Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Oct 10, 2009


Danke for commenting!!!

Disclaimer on 1.

Chapter 22.

"It's hard to remember a summer or winter That she hadn't been there for me A friend, a companion You can always depend on My mother That's who I mean" -the Chipmunk Adventure

"It's about time!" The words had barely left Henriette's mouth, when she quickly followed them with new, more furious ones. "What is HE doing here?" She was completely shocked to see the tall, blue-eyed boy, holding her son's hand. `What in God's name...' She was outraged when her eyes wandered lower and she saw that they were both in their underwear.

The young lovers didn't speak when they entered the bedroom. They anxiously approached Henriette and she scowled at their boldness. With slight smiles and worried eyes, the boys let go of each other's hand and headed for their intended destinations. Olli reached his dresser and began to gather his clothes, making sure to fold them neatly; like he'd been taught.

Christian got down on his knees next to the bed and started pulling Olli's suitcases and boxes out from under it. He focused on his task and didn't acknowledge his boyfriend's mom. He was really nervous. Henriette quickly distanced herself from the bed and Christian, as if he were a leper.

The woman looked back and forth between the boys, as they hurriedly packed Olli's things. Olli nervously dropped a pair of jeans. Henriette focused on Olli and broke the deafening silence, with an infuriated tone. "What do you think you're doing?" Olli responded, but didn't look at his mom.

"I'm leaving." He refolded the same shirt, for the third time. Henriette's heart ached when she didn't hear any hesitation in her son's statement. Sadness and rage swirled through her mind and body, as Henriette realized she was starting to lose the tight grip, she had once held on her only child.

Henriette walked over to Olli and touched his shoulder, which was something she didn't do often. For a second, Olli thought that she was going to embrace him, but then her fingers dug into his flesh as she turned him to face her. Olli's eyes caught his mother's, but he immediately diverted them. He'd never seen her look so desperate. Olli waited quietly for Henriette's words.

"He doesn't love you." She intensely pointed at Christian as she spoke again. "This boy...he doesn't even know you. Not the real you." Henriette chose her words carefully, in hopes that a little self-doubt would lead to her son's downfall. "And you don't know anything about him. You might be having a little fun right now..." She wanted to gag as she tried to seem open-minded. "...but you're young and experimenting. This won't work."

Henriette searched Olli's face for a sign that she was getting through to him. His expression was unreadable, but his mind hurriedly scattered random thoughts around. "This isn't about him! Not really...I just can't live with you anymore." Olli surprised himself, by blurting out the truth. "I'm sorry, but if you can't accept me being myself..." Olli felt as though he might cry, so he looked down at his bare feet.

"We can discuss that problem later, but I insist you stay with me. He is going to ruin your life. You aren't thinking clearly, and believe me...this is a BAD decision. You've only just met him and look at what..." Henriette stopped herself. She was trying to sound sympathetic and understanding, but it was hard when all she wanted to do was slap the blue-eyed boy in his smug face. `You haven't won yet.' She thought, as she gave Christian a look that could kill.

Christian returned her look with an equally, if not more threatening, glare. Unsettled, she turned back to her son. "He won't be there forever, and when he grows tired of you, you'll have no one." Olli didn't look up, but Henriette was sure he was crying. `That's promising.' She thought, before curling her mouth into a slight smile. Christian, who had been completely silent since entering the room, decided it was about time for him to say something.

"I'm surprised..." Christian's unexpected voice, caught Henriette off guard. She hid her shock, and turned to listen to the boy. "...We've never met, yet you think you know me so well, you can speak for me?" Christian took a step toward Henriette and she was sure he was becoming taller by the second. Her neck got a kink in it, when looking up at his face. "I know your kind. You're taking advantage of him!" Henriette's voice was oozing hate as she spoke.

"And you and I both know what you're using him for." Henriette gave Christian's frame a onceover and shook her head in disgust. "Or is it his money?" Christian's eyes widened at the at the absurd woman's accusation.

`Bull's-eye.' She wrongly thought. "That's it, isn't it? Pathetic." She folded her arms triumphantly. Christian shook his head, as if dismissing everything she had spouted. He cracked his knuckles and grit his teeth. Christian was fuming, and didn't know what would come out of his mouth next. Henriette spoke before he could. "You're nothing but a..."

"That's enough!" Olli's voice boomed as he interrupted his mother. "I'm old enough to make my own decisions and I'm leaving. End of discussion!" Olli's onlookers were completely surprised. Olli stood his ground and waited for his mother to protest his disobedience.

Henriette just blinked a few times, her lips tightly shut. Christian was proud that Olli stood up to his mother. He was even prouder when Olli walked up to him, grabbed him around his bare waist, and kissed him on the mouth. "Shall we?" Olli asked sweetly.

Henriette's voice was vicious, when she threatened her son. "If you leave now, you'll be cut off completely. Not only from your inheritance, but from me as well. I won't keep in contact with you, if you choose this...this lifestyle over your family." Christian's eyes formed into big circles, after listening to Olli's mother ruthlessly throw him away.

"If that's what you think you need to do." Olli tried to hide the pain he felt, as he mourned the impending loss of his parent. His body felt heavier than usual, and his head started to pound. Christian could tell Olli wasn't taking the news of his mother's abandoning him well; he grasped soothingly and held Olli's hand tightly.

The sudden touch, pulled Olli out of his fog and he squeezed his appreciation into Christian's palm. Though there was a majorly upset and provoked woman, standing before them, Olli and Christian shared a beautiful moment. Their silent conversing, brought upon declarations and promises. They were lost in the aqua of their blending eyes.

Henriette racked her brain, trying to think of something, anything to make her son stay. She clung to, and scratched at, and hacked away at her own mind, but there was nothing. Her pride got the better of her and she gave up. "I'll go and tell Justus to help you with your things." She showed no emotion as she stated her plans.

"No need. We can handle it." Christian told her plainly, as he set the last of Olli's suitcases onto the bed. Henriette left to fetch Justus as if Christian had said nothing. Olli smiled in relief. `It's over. I got through it.' He couldn't believe that he was actually going to leave.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." Olli said sincerely. Christian gave him a, `Were we just in the same room?' look. He kissed the pink mark that Henriette had left on Olli's shoulder, kissed Olli's cheek, and then headed over to the closet, to gather the rest of Olli's clothing. "I'll keep this safe for you." Christian smiled as he held up Olli's red jacket.

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Next: Chapter 23

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