situated in a nearby park and talked about everything under the sun. It was obvious that both of them were very closely attracted to each other but both were scared to talk or even think about the inevitable step when they will decide to take their love affair all the way.

It was late afternoon when Fred dropped Martha home and following a kiss or two on the front step he promised to talk to her later that night. In fact he wanted to talk to Miles and possibly Keith first before he spoke to Martha again. To say he was confused would have been an understatement.

In fact he had to wait until quite late before he got Miles on Skype. Both Keith and Miles weren't going to bother going on line but they were curious to find out how the trial in Canada was going so they logged on.

When Fred came on talking about his new found love both of them laughed thinking just how funny it was that poor staid Fred should finish up with a transvestite. Fred took offence and both of them changed their attitude telling him to go with his heart. If he truly loved this woman or whatever, go with it. Laughing Miles added, "But of course you know where you have to put it when you go the whole way don't you?"

"Yes of course I do and while it scares me a bit my feelings for Martha are telling me to go for it."

Still laughing Miles continued, "That'll put you on the same side of the fence as Keith and I you realize that?"

Fred was silent for a while before saying, "Yes and I'm happy to take the plunge with this lovely lady and yes I will always refer to her as a lady." Both guys felt a bit guilty about the way they teased Fred but wished him all the best of luck in his new found relationship.

They were just about to log off when Jordon popped up and they spent some time talking about the trial and how everything was going. Jordon went quiet for a while and Miles guessed that he had something to get off his chest and suggested that he say what he wanted to say, "Well I just wanted to tell you that Geoff and I have made a commitment to each other and a couple of nights ago we went all the way with our relationship." Both Keith and Miles yelled out with delight at that news.

"That's wonderful news Jordon and hope you both will be just as happy as Keith and I are."

Another short silence followed and Miles thought he might have put his foot in it, "Please remember Miles I will always have feelings for you because you were the first man I fell in love with. While it never became psychical you were there for me all that time."

"Jordon you will always have a place in my heart I promise you that. You are a courageous and brave man and with Geoff by your side I'm sure you will be safe and secure from now on." They chatted some more before signing off.

Next morning the old court house and its surroundings were filled with members of the media, curious bystanders and a heap of locals eagerly waiting for the jury's verdict regarding Jordon's fathers attempt to kill his wife Jennifer, just because she was supporting a gay son.

Despite several long protests Jordon and Geoff had been sent to school having missed far too many school days already in the eyes of their respective parents, "We promise the minute we get word that the jury is coming back we will come and pick you up." Geoff's parents told them.

Damien and Bentley had a couple of meetings with education authorities scheduled and they too were busy but ready to leave whatever and whenever they had to. Damien was working on a anti-bullying program throughout Canada which hopefully would be adopted by education departments throughout the country.

The recent suicide by one of the Triangle program students had hit him very hard and he had told Bentley then and there that enough was enough. In the back of his mind he had an idea to include Jordon and Geoff but that would be up to their parents and also the outcome of the trial.

It wasn't until late afternoon that the call, `the juries coming back' echoed throughout the district. Jordon and Geoff dashed out of class and into the car and within minutes were at the courthouse and being mobbed by the media. Damien and Bentley were already there and they helped the local police and court officials bring some sort of order.

Inside Jordon looked around for his mother but was told that the doctors decided she was better off staying in hospital and listening to the verdict by telephone.

Jordon and Geoff being surprised by the crush couldn't help but hold hands as they made their way inside and it was then that they got a big surprise. Apparently when the word went out that the jury was coming back about half the school walked out heading for the courthouse. Some of them were for and some of them were against Jordon's father, but all wanted to be there.

Jordon began to panic because he could feel the crush parting him from his lover until both of them found themselves surrounded and protected by school friends that had been organized by Betsy, with just one aim to protect their fellow schoolmates no matter what.

Bentley the incredible softy had tears in his eyes as he witnessed this while Damien couldn't believe the support the two boys were getting. Finally order was restored and the courtroom was packed forcing the court orderlies to close the doors leaving hundreds of people outside. Once order was restored the judge entered followed by the jury. Freddy Foster was already in the dock looking remarkably calm and confident. The formalities began and the foreman of the jury handed the verdict to the judge before announcing that they found Freddy Foster guilty of attempted murder of Jennifer Foster.

As word spread throughout the building and to those outside, a big roar went up and it took the judge several minutes to restore order, "This case has been unique and is a first for this district. I thank the jury for coming to a decision which couldn't have been easy. Hatred for people who are sexually different to others cannot and will not be tolerated. From the evidence we saw throughout this trial that this was the motivation for this attempt on another person's life."

He paused for several minutes before passing sentence, "Frederick Foster I hereby sentence you to twelve years prison for your crime and may I say if you had been successful I would have put you away for life. This court is adjourned."

Once he had left all hell broke loose with Freddy Foster flying into a rage. Trying to get out of the dock and yelling obscenities at his son while trying his best to get at him. Several of his supporters and members of the hockey team also tried to attack Jordon, Geoff and his supporters.

Police and court officials hustled the guys along with Damien, Bentley and Geoff's parents through the same door as the judge had left. On the other side more police were waiting to take them out the door reserved for judges and court officials. They were placed in police cars and taken just down the road to the hospital to be with Jordon's mom who was worried sick by the riot which was developing in and outside of the court house. All this was being viewed by hospital staff live on TV and it was with dismay that Damien spotted his rental vehicle being set on fire while Geoff's parent's truck was overturned and given the same treatment.

It was obvious that the whole riot had been prearranged and that the local law enforcement had been found to be totally inadequate. Jennifer Foster, Jordon's mom collapsed and was put back in bed with oxygen and drugs to calm her down. Jordon and his sister Veronica sat beside the bed fearing the worse until her breathing gradually went back to normal.

The TV reported that a group of protesters was marching towards the hospital. However, reinforcements had been brought in and a ring of Royal Canadian Mounted police officers surrounded the hospital was making it impossible for anyone to get in or out.

Doctors and social workers checked out the families involved and despite being very shaken up the boys and their friends were all well. Police had also been despatched to both farmhouses and Jordon's mom's home to protect the properties and several scuffles had taken place at the Foster farm. A large number of arrests had taken place with the local jail unable to cope and buses were organized to take prisoners to nearby facilities.

It was close to midnight when the police inspector in charge gave them permission to go home and it was decided that Veronica and her boyfriend Eddie should stay with Geoff's parents for the night. A convoy of police vehicles took them home after a tearful goodnight to Jennifer Foster and the promise to call in first thing tomorrow.

Driving past the courthouse they were all shocked to see the damage which had been done and also to be told by one of the police officers that the judges home had also been attacked and the jury had been taken to a secret location for a couple of days after death threats had been received. The Canadian Government had ordered a national inquiry into the whole affair which had been screened around the world on most major television networks.

Jordon and Geoff on the way back to the farm clung to each other in the back of the police car, both of them realizing that all this was happening because they were gay. Meanwhile Veronica, Jordon's sister was desperate to talk with her brother but the occasion hadn't happened. She wanted to reassure him and his boyfriend that they had hers and Eddies support all the way and didn't blame them in any way for what happened to their mother.

When they arrived at the farm along with Damien and Bentley they were surprised to see several police cars still there plus several trucks belonging to neighbours who had rallied round to make sure the stock was safe and looked after. The front gate had been destroyed but already was being made good. Once they went into the farmhouse they found a meal had been prepared and with so much food, everyone, including the police was invited to join in.

Apparently neighbours from all around had brought food and it was quite a feast which went on until close to two am in the morning. Finally seeing the boys looking very tired and totally spent Damien called for order before making a thank you speech, " Folks, on behalf of the friendly side of the Foster family I want to thank you for your generosity and help during this traumatic time, not only for the boys here but Jordon's mother and sister and Geoff's parents. No one could have foreseen what was and did happen today in this quiet community and believe me it will never be forgotten. On behalf of the boy's thank you, and as you can see they are exhausted and would like to get some sleep if they can. Words fail me when I look at all your friendly faces gathered here and we can never repay you for your kindness. Thank you again, good night and god bless you all."

Cheers and applause followed as everyone made their way back to their own homes. A police officer who appeared to be in charge told Damien that a police guard would be on duty all night outside just in case. Thanking him Damien closed and locked the door suggesting that they all snuggle up under blankets in the lounge for tonight.

Hardly able to keep their eyes open the boys agreed and they settled down with a group hug before sleep overtook them. It was close to ten am when the aroma of bacon, eggs and fresh coffee brought the four of them back into the land of the living. Geoff's mother had driven over in their car and was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, "Come on boys get washed up and eat, you must be starving." She called out.

Hungry they were and they soon devoured everything she set in front of them before they rushed around checking on the stock and property before heading into the hospital to see their mother. It was crowded in the car but Damien had arranged for a replacement vehicle to be waiting for him when they arrived.

Jordon's sister and Eddie were already in Jennifer's room when they arrived. After kisses and cuddles all round they were all surprised and happy to see Jordon's mom looking so much better than she had been, "If I continue to improve I could be going home tomorrow or the next day." She told them and Veronica added that she and Eddie would stay on until their mother went back to work teaching.

One important subject which the family had to discuss was what was going to happen to the family farm. "This was to have been your inheritance kids for later on in life, but the problem is, how is it going to be run from now on?" Jennifer asked.

Jordon who had a slight smile on his face came up with the ultimate suggestion, "Well if my sister agrees I did overhear Damien and Bentley discussing ways that they could help abused boys and girls. Why not open up the farm as a home for these kinds of people and put the place to good use. It could be run as a profit making venture so as not to be a burden on the Government and it would help keep down the suicide rate among abused and gay youth."

Damien moved to Jordon's side giving him a big kiss and hug before declaring, "What a brilliant idea Jordon, you are a wonderful young man and I love you dearly." Veronica looking at Eddie and then at her mother and getting a nod from both agreed that she had no objections to that idea. Going on to suggest that the two boys although they are still at school under Damien's supervision and tuition that they be placed in charge of the project.

It was a much happier group who left the hospital later that day to return to the farm and begin making plans for their new project. One thing they had all forgotten in their excitement was that one of the title holders of the deed to the farm was Freddy Foster. Once he found out what was happening a court challenge could very well put the whole idea in jeopardy.

The Canadian Government and especially the local province had begun an inquiry almost immediately into the riots following Freddy Fosters trial. It was also released by the media that the gay prisoners at the prison he was being placed into had put out the word on him. As a result he would have to serve his time in protective custody, which was virtually solitary confinement.

Neither the boys, family or friends had any idea if they were going to be called but the media continued to hound them so much that going to school was becoming difficult with cameras being put against class windows and so on. The boys had a police escort wherever they went which also cramped their style. But on the whole the school itself was very supportive and whenever the two of them were outside they were always surrounded by a group of school friends making pictures almost impossible.

The head of the school was pleased to see this and congratulated them at every opportunity. Meanwhile Jordon's mom continued to improve and was allowed home two days later with Veronica and Eddie on hand to look after her.

Plans for the farm to become a home for abused children moved very slowly which frustrated Damien and Bentley. The red tape which had to be overcome was daunting to say the least. Looking after the farm was also proving difficult because while the stock was being looked after nothing had been done for weeks regarding the small acreage of crops which were planted.

Under Geoff's fathers tuition the boys learnt how to manage the tractor to weed between the furrows and they also had to spend several weekends mending fences which had been damaged by vandals. Both boys were going to bed exhausted every evening and this was playing havoc with their love life.

Each year a gay camp organised by a Canadian church organization was held in Saskatchewan and they offered to set it up on the property, making it a working camp. Therefore about a month after the trial close to fifty gay and lesbian youth descended on the farm camping on Jordon's favourite spot near the stream were Geoff made love to him.

It was a happy two weeks and a lot of new friends were made and heaps of work on the farm was done. Most evenings they would light a big bonfire and dance, sing and some of them also managed to slip away and make love. A couple of partners approached Jordon and Geoff at this time about having a foursome. Both boys were nervous about this and declined at the time deciding to ask Damien and Bentley about this.

Their two friends were more or less commuting between Toronto and the farm as they got the funding and information needed for the farm. Therefore it was a couple of days later before they had the chance to mention it to them.

"Guys this is something we can talk about but it's up to you two if you feel comfortable making love with another couple and also do you set down rules and guidelines." Damien as always spoke first. "Bentley and I aren't really into foursomes but on the odd occasions when we have, it has always been made clear right from the start the ultimate goal, the final part of our love making would be between the two of us and no one else. What Bentley and I hold dear is that sacred ground which Bentley offers to me and no one else as far as we are concerned will go there."

Both boys understood clearly what he meant and in the end decided that they wanted to keep their lovemaking to themselves and no one else. They were surprised when they explained this to the couple of young guys who suggested it that they had never done it and wanted to see what it was like but after asking they got cold feet and were happy with the response that Jordon and Geoff gave them.

The two guys Peter and Tony went on to become very close friends with Jordon and Geoff. Their relationship had started at about the same time and this was their first camp. Both came from working class families who lived in a larger community than our two heroes did, so it was easier for them to come out with both sets of parents approving after a fashion.

In fact for several years after that first meeting the four of them stayed in touch via Skype and became close friends, but never did have a foursome.

Back in Texas Miles mother began to recover remarkably well and when it was time to go home she opted to go back to her own home and leave the boys in peace. Well not quite peace because they were expected to go around and check on her at least once a day which Miles didn't mind and Keith did his bit when he wasn't working.

Both of them spent some time on the internet chatting with Jordon and Geoff along with Fred who it appeared had still to make the final step. He and Martha continued dating and appeared to be falling in love, but that was as far as their affair went.

Both Miles and Keith were very impressed with Jordon and Geoff's plans for the farm and began talking about a support group in Texas to help fund the project. However, being in the Bible belt this was proving difficult.

Their own relationship was also blossoming and it was obvious that both of them were deeply in love with each other. A new Texas Ranger chief moved into the district and he didn't fully approve of the relationship but there was nothing in the regulations to stop it, but he did make Keith's shifts more difficult to try and upset the pair. Keith decided to take matters further and contacted the head of the rangers protesting at the treatment he was receiving and threatening to resign.

Currently he was waiting for a response to his request for a meeting. It was Miles who came up with a great suggestion one day when they were lying in bed after a great session of love making, "Darling you have a couple of weeks' vacation coming up soon, how do you feel about spending it in Canada?"

"That would be great." Keith kissing his partner lightly on the lips, "But, What about our mothers will they be happy about us being away for that time?"

"I'm sorry Keith but they have to cope without us sometimes."

"And where are you planning on going to in Canada, as if I didn't know." Keith said with a laugh.

Miles playfully dug him in the ribs before replying, "I thought we could check on the project the two boys are working on and maybe help out if we could." Keith was silent for some time before saying what was on his mind, "Don't you think you being in the flesh so to speak might open some old wounds with Jordon?"

"I hadn't thought about that but yes you could be right, but I don't think so. He appears to be sensible and very happy with Geoff and hopefully his friends Damien and Bentley would be around to help if things got out of hand."

Nothing more was said right there and then both of them were thinking about the possibility of a trip north and what if anything might happen.

Fred meanwhile had finally made up his mind and after taking Martha to the movies and then a late supper then arrived back at her place. She fixed drinks and they settled on the couch for a necking session. Fred found himself getting hard and excited and could sense that Martha was too, their tongues were already playing hockey in each other's mouths and this continued for some time before Fred took the plunge and began to slowly undress his new found lover.

Martha looked at him in surprise and Fred mouthed the words yes before continuing to slowly undress her. She began to unbutton his shirt and discard it before concentrating on his pants and it didn't take long before both of them were naked.

He looked in admiration at her body and was surprised she had breasts before realising that she had been taking hormones and so on to make them bigger. Martha began kissing her way down Fred's body before reaching his hard penis which was small compared to some but adequate. Slowly she sucked it in causing Fred to gasp in delight, having never experience such sensations before.

Strangely even when he grabbed hold of her penis he still thought of Martha as a woman. Slowly jacking her off he was in seventh heaven and knew after such a long time of non-sexual activity he would be blowing his load and just wouldn't be able to stop. Sensing this Martha clamped her lips hard down on his cock taking all his juice down her throat.

At the same time he felt Martha's cock blow into his hand. Both of them spent they clung to each other kissing and cuddling, "Any regrets?" Martha asked.

"None, that was wonderful, Martha I'm falling in love with you big time. Would you mind if I stayed the night?"

"I have been waiting for several days for you to ask that question and the answer is anytime you like my darling."

To Be continued.

Writers corner, Wow a lot happened in this chapter and who would have expected that kind of outcome following the trial. I don't think we have heard the last of Freddy Foster and his gang not by a long way. While the idea of turning the farm into a refuge for battered and abused children is great I can see a lot of obstacles coming the way of the boys in the future.

It was good to see Betsy finally coming to her senses and become friends with the boys. Coming up of course we have the trial of the hockey boys who are all being tried as adults. Will there be more trouble there or will the police be ready this time?

Miles and Keith appear to have made peace with their mothers but now Keith's job is in jeopardy because of a redneck superior.

Finally Fred, well that was a turn up for the book wasn't it? Who would have thought he would have ended up falling for a transvestite. How this relationship progresses we will have to wait and see and how long it will be before he goes all the way.

Finally big thanks to all of you for your favourable comments regarding my story Rebirth. I have met up with some wonderful new friends who sadly can relate to what happened to Davey and some of their tales may be included in the future.

Please let me know how I am doing with this and all my stories. Your comments are the only pay we want or crave for.

To keep Nifty going a small donation would help.

Hugs Trevor

Editors Corner

Well now this was a very interesting chapter indeed. Who would have ever thought that Martha was actually a man? I for one cannot wait to see him make love to her completely. I think it totally blow Fred's mind.

I agree with Trevor. I think there are a lot of dark clouds ahead for the boys as regards Freddy Foster and the boys who tried to harm them. I am evil but I would love for Freddy to get a taste of man on man love in the clinker. Where he gets it....

I know that I am thrilled that we have one of our most favourite authors back writing again. All three of his stories are incredible.

Again to our fans, write Trevor and let him know you appreciate his hard work.

Hugs Richie

Next: Chapter 9

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