Living in a Lie

By Trevor Johnson

Published on Apr 24, 2013




Written by Trevor Johnson

Editor Richie

Please note this story contains boy-to-boy sexual activity and if you don't enjoy this kind of story read no further. This story is completely fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is wholly coincidental. This story may not be published, or reprinted, without the express permission of the author.

On the way home Jeremy was very quiet not saying too much and then because it was so late he went off to shower and get into bed. Miles and Keith went in a short while later to say goodnight and found him crying into his pillow. Miles rushed over saying, "Hey Jeremy, what's the problem, why the tears?"

They are not sad tears daddy but happy tears because I am the luckiest boy in the world to have two dads who really care. Both grown men began to have watery eyes as they hugged their new son before kissing him good night, "And do you know what Jeremy, we are the luckiest dads in the world to have a son as wonderful and as nice as you."

Making love that night both Miles and Keith marvelled at how life had turned out so good for them and their house was filled with so much love.

The next morning Jeremy headed off to school bright and cheerful and as the guys dropped him off at school several parents waved or said hello, "Well looks like we mended some bridges last night." Keith remarked with Miles agreeing with him. Also waiting for Jeremy to arrive was his girlfriend Angela, who grabbed his hand as they walked through the door together. Laughing Miles said, "The way the girls flock around him I think we might have to have a little sex talk with him." Smiling Keith agreed.

Back at the farm in Canada things were slowly getting back to normal as the land began to dry out. Mending fences on both property's was still a priority but it was slowly getting done. As they got back into the usual routine, it was early to rise, then chores, then back for breakfast and then a couple of hours of schooling before lunch. This was followed by more instruction until it was time for the evening chores and then supper.

Damien, Jennifer and the boys had several meetings regarding what was going to happen when the boys got too old, but no firm decision had been made, "I'm thinking maybe twenty one but before anyone leaves we need to ensure they have a secure job to go to." Damien said. He also pointed out, "Callum is picking up the farm work really well and maybe we can find the funding for him to stay on and help your dad Geoff."

They all agreed that would be a good idea. The other point Damien raised was that the farm project was getting nationwide publicity and the waiting list for vacancies was growing every day. The boys admitted to Damien that they hadn't had a chance to talk quietly to Ben who was the bully of the group, "The twins are terrified of him so we have to do something about him soon. We did think of trying to match him up with Callum but he has the hots for the kid in town who will be coming to our school when it opens." Said Jordon. Damien suggested that they chat with him and find out what his problem is as soon as they can.

During the storm it had become obvious that the pig sty was totally inadequate and not weatherproof enough. So George had the boys begin construction of a new sty which when finished would be state of the art and easier to clean. It would also allow for an increase in the number of stock, seeing that both sows were expecting to give birth any time now, "If they had dropped the piglets during the storm all of them would have drowned before we could of done anything to save them." George pointed out to Damien and the boys.

Once again this was a drain on the budget but by getting the boys to do the construction all that was needed was materials. Juggling the budget wasn't easy but whenever things were starting to look grim another sponsor or new money appeared from somewhere. Nathan the computer geek who was working in the office with Veronica had redesigned the spread sheet that showed their profit and loss. This made it possible for Damien or anyone else connected with the finances to find out what they wanted to know so much quicker.

Meanwhile Fred's Martha was a nervous wreck as he was helped into their attorney's car for the trip to the courthouse for Fred's day in court. Personally Fred's transvestite partner had a premonition of doom and gloom while their attorney assured them that by Fred pleading guilty he was sure to get probation and be home with his lover within days if not hours.

He was shown into the visitors section of the courtroom while the attorney made his way to the table at the front of the court in front of the judge's podium. Fred had still not been brought up and because he was pleading guilty there was no jury sitting in those seats. At the other table was the prosecution sorting through documents and papers getting ready.

Then he spotted Fred being brought in from a side door by two prison guards. He was taken to his attorney's table where after shaking hands he sat down next to his lawyer and they huddled together talking and looking at documents.

A few minutes later the court bailiff shouted, "All rise." And Judge Garfield Miller came through another door dressed in his black robe, taking his seat and declaring the court in session. The clerk of the court then read the charges against Fred and Martha gasped when the list of charges went on and on. He never realised Fred had so many charges against him.

He was then asked formally how did he plead and Fred said that he was pleading guilty. The prosecution then outlined to the judge what all the charges were related to. How they included chatting to boys on the internet as young as seven and eight in countries around the world of which there was nothing wrong with that except the subject was always male to male sex.

Among the charges was also several relating to the transmission over the internet of images depicting young males and children performing various sexual acts. Martha was horrified as the district attorney went on and on about all the antics her Fred had got up to before they met.

The picture created was that of a monster who prayed on young children although he had never made any arrangements to meet up with any of them or procure them for sexual gain. Finally the district began to wind up his speech by saying, "You're honour, this is Frederick Jenkins second time in court, the first for similar offences for which he received probation. I would like this time that he be given a custodial sentence."

He sat down and Fred's lawyer stood to say his piece, "Your honour, Mr Jenkins, since he met and fell in love with his current partner has ceased his unlawful deeds via the internet and has vowed that he will no longer pursue young boys now that he has found someone more precious that he wants to spend the rest of his twilight years with.

He is truly remorseful and because of his advancing years I don't feel a custodial sentence will serve any useful purpose and that he be given a probationary period so that he can spend the rest of his years with someone he loves." His Lawyer sat down and there was silence for a while during which Judge Garfield Miller read through his notes and the evidence before he looked up asking Fred to stand.

Fred and his lawyer stood side by side as the judge addressed them, "Mr Jenkins, this is the second time you have appeared in a court on similar charges so it is obvious to me that the first time you were punished had no effect on you. I also note that since you met someone you are now living in wedded bliss, or at least we hope so." This brought some light laughter from the courtroom before the judge continued.

"More and more the government is asking us to give out probationary sentences due to the overcrowding of our prison system and I have taken this into consideration. I am also taking into consideration that this is your second time on similar charges. Therefore I am sentencing you to two years in prison followed by another two years' probation."

On hearing this Martha stood up yelling, "NO, NO.NO." before collapsing back into his seat. The judge then called for order, banging his gavel down several times. The judge then continued, "Plus you will not be allowed to own or have access to any device which can connect to the internet for a period of five years. Is that understood?"

Fred was a deadly white and looked as if he was going to collapse so his lawyer answered yes for him. As the judge continued, "Take the prisoner down." This court is adjourned. Martha tried his best to remain calm as the judge left the courtroom but just as the two prison guards were leading Fred away he yelled, I LOVE YOU FRED AND I'LL WAIT FOR YOU MY DARLING." He then burst into tears collapsing in a heap on the floor between the chairs. Several people went to help him while Fred wasn't game to look up because he knew he too would go to pieces.

Martha felt the tell-tale signs of heart pain returning and once again collapsed as her lawyer came running up. He realized at once what was happening and called nine, one, one straight away requesting an ambulance which arrived very quickly and Martha was taken to hospital.

The boys still hadn't found the time back at the farm to talk to Ben with so much work being done after the storms. It wasn't until they found the twins Timmy and Jimmy behind the chicken house crying one day that they made a point of seeking him out right away.

The twins were clinging to each other sobbing their heart's out when the Jordon and Geoff found them. "What on earth's the matter guys?" Jordon asked. It took several minutes for the two young twins to calm down enough to answer, "Ben caught us sucking each other off and said that was disgusting and that we would go to hell. He also was going to tell Damien to get us thrown off the farm and that we will have to live on the streets selling our asses to dirty old men."

They immediately began crying again. Both of the older guys began to hug them and tell them everything was going to be all right, "Look we'll go and talk to Ben and sort him out. In the meantime don't you guys worry and I promise you that we will never ever throw you out onto the street. We love you boys and want you to be part of our family for a long time to come.

We all love you dearly and I think deep down Ben does too. So leave it to us, we'll talk to Ben for you and sort this out once and for all."

They gave both of the twins a kiss and hug before sending them off to finish collecting eggs. It wasn't till after supper that they found time to go over to the barn accommodation and talk to Ben. Knocking on the door to his room they found him lying on his bed, arms behind his head staring at the ceiling. After knocking and being abruptly asked to come in, they went in with Jordon sitting on the edge of the bed while Geoff sat in a chair.

"Before you start, I suppose the twins have complained about me teasing them again, haven't they?"

"Not quite like that." Jordon replied quietly, "We caught them crying earlier today after you said some rather nasty things to them. Please remember Ben those young guys have had a hard life so far and we are trying to make things a lot easier for them right now."

"Well they are not the only fucking one's whose had it hard, what about me? I'm seventeen and do you think I've had it fuckin easy? No fucking way."

In a very soft voice Jordon said, "Would you like to tell us about it?"

Ben was silent for a while almost as if he was trying to make up his mind. Finally he began to speak," All of you guys have had it easy compared to me. You don't know what it's like being for starters both black and gay."

"Then why don't you tell us about it and we'll see if we can help, that's what we're here for." Jordon said quietly.

"Well for fucking starters I'm the youngest of nine kid's. Six boys and three girls. Our parents whoever they are should never have had us because they had no money and with that many mouths to feed, no hope. They disappeared one night and the next thing we knew we were being taken into care by officials who couldn't give a fuck. We were just another nine black kids to be fed and looked after by the state.

We got split up and I lost contact with all my brothers and sisters as we were farmed out to different foster families who couldn't give a shit about us anyway. I finally finished up being taken in by a church group. I was then moved to Canada from the US when they discovered I was gay and caught me fucking a cute blonde white kid in the church home we were put in.

In Canada the place they sent me to was supposed to make me straight. To do that they did some terrible things to me, like placing electrodes or whatever you call them on my cock and balls. Then they showed me gay movies and whenever I started to get hard they'd give me an electric shock to make me go down. Oh brother, if you only knew just how hard it was to not get a hard on for fear of being shocked.

They really thought this stuff was beginning to work because my self-control worked Then they brought in a girl who stripped and tried to get me hard so I could fuck her. I couldn't get it up because I just wasn't interested. They told me that they might have overdone the therapy but that was a good thing because I wouldn't be interested in sex of any kind any more.

The head of the place was smirking when he said to me, `well at least we'll have no more black bastard babies to contend with'. I hit him so hard that he spent five days in the hospital and it was then that I was palmed off on to you guys to get rid of me." By now tears were forming in his eyes and both Jordon and Geoff remarked afterwards that it was probably the first time in his life he had allowed any emotion to be seen by others.

Jordon cuddled Ben saying, "Well Ben, we're not like that here. We are all the same, gay and supportive of each other. We're not the enemy, we're friends and friends in this place help each other and do not abuse them. Ok, you've had a tough life so far. A lot tougher than we have and more than likely any of the others here, but that's all behind you now Ben and we'll help you.

There is no need for this bullying and trying to be the hard man because we're all in the same boat. Some of us are luckier than others. After all I have a lifetime partner in Geoff here and the twins have each other for support right now until they find boyfriends of their own. Some of the other guys are already forming relationships which we hope will happen to you one day.

Remember Ben you can always talk to any of us if you have any problems or worries. We love you Ben just as much as we love all the other guys here and don't forget that." The tears began to flow down Ben's cheeks and they got into a group hug until he had settled down.

"No one has ever said anything nice like that to me, ever, even my brothers and sisters. We had no love between us because it was survival of the fittest. We each tried to be the one who managed to get that extra crust of bread which often caused us to come to blows because all of us were so hungry. I promise I will try and be nicer to everybody and join in with the others, but it's not easy after what has happened to me in the past seventeen years. They hugged again holding that hug for a long time before broke away laughing, "I think you'd better not keep hugging me I've just cracked a stiffy." The other two joined in laughing at the big tent in his pants.

On the way back to the house arms around each other Geoff said, "We will have to let Damien know all about Ben and that so called Christian church group, maybe he can do something about getting it shut down because surely what they are doing is illegal?"

Jordon agreed with him and on the way to bed they knocked on the twin's room to see if they were awake. Two timid little voices said to come in and as they opened the door they saw both of them in the same bed. Looking sheepish and embarrassed they said, "Sorry, but we like to sleep together because this is something we've always done since we were babies."

"That's all right." Jordon told them, "We understand and we'll get you a bigger bed and take the two single ones out if you like?" Both agreed that would be great as Jordon continued, "We spoke to Ben and he won't be nasty to you anymore. He's had a tough life and was taking it out on everyone here but I think he's come round to our way of thinking and won't hurt you guys anymore."

Both twins had big smiles on their faces on hearing that news and the boys kissed them goodnight before continuing to their own bedroom. Once in their own room they immediately began making out. This resulted in a hot love making session with Geoff ploughing his rampant cock into Jordon, harder and harder at his lovers command. Finally, both panting for breath and covered in sweat they came together with Geoff breathless, lying on top of his lover with both of them covered in cum.

They slowly were getting their breath back and were preparing to take a shower when there was a knock on the door, "Who is it?" Jordon asked as they scurried under the covers hoping to hide evidence of what they had been doing.

"It's Damien and I don't want to come in but just want to ask if you two lovebirds have finished so that it can get a bit quieter and we can all get some sleep."

"Sorry." Said an embarrassed Geoff, "Didn't realise we were that noisy."

Laughing Damien replied, "Well, will you just shut up and go to sleep." Nothing more was said and they could hear him heading back to his and Bentley's room. Grinning the boys headed for the shower to wash away all the evidence and after washing and drying each other headed for bed.

The next morning after breakfast, just before lessons started, Jordon and Geoff spoke to Damien and also to Jordon's mom, Jennifer telling them of the conversation they had with Ben the previous evening. Both of the adults were horrified about the story they were told regarding the church group. Damien then vowed to contact the authorities and get something done about what is a cruel and illegal operation.

"That certainly explains his unruly behaviour plus that church group told a pack of lies regarding Ben. Nothing mentioned about his background was true." Damien told them, "They have already put forward two other names for consideration from the same group and I think we should try and accept them as soon as we can." He paused for a minute deep in thought before going through some papers on his desk.

He finally found what he was looking for and told the other three, "We had a letter a few weeks ago from a gentleman who lives not too far away offering us his caravan as a donation. He said in his letter than he has little money but because of advancing years he hasn't used the caravan for some time and while it is about twenty five years old he has always kept it in good condition.

Maybe we should take him up on his offer, interview these two and move them in it until we have the new accommodation block built. I know we're getting a bit big too soon but we can't allow these poor kids to suffer like Ben did." All three agreed it was a good idea and Damien said he would contact the gent regarding the caravan right away and also arrange for interviews with this so called Christian group to take the two boys.

Damien paused looking very thoughtful before saying anything, "There is another problem which is bothering me. I am committed by contract to my work in Toronto for at least the rest of this year and they are asking on a daily basis when will I be returning. Last night before the evening got too noisy." He looked at the two boys and laughed with Jennifer joining in so she must also have heard their sex romp as well. The two boys both went a deep red as Damien continued, "As I was saying, I spoke at length with Bentley last night and we decided reluctantly I might add that I would spend one week in Toronto and the following week here until my contract is up and then we'll rethink the situation. Bentley would remain here to help your mother Geoff in the kitchen and that way Jennifer could continue to spend more time on the boys schooling.

Bentley and I have been together for close on fifteen years and this is the first time will be apart since we first made a commitment to each other but it is something we have to do." He paused because he was getting just a bit too much emotional and both of the boys got up to give him a hug and thank him for everything he was doing.

It was also decided at the meeting that the twins, who were too young and too small to do any of the heavier work on the farm would be placed in charge of the chickens. They would feed, collect eggs and also as part of their schooling learn to keep records of eggs produced and the ordering of feed and so on.

After the meeting the boys went straight into the kitchen to give Bentley a big hug and a kiss and thank him for the sacrifice he and Damien were making for the sake of the project. Of course Bentley being the softy he was burst into tears, before giving the boys some chocolate mint cookies which he had just taken out of the oven.

Back in Texas, Jeremy was being picked up by Miles and Keith. They both were overjoyed when he came running out of school hand in hand with his new girlfriend Angela, who he brought up to the car and introduced her to his two fathers. After he had finished the introductions he kissed her lightly on the cheek before saying he'd see her tomorrow. Her mother was standing nearby waiting for her and she laughed and waved as they left the school grounds, "Well it looks like you had a good day today son."

"Yes I did dad and the boy who bullied me asked if he could be my friend and of course I said yes." He went on and on never stopping except to take a quick breath, and just before they pulled into the spot where they kept the car he said, "Oh and I almost forgot I have a letter here for you daddy Miles from the sports coach."

He handed the letter over and Miles smiled when he read it first before reading it out loud for Keith and Jeremy's benefit, "Dear Mr Fortuna, I have spoken to the principal and other members of the teaching staff and we would like to invite you to coach the senior football team during this coming season. I took the liberty of checking your background and find that during your senior and college years you excelled yourself in the sport. Therefore, I feel that your expertise would be beneficial to our senior team and the school as a whole. Putting aside the politics which you have had to endure since your son started at the school I hope you will see fit to join my coaching team. Regards Roy Emmerson, Head of physical education."

Keith leaned over to kiss his partner. When they got out of the car Jeremy gave him a big hug and a kiss saying, "Well done dad." On the way into the house Miles remarked to Keith, "It certainly looks as if our meeting at the school the other night worked wonders." Agreeing with him Keith gave him another kiss and cuddle. Grinning all over his face Jeremy remarked as they held that kiss longer and longer, "I would love a snack or something before you two dads go to your bedroom."

Now that the ground had dried out a bit work could begin on the new school house being built just inside the gate. The dozers came in to clear the ground and the concrete foundations were laid. At almost the same time the truck arrived with the bricks and the timber structure. Damien estimated that it would take something like three months to build and barring any accidents the school would then be able to open.

The only black mark on the horizon was one weekend when a protest was held outside the gates by banner waving anti-gay protesters. While that protest was non-violent it was a front so that others could tear down the new fences the boys had erected after the storms and floods.

Damien had gone back to Toronto but told them to get on with the replacement of the fences right away so that none of the stock was lost and he would work out the costs and finance when he returned the following week. Geoff's father George immediately took out the boys along with all the materials needed to make good the repairs along with a couple of security guards just in case.

No one was very happy because it was Saturday and apart from the regular chores which had to be done every day no major work was planned. They arrived at the furthermost boundary fence to find almost two thirds of the fence had been flattened and George knew they would be working until after dark to get the fence repaired.

They had just began to sort out the mess when they heard the sound of several tractors coming down the boundary road. Security ordered the boys back inside the fence expecting the worse but everyone got a big surprise when several farmers whose property was close to theirs arrived to help out. One of them offering his hand to George, "It's disgusting the way these so called rednecks are treating you and we all decided we're going to do something about it. Firstly we're going to help you fix up all your fences and then we have another little surprise planned for these louts who we know where they live.

With all the extra hands helping out the job on the main boundary fence was repaired well before dark. As the extra help prepared to leave they asked where the next stretch of fencing to be fixed was going to be. George said that tomorrow Sunday they would be concentrating on his farm and the farmers promised to be there straight after church to help out.

It was a group of weary but grateful boys who arrived back at the farm in time for the evening milking and the other chores before washing up and getting ready for supper. Later when Bentley was on the phone to Damien in Toronto Jordon asked if he could speak to him. He told Damien all about the help they were getting from the local farmers, "That's great news Jordon we will have to think of a way to thank them somehow for all the help and support they are giving us."

Jordon also mentioned that Ben since they had that little talk was like a new man, being polite and nice to everyone and that Callum had stopped seeing his local friend and it looked like he and Ben were becoming more and more friendly. This also put a smile on Damien's face, even though Jordon couldn't see it he could sense it. Finally he gave him back to Bentley who was missing his partner something terrible.

The next day by mid-morning even more people had turned up to help repair the vandalized fences and just about all of them had been fixed by the time night was settling in. The boys as always were starving but George's wife Martha and Bentley had a mound of steaks waiting for them along with a stack of mushrooms picked from their own fields, along with fried potatoes and green beans.

Bentley had excelled himself by cooking a dozen or more apple pies which were served with fresh cream from their own dairy. All the boys and adults as well were full to capacity by the time supper was over and George and Martha kissed their son and his lover goodbye before heading home to the other farm which by rights was theirs.

Fred's Martha once again woke up in the local hospitals ICU with tubes and things coming out of everywhere. Once he was fully conscious his doctor came in and told him that the shock of Fred having to do time in prison was just too much and that he had another heart attack, "I must warn you that another one like that will be fatal, it was sheer luck that we were able to get assistance to you quickly. I know from what your attorney has told us that you and the one in prison are very much in love, but if you want to be around when he comes out you must take extra care of yourself, try not to worry and avoid any more stress."

He left Martha to his own devices and to think over what he had said. Lying in that hospital bed Martha went over everything that had happened in the past twelve months or so since he met Fred and realised that he had a big decision to make. Did he move on with his life and forget Fred who after all was responsible for this latest heart attack or does he do as promised in court to wait for him.

To Be continued:

Writers corner" Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter which took me a long time to write because I suffered the dreaded writers block, and that is also the reason why it is a little shorter than normal.

It appears that Keith, Miles and their new son Jeremy succeeded in getting a number of the parents at Jeremy's school on side and at the moment things are running a lot smoother. Will this calm last and have the two gay fathers with a son been accepted? Only time will tell.

Meanwhile at the farm the clear up after the storm continued with a big setback when the redneck element on the district continued with their vandalism. When will this stop? It was great to see the local farming community deciding enough was enough and helping out the boys by joining in mending fences.

Then we hear Ben's story which in itself was sad but made worse by the church group and their shock therapy treatment to make him `normal' we know this doesn't work and the treatment is barbaric to say the least. I hope Damien is able to get the place shut down and take some of those boys into the farm project.

Do you think the farm is getting too big too soon? This could become a problem because none of them like to turn anyone away.

Finally we come to Fred and Martha, Should Martha because of her frail heart forget Fred and move on or should she wait for him. Plus that was quite a shock Fred getting prison time when he and his lawyer were sure of probation. What do you think?

Please let me know what you think about this chapter because I love hearing from you and look forward to your emails.

Hugs Trevor

Editors Corner.

Wow, lots of stuff covered in this chapter. I am thrilled things are going well for Jeremy. I hope they continue to go on like that.

I am hoping that Fred gets a pass to leave prison early to take care of Martha. With the prisons being so crowded and Fred's age and most likely need for costly medical attention it would benefit the prison to give him an early release. Just my take. Martha hang in there, Fred is worth the wait.

Well it looks like the rednecks are back at it again. I wonder what the farmers have planned for these bigots. Cannot wait to find out. It was really nice that the farmers came and helped out.

Now, I want Damien to shut down that Church reprogramming camp. Also hope the leaders get to spend some time in jail. Maybe get to know Bubba better. That would make my day.

Well for now, have an awesome day.

Your editor


Next: Chapter 21

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