Living in a Lie

By Trevor Johnson

Published on May 14, 2013




Written by Trevor Johnson

Editor Richie

Please note this story contains boy-to-boy sexual activity and if you don't enjoy this kind of story read no further. This story is completely fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is wholly coincidental. This story may not be published, or reprinted, without the express permission of the author.

He left Martha to his own devices and to think over what he had said. Lying in that hospital bed Martha went over everything that had happened in the past twelve months or so since he met Fred and realised that he had a big decision to make. Did he move on with his life and forget Fred who after all was responsible for this latest heart attack or does he do as promised in court to wait for him.

In his drug induced fog Martha kept drifting in and out but all the time at the back of his mind was Fred and how he was faring. The question his lawyers and doctors mentioned was also there. Should he turn his back on Fred and walk away or stay faithful to him?

No matter what he had done in the past he was still madly in love with him. While the idea of spending the rest of his life with him was now on hold for a couple of years, he still felt deep down he should wait for the man in his life.

He remained in the hospital for another week before being allowed to go home. Home that was once supposed to be their lifetime cosy love nest that was now just a piece of real estate. Martha did consider selling and finding something smaller but decided he would talk to Fred first and yes at the first opportunity possible he was going to visit him in prison.

His health gradually settled down as he decided what he was going to do and remain faithful to his partner despite what he had done in the past. All Martha had to do was wait about a month before he could go see him.

Meanwhile Fred wasn't faring too well despite the fact that he was in protective custody. He had already been bashed twice and once in the shower he was raped by a massive African American who ripped him apart that required him to have several stitches put in his anus. He protested to the prison authorities who just said they do the best they can but can't always protect people like himself. While the prison guards themselves just smiled and appeared to turn a blind eye.

His main worry was of course his Martha who he was missing terribly. He wasn't sure if he would ever see him again despite hearing those words ringing in his ears as he was led away that he would wait for him. Would the transvestite he so dearly loved do just that and wait for him? He had no idea that Martha was back in the hospital after collapsing in the courtroom. All he could do was wait until he was allowed visitors and hope that he would turn up.

Work back on the farm in Saskatchewan Canada was settling down but it was obvious that more space was needed to meet the growing demand from a variety of organizations requesting placement of young boys. These requests were no longer from Canada but the United States as well. While Damien and the boys didn't like to turn anyone away they had to stipulate that Canadian boys got first preference.

Damien had already had several meetings with the authorities regarding the so called gay cure camp and the two abused boys were due to arrive any day now. Once they were out of harm's way the police planned a raid on the property. The biggest problem at the farm was where to house them because they had no more space but that changed when Chris and Ben approached Jordon, Geoff and Jennifer asking if they could move in together? Blushing Chris explained, "My relationship with the kid in town is over and Ben and I have been seeing more and more of each other. We would like to have a go at living together if that's ok with you guys?"

Jordon and Geoff both looked at each other and nodded and without waiting for his moms input Jordon said, "Of course, I don't see why not but I hope you make a go of it because we have already have a couple of guys waiting to come to the farm. They could take over one of your rooms. So if it doesn't work out between you two one of you will have to sleep with the chickens." Everyone laughed and Ben said he saw no reason why the two of them couldn't make a go of it.

Jordon explained that they would arrange for a larger bed to be made available later today and they could choose which ever room they liked it to be put in. Jordon's mom, Jennifer hadn't said much but when the two boys had left hand in hand she said to her son and his lover, "I worry that we're getting too big too fast and we are running out of space. Plus George is finding it more and more difficult to find jobs on the farm for so many."

While both boys agreed with her they still didn't want needy cases to be turned away if possible. Damien was due back at the weekend for his week on the farm and all agreed they must sit down and work out what was to be done.

Also coming up this weekend was the farmers protest and all the local farmers were very tight lipped on what they had planned. The local police also tried to stop the protest suspecting the rednecks would retaliate in a violent manner. The farmers were determined to get the message across that enough was enough, so all anyone could do was wait until Saturday afternoon.

Damien, Bentley and the boys had been invited into town by the farmers, not to take part but to watch from a distance. Damien had barely arrived from the airport before it was time to head into town. Several of the boys also wanted to go but Jordon thought it would be safer if they stayed home.

They parked in town and soon heard a convoy of trucks and tractors pulling trailers heading down the main street. The boys thought the procession was ok but didn't think this would stop the rednecks from doing more damage. That was until they realised what each truck and trailer was carrying. In turn the convoy stopped at a known redneck home and a truck or trailer was backed up to the front door and then a massive load of manure was dumped right up against the doorway. Then another farmer would jump down and push a sign into the horrible stinking muck., which read `IF YOU KEEP SPREADING SHIT ON THE BOYS FARM WE'LL KEEP DOING THE SAME TO YOU' Everyone in the car couldn't stop laughing as every house was targeted in the same manner until all the trucks and trailers were empty. Several rednecks came running out complaining to the police who were on hand in case of trouble, but all they could do was smile and turn away.

To rub salt into the wounds the media had been alerted as well and several TV news crews were on hand to record the event. Travelling back to the farm the boys couldn't stop laughing until Bentley sitting quietly next to his lover said, I hope this doesn't cause a lot of retaliation from the rednecks." This caused everyone to stop and think but they all hoped this would be the end of all the damage and vandalism.

Miles was quite thrilled and just a little bit nervous when he turned up for the first training session as chief coach of his son's school. The head of the sports department James Warren was waiting to greet him with a warm handshake and a smile. He showed him all around the sporting facility before taking him into his office for a quick chat before he met the team, "We have a good team and although we don't win many games we hope with your help that will change.

There is just one problem right now, three parents have withdrawn their children from the team because they don't want them being exposed to an homosexual. Don't worry, you have the full backing of the staff and administration here at the school."

While Miles was disappointed with those parents attitude he accepted that this would happen with some people being unhappy at his appointment. James finally took him out to the sports field where the team was all ready and waiting. He was introduced to his assistant coaches, all parents and all appeared to be eager to have Miles as their chief.

The first thing he did was to give the boys a pep talk about how with hard work and dedication to training they are going to win, win, win. He then sent them off on a run around the field while he consulted with the other coaches, delegating jobs and generally getting to know them. It appeared the previous head coach had a very comprehensive set of moves already catalogued and Miles said he would take them home and study them.

He concentrated mainly on the boy's fitness for this first session and all too soon it was time for them to go home. It was then that he spotted Jeremy and Keith sitting in the bleachers watching him. Making his way over to them he kissed them both before asking how long they had been there, "Quite some time." Keith said, "We came to see the master at work. You appear to have the boy's attention and they are doing as you ask, plus the other parent coaches are quite happy working with you as well."

Miles then told them both about three parents pulling their kids but how the others were happy. Having sent the kids to the showers and saying goodnight to the other coach's Miles took Keith's hand as they made their way towards the car park. It wasn't long before their handholding was broken by Jeremy breaking in to walk between them, holding each of their hands. On the way home he told them what a great day he had and how all his teachers were impressed by what he already knew, "Mind you that didn't stop them giving me a lot of homework." He moaned.

Once home Miles got stuck into preparing dinner while Keith helped Jeremy with his homework. By the time they sat down to eat the homework was done. Once the dishes were cleared away and the cleaning up done, all three sat down together. With Miles and Keith sitting close together holding hands while Jeremy sat on Miles' knee. After about an hour of TV Jeremy was asleep. Miles took him to his room, undressing him down to his shorts before putting him into bed.

As he was closing the door to go and join Keith a little voice said, "You won't forget daddies my good night kiss, will you?" Miles promised he would go get Keith right now and come back.

By the time they got back Jeremy was sound asleep or so they thought, but they still went up kissing him lightly on the cheek in turn before turning to leave. Just as they got to the door that cute little voice said, "goodnight dad's, love you both."

Laughing Keith said, "You can never tell if he's asleep or not." They headed back to the lounge room for a kiss and cuddle and to watch some more TV. But their kisses got a bit hot and they decided to retire to their bedroom in case their son came wandering through and saw something he shouldn't.

Back at the farm the interviewing committee comprising of Damien, Jennifer, Jordon and Geoff were getting ready to receive the two boys from the supposed church cure camp. It was difficult for all of them to be civil to the church official who brought them. They had to be so that suspicions weren't aroused regarding the police raid which was due to take place as soon as the boys were safely at the farm.

Both boys were aged fifteen and looked absolutely terrified as they sat with the four of them and of course the guy who brought them. Damien thanked him for bringing the boys and then got rid of him quick, before coming back into the room to join the others after making a quick phone call to his police contact.

Jordon smiled at the boys saying, "Don't worry boys you're safe here and nothing bad will ever happen to you again. Damien has completed all the paperwork so no one can touch you or harm you ever again." He then went round the room introducing himself and the other three before continuing, "Now, which one is Michael?" The slightly taller of the boys raised his hand. He was very thin and looked as if he had been starved for the past few weeks. In fact both of them did. Michael was about five foot ten, big for his age with dark brown hair, brown eyes and a sickly yellow complexion. Jordon could see that his mom was getting distressed at the condition of the boys. Smiling he said, "Don't worry boys, with all the food and milk you'll get here we'll soon have you looking fit and healthy again." He then turned to the smaller blonde haired kid sitting next to Geoff saying, "And you must be Aaron?" The young boy nervously nodded. Jordon looked at him and noticed he looked even thinner than his friend. Along with the blonde hair Jordon noticed the green eyes and the thin face.

"Don't worry boys your problems are over. All the boys here are gay and proud of the fact. Everyone is friendly so you have nothing to worry about." He then went through the work routine and the education program explaining that he hoped it was ok but for now they would be sharing a room. Upon hearing that both boys looked at each other and slight grin went across their faces.

Jordon looked at Geoff and also grinned, "May we are ask you both a very personal question which you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but are both of you lovers?"

The answer was obvious with both of them blushing a deep red before nodding sheepishly, "In that case would you be happier with one large bed or two singles?" Michael looked at Aaron who nodded before he quietly said, "A large bed please, if that's all right?"

Damien all this time had been very quiet, watching and marvelling at how mature and grown up Jordon and Geoff had become. He then went on to tell the boys all about the police raid on the camp and how hopefully those in charge would be going to prison for a long time. On hearing this both boys burst into tears with Jordon and Geoff hugging them, telling them they are safe now.

When the boys stopped crying they explained that three other boys were still being tortured in the camp and what would happen to them? Jordon looked questioningly at Damien who understood, without any words being spoken, "We just don't have the room Jordon, where would we put them?"

Jordon was quiet for a moment before saying, "Couldn't we buy or hire a caravan or something until the new block is built?" Thinking about for a while Damien said, "Well I suppose we could. I'll look into it and I'll also tell the police and family services that we will take any other boys they find in the facility when they raid it." He looked at his watch before saying, "Which is about an hour from now."

He left to make the phone call while Jennifer threw her hands into the air saying, "I'd better let Bentley and Geoff's mom know that we'll more than likely have extra mouths to feed tonight or at least for breakfast. I know Jordon and you too Geoff know how hard it is not to turn anyone away but we have to draw the line somewhere."

"I agree mom but we need to rescue these guys from this terrible place." Jordon said. With his mom gone Jordon and Geoff took the two new boys on a tour of the farm and to meet the other boys. They also helped them set up the larger bed and supplied them with bedding. Geoff asked where their clothes were and they said they didn't have any. So they took them to their room and found some jeans and T-shirts along with boxer shorts for them to wear, plus towels and toiletries which they always had on hand these days for the guys.

Sitting on Jordon and Geoff's bed both of them burst into tears, unable to control themselves. With hugs and help from the other two they calmed down explaining that no one had ever been so kind to them in their entire lives. Bentley knocked on the door to tell them that Damien had dashed off to rescue the other three who would have to bunk down in the lounge room for tonight until they could find beds for them.

Not long after that supper was called, so the boys washed up and went down to what was becoming a crowded dining room. They sat down to eat with Michael and Aaron staring at the mounds of food on the table. Not long into supper Damien arrived with three very frightened young boys. The youngest was nine and eldest twelve and they were in an even worse state than Michael and Aaron were.

As soon as they had some food Jennifer took them upstairs for showers and to find them something to wear while Damien explained that he got to the camp just as the raid was starting and five men were arrested. He began to cry as he explained the terrible conditions these poor young boys were in, "They were lying naked, chained by their ankles to the wall with no heating and shivering with the cold. It took all my strength and some of the police officers not to attack those responsible for the cruelty they inflicted on these poor boys. I just had to bring them home even if they are a bit young for our project here, we'll work something out.

The three newcomers were Ryan, aged nine, skinny and obviously undernourished. Peter aged ten in more or less the same condition and Tony who looked to be of Italian extraction who was twelve and looked to be the fittest of the three because he had only been there a couple of days. Bentley had prepared some food for them because Martha and George had gone home for the day.

The boys wolfed into a feed of bacon and eggs with fruit juice or milk to wash it down but all began to vomit, not being used to eating so much food at once. Damien told them to just eat a little bit for now and drink some milk, "Don't worry boys we won't starve you here." He told them

As soon as they heard the boys had arrived Aaron and Michael came rushing into the kitchen and a very weepy reunion took place. Aaron could be heard reassuring the young boys that nothing bad would happen to them here, "these are great people and they are all gay like us." The boys looked around at all the faces in amazement because as they admitted to Jordon and Geoff later they really believed they were unique freaks because that is what they were led to believe.

Ryan told them, "My mom and dad always called me the freak when they realised I was more interested in boys than girls." Due to the fact that they had been placed in this camp by their parents Damien had to go to court to gain custody of the boys. At the same time the police issued a warrant for their arrest for neglect and cruelty.

The big problem was what to do with them. Like the twins they were too young for heavy manual labour. So for the time being it was decided that they would concentrate on their education with Jennifer treating them like full time students.

Meanwhile Jordon's sister and her husband Eddie came to the farm the next morning, absolutely bursting to pass on their good news. Veronica couldn't have children so some months ago they applied for adoption and the word came through that they have an eight week old baby girl available if they are interested. They called into the farm to tell everyone before heading off to meet their new daughter.

Jennifer was jumping for joy that she was going to be a grandmother, something which at one time she thought would never happen and Jordon was going to be an uncle. The whole farm was buzzing with the excitement while Bentley was in the kitchen, tears rolling down his cheeks and he wasn't even peeling or slicing onions.

The big surprise was Nathan the fifteen year old computer geek who worked in the office with Veronica. He was dancing around the room, hugging and kissing Veronica and Eddie when he could catch them. He had become very attached to Veronica claiming that she was the mother he never had.

One night Veronica told her mother, Jordon and Geoff the story Nathan had told her. Apparently he never knew who his father was and his mother died in childbirth, mainly because she was full of drugs and booze, "The doctor told me when I was old enough to understand that I was actually born a drug addict because of all the stuff his mom had injected herself with and that I was in intensive care for many weeks while they weaned me off such drugs as heroin and cocaine."

He went on to tell her that he was then placed in an orphanage which is where he grew up, "The first thing I can remember was waking up one night when I was about five with one of the older boys trying to stick his big cock up my ass. It hurt and I was far too small but this didn't stop him and other boys from continually trying. The thing was I was starting to enjoy it but it wasn't until I was about thirteen that I realized I was gay and liked only boys.

I also liked working with computers and designing programs and things like that. The trouble was I couldn't find a regular boyfriend and every night someone different would join me in my bed. I had just turned fifteen when I read about this place and asked if I could go there. I think they were happy to see the last of me because there always were continuous fights and arguments among the others on who was going to go to bed with me that night.

I'm a little bit disappointed that I haven't found a boyfriend here yet but I love the work and have learnt a lot from you Veronica. I hope you will allow me to call you mom and for me to be a brother to your new baby girl?" Veronica of course agreed and suggested that Jordon and Geoff look around for a boyfriend for Nathan. Or at least have a talk to him.

That's just what the boys did that night when Veronica was away with Eddie picking up their daughter. They were all three alone in the kitchen and Geoff made some hot chocolate for them while Nathan was excitingly explaining a new supply and demand spreadsheet he had designed for Damien. When he finally paused for breath Jordon asked him about finding a boyfriend.

A sad look came over Nathan's face as he said, "Young guys don't really go for geeky looking guys like me. Just wearing glasses is a big put off for some boys. I don't understand why? I'm just a kind, fun loving guy like everyone else here. Ok, I do go on a bit about computers which doesn't interest everyone but I try not to bore people."

Jordon thought for a while before making a suggestion, "What about Frankie Mitchell, he's your age I think and he's a bit on the shy side so he's having trouble mixing in with the others. The matchmaking part of me says you two could be ideal for each other. Why don't Geoff and I suggest to him that you'd like to be friends and let you take it from there?"

"That's sound all right to me and he is rather cute I've been watching him and wouldn't mind being his friend. You guys are great the way you look after us boys making sure were happy and contented." He answered with a wistful look in his eyes. They finished their hot chocolate and at Jordon's insistence had a group hug before joining some of the others watching TV.

Because the weather had been kind to them since the storm, progress on the new school building was progressing in leaps and bounds and was now about two weeks ahead of schedule. Jennifer was very busy. Not only did she have classes for the boys but she also had to begin interviewing potential teachers, along with the ordering of books and other teaching tools.

The Canadian education department were particularly helpful and sent someone out from their head office to help Jennifer, especially with the ordering of stock. As all this stock and equipment such as desks, tables and chairs began to arrive, the biggest problem was where to store it all. The whole farm was beginning to burst at the seams which was a worry not only for Jennifer but Damien as well.

A caravan had arrived courtesy of a local dealer who supplied it at less than cost and it was brand new. The three boys from the camp were now sleeping and living in there which eased the sleeping problem but storage space and general space as the farm grew was still a worry and right now they just didn't have the funds to build anything new.

At the back of the property was a fair sized farm which had been run down. The farmer lost his wife two years ago and was struggling to cope. It was a surprised Damien who received a call from the guy asking if he could come over and meet with him and the committee which ran the place.

When he arrived he was introduced to Jordon, Geoff and Jennifer with Damien explaining that they were the ones more or less running the place. He looked a bit surprise at the two young boys sitting there but didn't comment. His name was Jeff Bennet and he told them his family had owned the farm for three generations but his sons just weren't interested and both had good jobs in the city. He was well into his seventies with grey hair and stooped when he walked.

He explained, "Since my wife died I have sort of lost interest plus I couldn't afford to pay the labour needed to do what I used to do but can't anymore. My sons don't want anything to do with the farm both having well paid jobs so what I would like to do if you're interested is offer it to you people at a reasonable price. All I want is enough money to keep me comfortable for my remaining years on this earth with maybe enough to buy a small place on the coast somewhere."

All four of them listening were amazed at the offer and Damien spoke up for them, "That is a generous offer Jeff and we are very interested because we are bursting at the seams right now, but let me ask you one question if I may?"

Jeff nodded his head as Damien continued, "Why the generous offer to us and not put it on the market and make a bit more money?"

Jeff Looked around at them with a sad look on his face before answering, "My youngest son is gay and when he was growing up and told us that he preferred boys to girls we just didn't understand. While we felt sorry for him when he got bashed at school and he was bullied all the time we did nothing to help him. Now he is living in Toronto with another lovely man and they are probably happier than the average husband and wife. So I suppose me offering my place at the right price is a way of trying to make up for the love and understanding we didn't give our son when he was growing up."

Everyone was silent for a while until Damien spoke up, "That is a generous offer Jeff and of course we will have to have a look at the property and also approach our bank for a mortgage or loan. Is it alright if we take a drive over tomorrow morning to have a look around?"

"Certainly you're more than welcome. The house itself while it's weather proof could possibly do with a bit of paint here and there but the outer buildings are in good shape and weathered the recent storm quite well. Right now I only have some chickens with two thirds of the land currently under crop, mainly wheat."

They chatted in general for some time before Jeff left and once Damien had seen him off he came back asking the others what they thought, "It sounds almost too good to be true." Jordon remarked, "But if we can get the money from the bank it would solve a lot of our problems." While they were discussing the pros and cons of the deal they heard a car horn blowing continuously outside in the yard. All four of them dashed outside to find out what was happening and found a beaming Veronica and Eddie getting out of the car with a beautiful baby girl in Veronica's arms, "Meet Jennifer, Louise, the newest edition to our family."

At the name they had given her Jennifer burst into tears hugging both her daughter and son-in-law in turn, thanking them over and over for using her name. Veronica explained, "Louise is Eddie's moms name so both grandma's get a mention."

By now just about everyone on the property was out wanting to get a look at and cuddle of the baby. Bentley as always on these occasions had tears rolling down his cheeks and took over nursing the little one. Damien laughing remarked, "Good Lord, he gets so clucky at a time like this, I sometime wish I could give him a baby." Then he realised what he had said blushing a deep purple.

Everyone laughed and it looked as if work had stopped for the day with everyone trooping inside for afternoon tea and to take turns nursing Jennifer Louise. Damien took George, Geoff's dad to one side telling him about the offer to buy Jeff Bennet's place and suggesting that he join them tomorrow to take a look at the place, "He always ran a good farm until he lost his wife according to other locals. Since then I think he let it run down a bit. He sold all his stock and concentrated on growing crops." George told him. They chatted for some time about the deal before joining the others in the celebration tea.

The time came around very quickly for Martha to visit Fred in Prison and it was a very nervous transvestite who travelled to the prison on a bleak grey rainy day. He had to wait about an hour after the bus taking him to the prison arrived and he waited with the other wives, mothers and husbands, along with a mob of screaming kids which gave him a headache.

He was the centre of attention being a man dressed as a woman with a lot of sneers and comments being sent in his direction. Finally the prison guards let them in and the long process of being searched for contraband and drugs took place. The guards on reception had a problem because they didn't know if a male or female guard should search Martha until he assured them he didn't care just as long as it was over quickly.

Finally after more waiting they were all shown into another room and told to wait before being allowed into the actual visiting room. Martha entered the room looking around for Fred and finally spotted him sitting at a table with a chair opposite for him. He rushed over going in to kiss his lover, only he was stopped by a guard who said no physical contact.

He was most upset that Fred had lost a lot of weight, had bags under his eyes and it was obvious that he had suffered a beating of some kind. Fred assured him that it was no big deal but obviously it was, "I wasn't sure if you would come or if I would ever see you again." Fred said.

"Didn't you hear me cry out in court that I would wait for you?" Martha said.

"Yes, but I thought you might have changed your mind. After all what I did was stupid but I never meant any harm to any of those boys and never tried to make physical contact with any of them and I stopped when I met and fell in love with you."

They tried to hold hands at least but whenever they did the guard would stop them. They chatted about a variety of things including Martha suggesting they sell their love nest and that he rent something small for awhile. Then when Fred is released they could move and buy something elsewhere, "No." Fred said, "That's our own little love nest and I would prefer if we stayed there for the rest of our days."

He was most adamant so Martha changed the subject, talking in general about prison life. All too soon it was time to go and Fred gave him instructions on how to use Skype on the internet to try and contact Miles and Jordon telling them of what happened, "They are sure to be wondering where I am and what happened to me." He told Martha.

Little did he know that Keith, Miles' partner had found out and Miles had passed the word on to Jordon and Geoff and all of them were disgusted with Fred and really didn't want anything to do with him anymore.

To be continued:

Writer corner:

Another busy chapter which I hope you enjoyed. The farm is bursting at the seams with none of them able to say no to worthy cases of boys being abused.

It was good that Damien was able to help the police close down that terrible correction camp and rescue the final three boys. It was also good to hear that the parents had been arrested as well. I hope they all get long prison sentences.

Wouldn't it be good if a law was passed forbidding these people to have any more children. What do you think of that idea?

The farmers protest with the manure was great but I hope this doesn't make the rednecks so mad that they resort to even more vandalism and violence.

The offer from Jeff Bennett for them to buy his farm came just at the right time but will the bank give them the finance needed to by the property?

Finally as far as the farm project is concerned the arrival of Veronica and Eddie's adopted baby caused quite a stir and I can see little Jennifer Louise being spoilt rotten not only by the adults but the boys themselves.

Now to Miles and Keith with their adopted boy Jeremy. Things appear for now to be going along well with Miles starting at the school as head coach of the football team. Will this calm and smooth running continue? Who knows we'll have to wait and see.

Finally Martha had his visit to see Fred in Prison and while he promised to wait for Fred is this the right course of action for him? Fred meanwhile is having a rough time of it despite being in protective custody. Will he survive the couple of years in prison?

As you can see a lot of questions still to be answered with a lot more plots still to be unfolded so please do keep coming back and let me know what you think of this story as it continues to unfold.



Editors corner:

Wow, this chapter was just loaded with various story lines. My favourite was the farmers dumping manure on the rednecks doorsteps and the police just laughing. I agree with Trevor though that this could be risky and provoke the rednecks into even more action against them.

As for Fred and Martha. Well I don't think what Fred did was all that bad. He never had personal contact with any of the boys. I think he deserves probation. I also think it is wrong of Keith, Miles, Jordon and Geoff to not even give Fred a chance to explain. I think they owe him that much. He already is paying a very big price, being raped and hurt nearly daily. I hope he is not killed.

I was thrilled that the boys decided to allow all the boys from the correction camp to relocate onto the farm. These kids have suffered so much and desperately need someone to show them that they are worthy children of God. I also love that they are letting boyfriends sleep together. Way to go...

I think money somehow will be found to purchase the other farm. I am hoping that Jeff's son (the gay one) visits and helps out with his boyfriend. I think it would be therapeutic for all of them.

All I can say is Trevor keep up the great work on this story. I love it and know you have tons of fans. So for now do not forget to tell Trevor about your likes/dislikes as regards this story as that is the only pay he gets for all his hard work.

So for now have a great day.


Next: Chapter 22

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