Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Sep 13, 2009


The disclaimer is on chapter 1.

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Chapter 13.

"The things we do for love" -10cc

"A guard?" Christian was surprised at the lengths Olli's mother would go to, to "protect," her son. "Well, I guess he's more of a butler. Aunt Henriette calls them butlers, but they're pretty much slaves. She makes them do everything you can imagine! Like this one time, there was thi..."

Olivia saw by Christian's agitated demeanor, that it probably wasn't the best time to tell her "what my crazy aunt made the butler do," story. Her excitement dampened, Olivia brought the discussion back to where it had started. "Anyways, he's under strict orders not to let anyone in. Especially not tall, brown-haired boys, with blue eyes and a tendency to kiss Olli."

Christian smirked at her joke. He looked through the impenetrable bars of the iron gate that encircled the towering house. He was nervously rubbing his hands together when he asked Olivia a question. "So, what do we do th...?" "Just leave it to me. I wouldn't be Olivia Schneider, if I didn't have some tricks up my to speak." She smiled as they looked down at her bare arms that glowed a pale white, in the moonlight.

Olivia pressed the code into the keypad, as if she had practiced many times. They snuck quietly down the incredibly long path leading up to Olli's front door, pebbles lightly crunching under their feet. The unlikely duo reached the large door and Christian looked annoyed as he spoke. "Why were we being so quiet, if we were going to ring the doorbell all along?"

Olivia smiled. "For dramatic effect. I happen to know that Olli's mother will be out for at least two more hours at some conference thingy. So, all I have to do is seduce the butler and we're home free." Christian was horrified as he listened to the last part of Olivia's plan, but went along with it anyway.

"Come on! Get over here, Olli!" Olivia was running playfully alongside the never-ending blue of the ocean; her toes digging into the hot, almost pink sand. Olli looked up from his light blue sandcastle to see his young cousin, waving her hands in the air and hopping excitedly; just aching for him to join her.

"In a minute!" He called back to her. `I have to get this just right.' He let his tongue poke out of the side of his mouth a little, as he concentrated. Olli delicately used his hand to smooth out the roof of his artwork, before placing the finishing touches: Miniature flowers in the front garden and a little drawbridge, which was actually just a piece of driftwood.

Suddenly, a young blue-eyed boy who wasn't paying attention, trampled through Olli's painstakingly built creation. "Hey, you messed it up!" Olli complained. The clumsy boy stopped in his tracks and turned to face Olli, with a look of shock and regret. "Oh no! I'm so sorry...I really didn't see you!"

"Whatever!" Olli pouted, arms folded around his small body. "Here, I'll help you." Christian tried to help the other boy out, by cupping the deflated sides of the castle, but his touch only seemed to make it worse as the entire structure started to crumble into his hands. "I didn't mean to...oh, gosh...I'm really, really sorry." Olli started to giggle.

Christian looked at Olli and said sadly, "Are you laughing at me?" He seemed worried that the green-eyed boy was making fun of him, for some unknown reason. "Yeah, it was funny because now you messed it up even worse. It's no big deal, ok? It was just sand." Christian looked relieved that Olli wasn't mad at him.

Olli's eyes lit up as he thought of something. "You can play too, if you want." Christian plopped down next to Olli and said, "Ok, let's make another castle." His eyes grew serious as he stated to draw out a mental blueprint. "No, that's boring...let's go swimming!" Olli eagerly suggested. "Yeah!" Christian said without hesitation, before jumping up jubilantly and heading for the water. Olli followed.

"Look, there's Olivia!" Olli pointed to a young girl, dressed in a pink bathing suit. The trio entered the water and let out gasps and astonished screams, as they realized just how cold it was.

After their bodies were comfortable enough to do so, they began having fun. The children pretended to be dolphins (Olli), tropical fish (Olivia) and great white sharks (Christian). Olli felt overjoyed and carefree. He started to tire a little and decided to float on his back for a while.

"Olli, come back!" Olivia's concerned voice, made Olli's head pound. He saw that Olivia and Christian were suddenly standing on the seashore; very far away from where he was floating. "Do you need help?!" Christian yelled, his hands cupping both sides of his mouth. `Do I?' Olli wondered. He decided to find out. Olli began swimming; trying to make his way to the shore, but every stroke seemed to bring him a little bit further from his goal.

Olli struggled as a heavy undertow pulled him into the purple liquid. He gasped for air when he was finally able to do so. Olivia and Christian jumped into the water, determined to save him. The heroic children swam their little hearts out, but the current was too powerful. The rescuers had to abandon their mission. "I'll go get help!" Christian yelled and then he disappeared.

Olli was panicking. Not only because he was sure he might drown, but also because he was sure he saw Christian evaporate into thin air. Olli's terrified body continued to bob up and down like a buoy. Every time Olli was allowed a breath, he would try his hardest to stay afloat, but his hardest wasn't good enough. He could hear Olivia's screams every now and then.

A gigantic wave crashed into Olli's tiny frame and he was thrust into the violet darkness. When he resurfaced, Olli knew his chances of survival had greatly dwindled. The dry land was substantially further away and the waves were still trashing Olli about. Another heavy wall of water enveloped Olli's body and he was submerged once again.

Olli was swirling around in a dark abyss. He couldn't breathe or hear anything. He could hardly see. Determined not to die, he blinked his stinging eyes and focused them on the small amount of soft light that was still visible.

Olli swam toward the sunny beacon of hope. As he neared the surface, the light grew brighter and sharper. Though his troubles were far from over, Olli was already calmer when he saw the sky quickly approaching. His arms stretched out before him, reaching to penetrate the surface of the water.

Olli readied himself for a much needed breath and was immediately let down, when he didn't receive one. His outstretched arms didn't reach freedom, like predicted. Instead they were practically bruised when they slammed into, what felt like cement. `Is it glass?!' Olli wondered. He could still see the sun filled sky overhead. Olli tried again to break through the invisible force field, but his efforts were rebuffed.

After one final desperate try, Olli could hold on no longer. He gasped for unattainable air and his lungs quickly filled with salty, copper-like water.

What the hell?' Olli found himself on the floor of his drab bedroom. His sore hip told him that he had just fallen out of his bed. How long was I asleep?' He wondered, as he looked out his window and into the pitch-black night. It had been early morning when Olli decided to take a nap out of boredom...he did this a lot, lately.

Realizing he could still taste the "ocean water," Olli stuck a finger into his mouth to investigate, before inspecting his digit. The redness on the tip of his finger, told him that he was bleeding. Olli had bitten the inside of his cheek. Still a little shaken from his strange nightmare, Olli pulled himself off of the carpet and thought, `Hey, at least I'm alive.'

Olivia fixed her hair and pushed up her boobs. Christian rang the doorbell and then quickly hid behind a bush (Olivia's idea) as they waited for someone to answer. "Good evening. May I ask who you are calling on?" A lean man in a freshly ironed suit and white gloves, answered the door. "Well, I came to see my dear cousin Olli, but you'll do, handsome." Olivia ran her finger down the middle of his chest. He leaned back slightly and brushed his gloved hand over the spot she had touched, as if she had left a mark.

Olivia was not about to give up. "Olli didn't mention that his butler was so...well put together. And your uniform is just so...lint free." Christian tried to muffle his laughter with his hands as he crouched in the shrubbery.

"Justus, is it?" He didn't nod, but he didn't deny the name either. "So Justus, how about you let me in and we" She breathed the last word, inches from his mouth. Justus grabbed Olivia by the shoulders and moved her away from him before dusting off his hands, quickly turning back into the house and closing the door sharply behind him. Olivia was stunned.

"There's only one possible explanation for him turning me down!" Olivia complained, as she found Christian rolling on the ground behind a bush, whilst laughing uncontrollably. "He must be batting for your team!" Christian's laughter started to subside. "Wow, you're conceded!" He pointed out. Olivia ignored Christian's comment as an idea popped into her head. "Hey! You're not bad looking!"

"No, Olivia. No way!" "Come on, take one for the team!" Olivia used overly dramatic hand gestures as she continued. "Think about Olli: Sitting up in his room, all alone. Wondering when his night in shining armor will rescue him. She even took away his DVD player!" "What a monster!" Christian joked. And then he imagined Olli, sitting all alone in his room; miserable. `What if this is the only chance I have to see him again?' The thought hurt Christian so deeply; he knew what he had to do.

"I'll do it." He said with a determined gleam in his navy blue eyes. "Yay! This is going to be so fun! I mean...I knew you had it in you!" Olivia excitedly punched Christian's shoulder and he had to fight the urge to retaliate. He took a deep breath and his eyes wandered in a circle, as he envisioned the impending embarrassment he would surely feel. Elated, Olivia rang the doorbell and stepped to the left. Christian frowned at her and asked, "Why the hell aren't you in the bush?" Olivia looked down at her little, sleeveless black dress and then back at Christian. "And ruin this outfit? You must be crazy!"

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Next: Chapter 14

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