Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Aug 12, 2009


The disclaimer for chapter 1, goes for this one too. :)

Danke for your reviews! I love to read them and they make me want to post faster! :D

Chapter 4.

"Do you have the time to listen to me whine About nothing and everything all at once? I am one of those melodramatic fools Neurotic to the bone No doubt about it" -Green Day

"You haven't said anything about my hair." Olivia pouted while running her fingers through her dark locks, as she looked at her cousin, expectantly. "Well, it's beautiful as always." Olli hoped that his reply would be enough. "I don't think you even noticed that it's grown two inches since I last saw you. You should pay more attention to things like this Olli. You don't want to be rude."

Olli laughed in his head at the hypocrisy of her statement. He looked Olivia up and down and decided to acknowledge her outfit. "So, you're doing the whole cheerleader thing?" He was sure that a show of interest in Olivia's clothing would delight her.

"Yeah, I need to do something to pass the time. It's just so boring here. I almost want to quit though, because I am SO much better than all of the losers on the squad! They're just so unprofessional, Olli. I told them I should be on the top of the pyramid and they told me I'm too tall! Yeah, they turned ME down! It's like they don't know a stand out when they see one. I'm just glad you came to town, because now I'll finally have someone to talk to that I can stand." Olli grinned, and as he took in his cousin's complaints, he was reminded that some things never change.

After a couple more minutes of self-absorbed whining, Olivia finally paused, looked at Olli and asked him a question. "So, how has your first day been so far? Anyone give you any trouble?" Olli saw Olivia's protective side kick in, as she frowned slightly and balled her unthreatening fists.

"I um...I actually met someone I like." Olli couldn't hold back his shy smile, at the mention of his very new crush. "Who?" Olivia was more than a little excited for his answer. "His name is Christian." Olli beamed.

"Oh no! Aunt Henriette will NOT be happy about this!" Olivia was intrigued by the thought of her aunt's probable reaction to the news. "Do you know him? Christian Mann?" Olli asked impatiently.

"Huh? I mean yeah, I've seen him around...he's really hot." Olivia playfully elbowed Olli in the ribs, before continuing. "He's into running or something. Are you sure he likes guys?" Olli thought back to that morning's chance meeting.

"I don't know for sure, but I got the impression that he...I hope so. God, Olivia! Now I'm all nervous. What if he's straight and I imagined everything?" The bell rang, signifying the end of lunch. Olli softly grabbed Olivia's shoulder as she stood up. "Can you give me a ride home? I have to stay after school and get yelled at by a teacher, for being late and mom won't wait for me." Olli looked hurt as he stated the truth.

"Of course! Maybe we can hang out at my place for a while too?" Olivia hoped. "Ok, and wish me luck! I'm gonna see and hopefully talk to Christian. He'll be there too." "Luck!" Olivia blew Olli a kiss as she walked away from the picnic table they had been sitting at, her long hair, blowing in the wind as if it were being fanned in a photo shoot.

"Are you ok?" David couldn't help but notice Christian's instant change in attitude. Instead of answering, Christian dramatically hit his forehead against the lunch table and kept it there. Judith, having seen what made Christian suddenly want to hurt himself, put her arm on his shoulder as she tried to comfort him with her words.

"Maybe they're just friends." Christian shot his head up abruptly and glared at her. "Oh yeah, Judith. How perceptive. And maybe I'm straight!" He yelled, catching the attention of many random students at other tables.

Christian's face transitioned from angry to apologetic, when he saw his friend's reaction to his sudden outburst. "I just don't know what to...I can't face him later. He probably thinks I'm completely weird after this morning. I mean...I wouldn't let go of his hand, for the longest time."

"Maybe you're overreacting a little? Maybe it wasn't all that bad." Judith said sympathetically. "Oh, it was-it IS, that bad! I can't believe I let myself like someone so much after only a few minutes." Christian shook his head in disbelief and self-loathing. Judith frowned and squeezed his shoulders.

Christian was so lost in his thoughts of Olli and their unavoidable meeting, that he didn't hear the bell ring. He only got up and headed toward the door, when he saw all of his friends shuffling out. "Just keep your cool." He whispered to himself as he walked to his next class, in a daze.

Thanks for reading this! If you'd like to give me feedback, here's my email:

Next: Chapter 5

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