Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Sep 10, 2009


The disclaimer is located on chapter 1.

Chapter 12.

"If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow Why, oh why can't I?" -the Wizard of Oz

"I don't know what to do with you, Oliver. I really don't. I have put so much time and effort into making sure that you were raised right. And then you pull something like this. It's not only immoral, what you've's unmentionable!"

Henriette had to force her legs to stay put. Though she knew that Olli wanted only the simplest of gifts: assurance and comforting, she also knew that that wasn't what he needed. She hid her true emotions often, as they would get in the way of the task at hand. Henriette saw things in black and white, right and wrong. Her opinion was uneasily swayed.

A clock on the wall, ticked in time with the beating of the woman's heart. As she recalled the recent, troubling events that her son had blatantly shoved into her face, Henriette's fury grew a beast that had finally been awoken from a long hibernation. An itchy, uncomfortable hibernation; in which she had forgotten to bring a blanket...and bug repellant.

The small amount of sympathy, she'd once felt for Olli, was quickly replaced with overwhelming outrage and a need to make him see the error of his ways. Henriette would not let Olli ruin his life. Not after she'd put so much of herself into constructing for him, the life that she'd always wished she had.

Her fortunate son, Oliver; the young man who lived in a beautiful, expensive house. The boy who had traveled the world. The boy who was never forced to wear a single pair of hand-me-downs in his life, the boy who's future was as bright as a shimmering star...the boy who kissed another boy. Henriette shook her head. `This definitely won't do!'

"Ever since we arrived here, you've broken a new rule each day...and each day, your actions grow more and more alarming! Are you testing us, trying to see how far you can push us? Are you purposely trying to hurt me? And what about your father? I had to stop him from sending you away. He doesn't want to live under the same roof as you...and believe me, I partly share his sentiments."

Henriette was trying to get through to her son; to knock some sense into him, but once again, he stood as still as a stagnant pond and didn't react. She wondered what Olli was thinking as she took in his stance. He looked like one of those human statues one sees in heavily tourist-filled areas. The statues that paint their entire bodies in silver and hide any signs of life from the outside world, as they fight to keep still. "This is your last chance, Oliver. It's shape up or ship out!" Still no reaction.

Henriette sighed and thought, `Maybe if I bring up a fond childhood memory of his, he'll respond appropriately...feel guilty for putting me through this.' Henriette tried, but she couldn't recall a single specific happy image of a younger Olli. She was sure that they were there, locked into her subconscious, but alas, none came to mind at the moment.

Quickly changing her tactic, Henriette tried to capture her son's understanding by grasping out desperately with her words. "I've given you everything you've ever wanted." Except affection and unconditional love.' Olli thought as he stood, partially leaning against the windowsill; in his drab, undecorated bedroom. He was only halfway listening to his mother prattle on about how much of a disappointment he was, for the millionth time. Apologize and maybe she'll go away.' Olli's voice was barely audible as he spoke. "I'm sorry, I..."

The beginning of Olli's apology let Henriette know that he was feeling at least somewhat guilty. She fed on his guilt; was regenerated by his bad conscience. Henriette went in for the kill. "And I want to know what possessed you to stay out all night with those strangers, when I specifically told you that you were not allowed to talk with your classmates out of school? As were the agreed upon terms of you being able to attend a public school!" Olli looked out the window and into the sapphire sky; there was a bird soaring freely in the distance. He wondered how high of a jump it would be, if he were to try to escape.

"I know what possessed you! It was that degenerate boy! He has caused this family so much's immeasurable. He has wormed his way into your mind; making you do the unimaginable, for his sick pleasure. Christ, what I would do if he and I were face to face again! You know it's not natural? Tell me you know it's not right what he did to you." Olli's body was suddenly filled with a terrible urge to tell his mother to "FUCK OFF", but he suppressed it.

"Are you even paying attention to what I'm saying?" Henriette took a commanding step towards her son and demanded, "Oliver, look at me!" Olli turned to look at his dear mother, with a hot anger burning through his eyes. His skin was writhing with animosity and woe. Olli could take a lot of things, but he wouldn't listen to his mom deface Christian any longer; no matter what the consequences entailed.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with what we did." Olli braced himself for Henriette's reaction. She was speechless at first, but that didn't last long. Henriette used her pointer finger to better express her feelings. "You need help! You really do. Can you even hear yourself? I don't think your father and I will be able to care for you on our own, if you keep on down this path to...I don't even want to say where you're headed!"

"Don't you want me to be happy?" Olli knew what her answer would be, before he had even asked the question. "I want you to be responsible, and knowledgeable, and an upstanding member of society, and if that boy is what makes you happy...then no!"

Henriette looked at her son with disgust. "I don't even want to know what you were doing with him all night." "We slept." Olli said honestly. "Just the thought of seeing you and that's enough to make me sick." "We were kissing! All we've done so far is kiss and you're acting like I'm running around, whoring myself out to every guy on the street!"

"What did you mean by so far?" Olli was surprised that his mother caught his little slipup. As he nervously exhaled, Olli gave up on his mother. He let her go like the shallow breath that had recently escaped from between his lips. He realized that she would never understand. Olli told her the full truth. "I think...I love him."

"I'm not going to stand here and listen to this any longer, Oliver! I didn't realize you were this disturbed." Henriette had to bite the inside of her mouth to keep from smiling, as she continued. "We're going to have to move." Olli's attention, which had just recently returned to his bedroom window, was immediately given back to his mother, as his head snapped around to meet her gaze. "Don't say that. Please?" Olli was almost begging. "It's a good thing you're still packed, because we're leaving as soon as I'm able to secure another house."

"Are you ready to do this?" Olivia asked as she pulled her silky hair into a ponytail. "As ready as I'll ever be." Christian said in his most dangerous voice, as he pulled a black beanie over his sexy hair. He had thought that Olivia's request that they wear matching outfits was ridiculous, until he saw how cool they looked in their all black ensembles.

As they approached the gate, Olivia started making hand movements that Christian couldn't understand. "What are you doing?" He whispered. "I'm trying to...ugh, just listen. Now, Olli doesn't know we're coming." "What?" Christian said, a little too loudly. "Shhh! It's better this way." Christian's anger was clearly visible as the middle of his forehead crinkled up. He then glared at the girl with his pretty, blue eyes.

Olivia laughed in her head. `Wow, how intimidating, Christian!' She thought, sarcastically. Olivia continued speaking. "Trust me. The other day, Olli gave me the secret code to the gate, so I could visit him at his window." Christian looked at Olivia like what she was saying sounded totally insane. "Don't ask! I guess Aunt Henriette won't even allow ME into her house. So, the whole gate thing will be a cinch. It's the guard at the front door that we really have to worry about."

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Next: Chapter 13

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