Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Sep 4, 2009


Disclaimer on ch 1.

Thank you to everyone who sent me an email!! :D

Chapter 10.

"The sun comes up I think about you The coffee cup I think about you I want you so It's like I'm losing my mind The morning ends I think about you I talk to friends I think about you And do they know? It's like I'm losing my mind" -Follies

"OLIVER! Get out of that car, this instant!" Henriette yelled shrilly. Christian tensed up at the interruption. The boys parted heads and viewed each other's faces. Christian looked startled and almost guilty as his hands pressed into Olli's back. Olli didn't look surprised by his mother's reaction, as he pulled himself out of Christian's arms.

Olli glanced over his shoulder and sure enough, his mother was standing in front of the large iron gate that incased their dwelling. Henriette's face was excessively displeased as she held her balled fists, at her sides. Feeling the need to look away, Olli's attention returned to Christian; his blue eyes, wide with disbelief and worry.

Ok...this is happening.' Olli told himself. He inhaled a mouthful of air as the situation began to sink in. Ok.' Olli let his breath out in a steady stream, as he accepted his reality. Christian nervously and silently, bit his bottom lip; while trying to read Olli, like a book. "You should stay in the car." Olli calmly told Christian.

Christian assessed the situation by catching a glimpse of Olli's pissed off mother and then surveyed the boy he was crazy for. He was stubbornly about to protest, when Olli covered his mouth with a warm hand. "This is going to be bad. She had no idea." Olli said glumly, before making himself open the car door and leave Christian. Christian unknowingly scrambled closer to Olli, now almost fully in the passenger seat.

Realizing he may never see him again, Olli leaned back into the car's open window and desperately kissed the other boy, while hearing his mother protest strongly, in the background. Christian was surprised by Olli's inopportune closeness, but thought, `Hey, it's not like she didn't see us the first time.' He closed his eyes and let himself settle into the overpowering embrace.

Hands grasped backs of heads and tongues searched for the feeling of being whole. After parting from the heartbreaking kiss, Christian mouthed a silent, "I'm sorry" and watched Olli back away from him and into his mother's clutches. Christian looked up into Henriette's eyes and was taken aback when he felt the cold stare of hate, emanating from them.

`How did he turn out so good?' Christian wondered this, as he sat in Gregor's blue car; still looking to the spot where he last saw Olli, many minutes before.

"Hello?" Christian answered his phone surprisingly alert, for it being so early in the morning. He had been jumpy, utterly preoccupied and barely sleeping for countless excruciating days and nights; hopefully awaiting a call from Olli. Olli hadn't been back to school and Christian was sure that his mom was doing exactly what Olli said she would. "Christian? Christian Mann?" A girl's voice asked. A disappointed Christian answered. "Yeah?"

"Ok, I'm glad I finally called the right number. Before you, I talked to an old man who kept complaining about his medical problems. I was like: eew, don't tell me these things, you gross old guy. And then he actually hung up on me! I mean seems like this old guy, probably on the verge of death, should think twice about being an ass right before he kicks it! That reminds me...just yesterday, I was at the market and this old lady in a hideous floral dress just starts talking to me out of the blue about the weather as we're standing next to the broccoli! She thought I had nothing better to do than waste my tim..."

"Who is this?" Christian demanded. She was offended by the interruption. "Rude much? I guess that's what I get for helping you out though. This is Olivia Schneider. I'm calling about my cousin Olli."

"Olli? is he? Is his mom making him move again? Is he ok? How can I get in touch with him? I mean, I know where he lives, but I'm pretty sure she won't let me see him. I tried calling his phone, but I think it's turned off...she probably took it away from him. Did he tell you anything to tell me?" Slightly out of breath, Christian finally paused to wait for Olivia's response.

"Wow! You sure do talk a lot! Anyways, he's pretty much being held captive in his room, like Rapunzel, except with less hair. But don't you go getting your eyes poked out just yet, because we're hatching a plan! I'll meet you at lunch and we can discuss everything."

"Ok! Where do you want to meet?" Christian's voice was filled to the brim with excitement. "I'll find you..." Olivia tried to sound mysterious, but the truth was: she knew that Christian always sat at the same oval-shaped lunch table each day, with a big group of friends. A group she secretly wished she could join.

"Oh, and Christian?" Olivia felt a little strange as she spoke Olli's message. "Olli told me to tell you that getting to spend the night with you was worth it." Christian grinned from ear to ear as he imagined what Olli's face would have looked like, saying this. "Tell him..." Christian couldn't think of any words to tell Olli. Nothing his mind offered seemed to fit what he was feeling. "Tell him the same back."

Christian sat on his bed, still pressing the phone to his ear long after Olivia had hung up, as it was his only connection to Olli.

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Next: Chapter 11

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