Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Aug 23, 2009


The disclaimer for the 1st chapter applies to this one too. :)

Sorry for the wait! I was busy.

Chapter 6.

"Well something told me to run from you But I got that curse Now I can't tell if I am bad or I am worse But if you hold tight we could rocket from mars to the stars If you'd like We could live in the cars with the stars If you'd like We're plenty of things But we're raised just to make it hurt" -Ima Robot

Olli was making Christian nervous as they exited the school and he started to stumble a little, while descending the concrete steps. Olli pretended not to notice the slight bumble. "So, that was boring." Olli lied. "Yeah, so boring." There was a long pause. The boys pretended to be interested in their surroundings, distracted eyes darted from tree to rock, rock to blue sky.

"Hey, do you have any idea what Ms. Hofmann asked us at the end of her talk?" Christian asked, as he finally let himself fully look at Olli. "Oh, my god! You didn't hear it either? That's heh...well I hope we didn't agree to anything horrible. Did she make you sign a paper? Cuz that's where they get you." Olli's laughter-filled voice floated Christian's way.

"And who are they?" Christian asked, before also letting out a little laugh. Olli was relieved to see Christian's seemingly moody attitude had vanished. "Buzzz!" Olli's infatuated head, didn't hear a sound. "Is that you?" Christian asked as he pointed at the spot where the noise had originated. "Huh?" Olli followed Christian's pointer finger and looked down at his book bag.

"Oh." He smiled, somewhat flustered. "Buzzz!" "Sorry..." Olli had no idea what he was apologizing for. He scrambled to find his phone. Olli's left hand searched the bag, but couldn't retrieve his cell. He concentrated harder and let his other hand join the first, on the expedition. Olli yelled, "Finally!" Christian grinned when Olli's annoyance turned to joy. He watched the boy hold up his phone, triumphantly. "Buzzz!"

"Shit!" Olli dropped his phone onto the dirty ground. Olli immediately bent down to pick it up, but what he hadn't planned on, was Christian doing the same. They bonked foreheads, hard. "Sorry..." Christian saw Olli grimace and rub his head. Great, now I've hurt him...what else can go wrong?' "Are you ok?" Olli held back a painful moan, faked a smile and said, "I'm fine." Yes, you are.' Christian thought, as he gazed at the attractive boy. "Buzzz!" "Oh, here." Christian handed Olli his phone. "Thanks." Their hands touched.

Olli didn't even check to see who was calling. He just blindly pressed a button and slipped his phone back into his bag. "Aren't you going to answer it?" Unanswered phones were one of Christian's pet peeves. "No's just Olivia, she calls every five minutes."

`Olivia must be that cheerleader.' Christian thought, as he scrunched up his face; he did not want to hear about the beautiful girl. Olli didn't know how to read Christian's expression...he tired to pull some information from the boy, without being too forward. He wanted to know if Christian had a girlfriend...or boyfriend, but didn't want to ask. He blurted out, "Girls, huh?" Christian nodded sadly and didn't speak.

Another silence enveloped the boys and unanswered questions lingered in the air, as did the afternoon sun. Why am I not saying anything?' Christian thought, as he stared at Olli's shuffling shoes. Olli put his hands in his jean pockets and wondered, Why is he not saying anything?' The mutually adored boys looked at each other; when their eyes met, they quickly looked away.

Christian turned his attention to the sky and squinted. "It's sunny!" He announced. Olli agreed. Christian rolled his eyes and mentally strangled himself. `Why the hell did I say that?' No one had ever been able to bring Christian to such an unnerving state. Olli was frustrated. He wasn't any closer to finding anything out about Christian and wondered if he ever would.

Christian looked toward the parking lot and then back at Olli. "Did you need a ride home?" He didn't know how the words had escaped his mouth. "No, I've got one. Thanks." Olli wanted to slap himself for making plans with Olivia, earlier.

`Of course he has a ride home, you idiot.' Christian's subconscious was scolding him. He had to get away from Olli before he made more of a fool out of himself. "So, I'm gonna head home." He said with regret. Olli nodded and Christian took it as his cue. He turned to leave, but stopped suddenly when he felt a hand burning into his shoulder.

A pleasantly surprised Christian turned to Olli with a gleam of hope in his eyes. Olli hadn't thought about what he wanted to say, before stopping Christian. Now that he had his full attention, the two blue pools staring back at him, threatened to once again leave him speechless. He quickly forced out the first words that came to him.

"What do you do around here for fun?" Olli cringed after hearing himself ask the cliché question. "I don't have fun. I only study." Christian spoke seriously until a smile broke through; crumbling the wall he had built up to protect himself from the glowing green eyes that were catching the sunlight at moment, as they shone his way.

"No really, there's not much to do around here. I just go to school, practice and sleep a lot. And sometimes I hang out with my friends. So basically, I do nothing for fun." Christian was being adorable again. Olli took a step closer, without even realizing he had done so.

"Ok. Well, I'd like to do some of that nothing sometime, if you're up for it." "Well what a coincidence, I'm doing nothing tomorrow after school if you'd like to join me...I mean us. Some friends will be coming over. I can drive you. You can meet them." Christian was speaking really fast, as he was nervous as hell. "Great!" Olli was ecstatic.

A red convertible was suddenly speeding their way. Christian instinctively stretched his arm across Olli's chest, shielding him from the impending doom. The car stopped abruptly in front of the boys, music blaring from inside.

"Hey, gorgeous!" Olivia sang, as she whipped her black sunglasses off of her face, her dazzling white teeth, peering through ruby red lips as she smiled. Christian was immediately jealous. His blue eyes darkened as he shot invisible daggers at the pretty girl. Olli pressed a fake punch to Christian's arm, as he began walking to the car.

"Can't keep my cousin waiting. Tomorrow then? Bye!" He practically skipped away and then hopped into the passenger's seat without using the door. "Cousin?" Christian said under his breath. "Uh, bye!" He called out while waving awkwardly, as they started to drive away. His eyes grew wide as realization set in. "Cousin."

Don't be shy! Send me a comment - XOXO

Next: Chapter 7

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